05000269/LER-1998-013, Forwards LER 98-013-00 Re Condition Prohibited by Ts,Per 10CFR50.73(a)(1)(d).Circumstances & Causes for Event Have Not Been Fully Determined & Will Be Provided in Supplemental LER on or Before 981202
05000269/LER-1998-012-01, Forwards LER 98-012-01,re RB Spray Pumps Being Declared Inoperable Due to Npsh.Rept Has Been Revised to Indicate Results of Testing & Corrective Actions Taken to Date
-in regard to the above subject matter, I have decided to provide additional protection for the ASW piping by 1)- Vitalizing the West Penetration Rooms - Units 1, 2 and 3
2) Vitalizing the Decon Tank Rooms - Units 1, 2 and 3 P
3) Vitalizing the Section of ASW Piping in the yard - Units 1, 2 and 3.
The above measures will enhance the protection of the SSS ASW to meet the concerns raised by.the Oconee Regulatory Effectiveness Review in September of 1985. The compensatory measures currently employed will remain in.
Document Control Desk November 20,'1989 Page 2 cc: Mr. S. D. Ebneter-Regional Administrator, Region 11 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission g-101 Marietta Street,.NW, Suite 2900 E
Atlanta, GA 30323 Mr. P. H. Skinner NRC Resident Inspector Oconee Nuclear Station Mr. D. B. Matthews Office of Nuclear Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 l