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Forwards Revision to Section 10 of Fourth Cycle Reload Amend Application.Revision Covers Startup & Hot Functional Testing,Initial Criticality,Low Power Physics Testing & Acceptance Criteria
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/29/1979
From: Lundvall A
To: Reid R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 7906010247
Download: ML19269D320 (5)


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vier Passiorme Sup*Lv Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Com=ission Washington, D. C. 20555 Attn: Mr. Robert W. Reid, Chief Operating Reactors Branch #4 Division of Operating Reactors


Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Unit No. 1, Docket No. 50-317 Supplement No. h to Fourth Cycle Reload Amendment Apulication


a) BG&E letter dated 2/23/79 from Lundvall to Reid Fourth Cycle License Application Gentlemsa:

The attached pages are revised versions to be substituted for the corresponding pages in Section 10 of Reference (a). These changes, which are identical to the preliminary version which was previously submitted to our Licensing Project Manager, are being made in accordance with recent telephone conversations with Ms. Chatterton of NRC Staff.

We have determined that this letter constitutes supplementary information pertaining to a previously submitted amendment request pursuant to 10 CFR Part 170 and that no additional fee is required.

Please note that this letter is submitted as Supplement No. 4 to the Reference (a). Our letter dated May 7, 1979 which provided responses to Staff questions concerning the application is considered to have been Supplement No. 3 Very truly yo s, cc: J. A. Biddison, Esquire G. F. Trowbridge, Esquire Messrs. S. L. Conner, Jr. - NRC P. W. Kruse - CE{f J}} 7906010247

Page 94 10.0 STARTUP TESTING The fellowing discussions represent the major startup tests proposed for Calvert Cliffs 1, Cycle 4. Sufficient data is obtained to verify that the plant operates in a safe condition within the bounds of the applicable acceptance criteria and therefore, the safety analysis. HOT FUNCTIONAL TESTING CEDM Performance Testing During this testing, the proper functioning of the CEA's, CEDM's, and CEA position indication will be verified through the insertion and withdrawal of the CEA's. Rod drop times will be measured and evaluated. Any irregularities shall be analyzed. RCS Flow Verification RCS flow rates will be verified based on differential pressure measure-ments obtained across the RCP's and RV. These values will be comared to those obtained during previous testing for consistency. INITIAL CRITICALITY Approach to criticality will commence with the withdrawal of the Shut-down CEA Groups, followed by the withdrawal, in sequence, of the Regulating CEA Groups resulting with Group 5 at mid-core. Criticality will be established through boron dilution. The plant will be allowed to stabilize following Critical Boron Concentration, and then proceed to the Low Power Physics Tests to verify physics design parameters. 2264 53

Page 95 LOW POWER PHYSICS TESTING CEA Symmetry Check CEA's will be partially inserted into the core, and withdrawn from the core to confirm proper latching to their respective CEA extension shafts. A qualitative reactivity change will be apparent for single CEA's and a quantitative reactivity change for dual CEA's will be used to determine the degree of core asymmetry. Critical Boron Concentration Critical Boron Concentrations will be determined for AR0, and Groups 1 through 5 inserted. Isothermal Temperature Coefficient By varying the RCS temperature, the Isothermal Temperature Coefficient will be determined. CEA Regulating Group 5 will be used to control and maintain flux and reactivity within a defined operating band. CEA Group Worth Measurements The RCS will be diluted / borated while the CEA's are inserted / withdrawn to compensate for a change in reactivity. These changes will be monitored via the reactivity computer. Non-overlapped worths will be determined. POWER ASCENSION TEST Two major plateaus for testing will be the 50% plateau and 100% plateau. The following specific tests will be performed as shown in order to compare and verify as-built characteristics of the core with their 2264 354

Page 96 respective predictions. In addition to the 50% and 100% plateaus, the core power distributions will be determined and verified with predictions. 50% and 100% Plateau Testing Upon reaching the 50% power level, Xenon Equilibrium will be established with all rods out. Preparation for the variable T avg test will commence by diluting CEA Group 5 to approximately 105 inches. Following Xenon Equilibrium, Tc will be varied, thereby yielding data for the isothermal temperature coefficient determination. The Power Coefficient will be determined by maintaining T avg constant and varying the power level. In both cases, CEA 5-1 will be used for reactivity control and main-taining power. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Acceptance criteria for the above startup testing will be developed consistent with those presented during previous startups. Acceptance Limits: CEA Groups Worth 1 15% on each group i 10% on sum of all groups measured. Critical Boron Measurements i 10% Temperature Coefficient i .3 x 10-4 4/AF Power Coefficient i .2 x 10-4 4/% Rod Drops < 3.1 seconds. I Power Distribution Fr,Fxy , and T qwithin Technical Specification Limits. The measured radial box power distributions will be compared with predictions. If a measurement varies from a prediction by more than i 10% 2264 ;55

Page 96A (+ 15% for fuel assemblies on core periphery), then the difference will be resolved and the validity of the safety analysis confirmed prior to submittal of the sumary report of startup test results. CEA Symmetry Check <10% Tilt; a tilt of >10% will be resolved prior to exceeding 20% of maximum allowable THERMAL POWER level for the existing RCP combination. If any acceptance criteria limits listed above are exceeded, an evaluation shall be made to determine first, the applicability of tne prediction to the precise plant conditions under which the test was performed: second, the accuracy of the measurement; finally, the validity of the physics data input to the safety analysis for the entire cycle. Speci-fically, if any regulating bank worth measurement falls outside of its acceptance criteria or if the total worth of the regulating banks falls outside of its acceptance criteria, shutdown Bank C shall be measured and compared with its acceptance criteria. If shutdown Bank C worth falls outside of its acceptance criteria or if the accumulated total worth of all the banks measured falls below their total worth acceptance criterion (after appropriate corrections and adjustments) then an evalua-tion shall be made of the validity of the safety analyses for the entire cycle. A sumary report of the results of these tests will be submitted to the NRC within 45 days of completion of the startup program. 2264 c56}}