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Interim Deficiency Rept Re Settlement of Diesel Generator Foundations & Bldg.Forwards Bechtel 790817 Rept Describing Mods of Planned Remedial Actions.Addl Interim Rept Will Be Sent 791102
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 09/05/1979
From: Howell S
HOWE-233-79, NUDOCS 7910260428
Download: ML19262A142 (18)


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- / Stephen H. Howets

,/ ' nen-UM' atq* 25*,7 Senior Vn*ce Presutent cen rei oms.e: ig4s won pe,nen me.4, Jukson, utenigert as-ci . (517) 7es4453 Septenber 5, 1979 .-

novo-233-79 ,

~;.M 0 a. J.

a El shh A*-hy' ,._.

Mr J G Keppler, Regicscl Director Office of Inspectica a.::d Enforecnent j' -

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'p q/ ./p' W US Huclear 2cculatory F c=issicn C /? Q Re;;1cn III -i O r[f?:f,S &

.r 799 Roccavelt Road W/

Gler. Ellyn, IL c0137 /

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Ui:". E0 1, DCC"?:' ~0 50-329 U:TI'2 NO 2, ECC'G.T TO 50-330 -


File 0465 16 SFi!AL Eove-233-79 Eeforences: 1. 5 H Ecrell letters to J G Keppler; Midland Euclear Fl nt; Unit No 1, rocket Uo 50-329; Unit no 2, Docket No 50-330; Scttiene-t cf Diesel Gencrnter Fcundaticns cnd Buildi:q:

a. Serial Heve-183-78; dcted septenter 29, 1978
b. Serial Ecue-230-78; det ed I:over.ber 7,1978
c. Scrial Ecve-267-78; C ted ':cca:ber 21, 1978
d. Serial Ecve-1-79; dated January 5, 1979
e. Seric1 Ecve-58-79; dated February 23, 1979 '
f. Serial Mcva-132-79; dated April 3,19'f9
g. Serial Ecue-174-79; dated Juns 25, 1979 -
h. Seri:1 Ec*.:e-219-79; dated I.'.:;ust 10, 1979
2. G S Kccicy letter to J G Kcppler; Midi:nd Project Doc!: t No 50-329 and 50-330; liespence to 10 CFR 50 54 - Eequ-st en Plsnt Fill; Serici Q25; dsted .*,pril 2k,1979 ,

3 s a Ecv2111ctters to a n Denton; :ndland Project; Decket No 50-329 and 50-330; Respent.c to 10 CFR 50 54 - Reqpest on Plant Fill:

a. Serial Ecve-160-79; Eev 1, doted May 31, 1979 with ceples to J G ::eppler
b. Serial Heve-199-79; Er. E, deted Ju2;- 2,1979 vith copies to J G Keppler P00RORBINAL Wm q 910'16 0 M 3

2 Hove-233-79 This letter, as were References 1.a. throu6h h. is an interim 50.55(c) report on the settle =ed of the diesel Eenerator foundations and building.

Ecclosure 1 provides an update of the status of the actions previously discussed in References 1, 2 and 3; the remedial verk in progress or planned; the schedule of activities; and the results of the further investigntion of the leeking air line in the tank far= area.

Future 50 55(c) reporcs vill discuss the folleving in more detail:

a. Settlement criteria for the horated water storage tanks and the lines into the cuxiliary building.
b. Design bases to eccply with the intent of the draft Standard Rcriev Plan en Ecuatering.
c. A Q,"a"ty Assurance Plan for inplece= ting the per=aned site devatering r/Mm. .
d. Provisiens =cie for the train boy tracks leading eff'ect en borated us.ter storage

Another interi= report vill be sent on er bercre doves::er 2,1979 S b.d --. '[&wG DEH/UR3/lb Enclosure 1: MCAR 24, Settle =ent of the Diesel Generater Foundations and Buildirs (Insufficient Cc pection in Plant / Fill Ralcted to Soismic Cctegerf I Structures cr.1 Facilitics), Interi:

Report #7 dated 17, 1979 CC: Director, Office of Inspection L *"--~~ent Att: lir Victer Stello, U3:!P.C (15)

Director, Office of Menagenent

. Infer:stien end Prce . Centrol, US?:?.0 (1)

Director cf Huelear Reacter Rc;ulatten Att: Mr Deconic Vcssallo, Actirs Directer Divisica cf Project M:nageneut U3:20 Washirgten, DC 20$55 r

,y. ,

3 Hove-233-79 3CC: JL3acen, M-1085A WR31rd, JSC-2163 TCC0cke, Midlard JLCerley, Midland LZCurtis, Lechtal AA IJJ)rcisbach, Eachtel-Midlard DEIorn, Midland CAIIunt, P14-2093 .

GSIeeley, Plk kC83 MJKoschik, !!-890A ,

E.7.arguglio, JSC-220A E! iller, Midland JI'Jcvgen, 3cchtel-:41dland JEut;;ers, 22chtel M W_bbs, IISS Rcute: 3'4;/SEH/ File: 0.k.9 20 e

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17j/~ 103 r

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Enciosure 1 Heve-233-73 Bechtel Associates Professional Corporation M CT: MCAR 24 (issua19/7/78)

Se:tle=es: of :he Diesel Geners:c ?cu=dati:ns and 3uild1=g (hsufficient Cc= pac:1:n is ?las: Area Fill Rela:ed :o Seismic Category I Strue:ures and Fa :ies)

IYF. IZ?CET 7 DATI: August 17,. 1979

?RCJEC'": Consu=ers ?cuer Cc=pany Midla:d Plan: Units 1 & 2

  • 3echtel Job 7220 .

Int eduerien .

This report briefly describes =odificatic s of pla==ed re=edial actions for por:1ces of the a"* '* 7 building, feedva:ar isolatics valve pits, and diesel generator buildi:g and foundacicus reper:ed in I::eris Report

, 6. 54-d'a: to previous is:aris repor:s (1 th:: ugh 5), i: also s"--*:1:es activi:ies rela:ed em Seis=ic Ca:egory I s :uctures and utilities fcunded on plan: grea fill. Results of soil 1:ves:1gations =ade is the above-

=enti::ed areas have been repor:ed in previous interis reports of MCAR 24 Desc-istien of reficionev A) Diesel Genera:c: 3tilding and Fou=da ions Ihis has been described in detail is previous In:eris Reports 1 th: ugh 5.

3) Anv* ?dary 3u11di=g Elec::1 cal ?enetratics Areas a:d Feedva:e .

Isola:1cn Valve ?i:s The ex:a=: of inadequacy of f*.11 =aterial under both the Uni:s 1 and 2 of the aur*H2:7 buildi g electrical pene::atica areas and feedvater isolation val e pi:s has been described is Interis Repc : 6.

C) Auxiliary 3uilding Railroad 3ay Interis Reper: 6 stated :ha:, based on boring records, the upper 13 f eet of sand backfill say have liquef ac:1cs po:ential. Eevever, further evalua: ion of soil investiga:ics indicates liquefaction pote: M s1 is unlikely in the rail: cad bay area. Settlement of sand due to grcund cve=en: duri:g an earthquake (seissic shakedcun) is

. being ..aluated.


Bechtel Associates Professional Corporation v.cza v.

Interis Raport 7 Augas: 17, 1979 Page 2 D) Service Water ?u=p S::ue:ure The deficiency in this area has been reported in !=: 2:12 Reper: 6.

Cor ective Action A) Diesel Genera:or 3" d' g a:d Tou=dstions

1) 2:eload P:sicadi=g, as discussed 12 previous i=:eri= repc :s, has been ce=pleted. prd=ary ec= sol'd,-d-n of clay has been ** eved together vi h as adequate da:a base for predi:1:1:n of icng-

. ters set-J.e=en:. -

2) Re=edy for liquefaction .

The soil i=ves . iga.:io:s at the diesel generate: build 1:g shcued the presence of :enes of sand, i=cludi=g sc=e porticus vi:h loose sa:d. *his indicated a pote=~ for liquefaction

, duri g I::etia Report 6 1:cluded.a suggesti== to che=ically g cut the sa:d havi g liquefacti:n potential.

,Grou:1:g, using proper che=icals, vculd be f easible. 2 .+"er, i: veuld be difficul: to posi:1vely sta e whether all significant zones havi:g liquefacti:n potential had been identified and trea:ed, because of :he prese:ce of discontinucus sand le=s and fine-grai=ed sands.

A deva:ari:g sys:es has been selected in lieu of g cu:1:g.

Ce:sils of a per:a:ent deva ering systes fer the general plant area are described is See:1on E of corrective acti:n pc:: ice of this report.

3) Seis=ic shaked:vn Settle an: of sa:d due to seis=ic shakadev: is bei:g eva'.uated.

. r t

B.echtel As_sociates Professional Corporation um 24 Interi= Kapor: 7 August 17, 1979 Page 3

3) A"Wiiary 3u11di:g Penetration Areas and Feedvater !sola:1cs Valve Pi:s Interis Report 6 stated dat the unsui:able fill =a:arial under both the units of a"' d' d$7 building elec =1 cal panecratics areas a d the feedvater isolation valve pits vill be re=oved and replaced by less concrete. Based upcn further evaha: ice of de planned :--Ad actics,. it has been decided that the ends of the a, r et4, y budd 3 elect d-'1 yenetratic:r areas adjacene to the feedvata= isolation valve pi:s vill be. supported en caissens.

These caissens will p cvide per= anes and positive support for de elsetrical pene::stian areas ed vill lead :o satisdac: cry results inespective of de na:ure of :he fill be=ead dese areas. Therefore, fill u=derneath these elec:Tical pene =atien areas vill =ct be re=cved. The unsui:?le fill beneath :he feedva:e iso'.a:1:n valve pi:s vill be re=oved and replaced by concrete backf: *.. ,

Phases of the emedial actions for the au:rd'd'7 build 1:g elec:Tical pe e =atien a:ecs and the feedvater isolatics valve pt:s are as fallevs. .


1) ,

Preparatecy work n) Te=porary exter=al supper:s Prior to underpi =1 g cperaticus, a te=perary support for the feedvater isola:icu valve pi:s vill be provided as dese:1 bed in Interin Report 6. 7er the aux d liary building electrical pene :ation areas, results ei a s::actural analysis indicated tha: the external te=pera:7 supper da. scribed is In:eris Repor 6 is :o: caeded.

b) Inser=ents:ien a:d =cni::ri=g Instru=entatics a=d =enitoring vill be carried out as described is Interi:2 Report 6. The auxiliary tailding penetra:ics area and the feedvater isolation valve pi:s vill be =enitered to ensure tha: :he building =ove=ent is no larger than 1/2 inch.

2) Local deva:eri:g Prior :o and during excavatics and u=derpi=si=g cpera:iens, in the electrical penetra: ion a:eas and :he feedvater isolatice y00R ORML "7!88

~ .ww. - ,

Bechtel Associates Professional Corporation

--- - ~ . _ . _

MCAR 24 Interi= Report 7 Augus: 17, 1979 Page 4 valve pt: areas will be devacerad as described in Interis 2epor: 6 a:d also is Sec 1:n 3-5 of "Ac.1vi:1es Related to Plas: Till and Settlese :" in -J:is report.

3) F.xcavation, u:derp'- ' g, a:d cencre:e backf'Tag D e plan and schecar' ,deas of excava: ice, u=derp#- # g, a:d concrete backd
  • g are shev 12 Figures 89 and 90.

When the general g cu:6.acer :able has beec icvered by devateri g to app =ri=atelf elevatica. 600', a vertical access shaf (appr xi=a:ely 20 x 20 fee ) vill be dug frem eleva:1:n 634' (grade eleva:1cn) :o eleva:1cn 603' . A ::==e1 vill be ade undernesch de feedt*: : 1solstics valve' pits as a cen:inuati:n of the access shaft.

Soldier piles or caissons consisting of c= crece-filled steel pipes together vi:h =c=de:eriorati:g laggi=g =aterial vill be

- used to secure the soil under :he :urbi e bnd w 3 nis la:ersi support will preven: soil =ove=es: u= der the adjace==

turbine building duri=g u:darp1==ing cperations for. the auxiliary buildi:g electrical pene :stien areas a:d feedvater isolatiert

' valve pi:s. ne supper. vill be designed for a hyd: sta:10 head f:=m elevatics 627' to the bott:s of mass excavatica u= der the st:ne: ares, earth ; essure leads fr m soil be ea-Ji these b""M gs, reac:icus f:cs the te=porary exter=al supports for the isolatio: valve pi:s, and turbise buildi=g colu== loads plus the applicable base slab pressure. ne depth of the inizial excavation where the earth is =c: suppus,ted vill o exceed 4 fee: if 1: is vi:his 6 feet of the K line (see Figures 39 a:d 90) . Othe: vise, a -s+'-- depth of 7 feet vill be used. After the ini:dal excavatica, lagging vill be ins:alled and back-packed. ne lagging alceg the I line located below elevation 600' vill be g =u:ed. Prior :o excavatica of =a:erial frem under or withi 7 fee: of the fcundations of :he a"v*:7 or curhise buildi:gs, the sa:d =aterial vill be g:cu:ed.

Caissons c esisting.of concrete-filled steel pipes vill be used :o underpis :he auxiliary building electrical penetrati n areas. For each of the ele ::ical pese: acion areas, caissons 1 P 0 3 B R E l.

- - - - -- -m. . mn.

Be_chtel Associates Professional Corporation


Men 24 Iste:1:2 Report 7 Augus: 17, 1979 Page 5 vill provide pe==anen: supper: having a vertical resis- ace capacity of approxi=a:ely 4,000 kips. he caisso:s .1 se jackad th:: ugh de fill =a:erial and will also provide =an-size working :=cs for de=cli:1:= of concre:e obstrue:i= s, if .

encountered by the caissons. Caissons will ex:end at leas:

4 feet. into the -d'i . Caissces a:i piles to be used as pe-s e::

underg d - d ? supporr for :he a * :7 5"d ? pene:ra:1:n areas and the :.::bine b"*' Ad g vill be lead :ested for a

-a d d-- ei 1 T ti=es the design lead.

ne existi:g u=a,.d.:able ba4*d =aterial under de feedva:er isolatica valve pi:s vill be ex=avated and re=oved down to de till if required,. ne extent of backdill re= oval win be decer:1:ed en the basis of soil tests and available boring _

1:for=ation. Ma=ual or echa:ical eans ill be used to excava:e and re=ove u= suitable sa:erial. Conven:1cnal ::cis, such as rock, splitters a:d de=cli:1o=. cols, vill be used :o disloca:e a:d/or re=ove hardened :aterial during excavacien.

Excavation will not proceed :o a depth g sa:er than 3 feet below de g cuted lagging. Proper precautic:ary seasures will

- be :aken :o prevent move =ent of fou dati== =aterial ou: side

,the e3 avation area.

Aftar re= oval of all unsuitable fiH =aterial, the excavated area vu l be backfin ed vi:h concrete. Concrete vill be poured is lif: thick:ecses of S f aec -=+m_-', except the first lif , which vill be nc = ore can 2 feet thick. Successive lif ts will be develed 1 :o the precedi=g lif t, ne top =os:

lif win be .rithis 6 indes of de bottes of de e:isti:g slab. ne re=a*-* g void be vees cocerete backfill a:d the fou:datien slab will be elder dry-packed or pressure-gr:uted.

Except at the con a1==ast base slab area, a 4 4 of a 2-i=ch gap will be p:= vide d between the concrete backfin and the adjacen: s:ructures (the contai==est and turbine buildings) by using ethafeas or s* di i joint separati:n sa erials. *he concre:e backfE1 win be utill:ed to resist the lateral lead fr:s the auxiliary building.


  • e -mus e4e -..,%e + w- .e_ _ _ _ _

Bechtel Associates ProfessionalCorporation EdT4 Interi:2 Repor 7 August 17, 1979 Page 6 C) As ' * 'ry 3"d ' dd g Rail: cad 3ay

'"*a' 7 In addition :s the conclusion .ha: liquef actics poten a is 3-*:e in the ad ' 'ary bud ' '4 g 2 di cad bay, deva:ering vill the possibill:7 of liquedac:1:n.1: his area. No c:her c:::ec ive action is :equired. Details of a pe=a:en: devateri g syseen for the ge=aral pla== aren are described is Sectics I of :he cc:rective actics por:adn of this report.

D) Service Ta:er ?u=p S :cc:ure Correc:.dve ac:ica for the service water pu:p structure has been reported i: I ceris Repor: 5. .

E) ?ar:anen Deva:ering fc: Ge:ersi Plant Area A per .anent deva:eri:g syste:s capable. of icuering :he g:cu dvater level in the power bleck to app:=x1=a:ely elevation 600' vill be i= stalled. The plan: devate 1:g sysens bei=g develeped vill sa:isfy NRC regula:icus. Pe= ace:: area devateri:3 is a posi:ive solu: ion to the liquefac:ics potential in a=y part of :he fill vi:hin the devatared :ene. Further= ore, pe=anen area deva:aring can be si ply a:d ef fectively =oni:ored, pri=arily through use of pia:c=sters. One of the greates: adv::::. es is the =argin of safe:7 inherest in the ti s lag duri=g recharge of the devatered

= cue if ths pu ps fail. Therefore, a pu= ping systes failure resui:-

ing frem an earthquake vou'.d not elis *-tate the protect'=n achieved by :he deva:eri:g.

!= addi:1 n o bei:g a posi:1ve solu:1cs to the liquefac:ics potential wherever there is a layer er pocket of loose sand, :he devatering opera:1:n vill substantially reduce se::le=e : tha:

sight be induced by seissi: shakadevn.

1H 7 191 P00RORGNAL 4


\. .

4 P* -" w-am.e.,,,

Bechtel Associates Professional Corporation .

MCAR 24 I=teri= Rapor: 7 Augus: 17, 1979 Page 7 Activities Related to Plan: Fill and Settle =en:

A) Diesel Ge= era::: Euildi:g and Founda:icus 1), Zu11 ding se::le=en:

Figures 43, 44, and 46 :hr: ugh f 6 have been upda:ed :s shev the se: le=ese da:s for the diesel ge=ersar build 1=g and fo"- d=~d ens, bar:cs a:chers, and surface places as of ,

Auguse 6, 1979.

The readings takes frem de set le=en: arkers indica:e hat settle =es:s were essen:d ="y s:able duri:g the last seversi veeks. Further ore, de plot:ed data of :sa s'e::le=e== versus logarith= of ti=e i=dicated -J:a: de pri=ar7 censolidatics is essen:1 ally ec=ple:e and tha' residual set.le=es: vould be

. pri=arily due to sacendary c =pressic=. pie:c=eter readi gs

. duri g the period of preload indica:ed tha: the porevater pressure rise duri=g the preload was s=all. and dissipated rapidly, a=d :he pie:::eter readings were esse =:ially stable at approx 1=ately ercu=dvater level during :he las "several weeks, :hus subs:a=:ia:1=g c =ple:1cn of pri=ar7 censolidation.

To accurately predict the resideal settle =ent during secendary c==pression, certain borros anchors have bees = edified to obtai: measure =en: accuracy to + 0.01 i=ch. This was achieved by the followi=g =eans:

a) I:stalla:1on of four deep borros anders, as shown in 71gure 88, in the till (tip eleva::uc 535') for use as local bese'--n-ks b) Modification of accessible borros anchers and the pedes:al rods The censisted of reduci g :he reds abeve the fleer as necessary, and at schi:g a fla: =e:al reference surface to the floor alongside each red and a reference surface on each red itself. A portable =echa=ical dial indicator heigh gage was used :o deter =ine the elevati:n difference be:veen each pair of refere=ce surfaces.

. P00R 01GINAL


Bechtel Associates ProfessionalCorporation MCAI 24 Is erts Repor: 7 August 17, 1979 Page 3 Five Sondex syste=s were :he loca ices shewn in Figure 33 o =c=1:cr the rebou:d d" ' g and af ter preload. re=cval. The Scudes sys:e=s c:nsis: ef a cc : ga:ed plasti: cube with wire de:ac::: rings veu=d ar:und the tube at app: *-=:ely 5-fco: 1. .e:7els. The five tubes were i=s-=" ed is bori:gs d: f ed :: elava:1:n 535' . A prebe ec - d-dag as electrical coil sill be levered dess the : be en .he e=d. of a survey :zse,. vid an elect:1 't cabla c ==ecti:g the coil to a pcver source and 1:dics:=r at the. surface. Th:= ugh de pri ciple of indue:ics, the proba vf.11 detect. de locatien of de =e:21 ri:gs; che i= dica::: vill peak whenever :he p:che is ces:ered i= the c: css axis of a detec:cr ri:g. Measure..e:: accuracy vill be i= proved by using a vinding =acbMss ed dial indica:cr at the surface, referenced either :c. a bracke on the outside of the buildi:g or ec :he =ez: sri =a ficer. In additics to the in situ shear wave velecity =casure=ar. s, the rebou=d ceasure=e : vill be used :o esti= ate the s dulus of elas:ici:7 of the supporti:g soil to verif7 the ra=ge of soil para =es:ers used is dy-*- de analysis.

. a


2) Preload cperatica Since April 1979, when place =ent of preload was c =pleted, the ra:e of se:.le=ent has decreased such tha: there has been esse d '"7 o se::le=ent for the las: 6 weeks (see Figures 43 and 44). Sufficient data have been ob:siaed to allev predictica of long-:ers se::le=en: by extrapolatien.

Pre'd-d-ary calcula:1ces based en presen: data indicate tha: tha residual se: Ele =es: due :o secondary ce=pressien .

of clay vill be less than 1 inch ever a peried of 40 years.

The, prelcad cpera:ica has been successfully c =pleted.

The accep.a:ce cri:eria have been =e: by providi:g a reliah'.e residual settle =ent predictice. S::uctures, ce=ponen:s, and u:ill:1es will be designed c verified to acce==cdate the Iceg-ter= se::1s=en: vi:h an adequate

=argin of safe:r. Re=cval of prelcad ce==enced en Augus: 15, 1979. Settle =en: easure=e::s v111 centinue during and after :he re= oval cf the prelcad.

1H 7 193



-a m m. -w-+ -wmq.- e = p e ar-

. t Bechtel Associates Professional Corporation MCAI 24 lsterd.s Report 7 August 17, 1979 ,

Page 9

3) Seis=1c a:alysd.s The sels-d- a alysis, as discussed is 5:e:f.2 Repor: 5 has been ce=pleted for a range c. scil para =eters. An evalua:10 of the effect of changes in seis=le respcase ce the syste=s, c= ,.cnents, and d e se::::ure is is progress.

?:at'-d-m y reviev indicates :ha: .he effect is d d-='.

Upcu re==vsl of the preload, .he ac-- =' soil parsse:ars will be de:e==1:ed and c=t:: pared. vi.h he vshes used is the s** * - a alysis.

3) 2'*d'#s 7 :uildi:3 Ilec =ical penetra-ics Areas, Cost:cl Tever, and Feedva:er Isola 10: 7alve ?its ,
1) Settle =e : =cci:::1:g Figure 2-1 shovs- se :lesen: daa as of Aug1.s: 6, 1979.

Crack =2ppi 3

2) ,

Crack =aps for these areas are shev= 1: Figures 76 th: ugh 79

.of I:ceri: Reper: 6. In additi: , enclosed are Figures f5

' through 87, which ce=plete the crack =apping for :hese areas.

3) Seissic a:alyd The =athe=a:ical medel used fsc seis=le analysis of the auxiliary bit # W g elec=1 cal penetra areas vill be = edified to reflect the remedial action for the elec::ical penet:stice areas and .he feedva:e isola:10 valve pi:s. A seis=ic analysis vill be perfor=ed :o evalus:e :he degree of charge cf the s::ue: ural frequencies. Upon ec=ple:icn of the analysis, the effect of pessible changes in seis=ic respcsse ce syste=s, c.,,=pece ts, and :he structures vill be evaluated. -
4) St uccural analysis The =edel for the atmd Mary buildi=g elec::ical pene=atics areas shev: 1: Figures 71 and 72 of In:eris Reper: 6 vill be revised to confo= to :he re=edial actics fc the auxiliary P00R ORGEL

. \i m =m- , & . =m.a* w--w-*ov w .*

Bechtel Associates Professional Corporation MCAR 24 I::eris Report 7 August 17, 1979 Page 10 building electrical pe e::a:icn arsaa a:d the feedva:er isola 1:n valve pi:s. "'he pe =a:e:: c editics of :he auxiliary building electrical pece::stics ar=_as vill bc si=ulated by provd'* 7 spr1=gs Oc represes: the caissous. 7e::1 cal and hori:o 21 seis=ic edf ac:s, pipe break, a d live lead vill be i=chned.

D e Zech:e1 Stress A=a. lysis ?:=gran vill be used. :s cc:Sise tha resul a.

5) local deva:eri=g A ce==:ac for local deva:ering was awarded en July }3,1979.

Edtc::: vells will be ins sed :o eleva:1c= 580' cr to the

cp of the original clay, whichever is higher: The veils ".11 he placed arcu=d the underpi::ing ex:2vaticus includ1=g wells placed through the : 5 i building flects to ec=plete the '

systes. Ts da:e, the suc2ca::ac:or has =cbilized equipmen:

a=d is ins "* g valls.

C) A* ry 3uildi=g Rail: cad 3a7

1) Crack =apping a

Crack caps for the rail: cad bay are shev 1: Figures 84 and 86.

D) Service 'Ja:er P'. .p S: ue:::e

}) Shear-vave veloci 7 =easureme::s To accura:ely de:e:=ine the dy"* 4e soil-pile is:eractien cross-hcie wear-vave veloci:7, seasure=e::s has been =ade a:

Loca:10:s G-1.hrough G-6, G-5A, and G *'A as shovu 1:

Figure 67. ~hese loca:1ces cor espond :c the p;cposed pile locaticus. 3oring legs for :hese c cssholes are gives in Appendi= 3 of this report.

E) General Pla=: Area Fill Invas:1ga:1c=

Several tes: pits (lA, 2, 2A, 3, 3A, and 4A) and two pla:e lead

ests have been sade is the pla:: area fill :o de: ermine soil preperties. The loca:icus are shev 1: Figures 67 a=,1 91. The resul:s are being evaluated and vill be presen:ed la:er.


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..Bechtel Associates ProfessionalCorporation Y. CAR'24 Interis Repor: 7 Augus: 17, 1979 Page 11

7) 3 era:ed Water 2:orage m'm and Task Tars Area
1) Tank f ars i=vestig"d ~a .

The purpcss of this invas:'gati:n was :o evaluate cc=: erns regardi=g 4.: bubbles cbse:- ed alceg the souther: par: cf the

ank fars ces. Se bubblas were generated by a laaki:3 u=de%. c.d air 11:e at ap .#=s:aly elevati:= 611' . nis lisa is :o lenger i= use. Tigure 91 shews :ha loca.icus of seven. arses v'nere air bubb .as were cbserved. .

In order :s i=vestiga:e pos.sibla da= age :s de c._,. acted f

is the area and peces-'s' ' d :s of re=cval of a 7 u=sa:is-fac cry =a:arial, five bor_:gs and cne 1: spec:1:n pi: vera d made. ne loca ices of the bori:gs were generally near pe_.2 where air bubbles were cocad. The inspection pi: vas located nea: the'Seted- Category eas: bora:ed water s:crage tank .

(3W37). roca:1cus of the borings are shown is Figure 91.

The hori:gs indicate tha: ::e =aterial belev the esp a fee: is satisfacco:7 a=d ccesist vith previcus i=vestigaricas a:

, the ta=k fa:n area. The __.g 4 fee: of =aterial at the loca:ic:s of bori:gs T-22 _::= ugh T-25 (see Appendi:c 3),

, placed as :e=porary fill allev access for d:id g rigs, vill be re=oved.

The i=spection pi: shews 7:s: =a:erial f:es eleva:10 623' to 624', and =arg1=al =a: aria . from elevatiec 624' to 622', which is lo" ed :o the area ::E the ins e .cti:n pi: due :o previcus excavaticu a=d const:.:c:'- ac:1ri:1es is this area. ne sa:erial was satisfac: cry ... eleva:1:n 622' :o 616 ' a=d censisten: vi:h previcus d s' noted is the subsurface inves:1ga:1:n a: this ares *he 1: spec:1cn pi: shewed :o evidence of any unde d '--- due to at: bubbles. A.11 = sui:-

able =aterial, as de:er '~d by soil testi=g, is the :ank f: :

area vill be re=cved and :zplaced by sui:able ce=pacted fill under the supervisies of ~ cusi:e geotechnical soils e:giseer.

As previously stated in - -is Repor: 6, :he 3WS""s vill be filled with water is c >- :s perfor= a f tll-scale tes: of subsurface saterials. 7 'a:=cre, se::le=en obs ervatie:s will enable reasceable r> ~ ~: predic:1 cts tha: take into acc u== the actual subs- - e em:41: ions u dar ac:ual. Icadings.



. Bechtel Associates ProfessionalCorporation .

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MCAR 24 Interin Repor: 7 Augus: 17, 1979 Page 11

2) Crack =appi:3 Crack caps .for :his are.a are shcun is Figure 87.

G) 7.=ergency Diesel Fuel Cil 5::: age Tasks .

Based cu :he c= clusics of 3ect :el's censul:a=: 1.3. Feck, the emerge:cy di&sel fuel oil scarage :anks are buried s::uctures tha:

have al:end7 bee = subjec:ad to a. full.~setia leadi=g by fd *? vi h wa:er. Se :le=est.s u:da :hese tuse vers d '-'1.

Actual se::le=ese of the tanks will be associa:ad ; d-*"'y vi:h settlement of de unde:1 1=g 7 and surreu:iding fill' under 1:s evn weigh:. 3ecause the :anks vill be se:: ling vi:h the fill, de diff eren:ial =cve=ents be:veen the tanks and :he su.rcu=di g soil and piping vill be -d '-*', a:d the ec: ectiess can be expec:ed :s settle appr:xt=ately equally vi:h the tanks. T. misting d,e: ails have reasecable flexibili:7 which vill acc. _ edste such sna11 differe=:ial'

=cve=es:s. No further re=edial acti:n is required.

Underg :u:d Utilities

. . H)

1) Fipi g is fill 7:cfiling and stress a alysis fsc ::= bors:ed va:er 11:es, Jarvice va:e lines, and c edessato lines have been discussed is Revision 2 of the response 53 Ques:ics 17 a:d in the respcuse
o Question 19 af de NRC 10 C7?. 30.54(f) reques:. Tigure 50-1 shows the pipe ;rofiles rade by Goldberg-Zoiso-Du==icliff &

Associa:es in 2'. arch and April 1979.

2) Due: banks and conduit in fill
'eni: rt:g pr: grams for the Seis:ic Categ:ry I due: banks a:d caad"d* ** **11 have been discussed is the respense to :he NRC's Question 12 of the 10 C7150.f4(f) reques:, Revision 1.

S: ess a alysis has been discussed is the respcese to the NRC's Ques: ice 13 of :he ICCTR 50.54(f) request.

1H 7 197 P00R OMNAL

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Bechtel Associates ProfessionalCorporation l'. CAR 24 I::erts Repor: 7 August. 17, 1979 Page 13

3) Tu:ure settle =e==

Esti=ates of fu:ure sentle=en: dua to sa::le=en: ef fill far

. the u:2dergrou=d u:111:1es is i= progress.

Cuali- r Assursnee and Qualit r Cenerel 'Jork Related :s 71an: Area 7111 A) Rasu=ption of. Q-Lis:ed Zackfill Cpers:1cn Prerequisi:es for the resu=p ics of Q-listed ba4#d" operaci ms here bees =ee. Sese prerequisi:as were dese:1 bed is de st-s 7 report of the July 13, 1979, preset:stien to the NRC (Prese sti n to TAC: 10 C7150.35(e) Zeport, da:ad August 13, 1979). Q-listed ba@" work resu=ed de week of Augus: 6,1979 -is the tank fars area i= side the ring founda:1cn of de pr'-s-/ =22eup va:e: storage ta=k.

3) Quality Assura:ce ?:og:ss Related to F=~~d's' *Jork 12 the ?last Area Fill

. Quality Assurance (QA) require =e :s for de desig=, =aterials, ins:allatics, testi=g, excavatic=, concreting, g:cuti=g, and instrume==

=cni criss porti::s of :ha re=edial verk for the a:.xilia.7 budd g elec::1 cal pene::atics areas and fee 6 ater isols:1:n valve pt:s have bees dera-4 ed. Develop .e t of de QA pr:gra:s for de applicable porticas of above 1:e=s is is progress. Also, cci:or-_

ing of fines duri:g local devate:1:3 vill be included is a QA ptugra=, prior :o the start of the pu= ping opera:1:n.

~he QA require =en:s for .he :-='

  • g re=edial work for the service water pt. p se:ucture pili =g and the per=sce== plant area deva:ering systes are bei=g as:2hlished.

the QA pregis=, whi..h v111 c=ver :he quali:7 aspec: of the above 1:e=s, vill be established prio: to :he r~ acce=ect of .he activi-ties. Le schedule f or these ac:171:1es is given is Pages la r.=d 15 of this report.

Effect eu P ojee: Schedula ne remedial actions addressed is this report are not as:icipa:ed to cause a del.r/ is the fuel lead or opera:ics of eider unit. nose acti:ns which direc:ly restrain : e ce=ple:1cu of sys:es installa: ices have been scheduled so that no delay is preopera:iccal :esting and startup activices is necessary.

ne re::-.ive =iles:ene schedule for =ajor re=edial acti:ns is as follevs:

"" "8 300R.0RGNAL1 I


_.. Bechtel Associates Professional Corporaticn MCAR 24 Interis Report 7 Augus: 17, 1979 Page la A) Diesel Genera:or 3uilii=g a d Tou=da: ions August 15, 1979 Star: preload re= oval October 1, 1979 Star: s:::c:::al c:=pletion a d syste= i s:allation June 1, 1980 Cc=ple:e Usi: 2 diesel ge erator syste=s August 1, 1980 Cc=ple:e Celt 1 diesel generator systa=s

3) A"*' d s y 3nd'd' g Ele.ctrical 7enetra:1cs Areas a:d Feed ra:ar Isola:ica 7alve Pi.s Ceto:er 1,1979 Scar u:da r*- ' ? opers:ic=

April 1, 1980 Cc=plete ins:alla:ics of caissons May 15, 1980 cc=plete re=edial ecucrete work C) Se: rice Water ?u=p S::ue:ure October ,1, 1979 Start piling :es:i=g progra=

Dece:her '.,1979 Star: ins:allation of piles March 1, 1980 Cc=plete re=edisi verk for se: rice water pu=p s::ue:::e ,

D) Seis=ic CA:egory I Tasks (3WS s) L Decc=ber 15, 1979 Start preoperazional testi:g of plant syste=s using Uni: 2 3WST Dece:ber 1979 Perfor: set.le=en: icad tes: of :he Uni: 1 3'.1T through June 1980 Septa =ber 1,1980 star: preopera:icnal :es.1=g of plant syste=s us1=g Uni: 1 3WST Septa =ber 1980 Perfor= see:le=en: Icad :est of the Uni: 2 3WST th cugh March 1931 May 1931 Re: urn :he Uni: 2 3WST for plant s:ar:up l'17 199 P00ROR]NJ1

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.Bechtel Associates ProfessionalCorporation .

MCA1 24 In: :1:s laport 7 August 17, 1979 Page 15 Z) 7erna en: Plan: Oeva:::1=g Systa=

Cc::bar 15,1979 Finali:a desi;: cri: aria Dect=ber 15, 1979 Issue specift:a:1:n zad d:r.ri=gs March 15,1980 , ward subecu:rac: fer 1:s- 2 :10n October 1,1980 3ag1 devataring April 1,1981 Scar: racharge raza :asti=g June 1,198L Place syst e in per=anent cperstic:

V' Sub=1::sd by:

d Re .eved I

'// g


Appr=ved by: # M/S C = cur enca by: / W / # M


CPC3 Tcts: ?.e s+# ' a presented en pages 14 ani 15 are u .de pi::q e:ctensive re/iew 'ith sc n fate c'.anges pr'5->"Ta.

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