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Forwards Copies of Ltrs & Attachments Sent by Util to RW Ruch of EPA on 780707,0936, & 1026 Re Proposed Changes in NPDES Permit #Al 0024619,inadvertently Not Forwarded Concurrently Per Regs
Person / Time
Site: Farley Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 11/22/1978
From: Clayton F
NUDOCS 7811280258
Download: ML19256A295 (13)


{{#Wiki_filter:>+-a .. c . , 9 I ' o > THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS

r. t. ct AYTod. m POOR QUALITY PAGES bL k AlabamaPower n +. wa > <n .a we v, ser November 22, 1978 50 - 300h Director of fice of Inspection and Enforcement U. S. Nucleat Regulatory Commission Region II 101 Marietta Street, N . b' .

Suite 3100 Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Sir:

It hat, just come to our attention that copies of correspondence to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) relating to proposed changes in the Joseph !!. Farley Nuclear Plar' NPDES Permit No. AL 0024619 were not forwarded concurrently to you in accordance with Section 5.6.3.c of the ETS. Thus, we are enclosing copies of letters and attachments which were sent to Mr. Robert b'. Ruth, USEPA, on August 7, 1978, September 26, 1978 and October 26, 1973,respectively. Since the requested NPDES permit change has not been issued by the USEPA, we trust that this de. lay in your notification will not result in undue hardship. Please accept our sincere apology for this os irsight. If you have any questions, please contact us. Yours very truly,

                                                               .L.klayton @hJr.

FLCJr/ LOU:bh] Enclosures cc: Director, Office of Nuclear <' Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission b'auhington, D.C. 20555 nnok 7811280c757 Ub I\

n 4 e l 9 l

  • b sa
                                                                                                                                       .\l.IILlill;lYO\\Cl Au;;u::t 7, 1973
              !! r . Geor;            i. 18a r l ov l' . f> . I.' f i r.' mee n t 't i F ro t ec t ion Ap.cincy Mc g ie:. I' l', 5 Co v e r. j . . o ; ';l rt           '
                                                              ,    . L At l a nt .!,                 - ia        ! ) L 'i l P. c . NPDES l'er ni t i.o . ,$1. 00?!.619 l'a rl ey Nuc lea r l'l a n t Ih ar *!r           i t r l o'    :

In ny le* ;et o f .' u n e 16, 1973, I na t i fied :.ou Llutt the neutral: :* ion sante tank effluent (D i r, c ha r p,e Point 005) had exceeded the NPin : pernit linitations and that construction was in progress . p to insta!! a clari fier t o utillve river etter, f ur t he r rra re , plans have been cen.l. :ed for cow ruc tion of a sot t lien pc tal f or receivi n;; t he deni ne r.s l i : r ast. ptier to any discharre As a result of the addition of a necond niake-up denincralizer and a ne' clarifier to the rater t rea tment plant , additional effluent volumes :1 f i 1" discharged from thi:; facility. In order to further assure co:ptfance of discharr,e< f r om the cater t reatment plant, all e f f l u e n t ', ill 10 routed to a vaste settling pond prior to discharge s into the Chit t ahoerhee River (See Attachment 1).

                                    't h"       eer1re a nd r.n x inon ! ! ot - from the p re c e s e.e s to be routed to tho n e t t l i ny, pond are 202,000 GPD and 349,000 Gl'D respec tively.
               !used uPon those flors, it is re<uruted that Farley tiPHl:S Permi t D i sch:t r;;e l'o i n t 005 he tv> lif ied as sheva on t he a t.t ached pan" 4 of t he permit.

Disch irt . point 006, d eta i ne t .il i z ei f i l t e r bac t:w.u:h , is be i n:- ront od to h.' n."- r i t 1 i n e, pond, th refore it is reyne o t ed t hat tbis

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                                                                                                                                 ! ion  .r  g }, j ,

i. i pi- ..,io!... 1 ,. c l'.,  !!'

                  .in     t: n,t           .ilt       .              .                         1_
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f h G<in)< 1 1: :r ler o ,n... > A.npe;t 7 I ') / .'? I .' e 'e i l l e,!ify yott t-then this ' . . rl: has lmen n +'p l e t . ! a n<I L t.c new dincharr,. point is niilizad. If vo'i h ive ein:c <pou t i on:;, p l i o u t ic i n.c Y o u r .' very t i nl y,

                                                                                                                                        ' /,:\
                                                                                                      'l . G .' A rnof ::t , I htb. t'gc r. -

1.n" i r'e nne n t a l a nti Mesearch Services

                 'I GA /: .y A t t .ic ht nt ec:       A l ct ' r,         'la t e t In;>rovement Co nn i s ", i o n

. h h r' t- flr 8: l' Ili lltiti,i I sl llr .!, 'l , Y o i lli;', lIr . Bl. t). 'l l t ! . l!:I t

                                  "         18 I:r it ::e r lfr fir.   't.       C. Co l i-
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(L AlabamaPower r"e retwo.Acn ystem September 26, 1978 Mr. Robert W. Ruch, Chief AL/>G Compliance Group Water Enforcement Branch U. S. Environmental Protection Agency 3'.5 Cour tland S treet , N. E. Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Re: NPDES Permit No. AL 0024619 Farley Nuclear Plant

Dear Mr. Ruch:

In my letter of August 7, 1973, I notified you that as a result of the addition of a second make-up demineralizer and new clarifier to the water treatment plant at the subj ect plant, additional ef fluent volumes will be discharged from this facility. Also, in order to assure compliance of discharges f rom the water treatment plant, all effluents will be routed to a waste settling pond prior to discharge into the Chattahcochee River. Your letter of August 28, 1978 requested additional data in support of our flow estimates. A description of the flows associated with tbo op2 ration of the water treatment plant at the subject plant is provided as Appendix A. Based upon the information that has been submitted, it is requested that these flow estimates be used in determining the permit limitations for the discharge from the waste pond (Discharge point 005). If you have any questions, please contact me. Your,s.ygry truly,

                                                                                      i[17 .,s[/

W. k ' i $a EN'[i ro nmyn' and Research Services TGA/My Attachment cc: Alabama Water Improvement Commission (w/ attachment)

Mr. Robert W. Ruch, Chief Page 2 September 26, 1978 bec: Mr. R. P. Mcdonald Mr. J . T. Young Mr. II. O. Thrash (w/ attachment) Mr. R. H. Krotzer (w/ attachment) Mr. D. C. Cole Mr. C. E. : blain File: I(7)1202 .- e e


FAfUY i'UCLi AR PLAi:T Water Treatmen t Plant Description of Plant Flows Anion and Lation Regeneration The recommended operation of the demineralizers by the manufacturer of the equipment - Graver Water Division of Ecodyne - would result in regenerant vaste discharge flows as follows: The average run length per train of the primary anion and cation units at 160 gpm is 20 hours; therefore, one of the two trains will be regenerated every ten hours, q2neration time is approximately 223 hours. The cerage regetierant waste produced per day will be from 3 regeneration of each train. The maximum regenerant

                     .este produced per day will be from two regenerations of one train and one regeneration of the other.

A Average - Primary cation waste 8921 gals. Primary anion waste 8089 gals. Total 17,010 gals. 2 regenerations per plant 34,020 gals./ day Both plants 68,040 gals./ day B. Maximum - 3 regenerations per plant 51,030 gals./ day Both plants 102,060 gals./ day The average run length of the secondary cation and anion units at 320 gpm is one week. The average regenerate uaste will be based on one regeneratien per plant per week. lhe maximum regenerate waste will be based on two regenerations per plant per week. A. Average - Secondary cation waste 5462 Secondary anion waste 8733 Total 14,195 gals. I regener ation per plant 14 . H 5 3, : h . / r m': B. Itaximum - 2 regenerations 28,390 gals./ week The total flow from the anion and cation regeneration will be: Flou, gallons / day AveraSe. Maximum Primary regenerations Secondary regenerations 68,000(l) 14,000 102,000(l) 28,000 Total 82,000 130,000

                                                   . 2-(1)  Al though the secondary regeneration is based upon one regeneration per week, the flows indicated would be expected if sample was taken at time of primary regeneration.

The flow of 20,000 gpd, which was reported in the discharge monitorino reports, was based upon the sample and flow being taken once per week, in :cordance with the permi t. A review of plant logs indicates that only one primary regeneration was accomplished on the day of sampling. In addition, this review indicates that two primary regenerations were routinely pe r fo r r.e d. Therfore, based upon the mode of operation, the flow from the regeneration of one demineralizer would be 40,000 gpd and the flow from two demineralizers would be 80,000 gpd. Clarifier Ecckuesh The Clarifier (T:eptune/Microfloc, Inc.) recently purchased and installed will require backwashes of twice per day minimum and four times per day maxic'um wi th discharge flows of 57,000 and 114,000 gallons per day, respectively. See Attacn: cent I for calculations furnished by Heptune/ Mi c ro fl c c . This clarifier will be operated in accordance with the manufacturer's reco manda tions . Carbon Filters The average flow for the carbon filter backwesh, as reported in our discharge monitoring reports, has been 10,000 gallons per day for the operation of one carbon filter system. The carbon filters for the new system will require the same flow for backwash (10,000 gpd.). Therefore, the average flow for the backwash of the two carbon filters is 20,000 gallons per day. Present water plant operations have required only one backwash for the carbon fil ter. However, due to l! nit No. 2 startup, the expected consumption rate of water from the water treatment plant will be higher and two regenerations of the filters per unit may be required resulting in a maximum total flow of 40,000 gpd. Vacuum Pumps Water from the vacuum pumps of the two demineralizers will be routed to the waste pond, since this represents tb best engineering practice. The water from the vacuum pump of the existinp demineralizer presently flows into the yard drainage systm and was not included in the present monitming scheme m th; ol v W ilow fnr tv 9 ter f ra tim ver w! punns ill be: Existing Demineralizer Average - 2 pumps at 5 gpm for 24 hrs. = 14,400 gpd Maximum - 3 pumps at 5 gpm for 24 hrs. = 21,600 gpd

_3_ flew Demineralizer Average - 2 punps at 10 gpm for 24 hrs. = 28,800 gpd tiaximum - 3 at 10 gpm for 24 hrs. = 43,200 gpd The total for the cooling water discharge from the vacuum pumps will be: Average - 43,000 gpd 11avimum - 65,000 gpd Eased on the above information, the average and maximum flows from two demineralizers into the pond are as follows: Source (l) Average flaximum Anion and cation regeneration 82,000 130,000 Clarifier backwash 57,000 114,000 Carbon filter 20,000 40,000 Vacuum pumps 43,000 55,000 Total to pond 202,000 349,000 (1) See Fiaure 1 for diagram of flows from the water treatment plant.

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A . A:"i w diese l Ge ne ra t,:r llen t E xcha n t;- rs 30,601 GPM


O (001) .v M -. ea (i unit) i t> Turbine Building fleat Service ,Jater

                                        -; L
                                        ', d                     t.xc ha n ge r s 7 e O a:
                                          ._w C i rcul a t i nc   '.'a te r !!akeup       -.s l      17,500 GrM                                                                                                3 g

I I Service ' Liter Bypass

 ,                                        l l                           14,4UJ L: ..iaxinua I

po s : c r a r. .' pond ( _r e c _i r c_u l a .t iyo n) O (00') Cooltn,; Tx er Bloudewn - (i unit) A'z e ra c e 7,344,000 GPD

  • iu n nu.n (a)

O (009) Raduaste DI. charge - (I unit) (See Descript ion) O (003)Stean Generater B l o.,duw n - (I unit) A; orate 216,000 GPD Maximun 2 L(> ,000 GPD O, Turbine (00) l' u i l d in g Sump Discharge - (i unit) Ave r n e 21,000 GPD

                   '                                                                               llaximun 2S,000 GPD 4                          Erun linit 2 O (00'>INeutrali.::a t ion Tank               Total 2 units                      A>erane 52,000 GFD
                                                                                                   +'.a x ina tm   73,900         GPD
                                                                                 r->lM uri*m)

O (on6) D.- . ! ; . . r a 1!-'r i i lt. - Pa: Ta _ ,

                                                                                                                                         ,,  ,    7,y g
.i r u '. u, coa GPD Ot007
                  < S an i t ar v 'd y te - Tor,'               2 units                            At'or.v o - 10.000 GPD (b)

Itaxiciun - 30,000 GFD l:o t a l Gleaning Uar ter. (2 units) Evaporation O nos #

                                                                                                                " PercolatLon Porul To River                                                                                             >-

(a) Averar,c fleu based un 3.5 O SamPl e Point cyrien concent rat inn. NO T I'. See Figure 2 t'or paraneters to be mo n i t o r ed . Ita:< i tum flow is no r applicabl. (b) riow increased f rom 10,000 GPD to 30,000 GFD.

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g nnC nt!AL H ::1;' . - o nnrV .' < H ?2. /. . 75 (19) F f" MI. 1 /' ' 3 ; 'I F ' I /.P ; (10) F'AL' l ei 2 S O G 1apso (p) F ' ' t.1. 2 o t.'s on r; P8500 G (P1 e .. l l A l 57,non G MIN. l> l SC P Ai.qr Phrono G ( <: ) r o t i t,1 ', llo,nno 0 NA'. / DIrrHacer

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PO30 FL1 S r t, HHN i ATTACilMENT I f

O .ae.r r. :i i wn emipnpy

                                                                                  . e, ",in r u : t u       r in r r       .p.o    nn, n. i
n. n . 4.. .. yo ., c.m ,i m .a u October 26, 1978 Mr. Robert W. Ruch, Chief AL/MS Compiianee Group 1.'ater Enforcement Pranch U. S. Environmental Protection Agency 34 5 Cour:1 ' S t reet , ' . . E.

Atlanta, ':ec r u t a 303C4 Re: NPDES Permit No. AL 0024619

  .                                                                     Farley Nuclear Plant I) ear Mr. Ru :h:

Your let te: of October 12, 1978 transmit ted the dra f t of the proposed parait modification and the public notice announcing the r.odificn f an for discharge points 005 and 006 of the NPDES permit for the referenced plant. O L*e have reviewed the draf t of Ll'e proposed permit revision and it is our opinion that the regulations allow for the nuimum Iimits for the discharge t o be calculated as naximum flew t imes maximum con-centra t i' n rather than average flow times r'aximum concent ra t ion , as presently written. lloweve r , in view of the time constraints placed upon the opera tion o f t he plant, we will accep t the rarmit revision as.

       ;t is presently dra f t ed.

In order to maintai.n the present schedule for the operat ion

  . of the water treatment plant and the routing of the plant effluent to a wast e set tl iin; pond to assure compliance wi th the NPDES permi t, !!r.
       ?!Ike Dnneheo of 'your staf f agreed verhilly wi t h !!r. Mc!.ain of m:. office, that during the int erin period until the permit is modifie<l. the linitations for the settling pond effluent would he the combined limi t s of the present- discharge points 005 and 006.

We appreciate your asnistance and cooperat ion and 'ould request

        ' hit t6     m.    .i' tm      ; ion h.-    i < cuod .o      e geditieuoi; a:             p.e ,i M . ra il'-   tii.   .:        .pl tian ii t      t. h e : e r!

Very t roly yours,

                                                                                           .'!) n '*h(
                                                                                         ~h                                          ,

l/7r[(f.'Addl6(,..js / 4 k ,z?.h

                                                                                                                 ' l't.'na   ge r

b l'if,,i v ronnent /i#and Ibsearch Servi ces TGA/My nE t r I ti c. D f V E t O P A L A O A t.t A}}