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Forwards Info Re Existing Auxiliary Feedwater Sys at Facility,Per 791107 Request.Proposed Tech Specs to Be Submitted to NRC by 800123
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/15/1980
From: Olson R
To: Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8001170339
Download: ML19254F981 (4)


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ELECTRIC CHARLS1 CENTER . P.O. BOX 1475 BALTIMCRE. MARYLAND 21203 January 15, 1980 c: ctme cNamesw.a o PARTW NT Office of Nucles: Reactor ?egulatie U. S. Nuclear ?egrlatery Cc=.issie:


  • 'ashington, L. C 20555 Atta: Mr. D. G. Zisenhut, Acting Director Dirisio: # Operating Reactors


Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Pover Flant Units Jos. 1 & 2, Dochets Nos. 50-317 & 50-318 N?0 Recuir==ents for Aux Feed S'rste.s


a) NEC letter dated 11/7/79 frem Eisenhut to Luntrall, sa=e subject.

b) 3GLI letter dated 12/26/79 frc= Olson to Eisenhut, sa e subject.

Ge lemen:

Refere=e (a) requested that ve pre ride certain infor=stic:

ec:cerning the Autillary Feetrater Syste=s at Calvert Cliffs an provide a schedule for sub:ittal of certain other infor=stic: c= the sa=e subject, including preposed Technical Specificatices. I Reference (b) ve stated that the preecard technics 1 specifications and other infor=atio: vould be processed throuih inheuse reviews and sub=i' tel to NRC by Ja=uary 15, 1980.

Inclosed is the i=for=ation c= our existing suxiliary Feedvater syste=s requested in e=c'esure 2 of Reference (a). r proposed Technical Specifi- _

caticas vill be s:bmitted to ';20 by January ,1980.

We arolegize for a=7 ince venience :his =ev schedule =ay ea'm e.

,, r.,

Ve:.e truly yours ,,

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?. C. ~. Olson Ser.icr Ingineer EC*0/s=n ec: J. A. 3iddisc:, Esquire G. F. 2-evbri'.ge , Isquire Messrs. I. L. Conner, Jr.

P. V. T. ruse - CE J. W. 3uthers - 3echtel gh t

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S00117-0 h

Auxiliary Feedvater Desig 3 asis Infor=atica la. Identiff the plant trusie:t and acei: lent eca:iiticas considered in establishing A WS flov require =ents, heet (a) Ioss of =ain feedvater ) treated in FSAR Main stea= isolatiet. valve closure J as one analysis I

heat (b) Plant cooldov: j lb. Describe the plant protectien acceptance criteria a:d corresposciing technical basis used for each initiating event identified above.

hest (a) Criteria: 1. Maintain a DN3 ratio above the DNB SAFDL li=it based on TCRC C2-1 correlation.

2. Restrict reactor ecolant syste= (RCS) cocidov rate to a -av'm:= of IC00F/hr.
3. Maintain stes= generator inventory to allev 10 =inutes for =anual initiatics of the auxilia y feedvater syste=.
h. RCS pressure is maintained under 110",of desig: pressure.

heat (b) Criteria: 1. Cool the pr'-a y syste= to 300 0?.

2. Describe the analyses and assu=ptic s and corresponding technical justification used with plant conditions censidered in la above, including:
a. Va v' m" reacter pcver (including instru=ect er cr allevance) at the ti=e o' *'-a 3 ati:g event er ac::ident. hents (a) and (b): 275h Mvt including 25 allevance fer inst: ment error,
b. T1=e delay Pre = initiating event to reactor trip. heat (a):

16.6 seconds.

c. Plant pars =eter(s) which initiates A'a S flev and ti=c delay between initiating event anci introductie of AWS " lev into stea:

generater(s). Dents (a) a=:1 (b): AF*iS is initiated ~~~ually.

Procedures are written te notify cperaters to actuate AFiS urca receipt of stea= generater icv level alar =.

d. Nc=inal stea= generator water level vhea '-#ating event occurs (See 2e).
e. Initial stess generator vater inventory a d depletion rate before and after FJS flov ec=ences identiff reactor iecay heat used.

Prents (a) and (b):

Stes= Generator Invento:r hil Pever Liquid (lbs) 121,106 Stess (lb=) 9,k86 Total (its) lh0,592 Total decay heat k.8 x 100 3 W for the first 90 minutes after shutdovn.

Stea-d"g rate (auxiliary feedvater that is boiled off once it e=ters the ruptured stess generator) h29 lt:s/sec.

Max 1==2 steam flov rate prior to initiating auxilia.f -

fece..ater occurs prior to the trip and is 9h15 lb=/sec.

f. Me" -- pressure at which steam is released fre= stes= generator (s) and against which the FJ pu=p =ust develop sufficient head.

Prent (a): 1026 psia; 2k.5 seconds after the event.

g. Mini =us number ~ of steam generators that =ust receire F# flov.

Prent (a): 5% of full feedvater flev to both stes= generators was assu=ed for the current analysis.

h. RC Flov Condition.

Prent (a): Continued operation of RC pu=es.

1. .Vnd -" Fi inlet te=perature.

Prent (a) and (b): 900?.

j. Folloving a postulated stes= break, ti=e delay assu=ed to isolate _

break and direct F4 flev to intact steam resera.ter(s). FJ ru=o flov capacity allovance to acco=odate * -d e delay and =ai tain mini stes= generator vater level. Also identi^r credit taken for pr*-5 / system heat re= oval due to blevdev::

Prent (a)- '

    • e delay asst =ed was 10 =i=utes.
2. No credit vas taken for pri=a y sfstes heat removal due to blevdov=.
k. Volt =e and raxi:u: te=perature of ter is nain feed lines betveen stens generator (s) and F45 ce rection to rain feed line. Not applicable.
1. Operating eendition of stess generator no-='  %' avdov: folleving initiati=g event.

Prents (a) as:1 (b): Nor=cl blevdov: is 25 GFM folleving initiating event.

=.  ?-d-' / and seconda f syste= vater s=:1 =etal sensible heat used for cooldov and Fi flov sizing.

1.63 x 1003"'U/c? - See UIC2 sub=ittal.

n. 5.=e at hot standby and ti=e to cooldovn RCS to RER syste= to cut in te=perature to size F4 vater source inventory. Ad. justing the feedva+,er *lov to the pe:.issible cooldovn rate of 10C0 F/hr.,

decay heat renoval and cocidovn if both units can be acec=mlished in six hours , with the =ini: ras a= cunt of vater available (300,000 gallons). *his a= cunt of vater is also adequate to re=ove decay heat f es both units for = ore than ten hours after initiation of cocidown and still =aintain co-lead vater level in the st.tas generators.

3. 7eri*y tlat the F# pu=ps in yeur plant vill supply the necessary flov to the steam generator (s) as deter =ined by ite=s 1 and 2 above considering a single failure. Identify the =argin in sizing the pu=p flov to allov for punp recirculation flov, seal leakage and pt..p vear..

"he auxiliaz f feed pu=es are rated at 700 gym vith a total dynamic head of 2hCO feet. Ti*ty gallces per inute are required for continuous recirculation. Resistance for valves , no::les and piping require a pu=p vith a ni"# s head of 2360 feet.
