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Forwards Oversize Computer Printout in Response to IE Bulletins 79-01 & 79-01A Re Qualification of Electrical Equipment Required to Function Under Accident Conditions. Includes Info Re Design Function of Certain Components
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/05/1979
From: Lundvall A
To: Reid R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 7911070395
Download: ML19254F224 (205)


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Office of Nuclear Recetor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Attn: Mr. Robert W. Reid, Chief Operating Reactors Branch #4 Division of Operating Reactors


Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Units Nos. 1 & 2, Docket Nos. 50-317 & 50-318 NPC IE Bulletin Nos. To-01 and 01A Reference- a) BGLE letter dated 6/13/79 from A. E. Lundvall to Director EROI, NRC IE Bulletin No. 79-01.

b) BG&E letter dated 6/28/7o from A. E. Lundvall to Director, DROI, same subject.

c) BG&E letter dated 7/9/79 from A. E. Lundvall to Director, DROI, same subject.

d) BG&E letter dated 7/16/79, from A. E. Lundvall to B. H. Grier, same subject.


Enclosed are two ecpies of a report which constitutes a further update of our initial report, reference (a), and update, reference (c),

concerning the qualification of electrical equipment required to function under accident conditiens.

This report is divided into three sections. The first, Section A, identifies the systems and electrical cocponents required to function under accident conditions. A description of the component is detailed along with the location of the component and a component qualification code.

This qualification code and a location code are used as cross reference to the other sections of the report. Section B details the component descrip-tion and environmental parameters for which the components are qualified with references to supporting documentation and methods of qualification.

Section C lists the rooms in which the components are located. The environ-mental parameters associated with each room under accident conditions are defined. We have used abbreviated codes throughout this report as follows:

N/A - (Not Applicable) - The environmental parameter vill not affect the component's design function.

NR - (Not Required) - There is no special environmental condition for \

the component at the location where it is used.

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Mr. R. W. Reid November 5, 1979 NTEl - (Note 1) - Additional documentation has been requested from the manufacturer.

NTE2 - (Note 2) - In cases where the radiation dose rate may exceed 100 mrem /hr, we refer to the following: " Reactor Shielding Design Manual", Rockwell III, T., New York: McGraw-Hill; 1956; Table 10-1.

ARF - This refers to the Auxiliary Building roof where outdoor ambients are present.

ISPR - This refers to the Intake Structure Pu=p Room where there are no special environmental' conditions as a result of a postulated accident.

In addition to the above, further amplifying information regarding the design function of documented components is detailed below. (The component codes and qualification codes are used for reference to the report.)

Ex-Core Instrumentation This includes the ion chamber, fission chamber, proportional counter and preamplifier which are coded NEPROl, NEWR01, NEPC01, NEPA01 respectively. These are associated with the power range and vide range log power channels. Their design function is for safe start-up and power operation. The electrical connectors associated with this instrumentation are coded COIOT thru CON 008. These are enclosed in viring troughs (codes JB0001 and JI Hydrogen Reecmbini. Power and Control Panel (CTLOOh)

Tho e - r cg temperature for this equipment was specified at 90 F and the e u 0 med etximum temperature during a LCCA is 125 F. We are reviewing this with Westinghouse and do not believe the specified operating temperature is a maximum temperature. The recombiner system is inspected and tested every 6 months as required per the Technical Specification Section h.6.5.2. There have been no problems with these power and control panels.

Solenoid Valves These vere reviewed and we reported our findings in reference (b) and provided additional information in a subsequent letter, reference (d). Those solenoid coils that were found to be unqualified will be replaced during the present Unit 2 outage. The corresponding Unit 1 coils vill be replaced during the next scheduled Unit 1 outage.

There are several recent updr'0: c0 this report and they are listed below:

1'"2 169

Mr. R. W. Reid November 5, 1979 MTR016 - Section B, Page 21 - The maximum temperature is 90C.

SV0018 - Section B, Page 32 - The maximum temperature is 100C.

LOCH 29 - Section C, Page 7 - The maximum temoerature anticipated ie 125F.

All of the components listed are documented' as indicated previously in this renort. The components that require further investigation with the vendor and/or user utilities are referenced with the previously defined code NTEl. As we resolve these items, this report vill be updated accordingly.

We anticipate completion of the undocumented environmental parameters by the end of this year.

Very truly yours, T '

A. E. Lundvall, Jr.

cc: Office of Inspection and Enforcement U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission 631 Park Avenue ,

King of Prussia, PA (w/ encl)

J. A. Biddison, Esquire G. F. Trowbridge, Esquire Mr. E. L. Conner, Jr. - NRC (w/ encl) 170