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Responds to IE Bulletin 79-13,Question 5,re Detection of Feedwater Leaks Inside Containment.Discusses Review of Operating & Emergency Procedures for Detection of Feedwater Line Breaks.Final Rept Will Be Completed by 790720
Person / Time
Site: Farley Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 07/16/1979
From: Clayton F
To: James O'Reilly
NUDOCS 7908070817
Download: ML19242B281 (2)


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k 9 J'" Alabama Power 18 Al0: 01 Docket No. 50-348 July 16, 1979 Mr.

U. S.Janes P. O'Reilly, Director Region IINuclear Regulatory Commission 101 Mariet ta Street , N.W.

Suite 3100 Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Mr. O'Reilly:

stbmits the followingIn response response.

to question 5 of IE B l u letin

'-13, Alabama Power Compan y QUESTION 5: a.

Your schedule for inspection if

b. required by Item 1.

The adequacy of your operating to recognize and respond to accident. and emergency procedures a feedwater line break c.

The methods and sensitivity of d leaks in Containment. etection of feedwater RESPONSE: a.

Inspection of the Feedwater Syst Item 1and 7/2/79 and Item 27/13/79 completed of IE Bulletiem welcs as required by

. n 79-13 was initiated review is estimated to be completed bThe final evaluation and y 7/20/79.

Inspection of the Feedwater Syst 79-13 was initiated 7/9/79 and csnubbers as requi tem 2 of IE Bulletin

b. ompleted 7/11/'9 The Farley operating procedures found adequate with the ystemlatestSystems were reviewed and and Au?.ili 4/30/79 respectively. revisions being 6/28/78 and Coolant,The emergency operatinc e, procedur quate.

This procedure describes ound actions following a break in a mc theade-sym trevised 5 p oms and required feedwater pump steam s.

supply eedwater or linesteam auxiliary genera or

,r S C b- 5 3 b, 7908070817 7fr/9/

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Mr. James P. O'Reilly Page 2 July 16, 1979 Leak Detection

c. Method Sensitivity Containment Sump Level 0.5 to 1.0 gpm Changes Containment Sump Pump 0.5 to 1,0 gpm Operating Frequency An increase in the normal operating readings for the parameters listed below, will give an early indication of a feedwater line break inside Containment:

Containment Cooler Condensate Level Containment Temperature Containment Pressure Containment Humidity The absence of an alarm from Containment radiation monitors R-11 and R-12, will distinguish a feedwater line break f rom a primary system leak.

Yours very truly.

1J 2rsL.6 Clay -

F. n, Jr.

FLCJr/ KAP:bhj cc: Mr. R. A. Thomas Mr. G. F. Trowbridge L 'Fi  ?LC

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