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Requests Provision of FSAR Environ Rept & Final Rept on T Robicheux & D Swayse Allegations Re Falsification of Documents
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 10/30/1979
From: Ellis J
Citizens Association for Sound Energy
To: Chandler L, Ulman M
NUDOCS 7911270190
Download: ML19210D496 (3)


as e 752CS 21k/956 'chh6, Eallas


October 30, 1979 M \ AI s

N t

. Ma. Marjorie B. ar - ;p_ CC.,, g. ,p,q).4; ~


. Mr. Iarry Cha:dler fW

6 7 y#uI Ccu=sels for ERC Staff =.s "gi i U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Ccc=issics l / U i 'd a s ai : s t c a , D . C . 20555 gb ff lf


Dear Marjorie and Larry:


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Dcchets 50 kk5 a:d 50 kh6 Application of Texas Utilities Generati:g Cc=;any for an g l Operating License for Cce.anche D' D g}D h Peak Steam Electric Station i L L Ju O .

Units $1 and !2 (CPSIS)

Info._.atica Requesta There are several itens of infor=ation which we vould like to request:

1. By copy of this letter, we are requesting that Nick Reynolds furnish us with a ecpy of the FSAR and the IR, and that we be added to the = ailing list to receive all future revisions (as you suggested we do in respecse to cur telephoce request to you prericusly).
2. *de request that we be added to the =sili=g list to receive ccpies of all future Inspection and Inforce=ent.reporta and the applicant's respenses to them.

3 It appears that :ot all the infer =ation agreed upon by Jcar.a Scuder is

. bei g sent to the UTA Public Ecc.=e=ta Roca (i.e., all FSAR and ER reytaions, and all I:spectics a:d E force ent reporta a:d respc sea). I vill try to cen-tact ter tcday abcut this and hopefully this vi.11 be tales care of. (IfNes.

1 and 2 above are doce for each of the three Intervecors, this vill cot be cecessary.)

h. Duri:g cur S/31/79 and 9/13/79 phece conversaticas, I requested that we be provided specific details regardi:g the allegations of Tccy Rebicheux of falsificatica of reecrds by Southvest Research Institute. (Marjorie, as I recall cur cc=7ersation abcut this, you wanted to pu.rsue this rather than having se go back and forth between you and Carl Seyfrit.) *de still have heard nothing free you on this, and ve are very such ecccerned atent thia =atter, since Southvest Research Institute has been in the preceas of checking the velding at Cccatche Peak. ~4e understand that the final report on Mr. Ecbicheux's a'legaticca is

=cv cut, t. ,d ve request that the infor=atice be furciahed at once.

1395 266 7911270



. D To recap exactly what infor:ation we are requesting regardir.3 these alleptions:

A copy of Mr. Robicheux's allegations; a copy of the final NRC report; all interviev notes and vorhing papers regarding the allegations and the report; the secpe of the irrestigation, m=1ber of can-hours involved by the investiptors, length of ti=e spent (ve have been told tot the NRC =ade public state =ents in San Antonio o:1y tvo veeks after Mr. Robicheux =ade his allegations on August 6 that "after a =onth-long investiption" they were unable to substantiate his allegstions),

- the =anner of the investigation (who was talked to by the investiptors, whether i efforts were =ade to contact present and past e=ployees who =ight be able to verify t:e allegations, etc.). As I told you over the phoce, we ucderstand that questic=s i have been :sised by Scuthvest ren di g Mr. Robicheux's = ental stability; as far as the allegatio:s are coccerned, this is tctally i==aterial -- what we want to l k:cv is if the allegations have been thorou6hly investigateland hev =uch substance, if any, there is to the allegations.

l S. Cn 9/18/79 in a telephone conversatica vi:n Marjorie, I requested that we be supplied with cceplete details of the investigatica =ade by the NRC into allegaticas by tan Sysyce and others of falsification of docu=ents at the Scuth Texas Project by 3rewn and Root. We have heard nothing frc= you on this.

We are very =uch concerned about this, since 3rown and Root is also the ccctractor at Cc=anche Peak. We are particularly ccccerned atcut the adequacy of the investigation because of state =ents =ade by the head of the IEC regional office, Carl Sey'rit, en the CES-TV network progra: CCTCEIR MAGAZI E c: October k, 1979:

Repcrter: ."The charge is that quality control icspectors here have been inti=idated, that portices of this plant have never been preperly inspected.

[ These allegatiocs vere passed on to the Nuclear Regulatory C 'ssion, but they found cothing to be dist'urbed ato ut. So ve vest to the NRC's regiocal chief, Ca-1 Seyfrit, to ask if his =en had checked cut the s: cry with the 4

.~< other inspectors v o verhed with Swayce."

1 Seyfrit: "I es 1:fer=ed that we did not interview tce other =en that he e' ca=ed and I understand that sc e cu=ber of these, at least, are to longer at the site."

' Reporter: "Ecv did you go about deciding whether his allegatic s were valid Cr not?"

. Seyfrit: "There were interviews =ade with superviscry perscenel who veuld have had sc=e k culedge of these activities and there was a review of recc ds

=ade and there was :othing in the records or in the interviews with the other people that vculd substantiate the alleptica Mr. Sway:e =ade 1: this regard."

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. 4

. . .m Re;orter: "But in this case, the =an said he was feeding you docu::ents that were u= reliable. They =ay have gone on the scene . . . . ."

Seyfrit: "I just told you, sir, that ve did =cre than icek at records. We did talk to other people and these are people who would have scine k:cvledge of whether or not these actions had taken place. We couldn't get to all of the inspectors that he ca=ed."

Reporter: "Well, you didn't get to acy of the=, apparently."

Seyfrit: "That =ay be true. I'= not villing to concede that that is an

. absolute fact at this point."

Reporter: "But it's defi:itely a possibility."

Seyfrit: "Sure, I'll agree to that. It's a ;cssibility that we did not talk to any of them."

Reporter: "Just such reliance en the ccupany's self-evaluations a:d vritten repcrts was criticiced by a Gover=:ent Accounting Office study. Its conclusion was that the NRC's inspection progra: cannot independently assure that cuelear pcver plants are constructed adequately."

We request t'at we be supplied with a copy of the allegations =ade by Mr.

Sway e a:d any others regarding falsi*1 cation of dccu=ents, a copy of the final HEC report (or,detaila to date if the report is not yet final); all interview notes and verki=g papers regarding the allegaticca and the report; the secpe of the investigatics, nu=ter of =an-hcurs involved by the i=vestigators, length of ti=e spect, the =as:er of the investigatica (who was talked to by the 1:vestigs1 crs, whether efforts were =ade to contact present and past e=ployees who =ight ce able to veri?/ the allegations, whether hespital records were checked to reriff

Mr. Sway:a's allegaticas that in July 177T c e of his q"*'
  • ty ecstrol 1:spectors was beaten up and put in the hospital, etc.) .

We'll appreciate your assistance in obtaining this infor=ation.


P .



d&wb (Mrs.) Juanita Ellis, President cc: Service *ist Foct cte to Nick Rey:cids: Please secd us a ecpy of the ec=plece updated ySA3 a:d Z3, and add us to your = ailing list to receive sll "uture revisions. If there is to be a charge for this, please advise tef:re shipping. Thanks.

a 1395 2n8

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