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Forwards Incomplete Amend 1 to NPDES Permit PA 00099207, Issued to Met Ed.Effective 770712
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/12/1977
From: Wassersug S
To: Arnold R
Shared Package
ML19210A676 List:
3EN43, NUDOCS 7910310482
Download: ML19210A678 (20)


3. # ggL. Inclosurs. GQL 1050

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.Es* C In reply refer to: 3ENi3 ~

e d d EG/Y 'f #8

'j e c eee' -C#fgo Mr. R. C. Arnold, lice-President -[- DFT l Mecropolitan Edison Company c,. gg. '77 l, 4 P. O. Sc< 542 Reading, Pennsylvania 19603 JUL 12 97 c,jj r.


Y.- .

JI. . - -

~~ r Re: NPDES Permit Ntr..ber -

EPA PA 0009920 G .


, . , . ... ,6i,

Dear Sir:

Enclosed is Amen & cent Niceber aut.horizing revisicns to the above-referenced National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System pernit previously issued in accordance with provisions of the Federal Water g Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972.

This pennit amendment becemes effective on Julv 12,1977 ,

unless you or another party file a timely and proper request for an adjudicatory hearing, pursuant to 40 C.F.R. 8125.36. If such request is duly filed, those terms and conditions of the Amendment affected by the issues raised in your request shall not be effective until final agency action has occurred in accerdance vien 40 C.F.R. 5125.36(d)(2).

/[ Sincerely, l n j? {'tC l/ x bv%-

c,. Stephen R. Wassersug '

Director -

Enforcement Division Enclosure 1490 150 7910810 h


b During the period beginning effective date and lasting throughuxpiration ~

the perrtittee is authorized to discharge f rom outfall(s) serial number (s) 001 combined mechanical draf t cool in:; tower blowdown Such discharges shall be 11:nited .and monitored by the permittee as specified below Effluent Characteristic Discharpe t. imitations Monitoring,Itequirew nts kg/ day (1bs/ day) Other Units (Specify)

Heasurement Sarnple Daily Avg. Daily Max Daily Avg. Daily Max Frequency Type N/A N/A N/A N/A cont.inur a s measured Flow-m / Day (MCD)

N/A N/A continuous ** "f-s"

  • M Temperature N/A N/A .

';t'ree Available Chlorine N/A N/A e.2 mg/l .5 mg/l 1/ week grab during chlorination N/A N/A N/A 1/ week grab during ATotal Residual Chlorine N/A chlorination T!m pit shall not 'be less than N/A standard units not greater than N/A standard units and shall be -

monitored N/A ~

kNN nere shall be no discharge of floatina solids or visible foara in other than trace amounts. E {*$ h II n u w Sartples taken in compliance with the monitorins requirements specified above shall be taken at the @n n ,o g following location (s): at outfall 001. Monitor also the ambient river temperature at a point in the receiving stream unaffected by any sources of waste heat. pg e on

~o m *See Special Condition //4. ,

o ' hilourly Logging. $

'insee Special Condf*. ions 11, 12, 13 and 14. g


qh ub fl D j Ln I ig n ,

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A. D Pl.t'ENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORL"C PIQUIREMENTS Durton the period begfuning effective date and lasting through June 30, 1977 001 - Monit oring point 102 -

... . miirt.m t. auth..r:..ted to d i nch.irne
  • rom outfa11(r.) serial num'aer(s) aux.tilary boller blowdownlimited and monitored by the permittee as specified below:

Ac!. it r.charnes shalt be Monitority, Requirements Discharpe Limitations Effluent Characteristic _ Other Units (Specify) kg/ day (1bs/ day) Mea sure.ncut Sampic Daily Max Frequency Type Daily Avg. Daily Max Daily Avg.

Flow-ci / Day (MCD) N/A 1/ month estimatedh

/A N/A N/A N/A I/ month grab N/A N/A N/A Total Suspended Solids N/A 1/ month grab N/A N/A N/A 011 & Grease N/A 1/ month grab N/A N/A N/A Total Iron N/A 1/ month grab N/A N/A N/A Total Copper N/A standard units not greater than star dard units and shall be The pit shall not be less than inonitored 1/ month grab W an m m.m n,

j There shall bn no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. g y'3 M -


" .ff -

Snicples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the P follouing location (s): auxillary boiler blowdown prior te combination with any other effluent stream. Report as 102. e oH O 00 m O u.)

e E ca -


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A. '7Tt.'X.NT 1.!".ITATIONS AND MONITORING ftEQl'IR".ENTS i During the period beginning July 1, 1977 and lasting through expiration ' ~. '

the permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial number (s) 001 - monitoring point .

102 - nux111ary boiler blowdown . .

uch di scharge. shal l be timited and monitored by the permittee as specified below

Effluent Characreristic_ Discharge 1. imitations Monitorism, Requirements kg/ day fibs /a..,} Other Units (Specify)

Measurement Sample Daily Avg. Daily Max Daily Avg. Daily Max Frequency Type Flow-m / Day (MGD) .

L.4 This ef fluent stream shall be diverted to unita 1 and 2 waste treatment facilty by July 1,1977 and will be linited and monitored at monitoring point 107.

O The pit shall not be less than N/A standard units not greater than N/A standard units and shall be monitored 3/A N ?? p There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. @


']L $  ;.3 9 rv wi H Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the Qz? f,.

follow!ng Icuation(s). ,jg O

H W -

s om h e e O O - U w .D1 l o

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A. EF*.?f.itF.NT LIMITATIONS A"D MONITO! TING ftEQUIRE5!'?NTS Dirti,p. t.he nerim! bentuni ng effect.ive date and lasting through expiration

.'.o ..,r Mr*ce i aeth.2rized to Ji charr.e from aurf.i11(sf seria t num'ser(s) 001 - monitoring point 103 -

pre-oturation;il cleaning and flushing settling Sacius* mit.ed .ind moni tored by the pennittee as specified below:

.uch i'i .c'ui ne a shall be i tilscharp,e 1.tm_Itations Monitoriny flgirements lif fluent Claracteristle i

kg/ day (1bs/ day) Other t! nits (Specify) when dischanging Mea .urcinent. S.unp l e Daily Avg. Daily Max Frequency Type Daily Avg. Daily M.ix viow-m3 /uay (Mco)

N/A N/A N/A N/A 2/ month ineasured h


100 mg/l 2/ month grah N/A 30 mg/l Total Suspended Solids N/A 15 mg/l 20 mg/l 2/ month grab Oil f. Crease N/A N/A 1 mg/l 2/ month grah N/A N/A N/A Total fron 1 mg/l 2/ month grab N/A N/A N/A.

Total Copper The p!! shall not be less than (, standard units not greater than 9 standard units and shall be m nitored 2/mont.h grab p. ? ?

shall be no di scharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. g {y



'Ihc Te E. r, es '

Smnples taken in compliance with the monitoring recluirements specifieC bove shall be taken at the i1

, .f.

Q S f ol !.nv' location (s): cleaning and flushing settling basin prior to :ombination with any uther yy>o Q eff aent s t ruafn , Iteport as 103. .

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Du r i n.a, the peric.d beginning ef fective date ar.d lasting thrcash June 30, 1977 the pairmittee is authorized to dischache from outfell(s) serial nienber(s)001 monitoring point 104 non-radioactive low volume wastes fron industrial waste filter building sump.

Such dischan ges shall be limited :uid monicored by the permittee as specified below:

Effluent Chpracteristic Dascharae I. imitations Monitorino. Pecuiremants kg/ day (1bs/ day) Other Units (Specify)

Heacurement Sampic Daily Avg. Daily Max Daily Avg. Daily Max Frequency Type Flow.m / Day (MCD) N/A N/A N/A N/A 2/ month estimated Total Suspended Solids N/A N/A N/A -

N/A 2 / mon th - grab Oil and Creune N/A N/A N//t N/A 2/ month grab O N/A standard units and shall be The pit shall not be leas than QA standard units not greater than r:onitored 2/ month by a grab ,umple.

'I ? ? f There r. hall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. { p;*j~ d 3 4 Sanples taken in contpliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the @ .3 following lucetion(s): low volunic wastes prior to combi':ation with any other ef fluent stream. " ? f,

!<eport as 104.


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A. I'?FLt!ENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORiMG PEQUIRf2'ENTS N r '. ~. the ocriod bec.inniu< .hil v 1, 1977 and lasting through expiration tbc :m rr,. i ,i s autivirize d t.o dischan gt- f rom outf al t(s) serial nenber(s) 001 - moni torine, point. 104

n. .. i- r. i.. t..ictive t e <: low vol o:ne i irom f uelut. trial wast.e if1ters Such discharr,ec .shall be limited ..nd

, monitored by the pennittee as specified below:

Monitorino. Requirements Effluent Char acter f.stic Di scha,rf.e f. imitations kg/ day (tbs / day) Other Units (Specify)

Heasurment Sample Daily Avg. Daily Max Frequency Type Daily Avg. Daily Max N/A N/A 2/ month measured

? low-m / Day (MG9) N/A N/A ,

N/A 30 mg/l - 100 mg/l 2 / mon t.h grab Total Suspended Solids N/A N/A 15'mg/l 20 mg/l 2 /inonth grab Oil and Grease N/A The pu shall not be less than 6 standard units not greater than 9 standard units and shall be conitored 2/ month by a grab samnic. $22 h g

T.mre shall he no discharge of floatire solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. P 1{/,,

o, m; the g&2 n Smples taken in compliance with the monitorica requirements specified above shall be taken at n ? ,,

folio.Ang location (s): low volume vastes prior to combination with any otiher effluent stream. gy Report .is 104. . T O




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?. I'H' t.t t ? :MT t.!!!!TNr10mi AND MON tTott!NC R*.Q'.'!!(M!'ENTS Du r ! .iq the period beginning e!'fective date and lasting through June 30, 1977 ,,'-.

the pennittee is authorteed to discharge from outtall(s) serial nuniber(s)001-monitorine. point 105- ,

non-radioact Ive low volume wastes from unit i vaste neutralization tank.

h di . charges shall be lind ted and monit.ored by the permittee as specified below:

Effluent Characteristi_c. Disc'harpe Limitations Monitorine. !!cquirements kg/ day (1bs/ day) Other Units (Specify)

Measuresnent Sampic Daily Avg. Daily Max Daily Avg. Daily !!ax Frequency Type Flow-m / Day (MCD) N/A 2/ month calculated N/A N/A N/A Total Suspended Solids N/A t1/A N/A ~ N/A 2/ month grah ,

II/A N/A N/A N/A 2/ month grah O

011 L Grease T: s p!! shall not be less than N/A standard units not greater than N/A standard units and shall be mon t t.o reit 2/ month by a grab sariple.

p There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visibic foam in other than trace amounts. $ n, eUT -g D tv 03 p.e Sampic.s taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified nbove shall be taken at the $.."

___. following location (s): lo oliame vastes prior to combination with any other effluent [,

o utream, neport an los. E !:' g

-g 8

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(, A. Et'1'!P.NT !.D11TATIONS A*19 '40NITO't1NG tt!:Qlf lu! MSNTS Dur!.i; the period beginutng . inly 1, 1977 and lasting through expiration d-  ; i .. aut horiled to .!(setia rne from outt:til(s) serial nnuiber(s) 001-moiitorinn point . j o.ic t ive low volui,ie wastes from unit I w.aste neutralization tank.

Such ot::ctiargen shall be limited and nuinitored by the permittee as specified below:

F.f I' t eent Characterie. tic IM scharee Y.lini tations Moni toring th elut renu nts kg/ day (th:./ day) Other (Inits (Specify)

Measurcuient Sample Daily Avg. Daily Max Daily Avg. Daily Max Frequency Type Flow-m / Day (MCD) N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 /ru>n t.h calcul.h!

Total Suspended Solids 5.5(12) 33.4(73.4) N/A . N/A 2/ month grab 011 and Grease 2.7 (6 ) 6.7(14.7) N/A N/A 2/mont.h grab The pF shall ne.e Sc less than 6 standard units not greater than 9 standard units and shall be monitored 2/n onth by a grab sa:nple. mm

p. n, a *o.

There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foara in other than trace amounts, g l 6-

d' j


n. rv H San;iles ta'<en !.n com!>11ance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the g ,.

follow;ng location (n): . low volume wastes prior to combination with any other effluent f, P. S stream. ::eport as 105. am o> w on O


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J During the period beginning erfective date and lasting through June 30, 1977 -

the permittee,is authorized to di.scharge from outfall(s) serial ntneber(s) 001 - at monitoring point 106 eo,i-i ad i o.ic t ive l ow vo l tm.e wa n t.e s f rom unit i turbInc sump.

i'uch di scharges r. hall bn Ifnited .and monitored by the r armittee as specified belows Discharyn I. imitations Monttorine,!tequirements Cffluent Character 1stfc kg/ day (lbs/ day) Other Units (Specify) i Mea suretnent S.*rnple Daily Avg. Daily Max Daily Avg. Daily Haw Frequency Type N/A N/A N/A 2/ month estimate

!* low-m / Day (?!CD) N/A N/A N/A -

N/A 2/.nonth grab '

Tot:il Suspended Solids N/A N/A N /A' N/A 2 /mont.h grab 011 .ind Grease N/A ne pH nhall not be less than N/A standard units not greater than N/A standard units and shall be runt.tored N/A  ?

"  ?{N N A nere shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. h! $ h

o. ~

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the O Samples taken in complicnce with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at following location (s): low volume wastes prior to combination with any other effluent stream. $Po

] Peport as 106. 3 h

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A. 13TilfCNT LIM'TATIONS AND !!ONITORING ltEQt'IREf tCNTS f)uring the period beginnii.e July 1, 1977 and lasting through expiration t h. ... re i t t es: i n auttr>r t : c.I t o di .c o fr om outf. ell (:,) serial niun'aer(s) 001 - mnattoring point 106 -

non- rzul i . .ac t ive low volume wastes from unit t turbine sump.

Such di t charges shall be Liciiteel and manitored by the permittee as specified below: \

Discharpe Limitations Monitoring Itequirenients Elfleient Characteristic '

kg/ day (1bs/ day) Other Units (Specify)

Measurement S.?nnp l e Dail'y Av:;. Daily Max Daily Avg. Daily Max Frequency Type Flow-m / Day (MCD) h

%is ef fluent stream shall be diverted to units 1 and 2 waste treatment facility and will be limited and monitored am monitoring point 107.

We pit shall not S

  • Iess than N/A standard units not greater than N/A standard units and shall be monitored y/A y *o =o m shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. @L p.

h H n! >-e Samples taken in con.pliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the @2 following location (s): N/A

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Duritag the period beginning July 1, 1977 and lasting through expiration .

the pcmittee is authorized to dir. charge fron outfall(s) serial number (s) 001 monitoring point 107 units 1 and 2 waste treatment facility.

Such discharges shall be liinited end iconitored by the permittee as specified belows Effluent Characteristic Discharre Limitations Monitorinq !!couirements kg/ day (1bs/ day) Other Units (Specify)

Measurement Sample Daily Avg. Daily Max Daily Avg., Daily Max Frequency Type N/A 2/ month measured Flow-in / Day (MGD) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2/ month grab Total Suspended Solids 16.4(36) 109(240) .

N/A N/A 2/ month grab 011 and crease 8.2(18.1) 21.H (4 8.1)

N/A N/A 2/ month grab Total Iron .54(1.2) 1. l(2.4 )

N/A N/A 2/ month -grab Total copper .54 (1.2 ) 1.1 (2.4 )

The pH shall not be less than 6 stan3ard units not greater than 9 standard units and shall be -

it.or.itored 2/ month by a grab sample.

N EU N T' tere shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. @ '[$ $


" Samples teken in compliance with the monitoring requirex nts specified above shall be taken at the @ .f. "'

A following location (s): the discharge froin the units 1 and 2 waste treatment f acility prior to ,,

combination with any other effluent stream. Report as 107. pg h


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During the period beginning offective date and lasting throuah . lune 30, 1977 the pe:rmittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial number (s) 001 monitoring point 107 units 1 and 2 vest.c treatment facility.

uch di t.charr.c s shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified belows Effluent Characteristic Discharnie Limitations Monitorine Pequirements kg/ day (1bs/ day) Or.her Units (Specify)

Measurement Sanple Daily Avg. Daily Max Daily Avg. Daily Max Frequency Bjpe Flow-m / Day (MCD) N/A N/A N/A N/A 2/ month measured O Total Suspended Solids N/A N/A N/A . N/A 2/ month grab 011 and Crease N/A N/A N/h N'/A 2 /mont.h grab

'lotal Iron N/A N/A N/A N/A .2/ month grab Total Copper N/A N/A N/A N/A 2/ month y,r ab The pit shall not be less than N/A standard units not greater than N/A standard units and shall be -

ironitored N/A, ~


There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts.

h'O fj rs

  • h m Sareples taken in compliance with t.he monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the l3 =

following location (s): the discharge from the units 1 and 2 waste treatment facility prior to f, y combination with any other effluent stream. Report as 107. 2 y1


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During thee period her, inning 3,,1 y 1, 1977 and lasting throt'gh expiration. -

tire pernitttee is authorized to discharge frois outf all(s) sertal ntaser(s) 001 - monitoring point 100 un ' t 2 wast e neutralization tank.

ucti discharges shall be liinited and monitored by the permittee as specified below Efflug t Characteristic Discharra f. imitations Mont torf ng Recut riment s kg/ day (ths/ day) Other Units (Specify)

Measurement S taple Daily Avg. Daily Max Daily Avg. Daily Max Frequency Type N/A N/A 2/ month calculated Flow-m / Day IFGD) N/A N/A N/A 30 mg/l 100 mg/l 2/ month grab Total Suspended Solids N/A 9

N/A 15 mg/l 20 mg/l 2/ month grab 011 and (:rease N/r The pH shall not be less than 6 standard units not greater than 9 standard units and shall be -

rronitored 2/ month by a grab sample. "


Wre shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. $ {'d

- Wnn >

A Sampics taken in compiiance with the monitoring equirements specified above shall be taken at the fi

'n og z

W following location (s): unit 2 waste neutralization tank prior to combination with any other O en leent streac. Import as 108 y4 o

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During the period beginning effective date and lasting through June 30, 1977 the per-alttee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial ntru'2er(s)001 monitoring point 108 unit 2 waste neutralization tank.

Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below:

Discharge Limitations Monitoring Renuirements Effluent Characteristic kg/ day (1bs/ day) Other Units (Specify)

Heasurement Sample Daily Avn. Daily Max Daily Avg., Daily Max Frequency Type N/A N/A N/A 2 / month cair.ulated Flow-m / Day (MCD) N/A N/A N/A 2/ month grab Total Suspended Solids N/A N/A .

N/A N/A 2/ month grab Oi! and Crease N/A N/A 6 standard units not greater than 9 standard units and shall be -

1*.se pH shall not be less than n onitored 2/inonth by a grab sample.

$22 There shall be m discharge of floating solids or visible foam in ott >r than trace amounts. @pg fr a .nea~

Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the g U ,o following location (s): unit 2 waste neutralization tank prior to combination with any other effluent stream. Report as 108. x f *SC q

N c.

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Y PART11 Page 15 or la terma so. PA 0009920 ksend:nent No. 1

..e in.spe; tion at the offices of the State wt u pollut:on enntro! agency and the Regional Admmistrator. As required by the Act, efS er.t data shall not be considered ennfidential. ';ly making any false statement on any such report may resultin the imposition of ,

criminal penal'.ies as prosided for in Section 309 of the Act.

4. Permit .\!odificatiors After notice and opportumty for a hearing, this permit may be modified, suspended, or b

revoked in whole or in part during its term for cause including but not limited to, the following:

a. Wlation of any terms or conditions of this permit;
b. Obtaining this permit by misrepresentation or failure to disclose fully all relevant facts; or
c. A change in any condition that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of the autho-ized discharge.
5. Toxic Foiluta sts Notwithstanding Part II, B 4 above. if a to. sic efnuent standard or prohibition (including any schedule of compliance specified in such effluent standud or prohibition) is established under Section 307(a) of the Act for a toxic pollutant which is present in the discharge end such standnd ce prohibition is rnore stringent than any limitation for such pollutar.t in this permit, this permit shall bs revised or modified in e cordancs with the toxic eff.uent standard or prohibition and the permittee so notif.ed.
6. Civil and Critnin:l Lidility Except as provided in permit conditions en "Bypc: sing" (? art II, A 5) and " Power Failures" (Put II. A 7), nothing in this pmnit sha'l be co.:strnd to relieve the permittee trora cid! or c:i:nins! penalt:n fer noncomph?nce.
7. Oil cnd Hu rdous Subs.a *
ce Libihty Nothing in this per :!: shall be construed to preclude the institution of any !c;al action or ,I relieve the pm:ee f om a :y responsib!!! ties liabilities, or penalties to which the permittee it er may be object urbr Section 311 of the Act.
8. St tc [cu:s Noth:ng in t.3 panxt shall be mnstrued to prie!cde the institu:foni of any legal action or ,

t ]

rc!!e.e the ,r er=::ee frem any rapon.atbilitte i. habditic<, or ponalt es establish:d pursuant to :ny appiirab> S:ats law or regu!a:icn under authority preorved by Section 510 of the [J Act-1490 165 D**D "D F0


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, . .I PART11 l rg 16 a le

  • D D** 3l Perma No. PA 0009920


    • * - --  :' Ament:ent No. 1 lI i
9. P::;crty Rights t'

The issuance of this ;>ermit does not conve;, ,tny property richts in either real or persond ,

property, or any exclusive privi!cges, nor does it authorize any injury to private prcperty '

or eny invuion of personal rights, nor any infringement of Federa!, State er locallaws or regulations. x I

10. Severabliity i The provisions of this permit are severable, and if any provision of this permit, or the application of any pictision of this permit to any circumstance, is held invalid, the application of provision to other circumstances, and the remainder of this permit, s! all not be affected theraby.



1. L conths af:er the coccereial operation of Unit 2, the permittee shall submit to ene Regional Administrator a specific study program for and entrainc.ent effects at the plant intakes. The monitoring impingsment study should include provisions for estimating the total number, weight, and length f requency distribution of dif ferent fish species impinged, as well as estimating the number of eggs, larvac, and plankton entrained.

Operating da:a such as intake velocity, ficw, temperature, tidal condi-Repo rts tiens, etc, at tiw tima vi :..cpling should also be reported.  !

vill be submitted on a quarterly basis.

i General Ef fective I: media:cly Unless Otherwise Specified .'

Sp,:cial Conditions:

be returned

1. Debris collected en the intake trash racks shall not to the -ectervey.
2. Th c r-a shall be ne discharg,2 of polychlorincted bi-phenyt transforner fluids :a naviga' ale waters. I
3. The per .ittee shall fitc a report with E P. A., Region III within .


43 hours4.976852e-4 days <br />0.0119 hours <br />7.109788e-5 weeks <br />1.63615e-5 months <br /> af ter discharginZ from outfalls 002, 003 ar.d 004 sta:ing the co psition of the discharge and the reason for discharging.

1490 166  !

Y Page 17 of 18 Permit No. PA 0009920 Anendment No. 1 A. Neither f ree ava.lable chlorine nor cott.1 residual chlorinc may be discharged f ron ar.y unit for more than tua hours in any one day and not ns. re than one unit in any plant may discharge f ree available or total m rc>idual chlo rine at any one time unicss tha utility can demonstrate to '

eno regional adni .istrato r o r s tate, if the state has NPDES pemit issuing autho rity, that the units in a particular location cannot operate at or below this level of chlorination.

3. Effective no later than July 1, 1977, there shall be no discharge of sludges f rom clarification water treatment. <..
6. By July 1, 1977, material storage runof f and construction runof f shall not exceed 30 mg/l Total Suspended Solids, and pH of 6.0 -

9.0. Any untreated overflow f rom f acilities desigaad, constructed and operated to treat the vc,lume of runoff associated with the 10 year, 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> rainf all event for this location as defined by the National Ucachar Service in Technical Paper No. 40, "Rainf all Frequency Atlas of the United States", May 1961 and subsequent amendments, or equivalent regional or state rainf all probability information develeped there f rom is not subject to these limitations.

7 All limitations and monitoring requirements for liquid radioactive waste discharges shall be in accordance with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission regulations as set forth in 10 CF?. Part 20 and 10 CFR

! P.-rc 30.

E. The conditions of this pernit shall in no way supercede the nanda-tory requirements for operation of Nuclear Pouse Plants imposed by the Nucicar Regulatory Cc-9.ission.

Lmi 1490 167

Pam 17a of 18

.t Nunber PA 0009920 haendment No. 1

9. It is recognized that influent quality changes, equipment malfunction, or other circu: stances beyond the control of the permittec, may sometimes result in effluents exceeding the pemit limitations despi e the exercise '~

of appropriate care, maintenance, and corecctive eccsures by the perm.Ittee.

  • The permittee may come forward to demonstrate to- the Agency that such circumstances exist in any case uhere effluents exceed the liuitation set fo rth 1- this permit. The Agency may consider such information in determi- ,

ning whether there is an actionable violation.

10. EPA will not utilize a notification of noncompliance in a criminal pro-secution against the individual who gave the notification, except in a prosecution for perjury or for giving a false statement.
11. The nechnical draft cooling towers (10CT's) shall be opcrated at all ti=es except when: i
a. In the judgement of the responsible TMINS personnel the combination of atmospheric conditions and river tecperature may exist which causes the waste-water to bo heated as it passes through the FOOT's.
b. Ice for=ation it observed to occur within the EDCT's.

When the conditions specified in a and b above are encountered, the !DCT's may be shut down and t!'e seasonal temperature rise limitations specified in item 13 belew will apply.

12. The temperature of the discharge shall not be torc than 50 7 above the ambient ec=perature of the receiving strean (except as specified under item 13 belou) and shall nc /cr e:<ceed a ec:dmum of 8707, execpt uhen the ambient riv2r te perature exceeds 870F, in which case, the discl.arge temperature shall not c::ceed the ambicnt river temperature; and the temperature of the discharge shall not chan3e by . ore than 5 F during any one hour period.

j Adtene te=perature is the temparctura of the river upstream of tE2 heated was:e discharge. The ambient tempa cct ure sampling point should bc enaffected by any sources of weste heat. Tha te=pera are of the weer uilt be considered as arbient river temperature as long as the intzk ! Statce is unaficcted b) T:'I's e r any nearby 9 heated 'Jaste dischrge.

1490 168 .

Page 175 of 18 Amendr.ent No. I F

13. It is recognized that for short and infrequent periods during '

the year the co:.cination of atmospheric conditions and river ,

temperature nay occur which causes the MDCT's to be incapable of removing sufficient heat to ecct the 50 F rise limitation specified in item 12 ab ove . During these periods the following seasonal temperature rise limitations apply: .

a. During the period November 1 through April 30, the temperature of the discharge shall not exceed 12 0 F  ;"'

above ambient river temperature.

b. During the period May 1 through October 31, the temperature of the discharge shall not exceed 7 0 F above ambient river temperature.
c. During plant cooldown operations the temperature of the discharge shall not exceed 120 F above ambient river tecperature.
14. The Chief of the Operations Section of the Earrisburg Regional Office of the Eureau of !!ater Quality Management shall be advised by telephone within 20 hours2.314815e-4 days <br />0.00556 hours <br />3.306878e-5 weeks <br />7.61e-6 months <br /> when the MDCT's are shut down and a3ain when tcver
  • o eraticn is resu cd; shall be notified within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> when the 5

5 7 rise limitation specified in item 12 above is exceeded and again v5 en the discharge is in compliance with the 50 F rise limita-tion; and shall be notified, at least thirty (30) days in advance, whenever possibic, of all scheduled plant cooldown operations.

15. I:ithin two years af ter both nuclear reactor units are in comercial operation, the "etropolitan-Edison Company will collect and submit to the Jepartment of Environmental Resources and the EPA, stream data which accurately defines the thermal plume or zone of impact frn the HII' S heated waste discharge. As a minimum, thcrmal plume mapping data collected to meet the Nuclear Regulatory Cornaission's require:2nts shall be submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Environ .cntal Resourecs. ,
16. The Permittee shall submit to the Pennsylvania Department of Environ-mental P.csources within ninety (90) days of issuance of Amendment No. 1 to the 5pDCS, an application for a new Pennsylvania *?ater Qualit;. ::anap..ent permit f or the f acilities associated with the thera.a1 component cf discharge 001.

For substances not specifically limited in e pcT. .i t , the permittee t


17. L is limited te the amount of the substance ' q ' rted in the NPDES appli-The permit tee is not autheri~ '. :a ;cherge any substance catien.

in c:::ess of that rep rted in the SP~ ', s stion.

1490 169 NN &R