IR 05000528/2019001

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NRC Integrated Inspection Report 05000528/2019001, 05000529/2019001, 05000530/2019001, and 07200044/2019001
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/2019
From: O'Keefe N
To: Bement R
Arizona Public Service Co
IR 2019001
Download: ML19122A295 (41)


ril 30, 2019


PALO VERDE NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION - NRC INTEGRATED INSPECTION REPORT 05000528/2019001, 05000529/2019001, 05000530/2019001, AND 07200044/2019001

Dear Mr. Bement:

On March 31, 2019, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) completed an inspection at your Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Units 1, 2, and 3 and on April 12, 2019, discussed the results of this inspection with Mr. Jack Cadogan, Senior Vice President, Site Operations, and other members of your staff. The results of this inspection are documented in the enclosed report.

The NRC inspectors did not identify any finding or violation of more than minor significance. This letter, its enclosure, and your response (if any) will be made available for public inspection and copying at and at the NRC Public Document Room in accordance with 10 CFR 2.390, Public Inspections, Exemptions, Requests for Withholding.



Neil F. OKeefe, Chief Project Branch D Division of Reactor Projects Docket Nos. 05000528, 05000529, 05000530, and 07200044 License Nos. NPF-41, NPF-51, NPF-74 Enclosure:

Inspection Report 05000528/2019001, 05000529/2019001, 05000530/2019001, and 07200044/2019001 w/attachments:

1. Supplemental Information 2. Information Request


Inspection Report

Docket Number(s): 05000528, 05000529, 05000530, and 07200044 License Number(s): NPF-41, NPF-51 and NPF-74 Report Number(s): 05000528/2019001, 05000529/2019001, 05000530/2019001, and 07200044/2019001 Enterprise Identifier: I-2019-001-0013 I-2019-001-0077 Licensee: Arizona Public Service Co.

Facility: Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station and Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Location: 5801 South Wintersburg Road, Tonopah, AZ 85354 Inspection Dates: January 1, 2019, to March 31, 2019 Inspectors: C. Peabody, Senior Resident Inspector D. Reinert, Resident Inspector D. You, Resident Inspector R. Bywater, Resident Inspector R. Alexander, Senior Project Engineer L. Carson, Senior Health Physicist P. Elkmann, Senior Emergency Preparedness Inspector N. Greene, PhD, Senior Health Physicist S. Hedger, Emergency Preparedness Inspector J. O'Donnell, Health Physicist C. Alldredge, Allegations/Enforcement Specialist B. Baca, Health Physicist O. Masnyk Bailey, Health Physicist (Region I)

K. Warner, Health Physicist, (Region I)

Approved By: Neil OKeefe, Chief, Project Branch D, Division of Reactor Projects Enclosure


The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) continued monitoring the licensees performance by conducting baseline inspections at Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Units 1, 2, and 3 in accordance with the Reactor Oversight Process. The Reactor Oversight Process is the NRCs program for overseeing the safe operation of commercial nuclear power reactors. Refer to for more information.

NRC-identified and self-revealed findings, violations, and additional items are summarized in the table below. Licensee-identified non-cited violations are documented in the Inspection Results at the end of this report.

List of Findings and Violations No findings were identified.

Additional Tracking Items None.


Units 1, 2, and 3 operated at or near full power for the duration of the inspection period.


Inspections were conducted using the appropriate portions of the inspection procedures (IPs) in effect at the beginning of the inspection unless otherwise noted. Currently approved IPs with their attached revision histories are located on the public website at Samples were declared complete when the IP requirements most appropriate to the inspection activity were met consistent with Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 2515, Light-Water Reactor Inspection Program - Operations Phase. The inspectors performed plant status activities described in IMC 2515 Appendix D, Plant Status and conducted routine reviews using IP 71152, Problem Identification and Resolution. The inspectors reviewed selected procedures and records, observed activities, and interviewed personnel to assess licensee performance and compliance with Commission rules and regulations, license conditions, site procedures, and standards.


71111.01 - Adverse Weather Protection Seasonal Extreme Weather Sample (IP Section 03.02)

The inspectors evaluated readiness for seasonal extreme weather conditions prior to the onset of extreme high temperatures.

71111.04 - Equipment Alignment Partial Walkdown (IP Section 02.01)

The inspectors evaluated system configurations during partial walkdowns of the following systems/trains:

(1) Unit 3 containment spray system B, on January 24, 2019
(2) Unit 3 diesel generators A and B jacket water cooling systems, on February 1, 2019
(3) Unit 3 loss of power sequencer A, on March 22, 2019

71111.05Q - Fire Protection Quarterly Inspection (IP Section 03.01)

The inspectors evaluated fire protection program implementation in the following selected areas:

(1) Unit 3 non-class switchgear and battery rooms, Fire Area TB4, on January 16, 2019
(2) Unit 2 auxiliary feedwater A room, Fire Area 72, on January 17, 2019
(3) Unit 1 auxiliary feedwater B room, Fire Area 73, on February 20, 2019
(4) Unit 3 auxiliary feedwater A room, Fire Area 72, on March 22, 2019
(5) Unit 1 auxiliary feedwater A room, Fire Area 72, on March 25, 2019
(6) Unit 1 Class 1E switchgear B room, Fire Area 5B, on March 29, 2019

71111.06 - Flood Protection Measures Inspection Activities - Internal Flooding (IP Section 02.02a.)

The inspectors evaluated internal flooding mitigation protections in the 80 and 100 elevations of the Unit 1, 2, and 3 main steam support structures on March 21, 2019.

Inspection Activities - Underground Cables (IP Section 02.02c.) (1 Sample)

The inspectors evaluated cable submergence protection in Unit 3 Bravo diesel fuel oil vault on March 1, 2019.

71111.11Q - Licensed Operator Requalification Program and Licensed Operator Performance Licensed Operator Performance in the Actual Plant/Main Control Room (IP Section 03.01)

The inspectors observed and evaluated Unit 3 control room operators during a maintenance activity to replace power switch assemblies for control element assembly 22 on February 12, 2019.

Licensed Operator Requalification Training/Examinations (IP Section 03.02) (1 Sample)

The inspectors observed and evaluated a licensed operator continuing training simulator scenario on February 5, 2019. The inspectors assessed the performance of the operators and the control room simulator.

71111.12 - Maintenance Effectiveness Routine Maintenance Effectiveness Inspection (IP Section 02.01)

The inspectors evaluated the effectiveness of routine maintenance activities associated with the following equipment and/or safety significant functions:

(1) Unit 1 chemical and volume control system charging pump discharge pressure relief valve failures, on January 24, 2019
(2) Unit 3 essential chilled water temperature control valve ECB-TV0030, on March 21, 2019

71111.13 - Maintenance Risk Assessments and Emergent Work Control Risk Assessment and Management Sample (IP Section 03.01)

The inspectors evaluated the risk assessments for the following planned and emergent work activities:

(1) Unit 2 elevated risk during station blackout generator and high pressure safety injection pump A maintenance, on January 8, 2019
(2) Unit 1 emergent work for main feedwater pump B mini-flow valve failure, on February 20, 2019
(3) Unit 3 online risk during diesel generator A super outage, on March 5, 2019

71111.15 - Operability Determinations and Functionality Assessments Sample Selection (IP Section 02.01)

The inspectors evaluated the following operability determinations and functionality assessments:

(1) Unit 3 spent fuel pool decrease in Boron-10 concentration, on January 25, 2019
(2) Unit 3 control room essential air handing unit B temperature control valve response to handheld radio interference, on February 14, 2019
(3) Units 1, 2, and 3 analysis of manual compensatory actions to maintain high pressure safety injection operability and availability during reactor water tank full flow recirculation evolutions, on February 20, 2019
(4) Unit 2 reactor coolant pump vibration monitoring system, on February 22, 2019
(5) Unit 2 operability of shutdown cooling loop 1 isolation valve SI-653, on March 21, 2019
(6) Unit 3 pressurizer level control system tuning issues, on March 26, 2019

71111.18 - Plant Modifications Temporary Modifications and/or Permanent Modifications (IP Section 03.01 and/or 03.02)

The inspectors evaluated the following temporary or permanent modifications:

(1) Unit 1 diesel generator A crankcase breather ventilation piping modification DG-1153, on February 28, 2019
(2) Station blackout generator 1 and 2 modification for permanently adjusting lube oil high pressure alarm set point, on March 20, 2019

71111.19 - Post Maintenance Testing Post Maintenance Test Sample (IP Section 03.01)

The inspectors evaluated the following post maintenance tests:

(1) Unit 3 control element assembly power switch assembly test following replacement, on February 12, 2019
(2) Unit 3 diesel generator B fuel oil transfer pump test following terminal board replacement, on February 21, 2019
(3) Unit 3 diesel generator A fast start following a diesel super outage, on March 8, 2019
(4) Unit 3 safety injection valve 615 test following periodic maintenance, on March 19, 2019

71111.22 - Surveillance Testing The inspectors evaluated the following surveillance tests: In Service Testing (IST) (IP Section 03.01)

77ST-9EW01, Unit 1 essential cooling water A inservice pump test, on January 31, 2019

Surveillance Testing (IP Section 03.01) (3 Samples)

(1) Unit 3 diesel generator A 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> surveillance and hot restart, on January 7, 2019
(2) 77ST-9SB19, Unit 1 core protection calculator system channel C functional test, on January 8, 2019
(3) 36ST-9SA02, Unit 1 engineered safety features actuation system train B subgroup relay functional testing, on February 21, 2019

==71114.06 - Drill Evaluation Drill and/or Simulator-Based Licensed Operator Requalification Training (IP Section 02.01)

(see 71114.06 for sample guidance)==

The inspectors evaluated a dress rehearsal drill that required emergency facilities to respond to a fire in a diesel generator room, a steam generator tube rupture, and a steam line break on February 5, 2019.

71114.08 - Exercise Evaluation Scenario Review Inspection Review (IP Section 02.01 - 02.04)

The inspectors reviewed and evaluated the proposed scenario for biennial emergency plan exercise on February 11, 2019. This review did not constitute approval of the scenario.


71124.05 - Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation Calibration and Testing Program (IP Section 02.02)

The inspectors evaluated the calibration and testing program implementation.

Alarm set point and calibration method check of personnel contamination monitors, portal monitors and small article monitors:

  • iPCM-12
  • SAM-12 Failure to meet calibration or source check acceptance criteria:
  • SAC-4
  • PNR-4
  • MGTM

Walk Downs and Observations (IP Section 02.01) (1 Sample)

The inspectors evaluated radiation monitoring instrumentation during plant walkdowns. The inspector observed the following:

Portable survey instruments:

  • BC-4
  • SAC-4
  • RM-20 (multiple)
  • FH40GL
  • CM-11 Source check demonstration:
  • RM-20
  • FH40GL
  • SAM-12 Area radiation monitors and continuous air monitors:
  • RU-1
  • RU-2
  • RU-3
  • RU-8
  • RU-12
  • RU-15
  • RU-16
  • RU-33
  • RU-34
  • RU-37
  • RU-140
  • RU-142A-D
  • RU-149
  • RU-152A
  • RU-155D
  • RU-158D Personnel contamination monitors, portal monitors and small article monitors:
  • iPCM-12
  • PCM-12
  • SAM-12

71124.06 - Radioactive Gaseous and Liquid Effluent Treatment Calibration and Testing Program (Process & Effluent Monitors) (IP Section 02.02)

The inspectors reviewed the following gaseous and liquid effluent monitor instrument calibrations and tests:

  • RU-12, Unit 1 Waste Gas Decay Tank Monitor Calibration
  • RU-144, Unit 1 Plant Vent Monitor High Calibration
  • RU-143, Unit 2 Plant Vent Monitor Low Calibration
  • RU-145, Unit 2 Fuel Building B Vent Exhaust Monitor Low Calibration
  • RU-143, Unit 3 Plant Vent Monitor Low Calibration
  • RU-146, Unit 3 Fuel Building B Vent Exhaust Monitor High Calibration Dose Calculations (IP Section 02.05) (1 Sample):

The inspectors reviewed the following liquid and gaseous discharge permits to evaluate public dose calculations:

  • Permit 20172058, Unit 2 Refueling Purge
  • Permit 20182030, Unit 2 Plant Vent
  • Permit 20182103, Unit 2 Fuel Building Vent
  • Permit 20181142, Unit 1 Plant Vent
  • Permit 20181145, Unit 1 Fuel Building Vent
  • Permit 20191015, Unit 1 Fuel Building Vent
  • Permit 20192013, Unit 2 Plant Vent
  • CR-2018-14265, Oily Waste Separator Tank Overflow

Instrumentation and Equipment (IP Section 02.04) (1 Sample)

The inspectors reviewed the following radioactive effluent discharge system surveillance test results:

  • STWO 4777407, Unit 1 Containment Building Purge Air Filtration Unit
  • STWO 4813386, Unit 2 Fuel and Aux Building Essential Air Filtration Unit
  • STWO 4836778, Unit 1 Fuel and Aux Building Essential Air Filtration Unit
  • STWO 4866355, Unit 3 Fuel and Aux Building Essential Air Filtration Unit

Sampling and Analysis (IP Section 02.03) (1 Sample)

The inspectors reviewed the following radioactive effluent sampling and analysis activities:

  • RU-145, Unit 3 Fuel Building Radiation Monitor Filter Change out and Gas Grab Sample
  • RU-143, Unit 2 Plant Ventilation Radiation Monitor Filter Change out and Gas Grab Sample
  • Unit 2 Primary to Secondary Sampling Effluent discharges:
  • Unit 3 Fuel Building Vent Gas Effluent Discharge Permit
  • Unit 2 Plant Vent Gas Effluent Discharge Permit

Walk Downs and Observations (IP Section 02.01) (1 Sample)

The inspectors walked down the following gaseous and liquid radioactive effluent monitoring and filtered ventilation systems to assess the material condition and verify proper alignment according to plant design:

  • Unit 2 Plant Vent Radiation Monitoring System
  • Unit 3 Plant Vent Radiation Monitoring System
  • Unit 3 Fuel Building Radiation Monitoring System
  • Unit 3 Fuel Building Ventilation Exhaust System

71124.07 - Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Groundwater Protection Initiative (GPI) Implementation (IP Section 02.02)

The inspectors evaluated the licensee's groundwater monitoring program.

Site Inspection (IP Section 02.01) (1 Sample)

The inspectors evaluated the radiological environmental monitoring program implementation.

Walkdowns and calibration and maintenance record review:

  • Air Sampling Station Site 4 The inspectors observed the following environmental sample collections and preparation:
  • Sites 4, 6A, 7A, 14A, 15, 17A, 21, 29, 35, and 40
  • Goat milk Licensee actions in response to missed sample, inoperable sampler, lost thermoluminescent detector (TLD) or anomalous measurement:
  • Air Sample Site 6A
  • Milk Sample Site 53
  • TLD Site 16 Sampling program for the potential of licensed material entering groundwater
  • Reactor Water Makeup Tank
  • Reactor Water Tank
  • Holdup Tank
  • Essential Pipe Density Tunnel

71124.08 - Radioactive Solid Waste Processing and Radioactive Material Handling, Storage, and Transportation Radioactive Material Storage (IP Section 02.01)

The inspectors evaluated radioactive material storage in the follow areas:

  • Dry Active Waste Processing and Storage (DAWPS) Facility
  • Low Level Radioactive Materials Storage Facility (LLRWSF)

Container check (e.g., swelling, leakage and deformation):

  • 14-210H Shipping Cask
  • 17-1-044 55 gallon drum of In Core Instruments (ICI's)
  • 17-1-045 55 gallon drum of ICIs
  • 17-1-046 55 gallon drum of ICIs
  • 18-3-097 Sealand Dry Active Waste (DAW)
  • 19-2-004 Sealand DAW
  • 19-2-007 Intermodal Asphalt
  • 19-2-008 Intermodal Asphalt
  • 19-3-006 Sealand DAW Radioactive Waste System Walkdown (IP Section 02.02) (1 Sample)

The inspectors evaluated the following radioactive waste processing systems and processes during plant walkdowns.

Liquid or solid radioactive waste processing systems:

  • Dry Active Waste Processing and Storage (DAWPS) Facility
  • Low Level Radioactive Materials Storage Facility (LLRWSF)

Radioactive waste resin and/or sludge discharges processes:

  • High Integrity Container Receipt, Handling, Use, and Closure
  • Self-Engaging Rapid Dewatering Systems (SERDS) Operation

Shipment Preparation (IP Section 02.04) (1 Sample)

The inspectors were not able to evaluate and observe radioactive material shipment preparation processes as no shipments were in process. However, the inspectors reviewed several shipment packages that included surveys, pictures, and assessments in preparation for shipment.

Shipping Records (IP Section 02.05) (1 Sample)

The inspectors evaluated the following non-excepted package shipment records:

  • 17-SH-036
  • 17-SH-068
  • 18-RW-026
  • 18-RW-028
  • 18-RW-034
  • 18-SH-018
  • 18-SH-062 Waste Characterization and Classification (IP Section 02.03) (1 Sample)

The inspectors evaluated the radioactive waste characterization and classification for the following waste streams:

  • Dry Active Waste streams for Unit 1 (Sample ID: 1-17-042),

Unit 2 (Sample ID: 2-17-014), and Unit 3 (Sample ID: 3-18-040)

  • Filter analysis associated with shipping packages 18-RW-026 and 18-RW-028
  • Unit 2 waste oil analysis (Sample ID: 2-18-037)
  • Resin analysis associated with shipping package 18-SH-062


===71151 - Performance Indicator Verification The inspectors verified licensee performance indicators submittals listed below:

IE01: Unplanned Scrams per 7000 Critical Hours Sample (IP Section 02.01) ===

Units 1, 2, and 3, January 1, 2018-December 31, 2018 IE03: Unplanned Power Changes per 7000 Critical Hours Sample (IP Section 02.02)

(3 Samples)

Units 1, 2, and 3, January 1, 2018-December 31, 2018 IE04: Unplanned Scrams with Complications (USwC) Sample (IP Section 02.03)

(3 Samples)

Units 1, 2, and 3, January 1, 2018-December 31, 2018 MS05: Safety System Functional Failures (SSFFs) Sample (IP Section 02.04) (3 Samples)

Units 1, 2, and 3, January 1, 2018-December 31, 2018

Drill/Exercise Performance (IP Section 02.12) (1 Sample)

The inspector reviewed data for the Drill/Exercise Performance indicator for the period January 1, 2018, through December 31, 2018.

ERO Drill Participation (IP Section 02.13) (1 Sample)

The inspector reviewed data for the ERO Participation Performance indicator for the period January 1, 2018, through December 31, 2018.

Alert & Notification System Reliability (IP Section 02.14) (1 Sample)

The inspector reviewed data for the Alert and Notification Performance indicator for the period January 1, 2018, through December 31, 2018.

71152 - Problem Identification and Resolution Annual Follow-up of Selected Issues (IP Section 02.03)

The inspectors reviewed the licensees implementation of its corrective action program related to the following issues:

(1) Units 1 and 3 control element drive mechanism control system power switch assembly failures
(2) Unit 1 balance of plant engineered safety features actuation system train A troubleshooting, and replacement of the train A engineered safety features load sequencer module


- TEMPORARY INSTRUCTIONS, INFREQUENT AND ABNORMAL 60854 - Preoperational Testing of an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Inspection (ISFSI)

An ISFSI inspection was conducted at PVNGS on March 19-21, 2019, by inspectors from Region I, Division of Nuclear Materials Safety. The PVNGS ISFSI was licensed as a general 10 CFR Part 72 licensee. The licensee had been utilizing the NAC, Universal Multi-Purpose Canister system (UMS), approved under Certificate of Compliance (CoC) 72-1015, Amendment 5, and NAC UMS Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), Revision 11, to load and store spent fuel at their ISFSI. At the time of the on-site inspection, PVNGSs ISFSI pad contained 152 NAC ventilated concrete casks (VCCs), each containing the steel Transportable Storage Container (TSC) with a capacity for 24 pressurized water reactor (PWR) spent fuel assemblies. The last routine ISFSI inspection was performed in March 2017 (ADAMS Accession No. ML17130B002).

Under the provisions of 10 CFR 72.210 and 10 CFR 72.212, PVGNS has decided to adopt and utilize a different storage system to store spent fuel casks at their ISFSI. The licensee has elected to utilize the NAC, Magnastor System under CoC 72-1031, Amendment 7, and FSAR Revision 10. The Magnastor TSC has the capacity to store 37 PWR spent fuel assemblies in each VCC.

The purpose of the inspection was to observe and evaluate the licensees pre-operational testing and training exercises required to be performed by a general licensee prior to use of the system to load spent fuel assemblies. The NAC Magnastor CoC 72-1031, Appendix A, Technical Specification (TS) 5.8 contains a list of loading, closure, handling, unloading, and transfer operations that are required to be performed. During the inspection the NRC inspectors observed PVNGS perform the following demonstrations from TS 5.8 (c): closing and sealing of the TSC to demonstrate welding; weld inspection and documentation; and leak testing. PVNGS still has a number of demonstrations that are required to be completed before the licensee can utilize the Magnastor system. Those demonstrations are projected to be performed in the summer of 2019.

The ISFSI activities specifically reviewed during the on-site inspection:

(1) Evaluated and observed dry run operations which included welding, weld inspection and documentation, and leak testing in accordance with TS 5.8 (c).
(2) Reviewed welder qualification program, welder performance qualifications, welding procedure specifications, and welding procedure qualification records.
(3) Reviewed NDE program procedure, NDE personnel certification records, the qualification program for visual test and liquid penetrant exams, liquid penetrant procedure, visual testing procedure, and helium leak testing procedure.
(4) Review Certified Material Test reports for liquid penetrant chemicals and welder filler metals.
(5) Evaluated and observed licensees radiation protection implementation during the dry run observations.
(6) Evaluated and observed licensees implementation of foreign material exclusion program during welding demonstrations.

The inspectors did not identify any issues of concern requiring documentation.


No findings were identified.


On February 8, 2019, the inspector presented the baseline radiation safety inspection results to Mr. J. Cadogan, Senior Vice President of Site Operations, and other members of the licensee staff. The inspectors verified no proprietary information was retained or documented in this report.

On March 21, 2019, the inspectors presented the results from the ISFSI pre-operational welding demonstration inspection to Ms. Maria Lacal, Senior Vice President of Regulatory Oversight, and other members of the licensee staff. Licensee personnel acknowledged the information presented. The inspectors confirmed that proprietary information was controlled to protect from public disclosure.

On April 12, 2019, the inspector presented the quarterly resident inspector inspection results to Mr. Jack Cadogan, Senior Vice President, Site Operations, and other members of the licensee staff. The inspectors confirmed that proprietary information was controlled to protect from public disclosure.


71111.01Adverse Weather Protection


Number Title Revision

40OP-9ZZ19 Hot Weather Protection 7

40OP-9HS01 Site Building HVAC 16


Number Title Revision

13-MC-SP-0307 SP/EW System Thermal Performance Design Bases 9


71111.04Equipment Alignment

Condition Reports


Work Orders

2711244 2781196


Number Title Revision

40OP-9DG01 Emergency Diesel Generator A 79

40ST-9SI13 Train A LPSI and CS System Alignment Verification 36


Number Title Revision

13-M-DGP-0001 P & I Diagram Diesel Generator System 61

71111.05AQFire Protection Annual/Quarterly

Miscellaneous Documents Revision

Number Title or Date

PVNGS Updated FSAR 19

PVGS Pre-Fire Strategies Manual 26

13-MC-ZA-0808 MSSS Flooding At Elevation 81 6

Fire Protection Database Detailed Report 05/09/1998

PVNGS Safety Evaluation Report

71111.06Flood Protection Measures

Condition Reports

19-02890 19-02658 19-02418 19-02625


Number Title Revision

40DP-9OPA3 Auxiliary Building Station Rounds 84

40AL-9RK2B Panel B02B Alarm Response 59

40OP-9RD01 Radwaste Facility Sumps and Drains 19


Number Title Revision

01-M-RDP-002 Radioactive Waste Drain System 14

2-M-RDP-002 Radioactive Waste Drain System 18

03-M-RDP-002 Radioactive Waste Drain System 13

Miscellaneous Documents Revision

Number Title or Date

PVNGS Updated FSAR 19

Pre-Fire Strategies Manual 26

13-MC-ZA-0808 MSSS Flooding at Elevation 81 6

PO EDC-2019- Revise Calculation 13-MC-ZA-0808 03/01/2019


71111.11Licensed Operator Requalification Program and Licensed Operator Performance


Number Title Revision

40DP-9OP02 Conduct of Operations 72

01DP-0AP57 Management of Critical Evolutions and Infrequently 2

Performed Test or Evolutions

Miscellaneous Documents

Number Title Date

Licensed Operator Continuing Training Simulator 02/05/2019

Evaluation Scenario

71111.12Maintenance Effectiveness

Condition Reports

18-16615 18-02240 18-01811 19-02330 19-02133

18-10880 18-10879 19-02364

Work Orders

4441828 4441462

Miscellaneous Documents

Number Title Date

19-02330-006 Engineering Evaluation 02/21/2019

Palo Verde Maintenance Rule Database

71111.13Maintenance Risk Assessments and Emergent Work Control

Condition Reports



Number Title Revision

40DP-9RS01 Operations Department Online Nuclear Risk 4

Management in Modes 1 and 2

70DP-0RA05 Assessment and Management of Risk When Performing 23


40DP-9AP21 Protected Equipment 7

Miscellaneous Documents

Number Title Date

EOOS 4.1 Schedulers Evaluation for Palo Verde Unit 1 02/21/2019 09:41

EOOS 4.1 Schedulers Evaluation for Palo Verde Unit 3 03/05/2019

71111.15Operability Determinations and Functionality Assessments

Condition Reports

18-16665 17-04204 18-18476 19-02567 19-02330

19-01290 18-17794 19-01962 19-01941 14-00853

19-04380 19-04382

Work Orders



Number Title Revision

40DP-9OP26 Operations Condition Reporting Process and Operability 46

Determination / Functionality Assessment

73DP-0EE05 Engineering Preventive Maintenance Program 0


Number Title Revision

40OP-9SV01 Loose Parts and Vibration Monitoring 14

73TI-9ZZ35 Ultrasonic Examination of Reactor Coolant Pump Shafts 7

31MT-9RC23 Reactor Coolant Pump Sulzer Bingham Seal 38


40TI-9SF01 Pressurizer Level Control System Tuning 0

Miscellaneous Documents Revision

Number Title or Date

18-17794-004 Level 2 Cause Analysis Report 0

TR-100491 EPRI: UPS Maintenance and Application Guide

Design Basis Manual: Safety Injection System 38

CRAI 3245187 Evaluation of the Class-1E and PK Inverters and

Associated Subcomponents

CRDR 3300933 10 Year SCR Replacement for PN and PK Inverters

RCTSAI 4524360 RCP Vibration Monitoring 04/17/2014

RCTSAI 4524358 RCP Shaft Ultrasonic Inspection Following Seal 04/17/2014


RCTS 4524352 RCP Vibration Monitoring and Shaft UT Inspections 04/18/2014

PVAR 4524366 Actions for License Amendments 84, 72, and 56 04/17/2014

71111.18Plant Modifications

Condition Reports

16-19472 19-02927 14-00965 18-04376

Work Orders

3094267 4805058

Miscellaneous Documents

Number Title Revision

S-19-0005 10 CFR 50.59 Screening/Evaluation 0

18-04376-004 Design Equivalent Change Package: TMOD SBOG#! 0

Lube Oil High Pressure Alarm Set point Schedule


71111.19Post Maintenance Testing

Condition Reports

16-03732 19-03482 19-04033

Work Orders

5103635 4945749 4498502 4507037 4752532 5055992 5076980

4960255 5085998


Number Title Revision

40OP-9DG01 Emergency Diesel Generator A 79

40OP-9DF01 Diesel Fuel Oil Storage and Transfer 43

73ST-9DF01 Diesel Fuel Oil Transfer Pumps - Inservice Test 28

40OP-9SF01 Control Element Drive Mechanism Control System 30

(CEDMCS) Operation

71111.22Surveillance Testing

Work Orders

4802907 4936283 4937964 4940893


Number Title Revision

36ST-9SA02 ESFAS Train B Subgroup Relay Functional Test 47

40ST-9DG01 Diesel Generator A Test 50

73ST-9DG07 Class 1E Diesel Generator Load Rejection 24 Hour 10

Rated Load And Hot Start Test Train A

77ST-9SB19 CPCS Channel C Functional Test 12

73ST-9EW01 Essential Cooling Water Pumps - Inservice Test 33

71114.06Drill Evaluation

Miscellaneous Documents

Number Title Date

1901 Dress Rehearsal Controller Guide

TSC - Position Log 02/05/2019

Significant Events Log 02/05/2019

Form EP-0541 Palo Verde NAN Emergency Message Form

71124.05Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation


Number Title Revision

74DP-9CY08 Radiological Monitoring Program 25


Number Title Revision

74ST-9SQ23 Radiation Monitoring Calibration Test for New Scope Area 18


74ST-9SQ33 Radiation Monitoring Calibration Test for Main Steam Line 1


75RP-9EQ04 Calibration of the Eberline PNR-4 Neutron Dose Rate 9


75RP-9EQ13 Canberra Whole Body Counting System Calibration 5

75RP-9EQ31 Calibration, Response Check and Operation of the SAM-12 4

Small Article Monitor

75RP-9EQ47 Calibration of the Eberline Model HP Series Frisker Probes 1

75RP-9EQ66 Calibration of the Thermo Scientific Model RO-20 1

Ion Chamber Survey Meter

75RP-9ME05 Scaler Counting Systems Performance Checks 20

Audits and Self-Assessments

Number Title Date

2Q 2017 Integrated Performance Assessment Report: 09/14/2017

Radiation Protection Department

2018-001 Audit Plan and Report: Chemistry 04/06/2018

218-04312 2017 Annual Radiation Protection Program Summary Report 07/11/2018

2018-007 Audit Plan and Report: Radiation Safety 12/14/2018

Condition Reports

17-01400 17-02247 17-08311 17-11014 17-13020

17-13492 17-15582 17-17353 18-02590 18-09583

Portable Instrumentation Calibration Data Sheet

Number Title Date

4380 PNR-4/NRD-1 Calibration Data Sheet 07/10/2018

8143 RO-20 Meter Data Sheet 09/07/2018

2708085 DRM 1/2 Calibration Data Sheet 10/01/2018

2914/12818 AMS-4 Calibration Data Sheet 10/09/2018

RAS-1 Air Sampler Calibration Data Sheet 10/19/2018

1182 RM-20 Count Rate Meter Data Sheet 01/04/2019

2927 FH 40 GL Internal Detector Calibration Data Sheet 01/15/2019

Portable Instrumentation Calibration Data Sheet

Number Title Date

11499 FHZ 612 Teleprobe Detector Calibration Data Sheet 01/24/2019

Stationary Radiation Instrument Calibration Records

Number Title Date

668 Small Article Monitor Calibration Data Sheet 09/18/2018

FastScan2 Calibration Verification Data Sheet 01/16/2019

364 BC-4 Instrument Calibration Data Sheet 01/22/2019

2983 3030P Calibration Data Sheet 01/23/2019

24 CM-11 Calibration Data Sheet 01/24/2019

213 PM-12 Calibration Cover Sheet 01/31/2019

2020 iPCM-12 Calibration Cover Sheet 02/05/2019

Calibration Source Records

Number Title Date

N997-0358 Kaman Report of Calibration Model KDA-HR High Range 01/23/1980

Area Monitor Ion Chamber Detector

8143 Shepherd Model 89 Verification Sheet 10/14/2018

940521 CDM-21 Calibrator Verification Report 10/24/2018

Work Order Records

Number Title Date

4980211 74ST9SQ343 Radiation Monitoring Calibration Test for 03/08/2018

Waste Gas Decay Tank RMC Monitor (Unit 3) RU-12

4867547 74ST9SQ333 Radiation Monitoring Calibration Test for Main 04/23/2018

Steam Line Monitors. (Unit 3) (RU-139/140)

4889856 "B" CTMT Build Refueling Purge Exhaust Monitor (Unit 1 07/25/2018


4898443 Personnel IARM A-Side (Unit 1 RU-155D) 08/28/2018

4948127 "A" Essential Cooling Water Radiation Monitor (Unit 3 RU-02) 09/13/2018

4911530 74ST9SQ232 Radiation Monitoring Calibration Test for 10/23/2018

Baseline Area Monitors (Unit 2 RU-148-151)

Miscellaneous Documents

Number Title Date

LS-6500 (U1, U2, & U3) QC: Observed Source Response - dpm 2018

U1 MCA Detectors 1, 2, & 3 QC: 88 and 1332 keV Activity and 1332 keV FWHM 2018

Miscellaneous Documents

Number Title Date

U2 MCA Detectors 1, 2, & 3 QC: 88 and 1332 keV Activity and 1332 keV FWHM 2018

U3 MCA Detectors 1, 2, & 3 QC: 88 and 1332 keV Activity and 1332 keV FWHM 2018

237-03041-CAS 2nd Quarter 2018 Chemistry Hot Cross Checks 07/27/2018

237-03046-CAS 4th Quarter 2018 Chemistry Hot Cross Checks 01/22/2019

71124.06Radioactive Gaseous and Liquid Effluent Treatment


Number Title Revision

74AL-9SQ01 Radiation Monitoring Systems Alarm Validation and Response 001

74RM-9EF20 Gaseous Radioactive Release Permits and Offsite Dose 018


74RM-9EF23 Secondary System Liquid Discharge 016

74RM-9EF40 Radiation Monitoring System Operations 012

74RM-9EF41 Radiation Monitoring System Alarm Response 023

74RM-9EF42 Radiation Monitor Alarm Setpoint Determination 033

74RM-9EF43 Actions for Non-Functional Radiation Monitors: Preplanned 017

Alternate Sampling Program

74RM-9EF60 RMS Sample Collection 032

74RM-9EF63 RU-143 Sample Operations 001

74RM-9EF65 RU-145 Sample Operations 000

74RM-9EF80 RMS/Effluent Action Documentation 006

75RM-9EF01 Determination of Primary-to-Secondary Leak Rate 000

Audits and Self-Assessments

Number Title Date

17-11047-003 Radiological Monitoring Program 09/07/2017

2018-001 Nuclear Assurance Department (NAD): Chemistry 04/06/2018

2018-04312 2017 Annual Radiation Protection Program Summary 07/11/2018


2018-007 Nuclear Assurance Department (NAD): Radiation Safety 12/14/2018

Condition Reports

16-02244 17-0299 17-01573 17-01926 17-05289

17-07961 17-11047 17-11559 17-13603 17-17884

18-02621 18-04140 18-04530 18-06915 18-08466

18-09004 18-11148 18-12193 18-13299 18-14265

18-14342 18-17591 19-00212 19-01531

Effluent Monitor Calibration Records

Number Title Date

STWO 04715454 RU-145 Unit 2 Fuel Building B Vent Exhaust Monitor Low 02/22/2017

STWO 04736183 RU-143 Unit 3 Plant Vent Monitor Low 04/22/2017

STWO 04760261 RU-146 Unit 3 Fuel Building B Vent Exhaust Monitor High 05/10/2017


STWO 04863095 RU-144 Unit 1 Plant Vent Monitor High 09/15/2017

STWO 04980503 RU-12 Unit 1 Waste Gas Decay Tank Monitor 03/19/2018

STWO 04904815 RU-143 Unit 2 Plant Vent Monitor Low 09/20/2018

Air Cleaning System Surveillance Test Records

Number Title Date

STWO 4777407 Unit 1 Containment Building Purge Air Filtration Unit 09/06/2017

STWO 4813386 Unit 2 Fuel and Aux Building Essential Air Filtration Unit 12/21/2017

STWO 4836778 Unit 1 Fuel and Aux Building Essential Air Filtration Unit 02/09/2018

STWO 4866355 Unit 3 Fuel and Aux Building Essential Air Filtration Unit 05/29/2018

Gaseous Discharge Permits

Number Title Date

20172058 Unit 2 Refueling Purge 05/02/2017

20182030 Unit 2 Plant Vent 03/15/2018

20182103 Unit 2 Fuel Building Vent 09/11/2018

20181142 Unit 1 Plant Vent 11/08/2018

20181145 Unit 1 Fuel Building Vent 11/20/2018

20191015 Unit 1 Fuel Building Vent 01/29/2019

20192013 Unit 2 Plant Vent 01/31/2019

20192015 Unit 2 Fuel Building Vent 02/05/2019

Counting Detector Calibrations

Number Title Date

GMAR4L HpGE Geometry - Unit 3 4500 cc gas Marinelli beaker 01/14/2016

PFIL1 HpGE Geometry - Unit 1 Particulate filer on shelf 1 07/20/2016

CCART1 HpGE Geometry - Unit 1 F&J cartridge on shelf 1 07/22/2016

CP1001 HpGE Geometry - Unit 2 CP100 charcoal face down shelf 1 11/21/2017

GMAR1L HpGE Geometry - Unit 1 Gas 1L Marinelli beaker on detector face 12/08/2017

GVIAL1 HpGE Geometry - Unit 2 9.2 cc gas vial shelf 1 12/14/2017

Miscellaneous Documents

Number Title Date

Palo Verde Generating Station Daily Status Report 02/5-8/2019

Miscellaneous Documents

Number Title Date

Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) Palo Verde 03/24/2016

Nuclear Generating Station Units 1, 2, and 3

RCTSAI 1566 2016 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report 04/15/2017

2-17-014 Waste Stream Report: Unit 2 Dry Active Waste 04//18/2017

1-17-042 Waste Stream Report: Unit 1 Dry Active Waste 10/28/2017

3-18-040 Waste Stream Report: Unit 3 Dry Active Waste 04/15/2018

RCTSAI 1566 2017 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report 04/25/2018

71124.07Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program


Number Title Revision

74RM-0EN02 Radiological Environmental Air Sampling 21

74RM-0EN03 Radiological Environmental Sampling 33

74RM-0EN05 Environmental TLD Exchange/Reporting 15

74RM-0EN07 Land Use Census 14

Audits and Self-Assessments

Number Title Date

Integrated Performance Assessment Report - Radiation 06/22/2017

Protection Department Quarter #1

Integrated Performance Assessment Report - Radiation 09/14/2017

Protection Department Quarter #2

Integrated Performance Assessment Report - Radiation 12/19/2017

Protection Department Quarter #3

Integrated Performance Assessment Report - Radiation 03/09/2018

Protection Department Quarter #4

218-04312 Annual Radiation Protection Program Summary Report 07/11/2018

Integrated Performance Assessment Report - Radiation 08/15/2018

Protection 1st Half 2018

SWMS Groundwater Protection Initiative NEW 07-07 12/06/2018

No. 15-04023-003

2018-007 Nuclear Assurance Department (NAD) Audit Plan and 12/14/2018

Report - Radiation Safety

Condition Reports

17-00760 17-01085 17-01203 17-01859 17-03281

17-03798 17-04052 17-04054 17-04212 17-04747

17-06259 17-07102 17-07269 17-08535 17-10101

17-10463 17-10476 17-10693 17-15048 17-17823

Condition Reports

17-18260 18-00109 18-00633 18-01069 18-01383

18-01500 18-01583 18-03310 18-04530 18-06018

18-10111 18-10649 18-10739 18-11127 18-11210

18-12934 18-14265 18-15019

Groundwater Protection Documents Revision

Number Title or Date

75DP-9AP01 Ground Water Protection Program 0

SWMS No. Groundwater Protection Initiative NEI 07-07 12/06/2018


Meteorological Calibration Records

Number Title Date

WO 4905809 Met System Redundant Cab 12/12/2017

WO 4905809 Met System Primary Cab A 11/06/2017

WO 4988254 Met System Calibration (Primary System) 10/10/2018

WO 4988280 Met System Calibration (Redundant System) 10/10/2018

Miscellaneous Documents

Number Title Date

2016 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 04/14/2017

2017 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report 04/10/2018

71124.08Radioactive Solid Waste Processing, and Radioactive Material Handling, Storage,

and Transportation


Number Title Revision

75RP-9RP15 Control and Storage of Radioactive Material and Radioactive 30


76DP-0AP12 Low Level Radioactive Material Storage Facility Overview 3

76-DP-0RP01 Radioactive Waste Management Program Overview 7

76-DP-0RP03 Radwaste Process Control Program 9

76-RP-0RW03 Waste Stream Sampling and Database Maintenance 2

76-RP-0RW05 Packaging and Classification of Radioactive Waste 6

76-RP-0RW06 Packaging of Radioactive Material 5

76-RP-0RW07 Shipping Radioactive Materials 16

76-RP-0RW08 High Integrity Container Receipt, Handling, Use, and Closure 4

76-RP-0RW09 Transfer, Storage and Processing of Radioactive Filters 8


Number Title Revision

76-RP-0RW10 Handling and Storage of Radioactively Contaminated 3

Chemical Waste and Mixed Waste

76-RP-0RW82 Self-Engaging Rapid Dewatering System (SERDS) 4


91-DP-0EN50-02 Waste Stream Characterization Administrative Guideline 0

Audits and Self-Assessments

Number Title Date

202 NUPIC Audit: WMG, Inc. 03/18/2016

24365 NUPIC Audit: Energy Solutions 12/04/2017

2017-002 NAD Audit: Procurement and Material Control 05/05/2017

2018-007 NAD Audit: Radiation Safety 12/14/2018

2-03734 January 2018 Offsite Safety Review Committee Meeting 18-001, 01/26/2018

Operations, Chemistry and Radiation Protection Subcommittee


Shipping Packages

17-RW-004 17-SH-036 17-SH-055 17-SH-068 18-RW-009

18-RW-020 18-RW-022 18-RW-026 18-RW-028 18-RW-034

18-SH-018 18-SH-062

Condition Reports

17-02737 17-04797 17-12153 17-13693 17-17333

17-18114 18-00790 18-03801 18-07057


Survey Number Title Date

0-M-20190110-1 DAWPS Processing Area Monthly Survey 01/10/2019

0-M-20190110-3 LLRMSF Monthly Survey 01/10/2019

0-M-20190102-2 DAWPS Monthly Yard Survey 01/10/2019

0-M-20190123-1 DAWPS Storage Area Monthly Routine Survey 01/23/2019

Sample Analyses

Type Sample ID Date

Unit 1 DAW 1-17-042 12/28/2018

Unit 2 DAW 2-17-014 12/28/2018

Unit 3 DAW 3-18-040 12/28/2018

Unit 2 Oil 2-18-037 09/01/2017

Miscellaneous Documents

Number Title Date

NBA11C000113 Radiation Protection Technician Training 08/14/2018

Program: Packaging Radioactive Material

NBA19C000109 Radiation Protection Technician Training 07/31/2015

Program: Shipping Radioactive Material

2016 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report 04/15/2017

2017 Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report 04/15/2018

Employee Training Records: Shipping Radioactive 03/31/2017 and

Material 08/11/2017

Waste Control Specialist Generator Certification 11/03/2017 and

Approval Letter 09/07/2018

71151Performance Indicator Verification

Miscellaneous Documents

Number Title Revision

NEI 99-02 Regulatory Performance Indicator Document 7

71152Problem Identification and Resolution

Condition Reports

19-00802 18-18324 18-19112 18-15793 18-18212

19-02376 19-02956 19-03063

Work Orders

4481512 5101889


Number Title Revision

36ST-9SA05 FBEVAS, CREFAS, and CRVIAS 18 month Functional 24


40OP-9SA01 BOP ESFAS Modules Operation 32

40OP-9SA02 De-Energization of BOP ESFAS 25

40AL-9RK5A Panel B05A Alarm Response 2

40DP-9OP06 Operations Department Repetitive Task Program 130


Number Title Revision

01-E-SAB-004 Elementary Diagram ESF Actuation System BOP- 1

ESFAS Intertying Circuits Train A & Train B

Miscellaneous Documents

Number Title Revision

PVNGS Updated FSAR 19

4OA5Other Activities (IP 60854)

Condition Reports



Number Title Revision

GQP 9.0 PCI Training, Qualification, Examination, and 20

Certification of NDE Personnel

GQP 9.1 PCI Training, Qualification, Examination, and 6

Certification of Inspection and Testing Personnel

GQP 9.2 PCI High Temperature Liquid Penetrant Examination 10

and Acceptance Standards for Welds

GQP 9.7 PCI Liquid Penetrant Examination and Acceptance 19

Standards for Welds (40 - 125 degrees F)

GQP 9.6 PCI Visual Examination of Welds 18

75DC-9SF02 Radiation Protection for Magnastor 0

PI-CNSTR-OP-PV- Closure Welding of Magnastor Canisters for PV 1


30DP-9MP23 Foreign Material Exclusion Controls 6

MSLT-PCI-PV Helium Mass Spectrometer Leak Test Procedure 4108-0

Design Basis Documents

Number Title Revision

ISFSI FSAR NAC Magnastor Final Safety Analysis Report 10

CoC 1031 CoC and Technical Specifications for Magnastor Amendment 7


Miscellaneous Documents Revision

Number Title or Date

Q-16A Leak Test Specialist NDE LT Level III Personnel 09/19/2018


SAP #27044 PCI NDE VT/PT Level II Personnel Certificate 01/15/2019

CMTRs Spotcheck Penetrant, SKL-SP2 Spotcheck Developer Various dates

SKD-S2, SKC-S, and Sherwin Certification for D-100, D-

350, KO-17, KO-19 Liquid Penetrant Materials

Certificate of #915501-02 Various Welding Shims and Wire Various dates


Miscellaneous Documents Revision

Number Title or Date

MC-GTAW PCI Welding Procedure Specification Machine Gas 16

Tungsten Arc Welding

PQR-62 PCI Procedure Qualification Record for WPS 8 3

PQE-63 PCI Procedure Qualification Record for Manual GTAW 6

PQR-600 PCI Procedure Qualification Record for Machine GTAW 8

PQR-899 PCI Procedure Qualification Record for Machine 8 4


The following items are requested for the

Public Radiation Safety Inspection

at Palo Verde

Dates of Inspection: 02/04/2019 to 02/08/2019

Integrated Report 2019001

Inspection areas are listed in the attachments below.

Please provide the requested information on or before Monday, January 21, 2019.

Please submit this information using the same lettering system as below. For example, all

contacts and phone numbers for Inspection Procedure 71124.05 should be in a file/folder titled

5-A, applicable organization charts in file/folder 5-B, etc.

The information should be provided in electronic format or a secure document management

service. If information is placed on a secured document management system, please ensure

the inspection exit date entered is at least 30 days later than the onsite inspection dates, so the

inspectors will have access to the information while writing the report.

In addition to the corrective action document lists provided for each inspection procedure listed

below, please provide updated lists of corrective action documents at the entrance meeting.

The dates for these lists should range from the end dates of the original lists to the day of the

entrance meeting.

If more than one inspection procedure is to be conducted and the information requests appear

to be redundant, there is no need to provide duplicate copies. Enter a note explaining in which

file the information can be found.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Natasha Greene at 817-200-1154 or via

e-mail at


This letter does not contain new or amended information collection requirements subject

to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). Existing information

collection requirements were approved by the Office of Management and Budget,

control number 3150-0011.

5. Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation (71124.05)

Date of Last Inspection: January 23, 2017

A. List of contacts and telephone numbers for the following areas below. Please include

area code and prefix. If work cell numbers are appropriate, then please include them as


1. Process monitor calibration (Include Chemistry, Systems Engineering and I&C, as


2. Radiation protection instrument calibration (Portable and Stationary)

3. Installed instrument calibrations (Include Systems Engineering and I&C)

4. Count room and Laboratory instrument calibrations (Include RP and Chemistry, as


5. EP contacts for Equipment Important to Emergency Response/Preparedness


6. Licensing/Regulatory Affairs

B. Applicable organization charts, including position or job titles. Please include as

appropriate for your site, Site Management, RP, Chemistry, Maintenance (I&C),

Engineering, and Emergency Protection. (Recent pictures are appreciated.)

C. Copies of audits, self-assessments, vendor or NUPIC audits for contractor support,

LARs, and LERs, performed since the date of the last inspection, related to:

1. Portable Radiation instruments: Area radiation monitors, portable continuous air

monitors (AMS3/4), portable survey instruments (count rate, dose rate, occupational

air sampling), electronic dosimeters, teledosimetry

2. Stationary Radiation Instruments: Portal monitors, small article monitors, personnel

contamination monitors, or whole body counters

3. Installed Radiation Instruments: Area radiation monitors (RMS), process monitors

(non-effluent), criticality monitors, accident monitors

4. Count Room instrumentation (Chemistry and RP, if separate RP Ops and Effluents):

Gamma Spec, LSC, Gross Alpha, Gross Beta, including bench-top counters

D. Procedure indexes for radiation protection procedures and other related disciplines.

1. Calibration, use, and operation of continuous air monitors, portable survey

instruments, temporary area radiation monitors, electronic dosimeters, teledosimetry

2. Calibration use and operation of portal monitors, small article monitors, personnel

contamination monitors, and whole body counters

3. Calibration of installed area radiation monitors, process monitors, criticality monitors,

and accident monitors

4. Calibration use and operation of Count Room instrumentation (GS, LSC, GA, GB)

(include bench top counters here)

NOTE: Please ensure that RP, Chemistry, and I&C procedures are included, as


E. Please provide specific procedures related to the following areas noted below.

Additional procedures may be requested by number after the inspector reviews the

procedure index.

1. Calibration of portable ion chambers

2. Calibration of Friskers

3. Calibration of telescoping high range instruments

4. Calibration of portable neutron instruments

5. Calibration of SAMs

6. Whole body counter calibration

7. Laboratory instrumentation quality control

8. Calibration of Containment/Drywell high range radiation monitor

F. Please provide a list of NRC Regulatory Guides and NUREGs that you are currently

committed to relative to this program. Please include the revision and/or date for the

commitment and where this may be located in your current licensing basis documents.

G. Please provide a summary list of corrective action documents (including corporate and

sub-tiered systems) written since the date of the last inspection, related to the following


1. Area radiation monitors, continuous air monitors, portable survey instruments,

electronic dosimeters, and teledosimetry

2. Portal monitors, small article monitors, personnel contamination monitors, and whole

body counters

3. Installed radiation monitors, criticality monitors, accident range monitors

4. Count room radiation instruments

NOTE: These lists should include a description of the condition that provides

sufficient detail that the inspectors can ascertain the regulatory impact, the

significance level assigned to the condition, the status of the action (e.g., open,

working, closed, etc.) and the search criteria used. Please provide in document

formats which are sortable and searchable so that inspectors can quickly and

efficiently determine appropriate sampling and perform word searches, as

needed. (Excel spreadsheets are the preferred format.) If codes are used,

please provide a legend for each column where a code is used.

H. State the required calibration frequency and provide the most recent calibration data for

the whole body counters, at least one portable survey instrument, one area radiation

monitor, one air sampler, one continuous air monitor, and one drywell/containment high-

range monitor.

I. Provide a list of any scheduled calibrations, while we are onsite, for the instrumentation

noted in request above, in 5-I.

J. Provide the alarm set point values for the portal and personnel contamination monitors in


K. Radiation Monitoring System health report for the previous 12 months

L. Provide the following lists of instruments to include make, model, identifier (S/N or plant

ID), and location:

1. Portable radiation instruments currently in use (for EADs just make, model, and


2. Stationary radiation instruments currently in use.

3. Installed Radiation monitors

a. Area radiation monitors and

b. Process radiation monitors.

(Include their instrumentation designator, function and calibration procedure

number and title.) Please indicate which, if any, detectors have been

replaced within the past 2 years (since the last inspection).

c. Radiation instrumentation abandoned in place.

d. Radiation instrumentation covered by the maintenance rule.

M. Provide a list of sources used routinely for source check of portable, stationary, and

installed radiation monitoring instruments.

N. Provide the NIST traceability and calibration or verification of the primary sources for

instrument calibration and the procedures used to achieve this.

6. Radioactive Gaseous and Liquid Effluent Treatment (71124.06)

Date of Last Inspection: January 23, 2017

A. List of contacts and telephone numbers for the following areas. Please include area

code and prefix. If work cell numbers are appropriate, then please include them as well.

1. Radiological effluent control (liquid & gaseous) and reporting

(RP, Chemistry, RW, Ops, etc.)

2. Effluent Monitor calibration (liquid and gaseous) and maintenance

(RP, Chemistry, I&C, Maintenance, Systems Engineering, EP, etc.)

3. Engineered safety feature air cleaning systems for effluent release

(Systems Engineering, I&C, Maintenance, etc.)

4. Licensing/Regulatory Affairs

B. Applicable organization charts including position or job titles for the above individuals

and also for their supportive Management. Please include as appropriate for your site,

Site Management, RP, Chemistry, Maintenance (I&C), Engineering, and Emergency

Protection. (Recent pictures are appreciated.)

C. Copies of audits, self-assessments, vendor or NUPIC audits of contractor support, and

LERs written since the date of the last inspection, related to:

1. Radioactive effluents and effluent radiation monitors

2. Engineered Safety Feature Air cleaning systems

D. Procedure indexes for the following areas and related disciplines.

1. Radioactive effluents and effluent radiation monitors (to include the flow monitors)

2. Engineered Safety Feature Air cleaning systems (both TS and non-TS systems for


E. Please provide specific procedures related to the following areas noted below.

Additional procedures may be requested by number after the inspector reviews the

procedure indexes.

1. Sampling and analysis of radioactive effluents

2. Effluent monitor setpoint determination

3. Generating radioactive effluent release permits

4. Effluent Monitor Calibrations (Include associated flow monitors)

5. Laboratory instrumentation quality control

6. In-place testing of HEPA filters and charcoal adsorbers for TS effluent exhaust

systems and other effluent air-cleaning systems, but not breathing air systems

F. Please provide a list of NRC Regulatory Guides and NUREGs that you are currently

committed to relative to this program. Please include the revision and/or date for the

commitment and where this may be located in your current licensing basis documents.

G. Please provide a summary list of corrective action documents (including corporate and

sub-tiered systems) written since the date of the last inspection, associated with:

1. Radioactive effluents

2. Effluent radiation monitors (include associated effluent flow monitors)

3. Engineered Safety Feature Air cleaning systems (effluents, not breathing air)

NOTE: These lists should include a description of the condition that provides

sufficient detail that the inspectors can ascertain the regulatory impact, the

significance level assigned to the condition, the status of the action (e.g., open,

working, closed, etc.) and the search criteria used. Please provide in document

formats which are sortable and searchable so that inspectors can quickly and

efficiently determine appropriate sampling and perform word searches, as

needed. (Excel spreadsheets are the preferred format.) If codes are used,

please provide a legend for each column where a code is used.

H. Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Reports for the latest two calendar years

I. Current revision of the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (or other name, but include all

parts for effluents) and any changes made since the last inspection.

J. The inter-laboratory comparison results for laboratory quality control performance of

effluent sample analysis for the latest two calendar years

K. Effluent sampling schedule for the week of the inspection

L. Provide the last three annual trends of vent/stack effluent flow rates, by chart or table.

M. Operations department (or other responsible dept.) log records for effluent monitors

removed from service or out of service or a list of the same and compensatory actions

taken during the out of service condition.

N. Listing or log of liquid and gaseous release permits since the date of the last inspection

O. A list of the technical specification-required air cleaning systems with the two most

recent surveillance test dates of in-place filter testing (of HEPA filters and charcoal

adsorbers) and laboratory testing (of charcoal efficiency) and the work order numbers

associated with the surveillances (and their system number/name).

P. System Health Report for radiation monitoring instrumentation. Also, please provide a

specific list of all effluent radiation monitors that were considered inoperable for 7 days

or more since the date of the last inspection. If applicable, please provide the relative

Special Report and condition report(s). If not covered by maintenance rule, please

provide rationale.

Q. A list of significant changes made to the gaseous and liquid effluent process monitoring

system since the date of the last inspection. If applicable, please provide the

corresponding UFSAR section in which this change was documented.

R. A list of any occurrence in which a non-radioactive system was contaminated by a

radioactive system since the date of the last inspection. Please include any relevant

condition report(s).

S. Current Part 61 analyses for hard to detect radionuclides

T. Latest Land Use Census (coordinate with 71124.07)

U. Effluent based procedures for EALs or EOPs.

7. Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (71124.07)

Date of Last Inspection: January 23, 2017

A. List of contacts and telephone numbers for the following areas. Please include area

code and prefix. If work cell numbers are appropriate, then please include them as well.

1. Radiological environmental monitoring (RP, Chemistry, I&C, etc.)

2. Meteorological monitoring (RP, Chemistry, EP, I&C, System Engineering, etc.)

3. Maintenance and calibration of the above equipment

4. Licensing/Regulatory Affairs

B. Applicable organization charts including position or job titles. Please include as

appropriate for your site, Site Management, RP, Chemistry, Maintenance (I&C),

Engineering, and Emergency Protection. (Recent pictures are appreciated.)

C. Copies of audits, self-assessments, vendor or NUPIC audits of contractor support, and

LERs written since the date of the last inspection, related to:

1. Radiological environmental monitoring program (including contractor environmental

laboratory audits, if used to perform environmental program functions)

2. Environmental TLD processing facility

3. Meteorological monitoring program

D. Procedure index for the following areas and other related disciplines.

1. Radiological environmental monitoring program

2. Meteorological monitoring program

3. Maintenance and calibration of related instrumentation, including the meteorological


E. Please provide specific procedures related to the following areas noted below.

Additional procedures may be requested by number after the inspector reviews the

procedure indexes.

1. Sampling, collection and preparation of environmental samples

2. Sample analysis (if performed onsite)

3. Laboratory instrumentation quality control

4. Meteorological Tower sensor calibrations

F. Please provide a list of NRC Regulatory Guides and NUREGs that you are currently

committed to relative to this program. Please include the revision and/or date for the

commitment and where this may be located in your current licensing basis documents.

G. Please provide a summary list of corrective action documents (including corporate and

sub-tiered systems) written since the date of the last inspection, related to the following


1. Radiological environmental monitoring (include TLDs and air sample pumps or their


2. Meteorological monitoring (include Met Tower sensors and support equipment)

These lists should include a description of the condition that provides sufficient

detail that the inspectors can ascertain the regulatory impact, the significance

level assigned to the condition, the status of the action (e.g., open, working,

closed, etc.) and the search criteria used. Please provide in document formats

which are sortable and searchable so that inspectors can quickly and

efficiently determine appropriate sampling and perform word searches, as

needed. (Excel spreadsheets are the preferred format.) If codes are used,

please provide a legend for each column where a code is used.

H. Copies of the two most recent calibration packages for the meteorological tower


I. Copies of the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Reports and Land Use

Census for the latest two calendar years, and current revision of the Offsite Dose

Calculation Manual. Please include any supportive documentation for the changes

made to the ODCM since the last inspection.

J. Copy of the environmental laboratorys inter-laboratory comparison program results for

the latest two calendar years, if not included in the Annual Radiological Environmental

Operating Report

K. Data from the environmental laboratory documenting the analytical detection sensitivities

for the various environmental sample media (i.e., air, water, soil, vegetation, and milk)

L. Quality Assurance audits (e.g., NUPIC) for contracted services

M. Current NEI Groundwater Protection Initiative (GPI) Plan and status. Provide the most

recent monitoring results for each monitoring well per the GPI. Provide a separate list of

any missed samples, as applicable.

N. Technical requirements manual or licensee controlled specifications which list the

meteorological instruments calibration requirements

O. If applicable, per NEI 07-07, provide any reports that document any spills/leaks to

groundwater since the date of the last inspection. Please indicate what external

communications were made regarding each spill/leak.

P. Provide any new entries into 10 CFR 50.75(g) files since the date of the last inspection.

Q. Please identify your three highest X/Q (chi/Q) and/or D/Q sectors, as currently used in

the selection of your required REMP sampling locations. If these are different values

from your most recent meteorological assessment, please provide that assessment and

indicate the three highest X/Q and/or D/Q sectors per your latest assessment. Also

indicate your noted predominant and least prevalent wind direction/sector, as used in

your REMP analysis.

R. Provide the height of the highest effluent release point. Please indicate if the height

accounts for plant grade elevation. Please also provide the most probable atmospheric

release height, if different from the highest effluent release point.

S. Please provide a schedule of any planned REMP sampling activities while we, the NRC,

are scheduled to be onsite performing this inspection.

8. Radioactive Solid Waste Processing, and Radioactive Material Handling, Storage,

and Transportation (71124.08)

Date of Last Inspection: January 23, 2017

A. List of contacts and telephone numbers for the following areas. Please include area

code and prefix. If work cell numbers are appropriate, then please include them as well.

1. Solid Radioactive waste processing (RP, Chemistry, Ops, Maintenance, I&C,

Engineering, etc.)

2. Transportation of radioactive material/waste (RP, Maintenance, Ops, Security,

Chemistry, etc.)

3. personnel involved in solid radwaste processing, transferring, and transportation of

radioactive waste/materials)

4. Licensing/Regulatory Affairs

B. Applicable organization charts including position or job titles. Please include as

appropriate for your site, Site Management, RP, Chemistry, Maintenance (I&C),

Engineering, and Emergency Protection. (Recent pictures are appreciated.)

C. Copies of audits, department self-assessments, and LERs written since the date of the

last inspection, related to:

1. Solid radioactive waste management

2. Radioactive material/waste transportation program

D. Procedure index for the following areas and other related disciplines.

1. Solid radioactive waste management

2. Radioactive material/waste transportation

E. Please provide specific procedures related to the following areas noted below.

Additional procedures may be requested by number after the inspector reviews the

procedure indexes.

1. Process control program and any changes made since the last inspection

2. Solid and liquid radioactive waste processing

3. Waste stream sampling and analysis

4. Waste characterization and classification

5. Radioactive material/waste packaging & shipping

F. Please provide a list of NRC Regulatory Guides and NUREGs that you are currently

committed to relative to this program. Please include the revision and/or date for the

commitment and where this may be located in your current licensing basis documents.

G. Please provide a summary list of corrective action documents (including corporate and

sub-tiered systems) written since the date of the last inspection, related to:

1. Solid radioactive waste

2. Transportation of radioactive material/waste

NOTE: These lists should include a description of the condition that provides

sufficient detail that the inspectors can ascertain the regulatory impact, the

significance level assigned to the condition, the status of the action (e.g., open,

working, closed, etc.) and the search criteria used. Please provide in document

formats which are sortable and searchable so that inspectors can quickly and

efficiently determine appropriate sampling and perform word searches, as

needed. (Excel spreadsheets are the preferred format.) If codes are used,

please provide a legend for each column where a code is used.

H. Copies of training lesson plans for 49 CFR 172, Subpart H, for radwaste processing,

packaging, and shipping

I. Provide a summary list or log of radioactive material and radioactive waste shipments for

the two most recent calendar years, in addition to the current calendar year.

J. Please provide at least two different radioactive waste stream sample analysis results

and resulting scaling factors for the latest two calendar years.

K. A listing of all onsite radwaste storage facilities. Please include a summary or list of the

items stored in each facility with the most recent dose rates/surveys.

L. A list of any significant (e.g., DAW, resins, Type B or greater) radioactive shipments that

will be completed during our onsite inspection period. If available, please provide the

applicable shipping manifests/waste characterizations and most recent surveys for each


M. A list of significant changes made to the liquid or solid radwaste processing systems

since the date of the last inspection. If applicable, please provide the corresponding

UFSAR section in which this change was documented. Provide any supportive

documentation for the changes made or have it readily available for review.

N. List of radioactive waste processing systems or equipment abandoned in place since the

last inspection.

O. Please provide a schedule of radioactive material or waste processing or shipment

activities during the inspection week. Please indicate the current storage location of the

stored RAM or waste prepared for shipment, as well as any supportive surveys of its

measured dose rates. If available, please indicate its current stated waste class.


SUNSI Review: ADAMS: Non-Publicly Available Non-Sensitive Keyword:

By: JDixon Yes No Publicly Available Sensitive


NAME CPeabody DReinert DYou RBywater VGaddy GPick


DATE 4/24/2019 4/29/2019 4/25/2019 4/24/2019 4/25/2019 4/25/2019


NAME GWerner GWarnick RKellar NMakris NOKeefe


DATE 04/25/2019 4/30/2019 4/25/2019 4/25/2019 4/30/2019