IR 05000389/1982024

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IE Insp Rept 50-389/82-24 on 820525-28.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Electrical Components & Sys, Quality Records,Electrical Cables & Terminations,Work & Work Activities & Licensee Identified Items
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/15/1982
From: Conlon T, Merriweather N, Ruff A
Shared Package
ML20054M898 List:
50-389-82-24, NUDOCS 8207150112
Download: ML20054M901 (4)



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Report No. 50-389/82-24 Licensee: Florida Power and Light Ce:npany 9250 West Flagler Street Miami, FL 33152 Facility Name: St. Lucie Docket No. 50-389 License No. CPPR-144 Inspection at St. Lucie site near Ft. Pierce, Florida Inspectors: /9. /3 '/D/ p[7 g- /5t f1 A. B. huff Date Signed Y, kSur8- S - /5 - Ts N. Merriwe'ather Date Signed Approved b f ? /Mf 6 ~ / n Fw T. E. Conlon, Section Chief Date Signed Engineering Inspection Branch Division of Engineering and Technical Programs SUMMARY Inspection on May 25-28, 1982 Areas Inspected This routine, unannounced inspection involved 46 inspector-hours on site in the areas of electrical (components and systems) review of quality records; elec-trical (cables and terminations) observation of work and work activities; instrumentation (components and systems) observation of work, work activities, and review of quality records; and licensee identified item Results Of the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identifie ~

8207150112 82061/

PDR ADOCK 05000389 G PDR

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. e REPORT DETAILS Persons Centacted Licensee Employees

  • B. J. Escue, Site Manager
  • P. Carrier, Engineer, Power Plant Engineering
  • E. W. Sherman , OA Engineer
  • J. L. Parker, Project QC Supervisor Other Organizations
  • J. C. Orlowski, Combustion Engineering Representative NRC Resident Inspector
  • H. E. Bibb

" Attended exit interview Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on May 28, 1982, with those persons indicated in paragraph 1 abov . Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings Not inspecte . Unresolved Items Unresolved items were not identified during this inspectio . Ele:trical (Components and Systems I) - Review of Quality Records (51055B)

! The inspectors selected two QA Audits, QAC-PSL 2-81-13 and QAC-PSL 2-82-07,

to assure that required audits were performed and that corrective action was

! taken, including nonrecurrence action The qualification records for four QA personnel were reviewed. The records were current and established the qualification for their dutie Within the areas examined, there were no violations or deviations identifie . Electrical (Components and Systems II) - Review of Quality Records (510568)

The installation inspection records for the boric acid makeup pump motor 2A and 28, charging pump motor 2C, containment fan 2HVSIA, vital AC instrument

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panel MB, power panel 238, 125V DC bus panel 2AB, and motor operated valves V3614, V3624. and FCV-3301 were examine The records confirmed that specified components were installed, required inspections were performed and required protection was provided after installatio Within the areas examined, there were no violations or deviatior.s identifie . Electrical (Cables and Terminations I) - Observation of Work and Work Activities (510638)

The inspectors selected two control cables, 215048-SA, and 21507B-SB, for examination to assure that the SAR commitments were complied with in the areas of storage, handling, identi fi ca tion., issue control, nonconformance control, material as specified, QC and work procedures, installation as specified, location, routing, physical separation and protection, raceway identification, raceway loading, termination, and nondestructive test Within the areas examined, there were no violations or deviations identifie . Electrical (Cables and Terminations I) - Review of Quality Records (51065B)

The inspectors examined two QA audits associated with electric cable installation (QAC-PSL 2/81-01, cable termination and splicing, and QAC-PSL 2/81-10, cable pulling and raceway installation) to assure that required audits were performed and that corrective action was taken, including nonrecurrence action Within the areas examined, there were no violations or deviations identifie . Instrumentation (Components and Systems II) - Observation of Work and Work Activities, and Review of Quality Records (52054B and 520568) '

The inspector selected instruments, LT-1105, PT-1107, FT-3332, and PT-3307, for examinatio These transmitters and their associated ' records were examined to assure that SAR commitments were complied with in the areas of receipt inspection, material certification, storage, protection, identifi-cation, installation inspection, and calibratio Within the areas examined, there were no violations or deviations identifie . Licensee Identified Items (Closed) LII 50-389/81-07, Broken studs on relay mechanical interlock ar On November 24, 1981, FP&L notified Region II of this possible 50.55(e)

item. An interim report was submitted on December 23, 198 FP&L in their letter of February 26, 1982, states that followup engineering evaluation

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dispositioned this item as not reportable by 10 CFR 50.55(e) criteria. The inspectors held discussions with responsible licensee representatives, reviewed supporting documentation and observed representative samples of work concerning this item and agrees with the licensee's dispositio This item is being correcte . . . . . . . . . .