IR 05000335/1982020

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IE Insp Rept 50-335/82-20 on 820601-04.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Instrumentation & Equipment, Respiratory Protection,Health Physics Organization & Qualifications & LER Followup
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/22/1982
From: Wray J
Shared Package
ML20055A057 List:
50-335-82-20, NUDOCS 8207150441
Download: ML20055A063 (5)



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y ) > "s , p, REGION 18 a;; . 1 . C 101 MARIE TT A ST.. N W.. SUITE 3100 o, ' [ ATLANTA. GEORGI A 30303

%, .....f Report No. 50-335/82-20 Licensee: Florida Power and Light Company 9250 West Flagler Street Miami, FL 33152 Facility Name: St. Lucie Unit 1 Docket No. 50-335 License No. DPR-67 Inspection at St. Lucie site near Ft. Pierce, Florida Inspector: s [ m 2 J R. Wray 'Date Signed Approved b'y: ._ Dgm K. P. B rr,,SectIon Chief


_[p1A du ate igned Technical Inspection Branch Division of Engineering and Technical Programs SUMMARY Inspection on June 1-4, 1982 Areas Inspected


This routine, unannounced inspection involved 24 inspector-hours on site in the areas of instrumentation and equipment, respiratory protection, health physics organization and qualifications, and Licensee Event Report followu Results Of the four areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identifie PDR ADOCK 05000 G



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REPORT DETAILS Persons Contacted Licensee Employees C. M. Wethy, Plant Manager

  • J. H. Barrow, Operations Superintendent
  • H. Buchanan, Health Physics Supervisor
  • R. M. McCullers, H. P. Operations Supervisor
  • N. Roos, Quality Control
  • A. M. Anderson, Quality Assurance NRC Resident Inspector


S. Elrod

  • H. Bibb
  • Attended exit interview Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on June 4, 1982, with those persons indicated in paragraph 1 above. Concerning the disposal of licensed material in an unauthorized manner, the inspector informed the licensee representatives that no Notice of Violation will be issued because, as permitted by the NRC Enforcement Policy, 10 CFR 2 Appendix C, this item was licensee identified, was a Severity Level IV or V violation, was promptly reported and was corrected within a reasonable tim . Licensee Action on Previous Inspection Findings Not inspecte . Unresolved Items Unresolved itens were not identified during this inspectio . Instruments and Equipment The inspector reviewed the licensee's portable instrument calibration program for compliance with procedures and ANSI N323-1978, " Radiation Protection Instrumentatior. Test and Calibration" The HP-13 procedure series covers health physics instrumer.tation calibrations. Portable survey instruments are calibrated semi-annually; the RM-14 and RM-17 scalers and the MISCO 1800 air sampler calibrator are calibrated yearly. The inspector noted that ANSI N323-1978 recommends calibrations at least annuall The licensee utili;es a card file system which appeared to be adequate to identify those instruments which required calibratio The inspector reviewed calibration stickers of survey instruments available for use and



found all survey instruments to be within the listed calibration dates. A battery check and source response check is performed on all available instruments each normal work da The licensee also uses an instrument sign-out system whereby each instrument used is registered to an individual who battery checks and source checks the instrument before us The inspector reviewed available records and logs of instrument sign-outs and had no further question Health physics instruments are calibrated using NBS traceable sources. The inspector reviewed documents identifying the sources used at the facility for calibration as NBS traceable source The inspector reviewed HP-13L, calibration procedure for R02 and R02A portable ion chamber survey instru-ment It was noted that the procedure only required a one point cali-bration on each scale at 80% full scale. The inspector stated that ANSI N323-1978 recommends a two point calibration on each scale (at 20". and 80%)

and that HP-13L should reflect this recommendation. The licensee agreed to review their calibration procedures for agreement with ANSI N323-1978 and incorporate a two point calibration of each scale in their procedures where appropriate (82-20-01).

6. Respiratory Protection The inspector reviewed the licensee's respiratory protection program for conformance with 10 CFR 20103 and plant procedure A licensee repre-sentative stated that respirators are issued individually by a health physics technician who checks a computer listing of qualified users prior to permitting a worker to wear a respirato The inspector reviewed two Radiation Work Permits (RWP) which required respirator protection (RWP-82-256 work on "C" charging pump; RWP-82-257 filter changeout work on HVE-8a). Workers listed on the RWP as having worn respiratory protective equipment were matched against the qualified user printout. No discrepan-i cies were identifie The inspector noted that the computer listing l

registers the type of mask to which each individual has been successfully tested, and confirms that the approved individual has passed a medical examination. The inspector had no furth?r questions regarding respirator issuance.

l The inspector reviewed the storage location for respirators available for

! use. Each respirator appeared to be stored in the proper manner recommended by NUREG-0041. Plant procedures limit contamination and radiation levels on espirators for reissue af ter cleaning and inspection. The inspector removed three bagged and inspected respirators from their storage location where they were available for immediate use and surveyed each mask for


contamination and radiation level No values greater than procedure or l regulatory limits were identifie The inspector attended a familiarization lecture on the licensee's new compressea breathing air purification system. A licensee representative stated that these units will replace the existing Bullard filters and l




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provide purification of service air when air fed respiratory protection equipment is used. The inspector reviewed the systems and stated that it appeared the units will be able to provide at least Grade D breathing ai . Qualifications and Training Technical Specification 6.3.1 states that each member of the facility staff shall meet or exceed the minimum qualifications of ANSI N18.1-1971 for comparable positions. The inspector reviewed resumes of new members of the health physics staff for compliance with this technical specification requiremen Each individual hired within the past year for responsible positions in the Health Physics Department appeared to meet or exceed the requirements of the ANSI standard. Those workers who did not have two years experience in their specialty were being supervised by an ANSI qualified individual. The inspector noted that the health physics staf f for Unit 1 is complete except for one professional level individua This represents a marked improvement in staf fing since the last inspectio The inspector observed many employment applications being re. iewed by the health physics supervisor and agreed with licensee representatives that filling all available positions within the Department for both units should not be difficult. The inspector had no further question . Licensee Event Reports Reportable Occurrence 335/82-01/03-L (Closed): Area radiation monitor inoperable and missed surveillance. Channel No. 7 of the area radia-tion monitoring system in the fuel storage building exceeded the radiation level setpoint during a recent refueling outag The setpoint was exceeded due to increased background radiation emanating f rom a fuel handling machine hoist box which was being stored in the area. Usually the hoist box is stored under water thereby reducing the background radiation levels to negligable amount Technical Specification states that when an ARM setpoint is exceeded, daily radiation surveys will be conducte Daily radiation surveys were not conducted between November 29, 1981 and January 7, 1982. The licensee shielded the hoist box in a manner such that channel No. 7 could still monitor the pool . The intendcd function of channel No. 7 appears to be to alarm if radiation levels from the tuel pool exceed i

25 mrem /hr (e.g., alarm at 25 mrem /hr above background). The channel No. 7 monitored the fuel pool at all times and no readings greater than background were indicated during the time in question. During ensuing outages, the fuel handling machine hoist box was stored underwater to reduce background levels to negligible amounts. No Notice of Violation will be issued pursuant to Section IV.A. of the Enforcement Policy (10 CFR 2). Reportable Occurrence 335/82-16/03-L (Closed): Low level resin l

disposa On April 21, 1982, a cation resin bed was sampled and disposed of outside the restricted area on licensee property. On April 22. 1982, the analysis of the sample taken the previous day indicated trace amounts of Cs-134 and Cs-137 were present in the resin used to clean steam generator blowdown. During the operating cycle of (



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the resin, the unit had experienced a steam generator tube leak. The licensee estimated the amount of cesium to be approximately millicuries. The resin was immediately retrieved and is now contained inside the protected area, properly controlled, waiting final dispositio The inspector reviewed sample analyses, activity estimates, survey results, and material controls established by the licensee. Appro-priate p asures appear to have been taken. 10 CFR 20.302 states that if radioactive material is to be disposed of in a manner not otherwise authorized in the regulations, prior approval from the NRC must be obtained. The inspector informed licensee representatives that pur-suant to Section IV. A. of 10 CFR 2, no Notice of Violation will be issue However, a procedure for sampling and changing the steam generator blowdown demineralizers must be established, maintained and adhered to for future operations (82-20-02).

On May 24, 1982, the licensee submitted a report detailing certain aspects of this event. The report stated that to prevent recurrence, the radiation control area fence will be expanded to include the steam generator blowdown treatment facility and that the waste will be analyzed prior to disposal . This will be examined during future inspections (82-20-03).



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