IR 05000361/1993034

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Insp Repts 50-361/93-34 & 50-362/93-34 on 931025-29.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected: Adequacy of Licensee Fire Protection & Prevention Program
Person / Time
Site: San Onofre  Southern California Edison icon.png
Issue date: 11/12/1993
From: Ang W
Shared Package
ML20058H440 List:
50-361-93-34, 50-362-93-34, NUDOCS 9312130097
Download: ML20058H506 (7)
















t Report Numbers:

50-361/93-34 and 50-362/93-34


Docket Numbers:

50-361 and 50-362 License Numbers:

NPF-10 and NPF-15 l


i Licensee:

Southern California Edison Company Irvine Operations Center i

23 Parker Street


Irvine, California 92718



Facility Name:

San Onofre Units 2 and 3 i


Inspection Date:

October 25 - 29, 1993 Inspector:

F. G Reactor ctor



Approved by:

ctt HNM3



W."Ang, Chief (/

Date Signed Engineering SectitFn


inspection Summary:


Inspection durina the period October 25 throuah October 29. 1993 I

(Report Numbers 50-361/93-34 and 50-362/93-34)

j Areas Inspected:

j The inspector conducted a routine announced inspection to evaluate the adequacy of the licensee's fire protection and prevention program.

Followup i

of an open item was also performed. The inspector used inspection procedures

64704 and 92702 as guidance for this inspection.

i Results:

General Conclusions and Specific Findinos:

The licensee's fire protection program appeared to adequately address measures


necessary for the prevention and detection of potential plant fires.

Safety Issues Manacement System (SIMS) Item:





9312130097 931112


PDR ADOCK 05000361 G








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.Sionificant Safety Matters:

None Summary of Violations and De'viations:


None l


Open items Summary:

The inspector closed one follow-up item.







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Details 1.

Persons Contacted


iguthern California Edison Company


.i D. Axline, Engineer, On-site Nuclear Licensing


R. Douglas, Senior Engineer, On-site Nuclear Licensing


R. Erickson, Site Representative, San Diego Gas & Electric Company l

H. Farr, Engineer, On-site Nuclear Licensing i

N. Ferris, Engineer, Site Quality Assurance i

C. Harris, Site Representative, City of Riverside


D. Herbst, Manager, Site Quality Assurance i

N. Maringas, Supervisor Site Quality Assurance l

C. Moore, Fire Chief, Fire Protection Services


i R. Moreno, Training Supervisor, Fire Protection Services j

W. Nichols, Supervisor, Fire Protection Services


A. Parson, Supervisor, Intercon B. Pennington, Engineer, Fire Protection M. Tolson, Acting Supervisor, Fire Protection W. Zinti, Manager, Site Emergency Preparedness j

All of the above personnel attended the exit meeting on October 29, 1993.



The inspector also held discussions with other licensee personnel during


the inspection.

r 2.

Fire Protection / Prevention Prooram (64704)



Fire Protection Administrative Procedure Review

The inspector reviewed the licensee's fire protection program procedure for technical adequacy and for proper implementation of

the fire protection program. The procedure reviewed was.S0123-FP-1,


" Fire Protection Program," Revision 2, effective date February 9,

1993. The recent changes to this procedure were for fire protection j

responsibilitj realignment. The inspector found that the procedure changes wore technically adequate to properly implement the fire

protection program.

l b.

Fire Department Staff Medical Qualifications



The inspector randomly sampled medical records for four of the nineteen full time qualified fire fighters of the fire department.

J The medical records were reviewed to verify that the fire fighters


had current physical examinations. The inspector found that the


four fire fighters had current annual physical examinations.



Quality Assurance Fire Protection Audits

Section of Technical Specifications requires the licensee to


perform fire audits on. an annual, biannual, and triennial intervals.

l The inspector reviewed the results of these fire protection audits


and. found that the licensee had performed the required audits in a






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timely fashion. The audit findings appeared to be thorough.

The quality assurance organization performed the audits adequately with i

the assistance of qualified and independent auditcrs. The inspector considered that the responses of the licentee plant staff to the t

audit findings were adequate and timely.


Fire Protection Equipment i

f The inspector conducted a walkdown of the fire protection systems and equipment in Unit 2 emergency diesel room and 4-KV switchgear


rooms, and Unit 3 cable spreading room. Good housekeeping practices were observed in all areas inspected, and combustible materials were


properly controlled.


i During the walkdown, the inspector requested the surveillance records of the following fire protection equipment:

Pre-actuating detectors for Unit 2 emergency diesel rooms



Diesel driven fire water pump P-220 operability verification i



Fire detection system for Unit 2 4-Kv switchgear rooms


Actuation detectors for Unit 3 cable spreading room (biannual)

Fire dampers for switchgear 2A Room 308A (every 18 months)


Fire doors AC-213, AC-315, and AC-309 (monthly)


Alarmed security / fire door AC-246 (biannual)



Eight-hour discharge test for the following emergency lighting

units (annual):

2XDILBE17 Unit 2 emergency diesel room A 2XDIL8E09 Unit 2 emergency diesel room B


0XR3L8E72 Unit 2 4-Kv B switchgear room


0XR3L8E38 Unit 2 4-Kv A switchgear room Fire hose stations 553 and 549 (monthly)

The inspector reviewed the surveillance records of these components and determined that the operability for these components was


satisfactorily demonstrated at the required frequencies.

In addition, the inspector reviewed the surveillance record, S0123-


XV-4.13, " Weekly Inspection for the Control of Combustibles and Transient Fire Loads," for the week ending on October 23, 1993. The l

weekly inspection was adequately documented.


Fire Watches During the walkdown of fire protection equipment, the inspector

interviewed two fire watches at Unit 3, one in the electrical cable tunnel and the other in the auxiliary feedwater pump room.- The


inspector evaluated the fire watches' knewledge of their


responsibilities and required actions in the event of a fire. The

't fire watches demonstrated adequate knowledge of their duties and i






















responsibilities. The inspector also reviewed the two fire watches'


log and found the log entries to be adequate.


Information Notice 93-41


The NRC issued Information Notice 93-41 to alert licensees to the


results of fire endurance test for Thermal Ceramics Kaowool,


Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company (3M Company) FS-195, and 3M Company Interam E-50 one-hour fire barrier systems. The


inspector reviewed the licensee response to the information notice i

to determine if the fire barrier systems addressed in the notice

were applicable to the licensee's facilities, and, if so, what i

actions were taken to avoid similar problems.



The licensee informed the inspector that 3M Company Interam E-50

one-hour fire barrier systems were used at San Onofre. The licensee was in the process of identifying the locations and evaluating whether the installations were bounded by the test configuration.


The licensee also requested information on the results of additional i


tests performed by 3M Company and by other industrial groups. The scheduled completion date was February 1994.


The inspector reviewed the licensee's response to this information notice and concluded that the effort completed and planned appeared


i to be adequate.

No violations or deviations of NRC requirements were identified.


(Closed) Violation 50-361. 50-362/89-200-15 Emeroency Diesel Generator Blel Oil Storaae Tank level Calibratinn (92702)

Oriainal NRC Enforcement Item


During the 1989 electrical distribution system functional inspection, the team identified inadequate calibration data and procedures for the emergency diesel generator fuel oil storage tank level measurement


system, inadequate operator aid data on the quantity of usable fuel oil in the storage tanks, and discrepancies in level setpoints in the system


descriptions and operating procedures. The procedure for calibrating the


fuel oil storage tank level indicator was insufficient to ensure that the q

storage tank volumes required by the Technical Specifications were being



Licensee's Actions in Response to the Enforcement Item



The licensee committed to review the emergency diesel generator fuel oil storage tank level setpoints and calibrations in the overall setpoint


reconstitution program. Since the inspection, the licensee completed a revision of the following documents to establish consistency in diesel fuel oil storage tank level setpoints, calibrated span, and. range:

S0123-II-9.245, " GEMS 36000 and 51000 Series TLI System Modular






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J Receiver Transmitter and Indicator Calibratio'n" J-JEA-002, " Fuel Oil Level Setpoints for Diesel Generator

Storage Tanks" i


Instrument calibration data cards


Operator aid documents 2-054 and 3-034

Instrument setpoint list


SD-S023-750, system description

S023-5-2.35.1, " Diesel Generator G-002 Local Annunciator Panel

0160 Alarm Response"

The high level (LSH) setpoint was set at a level of 136 inches. The low level alarm was set at 125.48 inches. The pump low level cutoff (LSLL)

was set at a level of 11 inches. The calibrated span was at 132 inches.

During the Cycle Six refueling outage, the licensee drained the diesel fuel oil storage tanks for the ten-year inservice inspection. The licensee went into the storage tanks and verified the tank dimension and the accuracy of calculation results. The measured tank dimension was within one-eighth of an inch.

At each calibration of the transmitter for the fuel oil storage tank, the

licensee verified the loop accuracy by doing a sounding measurement of the tank level.

The tank sounding measurements of the actual tank level were within one percent of the indicated level.

The licensee concluded that the instrument loop accuracy of the storage tank level was controlled within one percent of the actual level.



Inspector's Actions Durino the Present Insoection


The inspector reviewed the aforementioned revised documents and discussed the adequacy of the calibration of the diesel fuel oil storage tank level indicator with licensee personnel.


o Discussion and Conclusion The inspector concluded that the licensee had adequately completed the committed actions. The revised documenets reflected the followings:

The calibration procedure for the emergency diesel fuel oil storage

tank appeared to be adequate.

The operator aid data was consistent with the setpoint calculation.


The licensee performed the setpoint calculation conservatively.

  • The setpoint list, the system description, and the ' alarm response






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i procedure were consistent.

j The revised range and setpoints appeared to establish an adequate

diesel fuel oil storage to comply with the technical specification j



This item is closed.

No violations or deviations of NRC requirements were identified.



Exit Meetina The inspector conducted an exit meeting on October 29, 1993, with members


of the licensee staff as indicated in paragraph 1.

During the exit meeting, the inspector summarized the scope of the inspection activities


and reviewed the inspection findings as described in this report.

j The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the information


provided to, or reviewed by, the inspector during this inspection.





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