IR 05000341/2003301

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Er 05000341-03-301(DRS), Detroit Edison Company, on 03/10-17/2003, Fermi 2 Nuclear Power Station. Initial License Examination Report
Person / Time
Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/03/2003
From: Lanksbury R
To: O'Connor W
Detroit Edison
Download: ML030940783 (12)


ril 3, 2003



Dear Mr. OConnor:

On March 17, 2003, the NRC completed initial operator licensing examinations at your Fermi 2 Nuclear Power Station. The enclosed report presents the results of the examinations.

NRC examiners administered the operating test during the week of March 10, 2003. Members of the Fermi 2 Nuclear Power Station Training staff administered the written examination on March 17, 2003. Five Reactor Operator (RO) and six Senior Reactor Operator (SRO)

applicants were administered license examinations. The results of the examinations were finalized on March 27, 2003. Ten applicants passed all sections of their respective examinations. One RO applicant failed the written examination and will not be issued an operator license. One SRO applicant scored an 81 percent on the written examination and, in accordance with the guidelines of NUREG 1021, "Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power Reactors," ES-501.D.3.c, that SRO applicants license will be withheld until any appeal rights of the proposed RO applicant failure are exhausted.

In accordance with 10 CFR Part 2.790 of the NRC's Rules of Practice, a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRC's document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at (the Public Electronic Reading Room). We will gladly discuss any questions you have concerning this examination.



Roger D. Lanksbury, Chief Operations Branch Division of Reactor Safety Docket No. 50-341 License No. NPF-43


1. Operator Licensing Examination Report 50-341/03-301(DRS)

2. Simulation Facility Report 3. Written Examinations and Answer Keys (RO & SRO)


Docket No: 50-341 License No: NPF-43 Report No: 50-341/03-301(DRS)

Licensee: Detroit Edison Company Facility: Enrico Fermi, Unit 2 Location: 6400 N. Dixie Highway Newport, MI 48166 Dates: March 10 through March 17, 2003 Examiners D. McNeil, Chief Examiner P. Young, Examiner R. Walton, Examiner C. Zoia, Examiner In Training Approved by: Roger Lanksbury, Chief Operations Branch Division of Reactor Safety

SUMMARY OF FINDINGS IR 05000341-03-301(DRS), Detroit Edison Company, on 03/10-17/2003, Fermi 2 Nuclear Power Station. Initial License Examination Report.

The announced operator licensing initial examination was conducted by regional examiners in accordance with the guidance of NUREG-1021, Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power Reactors, Revision 8, Supplement 1.

Examination Summary:

  • Eleven examinations (five Reactor Operator (RO) and six Senior Reactor Operator (SRO)) were administered.
  • Ten applicants (four RO and five SRO) passed all sections of their respective examinations. Nine applicants were issued applicable operator licenses. One applicant scored an 81 percent on the written examination and will not receive a SRO license until appeal rights of the RO applicant who failed the examination are exhausted.

(Section 4OA5.1)

  • One reactor operator applicant failed the written examination and will not be issued an operator license. (Section 4OA5.1)


4OA5 Other

.1 Initial Licensing Examinations a. Examination Scope The NRC examiners conducted an announced operator licensing initial examination during the week of March 10, 2003. The facilitys training staff used the guidance established in NUREG-1021, Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power Reactors, Revision 8, Supplement 1, Addendum 1, to prepare the examination outline and to develop the written examination and operating test. The NRC examiners administered the operating test during the week of March 10, 2003. Members of the Fermi Training Department administered the written examination on March 17, 2003.

Five Reactor Operator (RO) and six Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) applicants were examined.

b. Findings Written Examination The licensee developed the written examination. During their initial review, the NRC examiners determined that the examination, as submitted by the licensee, was within the range of acceptability expected for a proposed examination. During examination validation the week of February 10, 2003, examination changes agreed upon between the NRC and the licensee were incorporated according to the guidance contained in NUREG-1021.

Operating Test The NRC examiners determined that the operating test, as originally submitted by the licensee, was within the range of acceptability expected for a proposed examination.

Examination changes, agreed upon between the NRC and the licensee, were made according to NUREG-1021.

Examination Results Five RO applicants and six SRO applicants were administered written examinations and operating tests for initial operator licensing. Ten applicants passed all sections of their respective examinations. One RO applicant failed the written examination and will not be issued a license. One SRO applicant scored an 81 percent on the written examination and will not receive a license until all appeal rights of the RO applicant that failed the written examination are exhausted. Should the reactor operator candidate who failed the written examination appeal, a subsequent review of the written exam may result in question deletions or changes which may affect the licensing decision of the SRO applicant with a score of 81.

The other nine applicants were issued applicable operator licenses.

.2 Examination Security a. Inspection Scope The NRC examiners briefed the facility contact on the NRCs requirements and guidelines related to examination physical security (e.g., access restrictions and simulator considerations) and integrity (e.g., predictability and bias). The examiners observed the implementation of examination security and integrity measures (e.g., security agreements, sampling criteria, bank use, and test item repetition)

throughout the examination process.

b. Findings The NRC examiners determined that the licensees examination security practices associated with the development and administration of these operator license examinations were satisfactory.

4OA6 Meetings Exit Meeting The chief examiner presented the examination team's preliminary observations and findings on March 17, 2003, to M and other members of the Operations and Training Department staff. The licensee acknowledged the observations and findings presented.

PARTIAL LIST OF PERSONS CONTACTED Licensee W. OConnor, Vice President - Nuclear Generation S. Stasek, Director - Nuclear Assessment D. Cobb, Plant Manager L. Sanders, Training Manager S. Peterman, Operations Manager G. Strobel, Operations Training Supervisor S. Bollinger, Operations Training Instructor NRC D. McNeil, Chief Examiner P. Young, Examiner R. Walton, Examiner ITEMS OPENED, CLOSED, AND DISCUSSED Opened None Closed None Discussed None

LIST OF ACRONYMS ADAMS Agency-Wide Document Access and Management System DRS Division of Reactor Safety NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission PARS Publicly Available Records RO Reactor Operator SRO Senior Reactor Operator

Enclosure 2 SIMULATION FACILITY REPORT Facility Licensee: Fermi Station Facility Docket No.: 50-341 Operating Tests Administered: March 10 - 17, 2003 The following documents observations made by the NRC examination team during the initial operator license examination. These observations do not constitute audit or inspection findings and are not, without further verification and review, indicative of non-compliance with 10 CFR 55.45(b). These observations do not affect NRC certification or approval of the simulation facility other than to provide information which may be used in future evaluations. No licensee action is required in response to these observations.

During the conduct of the simulator portion of the operating tests, the following items were observed:

ITEM DESCRIPTION The Rod Worth Minimizer did not respond to the reactor operators Rod Worth commands after taking the simulator out of freeze during the fourth Minimizer performance of Scenario 2. The simulator was reset and the rod worth minimizer operated properly Indicator Light A transformer for an indicator light on the electric plant display panel Transformer shorted out resulting in melted plastic and an acrid odor. The deficient part was replaced. Simulator work request #20030018 was issued.


RO/SRO Initial Examination ADAMS Accession #ML030860821.