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Final Deficiency Rept Re MSIV Lockwashers.Initially Reported on 841207.Lockwashers Installed Via Startup Field Rept I-SU-122 & Will Be Completed Prior to Fuel Load
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 01/04/1985
From: Koester G
To: Denise R
KLMNRC-85-007, KLMNRC-85-7, NUDOCS 8501140500
Download: ML20112D806 (1)


e KANSAS GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY TSE ELECTRIC COMAANY GLENN L MOESTER vect passecaNT muctaan January 4, 1985 Mr. R.P. Denise, Director Wolf Creek Task Force - -

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region IV f) 'i 61* Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 1000 Arlington, Texas 76011 g - 7 jg g

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KMLNRC 85-007 Re: Docket No. STN 50-482 Subj: Final 10CFR50.55(e) Report - Main Steam Isolation Valve Lockwashers (53564-K157)

Dear Mr. Denise:

This letter provides the final report provided pursuant to 10CFR50.55(e) concerning lockwashers on the Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIV) at Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS) . This matter was initially reported by Mr. H.K. Chernoff of Kansas Gas and Electric Company (KG&E) to Mr. Robert Smith of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region IV, on December 7, 1984.

During a portion of KG&E's seismic review program, a vendor recommendation to install lockwashers on the MSIVs and Feedwater Isolation Valves (FWIVs) four-way hydraulic valve mounting screws was identified. Field inspections revealed that the recommended lockwashers had not yet been installed. This recommendation has been implemented via a Startup Field Report (1-SU-122) dispositioned to install the described lockwashers on the four-way hydraulic valve mounting screws of the MSIVs and the FWIVs.

The aforementioned actions will be completed prior to fuel load. If you have any questions concerning this subject, please contact me or Mr. Otto Maynard of my staff.

Yours very truly,

,ffh GLK:bb xc: RCDeYoung PO'Connor (2)

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8501140500 850104 gDRADOCK 05000482 PDR

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'0 201 N. Market -WocNta, Kansas -Mail Addrecs: RO. Box 208 i Wichita, Kansas 67201 - Telephone: Area Code (316) 261-6451