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Forwards Council of City of Cincinnati Resolution R/18-1984 Which Expresses Dissatisfaction Over NRC Failure to Require third-party Independent Review of Facility
Person / Time
Site: Zimmer
Issue date: 01/13/1984
From: Posey W
To: Palladino N
NUDOCS 8401260226
Download: ML20086K108 (2)



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COUNCIL M-WEBSTER W. POSEY, Clerk of Council ifqDgMORRIS-3 RAY, Deputy Clerk SANDY SHERMAN, Chief Deputy Clerk M JEArtTTE STEWART, Deputy Clerk MARILYN-KAISER, Deputy Clerk. DENNIS H. ROGERS, Deputy Clerk 0FFKE 0F El U-00CnEilt4G & set -

BRANCH January 13, 1984 SERVED JAN 251984 The Hon. Nunzio Palladino Chairman, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Chairman Palladino:

Council o f the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio, at its session on January 11, 1984, approved a resolution entitled:

RESOLUTION NO. R/18-1984 RESOLUTION Expressing Council's dissatifaction over NRC's failure to require a third party independent review of the Zimmer Nuclear Power Station.

At the request of Council, a copy of the rosolution is enclosed.

Very truly yours, D


/ &cJNH" b ter W. Posey, Clerk of Council WWP/dhr l

l Encl.



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Y b6 W.P.H.

RESOLUTION NO. / - 1984 ,g Expressing Council's dissatisfaction over I; Tic's failure to require a third party independent review of the Zi=mer Nuclear Pcwer Station.

WHEREAS, in CG&E's " Course of Actien" and its Plan to Verify Cuality of Ccnstruction," the Bechtel Corporation is charged with conducting a partial hardware review; and WHEREAS, a partial review is insufficient and a ccrplete review by an independent third party is needed, particularly where Eechtel's revie.w presents at least, the appearance of a direct conflict of interest; and ,

WdEP,EAS, Ccuncil and this ec=munity cannot properly address the cost issues presented by the Ziccer facility unless we are made fully aware of the hardware and safety problets at the Zimer Sta-tion; now, therefore, BE IT FISOLVED by the Council of the City of Cincinnati, State of Ohio:

Section 1. That Council herety' expresses its dissatisfaction over NRC's failure to require a complete hardware review by an independent third party of the Zimer Nuclear Power Station.

Section 2. That this resolution,be spread upon the minutes of Council, and that copies be sent to Representatives Gradison and

  • Luken; Senatcrs Glenn and Metzentaum; Governor Richard Celeste; and Representative Ecrris Udall. -

Passed __mw A.D, 1984 l 0 0 e a

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