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Monthly Operating Repts for June 1983
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke energy icon.png
Issue date: 07/15/1983
From: Reavis J, Tucker H
NUDOCS 8308110233
Download: ML20077H711 (41)


_ __ ___

I . .


50-269 LNIT oconee 1 0 ATE July 15,1983 COMPLE3DBY J. A. Reavis TELEPHONE 704-373-7567 it0 NTH June. 1983 DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL DAY AVERAGE DAILY ?chER LEVIL iMWe-Nec t i.\lhe Nets

, 296 17 -

2 IS 3 19 4 -

g -

S  !

6 2

- ~

7 3

$ 24 9 -

25 -

10 $

gg 12 23 13 29

.i 14 30 15 31 16

!NSTRUCTICNS Cn t.".:s fer: :t, list :he ner:;e 2:lly =tt ;:wer ' :.1 'lWe^et Nr eseh ::. - :.e -:, :: 4.: et. . ;

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..: r.estest .6 twie . .epw:::.

B300110233 830715 '

PDR ADOCK 05000269 R PDR h ,


nATE 7-15-83 June, 1983 COMPLETED nY _J.A. Reavis ItEPOltT MONTil TELEPflONE 704-373-7567

. - c N. . Daie g

,{ g .

3g 3- $ 5* 5 j 5-Licensee Eveni

,E-r, g,y b

9. ?

Cause A Ciotective Ac tion in i

6- gE s _t_ ;p, g g

itepini er in U o5' Preveni Itceurtence O

5-P g83-06-01 F __ A --

CB Pumpxx Reactor coolant pump low oil level, pump isoleted.

4 83-06-01 S 704.45 C 1 RC Fueixx Normal refueling and NSM work.

I 2 1 4 F: Finced Reason: Methoil : Exhibit G Instructions S: Stheiluted A.Eiluipenent Failure (Explain) 1 Manual for Picparation oil)aia ll Maintenance of Test 2.M.anual Scrum. Ibis) Sheeis for 1.ieensee .

C.Refocling - .l Automade Scram. Evens Repine ll.l:lt) File INtiltEG-D. Regulatory llest ricilon 4 Other (Explain) 01 til1 E-Opeaator Training 1 Liecuse Examinailon F-Administrative -

5 G.Opeiational !!s tor Ilixplain) ~ '

lhhibii ! Sanie Sousee t

19/77) Il Oihes (lixplain)

DOCKET NO: 50-269

- UNIT: Oconee 1

,,_ DATE: 7-15-83 NARRATIVE SIDDIARY Month: June. 1983 Oconee unit 1 entered the month at 72% power with one reactor coolant pump isolated due to a low oil level. On June 1 the unit shutdown to begin a scheduled refueling outage. The out-age continued the remainder of the month.



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9 e

6 e -



1. Facility'name: Oconee Unit 1 ,
2. Scheduled next refueling shutdown: Currently Refueling ,
3. Scheduled restart following refueling: .
4. Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a' technical specification change or other license amendment? Yes .

l' If yes, what will these be? Technical Specification Revision If no, has reload design and core configuration been reviewed by Safety Review Committee regarding unreviewed safety questions? N/A .

5. Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting

! information: N/A ,

6. Important licensing considerations (new or different design or supplier, ~

unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes 1n design or new operating procedures).

4 Number of fuel assemblies (a) in the core: 177

7. .

(b) in the spent fuel pool: 998* .

S. Present licensed fuel-pool capacity: 1312* ,

Si-- of requested or planned increase: .

. 3, Projected date of last refueling which can be accommodated by present.

licensed ~ capacity:- .

Date: July 15, 1983 .


!Name of


J. A. Reavis Phone: 704-373-7567 i
  • Represents-the combined total for Units 1 and=2.


_/ . - - , -  :-~-- - , - - - -9 ..e,, ,

o .


1. Unit Name: Oconce No. 2 Notes
2. Reporting Period: Year-to-date and cu.mlative 2568 capacity factors are calcu-
3. Licensed Thermal Power l}lW ):

934 laced using a weighted

4. Nameplate Rating (Gross alwen:

886 average for maximum

5. Design Electrical Rating (Net alwe): dependable capacity.
6. Ma.timum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWes: 890
7. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): 860
3. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 71 Since Last Report. Give Reasons:

None i

9. Power Level To which Restricted. !f Any INet MWe): None
10. Reasons For Restrictions. If Any:

This Month Yr. to.Date Cumulative

11. Hours In Reporting Period 720.0 4 343.0 77 208.0
12. Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical 720.0 4 002.7 54 916.4
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours -

I4 Hours Generator On Line 720.0 3 983.3 53 793.7

15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours -
16. Gross Thermal EnerEy Generated (MWH) 1 853 129 10 107 695 126 771 004 _

17 Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) -

A?n ?Rn _ _ . 't aA7 44n 43 174 696

13. Net Electrical Energy Generateo lMWH) 601 408 3 313 066 40 983 301 t9. Unit Service Factor 100.0 91.7 69.7
20. Umt Availability Factor 100.0 91.7 69.7
21. Unit Capacity' Factor IUsing MDC Nett 97.1 88.7 61.5
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Uning DER Net) 94.3 86.1 59.9
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate 0.0 3.7 16.8
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Nest 6 Months IType. Date.and Duration of Each :

Refueling - September 25,-1983 - 10 Weeks

25. If Shur Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date of ",tartup:
26. Units in Test Status IPrior to Commercial Operations: Forecast Achieved INITIAL CRITICALITY INITIA L ELECTRICITY COMM ERCIA L OPER A TION lYb




ty 7 Oconee 2 D ATE July 15, 1983 COMPLZ""ED BY J. A. Reavis TELEPHONE 704-373-7567 June,1983 310NTil DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL 0AY AVERAGE DAILY ?OhER '. EVIL .

13the-Net t i stw e. Net 1 834 1, 836

832 836 i3 3 R7a 19 836 4 834 g 836 g 836 836 3

837 836

  • n 7

838 ,3 835 3 R1A :4 824 9 838 . 835 3

< 837 834 10 y 837 835 1: 837 3 834 836 834 i; y 14 836 3o 834 15 837 g i6 835


l i

!NSTRUCTICNS Cn th:s ictr::t, list :he aer:;: 22:!y ;;::t ;.:wer e.,ei ;,, *,iwe.. set f..f 43,.:., .:., .,. ,, ., .., y ; ,, , , g ,, . , , , , ,

  • .: e.42rtit sf.eie ::, ;:..:::,

l l ...-i 1

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~ U C ET .


ne 2 ,

DATE 7-15-83 COMPLETED 11Y -J.A. Reavis 1(EPORT AIONTII June, 1983 704-373-7567


,$ g . 3- N' Licensee ,E r, o Came & Cuencesive

' No. Date [-- 5g i .s ~ 5- Event y, y 93 Attion to H y5 $ 5g Repius sr mO 5' Preveni Reentrence

<. f, gg o O

8-P 83-06-24 S --

B -- CC Valvex Turbine valve movement test Y

1 .

l I 2 3 4 F: Forced Reason: Methuit: Exhibit G Internesions S: Scheduled A Equipment Failure (Explain) 1-Manual for Preparation of Data ll Maintenance of Test 2 Manual Scram. linisy Sheels for I.ieensee C Refncling - 1 Antomatic Scram. Event Repini (i.Elt) File INLIREG.

D.Regn!aiory Hestriellon 4 Other (lisplain) Olbl)

E-Ope.aior Training.t. License Examinailon F Administrative -

5 G.Opeiational lis tor (lixplain t

  • Eshibit ! S.une Sonsee 19/77) I1.Other (lixplain)


o .

DOCKET NO: 50-2ho IniIT: Oconee 2 DATE: 7-15-83 NARRATIVE SIRDIARY

- Month: Jung. 19R3 Oconee unit 2 operated the entire month at near full power. June 24 the monthly-turbine valve movement test was performed requiring

', the . unit to reduce load for a brief period of time, f

4 e

e '

e e r s -

e 4

4 i

e a

r p 3 -

ew - - - - p . mw .- -% ~,, , , , , - - -


2. Scheduled next refueling shutdown: - September, 1983 .

November, 1983

3. Scheduled restart following refueling: .

I- 4. Will refueling or resumption of operation thereafter require a technical specification change or other license amendment? Yes .

If yes, what will these be? Technical Specification Revision l

l If no, has reload design and core configuration been reviewed by Safety Review Committee regarding unreviewed safety questions? N/A .

5. Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed IJ;ensing action and supporting information: N/A . .
6. Important licensing considerations (new or different design or supplier, i unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in design or new operating procedures) .

i w


7. Number of fuel assemblies (a) in the core

(b) in the spent fuel pool: 998* .

< 8. Present licensed fuel pool capacity: 1312* .

Size of requested or planned increase: .

9. Projected-date of last refueling which can be accommodated by present licensed capacity


Date: July 15, 1983 .



J. A. Reavis Phone: 704-373-7567

  • Represents the combined total for Units 1 and 2.

4 e r , , - , -,-. m .n. --- .

e w -

, , . . . - , ,, ,yr - . w,

m k-OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKETSO. 50-287 DATE .luly 15,1983 COMPLETED BY 3. A. Reavis TELEPHONE 704-373-7567_

OPERATING STATUS Notes Oconee No. 3 I. Unit Name: Year-to-date and cutaulative

2. Reporting Penod: June 1. 1983 - June 30. 1983 capacity factors are calcu-
3. Licensed Thermal Power Qlwt1:

2568 laced using a weighted 934 average for maximum

4. Nameplate Rating (Gross MWei:

886 dependable capacity.

5., Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe):


6. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWei:


~. Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe):

S. If Chanps Occur in Capacity Ratmas IItems Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report. Give Reasons:

Nonc ,


9. Power Level To Which Restricted. If Any (Net MWe1:
10. Ressons For Restrictions. If Any:

j 1

I This Month Yr. to.Date Cumulative 720.0 4 343.0 74 855.0

!!. Hours in Reporting Period 4 259.3 52 480.4 720.0

12. Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 51 363.7 703.6 4 220.4
14. Hours Generator On.Line -
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 10 693 020 124 742 081 1 795 105 .
16. Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH) 43 109 704 620 380 3 711 890 I 17 Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH) , , ,

593 565 3 556 899 41 025 000

13. Set Electrical Energy Genersted (MWH) .

68.6 97.7 97.2

19. Umt Service Factor 97.7 97.2 68.6
0. Unit Availability Factor 95.9 95.2 63.5
21. Unit Capacity Factor (Using MDC Net) 92.4 61.9 93.1
22. Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net) 2.8 16.2 2.3
23. Unit Forced Outage Rate

. 24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type.Date.snd Durstion of Eachi:

, None

25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date of ~,::rtup:

Forecast Achieved

26. Units in Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):







. Oconee 3 D 4rE July 15. 1983 COMPLETED BY J. A. Reavis TELEPHONE 704-373-7567 sicNTH June. 1983

  • DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL DAY AVERAGE DAILY ?OhER LEVEL (StWe-Neo i3lwe.yer s 859 g. 846 2 AS4 is _

530 3 856 39 3 51 4 847 ,g 8 51 3 858 ,g 854 6 AGA = 854

814 ,3 8 54 3 All
4 851 9 858 ,3 842 I

to 858 -

,3 854 i:

858 ._ 853 12 857 ,

3 848 856 , 852 1- .9 14 857 30 851 15 A47 31 i6 856 INSTRL*CTICNS Cn t..:s fctr-:t. List :Me ner:ge f:tly .. it :wer :e.,c ;3 ' .3et (;. 23,.3 ..., .,,., ,...,y , e g , - , ,, , ,

.: cettest Anete .-.e;:.v::-

( * *1 * * )

4 e- -- > . - - - -

g - , e s m

D 50 287 UNITSilUT!) OWNS AND POWEll REDUCllONS Uconee 3 UNI N E ,

part 7-15-83 COMPLETED !!Y J.A. Reavis REPORT AIONTil June, 1983 TELEPflONE 704-373-7567

,5 g . 3- N' Licensee ,E -r, L Canse & Ciotective No. Date g 3g i ,2 ~ 5 livent 3'g e-T Attiim to t- yE d ~o;f, g Report u in U $'

o Prevent Itceurtence g

o 5-P h3-06-03 F -- B -- HH Pumpxx El heater drain pump repairs 6-P 83-06-07 F -- A --

CH Pumpxx A feedwater pump tripped due to high setting on bearing oil


ressure switch.

7-P 83-06-17 S --

B -- CC Valvex Turbine val've movement test 6 83-06-18 F 16.40 A 1 CC Valvex Replace faulty solenoid valve in hydra-

  • ulics of #5 reheat stop valve.

8-P 83-06-24 F --

B -- HH Pumpxx El heater drain pump repairs 9-P 88-06-28 F --

B -- HC xxxxxx Work on air ejectors i 2 1 4 F: Forced Reawn: Method: Exhibit G Instrocitons S: Stheduled A Es[uipment Failure (Explain) 1 Manual for Preparaison ofI)au ll Maintenance of Test 2 Manual Scram. linity Sheets for 1.icensee C.Refocling - 1 Aufomatic Scram. livent Iteport II.Elt) Fde INtil(EG-D Regulatory Resiriction -1 Other Ilisplain) 01611 II. Ope.asor Training i License lixaminatiim I: Administrative 5 G.Opeiainmal lir ror (lixplain) thhibit I - Same Source 19/77) Il Other Ilixplain)



EilT: Oconee 3


_ DATE: 7-15-83 l

NARRATIVE STDIARY Month: June, 1983 i

Oconee unit 3 operated at full power until June 3 when power was reduced 5% to permit work on the El heater drain pump. The unit returned to full load after six hours and remained at full load until June 7 when a feedwater pump tripped causing a runback to 65%. The unit returned to full load two hours later. June 17 the monthly turbine valve movement test was run and June 18 the unit was shutdown to allow replacement of a faulty solenoid valve in the hydraulics of the #5 reheat stop valve. The unit returned to full load June 19. June 25 power was reduced 5% for seven hours to permit additional work on the El heater drain pump.

Finally, June 28, power was reduced 5% for one hour to work on the air ejectors. Oconee Unit 3 ended the p nth at full load. ,

e 4 9 w<

G t .

a-. I


1. Facility name: Oconec Unit 3 ,
2. Scheduled next refueling shutdown: May, 1984 ,
3. Scheduled restart following refueling: July, 1984 ,
4. Will refueling or resumption of operation thereaf ter require a technical specification change or other license amendment? Yes ,

if yes, what will these be? Technical Specification Revision If no, has reload design and core configuration been reviewed by Safety Review Committee regarding unreviewed safety questions? N/A .

5. Scheduled date(s) for submitting proposed licensing action and supporting information: N/A ,
6. Important licensing considerations (new or different design or supplier, unreviewed design or performance analysis methods, significant changes in design or new operating procedures).


7. Number of fuel assemblies (a) in the core: .

(b) in the spent fuel pool: 55 .

8. Present licensed fuel pool capacity: 474 ,

Size of requested or planned increase: .

9. Projected date of last refueling which can be accommodated by present licensed capacity: .

Date: July 15, 1983 ,



J. A. Reavis Phone: 704-373-7567

i OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION Operating Status Report

1. Personnel Exposure For the month of May, no individual (s) exceeded 10 percent of their allowable annual radiation dose limit.
2. The total station liquid release for May has been compared with the Technical Specifications annual value of 15 curies; the total release for May was less than 10 percent of this limit.

The total station gaseous release for May has been compared with the derived Technical Specifications annual value of 51,000 curies; the total release for May was less than 10 percent of this limit.

NRC 1982 CHANGES Oconee 1 Period Originally Reported Restated January, 1982 Outage No. 1-P (Forced) (Scheduled)

Outage No. 6 (294.47 hrs.) SA (193.52 hrs.) (split) 5B (100.95 hrs.)

Outage No. 7 Outage No. 6 February, 1982 Outage No. 8 Outage No. 7 9 8 March, 1982 Outage No. 10 Outage No. 9 11 10 April, 1982 Outage No. 12 Outage No. 11 13 12 May, 1982 Outage No. 14 Outage No. 13-June, 1982 Outage No. 14 Outage No.13 July, 1982 Outage No. 9-P Outage No. 9 Begin Date (82-07-02) Begin Date (82-07-06)

Outage No. 15 Outage No.14 16 15 August, 1982 Outage No. 17 Outage No. 16 September, 1982 Outage No. 18 Outage No. 17 19 18 20 19 October, 1982 Outage No. 21 Outage No. 20 22 21 December, 1982 Outage No. 12-p (Scheduled) Outage No. 12-p (Forced)

Oconee 2 No Changes

REVISED UNil SillHDOWNS AND POWl:H HEllllCIlONS DOCKETNO. 50-269 6/15/83 UNIX NAhlE Oconee unet 1 _

l>A r t 2-15-82 Hl.PONT AIONTil January, 1982 COLIPLETED Hy J. A. Heavis TELLPilONE 704-171-8552


-, 5g 3 j Nd Licensee En,, j q, Canse & c.nreceive

' N. - Ihre 9, 5g jEE Event 6 j5 i

3 g j: Report c 37 93 Auion lo ch a y

. uib 5b G Prevent Hecurrente O

82-01-01 F 11,95 A 3 IIC }bisture separator- reheater drain

'lVRBIN tank high level. tripped turbine /


2 H2-01-01 F 6.18 A 3 IIC 'RIRBIN ibisture separator reheater drain tank high level tripped turbine / reactor.

3 82-01-01 F 16.60 A 3 IIC 'IURBIN bbisture separator reheater drain tank high level trinned turbine / reactor.

4 8.?-01-02 F 21.07 A 3 IIA INSTRU 'hirbine/ reactor trip due to false, loss of stator coolant signal.

1-p' 8.!-(11 - 01 S- --

B --

ZZ ZZZZZZ lblding at 401 for power escalation testing.

5 82-111-06 F 276.70 A 1 IIA TilRBIN Turbine brng. 811 exceeded high vib.

limit. Shutdown for balance shot and repair generator hydrogen leak.

I 2 3 -l 11 l'orscJ Reaunc

  • klethoil: Eshibit C Instinctams

.5 L heiluleil A l'ipnpment l'ailure (Explaint I-blanual 18 klaintenance ni Test fin Pseparation of Data 2 klannal Scram. Ensey Sheets for 1.icemee C.Reincling .t Automatic Suam.

1) R. gul.a.ny Reste Alion I!vens Report II.1:HI l'ile INtlRI G-

! Other Ilimplaini Olbli l' Doc.ator Tuiningi 1iccuse lixamination li,bimimit ra tive 5

G Opcianninal 1.oros IEsplaint .

E'7: ll Othes I L xpl.rini Eshibit 1 - S.une Somce

Oconee 3 Period Originally Reported Restated

, March, 1982 Outage No. 1 Outage No.-1A April through Outage No. 2 (Cause) Outage No. 2 (Cause)

September,1982 Changed Steam Generator Auxiliary Feed Ring Inspection as Primary Cause of Outage.

October, 1982 Outage No. 2 (68.42 hrs. ) Outage No. 2 (11.00 hrs.)

(82-10-01) Date started (82-10-01)- Date started Outage No. 2A (57.42 hrs.)

(82-10-01) Date started (Cause) Core Physics Testinc!

Add Outage 3-P (Scheduled)

(82-10-06) Date started Outage'Ho. 3-P Outage No. 4-P Outage No. 4-P Outage No. 5-P (82-10-25) Date started (82-10-23) Date started Outage No. 5-P Outage No. 6-P Add Outage No. 7-P (82-10-30) Date started Nosember, 1982 Outage No. 6-P Outage No. 8-P t

9 h

- ~ , , ~ - >

REVISED tlNil slitlil OWNS AND lslWI R RI puriloNS f)OCKET NO. .. .- 50-269 6/15/83 UNIT NAhlE _0conee Unit I l)A IE 2-15-G?

Hl.rORI AlONill January. 1982 COWLETEI) g J. A. R m is 1ELEl'110NE 704-373 /bb/


'A. 18 de

{E 3 2, N* i lxce.wc j -e,,

f'l. Cause & Curreceive

~? 4 isy 1:vcos ay EE Action su -

F fE d e3i c

=,, g Itcpuso u no E' , Pacvens Recunense o

O 5A 82-01-17 F 193.52 A --

CH HTEXCH Outage extended due to leaks in the high pressure feedwater heaters IA1 and 1A2.

5B 8h-01-26 F 100.95 A --

CH HTEXCH HP-25 repairs - valve disc and stem damaged.

6 82-01-30 F 4.13 A 1 HA TURBIN Removed unit from service for turbine

- balance shot. Reactor remained critical.

I 2 .I I I . s.cil Reasine blesliini:

1 S 5. i.ninicil A l'ipnpincos I ailine fI splaint Enliil>it G - Insinadiinis I kineual l'os Psepasation ol' Data II Al.nnienini e us l'c>l 2 hjannal Sceain.

( Helucinig 1:nt:) Slicets lin 1.itcusec 1 A ui.n n itic Sse.u n. I: vent Repost il l'H i l'elc lNilRI.G.

In Res;ul.nin) He>in. nun 1 Osive ll.npl.nni l i s.unner A l C"w l ot till

  • l' A.lnusitalsative 5

(; i) I n..: liipl.nni s'8/1/1 11 Ollies ll:apl.sen t lislailut I - Saine Sontce

1 DOCKET 50-269 REVISED t Nil SiluTDOtt':0 2 Nill' owl:lt ItEDUCilONS .

6/15/83 93gg 3/15/82 ul:polt~1. AION. fit February, 1982 CO.\lpi.ETEli nY J.A. Reavis TELEPilONE (704) 373-8552

_ E F.

Na. Dale

-, !E 3 $E'S l.icensee ,E s, {*^o C. nase & Coircuive-i .5 ? i j55 livent 3, y 9? Auson tu 6 yE $ [= 5 g itepine se mO 5' Psevent Reentrente

o o

2-p 82-02-01 F --

A --

Cil PIPEXX Reduced to 55% power to secure "A" feed-water pump for repair of a leak in the recirculation line. ,

7 82-02-01 F- 31.80 A 1 IIA TURBIN Turbine off for a -balance shot. Reactoi remained critical.

8 82-02-09 F: 417.65 A 1 CB llTEXCil Removed unit from service to repair tubi

leak in the l A steam generator.

I 2 .I -1 l~: Fin.ed Iteaun,:

Alcatiosl: ' Exhibit G - lossentlions S - S t.c.inted ~ A.l!.pninnen Failure (laplain) I 4lanual for Picp.uainin os liaia 11 hiaintenance or Test 241 annal Scrani. Ensiy Sheets for 1.ieense.-

C It.:l'echng 1 Antuniatic Leaan.  !!ven Itepost (1.1.R1 I?i le INtlRI.G.

D.R.:gulatory itesiniction 1 Other (fixphin) 01bl)

I? ope aiin Trainingi 1.icenne li.tainin.iiinn I .A.hnim>iraisve 5 G Opes.inun I listor (lisplain) ihhibil 1 S.une Sonoce l's/77 ) . 11 Dihes llispl.iini




- RI.00RT .sIONTil TELEPilONE a..

-, 15=I 'k $*) Litensee ,E s _ f4 Cane A Coerestive

. Auinn to N. . . 1) se r- j jE freed E? E- 3 Preveni Recurrente c5 _ $ ~5; e Rep.n t rN U $'

o 5

o .

HA TURSITI Power was reduced per tech. spec. due tt:

82-03-04 F A --

P- a turbine control (EHC) oil leak. The leak was repaired and the unit returned to near rated power.


432.25 A CB HTEXCH IB steam generator tube leak repair.

9- '82-03-06 F. 1 3.15 A 3 CB Ifl5TRU Reactor tripped on high reactor

^10 82-03-24' F coolant system pressure a feedwater control problem causing a swing in' flow.


  • 4


'I. 2 Esta5 t C .Insiractn.ns Merin >J:

l': ~~ Finiej Reaso:t

1. Manual los Picparatiini of Ibra S.. Si,t.e.itdet! A.F.gnspment Failure (Espla:n) Entiy Slieers for I.aensee n Maintenance of Test 241. nual Seram.

.:. Autematic Scr;nn. F.s en: Rep nt (l.l.R1 file INL:R!,C.

, C.Refs. cling .

01bl1 4.Oilie: (ib. plain i D.Rgul;nory Restin. tion

' l Ops *.J!Df I:JifMng 1 LN'Jnie I5UntinJitun ,

5 .

F.Adernevi> rative [NlnhisI.S.nne$ optic C C;WJilun.d l3!uf (E%plJin) rs/77) .11 Diiier ( Explaial m

L-f' _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . ~ _ _ _ .

= .. .. .. . - . . . _ - - -- -- -- . - _ _ . - - _ _ . ._.

DOCKET NO. 50-269 REVISED 1:Nir Silu1 DOWNS AND l'0WI.R REDUCllONS 6/15/83. UNil NAhlE Oconee 41 DATE lit. PORT Af 0N.fil April, 1982 costPLETED fly TEMPHONE i


~.  ;

E 2 i

-, .]E 3 $ 5' ~j l.icensee ,E , { 9, Cause & C ureceive

.% . D oe .i 3g i is@ Etens 37 E- ? Aoian in i H.

fE d 3 ;p, g Itcport a viU u

SU Prevent itecurre:4e ,

g C

11 .82-04-02 F- 36.33 A 3 RB CRDRVE Reactor tripped when a control problem allowed the group #6 rods to drop into Core. ,

4-P 82-04-19 F A --

CB MOTORX The lAl RCP (reactor coolant pump)

I was--removed from service due to oil level low alarm on the motor lower bearing oil pot.

12 82-04-20 F 9.72 A 1 CB MOTORX Unit was removed from service and reactor at hot shutdown. to add oil to the lAl RCP motor lower oil pot.

-1 2 .I 4 IE fenced . Reaune kleilniil: thliibit G Instructions S. S61.cif uleil A l.gnipineri Failure (Lipl.rin) '

- 141.enual for Preparation ofI);u Il4taintenance of Test 241 annal Serain. I:ntry St.eets for 1.icemec

, C.Refue!ing .t Autoniatic Saain. Ewn Report (1.Elt) file INllRI.G-


I).He5ulatory itesteiction -! Oiher (thplaisil 01611 INOpe.asin Training 1 !!.siinin.ition j , I"~ AtIllif fent rJlive , S C Ope JfiustJI 1.g e'est (l'.\plJtta) Estilbil 1 S.silit* Settleie t's/77) Il Oslier ( thplain)

  • l i.

'5'd-269 U

REVISED UNITsitu1 DOWNS AND POWI:lt REDUCllONS Oconee 1 U! NAIE 6/15/83 ng, g.



_ E E

-, .5E 3 $ 5' E Licensee E -r, f, C.nise A Ciurei.tive Atti..n n.

h Dae 3. 5g ji isJ Even g,7 e. ?

H y~ d 5 ;f, -

'Icpin t e to L o

E' Prevent itecurren ,e 5

- o 5-P 82-05-05 F --

A -- CH HTEXCH Tube leak in 1B1 feedwater heater necessitated a power reduction for isolation of heater.

6-P 82-05-07 F --

A --

CH HTEXCH Operating at 95-96% power due to 181 FWH not isolating completely.

13 82-05-21 F 241.70 A 3 RB CRDRUE During control rod movement test, the

  1. 8 rod on gp. #1 dropped due to a shorted stator and resulted in a reactor / turbine trip.

l . 2 1 4 la rince.! Itcasin : P.leiln.J : Ex!nbei G . Instructions S. Sslieilu'.tl A l'ip:spment f.ti!ure (LxplJin) i 4*lJ n u.!! for Prep.trJIi..n Of NJIJ li.M;intenance of Test 2 .\ lana.! Scram. 3 Slicens f or 1.isensee C.R. fn::!,ng .

.l Autunutic Sts.un. INent Iteport (I.I.lti file INtiltEC.

D.R.:gniatorr D : yricriini - 4.Ot her (1:spl iin) 0101)

I Ope.JIO' i' ' fig 1 ! leCil>C 15 %J111iffJt fil!!

F.Adminni 5

- G Opearia a rut (E splain t Estntui ! S.nne Sousee pJf77) Il Other (I:xplain) 9 L__ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ __

DOCKET NO, 5d-269 REVISED 1: Nil si:uitiowNs ann rowl.It HEl>Uc1 tons 6/15/83 UNil NAhlE - , OcD.!!Re I -

11 A I t'. 7-15-82 CO&H't.EIED HY I A R N I8 Hl.I'ORI AIONI. _ June' 1982 TEl.E!*ll0NE 704-373-8552 I

1. -

? 1*

No. Date

!E 3 $ $ "j jy l.icensce ,E-+, {'a.

py Cause A Cenectaire i 3g j Even: {y Atenni en y5 s 3gg e

iteguns e in O E' u

l*revent Hecurrente g

O 13 82-06-01 F 331.20 A --

RB CRDRVE Continuation of outage. Cleaning and inspection of control rod drive stators; repair of feedwater heater leaks; repair of pressurizer relief valve (RC-66); inspection of icactor building secondary shielding wall tendons in progress.

7-p 82-06-24 F -- II --

RA INSTRU Power reduced to 95% to evaluate noise on reactor loose parts monitor.

h  !

1 I 2 4 .I l' l'in ced Iteason: kicilnnl: Exhibit G-Insientse.wis S .% lee Inleil A l'ignepment Emifure(laplaint i Alannat f n Picparainm ol Data It Alaintenance or Test 2 Alaniial Scram. 1:nisy Slieces Ine I.scusec C.Hes'ncling 1 Antumatie Stsam.

Event Report ll.l.Ri l ilc lNtlRI.G.

H-R.7nlainry Hessiiction LOilies llisplaini 01blI I Training A l.icense Exainination E. A.lininne ralise S G Opciaen nal lator IEsplaint l'.shibil I . S.nue Sumic rs/17) lithheilExplain).

' ' ~ ' " ' " ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' -

. . . - . - - . - - .- . . - ~ - . . .. . . .

.UNITSillJrDOWNS ANi>l>0 Welt liEDUC110NS U REVISED , if oconte 1 U!

6/15/83 gg, g - gfgjg2 Iti:POltT A10NTil August. 1982 Coat! trTED I Y ,

N" . Date

-, .5 E 3 , 3* 1.ieensee ,E% h, Cause & Co.rective i ~? 4 isd liven: 3,7 c. ? Acisonin H y5 5 3 ;5 g Repost e u) U o5' Prevent itecurrence g -

c .

16 82-08-06 F 3.17 11 3 EB CKTBRK Reactor trip due to CRD group 6

. drop when power f rom auxiliary -

  • power supply was lost.

'82-08-20 10-P F --

D --

?.C BATTRY Control batteries specific gravity out of spec. Commenced Rx shutdown per tech. spec. Power decrease stopped at 42% when batteries declared operable.

l 4

1 2 .l 4 1: f uced . Iteaun.: '

.h!cthost: Exhibit G -Instruttowis S. Lheiluteil A l'.pnpment Failure (laptain) l4tainsal l'or Preinsation ni Data


1:4tainicnance or Test 241anual Serain. Enity Sheets l'or 1.i.:ensee C.iterneling .l Automatic Scram.

livent f(ep.u s (1.Elt! Fi!c INtiltLG-D-It. gol.iiory itestiiction . -l Other llaplaint Ultil l t i Ope.aro Tsaining A License lixamination I . Administrative 5 G.Opeia tional la ror ( Esplain) Estabit I - Same Somee 07/77) I;i)iher IExplain) .

, ,- , - . . - - - ---.e., - - - -, -



50-269 REVISED t? Nil silul') OWNS AN: UCTIONS UNil NASIE ._Oconee I 6/15/83 IIATE CONipLEll:D itY

'Itl.I'OltT alONTil July, 1982 TELEIIIONE

= c.

raine & rinnetiive

-, 5g 'h ~ Ei ensee .E - r, { 9, A.m..n in

% 1).de  :- -3 4 2g4 Iheni ?7 e. '

iE L Pievent itecuerci se H

f I. d jsy: ltepnet e j' O

HE TURBlfi Power reduced during UT (ultrasonic 8-p 82-07-01 F -- B --

testing) of turbine extraction piping

("C" - bleed).

H -- HE TURBill Holding at 79% power until a 9-p 82-07-06 F --

reinforcement patch is added to "C"-

bleed line.

14 82-07-06 F 7.62 B 1 HE TUR81ft Unit off and reactor at hot shutdown to weld patch on "C"-bleed line.

9.23 A 3 ZZ ZZZZZ Reactor / turbine trip caused by 15 82-07-2S F lightning.

1 4 I 2 Eshibit G . Instantti.un Iteavnc ' h!cibuti:

li l'inced i 41;n l'or Psepautnin .it 1).na S. St hes!ntet! A lignipment Ibifore(L.splaint Entey Sliceis l' n 1.isensee ll41aintenance ni Test 2Alanual Scram.

C.itel'ucting .i Aulonutie Ste.nn. ISent (I.Litt l'ile INtiltl G.

4 0ilier(lisplaini Ot til l D It.:sulatory itestinction l'-Ope.ator Training A lasense lixamination 5

!! Adminaisalive Estubit I . S.une S.i.nce

. G Opeuiional I.isne (l:splainI ,

. I's/77 )

Il-Other ( thplaini

UNU SHUIDWNS AND l'WI:lt IM:DUCHO.*G U REVISED x A g t. j 6/15/83 nA7 . 10-1s-82 W"'l EIED ny J.A_ R an H _ __

fu rottIaloNnt eptember,1982 S

TELLPilONE 70".-373-7411 l - -

-,  !? 'h d E#-i 1.sycnwe :j-a, C.nise & c..ncoive h'!

N- Oase i, 5? 4 isJ i . . c ..- 7r n. Ain. n i.,

$5 5 5 ;f, =

f(epeni e <Ti G O

S' l' event itecnerente C

17 82-09-10 F 11.62 11 3 ilA IllSTRU Low EllC pressure trip. Pressure switch activating above setpoint 18 82-09-11 F 6.33 G 3 Cll ZZZZZZ Reactor trip due to a feedwater transient result,ing from an operator error.

S 19 82-09-11 F 9.73 A 3 IIA CKTBRK Turbine trip on loss of stator cooling ,

Loss of power to stator cooling pump caused by faulty breaier in load center feeding the pump.

! I i .' .i i l'os cc.! l(c. iso.. l:sigt.o (, . Insi,nce n.n.,

N .% l.c.i nic.! A-l .pninncia l'.ninie (i.spla;n) . [..i Ps ep.u a ti..n .it D o.

le r. bit:n n n:ce ai icit in.inoal S. r.ini. I,ning Slices,i.n I. .

r It.:f'ue! sng 1 Autuinatic Su.nn. 1% ni l<epin g (i.l 10 l' ele (Ntil(1 C.

D.It. gulatory Itcsnicainn .l .Oitier (lisplain) oi g,13 i Ts.sining A l.itense 1:.sanun.itann 11.blinir:nt r.itive 5 G I.orut (lispl.nn) l,gintne l . S,nne S.unce r8/17 ) Il Oilies llispl.iin)

L REVISED DOCKET NO. 269-U.MT SHU IDOWNS AND l liElluCTIONS 6/15/83 llNil NAtti' Oconee #1 _


E Reavis_

0 ctober,1982 CO.\ll't. Ell.D ny .I.

Hl.TOHT AIONfl1 TELI.I'llONE 704-373-7433


I',' ' - U '8 e

! 3, 'h .3 E'k 1.icensee E- b caine x ( ,,,,e en.e i 5y 4 2s5 lisen $$ f '.l, Asin n s.,


$~ d j5y Rep.n e s. 0

}O l'acvent Itcenesen,e 6

.ll-P 82-10-07 F- --

11 --

u Pur1PXX Reduced load to isolate 'lAl' RCP due

[ to low oil level alarm.


20 82-10-07 F 34.07 11 1 CB PUMPXX Reactor shu.tdown to add oil to 'lAl' t RCP.

21 82-10-22 5 203.55 8 1 CB VALVEX Unit shutdown to adjust internal ring settings of pressurizer code relief valves.

1 b


'l' 2 'i .

I l'osced Itr.s,.. : . in,a , g, ,jg,g, g ; , g, s,3,, ,,,,,,,

5 % licif ute.1 A.I .png.n,rio I ,n;.n.- (1 sl>l.;;n t I .,sl in,,. I ,,,,g.,,.,,,,,,,,,.,.3,.,

1841nulenance or Ic t j .sl.nn,.,e 3(..un, g ,, n , 3 .,.;,. ,. 3 , ,,, , ,, , ,,3,. ,.

, ( Rele. tin.i, . .t.Anhnn.itic Sce.nn. lg ,o 3 ep,yggg,g;ggg,geg g ggg3 .

D Regul.nory Itesinction 1 Otti.n (ghplainn gigg3 1: Ope. ant 1s.sining A lasense Eunun.inon 1; Ailn:innis.iiise .

'5 G i er.n llSpl.nn) thinba 1 - S. nae e

,'. l'8/17) _11 (lalie: ( )


- -- m - , - - . . , . - . , , . - - . -

e REVISED DOCKET NO. _50-269 1:NITSIllllDOWNS ANill'OWElt IIEDUCllONS 6/15/83 UNil NAtIC _0conee g ___ __

llAIC ..

CO\lPLElliD 35y .I . A. Reavis Ill !'OltT AION.filOctober' 1982 704-373-7433 I ELt.I'1!ONE t


-, 53, ' '=. 4 N' E I.icensee E.

% Dae  :, E. y 4 2~@ liien. 3 'g f'r.

rd C.nne A C..necin e As n..o i..


$. U 553; lle p.n e s. L o

5' l'acveni liccursense o .

Il-P 82-10-07 F --

11 --

ou PU!!PXX Reduced load to isolate 'lAl' RCP due to low oil level alarm.

20 82-10-07 F 34.07 11 1 CB PUMPXX Reactor shutdown to add oil to 'lAl' RCP.

21 82-10-22 S 203.55 B 1 CB VALVEX Unit shutdown to adjust internal ring settings of pressurizer code relief valves.

l .' .I l l l' n ccil lir.s .. .r :

'. S. I.citute.1 tn l. l. .Intne t; . l. win . e.. ...

A 1.p.g.n.cne f .n!.n. fI spt ;nt i .\i .n.. I i. . l'.s pa. s .. . .: :) .: ..

11.M.nni.: nance n 'l c:.. .' .\la n o ! :st . .n.

0 l(.:I nt in.p, : t.. ris i.. .a nsec

.t. Antunutic Sci.nn. I seni 1;cp.n (1.1.l() l'ile INtil:1.t;-

D 1(.:gul.nney Itesincliini Ollies (limplaini ultill 110pe.a li. 'lsarmng A l. ,cuse I.ununato n i; Ailn;innisaine a 5

(; ilpeiainnul I sen II.splanil lhinini 1 S.nne S..ui.e

, l'8/ / 7 ) 11 Oilies ll spian.)


llNil SilillllOWNS AND PalWI R Hi DI;ciloss DOCKET NO. 50-269 REVISED Oconee 1 UNIT NAhlE 6/15/83 IIA IE l-14-82 NI:POHI AIONrII December, 1982 COMPLETED ay J. A. Reavis TELEl'ilONE 704-373- 7567 e #I "8**

= p. U

-, i :- c a E ~4 I s.tensec g e., c" N' '- U "c Cauw & Curreceive i 5- 4 5s5 E.cne p? $ :g, Aoion so .

dE d e5 Reposi e a8 0 Eb Psevent Recuticosc if, {c v

o l

12-P d2-12-03 F --

B --

CA CRDRVE 87% power for CRD movement PT.

l l

J l

i *

.I l I .n. cil Reauni Alcolonl; 1

S S. I.. ilnic.I Esinibit G - leisessisliinis A l'ipnpmens I .nluie il splanal 1 Alanual l'os Psep. stations i l' Dala 11 hiaintenanic ne les .? Alanual Scsaan.

r Helucinig I:nts) Slicess fus 1.scensee

.l Aus.nnalic Si Event Repius ll l'HIl'ile INilRI.G-la Hegul.a.n) ltr>in.n.m 1 Oslice ll.=plaml I (ppcias.n le einmr A I h e nv i 016lI 1 A.imanssaanvc

  • 5 G Opcs.sinnial i es.. Il spl.un) s's! / / ) 11 Ollies ll:npl un i E.sliilus I Same Source

. . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ .. _ .. J

50-287 DOCKET NO. Oconen 3 UNil N A%tE _



n. c s

= Catiu J Curres ivo-Literisce { t, {g Action in

  • ?  ;, e 's y 3s g jgg ggen rIN $'

Psevent fleeurrense

% e

. ;f, g


Regunt r o

  • yE $ e  ;

o PIPEXX Maintenahce to the high pressure SF F 704.95 A -- . injection (HPI) nozzles.

IA 82-03-01 4

3 Es!nbit C . Ins:rn,tio a 2

M et hoJ - for Preparatin:t ut Data 1

Itca..n., 1 Manual 1:nt > Sheets for 1.nien>ce F FusceJ A l .jn pinent Fai!u:c (Esp!Jin) 2 M.inual Scrarn. INent Iteport (1.1.Rl IMe (Nt: R! C-S. SJiednied 1 Autout.itic St arit. 0101) 11.muitenan.:e u( Test C Refuctin;;

-I Oth: (Espf ain t DM pbrory llevri. tion S I: Ope.ator Training J License lisaniin.irion Esinbet I S.une S uice F- Ad ua n:>t r air.e

  • ' G.Opei ation..! i i rnr (1: spl.nn i Il Galier (I: spbin )

I'll77 )

REVISED DOCK ET NO. 50-287 flNil Silll'IDOWNS AND POWI R Hl'DilCllONS 6/15/83 UNIT NAhlE Oconee 3 DAIE 5-15-82 COMPLETED BY J. A. Reavis Hl.r O R I h! O N ill APFl'l' 1982 lELEl'II0NE 704-373-7567 C

-, !E 'h

  • _, s' i l stemcc ,E-e, { ;. Causc & Currective

% Disc ',

5? 4 is5 Even 3, y e? Attion su -

F fE d 3 ;f, c Hrpos e 8: vi O E' , Prevent Hecunw.c

! O 6

2 82-04-24 S 163.73 8 1 ZZ ZZZZZZ Steam generator auxiliary feed ring

, inspection.

, End of cycle outage.

NRC NSM's/10 yr. ISI/ refueling.

l J l l .n. cil H ea ,. .n

.I l bicihinl: Eshibit G. Imtinssiinis S S. lioli.le.1 A l'quipmeni 12.nhne il splaml I kl.mnal for Pseparation of Dal.a 11 hiaintenm.c in l'es .t hlan nal Scsa m .

r 1(cincluy; I:nts) Sheels fin I.itcusee 1 Antoin.itw Ss s.un. Evens Repin g il l'HI file INilRI.G-le Regnl.nin) Itesen.non l Olhes ll.nplahil 011 11 I ( le.unny A 1 iim. I unun. sis. n

,. I A.Inamissanic 5 G 0 1.nos li spl.nn t r?'ill II Othe II:xplas.i t E.shihis I Same Sousic -


50-287 REVISED llNil Silull) OWNS AND Powlit itElstriloNs DOCKET NO.

UNIT NAME Oconee 3 6/15/83 isA TE 6-15-82 May, 1982 COMPLETEp ily J. A. Reavis Itl.rul(I AIONill 704-373-7567 IELEPIIONE 1 -

=- ee 'E u. : . - D N. . ' D i e '-

E "' 5 ' c'8 cc Et ** C'"** & C"# I


U5 4 25e livent  ?? E"T' E

Attinn to -

g3 E cI jd Itepuis 8: iS 0 , l'acvent llecinsentc -

d 2 82-05-01 S .744.00 8 --

ZZ ZZZZZZ Steam generator auxiliary feed ring modification is in progress.

Er.d of cycle outage continues.

NRC NSM'c/10 yr. .

I ISI/ refueling.

I l 2 .I l i 1. n i c al ite. nun- Mellioil:

S S. In ilnie.1 Esliibit G-Instruclienn A lipnpanen 1 ailnie Il splaint i M.unut l'os Pacp.uariun iil Data 11 Mainien.ince ne l'est 2-M.a riual Sesa ni. I:nt:) Slicess lin I.icensee r f(cineling .l Autoniitic Sisam. livent Itepint ll l'lti I? i le INiliti G-li itegulatin) Itesen. unn .l.Othes il.xplain t Oltil l i e spceanos is.unner .t i sirme 1 xanunati..n I d.llnillibl4JilWL' b G t I s e..: llipl.nni lisliilus I . Same Sousee l's/ / / l II Olhes Ilimplanel

REVISED UNil SHulDOWNS AND l'UWlit RfuUCHONS NMO-UNil NAhlE Oconee 3 6/15/83 DAIE 7-15-82 gune, 1982 COSIPLET ED llY J. A. Reavis n i alo N HI 1El.ErtlONE 704-373- 7567 l

=_ <.  ; u. 2 - S

-, i :- F , E ~4 1.s.tensee g - e., c, Cause & Curreceive N*- 18 He  :-

5E 4 is5 Esent ?7 6i Atsinn so -

F jE E stepuni s: nb E' Peeven Itecuncate 5 afi g=

u C

2 82-06-01 5 720.00 B --

ZZ ZZZZZZ Steam generator auxiliary feed ring modification. Refueling in progress.

End of cycle outage. continues. NRC NSM's; 10 yr. ISI (in service inspec-tion); CSA (core support assembly) bolt replacement.

l l

l I

l l 2 .I .I I I osi cil Itcainn- Alcolonl: Egliitne c. Insisucelons S S. I.uinic.l A l~iinipsnene F.ninie il splain) l M.innal for P,cparasien,og pai,, i 11 AI.sinienint e os Ics: ,2 A1.sunal Sceaan. Ents) Slicens fin I.scensee C ltelnclung 5 Ansuntitic Sir.sna. liveni l<cpini ll f RI l' ele INtlRI G.

la> ltesen.ason .l .oilice ll.n pl.nn i o f geli


I op. ..a aos le.nnner & I 8* *m*' l unan s'8'a' l' A.inani>ssarive s G ) I n..: ll spl.nni Egliiln I .Saine Sontce C'li1) II Ollieslib )

E D 11 Nil SillllllOWNS AND H)WIIt IlfilUrilONS U e 3 DA TE 8-15-82 I 1.roitI blo N ill July, 1982 COSIPLElED llY J. A. Reavis lELErl10NE 704-373-7567 c:

N.. t hic

, 53 'h _$5'i 1.itensce 3-s, D, Cause & Curreceive i 5g 4 is&  !!.cn 3y ei Aoion to -

F fE d ~ ;y, c Itcpose n in' U E' , Psevent itecunicnce 3 o o

2 82-07-01 S 744.00 B --

ZZ ZZZZZZ Steam generator auxiliary feed ring modification.

Refueling in progress. End of cycle outage continues. NRC NSM's. 1.0 yr.

ISI (in service inspection) and -CSA (core support assembly) bolt replace-ment have been completed.

I '

.I .I i 1. ... cil Itcasun - hiethuil: E shibit G - Instanttions S. l nh.ic.I S A lipnpanen I!.nhne ti sl.lan:) I hiannal for Psep.uation sil' Data 11 bl.iinienans e in l'es Sciam.

C ltes ucimi; Ents) Sheets lin 1.icensee 1 Autonolic S(sans. livent f(cpint ll l'ltil'ile INilitt G-D.Ites;nt.oin) Itc>ns non 1 Othee Ihaplaint ultili I ( spce.stin le.nnmi .i l h imc l' A inunisseative e 5 G Opcs. : .nial i eine 11Tpl.nni l'8/ / / l ll Othei ll.S t il.nni E.shilus 1 Same Sontcc

DOCK ET NO. 50-287 UNITSilull) OWNS AND POWEit REDUCTIONS oconee 3 UNil NA.\lE DATt 9/9/82 REVISED CO.\tPLETED ltY 1(1:PO!1T A10NTil August, 1982 6/15/83 EMPl!ONE 9*.

= . 3 s,. - 5 y C= E E v .E. 3 1 '.fe"5cc 5L CL Cause & Currective

,) d 6. c; 7,  ; j ; cc Event  ? 9.? Acnonso c3 . ch 55:g  !(eport : 'E 0 5' Prevent P.centrente

. o C


  • 82-08-01 S 744.00 B --

ZZ ZZZZZZ Steam generator auxiliary feed ring modification in progress. End of cycle outage continues. NRC NSM's.

(Refuel complete) l i .

! l l

l l

l I

i i 2 3 ,;

I l'e n ced 1(cauin: ,

kletlioil: thliibit G - Inst rucinins S. Siliciluleil A.I spnpnient Failure (Explain) -

1.stan for Pseparation if I). iia ll.t l.iinien:Hice or' Test ual Scr;nn. linery Sliceis l'or I.ieensee C.!t.:(ucting .t. Auloinatie Sci.un. I:sent Repos (i.l'It)l de (Ntflit.C.

D. Regulatory itesitiction -l Ottier (lisplain) 0161) l'-Ope:ator Training & l.rcense lixainination I .Ad.uirnst rative ,s i G-Opei.itional la ror (l'.spl.iin i lhliibii 1 S.nne Source Pl/77) ll Ottier lihplain)


Conee 3 6/15/83 UNil NAMg!

DATg 10-15-82 COMI IllIII Y Rt v 18 8 pol (T .\lONTis September, 1932 .


= _ r. 3 5

.e-. , ii:-

D 'If

., ae y _, s '.- u nce N.q, cause & c....ctiive

}, Es i' .i j s [2 n t f $' ')

Assion in

$3 c'2 5$5:. l(cr..i t 'E 0 E' Psevent Itecurrcuse

- u C

2 82-09-01 S 720.00 B --

ZZ ZZZZZZ Steam generator auxiliary feed ring modification in progress. End of cycle outage continues. NRC NSM's.

I l l . l I l'.n ce.) I; c.i ,i n, n s . . ... .n : l' G - linisocinuis N S. I.r.i nleil A.I .initunent !!.ninae (laplJ;n) i M u nnal l' n Pacin.uation .it ll t.l.untenat. c ..: l'csi 241 nnal Sct.un, l.nte) Slicets sur 1.Neusec C. !(.; t uc tin;. .t. Aninnu tic St s.nn. I:wsis f(epini (1.l:KI 12 lc (Niliti.C.-

D.ltegulainry llesteiction -1; Oilier (lisplain) 01b11 i f)pe.alin Ts.innng & ense l'.saininannn I:. Ailniiin. t e alis c 5

G.upciaannut 1.oin (l'.splaint Estnint 1 Saine S.inhe t#/17) ll 0 lwi (lixpl. sin) a


llNil SisHIDOWNS AND l OWIIt Iti:liucilons DOCKET NO. 50-287 REVISED Oconee 3 UNIT NAME 6/15/83 DAIE 11/15/82 fil;roit s AIONis, October, 1982 COMI'LETED Igy J. A. Reavis TELEril0NE 704-373-7567

= a. = u, N E


y 55 5 _'> 5 3

'"$'C 5 ',, h, Cause & Curecciive l

'6,' 9 ""

I g5 $ 2 is cr- @I:vens py 5y Atgjon go .

" ik u 6E c2 j5 Itcpint n O

, Psevent itecurren(c 6

2 82-10-01 S 11.00 B ZZ End of cycle outage and auxiliary ZZZZZZ feedwater header work completed. i

-2A 82-10-01 S 57.42 B ZZ Core Physics Testing.

ZZZZZZ 2-P 82-10-04 S --

B ZZ ZZZZZZ Power Escalation testing. l 3-P 82-10-06 S --

B ZZ ZZZZZZ Power Escalation testing. -

3 82-10-10 F 267.08 A 1 CB HTEXCH Unit shutdown to attempt' to locate steam generator tube leak. Work also completed on pressurizer code relief.

4-P 82-10 F A Holding at various power levels to CB HTEXCH monitor steam generator tube leak.

5-P 82-10-23 F --

A --

HH PUMPXX 302 heater drain pump out of service.

6-P 82-10-25 F --

A HH Ccndensate booster pump out of service PUMPXX for repair of discharge valve.

7-P 82-10-30 F A Reduced power to monitor steam CB HTEXCH generator tube leak rate.

I '

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- S Sil.alnie.1 l'sliibis G-Insecuccions A 1iluspment l ailine il splain) i M.ninal for Psep.u.siion of Dasa '

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DO(. K ET Nil.60-287 l' Nil SilU'll10WNS ANill OWElt Hl:DUC110NS Oconee 3 REVISED U NII N A hlE 6/15/83 l)A ll; 12-15-82 Hl.PollT AIONTil N ovember,1982 Cosirl.ETI:D HY 1 A. Re.svis lELLPil0NE 704-371-75fe7

, !E 3j d E'k I.itensee .'j ,, b, raine & Coneceive
  • N. e . Date y, 3g j g E' I: vent E0

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I c3 5 c'2 5 5, = Heluus 8* S' Picsen: Heciustnce

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8-P 82-11-02 F --

A --

CB llTEXCH Operating at reduced power levels due to steam generator tube leak.

4 82-11-17 F 313.02 A 1 CB HTEXCH Unit shutdown to-repair steam generator tube leaks.

1 2 .I .I l' l'.nsed Iteaun.: kle In,.1: rglgt,ji c .gnsin,,.3,,,,,

S SI ciluteil A.I .pnpnient l'ailuse(l.spla:nl I 41.inual f.., piepaiaen,n ,,1 n iia Il41.nnienance er l'est J4la:nsal Sts nn. linisy Slicess 1.n I.isensee C itefuelung .t Antoenatic Ssi.nn. l : ten Hep.n II.I'lti l ile INl:Hl G.

D H. ;ul.nory Resentsion

.I () lier I E xplain t ni g,1 I

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G Opci.itional I : sus fliiplanal I;sinint 1. Saine S.ius.e l'8/77) llf)ilice(I:splani)




1. Unit Name: Oconce No. I Notes
2. Reporting Period: June 1, 1983 - June 30, 1983 Year-to-date and cumulative 25Ag capacity factors are calcu-
3. Licensed Thermal Power QtW::: laced using a weighted
4. Nameplate Rating (Gross StWep: 934 886 average for ma:cimum
5. Design Electrical Rating iNec stWe): dependable capacity.
6. Sluimum Dependable C.spacity-(Gross atWep: 800
7. Staximum Dependable Capacity (Net atWe): 860 l S. If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7) Since Last Report. Give Ressons:

None 4

9. Power Level To which Restricted. lf Any INet SIWE): None '
10. Reasons For Restnctions. If Any:

This Stonth Date Cumulative

11. Hours In Reporting Period 720.0 4 343.0 87 288.0
12. Number Of Hours Reactor was Critical 15.7 3 633.9 61 300:9
13. Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours
14. Hours Generstor On.Line 15.6 3 608.5 . -58 191 5
15. Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours .
16. Gross Thermal Energy Cenerated (StWH) 23 343 9 155 900 138 275 587 .

17 Gross Electrical Energy Generated (StWH) 7 810 3 181 070 48 098 980 Is. Set Electrical Energy Genetuted (31WH) 2 790 .3 037 793 45 534 719

19. Unit Service Factor 2.2 83.1 66.7
20. Unit Andsbdity Factor 2.2 83.1 66.7
21. Unit Capacity Factor IUsing SIDC Neri i 0.5 81.3 60.5
22. Unit Capacity FactorIUning DER Net) 0.4 79.0 58.9
23. Uni Forced Outage Rate 0.0 0.8 18.2-
24. Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next o alonths tType. Date.snd Duration of Eache Currently Refueling 1


25. If Shut Down At End Of Report Period. Estimated Date of ',: rtup: August '18, 1983
26. Units in Test Status Prior to Commereist Operations: Forecast Achieved.



. o l

DUKE POWElt Godinuxv l'.O. ISOX !!!!!!!D Cal A14I,OTTE, N.(1. J' il*J 1*J

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July 15, 1983 g[E((ECIsn Director Office of Inspection and Enforcement U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Attention: Document Control Desk Re: Oconee Nuclear Station Docket Nos. 50-269 -270, -287

Dear Sir:

Please find attached information concerning the performance and operating status of the Oconee Nuclear Station for the month of June, 1983.

Also, attached are revised copies of the 1982 unit shutdowns and power reduction sheets.

Very truly yours, C r / L ~

Hal B. Tucker JAR:ses Attachments cc: Regional Administrator Mr. J. F. Suermann, Project Manager U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Region II U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 101 Marietta Street, NW, Suite 2900 Washington, D. C. 20555 Atlanta, Georgia 30303

/ Mr. Phill Ross INPO Records Center U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Suite 1500 MNBB-5715 1100 Circle 75 Parkway Washington, D. C. 20555 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Senior Resident Inspector g)

Oconee Nuclear Station g OB10l g 8 gSIG ~


