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Meeting Summary - V. C. Summer - Presentation Slides
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Site: Summer South Carolina Electric & Gas Company icon.png
Issue date: 06/01/2011
Shared Package
ML111520446 List:
Download: ML111520473 (20)


VCSummerNuclear V.C. Summer Nuclear Station Station 2010 Annual A ssessment Meeting Nuclear Regulatory CommissionRiII R e gi on II MeetingAgenda Meeting Agenda*Introduction*Review of NRC Reactor Oversight Process (ROP)*Discussion of V. C. Summer Nuclear Station Plant Performance*National Summary of Plant Performance

  • QuestionsandAnswers
  • Questions and Answers 2 Our MissionTolicenseandregulatethe To license and regulate the nation's civilian use of byproduct, source, and illtilt spec i a l nuc l ear ma t er i a l s t o ensure adequate protection of public health and safety, promote the common

defense and security, and protecttheenvironment protect the environment

.3 The NRC Regulates*Nuclear Reactors-commercial power reactors, research dttttdi an d t es t reac t ors, new reac t or d es i gns*Nuclear Materials-nuclear reactor fuel, radioactive materials for medical, industrial, and academic use

  • Nuclear Waste-transportation,storageanddisposalof Nuclear Waste transportation, storage and disposal of nuclear material and waste, decommissioning of nuclear facilities*Nuclear Security-physical security of nuclear facilities and materials from sabotage or attacks 4

Region II OrganizationVictor McCree Regional AdministratorLeonard WertDeputyRegionalAdministrator Deputy Regional Administrator Joel Munday Director Division of Reactor Safety Richard CroteauDirector Division of Reactor Projects Chris Christensen Deputy Director William Jones Deputy Director Gerald McCoy Branch Chief Summer Resident InspectorsJohn Zeiler -SRI Project EngineersSon Ninh -SPEMarkSchieg PEEllery Coffman -RI Mark Sch w ieg -PE 5 How We Regulate*Establish rules and re g ulations g*Issue licenses*Provide oversi g ht throu g h ins p ection , ggp,enforcement, and evaluation of operational experienceCdthtidtf*C on d uc t researc h t o prov id e suppor t f or regulatory decisions

  • Respondtoeventsandemergencies
  • Respond to events and emergencies 6

RegulatoryFramework 7

Reactor Oversi g ht Process gStrategicPerformance AreasStrategicPerformance AreasSafetyCornerstonesPerformanceIndicatorSafetyCornerstonesPerformanceIndicatorBaseline Inspection ResultsSignificance S i gnifi ca n ce Performance IndicatorResultsBaseline Inspection ResultsSignificance S i gnifi ca n ce Performance IndicatorResultsSignificance Threshold Action MatrixSgcaceThresholdSignificance Threshold Action MatrixSgcaceThresholdRegulatory Response Regulatory Response 8

Significance Threshold GreenPerformance within ex p ected p erformance levels Performance Indicators pp White Performance outside an expected range, but cornerstone objectives are still being metYellow Cornerstone ob jectives met with a minimal jreduction in the safety margin RedSignificant reduction in safety marginInspectionFindings Inspection Findings GreenVery low safety significance WhiteLow to moderate safet y si g nificance y gYellowSubstantial safety significance RedHigh safety significance 9

Action Matrix ConceptLicenseeRegulatoryDegradedMultiple/RepUnacceptableLicenseeResponseRegulatoryResponseDegradedCornerstoneMultiple/Rep

.DegradedCornerstoneUnacceptablePerformanceIncreasing Safety Significance Increasing NRC Inspection EffortsIncreasing NRC/Licensee Management InvolvementIncreasingRegulatoryActions Increasing Regulatory Actions 10 NRC Inspection ActivitiesV.C. Summer Nuclear Station -20105618 hours of inspection and related activitiesTwo resident inspectors on site -residents perform inspectionsonadailybasisandissuefour quarterly inspections on a daily basis and issue four quarterly baseline inspection reports per yearEight regional baseline inspectionsFour major team inspections:Triennial Fire ProtectionEmergency Preparedness Biennial ExerciseTriennial Permanent Plant Modifications/10CFR50.59Biennial Problem Identification & Resolution 11 V.C. Summer Nuclear Station PfIditdFidi P er f ormance I n di ca t ors an d Fi n di ngsJanuary 1 through December 31, 2010All Green Performance Indicators 3Greeninspectionfindings 3 Green inspection findings2 Severity Level IV Violations 12 NRC Inspection Finding ExampleV.C. Summer Nuclear Station The inspectors identified a Green Non-Cited Violation of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion XVI, "Corrective Action," for the licensee's failure to identify and correct a condition adverse to quality. Sifillthlifildtidtifdtidi S pec ifi ca lly, th e li censee f a il e d t o id en tif y an d correc t i na d equac i es in their emergency diesel generat or (EDG) preventive maintenance program for monitoring engine driven pump seal leakage in accordancewithvendorrecommendationsleadingtosubsequent accordance with vendor recommendations , leading to subsequent

'A' EDG jacket water seal leaka ge going unidentified from June 1, 2010, until October 20, 2010. T he licensee initiated Condition Report(CR) 03861andimplementedadditionalrequirements Report (CR)10 03861 and implemented additional requirements and operator training to conduct proper seal leakage monitoring during subsequent EDG operations.

13 NRC Annual Assessment SummaryV.C. Summer Nuclear StationSouth Carolina Electric & Gas Company operated the plantsafelyandinamannerthatpreservedthepublic plant safely and in a manner that preserved the public health and safety and protected the environment.V.C. Summer Nuclear Station was in the Licensee Response Column of the NRCs ROP Action Matrix for

the last quarter of 2010.

q 14 National Summary of PltPf Pl an t P er f ormance Status as of 12/31/2010 Licensee Response 89Regulatory Response 9Degraded Cornerstone 6 Multiple/Repetitive Degraded Cornerstone 0 Multiple/Repetitive Degraded Cornerstone 0 Unacceptable 0 Total 104 Total 104 15 NRC Plans for 2011 NRCplansbaselineinspectionsatVCSummer NRC plans baseline inspections at V.C. Summer Nuclear Station for the remainder of 2011. This includes: Reactor Operator Licensing ExaminationTemporary Inspection 2515/177 -Managing Gas Accumulation in Emergency Core Cooling, DecayHeatRemoval&ContainmentSpray Decay Heat Removal & Containment Spray System 16 Contacting the NRC

  • Reportanemergency
  • Report an emergency-(301) 816-5100 (call collect)
  • Reportasafetyconcern Report a safety concern -(800) 695-7403*General information or

-Select "What We Do" for Public Affairs 17 Open to the PublicThNRClhihiitkith

  • Th e NRC p l aces a hi g h pr i or it y on k eep i ng th e public and stakeholders informed of its activities. *At, you can:

-Fin d pub li c m ee tin g da t es a n d tr a n sc ri p t s;dpubceegdaesadascps;-Read NRC testimony, speeches, press releases, and policy decisions; and Accesstheagency'sElectronicReadingRoomtofind

-Access the agency's Electronic Reading Room to find NRC publications and documents.

18 End of Presentation Nuclear Re g ulator y Commission gy Region IIAtlanta,GA Atlanta, GAMay26,2011 May 26, 2011 VCSummerPublicMeeting V.C. Summer Public MeetingCommentsandQuestions?

Comments and Questions?