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Advises That Anticipated Walkdown of Plant,Per Resolution of USI A-46 Will Be Deferred Beyond 881007 Schedule & Reserves Right to Revise Implementation Schedule at Plant to Integrate Potential Future Requirements Into Single Program
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/10/1990
From: Tucker H
REF-GTECI-A-46, REF-GTECI-SC, TASK-A-46, TASK-OR GL-87-02, GL-87-2, NUDOCS 9004240415
Download: ML20034A841 (2)



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Duke Ituer Cornpany lik 11 kur -

i PO Bat 33198 l' ice Presiderd Charlotte, NC 28242 Nuclear />oduction (IM)3II453I:



April 10,1990
U.' S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, DC' 20555


Oconee Nuclear-Station-Docket Nos.- 50-269, -270; -287 Generic Letter'87-02 Verification-of Seismic Adequacy of Mechanical and..

Electrical Equipment in Operating Reactors, Unresolved-Safety Issue (USI) A-46 By my letter dated October 7,1988, I 'had committed to a schedule l for the q

plant walkdown associated with the implementation of:USI A-46 at Oconee j

Nuclear. Station. This schedule was contingent upon'the schedule for completion of generic efforts submitted by the Seismic Qualification Utility Group (SQUG) in its October 9, 1987 letter.- The SQUG schedule.

provided for completion of the Generic Implementation Procedure (GIP)1 during the first quarter of 1989, followed by NRC review and issuance of a final SER in the second quarter of 1989, q

My current understanding is that the final SER for A-46 implementation j

will be delayed at least until the middle of calendar year 1990._ Based on-this, the anticipated walkdown of Oconee Nuclear Station associated _vith the resolution of A-46 must be deferred beyond the original schedule; Until the final SER has been issued, I cannot' commit to a~ firm' schedule for the walkdown and other activities requested by Generic Letter 87-02.

I Within 60 days following reciept of the final SER and resolution _of'all.

outstanding issues, I will submit our implementation; plan'and schedule.

I would also like to integrate the resolution of USI A-46 with the resolution of numerous other related -seismic issues (e.g., Eastern

. {

Seismicity, Seismic Margins, and Severe Accident Individual Plant External l

Event Evaluations).

In view of the uncertainties in the requirements and schedule for resolution of these related issues, I reserve the right'to i

revise the implementation schedule for USI A-46 at Oconee Nuclear Station

-I to integrate these potential future requirements into a single,

- j cost-effective program.

Very truly yours, dk NAM" 9004240415 900410


PDR ADOCK 05000269 P


y 9..

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LU.'S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Page;_2

' April 10,1990 c c..

cc ~ Mr.:Len'Wiens:

-Office--of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

-U.- S., Nuclear Regulatory Commission;

' Washington', DC ~20555t'

'Mr. P. H.: Skinner-NRC Resident-Inspector

'Oconee Nuclear Station' Mr..S. D.'Ebneter-J Regional' Administrator,_ Region II=

U.:S.--Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

. Region II.

101-Marietta Street, NW, Suite 2900-Atlanta',' GA : 30323 t

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