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Partial Response to FOIA Request for Summaries & Evaluations of LERs from Fuel Loading to Declaration of Commercial Operation for Seven Plants.Forwards Documents Listed on App A.App B Documents Available in PDR
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna, Limerick, River Bend, LaSalle, 05000000, Shoreham
Issue date: 10/31/1985
From: Felton J
To: Sholly S
Shared Package
ML20136E841 List:
FOIA-85-668 NUDOCS 8511260091
Download: ML20137A749 (5)



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Mr. Steven C. Sholly CCf S 195 MHB Technical Associates Technical Consultants on Energy and the Environment 1723 Hamilton Avenue - Suite K IN RESPONSE REFER San Jose, CA 95125 TO F01A-85-668

Dear Mr. Sholly:

This is in partial response to your letter dated September 27, 1985, in which you requested, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (F0IA), summaries and evaluations of Licensee Event Reports from fuel loading to declaration of commercial operation for seven specified nuclear power plants.

During a telephone conversation with Nina Toms on October 4,1985, you confirmed you are not interested in obtaining copies of LERs or inspection reports. Therefore, those reports will not be identified in response to your request.

The records identified on enclosed Appendices A and B are responsive to your request. Appendix A documents are being placed at the NRC's Public Document Room (PDR) in file folder F01A-85-668. Appendix B documents have previously been made available for inspection and copying at the PDR. Access to these records may be acquired by referring to the accession number listed by each of these records.

The staff is continuing to search for and review additional documents related to your request. We will notify you as search and review are completed.

Sinc. rely, J. M. Felton, Director Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration


As stated 8511260091 851031 PDR FOIA GHOLLYB5-668 PDR

Re: F0!A-85-668

i. L j' APPENDIX A  !


1. 02/2 /84 SALP Input for Susquehanna Unit I and 2 Technical Specification Changes for the Standby Gas Treatment System. (24 pages)
2. 03/13/84 Memo for R. Starostecki from R. L. Perch re: SALP Input for Susquehanna 1 and 2. (5 pages) l~ 3. 05/23/84 Memo for Darrell G. Eisenhut from Frank J. Miraglia re:

Susquehanna Operating Experience. (6pages)

4. 01/85 NUREG/CR-4129 EGG-2372 (Draft) - Exploratory Trend and Pattern Analysis of 1981 Through 1983 Licensee Event Report Data by

< v Oren Hester, Michael Groh, and Frank Farmer.

5. 01/29/85 Memo for Darrell G. Eisenhut from Dennis M. Crutchfield re:

Limerick-1 Operating Experience. (4 pages) - Accession No.

6. 02/08/85 Note to Frank J. Miraglia from Gary M. Holahan re: Shoreham Operating Experience. (3 pages)
7. 02/15/85 Memo for Richard W. Starostecki from Frank J. Miraglia re:

Operating Experience at Limerick. (1page)

. 8. 03/20/85 Memo for Comissioner Zech from W. J. Dircks re: Limerick 1 i

Operating Experience. (1page) 1

9. 04/26/85 Memo for Thomas M. Novak from Dennis M. Crutchfield re

, of Limerick-1 Operating Experience. (4 pages)

, 10. 05/01/85 Memo for Richard W. Starostecki from Karl V. Seyfrit re:

Evaluation of LERs for Susquehanna Steam Electric Station Units 1 and 2 for the Period from February 1,1984, to

April 30, 1985. (4 pages)
11. 05/22/85 Memo for Richard Starostecki from M. Campagnone re: SALP -

Pennsylvania Power and Light Company Susquehanna Steam Electric Station. (10pages)

12. 06/05/85 Memo for James H. Joyner from George W. McCorkle re: SALP Input Susquehanna 1 and 2 (February 1, 1984 - April 30, 1985).


13. 06/06/85 Meno for H. R. Denton from T. E. Murley re: Limerick Nuclear Generating Station Unit 1 Full Power License Recommendation.

(15 pages) i s

Re: F01A-85-668 APPENDIX A

14. 07/25/85 Memo for Thomas.M. Novak from Dennis M. Crutchfield re: Update of Limerick 1 Operating Experience. (4 pages)
15. 09/16/85 Memo for Robert D. Martin from C. J. Heltemes, Jr., re: l Potential for HPCS System Relief Valve Failures at River Bend Unit 1. (11pages) l

Re: F01A-85-668 APPENDIX B

1. 06/30/78 Abnormal Occurrence Reports to Congress (NUREG/CR-0090).

(36 pages) - Accession ho. 8203110073

2. 03/31/82 LER Compilation (NUREG/CR-2000). (33 pages) - Accession No.


3. 03/31/82 Power Reactor Events Reports (NUREG/BR-0051). (13 pages) -

Accession No. 8204160042

4. 09/20/82 Operating License Recommendations for Susquehanna 1 - Accession No. 8209280342
5. 07/07/83 Vibration Report (AEOD/R315). (48 pages) - Accession No.


6. 08/18/83 SALP Report 1982-1983 - Accession No. 8308240610A
7. .09/21/83 18C Power Supply (AE0D/E324). (24 pages) - Accession No.


8. 03/23/84 Set Point Drift (AE0D/T403). (7 pages) - Accession No.


9. 03/23/84 HPCI Systems (AE0D/E407). (7 pages) - Accession No. 8404200383
10. 05/04/84 Letter to Bruce D. Kenyon (PP&L) from Richard W. Starostecki (NRC Region I) - Accession No. 8405140324
11. 05/04/84 SALP Report 1983-1984 - Accession No. 8405140324A
12. 05/16/84 Instrument Sensing Lines (AE00/E409). (10 pages) - Accession No. 8406260395
13. 06/18/84 Operating License Recommendations for Susquehanna 2 - Accession No. 8406260395
14. 08/28/84 Letter to Commonwealth Edison Company from James K. Keppler, Attn: Mr. Cordell Reed, enclosing SALP Board Report for the LaSalle County Nuclear Power Station - Accession No. 830804052
15. 02/28/85 WNP2 SALP Input. (5 pages) - Accession No. 8503070322
16. 03/01/85 Memo from R. Staostecki, RI, to H. Thompson, NRR, subject:

Limerick Operating Experience - Accession No. 8508090590

17. 04/26/85 SALP Report (Limerick) - Accession No. 8505030245

. Re: F01A-85-668 APPENDIX B

18. 04/30/85 Analysis of 1981 LER Data (NUREG/CR 4071). (215pages).-

Accession No. 8204010531

~19. 05/01/85 Susquehanna SALP Input. (4 pages) - Accession No. 8505070516

20. 05/24/85 Ls Salle SALP Input. (4 pages) - Accession No. 8406020447
21. 05/24/85 Bumped Components (AE00/E508). (54 pages) - Accession No.


22. 05/24/85 Letter to WPPSS, attention: D. W. Mazur from John B. Martin, subject: Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance (SALP) enclosing SALP Report No. 50-397/85-07 WPPSS-2 dated March 27, 1985 - Accession No. 8506100816
23. 07/15/85 Letter to Bruce D. Kenyon (PP&L) from Thomas E. Murley (NRC Region I) - Accession No. 8507180189
24. 07/15/85 SALP Report 1984-1985 - Accession No. 8507180189A
25. 07/29/85 Director's Decision Under 10 CFR $2.206 (DD 85-11) w/ enclosures Accession No. 8508090585
26. 07/31/85 Feedwater Study (AE0D/P501). (35 pages) - Accession No.


27. 08/16/85 NRC Staff Response In Opposition to the Appeal of Anthony /F0E from a Licensing Board Memorandum and Order of June 4,1985 -

Accession No. 8508210212

28. 08/31/85 Scram Study (AE00/P504). (110 pages) - Accession No. 8509260463
29. 08/31/85 ESF Study (AE0D/P503). (64 pages) - Accession No. 8509260458
30. 09/30/85 Overpressurization (AE0D/C502). (37 pages) - Accession No.