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Discovery Request for Answers to Interrogatories Re Comanche Peak Response Team.Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 09/22/1986
From: Garde B
Citizens Association for Sound Energy, TRIAL LAWYERS FOR PUBLIC JUSTICE, P.C.
Shared Package
ML20214R018 List:
OL, NUDOCS 8609290182
Download: ML20214R465 (10)



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'86 SEP 25 P2 :38 l OFFICE CF c'-


ON1Teu STATdd OF AMt,RICA 00CKLTyu > _ _ ' , -




TEAAS OTILITitS GdN6 RATING J COMPANY, et al. J Docket Nos.30-443

)30-446 (Comanene Pean Steam tiectric )

station, units 1 & 4 )

CPRT DISCOv8RY - STAFF INSTRUCTIONS Pursuant to 1U C.F.R. Pa r t 2 and Rules J3 ana J4 of tne Federal Rules or Civ11 Procecure, Citizens' Association for Souna energy (CASE) requests tnat otarr answer separately ano completely in writing, under oatn or attirmation, eacn of tne interrov atories set tortn in "CPaT Discovery - Starr," anc cellver tne answers to Cads's counsel, Trial Lawyers for Puolic Justice, at 2000 P dtreet, n.n., Suite oli, Wasnington, D.C.

zuuao ano to CASc's representative Juanita Ellis, Citizens' Association ror souna energy, 142o S. Folk street, Dallas, Texas 134L4 8609290182 860922 PDR ADOCK 05000445 G PDR

_ _ . _ _ _ _ __ . . . . . _ . - . . . _ .. __ _ - . __ _ . ~ . .


. I. Derinitions ano Instructions i

1.10e t in i t io ns : For tne purpose or tnese interrogatories tne to11owing terms snail nave tne rollowing daeanings:

A. "Docu men t" snail mean every instrument or cevice oy wnicn, tnrougn wnich or on wnica intoranation nas oeen recoraea incluaing tnose reflecting meetings, aiSCussions or Conversation; notes; letters; orawings; Iiles; graphs; charts; maps; pnotograpns; oeeds; stuales; data sneets; notecooks; oooks; appointment calendars; i

telegnone 0111s; telepnone messages; receipts; voucners a:Inutes or meetings; pahlpniets; r

computations; calculations; accounting (s);

i l

rinancial statements; voice recordings; computer printouts; ano any aevice or meaia on wnich or tnrougn wnich inforniation of any type is transmitteo, recoroea or preserved. Tne term "cocument" also means every copy of a accument wnen sucn copy is not an laentical cuplicate of ene original.

1 )

1 Tne uerinitionc nere are intenaea to yulae Start in provioing their answers oy neiping tnem uncerstana wnat CAS6 l means of tnese worus in ene questions. Ooviously, Staf r may l

I j

provice its answers oy using tne same woros witn tne same  !

l meanin3 out snoulu so inoicate.

l l

t i



To tne extent tnat accuments are identiried or relied upon to answer any or tuese questions tne accument must nave already oeen released or made ava11aule to CASS, or must ce releasea or mace ava11aole to CAS8. (No documents may be usea Ln opposition to CAS8 motions for summary disposition on CPnT acequacy, in cross motions tor summary alsposition or at nearings related to tne suojects inquirea into here it not produced in response to these interrogatories.)


" Contact" means any ano all communication by any means wnatsoever tnat involvea a transter ot inrormation, wnetner written, oral or in .any other torm, including oiscussions, letters, memoranaa, telegnone calls, or telegrams.

C. Tne term " identity" means:

(1) As to conversations, stating the parties to tne conversation, tne cate or tne conversation, and tne portions or tne conversation responsive to tne particular interrogatory; (11) As to tne indiviauals, stating tnelr name, ousiness accress, position or Joo, tnelt relation, it any, to tne parties in tnis proceeding, and their present or tormer artiliation or contact witn Starr.

9 till)

As to meetings ano contacts, stating tne cate ot eacn sucn meeting or contact, rne participants tnereto ano l tne titles of tnose participants, ano tne suostance tnereor. Ioentity all i

cocuments written auring, or as a

! result ot, sucn meeting or contact.

Icentity all communications prececing, ouring, ano subsequent to sucn meeting or contact relateo in any way to tne meeting.

u. Tne term " explain in precise aetali" means:

til to oescrioe an activity in a step-cy-step manner, starting at the ceginning or tnat activity ano tracing it enrougn every action, interrace, cecision point, oiscussion point, conversation, inspection review, or conclusion oy wnicn tne activity occurred; L11) to incluce in the explanation tne i

names or all inolviauals, or ganiza tions, companies, groups,

, disciplines, or otner person or persons wno par ticipateo in tne activity oescricea aoove.

1 I


(111; to incluae in the explanation all tne cocuments, torms, procedures or otner gulaance or criteria Dy wnich the 1 activity was pertormeo or oy wnich tne activity was governeo or evaluatea or wnica was inclucea in tne oescription or tne activity. Tne purpose or this instruction is to recreate as closely as poss1 Die the tacts, situation, activity, conversation, etc. wnica serves as tne answer to tne posea interrogatory so tnat tnere can ce no i

mistaxe or misuncerstancing as to tne 4

intent and meaning or tne words usea in response to the interrogatories.

L Tne term "the process" means any and all researen, aevelopment, inspection, accument l

i review, interviews, wa1Koowns, analyses, veriricaltons, conversations, evaluations, and ooservations wnicn were conoucteo, pertormed, accompilsnea, repeatea, revieweo, uncertaken, or tinalizea in pursuit or any cas4, goal, ODjective I

or conclusion or Starr review or or tne CPRT elements.

j F.

i Wnere identicication or a cocument is required, state the to110 wing: its cate; its exact title; tne general suoject matter or tue accument; the autnor ano nis/ner atti11ation, orfice or i



' n ousiness, presently ano at the tne titae tne l accusaent cr correspondence was preparea; tne last Known aaoress or every person to whom a copy ot tne accument was to De sent, other tnan tne J

auaressee cescrioea aoove; tne name ano accress or all persons wno now nave tne original ana/or copies; tne iaentitication ano location or tne riles wnere tne original ano eacn copy is Kept in J tne re3ular course or ousiness ano the custoalan cnereot; and wnetner tne cocument will De mace ava11aole tor inspection anc copying, and tne site or sucn voluntary procuction.

Alternatively, proauce tne cocument ano luentity to wnicn interrogatory it is responsive.


"NRC" sna11 mean tne U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, incluaing its orancnes, aepartments, sections, ortices, suoulvisions, its commissioners, aaministrators, otticials, inspectors, investigators, statt, consultants, contractors, attorneys, employees, agents, representatives ano accountants, or tnelt agents, q attorneys ana representatives.

4 n.

"Porson" or "inuividual" shall reter to any natural person, tirm partnersnig, joint venture, 1 trust, corporation, nolaing company, non protit corporation, puolic interest group, or otner i

e t

9 #,_.#__ _ _

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1 entity natural or legal, comestic or foreign.

1. For tne purpose or tais request, applicants incluce all owners or CPSbS ano any of tneir i

l contractors, suo-contractors, co-owners, l

suosialaries orancnes, a1 visions, departments, i

sections, Gr artillates; present ano former


orricers, c1 rectors, management, Doard or airectorn, employees, starf, orricials, agents consultants, attorneys, representatives or tneir

! dttorneys, representative or agent.

i l 4. Instructions:

A. Tnis alscovery request is aeemed to De continuing, ano any otner additional information i

wnica is discoverea anc responsive to tais i

request requires supplementation to tnese answers l

l up to anc incluaing tne time ot tne hearing in tnis proceecing.

8. All interrogatories snoula ce answereo on the j oasis or Starr's knowieage or information and celler, incluainy tnat or dtarr's employees,
consultants, representatives, agents,-ano, unless privilegea ano specitically allegea witn respect to specirically ioentitied material ano tne casts for tne claini, attorneys. Tne response snould inoicate wnen an answer is casea upon intormation

, ano oeller.


- - - - , , - . , y -.

e -,. -,_.

- l

-o- l C.

wnen an Interrogatory has one or more suoparts,  ;

tne answer to each suopar t snould oe set tortn i I

sepdrateif and completelf.

u. It Starf celleves tnat tne answer to any interrogatory is privilegeo, in wnole or in part, or otnerwise oojects to any part or tne interrogatory, Start must state the reason (s) ror eacn oojection, ano ioentity each person naving knowledge or tne factual basis, ir any, on wnicn tne priv11ege or oojection is asserted and tne precise scope or tne claimed privilege or oojection .

It 8.

an interro vatory coula, at one time, nave been answereo of consulting documents tnat are no longer in existence, tne Statt must in responaing to the interrogatory:

ti) identity wnat intormation was maintainea in sucn cocuments; til) loentity all cocuments tnat contained a

such Inrormation; tiii) State tne time perioa curing wnicn sucn cocuments were maintained; tiv) State tne circumstances under wnicn suen 0,,0cuments ceased to exist; 4


,, tv) laentity all persons naving knowleoge or tne circumstances unoer wnica oocuments ceasea to exist; ano tvi) laenrity all persons wno have knowledge or naO KnowleQge of tne coCuments and tne1r contents.

F. It Starr once nao any cocument responsive to tne request tor proauction, out said cocument nas

! been cestroyea, lost, given or loanea to anotner or is otnerwise unavallaole tor inspection, Start snail turnisn:

til Tne name ano address or all otner I

persons wno nave or may nave sala cocument;

) (1i) A summary of tne contents of saic oocument; and


(111) Tne cate ana reason way tne document i

was destroyed, lost, loanea, given or otnerwise oecame unavailable, j G. dvery request to luentity or descrioe a cocument may oe alternatively responaea to by prooucing tne accument and toenttrying witn particularity to wnica question it is responsive. It tnis t

alternative is used tnen to tne extent tne t

, question asks tot an loentity or description or tne accument tne answer w 111 oe co.aple te.


. Producing a document is not an alternative to answering a question whicn seeks to know tne aueaning or a oocument, Staff's interpretation of a aocument or now the accuanent or its subject are actually treated or useo Oy the Starf.

Respectruily submittea, b 8, c, b~

e ..

BILLIS P. GARDE M Trial Lawyers for Puolic Justice 3424 North Marcos Lane Appleton, WI 54911 (414) 730-65.54 i

Counsel for CAS6 oateo: Septemoer 22, 1986 4

l 1