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Notice of Deposition of All Participants in Preparation of NRC 850809 & 0930 Comments,Unnamed in Previous Notices,In Washington,Dc Immediately Following Deposition of Group 1. Related Correspondence
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 09/18/1986
From: Garde B
Citizens Association for Sound Energy, TRIAL LAWYERS FOR PUBLIC JUSTICE, P.C.
Shared Package
ML20214R018 List:
OL, NUDOCS 8609290155
Download: ML20214R371 (2)


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68FOMS Tdd UNITdD STATES NUCL8AR HEGULATORY COMMISSION 8erore tne Atomic Sdfety anc Licensing boara In tne Matter or )


TEAAb UTILITitS udNERATING COMPANf, ) DKt. Nos. 50-443-OL et al. 1 Su-440-OL 1

(Comanene Peak Steam tiectric )

Station, Units 1 and 2) )

NOTICE OF OSPOSITION Pursuant to 10 Cyd 3 2.7 20, tne Citizens Association for Sound Energy (CASE) notices all memoers or tne staf f not nameo in otner notices or deposition filed tnis date who participated in tne preparation of tne Starr's comments of August 9, 19d5 anc Septemoer du, isoa, (Group z) ror deposition immeaiately rollowing tne ceposition or Group 1. (To tne extent tnat nameo ceponents Vince Noonan, Jose Calvo, Charles Trammel, Larry Snao, Snannon en1111ps, Tom Westerman, ana C11rf Hale participated in tne oevelopment or tne o/w/d5 and 9/JO/05 comments, tney snoulo not ce consicerea as part or tnis group ceposition. Tne deposition will taxe place at tne of rices of tne Government Accountao11t ty Project, lana Connecticut Avenue, NW, zna floor, Wasnington, D.C. 20030.

Tne attacneo motion alscusses tne application of lu CFR 334.74v ona 4./44 to tais request.

i Tnese Analviauals, not laentitlaole oy name at tnis time, pertormea tne coinprenensive review and analysis ot tne Comanene 8609290155 860922 PDR G ADOCK 05000445 PDR

9 Peak Response Teans program plan ano prepared tne Statt's August 9 anc Septemoer 50, 1903, letters containing tne Starr's concerns ano comments on tne CPRT. Their personal knowledge in tne areas or tne CPRT tney reviewea ana aucitec is unique in tnat no otner Start memoer nas pertormed tnat particular piece of review ana analysis.

Tnese inalvicuals w111 oe ceposea on nis personal Knowledge of tne starr's review, auait, and analysis or tne Comanene Peak Response Team (CPRT) as reportec in inspection reports, tne statf's August 9 anc Septemoer JU, 1905, comments and questions, SSER #1J, ano otner knowleage of the aeponent not availaole puolicly tnrougn inspection reports or discovery.

Respectf ully suuhaitted, ie t bk L,$E llq('


Trial Lawyers for Puolic Justice

! J424 Nortn Marcos Lane Appleton, WI 54911 i

Counsel tor Case Dated: September id, 19db 1


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