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Forwards Summary of NPDES Noncompliances for Second Quarter 1988 as Transmitted to State of AL Dept of Environ Mgt
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 08/01/1988
From: Hairston W
NT-88-0370, NT-88-370, NUDOCS 8808180126
Download: ML20207E693 (3)


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Alabama Power Company (00 North 18th Street Post 0+tco Dox 7641 Dem*ngham, Atabamn 352914400 Telephone 205 250-1837 W. Q. Hairston, til Semot V>ce Prt sident Alabamalbwer t% nswr ne s,wm August 1, 1988 Docket Nos. 50-348 50-364 U. S. Nuclear Reg 21atory Comission Attention: Document Control Desk washington, D. C. 20555 Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant - Units 1 and 2 Quarterly !& DES Noncompliance Report Gentlement Enclosed in accordance with the Joseph M. rarley Nuclear Pltnt Technical Specificaticns, Appendix is, Section 3.2, is a sumsry of !& DES nonecmpliances for the second quarter of 1988 as transmitted to the Alabaru Department of Environmental Management.

Should you have any questions or comments, please advice.

Yours very truly, L - -

W. G. Hair?on, III WGH/JAfttemb Attachment cct Mr. W. H. Bradfoti (w/ attachment)

Dr. J. N. Grace (w/ attachment)

Mr. L. B. Long (w/ attachment)

Mr. E. A. Reeves (w/attachraent)

Q gDR808100126 000001 I g ADOCK 05000340 f g PNU l

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  • l Tb!s tabse es submitted to fctf tli reg 4 resents of Part !.B.6 and Part !!!.9 . ,


Farley nuclear Plant At OG2%29 +


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.s Separation Criteria" specified in Section of the FSAR.

This is considered an open item (397/88-16-03) pending licensee implementation of the design change and verification by Region V.

5. Fire Protection Features Provided For Safe Shutdown Systems The licensee is required by section F.4.4.3 of Appendix F (Fire Protection Evaluation) of the FSAR to protect systems required for_ safe shutdown from the effects of fire. These systems are referred to as Appendix R Division II safe shutdown systems'in the licensee's March 21, 1983 Safe Shutdown Analysis submittal to the NRC.

The inspection team determined that the Licensee's fire protection-features provided for safe shutdown systems were inadequate in two cases for the following reasons:

The cable tray containing safe shutdown cables 20G2-107 and 20G2-106 were not provided with a 1-hour fire barrier at nodes 7914 and 7915. In addition, two cable trays identified by Nodes 8054 and 7584 were not sprayed with fire resistant material throughout the 20 foot exclusion zone.

A fire occurring in these areas could result in damage to redundant safe shutdown circuits to the extent that safe shutdown could not be achieved and maintained. Failure to meet regulatory requirements for protection of trains of equipment required for achieving and maintaining safe shutdown is considered a violation of condition No. 2.C(14) of facility operating license No. NPF-21 (397/88-16-04).

6. Open Items Open items are matters that have been discussed with the licensee, that will be reviewed further by the inspector, and that involve some action on the part of the NRC, the licensee, or both. Opes items disclosed during the inspection are discussed in Paragraphs 2.D, 2.E, 3.L, 3.N, 3.P 3.Q and 3.T.
7. Unresolved Items Unresolved items are matters about which more information is required in order to atc.ertain whether they are acceptable items, items of noncompliance, or deviations. Unresolved items disclosed during the inspcetion are discussed in Paragraphs 3.C and 3.M.
8. Exit Meeting An exit meeting was held with the licensee's staff on June 10, 1988.

The itei..s of concern in this report were discussed at that time and in previous meetings with the licensee. The licensee acknowledged the content and scope of the inspection findings.

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