ML20207E993 | |
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Site: | Duane Arnold |
Issue date: | 01/07/1999 |
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ML20207E990 | List: |
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PROC-990107, NUDOCS 9903110130 | |
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Pump and Valve Inservice Testing Program For Duane Arnold Energy Center Commercial Service Date: February 1,1975 (Docket no. 50-331) 3277 DAEC Road Palo,Iows 52324 IES Utilities Inc.
IE Tower,200 First Street SE Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52401 Prepared By: w//d e Date: 3 '
/C Ins 6rvice Testing /ngneer/ Specialist Reviewed By: Date: l- H 9 Equipment Monitoring Team Leader Reviewed By: /W Date: I- b 9 fiui bervisor, Program Engineefing Concurred By: - q Date: //4!9f
- /
Operations Committee Approved By: i G S Date: M'
' Platit nager, Nuclear Reviewed By: __ Date: C/,! O7[99
Authorized Nucidar Inservice Inspector I DAEC IST Program - Revision 15
" Printing Date: 9/10/98.- Page No.1 9903110130 990301 PDR ADOCK 05000331 P PDR -
-1.0 : INTRODUCTION Under the provisions of 10 CFR 50.55a, inservice testing of safety related pumps.and valves will be performed in accordance with Section XI of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code to the extent practical. As specified in 10 CFR 50.55a(b) (1-1-93 edition), the effective edition of Section XI with regard to this program is the 1989 edition. This program identifies the pump and valve inservice testing that will be performed at Duane Amold Energy Center to comply with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.55a.
This program applies to the IST nird Ten Year Interval begmnmg February 1,1995 and ends on January -
31,2005. Note the Duane Arnold Energy Center's ISI program Third Ten Year Interval began on November 1,1996 and will end on October 31,2005.
1.1 Relationship with TechnicalSpecifications Based on technical specification requirements, in the event of any conflicts between ASME Section XI requirements and the requirements of technical specifications, the plant technical specifications shall govem if more conservative. Duane Arnold Energy Center will meet all requirements of both ASME Section XI and plant technical specifications unless there is a specific conflict between the two. If any
- requirements of ASME Section XI cannot be met due to technical specification limitations, relief will be requested, or appropriate technical specitication changes will be prepared.
1.2 Qualification of TestPersonnel Personnel performing pump and valve testing per ASME Section XI subsection IWP and IWV, which_
require testing to performed in accordance with the requirements stated in ASME/ ANSI OM Part 6 and 10 respectively, will be qualified in accordance with the Duane Amold Energy Center's Quality Assurance Program.' This is m keeping uth the rc4wements of ASME Section XI, as clarified by ASME Code Interpretation XI-1-82-06R.
1.3 Program Development Inservice testing (IST) of Class 1,2, and 3 components is performed at Duane Arnold Energy Center in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 50.55a, " Codes and Standards". Where possible, testing is performed which at a minimum meets the requirements of the latest Code edition and addenda adopted in 10 CFR one year prior to the start of the current interval.
The scope of the program is that defined by Paragraphs 1.1 of ASME/ ANSI OM-1987 including OMa-1988 Addenda, Parts 6 and 10. The 1989 Edition of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI, Subsections IWP and IWV require testing to be performed in accordance with the requirements stated in ASME/ ANSI OM Part 6 and 10 respectively. 10 CFR required the use of the previously mentioned
. ASME/ ANSI OM edition and addenda, which will here-in be referred to as the Code.
In accordance with ASME/ ANSI OM-1987 with OMa-1988 Addenda, the following are required
' to be included in the testing program:
- Centrif=1 and nositive dianlacement numns that are provided with an emergency power source and required to perform a specific function in
- 1) Shutting down the reactor to the cold shutdown condition; I
- 2) Maintaining the cold shutdown condition; or
- 3) Mitigating the consequences of an accident.
DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No. 3 l
l As a result, it is expected thst the IST Program may be revised to ensure continued compliance with the Code requirements relating to the scope of the test program.
The procedures controlling the plant design change development pre, cess contain requirements to conduct a review for determination of potential impact on the IST Program. If the results of that review indicate the potential for impact on the IST Program, the change package is submitted for review by the IST Engineer / Specialist. Additionally, the plant administrative procedures which control changes to plant documents, including procedures, require that changes potentially effecting the IST Program be reviewed by the IST Engineer / Specialist. Should a change require a program revision, the IST Engineer / Specialist would then implement the change to the program plan and the appropriate test procedure (s) in a timely manner.
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1 DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No. 5
. 3.1 Code Compliance
. His IST Program for valves meets the requirements of Reference 4.8, Parts l' and 10 and any appropriate
- interpretations or additional requirements imposed by References 4.7 and 4.9. Paragraph and table
- references in this section refer to specific paragraphs and tables in Reference 4.8. ' Where these .
requirements have been determined to be impractical, conformance would cause unreasonable hardship without any compensating increase in safety, or an altemative test provides an acceptable level of quality
. and safety, relief from Code requirements is requested pursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.55a(f)(5)(iii) and Reference 4.7 (See Section 7).
Non-class . valves judged to safety are also listed. Testing of non-class valves will be performed in accordance with Reference 4.8, Parts I and 10, to the extent practical. Relief requests will not be j
- submitted for non-class valves if Code requirements cannot be met.
3.2 Stroke Time Acceptance Criteria When required, the acceptance criteria for the stroke times of power-operated valves will be as set forth in References 4.7 and 4.8.
3.3 Check Valve Testing Where required, full-stroke exercising of check valves to the open position using system flow requires that a test be performed whereby the predicted full accident condition flow through the valve be verified and measured or full stroke of the obturator is verified by appmpriate methods.
' Any deviation to this requirement 'must satisfy the requirements of Reference 4.,7 Position 1 .
3.4 ' :TestingIntervals The test frequency for valves included in the Program will be as set forth in Reference 4.8, Parts I and
- 10. An allowable extension, not to exceed +25 percent of the surveillance interval, may be applied to the tes schedule as allowed by the Duane Arnold Energy Center Technical Specifications to provide operational flexibility, except for the relief valve sample testing schedules discussed in Reference 4.8, Part 1.
3.5 ValveProgram Tables
- Section 6 lists those valves included in the IST Program with references to ISI Class, required testing,
. respective test intervals, and applicable requests for relief. Section 2.5 provides information on how to use the drawing coordinates to help locate valves on flow diagrams.
3.6 Deferred Testing Where quarterly testing of valves is impractical or otherwise undesirable, testing may be deferred and
' performed during cold shutdown or refueling periods as permitted by Reference 4.8, Part 10, Paragraphs . and De valve program table identifies those valves to which deferred testmg applies and the respective technicaljustification for each is provided in Sections 8 and 9, respectively.
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DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No. 7 m
'Ihis Program Plan was developed per the requirements and guidance provided by the following documents:
4.1 Title 10, Code of Regulations, Part 50.55a (1-1-93 Ed.).
4.2 NRC Regulatory Guides - Division 1 4.3 Standard Review Plan 3.9.6, " Inservice Testing of Pumps and Valves" 4.4 Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Duane Arnold Energy Center 4.5 . Duane Arnold Energy Center Technical Specifications 4.6 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI,1989 Edition, No Addenda 4.7 NRC Generic Letter 89-04, "Guldsuce on Developing Acceptable Inservice Testing Programs" 4.8 ASME/ ANSI OM-1987 " Operation and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plants" including ASME/ ANSI OMa-1988 Addenda.
4.9 NUREG-1482, Guidelines for Inservice Testing at Nuclear Power Plants l
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DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No. 9
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5.0 INSERVICE TESTING PLAN - PUMPS PID Pump No. Pump Name Dws Safety Parameter to be Measured Freq Relief Notes !
8 Coor Class Roq No Flow Vibration i Speed Diff
' Press l
___________-____._________________-2 JJP 1P117B RIVER WATER SUPPLY PUMP 47C3 3 N/A X X X Q PR 1,2
-_________________________________-2 J29 1Pil7C RIVER WATER SUPPLY PUMP 64C3 3 N/A X X X Q PR 1,2 J29 __________________________________2 IPil7D RIVERWATERSUPPLY PUMP 37C3 3 N/A X X X Q PR 1,2 X
_JJ ___________________________-2
__________________________________-2 JJJ IP2tlB CORE SPRAY PUMP 49C1 2 N/A X X X Q PR I
HPCI PUMP 24D0 2 X X X X Q PR-3,4, 5 JJJ 1P216 J25 IP226 RCIC PUMP 47C8 N X X X X Q 3 120 1P229A RHR PUMP 42A7 2 N/A X X X Q PR-2 1 119 IP229B RHRPUMP 68A6 2 N/A X X X Q PR4 1 120 IP229C RHR PUMP 29A9 2 N/A X X X Q PR-2 1 JJP IP229D RHR PUMP 82A6 2 N/A X X X Q PR-2 1 X X X Q PR
__________________________________________________-1 _____
DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No. I1
. IP117A nru IPI17D - River Water Pumps Safety Class 3 IP211A And IP21IB'- Core Spray Pumps Safety Class 2 l 1P229A Dru 1P229D - Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Pumps Safety Class 2 TEST REOUIREMENT:
, An inservice test shall be conducted with the pump operating at specified reference conditions. (Part 6, Para. 5.2)
The resistance of the system shall be varied until the flowrate equals the reference value. He pressure shall then be determmed and compared to its reference value. Alternatively, the flow rate can be varied
- until the prea,sure equals the reference value and the flow rav shall be determmed and compared to the reference flow rate value. (Part 6, Para. 5.2(b))
AAer pump conditions are as stable as the system permits, each pump shall be run at least 2 minutes. At j the end of this time at least one measurement or observation of each of the quantities required shall be i l
made and recorded. (Part 6, Para 5.5)
Operating experience has shown that flow rates (independent variables during inservice performance testing) for these pumps cannot be readily duplicated with the present flow control systems. Flow control for these systems can only be accomplished through the operation oflarge valves as throttling valves.
Because these valves are not generally equipped with position indicators which reflect percent open, the operator must repeatedly " jog" the associated motor or air operator to make minor adjustments in flow rate.
Dese efforts to exactly duplicate the reference flowrate require excessive valve manipulation which could ultimately result in damage to valves and their operators.
Since using this method precludes operating the pumps at the " established" reference conditions for any appreciable period of time, the 2-minute run time (interpreted to be at reference conditions) can only be applied at those points where data is taken.-
he method described below is essentially equivalent to that required per Part 6, Paragraph 5.2 and will
- provide an equal measure of assurance of pump operability to that of the Code.-
. The prescribed attemate test method establishes reference values for flow rate and differential pressure ;
during a reference value test per Part 6, Paragraph 4. The reference flow rate (Qr) and differential pressure j
' (dPr) define' a point on the pump performance curve as shown in Figure PR-02-1. The solid line in Figure !
PR-02-1 represents the pump curve which exists during the reference value test.
' If the p:unp characteristics were to degrade during time, the pump would operate on a different curve as j represented by the broken line in Figure PR-02 1. Given that Qrcannot be duplicated exactly in l subsequent tests, mservice tests wiP be performed by taking two separate and distinct sets of measurements !
and establishing a differential pressure that corresponds to Qr for the inservice test as described. ,
i AAer the pump has run for at least two minutes, a flow rate will be obtained which is lower than the l reference flow rate (Qr) but greater than a specified lower limit established in the test procedure. When the lower flowrote(Q1)is established, the corresponding suction (Pit) and discharge pressures (P di ) will be measured and the differential pressure (dP I ) corresponding to the lower flow rate will be computed by:
dPg = Pdi- Pil Next, the flowrate will be adjusted to a value higher than Qr but less than a specified upper limit
- established in the test proceoure. Again the corresponding suction and discharge pressures will be ;
measured and the associated differential pressure (dPh ) corresponding to Qh will be computed.
DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 l i
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. a- - - , . -
Figure PR-02.1 Altemate Testing Approach for Determination of Hydraulic Change.
I k kRENI Pv2 N N r.
PUNP CURVE AT T!M OF Pul#53claiA8llvf5falers i
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- ,,* N TEST MEASUREMENT x ns K' -
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FLOW RATE i DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No.15
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1P216 - High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) Pump . Safety Class 2 TEST REOUIREMENTt An inservice test shall be conducted with the pump operating at specified reference conditions. (Part 6, Para. 5.2)
The resistance of the system shall be varied until the flowrote equals the reference value. He pressure shall then be determmed and compared to its reference value. Alternatively, the flow rate can be varied
' until the yessure equals the reference value and the flow rate shall be determmed and compared to the reference flow rate value. (Part 6, Para. 5.2(b))
Operating experience has shown that flow rates (independent variables during inservice performance . l testing) for the HPCI pump cannot be readily duplicated with the present flow control systems. Efforts to exactly duplie. ate the reference values would require excessive valve manipulation which could ultimately result in damage to valves or operators. In order to perform accurate trending and data analysis, the use of an accurate reference value is very important. He complexities of the flow control systems found within these systems makes it exuemely difficult to exactly duplicate the reference values.
Current NRC policy promulgated via NUREG-1482 allow using a " graphical" method of test result interpretation.
Pump differential pressure and flow rate will be evaluated using a reference value test derived pump curve over a limited range of pump operation. This reference value test pump curve will be restricted to an operating regime that is representative of the pump operation under accident conditions or conditions that are the most sensitive indicator of pump degradation.
Based on the reference value test pump curve, acceptance criteria curves will be established for the upper
' and lower required action range limits.
Detailed Techmcal Desenption.
De reference value curve will be established by measuring a minimum of five (5) sets of differential
. pressure /flowrate data when the pump combination is known to be operating acceptably. He measurements will be distributed across the expected range of potential inservice test conditions.- The two-minute test duration requirement of OM-6, Para. 5.6, will be imposed at each of the five (5) data
. points.
- The equation for the reference value curve will then be computed using a third order polynomial regression technique that employs a least-squares fit of the data by successive polynomials of orders 1 i through 3. He standard deviation about the regression line will be evaluated for each case. He resulting reference value curve is expressed as a third order polynomial in the general form:
Y"*3x +a2x +aix+ao where l yis the op**t variable and x is the independent variable The Required Action Range Curves will be scaler multiples of the reference value curve.
. The measurements taken during inservice testing will be restricted to only those falling within the
- envelope of reference value test measurements. The inservice test differential pressure /flowrate test results will be plotted on a typical pump curve or evaluated by an equivalent tabular method and the
- results included in the permanent test records.
l . Finally, the combined differential pressure /flowrate test results will be evaluated for variation from test-to-
. test to identify any pump degradation. In addition, the results of allIST testing will be evaluated with DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 -Page No.17 r
i w, -. w ..p . ..,,~ , , , , --ny ,, m.,. , _. , , . . , - - . y_.<w
- IP216 - High Pressure Coolant Injection Pump Safety Class 2 TEST REOUIREMENT:
Aa inservice test shall be run on each pump. (Part 6, Para. 4 and 5)
'Ibere are no suitable provisions for measuring the pressure in the cross-over piping between the HPCI booster and main pumps. Since these pumps are driven by a common driver and are connected in tandem, they are necessarily tested together, simultaneously, under the same operating conditions
~ (flowrate and turbine speed). Therefore measuring the inlet pressure of the booster pump and calculating the differential pressure of the pump combination will effectively verify operability and serve to monitor the performance of the pair.
During inservice testing of these pumps the differential pressure of the pump combination will be determined from measurements of the suction and discharge pressures of the booster and main pumps, respectively. This data will be used to evaluate the performance of the pump combination in a manner i such that the combination will be treated as a single multi-stage pump.
l Approval: Relief granted in SER dated November 21,1995.
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DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No.19
Valve No. Valve name indicated on the respective flow diagram.
Dwg Coor Flow Diagram drawing coordinates for the valve. See Section 2.4 for !
further information on how to interpret the 4 alphanumeric characters. i
" Late" (short for Later) is used to designate when the drawing has not been updated yet before the program was published. I Safety Class ISI Classification of the valve. The classification will be 1,2,3, Y, or N.
Y or N designates non-class components, where Y is augmented ISI.
Sect. XI Cat. Valve category per Part 10, Paragraph 1.4 Size Valve's nominal size in inches.
Viv Type Valve Types as follows:
ANG Angle 'AV Auto-Vent BAL Ball BTF Butterfly CK l Check GA l Gate GL l Globe PLG l Plug RPD l Rupture RV l Relief SCK l Stop Check SH l Explosive l Disphragm l l l'**'
SV 8 Saferi Excess Flow 2WY l Two-way 3WY l Three-way l XFC! l Check j j i
.I 4WY ! Four-way 8 8 8 Act Type Valve actuator type as follows:
AO Air operated AP Air pilot operated EXP l Explosively actuated HO l Hydraulic M l Manual MSA l Self and Manual Actuated MO j electric motor operated SA j Self actuated SAP 8 Self actuated, Pilot Operated SO ! Solenoid operated Norm Pos. Normal position of the valve during plant operation at power.
- Abbreviations are as follows:
I i 1 Cl Closed FC j Closed, fails closed FO l Fails open KL l Key locked, main panel LC l Locked closed LO l Locked open l or at the valve. j j OlOpen SYS ! Position dependent l DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No. 21
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- l. 1 Passive Valve - obturator need not move to fulfill its safety function.
l 2 Normal stroke to safety position satisfies fail safe testing requirement. ,
3 ' Valve is not within the ISI-code boundaries. Testing of this valve will be performed in
. accordance with the Code to the extent practical. Relief requests will not be submitted for this valve if the Code requirements cannot be met. Also cold shutdown or refueling l L justifications will not be provided for this valve, in this document.
4 Reserved. i I
5 'Ihere are 89 individual CRD hydraulic control units (HCU's) with each unit provided with one of these valves. The valve number listed is typical of all 89 like valves. All 89 valves will be tested as specified for the typical valve.
6 Due to a restrictive plant' configuration, the type C leaktest procedures for these valves yield test results related to the combined leakage of several valves tested as a group and not i a valve-specific seat leakage. The leakrate acceptance criteria assigned to these valves is
' the limit for the entire group of valves being tested.
7 Justification for the use of disassembly to confirm obturator freedom of movement as p' allowed by OM-10 pan 1 contained in Appendix F, " Check Valve Disassembly Justifications."
8 ' The " full" stroke of this 1/4-turn Butterfly valve is restricted by physical modifications to a range from fully closed to 30 degrees open.
L 9 These valves are exercised (tested) during normal control rod exercising routines.
l' 10 Closure test (exercise) is performed during turbine trip test.
I1. This solenoid valve operates under accident or emergency conditions. Dunng exercise of
- this valve the stroke time of the associated main vaive is measured and evaluated.
12 Valve has no remote position indication.
DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 L Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No. 23
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Drawbeg: JDf Sheet M:], Descr& tion: TurbheeSteamSenis Valve No. Dog Safety Sect. XI Sise Viv Art Norm Pos Exam Frog Relief Defer Notes Coer Class Cat. Type Type Type Req No Test MOllH #C1 2 3 3 GA MO O BTC CS CSJ-17 PIT 2Y M Oll?9 72C2 2 5 3 GA MO C BTC CS CSJ-17 PIT 2Y i
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Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15
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Drawing: ))) Sheet #: L
Reactor Buildine Cooline Water System i Valve No. Dg Safety Sect. XI Size Viv Act Norm Pos Exam Freq Reuer Defer Notes Coor Class Cat. Type Type Type Reg No Test MO4841A 38D6 2 A 4 GA MO O AT-1 2Y BTC CS CSJ42 FIT 2Y MO4841B 38D7 2 A 4 GA MO O AT-1 2Y BTC CS CSJ42 FIT 2Y PSV4842 24E5 N C 0.75 RV SA C CT-SP 19Y 3 t
Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 i
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Drawing: LLL Sheet N: L
RHR Service Water & Emereener Service Water System Valve No. Dg Safety Sect. XI Sire Viv Act Norm Fos Esem Freq Relief Defer Notes 1
Coor Class Cat. Type Type Type Reg No Test l
I SVl956B 19F9 N B 0.5 3WY SO NE 31D Q 3 SV2000 55F3 N B 0.375 JWY SO NE BTD Q 3 SY3001 57E7 N B 0J75 3WY SO NE BTD Q 3 VIM 036 29FI 3 C 4 CK SA SYS CT.CO Q V130051 44FI 3 C 4 CK SA SYS CT-CO Q
____________________________________.-____ \
VIH121 27F1 3 C 1 CK SA SYS DSBY R VR.19 i l _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
l VIM 126 42F1 3 C I CK SA SYS DSBY R VR.19 VIM 140 35E6 3 C I CK SA SYS DSBY R VR.19 VIM 142 19E6 3 C 1.5 CK SA SYS DSBY R 7 i
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l 1
4 1
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1 Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No.29 l
F J Drawing: ))f Meet #: J. Descrytion: Nucient BollerSystem i l 1
Velve No. Dwg S.Tety bect. XI Sise Viv Act Norm Pos. Esam Freg Reues. Defer Notes I Coor Class Cat. Type Type Type Reg No Test -
l M O4423 37AS I A 3 GA MO O AT.I 2Y BTC Q PIT 2Y
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ i M O4424 34AS 1 A 3 GA MO O AT.I 2Y BTC Q FIT 2Y l l
M O4441 34A5 I A/C 16 SCK MO O/KL AT.1 2Y 6 BTC CS CSJ43 FIT 2Y M O4442 72BI I A/C 16 SCK MO O/KL AT1 2Y 6 BTC CS CSJ.03 PIT 2Y PSV4400 47El I R/C 6 RV SAP C/KL BTO R RRJ44 CT.SP R2 4 PSV4401 42El 1 B/C 6 RV SAP C/KL BTO R RRJ44 CT4r R2 4 PSV4442 62C2 1 BC 6 RV SAP C/KL BTO R RRJ44 CT4r R2 4 PSV4403 66C2 1 C 6 SV SA C CT4r R2 4 PSV4404 47C3 I C 6 SV SA C CT4P R2 4 PSV4405 .43C4 I B/C 6 RV SAP C/KL BTO R RRJ44 CT.SP R2 4
_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ I PSV4406 62E0' 1 B/C 6 RV SAP C/KL BTO R RRJ44 :
i l
CT4r R2 4 1 i
. PSV4407 67Et i BC 6 RV SAP C/KL STO R RRJ44 l i
CT4F R2 4 1 PSV4439A 4730 3 C 6 RV SA C CT. VSP 10Y l PSV4439B 47A9 3 C 6 RV SA C CT. VSP 10Y PSV4439C SIA7 3 C 6 RV SA C CT. VSP 10Y ,
PSV4439D 47A7 3 C 6 RV SA C CT. VSP 30Y
Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 i Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No.31 I
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Drawing: ].)) SheetH:],
Nuclear Boiler System l
Valve No. Dws Seresy Sect. XI Size Viv Act Norm Pos Exam Freq Rel6ef Defer Notes Coor Class Cat. Type Type Type ReqNo Test SV4416B 38FB N B 0.25 3WY SO NE FST Q L3 SV441BA 65FB N B 0.25 3WY SO NE BTD Q 3 FST Q ?. 3 SV4418B 64H N B 0.25 3WY SO NE BID Q 3 PST Q 13 SV4419A 39F8- N B 0.25 3WY SO NE BTD Q 3 l
FST Q L3 l i
SV4419B 38F8 N 3 0.25 3WY SO NE BTD Q 3 FST Q L3 SV4420A 65M N B 0.25 3WY SO NE BTD Q 3 FST Q L3 SV4420B 64F8 N B 0.25 3WY SO NE BTD Q 3 FST Q L3 SV4421A 39F8 N B 0.25 3WY SO NE B1D Q 3 MT Q L3 SV4421B 38N N B 0.25 3WY SO NE B1D Q 3 l i
FST Q L3 V14 0001 6751 I A/C 16 CK SA SYS AT.1 2Y CTCC R RRJ45 CT.CO Q VR43 V144003 4151 1 A/C 16 CK SA SYS AT.1 2Y :
CT-CO Q VR43 :
Vl44009 60E7 Y A/C 2 CK SA SYS AT4 2Y 3 i CT.CC R 3 V144014 70C9 Y A/C 2 CK SA SYS AT4 2Y 3 CT CC R 3 VI44015 48E9 Y A/C 2 CK SA SYS AT4 2Y 3 CT.CC R 3 V144016 39C7 Y A/C 2 CK SA SYS AT4 2Y 3 Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No.33
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Drewhrg: J.lg Sheet M: J.
Nuclear BollerSystem Valve No. Dws Selety Sect. XI Sise Vlv Act Norm Pos Esem Freg ReBef Defer Notes ;
Coor Class Cat. Type Type Type Req No Test l
Y144221 1 ATE N B 0J75 4WY AP NE FST Q 13 l V144223 IATE N B OJ75 2WY SO - C/FO BTD Q 3 1
FST Q 2. 3 V144224 IATE N B OJ75 4WY AP NE BTD Q 3 4 FST Q L3 ,
i l
V 44226 1 ATE N B 0J75 2WY SO C/FO B1D Q 3 f
FST Q 2.3 l V. IATE N B SJ75 4WY AP NE BTD Q 3 l FST Q 2,3 V144229 IATE N B DJ75 2WY . SO C/FO 31D Q 3 FYr Q - 2,3 I V144230 LATE N B OJ75 4WY AP NE BTD Q 3 FST Q L3 V144232 LATE N B 0J75 2WY SO C/F0 BTD Q 3 F3T Q L3. i V144233 1 ATE N B 0J75 4WY AP NE BTD Q 3 I FST Q L3 t
V144235 LATE N B 0375 2WY SO - C/F0 BTD Q 3 FST' O L3 XFY4453A 30D5 I A/C 1 XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 CT.CC R RRJ43 PIT R RRJ43 XFV4453B 30DI I A/C 1 XFC SA SYS AT2 R RRJ43 CT.CC R RRJ43 l l
l PIT R RRJ43 j
XFV4454A 31D4 .I A/C 1 XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 J l CT-CC R- RRJ43 l I
XFV4454B .3tD3 1 A/C I XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 CT.CC R RRJ43 PIT R RRJ43 Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No.35 !
l I
- Drawing: Lt.g sheet n:L Descr& tion: Nuclear BollerSystem Valve No. Dwg Safety Seet. X1 Size Viv . Act Norm Pos Exam Freq ReHef Defer Notes Coor Class Cat. Type Type Type Reg No Test XFV4460A 7636 i A/C I XFC SA SYS PIT R RRJ43 XFV44648 7654 1 A/C I XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 CT-CC R RAJ43 PIT R RAJ43
. Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No.37
Drawing: []i Sheet N:),
Reactor VesselInstrumentation Valve No. Dwg Safety Sect. XI Size Viv Act Norm Pos Esam Freq Relief Defer Notes Coor Class Cat. Type Type Type Req No Test XFV4506 2438 1 A/C 1 XFC SA SYS PIT R RRJ43 XW4507 2457 1 A/C 1 XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 CT-CC R RRJ43 FIT R RRJ43 XFV4508 24B7 1 A/C 1 XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 CT-CC R RRJ43 FIT R RRJ43 XFV4510A -66D2 1 A/C l XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 CF-CC R RRJ43 PIT R RRJ43 XW4510B 67DI 1 A/C 1 XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 CT-CC R RRJ43 FIT R RRJ43 XFV4511 24B6 i A/C 1 XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 Cr-CC R RRJ43 PIT R RRJ43 XFV4512 24B5 i A/C 1 XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 CT-CC R RRJ43 Ptr R RRJ43 XW4513 24B5 I A/C I XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 CT-CC R RRJ43 PIT R RRJ43 XFV4514 24B4 1 A/C 1 XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 CT-CC R RRJ43 FIT R RRJ43 XFV4515 24B5 1 A/C 1 XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 CT-CC R RRJ43 FIT R RRJ43 XFV4516 2453 1 A/C I XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 CT-CC R RRJ43 PIT R RRJ43 XFV4518 67C5 I A/C I XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No.39 l
' Drawing: ))1 SheetH: L
Reactor VesselInstrumentation Valve No. Dws Safety Sect. XI Size Viv Act Norm Pos Exam Freq Relief Defer Notes Coor Class Cat. Type Type Type Req No Test I
XW4585 66C3 I NC 1 XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 :
CT-CC R RRJ43 PIT R RRJ43 XFV4586 40E5 1 A/C 1 XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 CT-CC R RRJ43 i
PIT R RRJ-03 l XW4587 40E2 1 A/C 1 XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 CrCC R RRJ-03 PIT R RRJ43 l l
1 XFV4588 40E0 1 A/C 1 XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ-03 i CrCC R RRJ-03 Pfr R RRJ43 XFV4589 40D3 1 A/C 1 XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ-03 CT-CC R RRJ43 PIT R RRJ43 XFY4590 40C6 1 A/C I XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 CF-CC R RRJ43 J PIT R RRJ43 XFY4591 40C4 1 A/C 1 XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 CT-CC R RRJ43 Prr R RRJ-03 Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No.41
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Drawing: L[t Sheet H: L DescrQtion: Reactor Recirculation System l 1
Valve No. Dws Safety Sect. XI Size Viv Act Norm Pos Exam Freg Relief Defer Notes Coor Class Cat. Type Type Type Reg No Test l
l XFV4641A 71F4 .I A/C 1 XFC SA SYS AT.2 R RRJ43 CT.CC R' RRJ43 PIT R RRJ43 l XW4641B 41F7 I A/C 1 XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 CT-CC R RRJ43 FIT R RRJ43 XFV4642A 7tF1 1 A/C I XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 CT-CC R RRJ43 l
l PIT R RRJ43 XW4642B 41F3 1 A/C 1 XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 CT-CC. R RRJ43 PIT R RRJ43 1
i XFV4643A 71F9 1 A/C I XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 CT.CC R RRJ43 l PIT R RRJ43
_ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ j XW4643B 41FD 1 A/C I XFC SA SYS AT2 R RRJ43 i CF-CC R RRJ43 FIT R RRJ43 XW4644A 71ES 1 A/C 1 XFC SA SYS AT2 R RRJ43 CT-CC R RRJ43 PIT R RRJ43 l
XW4644B 4tE8- I A/C 1 XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ4)
CT-CC R RRJ43 PIT R RRJ43 XW4663 44E2 i A/C 1 XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 l CF-CC R RRJ43 FIT R RRJ43 XFV4664 45E2 1 A/C 1 XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 1
Cr.CC R RRJ43 FIT R RRJ43 XW4665 42D2 1 A/C I XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 CF-CC R RRJ43 Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No.43 1
1 Drawing: )){t Sheet #:L Descr& tion: Reactor Recirculation Srstem I
Velve No. Dwg Safety Sect.XI Stae Viv Act Nora ros Esem Freq Relief Defer Notes l
l Coor Class Cat. - Type Type Type Reg No Test l
K W 4678 43C7 i A/C XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 1
CT.CC R RRJ43 R RRJ43 l PIT I X W M 79 76A7 1 A/C I XFC SA SYS AT2 R RRJ43 l l
l Cr.CC R RRJ43 l PIT R RRJ43 I i
XWM00 76A3 i A/C I XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 CT.CC R RRJ43 )
_ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ - - _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ j XWM41 37A8 I A/C I XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RRJ43 CT.CC R RRJ43 PIT . R RRJ43 l l
XW4682 37A3 1 A/C 1 XFC SA SYS AT2 R RRJ43 CT.CC R RRJ43 PIT R RRJ43
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Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/97,- Page No.45
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, Drawing: Lij Sheet #: L
Control Rod Drive Hvdraulle System i
Valve No. Dwg Safety Sect.XI Size Viv Act Norm Pos Esan Freq Relief Defer Notes Coor Class Cat. Type Type Type Reg No Test l
l CYl849(**Je) SIC 5 2 3 0.75 GA AO CMO BTO R VR-13 RRJ-il 5 FST R VR-13 RRJ-Il 2. 5 l CV1850(#W.4#) 66C5 2 d 0.75 GA AO CNO BTO R VR-13 RRJ.ll 5 e
t FST R VR-13 RRJ.Il 2,5 l CV1859A 40F5 N B I GL AO OYC BTC Q 3 FST CS 3 ,
PIT 2Y 3 CVIB593 40F2 2 B I GL AO OTC BTC Q FST C3 CSJ.06 FIT 2Y I CV1067A $5C9 N B 2 GL AO ONC BTC Q 3 l
FST CS 3 PIT 2Y 3 CVIS678 55D'. 2 B 2 GL AO O/FC BTC Q FST CS CSJ.46 PIT 2Y SVIBS5(ss-#W) 67D3 N B 0.5 3WY SO NE BTO R 3,5 SVIS56(##.##) 65D3 N B 03 3WY SO NE BTO R 3,5 SV186BA 42CB N 8 0.5 3WY SO NE BTD CS 3 SVl868B 34C4 N B 0.5 3WY SO NE STD CS 3 SV1869A 40C8 N B 0.5 3WY SO NE BTD CS 3 SV18695 33C4 N B 0.5 3WY SO NE BTD CS 3 V15-ellB(##.#W) 82B3 2 A 0.5 CK SA SYS AT.6 2Y CT.CC R RRJ-13 5 VIS4919(##48) 8600 2 C 0.5 CK SA SYS CT.CC Q 5,9 Vis.1453(as-aw) 64C6 2 C s.75 CK SA SYS CT.CO R RRJ-14 5 Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 l Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page NO.47 t
L Drawheg: JLt' Sheet M: L Descr& tion: ResMBel Heat RemovelSntem t Valve No. DM Safety Sect. XI Sise Viv Act Norm Pos Esem Freg Relief Defer Notes Coer Class Cat. Type Type Type Reg No Ted M Ol932 57E' B '
2 12 GA MO C/KL BTC Q i
PIT 2Y ;
- M Ol933 56E4 2 3 4 GL MO C BTC Q ,
1 I BTO Q i PIT 2Y M Ol934 54E0 2 B 12 GL MO C BTC Q [
BTO Q PIT 2Y MOl935 5638 2 B 3 GA MO C BTC Q ,
BTO Q FIT 2Y MOI 937 64De 2 3 4 GA MO C PIT 2Y I MOI 939 45CB 2 B 12 GA MO O BTC Q BTO Q i FIT 2Y MOI 940 46D4 2 B 18 GL' MO O BTC Q BTO Q PIT 2Y M Ol#41 29D4 2 B 12 GA MO O/KL PIT 2Y I M Ol949B 42Cl 2 B 1- GL MO C PIT 2Y I
' MOI 989 77CS 2 B 24 GA MO O/KL PIT 2Y I PSVl911 84DI 2 .C 1 RV SA C CT-SP 18Y PSVl989 69C2 2 ;C 1 RV SA C CT-SP 19Y PSVl927 80C4 2 C I RV SA C CT-SP 19Y PSVl953 32C1 2 C 0.75 RV SA C CT-SP ISY PSVl975 3SF9 2 C 1 RV SA C CT SP ISY SVl972 22C5 2 B 1 GL $O C/KL PIT 2Y I Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing DBte: 9/10/98 - Page No.49
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1 i
Drawbeg: )).t Shes=t #: J. Descr& tion: ResidualHeat RemovelSv_w= l i
Velve No. Dg Safety Sect.XI Siae Viv Act Norm Pee Essen Freg Relief Defer Notes 1
'l l
Coer Class Cat. Type Type Type Reg No Test }
l le 1
M O2000 30E9 2 B GA MO C/KL BTC Q l BTO Q !
-_---_-__-_____________________________ i M O2001 44E9 2 B 10 GL MO C/KL BTC Q BTO Q l l
PIT 2Y M O2003 43D9 I A 20 GA MO C AT-5 2Y i i
BTO Q l PIT 2Y M O2004 40D6 2 B 20 ANG MO O BTC Q BTO Q I FIT 2Y MO2005 SIE6 2 8 12 GA MO C/KL BTC Q BTO Q PIT 2Y M O2006 SIE3 2 3 4 GL MO C BTC Q BTO O PIT 2Y M O2007 53El 2 B 12 GL MO C BTC Q l l
Em Q l i'
PIT 2Y M O2009 50B9 2 B 3 GA MO C BTC 0 BTO Q PIT 2Y l
M O2010 54C7 2 B 18 GA MO O/KL PIT 2Y I M O20ll 3900 2 B 14 GA MO C/KL BTC Q I BTo Q PIT 2Y M O2012 34B9 2 B 14 GA MO O/KL BTC Q .
1 BTO Q PIT 2Y Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No.51
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. l Drawing: ))Q Sheet N: L Descr& tion: ResidualHeatRemovalSystem :
Valve No. Dws safety Sect.XI Size \1v Act Norm Poe Esan Freg Relief Defer Notes Coor Class Cat. Type Type Type ReqNo Test V264st2 34E0 1 AC 28 CK SA SYS AT-5 2Y I CT-CC R RRJ-15 I CT.CO R RRJ.15 CT-PO 2CS RRJ-15 ;
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l Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 l
l Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No.53 l
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I Drawing: ))J SheefN: L Descripden: Core Sarav System l
Dws Safety Sect.XI Siae Viv Act Norm Pos Esem Velve No. Freg Relief Defer Notes Coor Class Cat. Type Type Type RegNo Test l 4
- _ - - _ - _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j V214007 36C3 2 C le CK SA SYS CT-CO Q ,
- - __ _ - _ - __ _._ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ ______ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _. \
V214009 30C3 2 C 2 CK SA SYS CT-PO O !
DSBY R VR46 l V210010 47C4 2 C 10 CK SA SYS CT-CO Q l l
V214012 44C3 2 C 2 CK SA SYS CT-PO Q DSBY R VR46 V21-0042 77El ! 5 8 GA M O' PIT 2Y I .
j Y21-0043 77De i B 8 GA M O PIT 2Y I ;
1 V210G72 71E0 1 A/C 8 CK SA SY3 AT-5 2Y l CT-CC R RRJ-16 CT-CO R RRJ-17 V214073 72D7 I A/C 8 CK SA SYS AT-5 2Y CT-CC R RRJ-16 CT CO R RRJ-17 XFV2119 74F1 1 A/C 1 XFC SA SYS AT-2 R RnJ43 ;
CT-CC R RRJ43 FIT R RRJ43 XFV2139 74F4 1 A/C 1 XFC SA SYS AT.2 R RRJ43 CT-CC R RRJ43 PIT R RRJ43 Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No.55
l Drawing: ))] Sheet M:]. Descr& tion: High Pressure Coolant Inlection Steam Side Valve No. Dws Safety Sect. XI Size Viv Act Norse Pos Esass Freg Relief Defer Notes Coor Class Cat. Type Type Type Reg No Test i
PSE2213 61C6 2 C 16 RFD SA SYS CT.RDR SY PSE2214 61C8 N C 16 RFD SA SYS CT.RDR 10Y 3 l PSV2213 3200 N C 1.25 RV SA C CT.SP 10Y 3 PSV2228 5255 2 C 1 RV SA C CT.SP 10Y SV2211 22C4 N B 1 3WY SO NE BTD Q 3 l
_ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i SY2212 IBC4 N B 1 3WY SO NE BTD Q 3 SV2234 6056 N B 1 3WY SO NE BTD Q 3
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I V22 0016 74B8 2 A/C 16 CK SA SYS AT.I 2Y 6 l CT.CC CS CSJ.Il )
CT.CO Q V22 0017 7857 2 A/C 16 SCK MSA SYS/LO AT.I 2Y 6 CT.CC R RRJ.26 CT.CO Q V22 0021 70B0 2 A/C 2 CK SA SYS AT1 2Y 6 CT.CC CS CSJ.09 CT.PO Q !
DSBY R 7 V22 0022 75B0 2 A/C 2 SCK MSA SYS/LO ?.T.1 2Y 6 Cr.r0 0 DSBY R 7 l
V22 0026 3851 2 C 1.25 CK SA SYS CT-PO Q DSBY R VR-21 V22 0028 4452 2 C 2 CK SA SYS CT.PO O DSBY R VR.21 V22 0029 5351 2 C 2 CK SA SYS CTPO Q DSBY R VR-21 V22 0063 8237 2 A/C 3 CK SA SYS AT.1 2Y CT.CC CS CSJ.10 CT.PO CS CSJ-10 DSBY R VR.21 i Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 i
Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No.57
F l 1
5 Drawing. Lai sheet n: L Descrytton: Hieh Pressure Coolantinlection Waterside l Valve No. Dws Safety Sect. XI Siae - Viv Act Norse Pos Esass Frog Reuer Deter Nosee ' '
Coor Class Cat. Type Type Type Reg No Test j CY2315 60D5 2 B 8 GL AO C/FC BTC Q hit Q 2 PIT 2Y M O2300 34E8 2 B I4 GA MO O BTC Q FIT 2Y M32311 50C7 2 B 12 GA MO O BTO Q PIT 2Y M O2312 65C7 i A 12 GA MO C ATI 2Y 6 I BTC Q BTO Q l i
FIT 2Y M O2318 30C2 2 3 4 GL MO C BTC Q BTO Q FIT 2Y M O2321 69A6 2 5 14 GA MO C BTC Q Blu Q PIT 2Y M O2322 39E6 2 B 14 GA MO C BTC Q BTO Q FIT 2Y PSY2301 29E8 2 C 1.5 RV SA SYS CT.SP 19Y SV23155 57D6 N 8 0.375 3%T SO ND BTD Q 3 SV2315C 64D6 N 8 0.375 3WY SO ND BD Q 3 v2 M eal 62A5 2 C 14 CK SA SYS DSBY R 7 ,
Y2 M 004 37E5 2 C 14 CK SA SYS CT.CO Q V2 M eld 44Cl 2 C 4 CK SA SYS DSBY R 7 V23 0049 65C6 I C 12 CK $A SYS DSBY R 7 1
i Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page NO.59
i 1
Drawing: JR Sheet #: L Descr& tion: Reactor Core isolation Cooline Steam Side Valve No. Dg Safety Sect. XI Siae Vlv Act Norse Poe Esaan Freq Relief Defer Notes Coor Class Cat. Type Type Type ReqNo Test SV2435 $0B1 N 3 0.25 3HT SO ND BTD Q 3 V244000 01C7 2 A/C 10 SCK MSA SYS/LO AT.1 2Y 6,7 CT.CC R RRJ.27 CT.CO Q V244010 4336 N C 1.25 CK SA SYS CT.PO Q 3 j DSBY R 3 l i
V244012 5036 N C l 2 CK SA SYS CT.PO O 3 i DSBY R 3 V244023 30C9 2 A/C 10 CK SA SYS AT.I 2Y 6 I CT.CC CS CSJ-14 CT.CO Q V244046 74C7 2 AC 3 CK SA SYS AT.I 2Y CT-CC CS CSJ.12 i l
1 DSBY R VR.21 j V244047 ' 74C7 2 A/C 3 CK SA SYS AT.1 2Y CT.CC CS CSJ-12 Cr.PO CS CSJ.12 l DSBY R VR.21 XFV2443A $9E3 1 A/C I XFC SA SYS AT.; R RRJ43 CT.CC R RRJ43 PIT R RRJ.03 XFV24438 59E4 1 A/C I XFC SA SYS AT.2 R RRJ43 CT.CC R RRJ43 PIT R RRJ43 XFV2443C $9El 1 A/C I XFC SA SYS AT.2 R RRJ43 Cr.CC R RItJ43 PIT R RRJ43 XFV2443D $9ES 1 A/C I XFC SA SYS AT.2 R RRJ43 CT.CC 5: RRJ43 PIT R RRJ43 Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Plinting Date: 9/10/98 - Page No.61
l I $
Drawing: J.]f Sheet H: J. Descr& tion: Standbv Llauld ControlSystem Valve No. Dog Safety Sect.XI . Size Viv Act Norm Pos Essa Frog Relief Defer Notes '
Coer Class Cat. Type Type Type Reg No Test
PSY2607 53D2 2 C .I RV SA SYS CT.SP 10Y PSV3609 5353 2 C 1 RV SA SYS CT.SP 19Y V264004 57C3 2 C 1.5 CK SA SYS CT-CO Q DSBY R VR.18 ,
V264006 5694 2 C 1.5 CK SA SYS CF.CO Q DSBY R VR.18
- V264008 77E3 I A/C 1.5 CK SA SYS AT.I 2Y CT.CC R RRJ.20 CT.CO R RRJ.21 V264009 85C7 i A/C 1.5 CK SA SYS AT.1 2Y CT.CC R RRJ.20 CT.CO R RRJ.21 V264032 87C3 I B 13 GA M O PIT 2Y I XS2618A 67E6 2 D 1.5 GA EXP C/KL DT.E .2/2Y DT. REC 2Y XS2618B 67E6 2 D 1.5 GA EXP C/KL DT.E .2/2Y DT. REC 2Y Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 l Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No.63
1 Drawing: )),2 Sheet #:],
River Water Snoolv System Intake Structure Vahe No. Dug Safety Sect. X2 Sine Yk Act Norm Pee Esan Fng Rehef Defer Notes Coor Class Cat Type Type Type Reg No Test i
1 AV2909A 62C5 3 C 3 AV SA SYS CT-CC O AV2909B 49C6 3 C 3 AV SA SYS CT-CC Q 62C5 C 3 AV SA SYS Cr-CC Q l AV2999C 3 Av29e9p 29C5 3 C 3 AV SA SYS Cr<C Q f
___________________ ___________________ l AV2909E 59FS N C 3 AV SA SYS CT CC Q 3 1 AV2909F SeE9 N C 3 AV SA SYS CT CC Q 3
_______________________________________ 1 V294 eel 7tC6 3 C 18 CK SA SYS CT CC Q !
GG Q V294003 60C6 3 C 18 CK SA SYS CT CC Q Cr-Co Q V29-9005 SIC 6 3 C 18 CK SA SYS CT-CC Q 1
Cr-Co Q ;
Y29-4007 40C6 3 C 18 CK SA EvS CF-CC O CT-Co Q
_______________________________________ l i
I Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9'10/98 - Page No.65
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Drawing: ],Q . Sheet #:], Descrfpsion: DieselGeneratorSystenas l Valve No. Dws Safety Sect. XI Size Viv Act Norm Pos Esam Freq Relief Deler Notes Coor Class Cat. Type Type Type Req No Test l
PSV3221A 87F4 Y C 0.5 RV SA SYS CT.SP 10Y 3 ,
i PSV32218 8737 Y C 03 RV SA SYS CT4P 10Y 3 j PSV3222A 78F2 Y C 0.5 RV SA CT-SP 10Y SYS 3 )
_______________________________________ i PSV3222B 7857 Y C 0.5 RV SA SYS CT.SP 18Y 3 1 PSV3223A 72F2 Y C 0.5 RV SA SYS CT.SP 10Y 3 PSV32238 7237 Y C SJ RV SA SYS CT.SP 10Y 3 V32 0005 3652 Y C 1.5 CK SA SYS CT.CO O 3 V32 0010 2583 Y C 1.5 CK SA SYS CT-CO Q 3 V324019 49C1 N C 1.5 CK SA SYS C.T .CO Q 3 V32 0021 49F4 N C 1.5 CK SA SYS CT.CO Q 3 V324032 81H2 Y A/C 0.75 CK SA SYS AT4 2Y 3 CT.CC 0 3 V32 0034 82D2 Y A/C 0.75 CK SA SYS AT4 2Y 3 CT.CC Q 3 V324036 86E9 Y A/C 0.75 CK SA SYS AT4 2Y 3 CT.CC Q 3 V324039 79E9 Y A/C 0.75 CK SA SYS AT4 2Y 3 !
Cr.CC Q 3 V32 0043 85F3 N C 2 CK SA SYS CT.CO Q 3 V32 0045 60F3 N C 2 CK SA SYS CT.CO Q 3 V324047 8654 Y A/C 0.75 CK SA SYS AT4 2Y 3 CT.CC Q 3 V32 0048 7954 Y A/C 0.75 CK SA SYS AT4 2Y 3 Cr.CC Q 3 V32 0052 85B8 N C 2 CK SA SYS CT.CO Q 3 V32 0054 8038 N C 2 CK SA SYS CT.CO Q 3 SV326tA 19C8 N B 1.5 2WY SO C BTC Q 3 Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page NO.67
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1 1
Drawing: )).Z Sheet M: ]. '
Radweste Sumo System l \
l Valve No. ' .Dg Safety Sect. XI Stae Viv . Act NoranPos Esaan Freg Relief Defer Notes Coor Class Cat. Type Type Type Reg No Test CY3704 75F8 2 A 3 GA AO O/FC AT1 2Y BTC O FST Q 2 FIT 2Y CY3795 71F8 2 A 3 GA AO O/FC AT-1 2Y BTC Q FST Q 2 Prr ::Y CV3728 7tD1 2 A 3 GA AO O/FC AT-1 2Y BTC Q j FST Q 2 l PIT 2Y CV3729 67DI N A 3 GA AO O!FC AT1 2Y 3 BTC Q 3 FST Q 2.3 FIT 2Y 3 SV3794 75ES N B 03 3WY SO NE BTD Q 3 Sv37e5 73E8 N B 0.5 3WY SO NE BTD Q 3 SV3728 72C2 N B 0.5 3WY SO NE BTD Q 3 SV3729 67C2 N B 0.5 3WY SO NE BTD Q 3 Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No.69 t
. . .- -- , ~. . .- - . . . ~ _ . - . . --
l 1 lDrawheg.]R Sheet #: L Descr& tion: Containment Atmosakere ControlSrstem
' Valve No. Dw8 S.4y Sect.XI Sise Viv Act Norm Pos Esam Freg Relief Defer Notes Coor Class Cat. Type Type Type RegNo Test I CV4303 80D0 .2 A 18 B17 AO C/FC AT.I 2Y 6 AT.7 Q BTC Q 8 l FST Q 2 l PIT 2Y j
\ _______-_______________________________
CV4304 77A8 2 A 20 BTF AO C/FO AT.I 2Y 6
F3T Q 2 l FIT 2Y CV4305 7BA8 2 A 20 BTF AO C/FO AT.I 2Y 6 BT.VOP 6M BTC Q l BTO Q i
FST Q 2 j PIT 2Y CV4306 21C4 2 A 18 BTF AO C/FC AT.I 2Y 6 AT 7 Q BTC Q 8 F3T Q 2 PTT 2Y CV4307 29C4 2 A 18 BTF AO C/FC AT.I 2Y 6 AT 7 Q BTC Q B FST Q 2 Prr 2Y CV4308 2988 2 A 18 BTF AO C/FC AT.I 2Y 6 AT.7 Q BTC 0 8 F3T Q 2 Prr 2Y CV4309 78C9 2 A 2 BTF AO C/FC AT.I 2Y BTC Q nT Q 2 l
Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No.71
Drawing: ].f] Sheet #: 1.
Containment Atmosakere ControlSvstem I ,
i Valve No. Dg S #ety Sect.XI Size Vlv Act NormPos Exam Freq Relief Defer Notes Coer Class Cat. Type Type Type RegNo Test i CV4327D 7288 2 A/C 18 CK SAP SYS CT-CO Q Cr. VSP R RRJ 25 FIT 2Y CV4327F 72B8 2 A/C 18 CK SAP SYS AT.4 R CT-CC Q CT-CO Q CT-VSP R RRJ-25 PIT 2Y CV4327G 7288 2 A/C 18 CK SAP SYS AT-4 R ;
CT VSP R RRJ-25 FIT 2Y CV4327H 72B8 2 A/C 18 CK SAP SYS AT-4 R CT-CC Q CT-CO Q l
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j CV4357 85B8 2 A 8 BTF AO C/KL AT-I 2Y 6 BTC R RRJ-22 FST R RRJ.22 2 PIT 2Y CV4371A SIEl 2 A 2 GA AO O/FC AT-I 2Y BTC Q FST Q 2 Prr 2Y CV4371C 69E2 2 A 2 GA' AO O/FC AT-1 2Y BTC Q FST Q 2 Prr 2Y CV4378A 56DS 2 A 2 GA AO O/FC AT-1 2Y BTc Q FST Q 2 Prr 2Y Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No.73
t l
1 1 1 s l 1 jDrawing: LfQ . Sheet #:], Descr> tion: Containment Atmowhere ControlSrstem i Valve No. D*M Safety Sect.XI Size Vlv Act Norm Pos Esan Freq Relief Defer Notes Coor Class Cat. Type Type Type ReqNo Test V434032 62A8 N C 0.5 CK SA SYS CT-CO Q 3 l V434035 87AS N C 03 CK SA SYS CT.CO Q 3 l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
V434168 78A2 2 A/C 20 CK SA SYS AT.I 2Y 6 CT. VSP 6M CTCME Q j CTOME Q l PTT 2Y j V434169 77A2 2 A/C 20 CK SA SYS AT.I 2Y 6 CT. VSP 6M l CTCME Q CTOME Q PIT 2Y V434214 52fD 2 A/C 2 SCK MSA C/LO AT.I 2Y l CT.CC R RRJ.23 V434441 85C6 N A 0.5 CK SA C AT4 2Y 3 l CT.CC R 3 l
l V434503 59E0 2 A/C 0J75 CK SA SYS AT.I 2Y CT.CC R RRJ41 MO4320A 37D6 N B 2 GA MO C BTO Q 3 PIT 2Y 3 MO43208 37E6 N B 2 GA MO C BTO Q 3 PIT 2Y 3 M O4323A 47D6 N B 2 GL MO C UT9 Q 3 l PIT 2Y 3 l
M O43238 47E2 N B 2 GL MO C BTO Q 3 PIT 2Y 3 PSV4336 54D8 N C 2 RV SA C CT.SP 10Y 3 SY4331A 4153 2 A 2 GA SO C/FC AT.1 2Y BTC Q BTO Q f3T Q 2 Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 i
Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page NO.75 1
Drewing: ))Q Sheet H: $
Containst Atmosakere ControlSystem l
Valve No. Dwg Safety Sect. XI Slac Viv Act Nors:Pos Exam Freq Relief Defer Notes Coor Class Cat.- Type Type Typo ReqNo Test f
SV43343 38D0 N A 2 GA SO C/FC FST Q 2,3 FIT 2Y 3 V43-40s: 3654 N C 2 CK SA SYS CT{0 Q 3 V434004 3500 N C 2 CK SA SYS CT-CO Q 3 V43-0086 35C6 N C 2 CK SA SYS CT-CO Q 3 V430088 35DI N C 2 CK SA SYS CT-CO Q 3 Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No.77
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i Drawing:4g Sheet N: L
Service Water Svstem 7--- _- ! :rse Valve No. Dg Safety Sect. XI Siae Viv Act Norm Pos Esam Freq Reisef Defer Notes Coor Class Cat. Type Type Type Reg No Test V46 4015 6532 3 C 8 CK SA SYS CT-CO Q V464021 71B2 3 C 8 CK SA SYS CT-CC 0 CT-CO Q V464026 77BI 3 C 12 CK SA SYS CT-CC Q ' Cr.CO Q V46 4030 B351 3 C 12 CK SA SYS Cr-CC Q CT-CO Q i I Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No.79
l l 1 i l Drawing: ]R Sheet # L
Standbv Futer Unit Control Buudint {, Yalve No. Dwg Safety Sect.XI Size Viv Act Norm Fos Eram Freq Relief Defer Notes Coor Class Cat. Type Type Type Req No Test PSV7333A $8A8 N C 1 RV SA C CT-SP 10Y 3 PSV73338 74A8 ' N C 1 RV SA C CT SP 18Y 3 v73.eee6 63BI N C 1 CK SA SYS CT-CC Q 3 v73-ooo7 6331 N C 1 CK SA SYS CT-CC Q 3 V73-eel 6 SIBl N C 1 CK SA SYS CT-CC 0 3 v73.sei7 Slas N C 1 CK SA SYS CT-CC Q 3 V734032 SIA7 N C I CK SA SYS CT-CO Q 3 V734033 81A7 N C 1 CK SA SYS CT-CO Q 3 V734034 63A7 N C I CK SA SYS CT-CO Q 3 V734035 63A7 N C 1 CK SA SYS CT-CO Q 3 l i l I l l 1 l l l Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No.81
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1 1
- 1 Drawing: Jij, . Sheet M: L Descr&tler: Com2inment Atmosakere Monitorbra Svstem l 1
I Valve No. Dwg Safety Sect.XI Slae Viv Act Norm Pos Essa Freq Relief Defer Notes l Coor Class Cat. Type Type Type Reg No Test l l SV8106A $6De 2 A 1 GL SO OTC FST Q 2 l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l SV8106B 44D0 2 -A 1 GL SO OSC AT.I 2Y BTC Q 12 FST Q' 2 i i SV8197A 45C5 2 A 1 GL SO O'FC AT.1 2Y l BTC Q 12 FST Q 2 SY8107B 45C5 2 A I GL SO OTC AT.I 2Y BTC Q 12 FST Q 2 l 1 l SV8108A - 56C5 2 A 1 GL SO OTC AT.1 2Y j BTC Q 12 F3T Q 2 SV8 test 43C5 2 A 1 GL SO O/FC AT.I 2Y l BTC Q 12 l FST Q 2 SV819tA 53CI 2 A I GL SO OTC AT.I 2Y j BTC Q 12 FST Q 2 SV81095 47Cl 2 A 1 GL SO OSC AT1 2Y BTC Q 12 l FST Q 2 ! I SV8110A $7Cl 2 A I GL SO OTC AT.1 2Y i BTC Q 12 FST Q 2 SV8titB 43Cl 2 A I GL SO O/FC AT.1 2Y i BTC Q 12 FST Q 2 Section 7 - Valve List for DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No.83
I l l 8.0 RELIEF REQUESTS - VALVES RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-01 (RESERVED) RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-02 (DELETED) l 1 l l l DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Prnting Date: 9/10/98 -Page No. 85
_. . . _ . . ~ _ . ___. . . - . . . . - . . _ _ ._ . _ . _ . . _ . . _ . - . . _ . . _ _ . . _ - . . . . . . _ . . . _ _ . . . . . . _ - g i- !- l i The alternate test methods and schedule for V-14-001 and V-14-003 is pre-approved in accordance with GL 89-04, Position 1. l i- Approval: Relief granted in SER dated November 21,1995. i 1 j 1 ! l I f l l I i l 4 I l ' DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No. 87
- ResidualHeat Removal I i
COMPONENTS: j V-19-014, V.19-016, and V-20-006 ) CATEGORY: ) U -C , FUNCTION: )
These 3-inch swing check valves open durmg RHR pump operation to provide recirculation flowpaths to the torus in order to prevent pump damage due to heatup as a result of operation under shutoff or mimmal I flow conditions They close to ensure that LPCI flow to the reactor vessel is not bypassed through an idle ' or failed pump via the mmimum flow recirculation line. ] TEST REOUIREMENTS:
Check valves shall be exercised to the positions in which they perform their safety functions or exammed at least once every react.or refueling outage. (Part 10, Para. and (c)) BASIS FDR RELIEF:
'Ibese are simple check valves with no means of mechanical exercising or positive indication of disc - position, thus the only prr.:tical method of exercising them is with system flow. Due to the lack of appropriate flow instrurne'-N in the associated lines, verification of accident flow, as specified by GL ~
89-04, is not practical.
; Since these valves are identical and see essentially identical service, they qualify for sample diamaaembly as set forth in Position 2 or Generic Letter 89-04.
ALTERNATE TESTING: Each of these valves will be partial stroke exercised (actually full stroked without flow measurement) by performance of the respective quarterly system surveiliance testing. During each reactor refueling outage at leut one valve will be diammaembled and inspected (in rotation)
- such that, assuming an 18-month refueling cycle, all three valves 'will be inspected approximately 'every five years. Disassembled valves will be part-stroke exercised / tested prior to returning them to service j following reassembly. Should a disassembled valves show signs of damage that indicates that it could not perform its safety function to fully open, then the remaining three valves will be disassembled and
' inspected prior to startup.
The use of non-intrusive testing equipment is under evaluation and, if satisfactory, the current dianasembly j i and inspection program may be replaced by one using non-intrusive testing methods. Approval: Relief granted in SER dated November 21,1995. i i
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RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-07 (DELETED) RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-08 (DELETED) RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-09 (DELETED) l I DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 -Page No. 91
l i I l i i i l l i DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 i Printing Date: 9/10/98 -Page No.93 I
1 l RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-14 ) (DELETED) l RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-15 (DELETED) RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-16 (DELETED) RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-17 f (DELETED) l l l i l l DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No. 95
l i
' r,. . RELIEF' REQUEST NO. VR-19. f SYSTEM: ;
Emergency Service Water (ESW) COMPONENTS: CATEGORY: V.13-121, V-13-126,'and V-13-140 f C l I FUNCTION-nose check valves open to provide flowpaths for emergency service water to and from the HVAC i mstrument air compressors TEST REOUIREMENTS-Check valves shall be exercised to the positions in which they perfonn their safety functions or exanuned at least once every reactor refueling outage. (Part 10, Para. and BASIS FOR RELIEF: - These are simple check valves with no means of mechanical exercising or positive indication of disc ' position, the only practical method of verifying full stroke (open) is by measuring full accident flow
' through the line (Reference NRC Generic Letter 89-04). Here is no installed flow instrumentation on the associated branch lines thus flow measurements are not practical. -
Since these valves are identical seeing essentially identical service, they qualify for sample disassembly as i set forth in Position 2 of NRC Generic Letter 89-04. ALTERNATE TESTING: Each of these valves will be part stroke exercised open during quarterly system surveillance testing (full stroke with no flow measurements).' ~ During each reactor refueling outage at least one valve will be disassembled and inspected (in rotation) such that, assuming an 18-month refueling cycle, each valve will be inspected approximately every five (5) years. Disassembled valves will be exercised t/ ested prior to returnmg them to service following reassembly. Should a disassembled valve show signs of damage that indicates that it could not perform its safety function to open, then the other two valves will be disassembled and inspected prior to startup. Approval: Relief granted in SER dated November 21,1995. i DAEC IST Pr -ii - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9[l$/98 - Page No. 97 f i
, w.~ - -.. - ,- . -,r., - - .-
g RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-21 SYSTEM: High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) COMPONENTS: Miscellaneous check valves - see below. CATEGORIES: A/C and C FUNCTIONS:
- V-22-0064, V-22-0053, V-24-0046, V-24-0047 Dese HPCI/RCIC Vacuum Breaker Check Valves open to prevent siphoning of toms water into the HPC1/RCIC exhaust lines.
V-22-0026 Barometric condenser condensate pump discharge check valve, support operation of HPCI in the open and closed positions. V-22-0028, V-22-0029 These check valves open to provide a flow path for HPCI lube oil cooling and/or Gland Seal condensate pump discharge. With the pumps in standby, these check valves prevent barometric condenser in-leakage. TEST REOUIREMENTS. Check valves shall be exercised to the positions in which they perform their safety functions or exammed at least once every reactor refueling outage. (Part 10, Para. and (c)) BASIS FOR REI TEF: These are simple check valves with no means of mechanical exercising or positive indication of disc
' position; thus the only practical method of exercising them is with system flow. Due to the lack of appropriate flow instrumentation in the associated lines, verification of accident flow, as specified by GL 89-04, is not practical.
Since these valves, grouped above, are identical and see essentially identical service, they qualify for sample disassembly as set forth in Position 2 of Generic Letter 89-04. AIJE@iATE TESTING: All valves, except those indicated by an asterisk (*), will be partial stroke tested by performance of the respective quarterly system surveillance. He asterisked valves have no means to verify partial stroking during performance of quarterly system surveillance testing. The group of valves, indicated by an asterisk, ne sized for maintaining a specific differential pressure rather than a specified flow so that full flow testing is not possible.
- During each reactor refueling outage at least one valve will be disassembled and inspected (in rotation).
Disassembled valves will be pan-stroke exercised / tested prior ts returmng them to service following reassembly. Should a disassembled valve show signs of damage that indicates that it could not perform its j safety function, then the remaining valves in the same group will be disassembled and inspected prior to i start-up. ] Approval: Relief g anted in SER dated Novert.ber 21,1995. I i DAEC IST Program- Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No. 99
! -.~.. . -..~. _ - . - -- - RELIEF REQUEST NO. VR-023
'(DELETED) l 1
I 1 I i I DAEC IST Program -Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 -Page No.101
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3 Jl: - . . . ?w ,. .: ,, , , , , , , , , , , _ _ , '~- -- -- - -. - - . , , , _ , , , - , _ . _ , _ . .
BASIS: Actuating the CRD scram discharge header vent at.d drain valves utilizing SV-186CA, SV-1868B, SV-1869A, and SV-1869B requires initiation of a full SCRAM signal. nese solenoids are tied to the RPS system and de-energize to vent air from the valve actuator. The vent and drain valves are equirped with test solenoids that allow for quarterly exercising; the vent and drain valves are verified to close on a loss of air. The appropriate method of fail-safe testing these valves is to use the safety-related logic and solenoids. This is not practical quarterly: such testing could result in a plant trip. NUMBER: CSJ-07 SYSTEM: RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL (RHR) COMPONENTS: MO-1908 and MO-1909 - Dre:al Heat Damaval Shutdown C-r"-- Sunniv Valves SAFETY FUNCTION: During power operation these normally-closed valves protect the RHR system piping from the high pressure recirculation system. They open to provide a flowpath to the RHR pumps during shutdown cooling operation. BASIS: Under normal conditions these valves could experience a differential pressure of 900 psid. Exercising these valves unde J :se conditions could result in valve or actuator damage. In addition, with one of these valves in the open position, pressure isolation protection for the RHR system is limited to a single valve. Note also that these valves are electrically interlocked to prevent opening with reactor pressure greater than 135 psig. NUMBER: CSJ-08 (DELETED) NUMBER: CSJ-09 SYSTEM: 1 'GH PREEiURE COOLANT INJECTION (HPCI; COMPONENTS: V-3021 - HPCI Condensate Drain Valve SAFETY FUNCTION: During HPCI operation this valve opens to provide a flowpath for discharging condensate from the HPCI turbine exhaust drain pot to the torus. It closes for containment isolation. e ASIS: Exercising this valve to its closed position requires closmg V-22-022 and performance of a seat leakage test. If HPCI were to initiate while this testing was in progress, condensate could backup into the turbine exhaust piping and casing resulting in potential damage to critical components or adverse affects with respect to system performance. There are no local or remote indicators of obturator position, nor are system parameters indicative of closure. The closure test method is analogous to a leak test (without quantifying leakage). The NRC has de nined that the need to set up test equipment is adequatejustification to defer backflow testing of a check valve until a refueling outage (NUREG-1482,4.1.4). NUMBER: CSJ-10 SYSTEM: HIGH PRESSURE COOLANT INJECTION (HPCI) COMPONENTS: V-22-063 and V 't2-064 - HPCI E*=mt Une Vacuum Braakers SAFETY FUNCTION: Following HPCI operation these valves open to prevent a vacuum buildup in the exhaust line and subsequent filling of the turbine exhaust piping from the torus. Hey close for containment isolation. BASIS: If HPCI should initiate during th: period when these valves are isolated for testing they would not function and the operation of the HPCI system could be adversely impacted. DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No.103
valve closure. While the tests are in progress, the respective pump is inoperable since there is no path for turbine exhaust steam. Here are no local or remote indicators of obturator position, nor are system Parameters indicative of closure. The closure test method is analogous to a leak test (without quantifying leakage). The NRC has determined that the need to set up test l . equipment is adequate justification to defer Scaflow testing of a check valve until a l refueling outage (NUREG-1482,4.1.4).
. NUMBER: - CSJ-15 SYSTEM: MAIN STEAM TURBINE STOP AND CONTROL VALVES COMPONENTS: CV-1964 and MO-1043 - Main Steam Line Drain Valves SAFETY FUNCTION: In the open position, these power-operated valves establish a flow path to the main condenser for the leakage treatment system BASIS: Cycling these valves during operations establishes and increases flow to the l
condenser. His increased flow could negatively effect condenser vacuum, and should not be performed during plant operation. ! NUMBER: CSJ-16 SYSTEM: MAIN STEAM TURBINE STOP AhD CONTROL VALVES COMPONENTS: MO-1362A and MO-1362B - Main Steam Line Supply to Offgas and SJAE SAFETY FUNCTION: MO-1362A/B are closed when directed by plant procedures to establish a path for processing MSIV leakage. BASIS: Dese motor-operated valves provide steam tche Steam Jet Air Ejectors. Isolating the steam supply to the SJAE is impractical to petform during plant operation, since the steamjet air ejectors remove non-condensable gases from the plant condenser to maintain cesias vacuum. l NUMBER: CSJ-17 SYSTEM: TURBINE STEAM SEALS COMPONENTS: - MO-1169 ' Mo 1170 - Man = E* .= e----N ..a n_2- -e_-- n, -- Valve. Tarbine Steam Seal System SAFETY FUNCTION: ' MO-1169 and MO-1170 are closed when directed by plant procedures to establish a path foi processing MSIV leakage. BASIS: The turbine steam seal system provides steam to the turbine glands to control air - { leakage into the turbine; ne system is essential for turbine operation, ar.1 valve ! cycling should not be performed during plant operation. i i l l DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 -Page No.105 , i .. I
+br 74 ,p M %,e.g pr. w----- -- w ~ - =6
' BASIS: . Excess flow check valves are installed on instrument lines penetrating containment to mmimar leakage in event of an instmment-line failure outside containment per Regulatory Guide 1.11. De excess check valve is a simple device: the major components are a poppet and spring. He spring holds the poppet open under static conditions; the valve will close with 10 psid across the poppet. Functional testing cf the valve is accomplished by venting the instrument side of the tube; the resuhnt meresse in flow imposes a differential pressure across the poppet which compresses the sprms and closes off flow through the valve. nese devices are highly reliable.
De testing above requires the removal of the associated instrument or instruments
- from service. Dese instruments monitor reactor performance i
. an (core flow, core and jet pump differential pressure) or provide inputs to various systems. Many of the inputs are associated with the initiation of a safety system and testing is impractical quarterly due to concems of creating a plant transient or trip. For those excess flow check valves that are associated with instruments that monitor reactor performance, quarterly testing is likewise impractical: personnel safety concerns must be considered since the process-side of these valves is high pressure and contammated reactor coolant. He performance history of these devices does not warrant incurnng these risks. These valves are likewise impractical to exercise on a cold shutdown frequency: there are 94 excess flow check valves. Performance of testing would delay reactor shut-down or start-up, creating a negative impact on outage time and plant availability. In summary, due to plant and personnel safety concerns and plant availability in light of the highly reliable performance of these devices, testing will be performed at a refueling frequency. This test may happen outside of the Refuel Outage, at power.
NUMBER: ~ RRJ-04 SYSTEM: NUCLEAR BOILER COMPONENTS: Reactor Relief Valves j PIS No, PSV-4400* PSV-4401 PSV-4402* PSV-4405* PSV-4406* PSV-4407
- Automatic De-pressurization System (ADS)
SAFETY FUNCTION: The functions of the relief valves are to (1) open upon receipt of an ADS signal to blowdown the reactor vessel (for the ADS valves only),(2) act as primary system safety valves actuating on high system pressure or by manual actuation from the Control Room, and (3) to close to maintain the primary system pressure boundary and prevent uncontrolled de-pressurization of the reactor (stuck open relief valve). He function of the solenoid valves is to energize upon receipt of a manual or ADS - actuation signal and, in so doing, vent the poppe.t valve assembly causing the associated main valves to open. BASIS: Due to the obvious potential for plant transients these valves ran only be tested at very low reactor power levels with primary system pressure greater than 50 psig. De test sequence requues-
- a. Openmg at lent one turbine bypass valve discharging main steam in to the main condenser;
- b. Actuating the rehef valve while observing the corresponding closure of the turbine bypass valve (pressure control on the turbine bypass valve is fairly quick DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No.107
I l SYSTEM: CONTROL ROD DRIVE COMPONENTS: V-17-052 ==d V-17453 - CRD heuen To haetor Vessel Ch.ek Valves
' SAFETY FUNCTION: - Dese valves close for containment isolation.
BASIS: These are simple check valves with no positive indication of disk position thus the only means of determining closure of these valves is by perbrming leak tests. Such j testing requires drywell entry plus extensive system preparations. Performance of 1 these leaktests is impossible during plant operation and impractical at cold shutdown J due to the unreasonable burden on the plant staff. Note that this line is normally l isolated and valve degradation during operation is unlikely.
SYSTEM: CONTROL ROD DRIVE f I COMPONENTS: V-17-083 ==d V-17-096 n==eter Recire=l=*ian Mini Puree Check Valves :; SAFETY FUNCTION: These valves close for containment isolation. BASIS: nese are simple check valves with no positive means of determining valve disk position, thus the only means of determining closure of these valves is by performing leak tests. Such testing requires drywell entry plus extensive system preparations. Performance of these leaktests is impossible during plant operation due to the . inaccessibility of the drywell and impractical at cold shutdown due to the 4 unreasonable burden on the plant staff resulting from such testing. NUMBER: RRJ-11 SYSTEM: CONTROL ROD DRIVE COMPONENTS: CV-1849("" ""). CV-laS0("" ""). - CRD SCRAM ini.t and Fwh==ne Valves SAFETY FUNCTION: CV-1849 and CV-1850 open with a SCRAM signal to pressurize lower side of CRD j piston and vent the top of the piston to the scram discharge header, thus effecting rod movement into the core. BASIS: nese valves can only be tested by verifying control rod drive performance while scrammmg each individual control rod. Due to the obvious operational restraints and extensive effort associated with scram testing, this is impractical to accomplish other than on a refueling outage frequency. Control rod scram testing is a normal routine , test performed during each reactor refueling outage, during plant startup at power. NUMBER: - RRJ-12 (DELETED) NUMBER:' RRJ-13 .j SYSTEM: CONTROL ROD DRIVE V.,jB-011R("" "")- Chareine Water sa a., Ch.ek Valves COMPONENTS: l nese valves close to retain pressure in the HCU accumulators in the event that the ! SAFETY FUNCTION: charging water header should de-pressurize. ! BASIS: Verifying closure of these valves requires shutdown of the CRD pumps and de-pressurization of the charging header. During plant operation this is not possible as it would result in securing cooling water to the CRD's. During cold shutdown a CRD 4~ pump normally remains in operation (headers pressurized) to ensure flushag of the
- CRD's and prevent deposits of foreign matter in the drive mechanisms. The proposed
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.I drywell solely for the purpose of valve testing is excessively burdensome and a sound basis for test deferral to refuelings as described in NUREG-1482, Section
NUMBER: ' RRJ-17 ,
. SYSTEM: CORE SPRAY COMPONENTS: V-21472 and V-21473 - Care Sprav Inlaction Check Valves SAFETY FUNCTION: . Rese check valves provide a flow path for core spray to the reactor vessel and -
prevent backflow from the reactor vessel to the core spray system. i BASIS: In order to open these valves, the core spray pumps must be operated at rated flow ; discharging directly into the reactor vessel. His cannot be done during normal operation because the core spray pumps are not capable of overcoming reactor - pressure. Core spray injection during cold shutdown with the reactor head in place is , imprectical due to the difficulty of controlling reactor vessel water level. Core spray i injection at rated flow would result in a vessel level increase of approximately 30" per j
l minute. With the injection going into the vessel shroud region and high rate of change in water level and a possible difference in level between the shroud region and the main vessel, it would very easily be possible to flood the main steam lines or over. prenurize the reactor vessel if this test were performed at cold shutdown with the head in place. In addition, there are water chemistry concerns. ne core spray system pump quarterly test circuit alignment takes suction from the suppression pool i , and recirculates flow back to the suppression pool via a test line. Performance of a ; partial stroke and injection to the vessel would require realignment of the pump suction to the Condensate Storage Tank. His precaution would still result in the i transfer of high-conductivity suppression pool water to the reactor from residual torus water in the system piping. The resultant chemical cleanup would delay reactor startup.
COMI'ONENTS: V-25436 - RCIC Pump Discharme Check Valve SAFETY FUNCTION: his valve opeas to provide a flowpath for RCIC to the reactor vessel via the reactor ; feedwater piping. BASIS: Opening this valve quanerly with RCIC system flow is not practical during plant operation due to the potent:al for severe reactor vessel water level and temperature transients as well as possible contammation of reactor feedwater, his valve is provided with the capability to be mechanically exercised and opening torque measured; however, the location of the valve in the steam tunnel makes it inaccessible during power operation. He measurement of openmg idrque requires controlling test conditions per OM 10, Para. (b). To ensure repeatable data for companson to reference value torque, the piping is drained to equalize pressure across the obt'irator. This evolution - requires teactor drywell entry to manually isolate V-25-036 from the reactor. The drywell innerted during power operation and de inerting the drywell solely for the purpose of valve testing is excessively burdensome and a sound basis for testing deferral to refuelings as described in NUREG-1482, Section NUMBER: RRJ-19 (RESERVED) NUMBER: ' RRJ-20 SYSTEM: ' STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL (SBLC) DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No. I11
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i l I COMPONENT: V-43-214 - Drywell Instrument Nitrogen Hender Suppic Stoo check valve i SAFETY FUNCTION: This check valve closes for containment isolation. i l BASIS: His is a simple check valve, thus the only practical means of detemumng closure is l by performing a leak test. I Performmg a leaktest of this valves requires containment access, isolation of nitrogen i to the containment, and an extensive valve re-alignment. The resources and time ! J required to complete such a test places an undue burden on the plant staff and is not justified by the little gain in plant safety afforded by the test. I I NUMBER: RRJ-24 l SYSTEM: CONTAINMENT ATMOSPHERE CONTROL COMPONENT: V-43-441 - CV-4357 Air Accumulator Check Valve I SAFETY FUNCTION: his check valve closes to ensure a reliable supply of compressed air is available to ! operate containmem hard vent valve CV-4357 in the event that the normal air supply I fails. BASIS: This is a simple check valve, thus the only practical means of detemumng closure of these valves is by performing a leak test. Because the hard vent system is not intended to be used to mitigate events considered in the Final Safety Analysis Report, components other than those provided for primary containment isolation are not within the scope of the Inservice Test (IST) Program, as discussed in Part 10, Para.1.1. These components have been added to the IST Program for testing on an augmented basis. The intent ofincluding these components in the Program is to provide a reasonable level of operational readiness j for the hard vent system and this is satisfied by testing at a refueling frequency. 'J NUMBER: RRJ-25 SYSTEM: CONTAINMENT ATMOSPHERE MONITORING SYSTEM COMPONENT: CV-4327A. CV-4327B. CV-4327C. CV-4327D. CV-4327F. CV-4327G. CV-4327H !
- Suppression Chamber - Drywell Group Vacuum Breakers l SAFETY FUNCTION: Dese vacuum breakers are located on the vent header within the airspace of the suppression chamber. They relieve pressure from the suppression chamber through vent lines to the Drywell to prevent a significant pressure differential between the !
Drywell and suppression chamber. i BASIS: Dese vacuum breakers are located within the suppression chamber and inaccessible during plant operation: the suppression chamber contains the - ressure suppression ; pool, the heat sink for any postulated transient or accident. Access to the suppression chamber is provided through manways; these manways establish primary containment and access requires de-inerting primary containment. As described in NUREG-1482, de-inerting primary containment for the pmpose ofinservice testmg is innractical during cold shutdowns. Though inaccessible during plant operation and cold shutdowns, the valves are equipped with a pneumatic operator which allows remote operation. On a monthly , I basis plant Technical Specifications functionally test these valves, venfymg obturator freedom of movement. The valves are equipped with position indication lights in the Control Room. His test satisfies OM-1, Paragraph requirements. In order to test these valves for operability with respect to their non-powered operation and setpoints, test personnel must have access to each valve to allow mechanical exercising. Access to these valves is available during refuelings. Durmg DAEC IST Program-Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No. I13 1 1
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during plant operation or cold shutdown conditions, extension of the test frequency to , each refueling outage is justified. His position is consistant with NUREG-1482. j l
i 1 1 l 1 l i I i i i DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Printing Date: 9/10/98 - Page No.115
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i 12.0 Augmented Requirements j l The following items represent IST Prograin augmented testing. This testing will be performed as l described, and will not be subject to the rules and requirements of the Code, unless the testing is also used to fulfill a Code requirement. Requirement Discussion Motor Operated Valve Operability This item requires operability testing of motor operated (RCIC) val.ves in the listed system. The augmented testing of motor operated valve position changes which are timed in the surveillance test for this system are listed in Table A. He ) IST Program will track this augmented testing, but will not ' l add any additional requirements. ) With the reactor power less than 75%, MSIV testing exists in IST Program. The requirement to j trip main steam isolation valves commence testing only if Rx Power is below 75% will l
' individually and verify closure time. augment the testing previously listed in the IST Program. )
1 Pump and Motor operated valve This itons requires operability testing of motor operated l operability (RHR Service Water valves in the listed system. The augmented testing of motor l System) operatcd valve position changes which are timed in the i surveillance test for this system are listed in Table A. The ! IST Program will track this augmented testing, but will not ] add any additional requirements, j Eack Emergency Service Water pump De requirement to use the Figure A graph to determine the shall deliver at least that flow required flow based on river water temperature for the ESW determised from Figure A, for the pumps will augment the Code required testing discussed in ; existing river water temperature. the IST Program. 3 his item requires operability testing of motor operated i Pump and motor operated valve OPERABILITY (Emergency Service valves in the listed system. The augmented testing of motor ;
. Water System) operated valve position changes which are timed in the .;
surveillance test for this system are listed in Table A. The i IST Program will track this augmented testing, but will not , add any additional requirements. Pump testing will be performed as required by the Code. I i DAEC IST Program -Revision 15 Prating Date: 9/10/98 - Page No. I17
Table A l Valve Nunnber Open Direction Close Direction Open Criteria Close Criteria M O2405 X X Stroke Only Stroke Only
. M O2511 X Stroke Only . M O2515 X Stroke Only M01943A X- .X Stroke Only Stroke Only M O19438 X- X Stroke Only Stroke Only M O1942 X. X Stroke Only . Stroke Only MO2039A X s 70 sec _
l M O2077- X s 70 sec M O2039B X 5 70 sec
.. M O2078 X $ 70 sec ),
M O2069 X X Stroke Only Stroke Only M O2031 X X Stroke Only Stroke Only
- MO2044A X X Stroke Only $ 18 see M O20448 X X Stroke Only 518 see M O1936 X X Stroke Only s 6 see M 01937 X Stroke Only Stroke Only M 01989 X X Stroke Only Stroke Only M O1941 X -X Stroke Only Stroke Only MO1949A- X X Stroke Only 518 see M O1949B X X Stroke Only s 18 see M O2247 X Stroke Only M O2300 X Stroke Only M O2311- X Stroke Only M O2316 X. Stroke Only Stroke Only i :- M O2147 X X Stroke Only Stroke Only l M O2100 X X Stroke Only Stroke Only i
M O2112 X Stroke Only M O2146 X X Stroke Only Strcke Only M O2115 X X Stroke Only Stroke Only M O2135 X X Stroke Only Stroke Only M O2120 X X Stroke Only Stroke Only M O2132 X Stroke Only l E DAEC IST Program - Revision 15 Prnting Date: 9/10/98 -Page No.119 1 y e .- , c --m~--- , u ,, , m ,.mor,r cw.. ...,,w,,.e-e -s. .e . . w,wy}}