NG-97-1010, Proposed Tech Specs Change for Instrument Setpoints

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Proposed Tech Specs Change for Instrument Setpoints
Person / Time
Site: Duane Arnold NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/10/1997
Shared Package
ML20148L627 List:
NG-97-1010, NUDOCS 9706190326
Download: ML20148L656 (88)


.. -..

Enclosure to NG-97-1010 June 10,1997 l

Duane Arnold Energy Center Current-to-Improved Technical Specifications Setpoint Cross-Reference Document

?R6*188EI E88%gt P


l i

l Table of Contents 1.

Forward 1

I l.1 Introduction i

1.2 Setpoint Determination Methodologies 1.2.a Calculating from a Specified Analytical L! nit 1.2.b Back-Calculating in the Absence of a Specified Analytical Limit 1.2.c No Calculation - Settings Established by Federal Regulation and/or Engineering Expertise 1.3 Setpoint Diagram, Terminology & Equations 1.4 Acronyms 11.

Index & Legend i


Data Sheets l

l I

I l


4 e

1. Forward l

l 1

1. Ferw:rd i

i 1.1 Introduction This document was prepared in support of the Duane Arnold Energy Center Technical Specification improvement Project. The primary purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the basis and calculational methodology used to determine the Allowable Values in the improved standard Technical Specifications. This document also has the secondary purpose of describing the type (i.e. Nominal Setting, Allowable Value, etc.) of the setpoint values in the current custom Technical Specifications.

Supporting sections provide general descriptions of the setpoint determination process given different calculational starting points, diagrams and formulas showing the relationships between setpoint values, and descriptions of acronyms used throughout this document.

Note: This document was prepared assuming the reader has a working-level knowledge of GE & ISA instrument setpoint methodologies and their relation to GE BWR design and licensing bases (Refer to R.G.1.105, ISA-S67.04 Part 1, ISA-RP67.04 Part II and NEDC-31336.)

1.2 Setpoint Deterrnination Methodologies 1.2.a Calculating from a Specified Analytical Limit This is the most common and straight forward case. In this case a specific value has been selected and shown by analysis to be satisfactory for fulfilling the intended function, iA, an Analytical Limit has been established. The setpoint methodology is then used to combine process and instrument uncertainties to determine the amount of margin required to assure the actual trip will occur at a point consistent with, or conservative with respect to, the setpoint used in the analysis. This establishes limits for the in-plant setting and criteria for determining operability.

Since this is an additive process of combining uncertainties to determine the amount of margin required, it is always conservative to calculate, make assumptions, etc., that either increase the individual uncertainty values or the cumulative uncertainty.

l.2.b Back-Calculating in the Absence of a Specified Analytical Limit This case occurs when no specific limiting ideal value has been identified for use as an Analytical Limit (AL). Common circumstances which lead to cases where settings and limits have been selected in the absence of a specific Analytical Limit are:


1. Fcrw rd settings and limits selected to be consistent with design basis e

transient analysis which explicitly identify that the type of setpoint value (i.e., Allowable Value, Nominal Trip Setpoint) intended to be used is not an Analytical Limit, settings and limits selected on the basis of satisfactory field testing e

and historical performance, settings and limits conservatively selected to satisfy requirements e

imposed by law and/or industrial standards that are generally recognized as consistent with or bounded by actual design limitations, 4

settings and limits selected based on engineering expertise because the specific conditions (i.e. physical limitations, wide range of acceptable values, etc.) allow appropriate selection without the need for a specifically defined AL l

These circumstances require case-by-case consideration. Considerations include determining if a detailed calculation is necessary, where to start in the calculational process, and whether calculational factors and assumptions that tend to increase or decrease uncertainties are i

conservative or non-conservative and their relative significance.

For Example:

Given a nominal setting which has been established based on satisfactory field testing and historical performance, it is decided that a calculation will be prepared to establish a documented basis for instrument setting limits, l

including operability criteria. In the absence of an analytical basis, the calculational starting point is selected as the historically acceptable nominal setting interpreted as the Nominal Trip Setpoint (NTSP) as defined in the setpoint methodology. From this NTSP, values for the AV and AL will be back-calculated based on the setpoint methodology.

l Under these circumstances, smaller uncertainties will result in more restrictive vahes for the back-calculated AV & AL. In this case, it is clearly l

l conservative to calculate and make assumptions that tend to minimize individual uncertainty terms. But, whether minimizing the uncertainty terms is required or even appropriate is, again, a matter that requires case-by-case consideration. Instrument and process uncertainty specifications typically provide a reasonably conservative representation of their actual performance. If the calculation is too conservative and minimizes the uncertainty terms too much, the instrument setting limits and operability criteria may be too restrictive. If this occurs, it will result in unnecessary l



1. Fcrward i

effort to resolve issues for equipment that may be performing completely l

within specifications and design requirements. While it would not be l

appropriate to adopt a general principle to calculate ar.d make assumptions that would tend to increase the uncertainty terms, there are i

circumstances where it is more appropriate to use a strategy that provides a best estimate of the actual uncertainties rather than a conservatively


small estimate. In any case, the back-calculated AL has to be evaluated qualitatively and/or quantitatively to ensure that the value is suitable for its intended function.

This is only one example of where the AL was not the calculational i

starting point. But, it is representative of the in-depth considerations that are necessary and have been applied for the other cases as well.

1.2.c No Calculation - Settings Established by Federal Regulation and/or Engineering Expertise This case occurs when the settings and limits are selected based on j

engineering expertise and/or federal regulations because the specific j

conditions (e.g., physical limitations, wide range of acceptable values, j

etc.) allow selection without the need for a detailed mathematically j

rigorous analysis to demonstrate that they are acceptable. However, even in cases where a formal calculation is not prepared, the basis for selection and acceptability is still formally documented, independently reviewed and retained as an official plant record.

l.3 Setpoint Diagram, Terminology & Equations The following diagram, terminology and equations are representative of the relationships between the various setpoint values and limits, and the


associated uncertainty terms for a setpoint with an upper AL and Lower Operational Limit (OL). Also shown are the various nomenclatures used in the improved standard Technical Specifications (ITS), GE Setpoint Methodology, current custom Technical Specifications (CTS) and the DAEC surveillance test procedures (STP).

i 3

Relationship Between Variables for a Setpoint with an Upper AL and Lower OL (GE Setpoint Methodology)

Terminology ITS/GE CTS STP l


Reg. ion of -

t t



Inoperability AMOUND AV LTPO o


AT,D, t

e C (ALT), PEA, t





t t


OL i


t I

S:tpnint Tsrmin:Ingy ITSIGE Setpoint Values and Limits SL Safety Limit AL Analytical Limit AV Allowable Value (same as LTPO and As-Found Max) i i

NTSP Nominal Trip Setpoint i

NTSPen Nominal Trip Setpoint - LER Avoidance t

A$m Actual Setpoint - Maximum l

AS Actual Setpoint (same as TRIP)

ASmu Actual Setpoint - Minimum l

NTSPTA Nominal Trip Setpoint - Trip Avoidance OL-Operational Limit CTS Setpoint Values and Limits LTPO Limiting Trip Point for Operation (same as AV and As-Found Max)

LSSS Limiting Safety System Setting (same as As-Left Max)

STP Setpoint Values and Limits As-Found Max As-Found Limit - Maximum (same as AV and LTPO) i l

As-Left Max As-Left Limit - Maximum (same as LSSS) l TRIP Trip Point - Nominal (same as AS)

As-Left Min As-Left Limit - Minimum l

GE Types of Accuracy, Error and Uncertainty A

Loop Accuracy - Transient Conditions n

A Loop Accuracy - Normal Conditions ut C

Loop Calibration Accuracy o

D Loop Drift t

PEA Primary Element Accuracy PMA Process Measurement Accuracy BIAS Bias Effects i

+ AFT As-Found Tolerance - Maximum

-AFT As-Found Tolerance - Minimum

+ ALT As-Left Tolerance - Maximum

-ALT As-Left Tolerance - Minimum l

I i



GE C:mp::n:nts cf Accur cy, Err:r end Unc2rtainty PMA Process Measurment Accuracy l

lRA Insulation Resistance Accuracy HDA Head Correction Fluid Density Accuracy EA Extrapolation Accuracy l

PEA Primary Element Accuracy MTA Mfg Tolerance Accuracy l

HEA Head Correction Elevation Accuracy l


VAR Vendor Accuracy - Repeatability VAL Vendor Accuracy - Linearity t

VAH Vendor Accuracy - Hysteresis DB Deadband PSE Power Supply Effect SE Seismic Effect 1

l RE Radiation Effect l

ATE Accuracy Temperature Effect HE Humidity Effect l

REE RFl/EMI Effect l

OPE Over Pressure Effect l

SPE Static Pressure Effect j

l D

Drift i

VD Vendor Drift DTE Drift Temperature Effect i

C Calibration Accuracy i

l Cn Calibration Device Accuracy RA Calibration Device Reading Accuracy CnSTD Calibration Device Standard Accuracy ALT As-Left Tolerance PE Procedural Error l

i l


GE S:tpcint Equrti:n3 A = ]VA ' + ATE' + OPE' + SPE' + SE' + RE' + PSE' + REE' +... + any accuracybias l

l l

l C=N

(#) +(S)

+( ")

+... + any calibra tion bias n

n n

Typically: n = 3 & N = 2 D = / VD' + DTE' +... + any drif t bias Common assumption in abscence of vendor specification or performance data:

i 6 months " YA l

VDn non en, = VD,,on es, l

A = }Al + Al + Al +... + any accuracybias t

l l

Ce = }Cl + C' + Cl +... + any calibra tion bias 2

Dt = }Dl + D" + Dl +... + any drif t bias 2

1.645 A V = AL + / -

pk,gg,pg,2,pgp2,,_gygg 1.645 NTSP = AL + / -


,(2,gj,pyg2,pgp2 +,_gygg NTSPw = AV +/-

}AL + Cl + Dl Z = 0.81 (90% Confidence for Multi-Channel Trip Logic) )


Z = 1.29 (90% Confidence for Single-Channel Trip Logic NTSPTA = OL +/-

}AL + Cl + Dl + PMA3 + PEA 3 +/-BIAS l


Z = 1.645 (95% Confidence for Single-Channel Trip Logic) 7 I

Bridg3 Forward 1.4 Acronyms ADS Automatic Depressurization System-ALARA As Low As Reasonably Achievable APRM Average Power Range Monitor ARI Alternate Rod Injection ATWS Anticipated Transient Without Scram CRD~

Control Rod Drive CRDA Control Rod Drop Accident i

CS Core Spray (or Containment Spray)

I CSCS Core Spray Cooling System CST Condensate Storage Tank j

CTS Current custorn Technical Specifications R

d/t differential temperature DAEC Duane Arnold Energy Center j

DBA Design Basis Accident DCP Ccsign Change Package DCR Design Change Record ECCS Emergency Core Cooling System ECP Engineering Change Package i

EDG Emergency Diesel Generator (Also Referred to as SBDG)

EHC Electro-Hydaulic Control EOC End of Cycle EOP Emergency Operating Procedure


GE General Electric HPCI High Pressure Coolant Injection


HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning IES

' IES Utilities, Inc -

IRM Intermediate Range Monitor ITS Improved standard Technical Specifications LLS' Low Low Set LOCA Loss of Coolant Accident LOOP Loss Of Offsite Power LPCI Low Pressure Coolant injection MCPR Minimum Critical Power Ratio MSiV Main Steam Isolation Valve MSL Main Steam Line NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NWL Normal Water Level OISD Observed in-Service Difference OPL3 Cyclic Transient input Form PCIS Primary Containment Isolation System RBM Rod Block Monitor RCIC Reactor Core Isolation Cooling RHR Residual Heat Removal RPS Reactor Protection System RPT Recirculation Pump Trip 8

Bridga Forward RTD Resistive Thermal Detector RTP Rated Thermal Power RWCU Reactor Water Cleanup RWE Rod Withdrawal Error RWL Reactor Water Level SBDG Standby Diesel Generator (Also Referred to as EDG)

SBFU Standby Filter Unit SBGT Standby Gas Treatment SDV Scram Discharge Volume SFU Standby Filter Unit SRV Safety Relief Valve STP Surveillance Test Procedure TAF Top of Active Fuel TBV Turbine Bypass Valve TCV Turbine Control Valve TEC Temperature Equalization Column TSV Turbine Stop Valve.

UFSAR Updated Final Safety Analysis 1

i 9

f i

i t

i 9

II. Index & Legend 1

Bridg2 Index 2s.n,-97 e

ITS CTS Calculation Description CalcStartPt CTSType Location Location - 1.1.a Table 3.1-1 NG.95-0345 IRM 120/125% Full Scak - 3 CRAM N/A Nominal Function 1.a NG.961196 Setting - L2.a Table 3.1 1 CAL-E95-011 APRM High Flux - Startup Mode SCR AM NTSPLER Nominal Function 2.a Setting 2.1.A.1 CAL-E96-034 APRM liigh Flux - Fixed & Flow Biased SCRAMS Fixed: AL Nominal Table 3.1-1 CAL-E94 012 APRM Fixed -SCRAM Flow Setting Function 2.b APRM Flow Biased liigh Flux - Two Loop SCRAM Biased:

APRM Flow Biased liigh Flux - Single Loop SCRAM NTSP Table 3.1-1 CAL-E93-036 Reactor liigh Pressure - SCRAM AL Nominal Function 3 Setting 2.2.1.A Table 3.1 1 CAL-E92-010 Low Reactor Level-SCRAM, PCIS Groups 2.3,4 AL Nominal Function 4 Setting Table 3.2 - A 2.1.B 1.5 Table 3.1-1 CAL-E94 005 Main Steam Isolation Valve 10% Closed - SCRAM AV AV Function 5 2.1.E Table 3.1-1 CAL.E95 009 High Drywell Pressure - SCRAM, PCIS Groups 2.3,4,8,9 AL Nominal 1.2.b Function 6 Setting Table 3.2 - A Table 3.1-1 CAL.E93 034 SDV liigh Water Level-SCRAM AL Nominal 1.7.b Function 7 Setting Table 3.1-1 CAL-E93-021 Turbine First Stage Pressure SCRAM Bypass, EOC-RPT AL AV t Function 10 Table 3.2 - G Table 3.1-1 CAL-E95 008 Turbine Stop Valve 10% Closed - SCRAM, EOC.RPT AV AV Function 8 Table 3.2 - G i

2.1.C Table 3.1-1 CAL-E94-008 Turbine Control Valve Fast Closure - SCRAM, EOC.RPT AL AV Function 9 Table 3.2 - G 2.1.D 1


i I

ITS CTS Calculition Description CcicStrrtPt CTSType Loe: tion Location i

t i

l r

l 1.1.a Table 3.2 - C NG-95 2511 RBM Power Ref. Rod Blocks AL Nominal 1.1.b 3.2.C.2.a Setting i 1.1.c 1.1.f l Table 3.2 - G CAL-E93-026 Low Low Reactor Level-ATWS RPT/ARI AL Nominal Setting Table 3.2. G CAL-E92 024 Reactor Vessel High Pressure - ATWS RPT/ARI AL Nominal Setting l

l 1.La Table 3.2 - B CAL.E93-016 Low Low Low Reactor Level-Core AL Nominal 2.1 G Spray,LPCI,SBDG. ADS & PCIS Groups 1,7 Setting 1.4.a 2.1.1 1.5.a Table 3.2 - A 1.1.a b Table 3.2. B CAL.E95-010 High Drywell Pressure - ECCS (HPCI, LPCI, CS &

AL Nominal 1.2.b SBDG)

Setting 1.1.c Table 3.2 - B CAL-E93 010 Reactor Low Pressure - LPCI, CS Injection Valve UAL & LAL Nominal 1.2.c Permissive Setting N/A CAL-E96 005 Core Spray Pump Discharge Flow Low (Min Flow UAL & LAL N/A Bypass) Table 3.2 - B CAL-E94-014 Core Spray Pump Timer - Start CSCS on Loss of Offsite AL Nominal Power Setting Table 3.2 - B CAL.E95-001 Reactor Vessel Low Level 2/3 Core Coverage -

AL Nominal Containment Spray Permissive Setting 1.2.e Table 3.2. B CAL-E94 014 LPCI Pump Timer. Start LPCI on Loss of Offsite Power AL Nominal Setting N/A CAL.E96-003 RHR Pump Discharge Flow Low (Min Flow Bypass)

UAL & LAL N/A Table 3.2 - B CAL-E93-026 Low Low Reactor Level-HPCI, RCIC, LPCI Loop AL Nominal 1.1 Table 3.2 - A Select, PCIS Group 5 Setting 2.1.H 1.2.h Table 3.2. B CAL-E94 010 Reactor Low Pressure - LPCI Loop Select Permissive NTSPLER Nominal CAL-E93-018 Setting Table 3.2 - B CAL-E93 006 Reactor Recirculation Pump Differential Pressure - LPCI AL Nominal Loop Select Pump Running Permissive setting 2

I l

4 ITS CTS Criculition Description CalcSt:rtPt CTSType Location Loc tion l Table 3.2 - B CAL-E93 011 Reactor Recire Pump Riser Differential Pressure. LPCI UNTSP &

Nominal l

NG-961196 Loop Select LAL Range Table 3.2 - B CAL-E93-025 liigh Reactor Level-IIPCI & RCIC Trips AL Nominal Setting Table 3.2 - B CAL-E93-027 Condensate Storage Tank Low Level-IIPCI & RCIC AL Nominal Suction Swap Setting Table 3.2 - B CAL-E93-023 High Torus Level-HPCI Suction Transfer NTSP Nominal Setting 1.3.f N/A CAL-E96 006 HPCI Pump Discharge Flow Low (Min Flow Bypass)


N/A LNTSP Table 3.2 - B NG-95 2633 ADS Auto Blowdown Timer. Blowdown on Rx Low N/A Nominal 1.5.b NG.96-1196 Lyl, CS & LPCI interlock Setting 1.4.c Table 3.2 - B CAL.E92 010 Low Reactor Level-ADS Confirmation AL Nominal 1.5.c Setting 1.4.d Table 3.2 - B CAL-E93-008 Core Spray Pump Discharge Pressure - ADS Pump UAL & LAL Nominal Running Interlock Setting l Table 3.2 - B CAL.E93 007 RHR Pump Discharge Pressure. ADS Pump Running UAL & LAL Nominal 1.5.e Interlock Setting I

l 1.1.b Table 3.2-A CAL.E93 003 Main Steam Line Low Pressure - PCIS Group 1 (RUN AL Nominal 2.1.F Mode only, Bypassed in STARTUP Mode)

Setting Table 3.2 - A CAL.E93 014 Main Steam Line High Flow Isolation - PCIS Group i AL AL Table 3.2 - A CAL-E93 004 Loss of Main Condenser Vacuum - PCIS Group 1 (MSIV AL Nominal 2.1.1 Isolation)

Setting 1

i 3 'L6.1-1.1.e Table 3.2 - A CAL-E94 001 Steam Tunnel High Temp - PCIS Group 1 NTSPLER Nominal j

Setting i

l Table 3.2 - A CAL-E95 005 Main Steam Line High Radiation - PCIS Group 1 (Except AL Nominal MSIVs)

Setting Table 3.2 - A CAL.E94 001 Turbine Bldg High Temp - PCIS Group i NTSPLER Nominal Setting e

i 1.2.d Table 3.2 - A CAL.E94 013 Reactor Bldg Area Exhaust High Radiation - PCIS Group AS Nominal 3, Secondary Ctmt Isolation, SBGT Setting 1.2.e Table 3.2. A CAL.E94-013 Refuel Area Exhaust High Radiation - PCIS Group 3, AS Nominal 1.4 Secondary Ctmt isolation, SBGT Setting 3

r l

ITS CTS Cticul tion D;scription CcicStirtPt CTSType Loc: tion Locztion 1.3.a Table 3.2 - A CAL-E92-004 HPCI Steam Line High Flow Isolation - PCIS Group 6B AL Nominal Setting 1.3.b Table 3.2. A CAL-E92 023 HPCI Steam Line Low Pressure - PCIS Group 6B AV AV CAL.E92 002 Table 3.2 - A CAL-E94-016 HPCI Turbine Exhaust Diaphragm Pressure High - PCIS AL Nominal Group 6B Setting 1.3.f Table 3.2. A CAL-E95-002 HPCI Steam Leak Detection System Time Delay - PCIS AV Nominal Group 6B Setting Table 3.2 - A CAL-E93-038 HPCI, RCIC, RWCU Suppression Pool Area High Temp NTSPLER Nominal 3.3.6.l.l.4.h Setting HPCI Equipment Room High Temp - PCIS Group 6B 3.3.6.l-1.5.b RCIC Equipment Room High Temp - PCIS Group 6A Suppression Pool Area High Temp - PCIS Group 6A&B RWCU Area High Temp. PCIS Group 5 Table 3.2 - A CAL.E93 038 HPCI, RCIC RWCU Supp Pool Area High Diff Temp NTSPLER Nominal Setting HPCI Room Vent High Diff Temp - PCIS Group 6B 1.5.c RCIC Room Vent liigh Diff Temp. PCIS Group 6A Supp Pool Area Vent liigh Diff Temp - PCIS Group 6A&B RWCU Area Vent High Diff Temp - PCIS Group 5 Table 3.2 - A CAL-E92-005 RCIC Steam Line High Flow Isolation - PCIS Group 6A AL Nominal Setting Table 3.2 - A CAL.E95-018 RCIC Steam Line Low Pressure - PCIS Group 6A NTSPLER Nominal CAL-E93 013 Setting CAL.E92-003 1.4.c Table 3.2 - A CAL-E94-006 RCIC Turbine Exhaust Diaphragm Pressure High - PCIS AL Nominal i

Group 6A Setting l 1.4.f Table 3.2 - A CAL-E95 002 RCIC Steam Leak Detection System Time Delay - PCIS AV Nominal I

Group 6A Setting Table 3.2 - A CAL.E93-017 RWCU High Differential Flow - PCIS Group 5 AL Nominal Setting l

l l Table 3.2 - A CAL.E92-015 RWCU Area Near TIP Room High Temp - PCIS Group 5 AL Nominal Setting

I ITS CTS Calculation Description CcicStirtPt CTSType Location lac: tion I

l 1.6.a Table 3.2 - A CAL.E93 024 Reactor Low Pressure - RHR Shutdown Cooling AL Nominal 2.2.2 Setting


I 1.7.a Table 3.2 - B CAL.E93 012 High Drywell Pressure - Containment Spray AL Nominal l

Setting 2.2.1.C CAL-E94-003 Relief Valve Low. Low Set Logic AL Nominal Low Valve - Open Settings Low Valve - Close

& AVs High Valve. Open High Valve - Close Table 3.2. H CAL-E96 004 Tail Pipe Pressure Switches - Arm LLS AL Nominal Setting 1 N/A NG.96-1320 Control Building Air inlet Radiation High - Control Bldg N/A N/A Isolation, SBFU 1.1.a Table 3.2 - B CAL-E93-005 4.16 KV Emergency Bus Undervoltage (Loss of NTSPLER Nominal NG.96-1196 Voltage)- Load Shed Setting i Table 3.2. B CAL.E95 006 4.16 KV Emergency Bus Degraded Voltage - Start Diesel AL Nominal NG-96-1196 Generator Setting j



i 1 Table 3.2 - B NG-95-1415 4.16 KV Emergency Bus Sequential Loading Relay N/A Nominal NG.961196 Setting Table 3.2 - B NG-951415 4.16 KV Emergency Transformer Supply Undervoltage - N/A Nominal NG-96-1196 Transfer Supply Source, Start Diesel Generator Setting 4.1.B.2.a CAL-E92 022 RPS Power Supply EPA Setpoints - Over Voltage, Under AV AV 4.1.B.2.b Voltage & Under Freq 4.1.B.2.c 1 4.7.D.3 CAL.E94 015 Vacuum Breaker Reactor Bldg to Torus AL Nominal Setting I

1 5

11. Indrx & Lsg2nd Legend Title Section:



Description of setpoint and its function.

ITS Section:


Location reference in the improved standard Technical i



Allowable Value specified in the improved standard Technical Specifications.

CTS Section:


Location reference in the current custom Technical Specifications.

CTS Value:

Setpoint value specified in the current custom Technical -



Type of setpoint value specified in the current custom


Technical Specifications.


References used in the determination of CTSType (Note:

i Reference to "Setpoint Reconstitution Project" represents the many design / licensing documents, correspondence and drawings reviewed during the reconstitution effort).

Calculation Section:


Reference document (s) describing the selected setpoint values and their bases.

l l


The type of setpoint value used as the calculational starting point or basis from which the other setpoint values were derived.

L 6

I l


11. Ind;x & Lcg:nd l

l CalcStartPtRef: Reference document (s) describing the CalcStartPt value and its bases.


Description of the calculational sequence used to determine the setpoint values.

This document uses an abbreviated notation to depict I

the calculation starting point and how the calculation sequence flows from one setpoint value to the next. The following notation would be used for the case where the l

calculational starting point is the Analytical Limit and margin is added to determine the Allowable Value and Nominal Trip Setpoint.

AL >AV Al->NTSP in contrast, the case of back-calculating the Analytical Limit from the Nominal Trip Setpoint and adding margin to the back-calculated Analytical Limit to determine the Allowable Value would be depicted as 1

NTSP->AL AL >AV Note: In some cases, there may be more than one AL applicable to a setpoint. For example, some setpoints have upper and lower ALs. In these cases, the setpoint terms in the abbreviated notation may be prefixed with a "U" for upper or "L" for lower. Additional details may also be provided in the setpoint's CalcKeyNotes section.

1 l


Reference for the methodology used to define relationships between setpoint values, identify and combine uncertainties and determine required margins, setpoint limits and operability criteria.

CalcKeyNotes: Supplemental comments provided to highlight key points and enhance overall understanding of the setpoint values and their bases.


f i

l I

Ill. Datasheets

i Bridge Data Sh: tS n-uay-97



IRM 120/125% Full Scale - SCRAM ITS: US AV: <!25/125 (administrative) t CTS: Table 3.1-1 CTS Value: < 120/125 l

Function 1.a


CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR description. Historical in-plant Usage I

Calculation: NG-95-0345 CalcStartPt: N/A CalcStartPtRef: See CalcKeyNotes.

NG-96-1196 i

i CalcSeq: N/A CalcSeqRef: N/A CalcKeyNotes: In Office Memo NG-95-0345 several control rod related accidents are evaluated with the following conclusion:

"Since the accident analyses considered do not require the IRM High Flux SCRAM setpoint for their basis, the setpoint does not have an analytical limit for its function. The setpoint can be assumed to be a design function that ensures the rate of change of reactor power is maintained at a controlled value during reactor startup. Also, the setpoint is a backup for the APRM trip system. Since the IRM High Flux SCRAM setpoint is an inherent design function of the system and has no analytical limit, a setpoint calculation is not required for the reconstitution fo the design basis."

1 Therefore, the nominal setting, consistent with historical in-plant usage and specified in the CTS, is appropriate.

The ITS AV has been administratively selected based on the upper range limit of the IRM scale.

l l

4 I


Bridge Data ShsstS 2s uav 97



APRM High Flux - Startup Mode SCRAM ITS: ITS AV: <=16.6 %RTP CTS: Table 3.1 1 CTS Value: <= 15% Power Function 2.a CTNType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical in-plant Usage Calculation: CAL.E95-011 CalcStartPt: NTSPLER CalcStartPtRef: Current Technical Specifications CalcSeq: NTSPLER.>AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AV->AL CalcKeyNotes: The setpoint cale back. calculates the AL from the nominal setting specified in the CTS. The calculation then determines the AL is acceptable because it is less than the 25% power Safety Limit also specified in the CTS.


Bridge D:ts Sheets 2s. my.97



APRM High Flux - Fixed & Flow Biased SCRAMS ITS: ITS AV: Fixed:


Flow Biased 2 Loop:

% Flow,%RTP 100,<=121.65 l

75,<=107.13 50.<=92.57 25,<e"I7.72 -

0,<=63.41 Flow Biased Single Loop:

% Flow,%RTP 100,Not Applicable 75,Not Applicable 50,<= 89.06 25,<=74.38 0,<=59.91 CTS: 2.1.A.1 CTS Value: Fixed:

Table 3.1-1


Function 2.b Flow Biased 2 Loop:

<= (0.58 W + 62%)

Flow Biased Single Loop:

<= (0.58 W + 58.5%)

CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical in-plant Usage Calculation: CAL E96-034 CalcStartPt: Fixed: AL CalcStartPtRef: Fixed:OPL3 CAL-E94-012 Flow Biased: NTSP Flow Biased: CTS CalcSeq: Fixed:

CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology I

AL->AV AL->NTSP Flow Biased:


1 l

l CalcKeyNotes: CAL-E94-012 was the original calculation for this setpoint that used the GE Setpoint Methodology. The non-flow biased AV and NTSP were calculated from the AL given in the OPL3 transient analysis input form. It also back-calculated conservatively restrictive values for the flow biased AL and AV based on the nominal settings in the CTS.


To support a plant modification to enhance recirculation flow measurement and revise calibration uncertainties, it j

l was decided that a new calculation (CAL.E96-034) would be issued and the existing CAL-E94-012 retained to i

document the basis for the flow biased ALs.

i i

CAL-E96-034 uses the AL from OPL3 for the non-flow biased setpoint values and the conservatively restrictive ALs from CAL-E94 012 for the flow biased setpoint values. CAL-E96-034 supports the setpoints and tolerances calculated in CAL-E94-012. The GE Setpoint Methodology was used throughout.


Bridge D tn Sheets 2s-uay 97 t




Reactor High Pressure - SCRAM ITS: 1.3 ITS AY: <=1069.21 psig CTS: Table 3.1-1 CTS Value: <= 1055 PSIG Function 3 2.2.1.A CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical In-plant Usage Calculation: CAL.E93 036 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: OPL-3 CaleSeq: AL->AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AL >NTSP l

l CalcKeyNotes: None.

t -

i 1

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i l

l' l

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t i

t I

L l

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Bridge D1t2 Shuts 28.uay.97 j



Low Reactor Level. SCRAM, PCIS Groups 2,3,4 i

l ITS: 1.4 ITS AV: >=165.6 inRWL i

l 1.2.a 1.6.b 1.1 E

i i

CTS: Table 3.1 1 CTS Value: >= 170 inches Function 4 l

Table 3.2. A t

l 2.1.B 4

l l

I i

CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical l

In-plant Usage I

Calculation: CAL.E92-010 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: OPL3 CalcSeq: AL.>AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AL.>NTSP CalcKeyNotes: None i

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Main Steam Isolation Valve 10% Closed - SCRAM ITS: ITS AV: <=10% Closed CTS: Table 3.1 1 CTS Value: <=10% Closed Function 5 2.1.E CTSType: AV CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, OPL3 Description, Historical i

In. plant Usage t


Calculation: CAL.E94-005 CalcStartPt: AV CalcStartPtRef: OPL3 CalcSeq: AV->AL CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AL->NTSP CalcKeyNotes: None l


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High Drywell Pressure - SCRAM, PCIS Groups 2,3,4,8,9 ITS: ITS AV:

<=2.2 psig -1.2.b 1.3.d t CTS: Table 3.1-1 CTS Value: <= 2.0 PSIG Function 6 l

l Table 3.2 - A CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR description, Historical in. plant Usage, NG-95-1813, NEDC-31310-P " SAFER /GESTR" Calculation: CAL E95 009 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: NG-95-1813 NEDC-31310-P " SAFER /GESTR" j

l CalcSeq: AL->AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AL->NTSP CalcKeyNotes: The AL was selected to be consistent with the AL for ECCS initiation and RPS SCRAM on High Drywell lI.

Pressure LOCA analysis. Letter NG-95-1813 gives justification for using an AL of 2.3 psig (vs. the 2.0 psig assumed in the containment LOCA analysis) by showing that the delay in scramming the reactor due to the higher AL will not significantly reduce the margin between the peak pressure in the containment and containment design pressure. The containment LOCA analysis will reflect 2.3 psig in its next revision.

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SDV High Water Level.' SCRAM ITS: 1.7.a ITS AY: float:<=769 ft 2.88 in 1.7.b RTD:<=769 ft 3.04 in CTS: Table 3.1 1 CTS Value: <= 60 gals i

Function 7 CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description Historical In.

plant Usage.

t Calculation: CAL.E93-034 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: See CalcKeyNotes i

CalcSeq: AL >AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AL->NTSP t

CalcKeyNotes: 1. Design documents show the required prescram free voume in the SCRAM Discharge Volume (SDV) system is j

approximately 300 gal (3.34 gal for each of 89 control rod drives). Design documents also show that the 8" header

- piping to the SDVs has a capacity of over 400 gal. The header piping alone was designed to accomodate all of the discharged water from the CRDs. As a result, there is adequate volume without taking any credit for the SDV volume. Based on this, the AL for SDV level was selected as the bottom edge of the header pipingjust above the 1

SDV. This AL (r.nd the resulting AVs) are above the level of the fixed position RTD type switches and above the l

adjustable range of the float type level switches. Therefore, the switches will fullfill their purpose as long as they are functional.

2. The setpoint calculations provides the correlation between level elevation as presented in the ITS and SDV j

volume a.t presented in the CTS.

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Turbine First Stage Pressure SCRAM Bypass, EOC-RPT ITS: ITS AY: <=171.9 PSIG l (AL=30% RTP)


CTS: Table 3.1-1 CTS Value: <= 165 PSIG j

Function 10 Table 3.2 - G


i CTSType: AV CTSTypeRef: NG-84-3589 i

l l

Calculation: CAL-E93-021 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: NG-84-3589 I

i i

CalcSeq: AL->AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AL->NTSP CalcKeyNotes: 1. The AL is 30% rated core thermal power per OPL3. During power uprate (1984), GE provided the turbine first stage pressure (174 psig) corresponding to this power. At the same time, GE also provided the Tech Spec Limit l

(165 psig) and nominal setting (145 psig). This is documented in NG-84-3589. These values have been confirmed conservative by the current setpoint calculation.

l i


2. The CTS and UFSAR specify the AL when the setpoint is discussed in terms of % rated thermal power, and the Tech Spec Limit when the setpoint is discussed in units of psig.

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Turbine Stop Valve 10% Closed - SCRAM, EOC.RPT ITS: 1.8 ITS AV: <=10% Closed CTS: Table 3.1 1 CTS Value: <=10% Closed Function 8 l

Table 3.2 - G 2.1.C CTSType: AV CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, OPL3 Description, Historical In-plant Usage l

Calculation: CAL.E95 008 CalcStartPt: AV CalcStartPtRef: OPL3 CalcSeq: AV->AL CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology l

AL->NTSP CalcKeyNotes: None l

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Turbine Control Valve Fast Closure - SCRAM, EOC.RPT ITS: ITS AV: >=465 psig CTS: Table 3.1-1 CTS Value: Within 30 msec of start of Control Valve fast closure Function 9 Table 3.2 - G 2.1.D CTSType: AV CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, OPL3, Historical In-plant Usage.

Calculation: CAL-E94-008 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: AL determined in setpoint calculation CalcSeq: AL->AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AL >NTSP CalcKeyNotes: The CTS states a response time requirement and the ITS states a pressure limit requirement. The following discussior. explains the relationship:


The purpose of the TCV fast closure sensors (pressure switches) is to provide timely signals that are indicative of the start of fast closure of the turbine control valves. The signals are used to initiate reactor scram and to initiate the trip of the reactor recirculation pumps for a generator load rejection. event.


The pressure switch senses the hydraulic oil pressure of the disc dump valves. The response time is composed of three parts; l) response time of the fast acting solenoid,2) oil pressure decay to pressure switch setpoint, and 3) response time of pressure switch. The response time of the solenoid valve and pressure switch are dependent on the performance of the devices, where as the response time for pressure decay is affected by the pressure switch set point.


Design response time data for the fast acting solenoid valve is 16 msec at 3000 psi,12 gpm. No information is available at lower pressures or Cow rates. However, if the response time vs pressure is a linear relationship, the solenoid valve response time would be approximately 8.5 msec.

Energization of the fast acting solenoid blocks the trip system oil pressure holding the disc dump valve closed and vents the disc dump valve oil pressure to the EHC drain system. This rapid pressure decay (normal EHC pressure of 1600 psig to zero) occurs within 8 to 10 msec. With a minimum pressure decay rate of 160 psi / msec, the time to decay to the switches lowest adjustable setpo; : of 250 psig is less than 9 msec.

The presssure switch vendor manual does not specify a response time. However, suveillance test data indicates that actual response time is significantly less than 30 msec.

Surveillance test data that was reviewed, shows that the response time from fast acting solenoid energization to pressure switch contact change of state is less than 20 msec. Therefore, the actual overall response time performance is significantly better than required.

1 This combined with the fact that the switch setpoint affects only one part of the total response time, indicates that compliance with overall response time requirements is relatively insensative to the switch setting. Therefore, the setpoint is governed more by functional requirements rather than response time requirements.


l When the TCV is in the full open position the emergency trip system oil pressure must decrease to 400 psig before l

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Bridge D2ta Shests 2s.afay 97



Turbine Control Valve Fast Closure - SCRAM. EOC-RPT l

the TCV will actually start fast closure. Therefore, the lower analytical limit is conservatively established at 400 f

psig to ensure the pressure switch trip will occur at or prior to start of TCV fast closure. (Note that even if the switch was adjusted to its lowest setpoint of 250 psig, the effect on response time would be < 1 msec.)

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RBM Power Ref. Rod Blocks ITS: ITS AV: Low Power:<=115.5/125 Interm Power:<=109.7/125 High Power:<=105.9/125 1.1.f Bypass Delay:<=2.0 see CTS: Table 3.2 - C CTS Value: <= 115/125 3.2.C.2.a

<= 109/125

<= 105/125

>= 94/125

<= 2.0 sec l

CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: NEDC-30813-P l

Calculation: NG-95-2511 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: NEDC-30813.P CalcSeq: AL->AV CalcSeqRef: GE Serpoint Methodology AL->NTSP CalcKeyNotes: 1. The design controlled source for the AL, AV and NTSP along with their design basis is NEDC-30813-P 12/84

" Average Power Range Monitor, Rod Block Monitor and Technical Specification improvement Program for the Duane Arnold Energy Center." The setpoints are based on the Minimum Critical Power Ratio (MCPR) derived from analysis of a statistical model of the limiting Rod Withdrawal Error (RWE). The RWE analysis, discussed in detail in NEDC-30813-P, is reanalyzed in " Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Duane Arnold Energy Center. " before each cycle, using the new core and fuel design, to verify that the NEDC.30813.P values are still l


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Low Low Reactor Level-ATWS RPT/ARI ITS: ITS AV: >=112.65 inRWL CTS: Table 3.2 - G CTS Valu:: >= 119.5 inches 1

l l

CTSType: NominalSetting CTSTypeRef: Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Desenption, Historical in-plant Usage.

i Calculation: CAL-E93-026 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: OPL3 t

CalcSeq: AL >AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AL->NTSP CalcKeyNotes: None i


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Reactor Vessel High Pressure - ATWS RPT/ARI I

ITS: ITS AV: <=1154.2 psig r

CTS: Table 3.2 - G CTS Value: <= 1140 PSIG CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical In. plant Usage j

Calculation: CAL-E92 024 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: OPL-3 CalcSeq: AL->NTSP CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AL->AV


CalcKeyNotes: None.

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Low Low Low Reactor Level-Core Spray,LPCI,SBDG, ADS & PCIS Groups 1,7 ITS: ITS AV: >=38.3 inRWL CTS: Table 3.2 - B CTS Value: >= 18.5 inches 2.1.G 2.1.1 Table 3.2 - A l

CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical In-plant Usage l

Calculation: CAL E93-016 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: See CalcKeyNotes.

CalcSeq: AL->AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology l

AL->NTSP CalcKeyNotes: The AL defined by NEDC-31336 is Top of Active Fuel (TAF). However, this is below the lowest point where variable leg pressure change can be sensed, which is the Temperature Equalization Column (TEC) tee at 5.5 in TAF. Hence, for the purpose of this evaluation, the lowest practical AL is considered to be the elevation of the TEC tee (5.5 in TAF).

l The nominal setting specified in the CTS does not include otTsets due to environmental conditions during a LOCA. Actual in. plant settings include the approriate offsets for LOCA conditions.

The ITS AV includes the offsets due to LOCA conditions.

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High Drywell Pressure - ECCS (IIPCI, LPCI, CS & SBDG) t ITS: ITS AV: <=2.19 psig i

CTS: Table 3.2 - B CTS Value: <= 2.0 PSIG CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR description, Historical In-plant Usage Calculation: CAL-E95-010 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: NEDC.31310-P " SAFER /GESTR" CalcSeq: AL->AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology I

AL->NTSP CalcKeyNotes: None.

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Reactor Low Pressure - LPCI, CS Injection Valve Permissive ITS:,1.c ITS AY: >=363.3 psig

<=485.1 psig CTS: Table 3.2. B CTS Value: >= 450 PSIG CTSType: Nominal Setting C'ISTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical In-plant Usage Calculation: CAL-E93-010 CalcSiartPt: UAL & LAL CalcStartPtRef: See CalcKeyNotes.

CalcSeq: UAL->UAV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology UAL->UNTSP LAL >LAV LAL >LNTSP CalcKeyNotes: 1. The LAL was taken from NEDC-31310P "DAEC SAFER /GESTR-LOCA Loss-of-Coolant Accident Analysis."

2. The UAL was taken from NEDC.31336 and determined to be acceptable by Engineering in DAEC Letter NG-96 0078.

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Core Spray Pump Discharge Flow Low (Min Flow Bypass)

ITS: ITS AV: >=256.6 gpm l

<=2382.1 gpm CTS: N/A CTS Value:

l 1


- CTSType: N/A CTSTypeRef: Not in Current Tech Spec.

j l

l Calculation: CAL-E96 005 CalcStartPt: UAL & LAL CalcStartPtRef: See CalcKeyNotes.

l l

CalcSeq: UAL->UAV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology i





CalcKeyNotes: 1. There are an upper and lower setpoint associated with the Core Spray min flow bypass.


2. The UAL is selected such that the bypass valve will close before the Core Spray system reaches the flow rate l

assumed in the SAFER /GESTR LOCA analysis.


3. The LAL is considered to be the minimum flow rate at which pump damage will not occur, per letter from Bill Davidor, BW/IP International to Dean Curtland, IES dated 3/21/89.

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Core Spray Pump Timer - Start CSCS on Loss of Offsite Power i

l ITS: ITS AV: >=2.6 sec

<=6.8 sec CTS: Table 3.2 - B CTS Value: 5 sec l

CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR & Tech Spec Description, Historical In-plant Usage Calculation: CAL-E94 014 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: UFSAR Description and supporting References CalcSeq: LAL->LAV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology LAL->LNTSP




CalcKeyNotes: The Analytical Limits are based on two criteria. First, the time delay relays must distribute out the addition of large electrical loads until the essential bus voltage has recovered from the starting transient of any previous load.

Second, they must support the ECCS injection time assumed in the LOCA analysis. As a result, the time delay setting has upper and lower ALs to ensure the delay is long enough between load additions, but not so long that it l

invalidates assumed transient analysis injection times. The UFSAR and supporting references provide the upper and lower ALs.

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Reactor Vessel Low Level 2/3 Core Cov erage - Containment Spray Permissive ITS: 1.2.d ITS AV: * -40 89 inRWL CTS: Table 3.2 - B CTS Value: >= - 39 inches i

CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, Historical In. plant Usage Calculation: CAL.E95-001 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: See CalcKeyNotes.

f i

CalcSeq: AL->AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology i


t CalcKeyNotes: The AL is considered to be the top of the jet pump inlet, which is at approximatly 2/3 core height. This AL is acceptable because, per the UFSAR, there is no recirulation line break that can prevent reflooding the vessel to the jet pump inlet.

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LPCI Pump Timer. Stan LPCI on Loss of Offsite Power i

6 f

ITS: 1.2.c ITS AV: RHR A&B:

>=8.8 sec

<=11.2 see f



>=13.8 sec i

<=33.5 see I



j CTS: Table 3.2 - B CTS Value: 10 sec (A&B) j 15 sec(C&D)

CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR & Tech Spec Description, Historical In. plant Usage l

Calculation: CAL.E94 014 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: UFSAR Description and supponing References l

CalcSeq: LAL.>LAV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology LAL.>LNTSP i

UAL.>UAV UAL.>UNTSP CalcKeyNotes: The Analytical Limits are based on two criteria. First, the time delay relays must distribute out the addition of l

large electrical loads until the essential bus voltage has recovered from the starting transient of any previous load.

l Second, they must suppon the ECCS injection time assumed in the LOCA analysis. As a result, the time delay l

setting has upper and lower ALs to ensure the delay is long enough between load additions, but not so long that it invalidates assumed transient analysis injection times. The UFSAR and supponing references provide the upper and lower ALs.

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I Bridge Data Sheets 2s.uay.97



RiiR Pump Discharge Flow Low (Min Flow Bypass)

ITS: ITS AV: >=471.8 gpm

<=3770.2 gpm CTS: N/A CTS Value:

CI' Stype: N/A CTSTypeRef: Not in current Tech Spec.

Calculation: CAL-E96 003 CalcStartPt: UAL & LAL CalcStartPtRef: See CalcKeyNotes.

l l

CalcSeq: UAL >UAV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology UAL >UNTSP 1

LAL >LAV LAL >LNTSP CalcKeyNotes: 1. The UAL is selected such that the bypass valve will close before the LPCI system reaches the flow rate assumed l

in the SAFER /GES'IR LOCA analysis.


2. The LAL is conservatively selected as twice the minimum flow rate at which pump damage will not occur.

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Low Low Reactor Level-HPCI, RCIC, LPCI Loop Select, PCIS Group 5 ITS: 1.2.g ITS AV: >=112.65 inRWL 1.1 j

3 i

CTS: Table 3.2 - B CTS V..lue: >= 119.5 inches l

Table 3.2 - A 2.1.H l

l CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical In-plant Usage.

l Calcalation: CAL.E93 026 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: OPL3 CalcSeq: AL.>AV CalcSeqRef: GE Serpoint Methodology AL >NTSP t

CalcKeyNotes: 1. PCIS Group 5 moved from Low Level to Low. Low Level per Engineering Change Package (ECP) 1562.

Reactor level is a backup isolation signal to RWCU isolation provided by steam leak detection temperature, differential tenaperature isolations. This change is reflected in Tech Spec Amendment 217.

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Reactor Low Pressure - LPCI Loop Select Permissive ITS: 1.2.h ITS AV: >=887PSIG CTS: Table 3.2 - B CTS Value: >=900 PSIG CTSType: NominalSetting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical l

In-plant Usage Calculation: CAL-E94-010 CalcStartPt: NTSPLER CalcStartPtRef: CTS CAL-E93-018 CalcSeq: NTSPLER >AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology j

AV.>AL CalcKeyNotes: 1. Per NEDO-10139, the nominal setting is selected to allow the transient to stabilize before initiating the LPCI.

LOOP select logic, without delaying the loop selection logic unnecessarily.

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Reactor Recirculttion Pump Differential Pressure. LPCI Loop Select Pump Running Perm ssive ITS: 1.2.1 ITS AV:

<=7.8 psid r

CTS: Table 3.2 - B CTS Value: <= 2 PSID CTSType: Nominal setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical in-plant Usage Calculation: CAL.E93 006 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: AL determined in setpoint calculation.

CalcSeq: AL->NTSP CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AL->AV CalcKeyNotes: The nominal setting for the Reactor Recirculation Pump d/p is 2.0 psid. However, during single loop operation back. flow through the idle pump can cause the d/p across the idle pump to reach 4.0 psid. The CTS value does not reflect this offset. In-plant settings include allowances for this offset. The d/p across the idle pump was determined from data in " Evaluation of Deviation Report 90-306" and includes errors due to variations in the density of the water. Therefore, a 4.0 psi offset has been established for head and flow correction for both two loop and single loop operation. "he ITS AV includes allowances for the offset due to back. flow.

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Reactor Recire Pump Riser Differential Pressure - LPCI Loop Select l


>=0.5 psid

<=2.0 psid CTS: Table 3.2 - B CTS Value: 0.5< P< l.5 PSID l

CTSType: Nominal Range CTSTypeRef: Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical In-plant Usage, j

Calculation: CAL-E93-011 CalcStartPt: UNTSP & LAL CalcStartPtRef: See CalcKeyNotes NG-96-1196 CalcSeq: UNTSP->UAL CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology l

UAL >UAV LAL->LAV LAL.>LNTSP CalcKeyNotes: The first version of calculation CAL-E93-011 (prepared by GE) states that there are no safety analysis values or operating data available upon which to base the setpoint limits. Historically, the original nominal setpoint was j

selected based on engineering judgment that 1 psid was the smallest reasonably detectable difference between l

recirculation riser pressures. GE used this basis and other expected uncertainties in the first version of the calculation to back calculate an AL (2.2 psid) on the high side and an OL (0.0 psid) on the low side. Since then, the DAEC has made the conservative decision to treat both the upper and lower limits as ALs to better support the Technical Specifications which specify both upper and lower limits for operability. While this decision does not have any effect on the upper AL, it requires additional margin between the lower AL and the corresponding AV, NTSP.

l The purpose of the limit on the low side is to ensure the setpoint is not lowered so far that the switch can uo%et.

When the lower limit is treated as an OL, there is adequate margin to support the i psid setpoint and assure reset within the 0-10 psid range of ti - vitch. But, when the lower limit is treated as an AL, more than I psi of margin is required to support the existing i psi setting. Therefore, the nominal setting must be increased or the AL must be less than 0 psid. (i.e. the reset must be able to occur below the 0 psid). For this case, the AL was selected to be i

less than 0 psid. This is acceptable because, the process will in fact create a reverse differential pressure (i.e. create a negative differential pressure) if the break is in the opposite loop and the switch is also still functional at 5%-

10% FS below its specified range per the switch vendor's installation and operations manaul. Therefore, the lower AL was established at 0-(0.05)(10) = -0.5 psid and switch deadband was added as a bias in the calculations for the lower AV and NTSP.




Bridge Dsta Sheets 28 uay.97 i



High Reactor Level-HPCI & RCIC Trips ITS: ITS AV: <=214.8 inRWL I

l CTS: Table 3.2 - B CTS Value: <= 211 inches CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical In.

plant Usage.

l l

Celculation: CAL-E93-025 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: BECH-JC-L100A i

I CalcSeq: AL->AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AL->NTSP CalcKeyNotes: 1. AL corresponds to level ofinstruments upper tap elevation.

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Condensate Storage Tank Low Level. IIPCI & RCIC Suction Swap ITS: 1.3.d ITS AV:

>=l l.6 inBOT 1.3 l


CTS: Table 3.2. B CTS Value: >= 12 inches CTSType: NominalSetting CTSTypeRef: Serpoint Reconstitution Project. UFSAR Description, Historical In-plant Usage.

Calculation: CAL-E93-027 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: AL determined in serpoint calculation CalcSeq: AL.>AV CalcSeqRef: GE Sr.pois Methodology AL.>NTSP CalcKeyNotes: 1. The AL is the minimum level at which vortexing will not occur at the pump suction from the tank. The setpoint calculation performs the vortexing analysis to determine the limiting level.


2. The level sensors are electrode type suspended from the top of the CST. The mechnical nature of these devices does not permit drift in the non-conservative direction.

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High Torus Level-HPCI Suction Transfer ITS: ITS AV:

<=5.9 inNWL CTS: Table 3.2. B CTS Value: <= 5 inches (above normal torus level) l CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project. UFSAR Description, Historhat In. plant Usage t

Calculation: CAL-E93 023 CalcStartPt: NTSP CalcStartPtRef: CTS k

CalcSeq: NTSP >AL CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AL >AV CalcKeyNotes: The NTSP was selected to accommodate considerations pertaining to both the minimum water volume needed for HPCI operation and minimum freespace air volume needed for acceptable containment loading. At the AL determined in the calculation, the minimum required free airspace in Torus is still met.

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HPCI Pump Discharge Flow Low (Min Flow Bypass) l l

ITS: ITS AV: >=264.2 gpm l

<=2025.1 gpm l

l CTS: N/A CTS Value:

1 1

l CTSType: N/A CTSTypeRef: Not in Current Tech Spec.

l 1

Calculation: CAL-E96 006 CalcStartPt: UAL & LNTSP CalcStartPtRef: See CalcKeyNotes.

CalcSeq: UAL->AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology UAL->NTSP LNTSP->LAL LAL->LAV CalcKeyNotes: 1. There are an upper and lower setpoint associated with the Core Spray min flow bypass.

2. The UAL is selected such that the bypass valve will close before the HPCI system reaches the flow rate assumed in the SAFER /GESTR LOCA analysis.
3. In the absence of an analytical limit for the lower flow setpoint, the historical value of the setpoint was considered the NTSP with an analytical limit being back-calculated from this value. Since operational experience has shown that this setpoint does not result in damage to the HPCI pump, this back-calculated AL is acceptable. In addition, quarterly trending of pump operation will detect any pump degradation further ensuring the acceptability of the setpoint.

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ADS Auto Blowdown Timer - Blowdown on Rx Low Lyl, CS & LPCI Interlock i

ITS: ITS AV: 0125 sec 1.5.b (administrative) j CTS: Table 3.2 - B CTS Value: 120 see CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR & Tech Spec &

NEDO-10139 Description, Historical In-plant Usage t

Calculation: NG-95-2633 CalcStartPt: N/A CalcStartPtRef: See CalcKeyNotes NG.96-1196 CalcSeq: N/A CalcSeqRef: N/A CalcKeyNotes: His summarizes the basis for the ADS timer settings and why a formal setpoint calculation is not required to establish appropriate setpoints and tolerances.

He purpose of the Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) is to provide automatic depressurization of the reactor vessel following a small break loss-of. coolant. accident (LOCA) when the High Pressure Coolant injection system (HPCI) is not available. A nominal 120 second time delay is provided to allow operators time to reset the ADS timer if depressurization of the reactor vessel is not necessary to avoid core damage.

He UFSAR states that the ADS time delay provides operators time to inhibit actuation of ADS, but does not mention any basis for the 120 second nominal setting. This suggests that the setting is an operational setting.

However, the DAEC LOCA analysis show that some small breaks will cause vessel level to decrease but not depressurize the vessel. If HPCI is not available and a small break of this nature occurs, ADS is necessary to depressurize the vessel to the LPCI injection point. Two breaks in this range are analyzed in the LOCA Analysis.

In both cases HPCI is assume to fail, and water level drops below top of active fuel. Vessel level, in both cases, does not recover until ADS actuates and pressure drops below the LPCI injection point. The LOCA analysis uses a 125 second time delay setting for these analysis, but notes that the results of both cases are weh within the bounds of the limiting DBA-LOCA. This shows that a 125 second time delay setting is acceptable, with margin.

NEDO.10139,6/70, " Compliance of Protection System to Industry Criteria: General Electric BWR Nuclear Steam Supply System" states that the accuracy requirements for the ADS initiation signals are not such that precision of measurement is required. Although this is stated with respect to the initiation signals. it also indicates that the accuracy of the timer does not require a precision measurement either. NEDO.10139 suggests a timer setting of 120 second +/-10% (12 seconds). NEDO-10139 also says that the timer should be set long enough to give HPCI time to recover and maintain level but not so long that LPCI cannot prevent core damage. Per the UFSAR, HPCI will reach rated speed with injection valves fully open within a maximum of 30 seconds after the initiation signal.

HPCI initiation will occur before the ADS timer is initiated leaving at least 90 seconds to determine if HPCI is recovering level. The time delay settings in the DAEC LOCA analysis, currrent Technical Specifications and Surveillance Test Procedures are well within the range recommended in NEDO-10139 and appropriate to fulfill this funcitonal criteria.

Per Operating Procedures, lockout of ADS may be performed if specifically directed by the Emergency Operating Procedures (EOP). The EOPs direct that ADS be reset early in an event and therefore do not allow automatic initiation of ADS. If depressurization of the reactor vessel is necessary, Operators do not wait for the ADS timers to time out. They open the SRVs manually. Bus, the setting is irrelevant provided it allows operators time to reset ADS.

Based on this information, it was determined that a precise time delay setting was not necessary and the CTS nominal setpoint of 120 seconds and the STP As-Found setting of 120+/-5 seconds and As-Left settings of 120+/.

i 3 seconds were adequate to fulfill their function. Therefore, a design basis setpoint calculation was not necessary.


Bridge Data Shuts n.uay.97



Low Reactor Level-ADS Confirmation ITS: ITS AV: >=166.1 inRWL CTS: Table 3.2 - B CTS Value: >= 170 inches i

t CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical In-plant Usage Calculation: CAL-E92-010 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: OPL3 CalcSeq: AL >AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AL->NTSP CalcKeyNotes: None l

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Core Spray Pump Discharge Pressure - ADS Pump Running Interlock f

ITS: ITS AV: >=114.2 psig 1.5.d

<=177.0 psig CTS: Table 3.2 - B CTS Value: 145 PSIG i

CTSType: NominalSetting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical in. plant Usage l


. Calculation: CAL-E93 008 CalcStartPt: UAL & LAL CalcStartPtRef: NEDC-31336 CalcSeq: UAL->UAV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology UAL->UNTSP t



CalcKeyNotes: 1. The LAL is selected to be above the static water head pressure at the pump discharge piping when the pump is i


idle, to prevent inadvertant pump running indication. The CS keep-fill system ensures that the discharge piping is l

kept full of water to prevent water hammer when the pump starts. Per CAL-E91-005 the static head in the RHR discharge piping is 35.5 psig. This is well below the LAL specified in NEDC-31336.


2. The UAL is chosen such that it is below the CS pump discharge pressure in minimum flow bypass mode. Per the process diagram the flow rate in min flow bypass mode is 312 gpm. On the CS pump curves this corresponds to a differential pressure across the pump of-380 psi. Even with suction pressure at atmospheric pressure, the pressure in the discharge piping will be 380 psi. This is well above the UAL specified in NEDC-31336, I

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RHR Pump Discharge Pressure. ADS Pump Running Interlock l

ITS: ITS AV: >=103.8 psig 3.3.5,1 1.5.e

<=147.0 psig CTS: Table 3.2 - B CTS Value: 125 PSIG l

i l

CTSType: NominalSetting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical In-plant Usage l

l Calculation: CAL-E93-007 CalcStartPt: UAL & LAL CalcStartPtRef: NEDC-31336 l


CalcSeq: UAL->UAV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology UAL->UNTSP LAL >LAV LAL >LNTSP CalcKeyNotes: 1. The LAL is selected to be above the static water head pressure at the pump discharge piping when the pump is idle, to prevent inadvertant pump running indication. The RHR keep-fill system ensures that the discharge piping is kept full of water to prevent water hammer when t pump starts. Per CAL-E91004 the static head in the RHR l

discharge piping is 29 psig. This is well below the LAL specified in NEDC-31336.


2. The UAL is chosen such that it is below the RHR pump discharge pressure in minimum flow bypass mode. Per l

the process diagram the flow rate in min flow bypass mode is 250 gpm. On the RHR pump curves this corresponds to a differential pressure across the pump of~250 psi Even with suction pressure at atmospheric pressure, the pressure in the discharge piping will be 250 psi. This is well above the UAL specified in NEDC-31336.

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Main Steam Line Low Pressure - PCIS Group I (RUN Mode only, Bypassed in STARTUP Mode)

ITS: ITS AV: >=821 psig CTS: Table 3.2 - A CTS Value: >= 850 PSIG l

2.1.F CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical l

In-plant Usage 1

Calculation: CAL-E93-003 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: OPL3 l

CalcSeq: AL->AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AL->NTSP CalcKeyNotes: None f

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Main Steam Line High Flow Isolation - PCIS Group 1 1

l l

ITS: ITS AV: <=138 % Rated I

CTS: Table 3.2 - A CTS Value: <= 140% Rated CTSType: AL CTSTypeRef: Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical In-plant Usage.

Calculation: CAL-E93 014 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: OPL3, CAL-E94-007 CalcSeq: AL->AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AL->NTSP CalcKeyNotes: 1. GE performed the setpoint calculation using 140% of rated flow (127.8 psid) as defined in the OPL3 and translating from flow (Ib/hr) to differential pressure (psid) using equations from GE SIL-438. This AL was reconfirmed by IES calculation CAL-E94-007.


2. The interpretation of the CTS value of 140% of rated flow (127.8 psid) as an AL, is consistent with the UFSAR description which references a nominal differential pressure setting of 120 psid. The ITS specification of <=138%

of rated flow (125 psid) is consistent with both the CTS and UFSAR.

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Loss of Main Condenser Vacuum. PCIS Group 1 (MSIV Isolation) l ITS: 1.1.d ITS AV:

>=7.2 inHg vac CTS: Table 3.2 - A CTS Value: <= 20 in Hg abs 2.1.J

(>= 10 in Hg vac)

CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, TS and OPL3 Description, Historical In. plant Usage Calculation: CAL.E93-004 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, OPL3 Desc.

CalcSeq: AL.>AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AL->NTSP CalcKeyNotes: 1. The setpoint calculation and ITS AV units are inHg vacuum. De CTS nominal setting is specificed in units of inHg absolute (i.e. 20 inHg abs is approximately 10 inHg vacuum).

2. Condenser over-pressure protection during a Loss of Condenser Vacunm event is provided by the anticipatory isolations of the MSIVs and/or the Turbine Bypass Valves (TBV). Three critical considerations for this analysis are the pressure at which the isolations are initiated, the valve stroke time and the rate of pressure increase in the condenser. He AL for the initiating MSIV closure is 7.0 inHg vacuum. This is also the nominal setting for TBV isolation. However, the switches that initiate TBV isolation are non-safety related and not credited in the analysis.

The MSIVs have a stroke time of 3-5 sec required by Tech Specs. For condenser over-pressure protection, the rate at which condenser pressure is increasing is a maximum of 24 inHg/ min (0.4 inHg/sec) due to a loss of one or more circulating water pumps. (A hole in the condensor could cause a more rapid rate of vacuum loss ~120 inHg/ min. But, this rate is not used since a hole would be helpful from the perspective of condensor over pressure protection.) With MSIV closure initiated at an AL of 7.0 inHg vacuum, a maximum 5 sec MSIV stroke time, and a maximum 0.4 inHg/sec rate of pressure increase, the condensor pressure could reach a maximum of 5 inHg vacuum. Since this is well below atmospheric pressure, the AL is acceptable.


Bridge Data Shuts 2s-my.97



Steam Tunnel High Temp - PCIS Group 1 ITS: ITS AV: <=205.1 'F CTS: Table 3.2 - A CTS Value: <= 200 F i

CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical In-plant Usage t


I Calculation: CAL-E94 001 CalcStartPt: NTSPLER CalcStartPtRef: TechnicalSpecifications CalcSeq: NTSPLER >AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AV->AL l

- CalcKeyNotes: 1. Research of design and licensing documents indicates that the original analytical basis for this setpoint was to detect a 8 - 10 gpm ~ leak. The equipment settings were selected to be low enough to be sensative to such a break but high enough to prevent spurious trips. The current equipment settings are contiistent with the original settings at the time of plant startup. DAEC Engineering has acquired a thermal hydraulic analysis code and plans to confirm acceptability of the setpoints when the code package is qualified for use.

l l

2. For purposes of operability determinations and use as an AV in the ITS, uncertainties used for back-calculating the AV and AL were rounded down to produce conservatively restrictive values.
3. DAEC Engineering is investigating options for confirming the back calculated AL.
4. These instruments are montitored by the DAEC Instrument Trending Program to confirm actual in-plant I

performance is consistent with design expectations.

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Main Steam Line High Radiation - PCIS Group I (Except MSIVs) 1 ITS: ITS AV: <=5530 mrem /hr CTS: Table 3.2 - A CTS Value: <= 3 x Normal Rated Power Background CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR & Tech Spec Description, Historical In-plant Usage Calculation: CAL-E95-005 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: Radiation Chemistry Calculation 94-14A.

CalcSeq: AL->AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology, AL >NTSP 3 x Normal Tech Spec AS-3 x Normal Requirement CalcKeyNotes: The following is a chronological summary of the setpoints design and licensing basis spanning from original plant startup to present:


Function of MSL Hi Rad is to detect increased radiation levels and initiate automatic actions in the event of a gross fuel failure (i.e. Control Rod Drop Accident - CRDA). MSL Hi Rad gives a direct RPS SCRAM and a full PCIS Group I (MSIV closure also produces another SCRAM at 10% closed position.). Because, setpoint is not used in accident or transient analysis, there is no basis for an Analytical Limit or Allowable value. MSL Hi Rad trip setpoint arbitrarily selected as 3xnormal to provide reasonable sensitivity without undo risk of spurious trip.

DAEC Tech. Specs. specify a nominal setting of 3xnonnal at rated power.


MSL Hi Rad is not taken credit for in any accident or transient events and does not meet any criteria and is identified as a candidate for removal from Tech Specs. However, it was decided to retain in Tech Specs. as an enhancement to RPS reliability.



SCRAM and MSIV isolation functions removed because they were not required for mitigation or necessary to ensure compliance with 10CFR100 release limits. In fact, removal improved overall plant safety. MSL Hi Rad i

function now is only to isolate sample and drain lines. Elimination of the SCRAM and isolation functions essentially removes the original reason the setpoint was retained in Tech. Specs. "to enhance RPS reliability."

However, it is still retained in Tech Specs because it also provides additional assurance that there is no unfiltered release paths in the event of a gross fuel failure. (Note: " additional assurance" is used because of other monitoring instrumentation that would also initiate immediate isolations and/or corrective actions if there were any significant change in radiation levels - offgas post treatment monitor, offgas pretreatment monitor, offgas stack monitor, etc.)

BASIS FOR SETPOINT (1994 - PRESENT, Rad. Chemistry Calc 94-014A, CAL-E95-005):

Radiological calculation was performed to determine rad level at MSL Rad Monitors during postulated CRDA described in the UFSAR. AL is based on this cale which determined the dose rate at MSL Rad Monitors to be 6000 mR/hr. Allowable Value based on necessity to perform safety function of detecting gross fuel failure (i.e.

CRDA) and isolating test and sample lines. Nominal setpoint based on arbitrary regulatory requirement of 3xnormal and spurious trip avoidance. However, setpoint calculation results show that the safety function will be fulfilled with a Nominal Trip Setpoint as high as 5000 mR/hr and Allowable Value as high as 5500 mR/hr. The i

limits for the actual field settings were based on estimated normal MSL radiation levels. The estimated radiation levels were based on GE test results which correlated nominal MSL radiation leve is to various hydrogen injection rates. The upper limits for the actual field settings are selected to not exceed 3 times the normal radiation level Setpoint calculation results show that there is 300% to 10000% of margin between the upper limit of the actual field setting and Allowable Value.


Bridge Data Shtets 2s.uav.97



Turbine Bldg High Temp. PCIS Group 1 ITS: ITS AV: <=205.1 *F CTS: Table 3.2. A CTS Valuer <= 200*F CTSType: NominalSetting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical in-plant Usage Calculation: CAL-E94-001 CalcStartPt NTSPLER CalcStartPtRef: TechnicalSpecifications CalcSeq: NTSPLER->AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AV->AL CalcKeyNotes: 1. Research of design and licensing documents indicates that the original analytical basis for this setpoint was to detect a 8 - 10 gpm leak. The equipment settings were selected to be low enough to be sensative to such a break but high enough to prevent spurious trips. The current equipment settings are consistent with the original settings at the time of plant startup. DAEC Engineering has acquired a thermal hydraulic analysis code and plans to confum acceptability of the setpoints when the code package is qualified for use.

2. For purposes of operability determinations and use as an AV in the ITS, uncertainties used for back-calculating the AV and AL were rounded down to produce conservatively restrictive values.
3. DAEC Engineering is investigating options for confuming the back calculated AL.
4. These instruments are montitored by the DAEC Instrument Trending Program to confirm actual in-plant performance is consistent with design expectations.

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Reactor Bldg Area Exhaust High Radiation - PCIS Group 3, Secondary Ctmt Isolation, SBGT l

ITS: 1.2.d ITS AV: <=12.8 mrem /hr i CTS: Table 3.2 - A CTS Value: <= 11 mR/HR CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, Historical In-plant Usage, I

Letter DAEC-1761 GE to IE Calculation: CAL.E94 013 CalcStartPt: AS CalcStartPtRef: CTS CalcSeq: AS->NTSPLER CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology NTSPLER >AV AV >AL i

CalcKeyNotes: 1. The AL is back-calculated from the AS setpoint presented in the C*S.

2. The AL was evaluated within the calculation andjudged to be acceptable. Acceptance of the AL is based on the following: The function of these monitors is to detect and limit the consequences of abnormal operating conditions govemed by 10CFR100.11. However, the dose limits actually used to determine the setpoint for protecting the public is cor.servatively based on the normal release limits specified in 10CFR20, which are much more restrictive i

than 10CFF.100.11. Therefore, back-calculating an AL from the CTS nominal setting is conservative.

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Refuel Area Exhaust High Radiation - PCIS Group 3, Secondary Ctmt isolation, SBGT j



ITS: ITS AV: <=10.6 mrem /hr CTS: Table 3.2 - A CTS Value: <= 9 mR/HR t

CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypenef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, Historical In-plant Usage, Letter DAEC-1761 GE to IE Calculation: CAL-E94-013 CalcStartPt: AS CalcStartPtRef: CTS CalcSeq: AS->NTSPLER CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology NTSPLER->AV l

AV >AL i

l Cak Keynotes: 1. The AL is back-calculated from the AS setpoint presented in the CTS.


2. The AL was evaluated within the calculation and judged to be acceptable. Acceptance of the AL is based cu the following: He function of these monitors is to detect and limit the consequences of abnormai operating conditions I

govemed by 10CFR100.l l. However, the dose limits actually used to determine the setpoint for protecting the public is conservatively based on the normal release limits specified in 10CFR20, which are much more restrictive than 10CFR100.11. Herefore, back-calcula:ing an AL from the CTS nominal setting is conservative.

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HPCI Steam Line High Flow Isolation - PCIS Group 6B t

i ITS: ITS AV: <=409 inh 2O (inbrd)

<=110 inh 2O (outbrd)

CTS: Table 3.2 - A CTS Value: <= 386 inh 2O (inbrd)

<= 103 inh 2O CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical In-plant Usage Calculation: CAL.E92-004 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: CAL.E92-002 rev. !

CalcSeq: AL->NTSP CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AL >AV CalchyNotes: None.

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HPCI Steam Line Low Pressure - PCIS Group 6B ITS:,3.b ITS AV: >=50.0 psig CTS: Table 3.2 - A CTS Value: 50 < P < 100 PSIG l

CTSType: AV CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical In-plant Usage Calculation: CAL-E92-023 CalcStartPt: AV CalcStartPtRef: CTS CAL-E92-002 CalcSeq: AV >AL CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology j

AL->NTSP CalcKeyNotes: 1. 'The AL is back-calculated from the AV which is assumed to be the 50 psig lower end of the required trip level setting per Tech Specs. The AV is deemed acceptable based on past plant operating experience.

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H1TI Turbine Exhaust Diaphragm Precsure High - PCIS GNup 6h ITS: 1.3.c 3TS AV:

>=2.5 psig CTS: Table 3.2. A CTS Value: <= 10 PSIG


i CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, Historical In. plant Usage.

Calculation: CAL.E94 016 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: AL deiermined in setpoint calculation 1

CalcSeq: AL->AV CalcSeqRef. GE Setpoint Methodology l

AL->NTSP CalcKeyNotes: 1. The purpose of the setpoint is to trip HPCI upon detection of a failing inner diaphragm thereby reducing the potential for a failure in the outer diaphragm and a steam release to the HPCI room. However, this function is for equipment protection. The safety function of the setpoint is to NOT inadvertantly trip and make HPCI unavailable.

The "<" preferred direction of the setpoint specified in the CTS reflects the operational desire to keep the setpoint f

below nonnal HPCI exhaust pressure. The ">" for the ITS AV reflects a minimum allowable setting to ensure that the switches do not inadvertantly trip and make HPCI unavaila'31e.

t l

2. As an interim solution to address both the CTS and safety function requirements, upper and lower AVs (i.e. As-Found limits) have been established in the surveillance test procedures with the intent to remove the upper As-Found limit after ITS is approved. The surveillance test procedures currently have and will continue to have both i

upper and lower As-Left limits.

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HPCI Steam Leak Detection System Time Delay - PCIS Group 6B j

ITS: ITS AV: 15 min nominal CTS: Table 3.2 - A CTS Value: <=15 min CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical l

In. plant Usage 1

I Calculation: CAL-E95-002 CalcStartrt:- AV CalcStartPtRef: CTS & Historicalin-plant usage.

CalcSeq: AV->AL CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AL->NTSP i

CalcKeyNotes: The AL is back-calculated from the AV. The AV was considered the the AS-Found value in the surveillance test procedure. The AL is evaluated in calculation CAL-E93-038 and found to be acceptable.

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HPCI, RCIC, RWCU Suppression Pool Area High Temp l

l l

ITS: 1.3.h ITS AV: <=178.3 F (HPC1/RCIC) 1.4.h 1.3.e

<=153.3 *F (Supp. Pool) 1.5.b

<=133.3 *F (RWCU)

CTS: Table 3.2 - A CTS Value: <= 175 *F (HPC1/RCIC)

<= 150 *F (Supp. Pool)

<= 130 *F (RWCU)

CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical in-plant Usage Calculation: CAL.E93 038 CalcStartPt: NTSPLER CalcStartPtRef: CTS CalcSeq: NTSPLER.>AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AV.>AL CalcKeyNotes: 1. The AL is back calculated from the nominal setting presented in the Technical Specifications and the UFSAR.

To validate the AL a room heat.up calculation was done to show that the coolant lost from a steam leak is less than that from a Main Steam Line break, and therefore, has a smaller offsite release than a MSL break, which is less than the limits in 10CFR100. DAEC Engineering has acquired a thermal hydraulic analysis code and plans to confirm acceptability of the setpoints when the code package is qualified for use.

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HPCI, RCIC, RWCU Supp Pool Area liigh Diff Temp ITS: 1.3.i ITS AV: <=51.5 'F (RWCU) 1.4.g TDS2743A:<=22.5 'F TDS2743B:<=23.5 F TDS2743C:<=34.5 F TDS2743D.F:<=51.5 *F CTS: Table 3.2. A CTS Value: <= 50 F (RWCU) D 14 "F(above 100% operational ambient)

CTSType: Nominal >cmng CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical In-plant Usage Calcuhtion: CAL.E93-038 CalcStartPt: NTSPLER CalcStartPtRef: CTS CalcSeq: NTSPLER->AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AV.>AL CalcKeyNotes: All Except RWCU:

1. The AL is back calculated from the nominal setting presented in the CTS and the UFSAR. DAEC Engineering has acquired a thermal hydraulic analysis code and plans to confirm acceptability of the setpoints when the code package is qualified for use.


1. The normal differential temperatures (d/t) for each switch was determined by a special test. Per the CTS the l

nominal setting is 14 degrees above the normal 100% d/t. For this calculation the nominal setting was determined by adding 14 degrees to the normal d/t. The AL was then back-calculated from the nominal setting.

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RCIC Steam Line High Flow isolation - PCIS Group 6A 4


'3.6.1-1,4.a ITS AV: <=164 inh 2O (inbrd)

<=159 inh 2O (outbrd)

ClS: Tule 3.2 - A CTS Value: <= 155 inh 2O CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical In-plant Usage Calculation: CAL-E12-005 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: CAL-E92-003 rev. I CalcSeq: AL->NTSP CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AL->AV CalcKeyNotes: The CTS specifies conservative nominal settings for both inboard and outboard switches.

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RCIC Steam Line Low Pressure - PCIS Group 6A i

ITS: ITS AV: >=50.3 psig CTS: Table 3.2 - A CTS Value: 50 < P < 100 PSIG CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, Historical In-plant Usage Calculation: CAL.E95 018 CalcStartPt: NTSPLER CalcStartPtRef: CAL-E93-013 j

CAL.E93-013 1

CAL E92-003 i

l CalcSeq: NTSPLER >AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AV >AL CalcKeyNotes: The LAL is back calculated, in CAL-E93-013, from the central value of the CTS nominal range, using it as an l

l NTSPLER. Plant operating experience demonstrates that this LAL is acceptable.

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RCIC Turbine Exhaust Diaphragm Pressure High - PCIS Group 6A


f ITS: 3.3.6.l.l.4.c ITS AV:

>=3.3 psig L

CTS: Table 3.2 - A CTS Value: <= 10 PSIG CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, Historical In-plant Usage.

l Calculation: CAL-E94-006 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: AL determined in setpoint I

l calculation CalcSeq: AL->AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology l


CalcKeyNotes: 1. 'Ihe purpose of the setpoint is to trip RCIC upon detection of a failing inner exhaust diaphragm thereby l

l reducing the potential for a failure in the outer diaphragm and a steam release to the RCIC room. Ilowever, this i

. function is for equipment protection. The safety fmetion of the setpoint is to NOT inadvertantly trip and make l

RCIC unavailable. The "<" preferred direction of the setpoint specified in the CTS reflects the operational desire i

to keep the setpoint below normal RCIC exhaust pressure. The ">" for the ITS AV reflects a minimum allowable setting to ensure that the switches do not inadvertantly trip and make RCIC unavailable.

l l

2. As an interim solution to address both the CTS and safety function requirements, upper and lower AVs (i.e. As-l Found limits) have been established in the surveillance test procedures with the intent to remove the upper As-Found limit aRer ITS is approved. The surveillance test procedures currently have and will continue to have both upper and lower As-Left limits.

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RCIC Steam Leak Detection System Time Delay - PCIS Group 6A ITS: 1.4.f _

ITS AV: 30 min nominal j

CTS: Table 3.2 - A CTS Value: <=30 min CTST)pe: NominalSetting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical in-plant Usage Calculation: CAL-E95-002 CalcStartPt: AV CalcStartPtRef: CTS & HistoricalIn-plant usage.

f CalcSeq: AV->AL CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AL->NTSP CalcKeyNotes: The AL is back-calculated from the AV. He AV was considered the the AS-Found value in the surveillance test procedure. The AL is evaluated in calculation CAL.E93-038 and found to be acceptable.

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RWCU High Differential Flow - PCIS Group 5 ITS: ITS AV: <=59 gpmd CTS: Table 3.2 - A CTS Value: <= 40 gpmd CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical In-plant Usage Calculation: CAL-E93-017 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: CAL-BECH-487.M005 CAL BECH-487 M006 CalcSeq: AL>AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AL->NTSP CalcKeyNotes: The AL is taken as the minimum flow from a critical crack in a high energy portion of the RWCU piping as determined in CAL-BECH-487-M005 and CAL-BECH-487-M006. Consequences of a break this size are acceptable per EQ analysis.

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RWCU Area Near TIP Room High Temp - PCIS Group 5 ITS: ITS AV: <=115.7 F CTS: Table 3.2 - A CTS Value: <= 111.5 *F i

CTSType: NominalSetting CTSTypeRef: CAL-E92-015 Calculation: CAL-E92 015 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: CAL-BECli-487 M-006 NG-92-1821 CalcSeq: AL->AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AL->NTSP i

CalcKeyNotes: These temperature switches were added by design change package DCP-1506. CAL-E92-015 was prepared to l

support the design change. The in-plant settings and values specified in the CTS come from CAL-E92-015. DAEC Engineering has acquired a thermal hydraulic analysis code and plans to confirm acceptability of the setpoints when the code package is qualified for use.

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Reactor Low Pressure - RHR Shutdown Cooling l

ITS: 1.6.a ITS AV: <=152.7 psig CTS: Table 3.2. A CTS Value: <= 135 PSIG 2.2.2 CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical In-plant Usage Calculation: CAL-E93-024 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: See CalcKeyNotes.

CalcSeq: AL->AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AL->NTSP CalcKeyNotes: The AL for these instruments is the rated design pressure of the suction pipe plus the ANSI B31.1 1986 allowance for normal transients of 15% above design pressure, provided they occur less than 10% of plant life, minus the static head in the suction pipe, i

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liigh Drywell Pressure - Containment Spray i

l l

ITS: ITS AV: >=1.25 psig


s l

L CTS: Table 3.2 - B CTS Value: >= 2.0 PSIG l

CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, llistorical i

In-plant Usage l

Calculation: CAL-E93-012 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: GE letter DTS 86-28, D.T. Shen to D.L. Wilson.

l l

CalcSeq: AL.>AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology l


CalcKeyNotes: None.


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Relief Valve Low. Low Set Logic.

l ITS: ITS AV: High/Close:

>=893.4PSIG r

<=930PSIG l

Low /Open:


<=1045PSIG Low /Close:


<=925PSIG i

I Hi/Open:



i CTS: 2.2.1.C CTS Value: 1020 +/-25 PSIG 900 +/-25 PSIG 1025 +/-25 PSIG 905 +/.25 PSIG i

i CTSType: Nominal Settings &

CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, DCP-1178, Tech Spec, UFSAR l

AVs Description, Historical In-plant Usage

. Calculation: CAL-E94 003 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: Design Change Package (DCP) 1178 1

CalcSeq: AL >AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AL->NTSP CalcKeyNotes: 1. Here are two pair of switches. Each pair has an associated SRV. Each pair consists of one switch to open the associated SRV and one switch to close the associated SRV. To reduce cycling, the switch setpoints are staggered such that one pair actuates /deactuates 5 psi higher than the other pair, t


2. There are actually three Als for these switches - minimum closing pressure, maximum opening pressure and minimum blow down prest.ure, nese are documented in DCP.1178. The minimum closing pressure AL for LLS is the OL for MSIV Low Pressure Isolation. His AL is to ensure that an inadvertent MSIV isolation does not occur. The maximum opening pressure AL is 30 psig below the lowest non-LLS SRV setpoint, ne setpoint of the lowest non-LLS SRV is 4130 psig. Herefore, the maximum opening pressure AL becomes 1100 psig. The minimum required blow lown between the open and close setpoints is 70 psig to ensure that the SRV tailpipes have sufficient time to drain before the SRVs open again.

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3. He setpoint calculation determines upper and lower AVs for each setpoint. He upper end of the nominal setting and range specified in the CTS is more restrictive than the calculated upper AVs for the open & close l

setpoints. The calculated lower AVs for the open & close setpoints is more restrictive than the lower end of the nominal setting and range specified in the CTS. Therefore, the ITS AVs and the As-Found tolerances in the l

surveillance test procedures are based on the more restrictive upper limits from the CTS and more restrictive lower limits from the setpoint calculation.

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l Bridge Dzta Sh:ets 2may.97 i



Tail Pipe Pressure Switches - Arm LLS l

ITS: 1.3 ITS AV: <=99 psig CTS: Table 3.2 - H CTS Value: N/A I

CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, llistorical In-plant Usage Calculation: CAL.E96-004 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: AL determined in setpoint f


i l

CalcSeq: AL->AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AL >NTSP CalcKeyNotes: The AL is based on the pressure drop in the tailpipes from the pressure switch to the T. quencher using the ASME flow capacity for each SRV and corresponding setpoint. The setpoint for these switches are preset by the manufacturer and are not adjustable onsite.

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Control Building Air Inlet Radiation High - Control Bldg Isolation, SBFU ITS: ITS AV: <=50 mrem /hr (administrative)

CTS: N/A CTS Value: N/A (Not in CTS)

CTSType: N/A CTSTypeRef: N/A j

Calculation: NG.96-1320 CalcStartPt: N/A CalcStartPtRef: N/A l

CalcSeq: N/A CalcSeqRef: N/A CalcKeyNotes: Although a setpoint just high enough to prevent spurious trips is most desirable for ALARA, any setpoint and tolerances within the radiation monitor's adjustable range (0.05 mrem /hr to 50 mrem /hr) is adequate to provide the required protection to control room personnel during design basis accidents.

l l

The following is an explanation of how we reached this conclusion and determined that preparing and maintaining l

a formal setpoint calculation to establish settings and tolerances for " Control Building Ventilation High Radiation - Control Building Isolation and Standby Filter Unit Initiation" is not necessary or cost effective.


These radiation monitors detect high radiation conditions at the control building HVAC air intake. Upon detection of high radiation, a control building isolation redirects normal ventilation paths through the SFUs for filtering and holdup to reduce radioactive contaminants to acceptable levels before passing the air to the control building environment (including the main control room). The action performed by the radiation monitors supports the l

control room habitability analysis described in UFSAR Section 6.4. The design goal is to allow access and I

occupancy of the control room for a 30 day period without control room personnel receiving radiation exposures in excess of S rem whole body. The analysis is conservatively based on a LOCA which instantaneously produces a l

2620 mrem /hr cloud at the control building HVAC air intake. The personnel dose calculations take credit for the filtering provided by the SFUs throughout the event. Therefore, the analysis implicitly assumes that the SFUs were actuated early enough to prevent any significant amount of unfiltered air from entering the control building. For l

the maximum analyzed primary containment leak rate (2.0% per day), the total whole body dose for control l

building occupancy (0.6 rem) and ingress / egress (0.02 rem) was 0.62 rem. This results in a 4.38 rem margin between the design goal and predicted dose.


To provide for the earliest possible detection, the radiation monitor setpoints should be selected just enough above normal background radiation levels to prevent spurious trips. However, a much higher setpoint will also provide good assurance that doses will remain below the design goal.

i l

Whether a setpoint is acceptable or not depends on the following factors:

  • The purpose of the radiation monitors,
  • The likelihood that the dose rate would be elevated tojust below the setpoint, not exceed the setpoint, and go unnoticed for the time period necessary to exceed the dose limit.

First, the purpose of these radiation monitors is to provide protection only during accident conditions. Normal envirc nmental radiation levels and occupational exposures are monitored and controlled by other instrumentation and ac'ninistrative programs for 10CFR20 compliance.

Since the design goal is specified in terms of an integrated dose and the radiation monitors measure a dose rate, the plar t's sensitivity and response time to changes in dose rate are important considerations in determining whether a specific radiation monitor setpoint is acceptable.

With respect to sensitivity - radiation levels are one of the most closely monitored parameters at a nuclear plant.


Bridg2 Dsts Sheets 2 p av.97



Control Building Air Inlet Radiation High - Control Bldg Isolation, SBFU Even during normal operation, small increases in background radiation levels are quickly recognized and given high priority. (Background levels at the at the control building HVAC air intake are typically between 0.05 mrem /hr and 0.2 mrem /hi'.) The sensitivity to radiation levels would be significantly more heightened during any accident.

The benefit of the radiation monitors is that they provide continuous monitoring for cases when extremely high e

radiation levels could cause dose limits to be exceeded in a time interval so short that the response time of normal monitoring and manual actions may not be adequate. However, the control building isolation can be manually initiated if abnormally high radiation levels are detected during normal plant surveillance monitoring. Therefore, the radiation monitors and surveillance's are backups to each other.

Although the radiation monitors can be set to detect very small increases in dose rates, they are only required to provide nssurance that the design goal is met. The radiation monitors are a benefit only if normal surveillance monitoring is not adequate to maintain doses within the limit. If the increase in dose rates is small, a long time period would be required to exceed the integrated dose limit. If the time period is long enough, the radiation i

monitors are not required because credit can be taken for normal surveillance monitoring to detect the change. For large increases in dose rate, the quick response time of radiation monitors is required. However, because the dose rates are higher, the radiation monitor serpoint may be higher, i

For example: With a radiation monitor setpoint of 5 mrem /hr, an integrated dose limit of 5 rem would be exceeded in about 1000 hrs if actual dose rates were just below the setpoint and there were no other means of detecting the high radiation condition. (Note: This does not take any credit for holdup or dilution in the control building atmosphere that would further reduce the effective dose to the control room personnel.) Similarly, if the radiation monitor setpoints were adjusted to their upper range limit of 50 mrem /hr, it would take about 87.6 hrs (~3.5 days) i before the 4.38 rem margin available in the control room habitability analysis would be exceeded. Considering that 50 mrem /hr represents over a 25,000% increase from normal background radiation levels, it is inconceivable that this would go unnoticed by normal surveillance monitoring for over 3.5 days. Therefore, even a setpoint at the upper limit of the radiation monitor's adjustable range would provide assurance that the design goal would be met.

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4.16 KV Emergency Bus Undervoltage (Loss of Voltage)- Load Shed ITS: 1.1.a ITS AV: >=595 volts CTS: Table 3.2 - B CTS Value: 20 <= V <= 28 volts CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, Historical In-plant Usage Calculation: CAL-E93-005 CalcStartPt: NTSPLER CalcStartPtRef: See Key Notes.

NG.961196 CalcSeq: NTSPLER >AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AV->AL CalcKeyNotes: The AL was determined in the cale to be 0 volts. However, to account for stray voltages across the Potential Transformer the AL was conservatively back-calculated from the NTSPLER, which was assumed to be the lower i

value of the range in the CTS.

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4.16 KV Emergency Bus Degraded Voltage - Start Diesel Generator ITS: ITS AV: >=3780 volts

<=8.5 sec (administrative)

CTS: Table 3.2 - B CTS Value: 108 <= V <= 111 volts t

8.0 <= t <= 8.5 sec l

CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR Description, Historical in-plant Usage r


Calculation: CAL.E95 006 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: See CalcKeyNotes.

NG.96-1196 l

NG.95-1432 i

I CalcSeq: AL->AV CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology i


l CalcKeyNotes: The AL is considered to be the minimum permissible voltage for the safety related loads to perform their function plus the worst case voltage drop from the 4160 volt essential buss to the 480 volt Motor Control Centers, per the j

UFSAR. This will ensure enough voltage for the safety related loads to perform their function.

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4.16 KV Emergency Bus Sequential Loading Relay i

ITS: ITS AV: <=3500 volts (administrative)

CTS: Table 3.2 - B CTS Value: 65% of rated voltage CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR & Tech Spec Description, Historical in. plant Usage l

Calculation: NG-95-1415 CalcStartPt: N/A CalcStartPtRef: N/A NG-96-1196 CalcSeq: N/A CalcSeqRef: N/A l

l CalcKeyNotes: This explains how it was determined that it was not necessary to perform a formal calculation for the transformer i

undervoltage and sequential loading relay setpoints.

In short. these relays sense whether or not the Startup/ Standby transformers and the essential busses are energized.

i Therefore, a broad range of setpoints will fulfill the safety function.


1. UFSAR section 8.2 j
2. Vendor Manual G080 FOS l
3. M015-106<l,l a>


4. STP-42B032-A
5. APED-E21-006<!,2>
6. APED-E11-007<07>
7. BECH-E104<2-4,10-13,25,25a,26,26a>

The safety function of the transformer undervoltage relays is to transfer the safety related loads to an available source of power. Relays 127/STI I and 127/ST12 monitor the Startup transfonner and open the essential bus supply breakers (152-302 and 152 402) and transfer the safety related loads to the Standby transformer a voltage of 65%(78 volts) or less of nominal 120 volts. Upon a voltage of 65% or less on the Standby tra tsfor.ner, relays 127/SB1,127/SBl1,127/SB2 and 127/SB12 open the essential bus supply breakers (152-301 and 152-401). The supply breakers are also opened by a degraded voltage signal (voltage <92.$% for 8.5 seconds). The diesel generators will start on a loss-of-offsite-power (LOOP) or a loss-of-coolant-accident (LOCA) signal or low essential bus voltage (<65%, relays 127-31 and 127.41). A LOOP signal is generated by less than 65% voltage on both the Startup and Standby transformers or a degraded voltage signal. A LOCA signal is comprised of 2 psig drywell pressure or 10-1o-1o water level. Automatic load shedding will occur on a loss of voltage (<20%) on the essential busses or from a LOOP /LOCA signal. A LOOP /LOCA signalis one of the LOOP signals discussed above in conjunction with one of the LOCA signals also discussed above.


The 4.16 kV sequential loading relays 127-31 and 127-41 have two functions. The safety function is to initiate sequential loading of the Core Spray and RHR pumps on to essential busses l A3 and 1 A4 following a l

LOOP /LOCA. This function is accomplished when the relays reset after power to I A3 and 1 A4 has been restored l

by the FDG. Power to the essential busses, as indicated by 127-31 and 127-41, must be available and a LOCA signal present for sequential loading to begin. The secondary function is to start the EDGs on low 4.16 kV esse.itial bus voltage (<65%), as discussed above. This is not a safety function of the relays. These relays provide l

tiv only start signal to the EDG when the following conditions exist:

l. There is no LOOP or LOCA signal.
2. Supply breaker to the essential bus from the Startup transformer fails open.


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l Bridga Dr.t2 Shzts 2s-nav-97



4.16 KV Emergency Bus Sequential Loading Relay

3. Failure of the mechanism to transfer the power source to the Standby transformer.
4. Failure of the degraded voltage relays.

his is not a plausible scenario. It would include multiple failures and, since there is no LOCA, emergency loads


would not be sequenced onto the bus anyway. Herefore, this is considered a backup function for defense-in-depth and not a primary safety function.

l Per Reference I the transmission system voltage is not expected to be outside the normal range of 100% to 105%

l for extended periods of time. If voltage is above the degraded voltage setpoint, safety related equipment is expected to operate normally, if voltage is below the degraded voltage setpoint but above the undervoltage setpoint, a LOOP signal will be generated in 8.5 seconds. In any other situation the voltage is either dropping to zero or returning to normal after being re-energized by the EDG or from offsite power.


Per Reference I the relay settings were chosen to avoid spurious initiation of the onsite power source or a spurious transfer of power from the offsite to the onsite source due to possible transients caused by large motor starts. He minimum expected essential bus voltage after a LOCA, assuming minimum transmission system voltage of 95%,

l is 82.8%, per Reference 1. This is equivalent to 98.4 volts in the 120 volt system. Review of historical data shows that the worst case observed in-service difference (OISD) out of 162 data points for the undervoltage relays is 2.5 volts (1 sigma, nominal 120), for a surveillance interval of one year. A conservatively estimate of the uncertainty for the system is 4 volts (1 sigma) or 8 volts (2 sigma). A setpoint ofless than 90.4 volts (i.e.98.4-8 volts) is adequate to ensure spurious trip avoidance. The current 78 volt setpoint is well away from this value.

Unless there is a LOCA coincident with a low voltage condition, safety related motors will not be required to start and a delay in the undervoltage trip will not delay the mitigation of an accident. Should a LOCA condition be present, the diesel generator is assumed to start and be ready to accept loads in 10 seconds. Voltage on the essential bus should decay to <20% in approximately I second. This will leave 8-9 seconds before the EDGs are l

ready to accept loads after the undervoltage relays have tripped the supply breakers. Based on this, a delay due to the undervoltage setpoint will not prolong the mitigation of a LOCA.

Based on the above discussion, these relays will only sense the 65% setpoint as voltage is dropping to zero or returning to normal. The relays for the transformer undervoltage have an adjustable range of 70 to 100 volts per vendor manual G080 FOS. This physical characteristic of the relays will prevent setting the relays such that the j

accuracy, drift and other uncertainties could cause the relays to have a setpoints less than zero or greater than 120 volts, ensuring that the drop out will occur.

Berefore an administrati,ely based AV has been selected as >=70 V on a 0-120 V Scale, or >=2450 V on a 0-4160V scale (120/4200 potential transformer)


For the sequential loading relays, the safety function is accomplished on relay pickup. Once these relays have l

dropped out due to a loss of bus voltage they will pickup as voltage on the bus is returning to normal. Rese relays also have an adjustable range of 70 to 100 volts, for the drop-out. Vendor manual G080 FOS also states that the l

relays will reset at less than 110% of the drop out voltage. Per STP-42B032-A, the current nominal drop-out setpoint is 78 volts (65%) and can be left as high as 82 volts. Adding an allowance of 8 volts (2 sigma) for uncertainty, the maximum drop-out setting would be 99 volts or less. These settings and tolerances are low enough to prevent spurious drop-outs and ensure the pickup is low enough to detect to restoration of power (120 volt nominal) by the EDGs.

Therefore an administratively based AV has been selected as <=100 V on a 0-120 V Scale, or <=3500 V on a 0-4160V scale (120/4200 potential transformer) 65 l

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4.16 KV Emergency Transformer Supply Undervoltage - Transfer Supply Source, Start Diesel Generator ITS: ITS AV: >=2450 volts (administrative)

CTS: Table 3.2 - B CTS Value: 65% of rated voltage CTSType: NominalSetting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, UFSAR & Tech Spec Description, Historical In-plant Usage Calculation: NG-951415 CalcStartPt: N/A CalcStartPtRef: N/A NG.96-1196 CalcSeq: N/A CalcSeqRef: N/A CalcKeyNotes: (See discussion for Sequential Loading Relays) i i

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- Bridge Dats Shets 2s-uay.97



RPS Power Supply EPA Setpoints - Over Voltage, Under Voltage & Under Freq ITS: ITS AV: <=132VAC


>=57Hz l

CTS: 4.1.B.2.a CTS Value: <=132 VAC 4.1.B.2.b

>=108 VAC 4.1.B.2.c

>=57 Hz CTSType: AV CTSTypeRef: RTS-135 DCR 1044 Calculation: CAL-E92 022 CalcStartPt: AV CalcStartPtRef: RTS-135 l

DCR 1044 CalcSeq: AV->NTSPLER CalcSeqRef: GE Serpoint Methodology CalcKeyNotes: The AVs (i.e. Tech Spec Limits) for these trips are derived from regulatory requirements in IEEE-STD-323-1974

" Standard for Qualifying Class IE Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations" as documented in RTS.135 and DCR 1044. Therefore, ALs are not applicable to these instruments.

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Vacuum Breaker Reactor Bldg to Torus 1

ITS: ITS AV: <=0.614 psid CTS: 4.7.D.3 CTS Value: <= 0.5 PSID CTSType: Nominal Setting CTSTypeRef: DAEC Setpoint Reconstitution Project, Historical In-plant Usage l

l Calculation: CAL-E94-015 CalcStartPt: AL CalcStartPtRef: AL determined in setpoint calculation.

CalcSeq: AL->NTSP CalcSeqRef: GE Setpoint Methodology AL->AV CalcKeyNotes: The AL for these switches is calculated in the body of the calculation. The AL is based on the 2 psid external design pressure of the drywell and suppression pool minus the pressure drop from the drywell to the reactor building, the drywell-to-torus vacuum breaker setpoint and a time delay for the reactor building-to. torus pressure switches.

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