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Summary of 971120 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Mgt Corrective Action & Restart Progress.List of Attendees & Meeting Handout Encl
Person / Time
Site: Crystal River Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/05/1997
From: Raghavan L
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
NUDOCS 9801050171
Download: ML20197J996 (69)


-. .. . .

December 5, 1997 LICENSEE: Flori$i Power Corporation FACILITY: Crystal River Unit 3 (CR-3)



OF MEETING ON NOVEMBER 20,1997 MANAGEMENT CORRECTIVE ACTION AND RESTART PROGRESS On November 20,1997, representatives of the Florida Power Corporation, licensee for Crystal River Nuclear Plant, Unit 3 (CR3), met with staff members of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the staff) at their Headquarters in Rockville, Maryland. Enclosure 1 is a list of attendees. Enclosure 2 is a copy of the handouts presented at the meeting.

The licensee presented an overview of its progress toward readiness for restart, including issues specified in the Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL No. 2 97-001) dated March 4,1997, and dis ?!ssed the ef fectiveness of its corrective action measures. The discussions were general working-level in nature and did not result in specific action items.


L. Raghavan, Project Manager Project Directorate 11-3 Division of Reactor Projects - 1/11 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-302


1, Attendees List

2. Meeting har'dout cc w/ enclosures: See no;;t page a$ Ok


NRC F15 CENrm enmr Document Name: G:\ CRYSTAL \971120PM. SUM Office PM:PDil-3 LA:PDil-3 PD:PDil-3 Name LRaghavan BClayton Y FHebdonh Date 12/197 ' L 12/3/97 12/K/97 Copy k No V

Yes Ye[Nh OFFICIAL RECORD COPY 99 9001050171 971205 DR ADOCK 05000302 PDR h- ~ah.'h>. '.** .




/ Deceraber 5,1997 LICENSEE: Florida Power Corporation FACILITY: Crystal River Unit 3 SUBJCCT:


OF MEETING ON NOVEMBER 20,1997 MANAGEMENT COP.RECTIVE ACTION AND RESTART PROGRESS On November 20,1997, representatives of the Florida Power Corporation, licensee for Crystal River Nuclear Plant, Unit 3 (CR3), met with staff members of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or the staff) at theli Headquarters in Rockville, Marylend.

Enclosure 1 is a list of attendees. Enclosure 2 is a copy of the handouts presented at the meeting.

The licensee presented an overview of its progress toward readiness for restart, including issues specified in the Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL No. 2 97-001) dated March 4,1997, and discussed the effectiveness of its corrective action measures. The discussions were general working-level in nature and did not result in specific action items.

L. Raghavan, Project Manager Project Directorate 11-3 Division of Reactor Projects - 1/11 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Docket No. 50-302


1. Attendees List
2. Meeting handout cc w/ enclosures: See next page
c- :







Distribution ,


Docket File) -

. PUBLIC . _

Crystal River Readin'g OGC ACRS L. 'Raghavan J. Johnson, Ril E-Mall S. Collins /F. Miraglia (SJC1,FJ'M)

R. Zimmerman (RPZ) <

B. Boger (BAB2,RCN)'

- J - Zwolinski (JAZ)

KJ Landis (KDL)-_ e F. Hebdon (FJH)

B. Clayton '

J. Joudan, Ril.

T. Martin (e-mail to SLM3)

L. Trocine, EDO (LXT): .-

B. Keeling S. Flanders J.'Jacobson S. Cahill ' -



l l

. Florida Power Corporation CRYSTAL RIVER UNIT NO. 3 GENERATING PLANT cc:

Mr. R. Alexander Glenn Mr. Robert E. Grazio. Director Corporate Counsel Nuclear Regulatory Affairs (SA2A)

Florida Power Corporation Florida Power Corporation MAC-A5A Crystal River Energy Complex P.O. Box 14042 15760 W. Power Line Street St. Petersburg Florida 33733-404e Crystal River. Florida 34428-6708 Mr. Charles Pardee. Director Senior Resident Inspector Nuclear Plant Operations (NA2C) Crystal River Unit 3 Florida Power Corporation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Crystal River Energy Complex 6745 N. Tallahassee Road 15760 W. Power Line Street Crystal River. Florida 34428 Crystal River. Florida 34428-6708 Mr. James S. Baumstark Mr. Bruce J. Hickle. Director Director. Quality Programs (SA2C)

Director Restart (NA2C) Florida Power Corporation Florida Power Corporation Crystal River Energy Complex Crystal River Energy Complex 15760 W. Power Line Street 15760 W. Power Line Street Crystal River. Florida 34428-6708 Crystal River. Florida 34428-6708 Regional Administrator. Region II Mr. Robert 8. Borsum U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Framatome Technologies Inc. 61 Forsyth Street SW., Suite 23T85 1700 Rockville Pike. Suite 525 Atlanta, GA 30303-3415 Rockville. Maryland 20852 Mr. John P. Cowan Mr. Bill Passetti Vice President - Nuclear Production Office of Radiation Control (NA2E)

De)artment of Health and Florida Power Corporation Rehabilitative Swvices Crystal River Energy Complex 1317 Winewood Blvd. 15760 W. Power Line Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0700 Crystal River Florida 34428-6708 Attorney General Mr. Roy A. Anderson Department of Legal Affairs Senior Vice President The Capitol Nuclear Operations Tallahassee Florida 323G4 Florida Power Corporation ATTN: Manager Nuclear Licensing Mr. Joe Myers. Director Crystal River Energy Complex (SA2A)

Division of Emergency Preparedness 15760 W. Power Line Street Department of Community Affairs Crystal River. Florida 34428-6708 2740 Centerview Drive

. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Mr. Kerry Landis U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman 61 Forsyth Street. SW.. Suite 23T85 Board of County Commissioners Atlanta, GA 30303-3415 Citrus County 110 North Apopka Avenue Iverness. Florida 34450-4245

4 .


Name Oroanfration L.Raghavan NRC-NRR Fred Hebdon- NRC-NRR Steve Cahill' NRC/ SRI-Kerry Lan:lis NRC/Ril Scott Flanders NRC/NRR Betsy Keeling NRC/OCA -

Leigh Trocine NRC/OEDO Johns Jaudon N9C/Ril

- Bruce Boger. i?c;C/NRR J. Holden Florida Power Corp.

A. Petrowskey Florida Power Corp.

- M. Rencheck Florida Power Corp.

R. Grazio Florida Power Corp.

M ark Van Sicklen Florida Power ,orp.

-John Paul Cowan Florida Power Corp.

Ray Anderson Florida Power Corp.

Chip Pardee Florida Power Corp.

. lim Baumstark Florida Power Corp.

3ruce Hickle Florida Power Corp.

Greg Beuris Florida Power Corp.

Tom Harrison McGraw Hill Enclosure 1

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,. E%9 FPC CR-3

  • Opening Remarks R. A. Anderson Restart Status J.P.Cowan Restart Readiness B. J. Hickle
  • CR-3 Metrics J. J. Holden ,
  • Operations Status C. G. Pardee


  • Technical Issues M. W. Hencheck
  • Regulatory Submittals R. E. Grazio
  • Concluding Statements R. A. Anderson 11/20/97 2

i .,

i w- -

l " .

Current Status l



,. w e

! FPC l CR-3

  • Plant Conditions  ;

- All Systems Available for Operations

- Begun Mode Ascension Process

~ i

, - Pressurizer Bubble c

  • Remaining Areas to Be Completed 4 - Appendix R l Train B Completing; Train A Starts 11/26

- Diesel Generator Work

'B' Diesel Testing in Progress; 'A' Diesel Starts 11/26 11/20/97 3


= '

CR 3 Readiness Program h<kP

,..d Objectives l FPC CR-3

1. Frequent Open Communications
2. Resolution of Confirmatory Action Letter Issues
3. Close Book on First 20 Years of Operation .

.. 4. Invest for the Next 20 years of Operaten

5. Integrate Startup Activities Into Long Term

, Improvement Plan i

Do What Is Right For The Long Haul, Not Just What is Required For Startup

11/20/97 4


p .. .

m Communications Readiness 3rNP

. . mt FPC CR-3 i Positive Community Meetings:

- Crystal River Completed l - Inverness Completed l

- Beverly Hills Completed j - Inglis/ Yankeetown Completed

- Crystal River Planned Local Civic Organization Briefings

- United Way, Kiwanis, Lions Club, Rotary Clubs '

N* Improved Communication Effectiveness 11/20/97 5

Communication Effectiveness Indicators  ;

100 Q1st S urvey M ay 97 ,

m2nd Survey Oct 97  !

m3rd S urvey 1998 C4th S u rvey 1999 80 - === -

t 60 -- -

i 40 - - - ---------- l 20 - ===-----  !

O-- i i i i i A rea l A rea II A rea til A rea IV A rea V l t

i Area I - My direct supervisor keeps me informed.

Area II - I understand critical restart issues.  !

Area Ill - I understand safety regulations and standards. l Area IV - ! know what is expected of me and how I fit into the " big picture" Area V - Support communications materials enhance my understanding of CR-3 issues.

11/20/97 l 6 ,

Confirmatory Action Letter E"rFPC C"~3

1. Design Issues identified in FPC

% Complete i

98 %


Letter of 10/28/96


2. Extent of Condition Reviews Complete 2 3. Resolution of Safety and Licensing 87%

e Issues

4. MCAP II Progress Complete
5. Regional Administrator Concurrence i 11/20/97

,, for Mode 2 4

Crystal River Unit #3 Restart Milestones .

-i- 4 ., .

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Tube End .

o = '**v c-~ ~  ; A y _cmae-n_c-re ve=e.n_ .

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^ EFW Cow 6tating ventet Med System (Jneues. Heetup And Teaterig G, ,

, r______________,  ;

Design & Wort Pkg. Preparation FWP-7 Standtry Generetor Med


, EFP Defeat Suritch Mod, t t

FFV-12 Volve Mod ,


. h 'A' ECDG Wort---d-- ~ hg ECDG Wort lt 8 8 D H. System Vent 'S EDG D H. System Vent ,,,

ASV-204 Mod Mo,d'A'S ., M.od '8' OE ; l......g . . . .-i H. .,. ,,,

. -. Com*.e

.l  ; H I I

, M Pn ore nWP/SWP PTt mod ----

l_ _ _ _ _ g.... ... ...... .... . . . .l y pg item MUV 27 Auto 8 8 i M3 Closure M 8

l- _. Thermer Reset Velve g.....Mod _....g

____ . Other Wort items I I l_ E_FP-2_Flo_w In_ dica _ don _Mo_dg. !g

..or te S.,is p _ _ _ .g . . . . . . .. .. .;. . .i


, FMEA of DC Power 3 FMEA 120 v AC . Re Bu4 ding Sprey .

s a B B Purry (95P-181 NPH 8

, Rm Bund 6ng Spes, Purno (BSP-18) ItPSH Mod

  • D ,

8 l bstens_ilonl- . . .-l 8 8 '

C . . g_ _Elec_tric_al Ge_nerator_Mainten_ence_ _ _ _ g .. .;

, ne*wDe.# e. ,

A. r,,e,,,,,

, System Reedinese Wethdowns e I_ HPl Rse_ Mod

. . .'; H

, i i .i 11/20/97 Fl-- --- -- --- -- - -- --TECH

- - -SPEC - - -Changes

- - - - /Approvel - - - - HnC ne* - - - - - - - - - - -

, o.,eted m . Vereno en i

8 --------------------

- ~ - -I

A"*" .

Resolution of Confirmatory

$ x)I P r s Action Letter Design Issues gs From FPC Letter of 10 28 96 NRC Submi3al & Modification

.- Design Issue Dewiption Follow-up Briefing Work Testing

/' A. HPI Pump Recirculation Line Nonc 95 % Mode 4 B. HPI System Modifications Complete Complete Complete C. LPI Pump Mission fime Complete Complete Complete D. Reactor Building Spray Pump None Complete Mode 4


. E. Emergency Feedwater System Complete Complete Complete and Diesel Generator

. Load Impact F. Emergency Diesel Generator Complete 90 % Prior to Mode 4 Leading j


. G. Failure Modes and Effects Complete Complete Complete Analysis of Loss of DC Power H. GL 96 Containment Complete Complete ' Prior to Mode 4 11/20/97 Penetrations 9

l i l a

a 4 amp _a n,anag_,,s ,ss_m._m*aare. gym.e4,.wm a m .m a a w ge men a a ,g %s 4m m_%,, 4 4 pmaw w.3 g as g, e ggs ,; g epem,m ,gge pe-m.m gmaging.44eg4 4m_%

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j g.*3 j4 7

L._._._........-. . . _ . , _ _ . . _ . .

RESTART MILESTONES l July l August l September l October l November l December l System Discovery Complete f 0 tc , sew; 8 Review Of Operating Experience  !

Otr ,aew) l Power Ascension. Program Devesoped I O 80**P*8

' l l Personnel5F r Augmented tc..~,Startap Organization Selected i Special Testing - Secondary Systems Commenced l >

0 tr pi.*

g Startup,StaffTrained l Q (Ce=rie*)  ;

OpeJating Procedures Revised v un rr.zem) -

G sctionsi Jesting Scheduled Q (C==p8e*1 1 On-Shift Startup Organization Implemented h(Comple*>

Startup Sequegee Commenced h(Com, rie*)

CAL 5tems Complete '

'0 All Systeds Returned To Service 80 Piskt Ready For liestop I o

('t rator Traivaing & Anriant Esarris Cornplete l 0 ,

l Plant Read For Reactor Startup i

g Plant Readv For.*ower Ascension

' h 11/20/97 ' , Pl=='ipvr-r 11 i

e '

Crysta River Un't #3


FPC Startup Plateaus CR-3 l

Power Ascension

,me m

noto m m

,A ===--

noto m e a Reactor Startup c,,s _

e . ss e e-- ,

t asnes2 a Plant Heatup m ., _ w %

, noto Rm "m s anace 2 4 RCS O fernet TemgWPress

  • se em ace c sanos 2 Reactor

, = === 4 Startup Plant Preparations ,2 ace % % -

. noen -acs n.m,, s snoem s Casarvneru tsesonwed ECCS Reeponse iseq CF meed

/ / 9 TSP'f-'faf*/ / > p[.$on, MY+f T't /

  • ( / / V"/=V"/ / / . ,


/ / 'PP M/ / /

30 Days (Cui&ser.c.y Shutdown W.R Add 14 Days) i 11/20/97 12 l




9 5

e n

Condition of CR-3 ghM,R at Startup


c ai at start Achiese Tarnet FPC Perfor nance indicators Current status.

CR-3 1. ORGANIZADONAL READINESS A. Restart issue Closure 0 82 Decesuber

  • p B. MC4P H Restanitem Closme 0 0 ACHIDED

( C. SeN-identified Precursors 60 % or Greater

  • 45% December D. SeNMentifienf Violations 33 % or Greater
  • 35.7% ACHfDED L TotalNennber of C>en Precursors Decreasing Tremi Decreasing Tremi ACHIDED s 11. SYSTEM READINESS

- t A. Correctise Maintenance 200 Open Work 166 ACHISED ReWs or Less B. Temporary Modifications 5 or Less instaMed 5 ACHIDED ACHISED C. Respuests forEngineering 200 or Less D>en 194 l

Assistance D. Restart Modifications 0 58 December E SJstems Remaining 14 be 0 0 ACHIDED Acceptedby Operations

. . III. OPERATIONS READINESS A. ControlRoaniDeficiencies 10 orLess 0 ACHIDED B. Operator Work.innmds 7 or Less 7 ACHISED

  • C. Opera.*ingProcedures 25 Comments orless 11 ACHISED D. Emergency Operating Incorporate issues 30 November t.

Procedures from 8 C.A.L Design Issues l e pas Steps 11/20/97 E. Atmorneal Procedures 15 Comeneents or Less 31 Ninember

- - - - - - . o . .


Condition of CR-3 ME FPC CR-3


pecton a.c. i. dica,or:

at Startup Goa as Start o Current Stains achiese Tarnet IV. REGUt.ATORY READINESS i


A. t_icense Amendments 0 3 Nonember and Tech Spec Submittals B. Other NRC Restart Submittals 0 13 Notember

, C. Total 1997 NRC items 0* 132 Decensber D. SubmittalQuality Inder of 5.5 or Gmater S.9 ACHIDED V. COMMUNICATIONS READINESS A. Employee Suneys imprase ResuMs improsing ResuMs ACHISED

. . 8. Communi.y Leaders Meetlyior to Startup Complete ACHIDED C. State & FederalOfficials/StaW Meet / Wor to Startup Complete ACHIDED D. Oppw,funity to TourPlant Bected OtWcials amiStaN Complete ACHISED insitedto Tour

  • E 3 pen Communication EditorialBoards, inteniews, and Complete ACHISED

. with Media Plant Tours Conductedfor Those Nho Ceser CR-3 Routinely

'""' T*r8*'5 11/20/97 15

Organizational Readiness A'"

gj$g;p Restart Issue Closure

.. n FPC 200 -

CR-3 s 180 -

g 160 -

5 140 -

. s e 120 -

e i a 100 -

80 - " Additi "*

s u C3 Closed e 60 -

.o -*-Goal = 0 j 40 - -*-Actual

  • Z

- 20 - _.- Action Plan ~l 0 i i i =- E_ 4 9 ,

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul' Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1997 11/20/97 16


"* Organizational Readiness g:r)'539h? MCAP II Restart Item Closure FPC CR-3

. 25 _ -+- Goal = 0

-*-Actual E 20 -

j .

c i 15 -

O -

N 0 10 - - .

E i

!z 5-0 , , , , , , , , + , +

, Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ,

i 1997

11/20/97 )

l 17

_____ _ _______ __ _ _ _ __ - - .. . _ .____._E

Organizational Readiness Self-Identified Precursors * ,

FPC CR-3 C3 Actual (Rolling Average)

_ 100 -

4 $ -


-*-Target = 60% or Greater 5g 80 -

  • Actual (Monthly) y 70 -

8 60 >  ; ; a . c.  :  :  : _ a ,

0- 50 - _

f_ _ _

f_ _


g. 40 -  !

E 30 -

$ 20 -

$ 10 ~

  • O -

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

  • Internal Target Only IS07 ,

i 11/20/97

18 1


e 8


Organizational Readiness

-)Lp gl ' V r_ _

Self-Identified Violations

  • FFC CR-3 E"3 National (Average) 100_

. 90 _ + Target = 33% or Greater


3 T3- g 80 - ~ Actual (Average) 3m 70 -

9560-5s zo 50 -

o5 ~

. b- .

T oE 30 3 - - -

5 = - - "

c~  % + /

gO 20 - E 10 -

0, , , ,  % , , , , , , ,

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

  • Internal Target Only 11/20/97 19


System Readiness n .

g~ W8gy Corrective Mam. tenance FPC CR-3 1000 -

3 900 -

g 800 -

E 700 -

e uw 600 -

' o i 500 -

N mincoming


0 400 -

\ acompleted e 300 -

  1. + Goal = 200 or l_ess E 200_ c . .

$ 100 -

  • Actual O, , , , , , . , , .' , ,
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec l 1997
11/20/97 20

N Total Open Precursor WJ . ~  :


g. _

n 47 f v_ 4, Cards FPC CR-3

, 2500 -

'E ,

m i o 2000 - t u

- O  !

v3  :

Ei 1500 -


o x -

.2  !


2 500 -

ii h  !

0 ..............

8/9 8/23 916 9/20 10/4 10/18 11/1 11/1 5 1997 11/20/97 l i

21  ;

I i

L . - _ - _-

"a" n.

Corrective Actions with

$J%P Mode 4 Restraints

,. W FPC CR-3 160 - ,,,

Action Plan l . g 140 - *'

( ,o -

l g 120 -

i .  !' /

13 G

80 -

E 60 - Confirmed Restart 26 h Open Evaluation l g 40 - Evaluation Totals _

8 3 Root Cause (A/B)

F 20 - Apparent Cause (C) 11 Fix and Trend (D) 7

. 0 , , , , , , ,

10/8 10/15 10/22 10/29 11/5 11/12 11/19 11/26 12/1 1997 11/20/97 l 22 t

p -

g Wp6

,.._.j p Quality of Root Causes FPC CR-3 A

20 -


.- 18 -

Goal = 16 or Greater .

16 - x.

_- ^ Y, 3

m14 W


. g12 _..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,y ,,,,,


8 10 -

"8-m NEEDS l

g6- IMPROVEMENT O4-2- V 0 . . . .

~ '

Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11/20/97 1997 23

il.1 System Readiness Ta-.

Temporary Modifications FPC-


Goal = 5 or Less Prior to Heat Up

  • Actual D 8

$=7- -


, .o 5-n.

85 4-E E

$ 3-g 2-1-

0 . . . . . . . . .

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1997 11/20/97 24


System Readiness Requests for Engineering Qw m 4e Assistance (REAs)

FPC CR-3 800 -

700 -

y 600 - ~

E5002 f.400- MREAs Received y 300 -

OREAs Closed l

200 -

100 -

  • Actual g 0 . . . , , , , , , ,

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11/20/97 25


""~ '

System Readiness n)M;wg:~ ' Restart Modifications

p. .

d FPC CR-3 70 - -*-Goal = 0 Prior to Heat Up 60 -

  • Actual t

3m 50 _ -=- Action Plan 8

$ ~g 40 -

O o 3g

.O 30 -

o l2 20 -

Field Complete 10 - DESIGNS ARE

; +

0 ,

I Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1997 11/20/97 1 26



?~. . Operations Readiness

':i . -

Control Board Deficiencies FPC CR-3 25 - -*-Goal = 10 or Less at Start Up

-*-Actual 3 g 20 -

2 ;3 C

O .c E 15 -

Ei jQ 10  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;  ;

E "3

Ni O

zm 5-0 , , r, l l M. ,x, ,

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1997 11/20/97 27

l Operations Readiness g'"$iw Operator Work Arounds

,.%b FPC i CR-3 l 40 - -*-Goal = 7 or Less Prior to Heat Up 35 - ~ Actual s.

4 j , 30 -


. E g 25 - - -

Oo o g 20 -

y f 15 -


E3 10 -


s s z o_'2p - .,


, O . . . . . . . . --,

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oc; .,cv De::

11/20/97 28 i


f'??:~ Regulatory Readiness Ei~ FPC CR-3 Submittal Quality 8_ ~ Quality index

-*- Goal e 7-m 5 6- x

$ 5 ' .

/ ' "

, E  :  : _/

O 4- l'

'Ei t 3-E g 2-  % ,

1-0 , , , . , , , , , , ,

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1997 11/20/97 29

A" Regulatory Readiness gKig

..m Total 1997 NRC Items


. .h 140 -

h 120 -

j 100 - e neceiyad g 80 - C3ciosed 5 60 - -.-Target = 0 E 40 - *-Actual j 20 - . Action Plan 0 i i i i i  : i i 9 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

-Internal Target only 1997 11/20/97 30

l i!i ,!l l ii s

_ s

_ e i

n d

a t

_ e r

_ R r a -

o t .

s f s _

n e -

i o R t

a r -

e p .

O Ps 1 7 s


$rx3- C PR FC 9


01 23 p e $:


_ . 1 1

- _ _ -l eere '

Operations Readiness i

h k'e?

FPC E0P Improvement Status i

'#U CR-3 1%

i e i 1

?.120 -

us g 100 -

0 g 80 -

a 4 60 -

E s

]o 40 -

X 20 -

0 . . . . . .

Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1997 11/20/97 s2 WellPrepared Operating Staff

Operations Readiness m

. g(.y .' .%

AP Improvement Status 200 -

FPC cn180 5 CR-3



$ 160 -

M g 140 - '

2-0 120 - '

Q. i CL 100 - l' 4

e 80 -

3 m 60 -

W 8 40 -

w X Q. 20 -

O , . . . . .

.un Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

1997 11/20/97 as WellPrepared Operating Staff h

. . . - -..m. ._

,r _ _..__ _ - _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ , , , _ , _ _ . . ... ,..,,_..,..# m__. . . - . . _ _ _ _ . , . . . _ , _ , _ . _ . , , _

L .


- 0Perations Readiness l 43'g8.

N~ -

1p Operating Procedures l

i FPC CR-3 1000 -

cn 900 -

l $ 800 -

5 $ 700 -

! 600 -

O O 500 -


$ 400 -

  • te 300 -


-*-Goai = 25 or Less



200 -

100 -

go Heat Up Ov Jan Feb iWar Apr May Jun Jul. Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1997 11/20/97 at WellPrepared Operating Staff


Operations Readiness E. FPC CR-3 C

(U 0.30 ,

Operator Error Rate

  • g 0.25 -


.c Fu-E 0.20 -

E j 0.15 -

oo Target = 0.10 or Less t- c. -

tu uOa D.10 -

2 2 0.05 -

i .

m a

1 O

i 0.00 . . -

l Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec l ,,

  • Internal Target Only 1997 l

11/20/97 i

\ as Human Perfbrmance Error Reduction J


; ,
!! i  !,  : ;t ' l!:!:l: l  : ;LIllli li!!i:i C L a

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" wkeN w* 55o %mS,5o

  • be67 kQSB.c
;,j , ,  :: - i ill l1l

l e-~ ~ -

Operations Readiness ~

i " -

Systems Remaining to be l %k15 Accepted by Operations l FPC CR-3 120 -

E  : -

"o. 100 -

$E 38 80 -


2$ 60 -

55 z$

20 _ Goal = 0 Prior to Heat Up

$ + Actual 0 . . . . . , , ; , x, ,

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1997 11/20/97 37 OPerator Confidence in Plant Systems sev- - - w- 4- - . , - - -+ , -%- g , ,m.-yy - , _._%.., , 7__ ,


m 2

Operations Readiness 4:%+.T u rs Self-Identified Precursors FPC CR-3 1

s e

i g 0.8 _

, a c.

k Goal = 0.6 or Greater 0.4

O (L
  • 0.2 0 . ,

. i i


I .

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1997 j g SelfIdentification ofErrors

Crystal River Unit #3 - Operations Leadership Plan -

1 Mar i Apr i May 1 Jun i Jul i Aug i Sep i Oct i Nov i Dec I oc. tesa st.. .i o,e son .,  :


; , .........Semesonsst .. ......>

,,,nooness P8PO OP' P880 Ort . " O'*

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boeresse Opeess ione St*8msLeveen SPt, st ^^. - , . - Opgessor Ev. - ,

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of Centrat L -

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. " - m- ^06**'ve'eort . we = conerer ca eer Esenteressed .


  • s 3 Progeom t, _ __,. :

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i - - .

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e EoPFAPL _ [Twening osed 3 oyerseer Asenunt Emmune 8 o

  • l p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _per eas Proceder* Rovesertronisas _

p____________________i N Tres*

cor.norese  :

pecroso e sumasng 5 .

. Eveat Fme oyeese6ene . I


11/20/97 stAa- :

"Treheme for 98LO '


- .snareep, 39

. _ _ _ __ _ c* _ _. o,.re.e, Tree _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ -:

3r i

~ - , . _ . - m -

j .

""~' Operations Readiness for m- .

$$,R Restart - Summary FPC CR-3

- - On Track to Support Restart

  • Leadership Plan Driving Results Performance Measures in Place l

! 11/20/97 40 l - . .-.-.-- ___-_ . . . _ _ - . _ _ . _

w --

A Technical Issues b;5=W P



Emergency Diesel Generator

. Control Complex Habitability Envelope f

Remote Shutdown Panel, Hot Shorts c.

l -

MCAP II - Satisfactory Restart Progress l

l j 11/20/97

! 41


noen m EDG Related Modifications FPC r Work Field  : i CR-3 *

! i

, , Description .

Number l Design Package Work ;Turnoser; ,


'EDGPbwer Upgrade Issued Conplete 12/2/97; l96-10-05-01 ' Issued

. 3 _

Kilowst MeterReplacenrnt ~ l96-03-12-01 Issued

~ Issued Conplete Conplete l EDG Starxiliy Keep warm $ysiem 96-07-154)l- Issued Issucd Conplete Conplete


.  ;SW / RW I'ILContml Handles j 97-04-02-Oi Issued Issued Conplete Conpkte EFP-1 Trip Dil'eai~ Switch-~~97 Ofoi-DI- Issued Issued Conplete Conpkte y~

~i EDGRooniVentilation Mrxis~~97-04-0M Issued issued Conplete Conpkte


U EDGAliF-22dibks~

~ ~ -

~ 41W Issued 97 Issued Ganpkte Conpkte EDGAHF-22Stmciural 97-05-17-01' Issued Issued Working 11/28'97l

, EDGRadiatorMods(Mech) ~ [97-05-15-01~ Issued Issued Corplete Conplete

, EDGRadiatorMods (Rect) j 97-05-15-02 Issted issued Coapkte Conpkte

=, EDGPmtective Relays ~~ 1 97-08-01-01 ~ Issued Issued 12/1/97;

~~ 11/23/97l

41aust ~ 107-08Mel~ ~ Woddn 11/20/97

' ' 12/1/77 l 12/15/97 !?'/30'98 ! ' '


-l re

~ ..

Control Complex Habitability  ;


Envelope FPC CR-3 Action Plan Assess and Seal Penetrations initial Phase Complete 10/10/97 Perform Information Test Complete


  • Install Redundant /New Dampers in Each Isolation i Path l

Complete by 11/25/97 Revise and Consolidate Calculations i

l Calculations in Final Review, PRC Approval by 11/24/97

  • Demonstrate Operator Exposure is within l_imits i

11/20/97 Test Complete, Results in Review 43 i

"~ n ' Preliminary Test Results

,$ w. R P r Dose FPC

CR-3 -

Accident Scenario Previously Assumed inLeakage Based on inLeakage Measured Value Duration Wind Speed 0 to 8 Hrs 2.7 mph 355 cfm 80 cfm 8 to 24 Hrs 4.6 mph 355 cfm 129 cfm l

1 to 4 Days 7.2 mph 355 cfm 197 cfm


16.3 mph 355 cfm 435 cfm Days


Thyroid 26.5 REM with 43sq" 26.5 REM with 60sq" Exposure: breach margin breach margin 11/20/97 44

- ., . - _ _ . , - ___.r - -, . --

l .

' N-Appendix R Modifications i

i g%p

  • $i #

r .

! FPC l CR-3 W o rk F ie ld l l D e s c rip tio n N um ber D esign IP ackage W o rk Turnover j D e g ra de d S e al M a te rsa is 19 4 -0 6-O i-01 W U H A iN U I nst is9i c son .

s- o-

. oecon a ry e c son ws-o F CN-1 (S tructural)

, FCN - 2 ( 50.59) or s <- sus s F C N-1 (S ep ara tions)

F C N-2 (N e w U S O D) l l F CN-3 (*A

  • B us s item s) j' l

F C N-4 (*B

  • Train ite m s)

F C N-5 F C N-6 (*A

  • Train item s) o ed o susso FCN-7 1219197 F C N -8 O K IN G 12/9/97 e pa ra on s- sws

, (S tru ctural) 97-02-18-02 I s o seo F C N-f (C old S/D o wn) W O R K IN G 11126197 F C N-2 (D wg. C h g.)

l ~~

F CN-3 (MU V-24/26) (

~ ~ ~

< s eo o l o tys

, e rge ncy sg an g jus- ses F CN-f (ED G A C CE S S) 1. W O R K IN G 1214197 es s-u -u usso (S truc tu ral) f 9 7-0 5-17-02 W O R K IN G 11/30197 ge eser  ; s- u-1 e rm o- ag rcu e ro u e s w s - asus ower es i s2 o , e i wo 11/20/97 45

.mm - - , - -

,,m-- - - - - -

-, ,g_-, -___gm e

e G

l C  !


l l @

eg i G t  :

m 6 m w

C @

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G i E

i  :, L, .

My ., . N '

Y -


. , w a:

U9 &e m,


~ -

r -

e t  ;

,_ . Regulatory Readiness -

c- License Amendments and


$r3h3 Tech Spec Submittals FPC CR-3 25 - " A""

. -.-Goat = 0

$ 20 -N .-

~ ^C'"*'

, .E a Action Plan

~* 15 -


l E 10 -

l E2 l



! 5-

,c 0 i9 5h  ! ,

l Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 11/20/97 l 47

Regulatory Readiness for m

$r$R "

Restart Status of License Amendment i

FPC ca-3 l and Tech Spec Submittals l

k D escription Techn al P repared Dt input

. Service Water Overheating 11/21/97 11/24/97 12/3/97 CCHE/CREVS Surveillance p 11/26/97 11/26/97 11/28/97 Boron Mitigation - Hot Leg Injection 12/1/97 12/1/97 12/5/97 l - .

I 11/20/97 i 48

( .

l i

Submittals Requiring NRC i

$r$:Aj7 .


  1. 210-SBLOCA ) 1 & 97 11/S 97 4

W30/97(Suppl) 11/7/97 11/1997 l 11/21/97 (Suppi) 11/21/97 ,

l &2897 none none

, #216- EDG Fan 4

! S289/ ' WS97 9/12/97

,- M - NI 2 W4/97 11/7/97 11/21/97 1731/97 Rev.1 W12/97 1W2&97 ,11/7/97

  1. 219 - EDG Protectie Trips not Bypassed 4 11/20/97 49

gy- .

& Submittals Resolved for Restart




  1. 223 - Baron Precipitation 2 10/31/97 11/7/97 12/3/97 Mitigation - GAPS
  • I 4 7/29/97 10/7/97 10/29/97
  1. 209 - PAM 7/18/97, Rev. o 8/12/97 9/5/97 9/12/97 (Supp0 9/12/97
  1. 213 - LTOPS 4 8/13/97 I

10/7/97 10/25/97 33 3 7

  1. 218 - Letdown Line Rupture 4 9/9/97 10/10/97 11/7/97 4 10/31/97 none none
  1. 214 - ECCS Mode 4 ,l I l i

11/20/97 )


Submittals with NRC -

N Response Required Post




  1. 222 - C C H E/C REVS 11/28/97
  1. 217 - A H F-1 C 10/4/97
  1. 221 - OTS G IG A G rowth 10/1/97
  1. 224 - SW U HS 12/3/97
  1. 22 5 - B o ro n P re cipitatio n - '.

1 0- H ot Leg inje ction 11/20/97 51

e e" Submittals Where NRC SER

-){it Has Been Received

$r UN-3

  1. 211 - OTSG
  1. 212 - Appendix J Option B
  1. 215 - Exigent Diesel Surveillance Amendment Appendix R - Enhanced Sprinklers Exemption 11/20/97 52

Regulatory Readiness


Other NRC E_n Restart Submittals


~ '

FPC CR-3 25 - masAdditions

-+-Goal = 0 20 - + Actual

= Action Plan Eg 5$.

g 10 -

.o -

g 5-0 i iQ P 5 -

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1997 11/20/97 53

=' RegulatoYY Readiness for n

gyllP N*

Restart Status of Other Regulatory Submittals FPC CR-3 1

Letter Submittal Desen.ption Techn.'ical Prepared Date input RCS Attached Piping Fatigue Analysis (Complete, 11/25/97 11/26/97 Integrated Safety Assessment 11/26/97 11/27/97 12/1/97 Jet Impingement Analysis Results 12/5/97 12/6/97 12/8/97 Appendix R - 72 Hr Cocidwn Rate, Suppl Resp 11/24/97 11/24/97 12/1/97 System Readiness Review Progr- Summary Rpt 11/25/97 11/26/97 12/1/97 Appendix R Closure 11/28/97 12/1/97 12/7/97 DH-45-F1 Supplemental Information - LAR 220 Com g j porp@te; 11/21/97 Restart Request Letter 11/21/97 11/21/97 12/1/97 FSAR Revision 24 (Corppletej (Cornplete. Prior Mode 2 RAI- Boron Precip, LAR 223 12/1/97 12/1/97 12/3/97 TSCRN 210 Supplement tC_ompletel 11/20/97 11/21/97 l .

l Final EOPs Submitted (TSCRN 210) l Complete) 11/20/97 11/21/97 li1/20/97 54

""~ '

Preparing for the Next m


m, Twenty Years FPC CR-3 Increasing Margin

  • Reducing Operator Burden
  • Resolving Long Term Issues Improving Reliability


  • Improving Performance -

11/20/97 55

m CR-3 Is Meeting Its Goals


bh3 Improved Safety Margin Improved Materia! Omndition

  • Improved Operator Performance Improved Configuration Management Improved Safety Analysis Process Improved Organization Improved Resolution of Engineering Backlog  ;
  • Improved Internal and External Communications
  • Improved Corrective Action Process l

Improved Resolution of Safety and licensing Issues 11/20/97 Improved long Term Planning in Place 56 I

T m -

M~ . ~

$; RAP x, +

FPC CR-3 Concluding Statements 11/20/97 57

c' 5 USQs .

w g

Status / Resolution issue Resolution Status Boron Precipitation Mittation - Hot Leg injection Potential USO - implementation of Hot Leg injection (not a Open - due 11/21 restart requirement)

RB Cooler /SW System Overheating Potential USQ - addressing the SW system temperature limit Open -due 12/3 and ultimate heat sink Control Complex - Leak Test Results USQ - test methodology and dose calculation being revised Submitted 11/10 Boron Precipitation - Incorporation of Gaps (LAR 223) USQ - credit for hot leg nozzle gaps as a passive method Submitted - 10/31 together with active methods and decision matrix for boron precipitation prevention EDG Fan Upgrade - fans under capacity (LAR 216) USQ - requires NRC review and approval prior to startuo Submitted - 8/26 Letdown Line Rupture - manual operator action in place of USQ - requires NRC review and approval Submitted - 9/9 automatic (LAR 218)

EDG Protective Trips -installation of overvoltage trips could USQ - requires NRC review and approval prior to startup Submitted - 9/12 result in trip of EDG (LAR 219)

AHF-1C - this modification makes control logic changes to allow Not a USQ for installation, however, use of it will be due to Submitted - 10/4 use of AHF-1C by providing interlocks with its MCC-3AB reliability of circuitry being modified and use of operator actions.

transfer switch (LAR 217) Modification will be made but not tumed over until LAR approved.

Seismic Qualification of W.sste Gas / Liquid / Solid Pipe USQ - qualification of piping to meet the seismic requirements Resolved is being reviewed, plan to upgrade supports EOP operator actions Not a USQ - no new USQs were identified Resolved HPl Cavitating Venturi Flow Test Not a USO - FPC determined that attemate approach would be Resolved developed for installation in Refueling Outage 11 R H 10AVFUSO REV 030


--gsi-g Status / Resolution issue Resolution Status Main Steam Line Break Not a USQ - reanalysis with original assumptions performed Resolved RWP Cyclone Separator Fouling - strainers installed upstream Not a USQ - new strainer tested and no clogging resulted Resolved might have clogged resulting in a loss of RWPs HPI Pump Recirc. Line - MAR 96-11-02-01, proposes to install Not a USQ - actions identified for operator action were concluded Resolved an attemate manual recirculation line from HPl discharge header to be equivalent to existing actions and the RB (operator action)

MUV-31 (Pressurizer Level Control Valve) control logic response Not a USO - design change is like for like replacement Pesolved during transient conditions - replacement of some parts HPI Nozzle Cycles - planned change in methodology reflected in Not a USO - change not implemented; submitted with FSAR R23 Resolved FSAR increased allowable thermal cycles from 11 to 80 letter, will correct FSAR back to 11 from 80 and maintain approved methodology AHFi. - 1/2 testing not in compliance with FSAR Not a USO - FPC will comply with testir.g requirements Resolved MUV-27. - MAR 97-02-17-01, HPl autoclosure, add automatic Not a USQ - action is an aid to the operator, no credit for actions Resolved closure upon receipt of 1500# RCS low pressure signal in DBA analysis; this is reflected in SBLOCA submittal Remote shutdown panel fuses as originally intended to be Not a USO - revised design Resolved installed would not extinguish MCR lights on failure -

CT protectors addition could reduce availability of bus Not a USO - overall bus availability determined no discemible Resolved impact ADV capacity does not meet FSAR values (301,000 lb/hr vs. Not a USQ - ADVs had overcapacity and can perform function Resolved 419,700 lb/hr) with existing intemals; action is to clarify FSAR information and l

resolve ambiguity regarding ADV actual capacity HPl isolation Criteria Not a USO Resolved i

i i


  • NRC RESTART LICENSING SUBMITTALS 11/18'97 luut l Submittal Date Restart License Amendments
1. Small Break LOCA Analysis TSCRN 210 Complete 6/14/97
a. TSCRN 210 (SBLOCA)- Supplement 1 (Fuel Storage, Appendix D) Complete 9/25/97(N)(R)
b. TSCRN 210 page changes requested by NRC 11/21/97 (N)
2. Decay licat - Flow Instrument Removal - L4R 220 Complete 6/26/97
a. Supplemental Response (re: Boron Precipitation 9/12/97 Letter) Complete 10/31/97 (NXR)
3. Appendix R Thermo. Lag Resolution Schedule (Letter to Address Complete 7/26/97 (N)

Exemption Request)

4. Appendix R
a. (111.0 - Reactor Coolant Pump Oil Cooling) Potential Exemption Complete 11/13/97(NXR)

Withdrawal / Revision - When "A" Pump is in Compliance

b. Exemption Request for Lube Oil Remote Fill Line Complete 9/5/97 (N)
5. Low Temp Over Pressurization (LTOPs)- Code Case N-514 Exemption Complete 4/7/97
6. LTOPs TSCRN 213
a. 15 Effective Full Power Years (EFPY) License Amendment Complete 7/18/97
b. 30 EFPY License Amendment (not needed until cycle 12) Resolved (N)
c. Supplemental Information Complete 9/12/97 (N)
d. RAI Complete 9/5/97 (N)
c. Revision 1 (including response to RAI dated 10/7/97) Complete 10/25/97(NXR)
7. Letdown Rupture Line (USQ)- L4R 216' Complete 9/9/97 (R)
8. Integrated Leak Rate Test, Appendix J, Option B - TSCRN 212 Complete 2/1/97
9. 15tegrated Leak Rate Test, Appendix J, Option B, Rev.- 1 Complete 5/1/97
10. Appendix J, Option B - Additional Information Complete 8/l1/97 (N)

I 1. System Readiness Review (Potential License Amendment) Resolved

12. License Condition Amendment (if needed) Resolved items 13-32. Potential USQ Submittals
13. Emergency Diesel Generator Protective Trips During Engineered Safety Complete 9/12/97 (R)

Actuation and Loss of Offsite Power - L4R 219

14. HPl Analysis (Without Cavitating Venturis) Resolved 6/14/97
15. HPI Pump Recire Resolved PageI

131nt Submittal Date

16. High Pressure injection Nozzle Cycles (Contained in the FSisR R.23, Resolved 7/3/97 Letter, and not a USQ)
17. Air Handling Filter l/2 Testing Requirements Resolved
18. Makeup Supply Valve (MUV-27)- Add Automatic Closure upon Receipt Complete 6/14/97 of #1$00 Signal
19. EDG Fan Upgrade - L4R 216 Complete 8/26/97 (N)
20. Atmospheric Dump Valve (ADV) Design Capacity Resolved' (N)
21. Operator Actions for EOPs and APs Complete 10/3/97 (R)
22. Remote Shutdown Panel Added Components Resolved' (N)
23. RW Cyclone Separator Fouling Resolved
24. MUV 31 Control Logic Resolved
25. CT Protectors Resolved 2 (N)
26. MSLB Resolved (N)
27. HPl Cavitating Venturis Special Test Resolved' (N)
28. AliF-lC Fan Auto Transfer - L4R 217 Complete 10/4/97 (N)
29. Boron Precipitation Mitigation - Hot Leg injection
a. Incorporation of Gaps as Passive Method - L4R 223 Complete 10/31/97 (N)(R)
b. Hot Leg injection - L4R 225 11/21/97 (N)(R)
c. Supplement to LAR 223 12/1/97 (N)
30. CCIIE Leakage / Dose Methodology - L4R 222 11/28/97 (R)


31. SW Cooling (Potential USQ or ITS Change) 12/3/97 (N)(R)
32. WDTs Piping Seismic Qualification Resolved (N)
33. Once Through Steam Generator (OTSG) License Amendment 211, R1 Complete 3/27/97
a. OTSG, License Amendment 211, Resubmit Sholly Notice Complete 5/1/97 (N)
b. OTSG Response to AdditionalInformation Request from NRC Complete 8/19/97 (N)
c. Revision I to License Amendment 211 Completc 8/20/97 (N)
34. OTSG License Amendment.L4R 221 -IGA Growth & Tube Plugging

' information letter to NRC 9/2 (C) 2 Information letter to NRC 8'19 (C)

' Information letter to NRC 9/17 (C)

Page 2


Submittal Date hang

' 35. PAM Table Revision, TSCRN 209, RG 1.97 (EDO kW Meters) Complete 7/29/97

36. ECCS Mode 4 Tech Spec Change - MR 21./ Complete 10/31/97 (NXR)
37. CCllE Surveillance TS (Submit Prior to Resttrt)- MR 222 - Resolved Part of USQ Submittal
38. EDG Surveillance Testing - Exigent License Amendment TSCRN 215 Complete 8/4/97 (N)
a. TSCRN 215. Revision 1 Complete 8/16/97 (N)
39. 500 kV Backfeed Tech Spec Change (not ueeded before restart) Resolved (N)

Licensing Restart Submittals (Non-License Amendments) '

1. Boron Precipitation Letter Complete 9/12/97
2. . Appendix R Issues
a. Independent Assessment Summary Complete 7/3/97
b. Appendix R - Revise Response to Address 72 hr. Cold Shutdown Complete 8/29/97 (N)

(NRC RAI 7/7/97)

c. Appendix R - Thermo-Lag Ampacity (NRC RAI) Complete 7/3/97 (N)
d. Appendix R - NRC Information Notice 92-18 (Hot Shorts) Complete 9/18/97 (N)(R)
e. Appendix R - Submit Description ofIssues Related to Restart Issue Complete 9/25/97 (N)

D 11 to Support NRC Plans for Close-out (NRC RAI 7/7/97)

3. System Readiness Review - Summary Report 11/21/97 (R) 4.. Generic Letter 96 Summary Report Complete 9/5/97
5. FSAR Revision 23 - USQ Review Complete 7/3/97
6. Generic Letter 96 Summary Report Complete 10/17/97 (R)
7. Tendon Surveillance Report 12/1/97 (R)
8. Maintenance Rule Structural Baseline - Walkdown Summary Report Resolved (R)

(combine w/ item 3)

9. Integrated Safety Assessment of Current Outage Modifications - 12/1/97 (R)

Summary Report

10. FSAR Rev. 24 Upgrade 12/4/97
11. Restart Request Letter 12/1/97
12. RCS Attached Piping - Respond to NRC 4/7/97 Letter i1/21/97 (NXR)
a. Program Plan for Fatigue Analysis
13. Loss of DC Power, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis - Summary Complete 9/24/97 (R)

Report Page 3

o 9

laint Submittal Datt i

14. FSAR Rev. 24/25 Upgrade Program Description Completc 7/17/97 (N)
15. 50.54(f) Letter to Addresi Discrepancies (if needed) Resolved (N)

I b. Review ofimplementation of License Conditions Corrplete 5/20/97

a. Supplement to Address Additional Condition - Closed (IR 97-08) Resolved (N)
17. Submittals to Support SBLOCA TSCRN 210:
a. Letter to Confirm Calculations (EDG Loading, Block Valve Cycling) Complete 905/97(N)(R)"
b. Letter to Confirm EOPs do not Result in a USQ Complete 9/25/97(NXR)"
c. Submit Draft EOPs 3 and 8, AP 770 Complete 8/4/97 (N)

- RAI for EOPs 3,8 and AP 770 Complete 9/17/97 (N)

d. Submit Proprietary and Non proprietary Version of LBLOCA Complete 9/2/97 (N)

Analysis of Record

c. EDG Testing Plan Complete 9/25/97(NXR)"
f. RAI re. Tech Specs and IIPI System (rec'd 11/5/97) Complete 11/15/97 (N)
g. RAI to address questions from 11/14 meeting with NRC 11/21/97 (N)
18. Licensing Basis for Dynamic Loads
a. Initial Response (Pipe Whip) to NRC 4/10/97 Letter Complete 6/5/97 (N)
b. Supplemental Response (re: Jet Impingement) Complete 9/29/97 (N)
c. NRC RAI re: Jet Impingement (10/9/97) Complete 11/7/97(N)(R)
19. Low Pressure injection - Mission Time Complete 5/15/97
20. Appendix R - Atmospheric Dump Valve 30 Day Response Complete 4/30/97
21. System Readiness Review Plan Complete 3/27/97 2? EOP/AP Operator Action - Commitment Date Change Complete 3/25/97
23. GL 96-06 Letter regarding Service Water Fittings Complete 4/30/97
24. ASME Section XI - Code Case Relief Request Complete 3/24/97
25. MCAP-II, Rev. 2 Complete 4/25/97
26. ITS Bases Submittal Complete 4/18/97
27. Latter on Pressure Locking re: EFV-12,-32,-33 (Supports SER for GL 95- Complete (N) 8/l1/97 07)
28. Resolution of A-46 SQUG Walkdown Issues (NRC RAI 5/27/97) Complete (N) 8/1/97
29. Temporary Waiver of Compliance for CCHE Modifications Resolved (N)
30. Submit FPC Plan for HPI Nozzle Oconee Issue complete 10/30/97 (NXR)
31. IWE/lWL Supplemental Response Requested by the NRC Complete 10/30/97 (NXR)

Page 4

131E Submittal I) ate

' Complete 10/11/97 (N)

32. PTLR Revision
33. PAM RAI (re: TSCRN 209) Complete 10/29/97 (N)(R)
34. Letdown Line Rupture RAI Complete iI/7/97 (N)(R)
35. NRC - RAI EDO Trips not flypassed - LAR 219 Complete l I/7/97 (N)(R)
36. NRC - RAI EDG Testing Results Complete 11/5/97 (N)(R)
37. Appendix R - Supplemental Response on 72 hr. Cooldown Rate 12/1/97 (N)
38. Appendix R Closure - AP990, Fire Study, Modifications 12/7/97 (N)
39. OTSG Mode 4 Report 11/21/97 (N)
40. CCllE Habitability Report (Leak Test Method and Dose Calculation) Completa 11/10/97 (N)
41. SW Jet Impingement Analysis Results 12/8/97 (N)(R)
42. SSF1 issues Complete 10/10/97 (N)
43. EOP Review Closure . TSCRN 210 11/21/97 (N)
44. Dii-45 Fi (LAR 220) Supplementalinformation 11/21/97 (N)

(N) New (R) Revised

" Consolidaied with TSCRN 210 Supplement Comp!ete 9/25/97 H @M'EM24-RV Nie e


n g. 67, q s , o --u-=17s- s,=.n>.r.w- um a-~ s u~_-=wu o .-as,- .--u.s as.~ v ,+;~u.s, ,~s.a.n w ..z.. su.s. - +-- - n . e- w a w. n --. .s +,*+u us~>,,u. n . re na.


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