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Jm Farley Nuclear Plant Unit 2 - Annual Rept Required by 10CFR50.59 (1985)
Person / Time
Site: Farley Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1985
To: Grace J
NUDOCS 8604080237
Download: ML20155A134 (24)


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Section 50.59 of Part 50, Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities, of the regulations of the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, states that the holder of a license authorizing operation of a production or util17ation facility may (1) make changes in the facility as described in the safety analysis report, (2) make changes in the procedures as described in the safety analysis report, and (3) conduct tests or experiments not described in the safety analysis report, without prior commission approval, unless the proposed change, test or experiment involves a chtage in the technical specifications incorporated in the license or an unreviewed safety question (as defined in 10CFR50.59).

The licensee is required to maintain records of such changes, tests or experiments, and these records are required to include written safety evaluations which provide the basis for the determination that the change, test or experiment does not involve an unreviewed safety question.

Brief descriptions and a summary of the safety evaluations of the changes, tests or experiments as described above which were completed in 1985 for the Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Unit 2, are provided in the following pages.

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Unit 2 Cycle 4 Reload Safety Evaluation l


We Joseph M. Farley Unit 2 Cycle 4 fuel reload consisted of 21 Region 4, 64 Region 5, and 72 fresh Region 6 fuel assemblies. %e design was an 18-month cycle and included 432 fresh burnable poison rodlets comprising 40 burnable poisca clusters containing groups of 8 and 12 burnable poison rodlets. _

Safety Evaluation: A Reload Safety Evaluation was conducted by Westinghouse. We reload design was found to be in compliance with current Technical Specifications and to irralve no unreviewed safety question per 10CFR50.59.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1319, 12/4/84


FNP-2-AOP-2.0, Revision 2, 'Im 2A


The Final Safety Analysis Report indicates that the steam cenerator blowdown isolation valves close automatically on a high radiation signal from radiatico monitor R-19 in addition to signals from R-23A and R-23B. %is is contrary to design drawings and actual tests which indicate that these valves do not close on a signal from R-19. Wis procedure was changed to reflect the actual desimi of the plant.

Safety Evaluation: his change was made to reflect the existing desisa of the plant. We existing design was determined to be the proper design.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1450, 11/7/85


FNP-0-AP-2, Revision 9


Revised procedure to show new membership of the Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC) due to plant management changes and made minor changes in the review requirements of the PORC.

Safety Evaluation: Wese changes increase the effectiveness of the PORC and plant management.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1370, 3/28/85 l

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FNP-0-AD-3, Revision 4 i " Plant Organization"


Revised procedure to show the new plant management and changed the educational requirements of the Systems Performance Supervisor.

Safety Evaluation: These changes increase the effectiveness of the plant management.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1370, 3/28/85


FNP-0-AP-45, Revision 5 "Farley Nuclear Plant Training Plan"


Revised procedure to_not allow exempting operators from annual retraining based on previous year's examination performance.

Safety Evaluation: This change increases the effectiveness of the training progran.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1371, 3/29/85




This procedure was performed to determine the affect of the blockage of certain residual heat removal (RHR) system pump room penetrations upon the ability of the HVAC systems to maintain negative pressure in the room.

Safety Evaluation: Since this test involved the potential isolation of the RHR pump room from its post-LOCA filtration system, analyses were performed which demonstrated that the performance of the test could not result in a condition in which the plant was outside of the bounds of the accidents analyzed in the Final Safety Analysis Report. This procedure also allowed the use of a smoke generator to perform leak checks and air flow evaluations. The smoke is generated by a chemical reaction which does not involve combustion. It is not corrosive and it is .

not harmful to personnel or filtration systems.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1330, 1/3/85 PORC Meeting 1353, 2/14/85 2



INP-2-ETP-1010, Favision 0 l " Testing of Rod Control System"


his procedure allows withdrawal of rod banks out of their normal sequence--one bank at a time-for the purpose of isolating and detecting maintenance problems. Fc 4 40 allows withdrawal of individual rods withir a bank.

Safety Evaluationt he precedure is not considered to incra3se the probability or worsen the consequences of oy accident for the following reasons.

1) Keff will be mainteined at < 0.99 during the procedure.
2) A */M Plot will be perforlined during the test.
3) Proper shutdown margin will be verified to be maintained prior to pulling any control rod bank or individual rod.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1416, 8/4/B5 Sutiect: ENP-2-ETP-4147, Revision 0 Descriptiem Proegdure for installation of nozzle dams in the steam. generators. In the past during refueling, steam generator channel head work on Uni.t 2 was sch @ led before and after refueling with the retueling cavity drained to mid-loop.

With rcz21e dams installed, channel head work can

'oe scheduled in parallel with fuel movement while the cavity is fully flooded.

Safety Evaluation: he safety evaluation for this procedure was based on the following Westinghouse (2fety evaluations:

SG Prir-2 7 Nozzle Dam User's Manual Installation and Removal of Temporary Nozzle Covers Pre-Installation Hydro Test of SG Primary Nozzle Dams for Alahnma Power Company's (APCo) Farley Units 1 and 2 Vent Hole Plugging SG. Hold Down Rings SG Primary Nozzle Dam Installation / Removal for APCo Units 1 and 2 Nozzle Dam System (Electrical) User's Manual for APCo inits 1 and 2 Based on these evaluations, it was determined that the use of nozzle dams for Unit 2 does not constitute an unceviewed safety question.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1334, 1/7/85 3


ENP-0-FHP-1.0, Revision 10 ,


This procedure provides the method used to remcne the reactor vessel head during refueling. his method involves removing the reactor vessel head and placing it on the storage stand prior to flooding the refueling cavity. his is different from the procytiure described in the Final Safety Analysis Report in which the head is raised while sine.titaneously flooding the cavity.

Safety Evaluation: his method rreduces the radiation exposure involved by shortening the duration of the job. Un extremely difficult coordination effort of raising the head and cavity level simultaneously is eliminstad. Se time the head is suspended from the polar crane is reduced.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1400, 6/18/85 1

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FNP-0-FHP-3.1, Revision 9, TCN OB


The final Safety Analysis Report states that new fuel assemblies are moved in the new fuel area by use of the new fuel assembly handling fixture suspended from the naw fuel hoist. This procedure e change allowed for the use of slings to lift a dropped fuel assembly from the horizontal position since the handling fixture could not be used.

Safety Evaluation: The handling of a single damaged unburned assembly is safe from a criticality standpoint. The undamaged assembly is the most reactive geometry, i.e., the assembly will not become significantly more reactive if it is further deformed when it is lifted and placed in the shipping container.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1458, 11/26/85


FNP-2-SOP-50.0, Revision 11


During a review of this procedure, it was found that the Waste Evaporator Feed Pump and Floor Drain Tank pump recirc valves were listed as " locked throttled" which was contrary to system drawings and the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR). Upon investigation it was found that " locked throttled" was the c'esired condition and that the system drawings and FSAR should be changed. Further, this revision changed the normal required positions for the following valves from " locked open" to " locked closed":

Waste Evaporator Concentrate Tank pump recirc valve Chemical Drain Tank pump recirc valve Laundry and Hot Shower Tank pump recirc valve Safety Evaluation: The purpose of the recirc path is to provide minimum flow protection for the pumps and recirc mi xi ng. According to startup test procedures, the recirc valves for all waste processing system pumps should have been throttled to obtain a nominal recirc flow sufficient for pump protection and recirc mixing.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1350, 2/8/85 5


EWP-2-SOP-50.0, Revision 11, KN 11C, KN llD


Changed the normal required positions for the Reactor Coolant Drain Tank (RCIrr) pump discharge manual isolation valves and the RCDT pump recirc orifice outlet isolation valve from " locked open" to " locked throttled". Having these valves in the locked open position has resulted in the RCIFT pumps exceeding design flow. Also, having the recire valve wide open was causing insufficient head for transfering tank contents through the discharge path.

Safety Evaluacion: We valves have been throttled to conform with pump design and pre-operational testing results.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1389, 5/14/85 PORC Meeting 1433, 9/17/85


INP-2-UOP-2.2, Revision 11


Changed this unit operating procedure to require that the residual heat removal (RHR) system suction isolation valves be open and have power to their operators removed when the reactor coolant system (RCS) cold leg temperature is less than 180 degrees.

Safety Evaluation: W is is to prevent a spurious isolation signal from closing these valves during RHR system operation resulting in isolation of the RCS overpressuriza-tion protection relief valves which are located in the RHR system. %e procedure included the necessary steps for restoration of power to the RHR suction isolation valves.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1332, 1/4/85 l



MD 85-1253


Installed "0.01" Beckman conductivity cells for measuring steam generator blowdown cation

' conductivity in existing sample lines.

Safety Evaluation: Wis change does not adversely affect sample system operation. We panel in which these cells are l

located is isolated during a radiological accident.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1456, 11/21/85 6


  • Subject. PCR/PCN 81-0-1037-1A-132 (SM)


Installed pre-action sprinkler system 1A-132 in auxiliary building room 107 to facilitate use of this room as an occasional ceabustible materials storage area. Also the room boundary was upgraded to a 3-hour fire rating.

Safety Evaluation: his design was evaluated for its effect on other systems and was found not to interfere with dr degrade other installed systems.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1443, 10/10/85


PCR/PCN 81-0-1037-1A-134 (SM)


Installed pre-action sprinkler system 1A-134 to cover auxiliary building rooms 601, 602, 603, 2601, 2602, and 2603 to facilitate use of these rooms for occasional combustible naterial storage.

Safety Evaluation: This design has baen evaluated for its effect on other systems and has been found not to interfere with or degrade other installed r>ystems.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1443, 10/10/85


PCR/PCN 81-0-1037-603 (B81-0-1037-603)


Upgraded rooms 601, 602, 603, 2601, 2602, and 2603 to be a ecmon 3 hour3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> rated fire area for use as combustible materials storage area.

Safety Evaluation: This design has been evaluated for its effect on other systems and has been found not to interfere with or degrade other installed systems.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1415, 8/1/85 I *


PCR/PCN 81-1167 (S81-0-1167)


Piping and associated. valves were added in order to connect the Unit 2 service water standpipe inlet to the fire pump suction header.

l Safety Evaluation: his addition provides a supply of water to the fire pumpc in case the fire protection storag; tanks are depleted for any reason snd has no adverse effect on service water system operation.

l PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1297, 10/9/84 l

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PCR/PQ4 81-2063 (S81-2063)


Added Atlas-Copco rotary-screa air ccmpressor to the conpressed air systen.

Safety Evaluation: We additicn of this new air crmpressor irgroves systen operation without degrading system safety.

PORC Revies: IORC Meeting 1146,8/25/83 PORC Meeting 1162,9/29/83 PORC Meeting 1219, 3/01/84 PORC Meeting 1272,8/17/84 PORC Meeting 1337,1/10/85 Subjecti ECR/PCN 81-2072 (S81-2-2072)


Added a standpipe and surge tank to the service water system in order to maintain backpressure without the use of throttling valves.

e Safety Evaluation: The staMpipe and surge tank are assumed to fail following a seismic event in which case se-/ ice water bypasses them ard is returned to the pond.

Adequate system backpressure is then maintained by resistance in the piping.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1287,9/18/84 PORC Meeting 1323,12/18/84


PCR/PCN 82-2216 (S92-2-2216)


Installed two wet pipe sprinkler systems (2T-5 and 2T-7) in the Unit 2 side of the turbine building.

l Saf6ty Evaluation: 'Ihis nodification minimizes the inpact of a fire fueled by a major spill of turbine lube oil, thus enhancing plant safety. % e design has been evalutted for its effect en other systerns and has l

l been found rot to interfere with or degrade other installed systerns.

PORC Review: POT Meeting 1310,11/8/84 PORC Meeting 1443,10/10/85 l

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PCR/PCN 82-2226 (B82-2226)


Modified annunciation circuit for loss of voltage tripping buses 2F, 2G, 2H, 2J, and degraded grid voltage tripping buses 2F, 2G to provide inmediate tstgeted information to aid in troubleshooting a tripped bus.

Safety Evaluation: his modification in no way adversly affects the safe operation of the plant.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1011, 7/30/82 PORC Meeting 1292, 10/2/84 PORC Meeting 1294, 10/4/84


PCR/PCN 82-2259.1 (S82-2-2259.1)


Replaced the 3A, 3B, 4A, 48, 6A, and 6B feedwater heaters.

Safety Evaluation: Copper in the original feedwater heaters is suspected to be a major contributor to steam generator tube denting. We new heaters utilize stainless steel tubes. We new heaters are designed to meet or exceed the old heaters' performance with the operation being similar.

Replacement of the feedwater heaters improves the system's performance without degrading system safety. Wese heater replacements are expected to assist in prolonging steam generator longevity.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1287, 9/18/84


PCR/PCN 83-2351 (B83-2351)


Upgraded the main control room work stations.

Safety Evaluation: Provides operations personnel with better access to procedures, computer console and greater visibility of the main control board.

1 PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1143, 8/16/83 l

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PCR/PCN 83-2407 (S83-2-2407)


Replaced the existing carbon steel service water supply and drain piping and valves for the diesel generator 2B air start system aftercoolers with stainless steel piping and valves.

Safety Evaluation: h is replacement will allow proper cooling water flow to the aftercoolers. his will reduce maintenance and operational problems associated with corrosion of existing carbon steel piping.

his modification will not reduce the integrity of the, system and does not constitute an unreviewed safety question.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1402, 6/25/85 PORC Meeting 1418, 8/8/85


PCR/PCN 83-2417 (S83-2-2417)


Replace the gland seal steam condenser (GSSC) tubes with stainless steel tubes and added a redundant vapor exhauster on the GSSC.

Safety Evaluation: his modification does not affect plant safety and increases reliability.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1275, 8/23/84


PCR/PCN 83-2-2418 (B83-2-2418)


Installed a flanged spool piece in each reactor ccalant system (RCS) loop drain line downstream of die last drain valve. his will allow for the spool piece to be removed and blank flanges to be installed in the drain lines at any time in case of seat leakage.

l Safety Evaluation: he addition of spool pieces in the RCS drain lines does not compromise the integrity of the RCS pressure boundary since the Safety Class 1 double isolation valves in the drain lines remain intact.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1266, 7/20/84 l

l PORC Meeting 1306, 10/31/84 i

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ICR/POJ 83-2419 (B83-2-2419)


Replace the existing letdown orifice relief valve Q2E21V255 Safety Evaluation: The letdown orifice relief valve has repeatedly opened ard failed to reseat during various plant evolutions involving the letdown orifices. 'Ihe failure of the valve to reseat causes unnecessary plant shutdcuns and delays in startup.

PORC Review: PORC Meetirg 1266,7/20/84


ICR/PCI 83-2442 (B83-2-2442)


Installed a Gamm-Metrics neutron Itonitor instrument with display in the hot shutcbwn panel room.

Safety Evaluation: This change carplies with the requirements of 10CFR50 Appendix R ard Regulatory Guide 1.97.

PORC Review: ICRC Meeting 1269,8/7/84 Subj ect: ICR/PCN 83-2-2449 (B83-2-2449)


Provided control capability from the hot shutcbwn panel for the following ca:pcnents:

Main Steam Isolation Valves W3369A, B, and C Ctr.1ponent Cooling Water Heat M -3047 Exchanger Discharge Valve Refueling Water Storage Tank ILV-ll5B, and D to Charging Punp Suction Valves Pressurizer Power Operated PCV-444B, ard 445A Relief Valves (PCRVs)

Pressurizer PORV Block Valves M-8000A, and B Reactor Vessel Head Vent W-2213A, B, 2214A, B Valves Seal Water Injection Valve ILV-186 Also, reactor coolant system Toold and condensate storage tank level indication was provided on the hot shutdown panel.

Safety Evaluation: These r:rxlifications comply with 10CFR50 App (ndix R and increase the safe cperaticn of the plant.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1292,10/2/84 11

. Subj ect: PCR/PCN 83-2-2467 (B83-2-2467)

FORC kview: PORC Meeting 1262, 7/10/84


Ihvircrraentally qualified the containment air cooler intake ternperature sensors.

Safety Evaluation: his change was evaluated for its effect on other systems art 3 it was determined that it does not degrade other installed systens.

Subj ect: PCR/PQi 83-2519 (B84-2-2519)


Mded ter.perature nonitoring systen to detect check valve leakage in the auxiliary feedwater system.

Safety Evaluation: his change addresses the issue of auxiliary feedwater pmp steam binding due to leakage of system check valves. % is change has been evaluated for its effect on other installe3 systems.

PORC Nview: P3RC Meeting 1269, 8/7/74 Subj ect: PCR/FCN 84-2565 (S84-2-2565)


Canged the thit 2 river water ptr:ps frtrn water to grease lubrication.

Safety Evaluation: his modification increases the reliability of the river water pmps which had been experiencing problens due to the use of river water, which contains suspended abrasive particulates, for lubrication of the pump bearires.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1402, 6/25/85 Subj ect: FCR/PCN 84-2652 (B84-2-2652)


btx11fied the bhin Steam Isolation Valve (MSlV) test cylinder arx1 associated hardware for MSlV O2N11V002A to correct problems beirg encountered with this system.

Safety Evaluation: his nodification does not affect valve weight, center of gravity, scismic calculations, or operwility of the valve.

PORC Mview: PORC bbeting 1320, 12/7/84 12


PCR/PCN 84-2-2656 (B84-2-2656)


Replaced existing flow sensing instrumentation in the battery room exhaust fan ducts.

Safety Evaluation: h e previously existing instrume$tation was in constant alarm. Se ventilation system was determined to have no design deficiency.' he purpose of the flow sensing instrumentation is to ensure fan operation but the actual pressure drop was too low to be sensed by the previrtsly existing instrumentation.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1356, 2/21/85


PCR/PCN 84-2678 (S84-0-2678)


Assigned TPNS numbers to eight thermostats which control the operation of the control room ventilation duct heating systems covering both units.

Safety Evaluation: his change assigns TPNS numbers to existing thermostats and does not degrade the safe shutdown capabilities of the plant.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1387, 5/7/85


PCR/PCN 84-2721 (B84-0-2721)


Modified the existing HVAC system for the computer room to adequately cool the room upon installa-tion of Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS) equipment.

Safety Evaluation: This design supports the implementation of the SPDS which is required by NUREG-0737, Supplement 1.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1311, 11/13/84 PORC Meeting 1387, 5/7/85 l

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PCR/PCN 84-2724 (B84-2-2724)


Installed a normally locked open valve in the normal charging flowpath at penetration No. 24 to facilitate the performance of Local Leak Rate Testing (LLRT) of this penetration.

Safety Evaluation: his new valve replaces several downstream valves as a boundary valve for the LLRT of the containment isolation valves for penetratien No. 24. Bis enhances the ability to perform a meaningful LLRT.

Since the val w will be locked open at all times, except during costing, there are no adverre effects on plant operation or safety.

. PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1323, 12/18/84 PORC Meeting 1325, 12/21/84



PCE/PCN 84-2778 (S82-2-2778) l


Installed differer.tial pressure gauges across each

! charging pump oil coolor to supplem nt existing pressure indicators in detecting developing oil i

cooler service water side plugging problems.

Safety Evaluation: he differential pressure indicators will inform I

plant personnel of developing cooler problems.

l his change will not degrade the safe shutdown

! capabilities of the plant.

PORC Review: PORC Ceeting 1306, 10/31/84


PCR/PCN 84-2824 (S84-0-2824)


Installed a vertical scale indicator to give local level indication for the demineralized water storage tank.

Safety Evaluation: A local level indicator was installed in the tank levpl transmitter circuit of the demineralized water storage tank due to the existing mechanical level indicator being broken and beyond repair.

Since the demineralized water system is not required for any safety-related functions, this change will not degrade the safe shutdown capabilities of the plant.

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l PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1387, 5/7/85 i

PORC Meeting 1457, 11/12/85 l

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PCR/Pm 84-2900 (B84-2-2900)


Modified the Main Steam Isola. tion Valve (MSIV) 02NilV002A stuffing box in order to minimize the force on the MSIV shaft that could prevent valve closure and relocated the MSIV position switches to reduce the ntunber of man-hours reqaired to calibrate the pocition switches. >

Safety Evaluation: his modification does not affect valve weight, center of gravity, seismic calculations, or the operability of the valve.

P0idC Review: PORC Meeting 1320, 12M/84


PCR/Pm 84-2-2952 (B84-2-2952)


Revised drawing D-206060 to show existing fire doors into cable chases 2249 and 2250.

Safety Evaluation: his is a drawing change only to accurately reflect the as-built condition.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1387, 5/7/35


PCR/PCN P4-2-3007 (B84-2-3007)


Replaced the existing main feedwater bypass control valve's trim circuitry with new equal percentage valve trim circuitry in accordance with Westinghouse reconsnendations for resolving oscillation problems with the feedwater control system.

Safety Evaluation: h is modification did not result in a " change to the plant as described in the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR)"; however, testing of the system during implementation involved a " test or e3periment not described in the FSAR." This testing involved the addition of temporary test equipment. Wis was evaluated and it was determined that, since no safety-related changes were being nade, i.e., the existing protection functicn> of these valves is maintained, this test is acceptable and has no safety impact.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1334, 1/7/85




PCR/PCN 84-3020 (B84-0-3020)


Removed the interlock mechanism on Motor Control Center (MCC) "F" cubicle door which tripped the MCC if the door was opened.

Safety Evaluation: This design change was accomplished within the aplicable electrical codes and standards. his change prevents the loss of safety-related loads if the cubicle door is inadvertently opened.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1408, 7/19/85


PCR/PCN 84-3021 (B04-0-3021)


Renoved the interlock mechanism on Motor Control Center (MCC) "G" cubicle door which tripped the MCC if the door u s opened.

Safety Evaluation: his design change was accomplished within the applicable electrical codes and standards. his change prevents the loss of safety-related loads if the cubicle door is inadvertently opened.

PORC Review: .PORC Meeting 1408, 7/19/85 PCRC Meeting 1434, 9/19/85


PCUPCN 84-3028 (B84-2-3028)

Descriptica: Updated drawing D-205009 sheet 3 to show pressure indicator isolation valves PVGV-1, PVGV-2 and an argon isolation valve downstream of the argon cylinder pressure control valve and upstream of the drierite filter. Also assigned TPNS numbers for these valves.

Safety Evaluation: %e indicated changes to drawing D-205009 sheet 3 l

are needed to correspend to the actual system design.

PORd Review
PORC Pyreting 1387, 5/7/85 I

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PLVPCN 84-3038 (B84-2-3038)


Locksets on several Unit 2 doors were changed.

Safety Evaluation: his change involved no unreviewed safety question.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1387, 5/7/85


PCR/PCN 85-3092 (S85-2-3092)


Changed drawing D-175042 sheets 1, 2, 3, and 4 to show processing waste water via the Disposable Demineralizer System as the primary method of waste treatment.

Safety Evaluation: his change is made to update drawings for normal method of operation. It does not impact the safe operation of the plant. his change does not constitute an unreviewed safety question.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1400, 6/18/85


PCR/PCN 85-3155 (B85-2-3155)


Since automatic control is not used on service water to component cooling water heat exchanger valves 02P16V3009A, B, and C, the controller cards for each loop, except the final driver cards, were removed.

Safety Evaluation: This change did not involve an unreviewed safety question.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1408, 7/19/85


PCR/PCN 85-3162 (B85-2-3162)


Realigned the containment venting system manual isolation valve from "normally closed" to "normally open".

Safety Evaluation: his change does not impact the design of the system with respect to any of the system design bases including containment isolation. Wis change eliminates the need to make a " reentry" during postulated accident conditions to manually open this valve to allow containment venting for hydrogen concentration control.

PORC Revicw: PORC Meeting 1405, 7/9/85 17


PCR/PC2185-3176 (S85-2-3176)


Revised Drawing D-205042 sheets 2, 3, and 4 to change the required position from locked open to locked throttled for recire valves 02G21v028, V062, V071, V128, V099A, V0998.

Safety Evaluation: We purpose of the recirc path is to provide minimm flow protection for the pump and to allw for recirculation mixing of the tank contents. It is not necessary to have the recire valve fully open to provide adequate pump protection, and with the valve throttled, there is still sufficient recire flov for tank mixing. 'Ihis modification does not impact the safe operation of the plant.

his modification does not constitute an unreviewed safety question.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1400, 6/18/95


PCR/PCN 85-3252 (S85-2-3252)


Corrected inaccuracies in drawing D-200189, Fire Protection and Detection Systems.

Safety Evaluation: This change was evaluated for its effect on other systems ar ' was found not to interfere with or degrade oth installed systems.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1457, 11/26/85


Steam Generator Primary Side Tube Retrioval


A steam generator tube was reroved (partially) for testing using procedures for which the following Westinghouse safety evaluations were applicable:

Steam Generator Primary Side Tube Removal f TIG II Tube Relaxation Field Procedure l " Hands-On" Machining of Steam Generator Tubes l

Weld Repair of Steam Generator Tube / Plugs l

Steam Generator Barehole/ Tube Plugging by Gas l' Tungsten Arc Welding I Mechanical Weld Dam Plug with sleeve Safety Evaluation: Wese procedures were reviewed and determined not to involve an unreviewed safety question.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1356, 2/21/85 PORC Meeting 1358 2/23/85 l 18 l

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R34C44 Partial Tube Removal Condition



During the last refueling outage, actions were taken to remove steam generator tube R34C44 on the hot-leg side of steam generator A for the purpose of investigating the significance of eddy current examinations. Mcwever, the tube could be only partially removed.

Safety Evaluation: We remaining portion of the tube and the adjacent tubes were plugged. Westinghouse performed an analysis of'this partial tube removal condition that demonstrated the tube bundle integrity for operation until the next scheduled refueling outage at which time an assessment of the condition of the adjacent tubes will be made.

PORC Review: PORC Meeting 1359, 2/25/85 l

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GO-1G-1, Rev. 6 Procedure Develorrent


This procedure prmides guidance for writing a general office procedure.

Safety Evaluation: his revisicn to the precedure reflects ranagment changes made to the offsite stpport organiZatirn.

PORC Review: N/A


GO.-NG, Rev. 4 Organizaticn and Responsibilities


This procedure decribes the general organization and respcnsibilities of the offsite surtort organization.

Safety Evaluaticn: his revision to the procedure reflects managenent charv3es made to the offsite support organization. ,

pORC Review: N/A


GO-NG, Rev. 2 Master Bid List Input


'Ihis procedure provides guidance for adding vendors to the Mastar Bid List.

Safety Evaluation: This revisicn to the procedure reflects ranagenent changes made to the offsite support organization.

PORC Review: N/A


GO-E-4, Rev. 3 Specification Review


This procedure prevides guidance for reviewing equipnent specificat.icns.

Safety Evaluation: This revisicn to the procedure reflects managenent charges made to the offsite support organizaticn.

PORC Review: N/A P I


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", St/ ject: G>-N3-5, Rev. 2 Environmental Manitoring


This procedure provides guidance for conducting an environmental monitorin(3 pr(grare.

Safety Evaluatiot; This revisian to the procedure rsflects mmgaaent changes made to tM offsite support ots3anization.

PORC Review: N/A


GO-10-9, Rev; 3 Plant Services Approved Suppliers List Doecription- This preceiure provides guidance far develcping and

rviintaining a Plant Services 1.ppmved suppliers List.

Safety Evaluaticet: This revisicn to the procodore reflects tranagaent chvges roetde to the offsite support organization.

PORC Review: N/A f

Sobject: GO-NG-12, Rev. 9 Prcarownt Doarmnt Control


This proceduro provides guidance for traintaining cxantrol of equipment procurement doc.2 mentation.

Safety Evaluation: This revisicn to the procedure reflects unagarrent ,

ches made to the offsite support organization.

PON: Redes: N/A Subject; GO-NC-22, Rev. 3 hintenance SuppUrt Conioct of Opera'ticn


This procedure describes the resinwibilities of the maintenance support ortgerdration.

Safety Evaluation: This revision to the procedure reflects rinnagemnt changes made to the offsite eupport organizatien.

PORC Review: N/A i

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G)-NG-33, Rev. 5 Operational Procuremnt Interfaces


This procedure describes the interfaces between Nuclear SuIport, Safety Audit and Engineering Review and the Purchasing Department required for procurement related activities.

Safety Lyaluaticn: 'Ihis revision to the procedure reflects managenent changes made to the offsite support organization.

EORC Review: N/A


G H G-44, Rev. 2 Inservice Inspection Descriptiont this procedure provides guidance for conducting an inservice inspecticn program.

Safety Evaluation! This revf.sian to the prcx:edure reflects management changes made to the offsite support organization.

4 PORC ReW ew: N/A


GO-t M S, Rev. O Technical Support conduct of operations Dascription: 'Ihis procedare describes the responsibilities of the technical support crganization.

Safety Evaluation: 'Ihis procedure reflects managesmnt changes made to I the offsite support ortganization.

ECPC Review: N/A l

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' Malling Address i Al;bama Power Comp:ny 600 North 18tn Street

[' # Post Office Box 2641 l

B rmingham. 35291 Teiephone 205 783-6090 R. P. Mcdonald Senior V.ce Pres: dent F0ntridge Bu:tding L "' " , j) ,

March 31,1986 Docket No. 50-364 Dr. J. N. Grace, Administrator U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II, Suite 3100 la a, eor a b303

Dear Dr. Grace:

Attached for your review is the annual report required by 10CFR50.59 for 198S. This report summarizes changes to the plant performed in accordance with the provisions of 10CFR50.59 for Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant Unit 2. Also, in accordance with 10CFR50.59(b), 39 additional copies are provided for your use.

If you have any questions, please advise.

Respectfully submitted, e


( )4 / '


/ vlh R. P. Mcdonald RPM /JLO:ddb-06 Attachment cc: Mr. L. B. Long Mr. E. A. Reeves Mr. W. M. Bradford Director, Office of Inspection and Enforcement, Washington, D.C. 20555 Document Control Desk Wasnington, D.C. 20555 l

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