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Preliminary Control Room Assessment
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/1981
From: Boynowsky V, Gonzalez W, Seidenstein S
Shared Package
ML20126H723 List:
NUDOCS 8104200357
Download: ML20126H724 (200)


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l u INSYSE LOUISIANA POWER & L1GHT 44, ocaRoNoe smn P o box 6008 . NEW ORLEANS. LoulSIANA 7o174 . (So4) 366-2345 j l D L ASWELL ' April 15, 1981 u, ,,,, .%, , . W3P81-1102 3-A1.01.04 3-V59 I Director of Nuc1 car Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 SUBJECI: Waterford 3 SES Docket No. 50-382 Control Room Design Raview Gentlemen:

Enclosed you will find 10 copies of a report entitled, " Preliminary Control Room Assessment". At a meeting with members of your Human Factors Branch on

'g April 1,1981, LP&L was advised to submit this report so that the staff would

,g  have a basis for addressing Task Action Plan Item I.D.1, " Control Room Design",

in the forthcoming Safety Evaluation Report. l 1 As part of LP&L's response to the accident at TMI-2, a preliminary control room review was performed by'some of our operators and our consultants from December 20 through 31, 1980. At that time a working document was prepared. This document was intended to serve three purposes:

1. Describe the degree of control room commitment and construction status.
2. Provide a basis for the planning of future control i room human factors efforts.
3. Identify areas where humcr factors enhancements will need further analysis.

The direction given to our human factors consultants and reviewers was to identify all possible discrepancies considering even the most trivial impact on operator reliability, so that appropriate planning could be conducted in the f ollow-up activities such as systems review. The report includes photographic documentation of discrepancies that may be  ; considered generic to the Waterford 3 control room. The original photographs  ! are available for your review if you require them. , I i I i

I I W3P81-1102 Page 2 I Furthermore, subsequent to our April 1 meeting, three supplements have been added to the report: Supplement A - Implementation of Enhancements Supplement B - Changes'already made Supplement C - Several updated control room photographs At the time of our meeting, LP&L expressed our intent to submit Supplement A on June 1,1981 in order to support the first SER supplement. Supplement A represents our commitment to address the findings identified by the prelimi-I nary review. Upon review of the findings, we have accelerated this input and added Supplement B which describes the corrective actions we have taken to date. , I If you have any questions or vish to meet again and discuss our human factors efforts, please advise. It is hoped that the enclosed report will permit the NRC staf f to comment on the control rooms. Yours very truly, I e x % e' D. L. Aswell Vice President-Power Production DLA/RWP/dde Enclosures cc: L. V. Maurin, F. J. Drummond, R. W. Prados, M. Farr, R. K. Stampley, W. M. Alphonso, J. Costello, W. M. Stevenson, E. L. Blake, D. B. Lester, I J. G. Edwards, D. Tondi, R. Ramirez, S. Black, Central Records I I I I I a

Before the UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION DOCKET No. 50-382 In the Matter of Louisiana Power & Light Company CONTROL ROOM DESIGN REVIER iI Louisiana Power & Light Company, Applicant in the above captioned proceeding, hereby files a report entitled, " Preliminary Control Room

As s es smen t".
I Wherefore, Applicant requests the licenses specified under Docket i No. 50-382.
Respectfully submitted, LOUISIANA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY 1

By , d l D. L. Aswell Vice President-Power Production I i DATE: April 15, 1981 1I I I I


                              ) SS PARISH OF ORLEANS )

i D. L. Aswell, being duly sworn, states that he is Vice President-Power Production of Louisiana Power & Light Company and that he is authorized on the part of said company to sign and file with the Nuclear l Regulatory Commission this amendment.

                                                      .        D. L. Aswell
I i

g SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me, a Notary Public in and for.the Parish and State above named, this ') h- day of ju,.,,/ e g j. 4 [' ' h ,. / ,/ l '/ e . ,. Notary Public I My Commission expires: j . lI ,!I

I ll I

I I _ _ _ , -




1. Operator's console 11
1. Display Elements 14 5 2. Locations of Panel Elements 14
3. Labelling and Display Conventions 15
4. Annunciators 19
                       . General Arrangement                               19
                       . Locations of Windows and Legends                  19
                       . Readability                                      2D
                       . Audible Alarm                                    22
                       . Annunciator Controls and Labels for the Controls 22
                       . Alarm Logic                                       22
                       . Fire Protection Systems                           22  I i

I - l l




!g       IV. UPGRADE /BACKFIT ILLUSTRATION CP-13, CP-1             29 i



OF SUCCESTED FUTURE EFFORTS 45 Supplements (Following Photos) A. Implementation of Enhancemento A-1 j

;g           B. Changes already made B-1 i5 E

I !I I 11


I LIST OF FIGURES In Text Figure 1 Review Activity I Figure 2 Figure 3 Control Room Layout, Locating Annunciators Annunciator Viewing Angle Af ter Text I Figure FAl General Arrangement of Control Room i Figure FA2 Figure FA3 Figure FA4 General Arrangement of Control Room Profile of Control Board Profile of CRT Display in Control Board j Figure FA5 Plan View of Control Board Figure FA6 Plan View of Operators Console Figure FA7 Plan View of Alternate Console Arrangement for Operators' Console l I 5 I I I 3 I iii I i

I I 1. INTRODUCTION l I The outcome of the Control Room Design Review effort must support plant licensing. Many human engineering evaluations will be dependent on analytical I e f forts conducted in conjunction with this ef fort. Other human engineering evaluations depend more directly upon application of reasonable existing human factors design guidelines (MIL-STD-1472B). To detect areas of significant human factors impact, two basic questions need I answering:

1. Are all the required controls and displays provided? l This requires functional analysis of plant processes and events leading to establishment of control / display requirements and to I specific Controls and Displays. These analyses must include normal and of f normal operations.
2. Are there any significant Control Room / Control Board discrepancies?

] This element is basically an application of MIL-STD-1472B type

,               design guidelines and task level analyses to evaluate the system for Ig               detailed hardware design and other issues such as functional lW              arrangement of subsystem groupings, communications capabilities,
.               excessive task load, and interoperator activity.

Whatever discrepancies are discovered, it then becomes necessary to delineate I j design solutions, and to develop a basis for evaluating their adequacy, feasibility and cost. It is apparent from the overview conducted to date that many design tradeoffs and decisions were made and that there is a high level of consistency and organization reflected in much of the control board design. They constitute efforts which are very similar to those which would be conducted by human i factors personnel. If documentation existed it would substantiate the design approach and would reduce the level of effort required on new related analyses.

I 1


I 4 1 ~t II. SCOPE OF THE PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT I Th e e f fo rt documented herein was conducted by two human factors consultants, with the aid of two EBASCO Staff engineers one familiar with plant operations, instrumentation and computer, and the other primarily responsible for the Control Board Design in this plant, with an excellent understanding of plant ,I systems. The activity basically followed the pattern shown in Figure 1. Initially a four day long review of the control room was conducted, and various documen-tation studied. Detailed discussion of many issues took place with EBASCO and LP&L Personnel. A limited number of operator interviews were conducted. Photographs attached were taken and delivered to a commercial photographer for processing. Drafting of report sections initially occupied the next 3 days in 4 parallel with development of paste up panels for CP-13: panel graphics were added to the board on day 8, anticipating review and comments by plant staff. Day 9 was used for additional report writing and data review. A last visit to the plant was made on day 10 with all remaining time devoted to report prepar-1 ation. The report itself should be considered as an initial overview which attempts to cover the range of human factors concerns. In some areas there was an opportunity to examine issues in considerable detail. In others the treatment was superficial, and in some we did no more than identify potential concern. I At this level, the ef fort provides a perspective of the issues that might be raised by an NRC Human Factors Review as per NUREG-CR1580. I I I E 1 I 2





I The major shortcoming of the entire effort is the lack of (or unavailability to us at this time) of analytical bases for design decisions. We feel that a great deal of systematic thought has gone into the Control Board Design, and it saould be documented. It will be essential to support any deviation from I the " Human Factors guidelines," through presentations of these rationales and tradeoffs. I A review of this first control room assessment has raised many questions or issues to be considered in subsequent effort. These issues are listed in Section V. I in the course of conducting this study, the EBASCO staff noted a number of board deficiencies i.e., labels, color inserta on switches etc., many of which

<   were errors in installation. These will be corrected. (Refer to Supplement B)

Photo documentation is intended to provide a record of status of board development, identify details of discrepancies and probletas, show the potential for upgrade, and provide a basis for a before and after comparison

<I  to support licensing.

As a final effort, this report contains a list of issues and concerns, together with an assessment of their potential impact. It is to be understood l that this represents an initial judgement based on the described effort. Potential modifications must be assessed by the engineering and operating I staffs. I I I I I I '

I I III. FINDINGS I The implementation plans for those Items identified by superscript are discussed in Supplement A. I A. FACILITIES AND ARRANGEMENTS

1. General Arrangement I Figures FA-1 and 2 show the general arrangement of the control room and the adjacent computer facilities, emergency living quarters and the I protected environmental areas.

The control room area measures roughly 65 feet wide by 87 feet long in its two longest dimensions. The area containing the control panels measures about 36 feet wide by 31 feet deep and contains the supervisor's office and the desk consoles. The main control board is arranged as a nonsymmetrical wing shape and is approximately 50' 4" long I measured on the vertical panel surface. (CP-18 to CP-8). The side panel is 33' long (CP-13 to CP-14). The operator's console is set within this area with an aisle of 6 to 7-1/2 feet wide between it and the main control console. This console is 13-1/2 feet long at its front edge. The operator at this console I will be seated 12 to 13 feet from the closest main ranel areas. The supervisor's office is a "D" shaped enclosure. The supervisor will be seated approximately 30 feet from the center of CP-2. I Figure FA-2 shows the dimensions from key points in the control room to l the various panel surfaces. These distances indicate the need for substantial movement from one location to another in order to see and I then operate systems. Based on a brief check, using visibility of annunciator legends as an index, we estimate that the operator can be no more than 10-12 feet away, and perpendicular to a panel to read these .I I 4

I I legends. When standing at the panel he will be able to resolve details on the annunciators no more than 5-6 feet laterally. This distance may be somewhat reduced wilere tne viewing aspect angle is decreased by the I ving shaped board. Any operator behind the console will not be able to resolve detail but only general locations of annunciations, changes in positions of some switch indicator lights and colors, and perhaps some general meter positions. Labels and scales will not be readable. This will necessitate moving up to the control board. I Distances are such that inter operator communications may be difficult if noise levels are high. (MIL-STD-1472B gives inter operator speaking distances for various sound power level or noise criteria values as they relate to communication accuracy.) Noise levels will be affected by the ~ hard surface of the walls and floors. Personnel traffic will also issue. I Because the functional systems are in some cases split up to be event oriented (e.g., some on CP-8, some on CP-1, some on CP-13) there may be times when much travel is required between panels or where coordination between operators is needed. The arrangement and content of CRTs can help if they contain the right information, but the controls are still spread apart. I 2. Kitchen and Lavatory n small toilet and kitchen facility are located on the periphery of the control room for the operators use. These are behind the side console I (CP-13 CP-14) and have docts. Some alerting or call mechanism is needed to communicate with operators in these rooms . It is not clear what provisions if any will be made for eating within the control room. i 1 I l 1 I '


3. Storage Facility I At present the only indication of storage facilities for procedures, documents shown on the prints is a 2-drawer file cabinet in the

'I operator's console. It is probable that there will be substantial 1 i documentation to support operations. These will be in the forms of procedures and various prints (P& ids etc.). Storage facilities are needed for these, as well as a work surface on which to review them. , There will also be substantial miscellaneous documentation. It would be advisable to have a work surface where material could be spread out and # I reviewed by several people at once.(2) It will also be important to provide a procedures laydown space when working the board. A roll around cart (on order) seems desirable.

4. Supervisor's Of fiee Location of the supervisor's of fice in the control room is a good ide.a.

I The of fice shape is awkward f rom a space utilization point of view. The half octagonal shape seems necessary to provide access clearance to the control room from the main entrance. There would be a 6 feet clearance f rom the edge of the of fice to the corner of the fire alarm panel. The of fice side parallel to the plane of CP-9 and CP-2 appears designed to maximize visibility of those two panels. Because of the interaction I of oprators and supervisor the location of the office door on the side away from the control area may necessitate a great deal of extra I travel. More direct access seems desirable ( .

5. Access to Control Room No information was obtained regarding plans for access to the control I room. It is not advisable to burden the operators with control of is advisable to limit access (4) to tnose necessary.

access, yet it Presence of the equipment racks within the control room (e.g. , CP-22, l j e LI

I 10, 50, 44, 46 etc.) suggest major activity in the control rootn, probably involving I&C technicians. Control rooms frequently become congregating places and this should I de finitely be avoided. Traffic may flow from the main entrance door to the diagonally opposite corner neer CP-4. Such cross traffic should be avoided. I 6. Location of Computer Printers I At the present time, three hard copy printers are located behind CP-50. This location is out of the main control area, and is relatively poorly lighted. The printers are enclosed in large sound insulating cabinets. We suspect access to these printers will be awkward and time consuming. Acquisition of quiet printers located near the operators console should be considered. Hard copy records are often useful. A CRT hard copy device woald be quite helpful.(5)

7. Access to Computer Room Access to the computer room may occassionally be necessary. Operators may need to bootstrap start computers when no other staff is available.

Some power distribution operators are trained to perform this function

 .g when no other staff is available. Some form of voice communication 5 should be provided between the control room and the computer room      .

Operators should also be able to interact with the computer staff to describe display and other operational problems as well as review suggestians for CRT Display changes. 8. I Traffic Patterns Traf fic through the control room was mentioned as a potential problem. . Some means of limiting access to the central area is recommended. .g

i I l

  ~I    Perhaps this can be accomplished by designating the area parallel to CP-13 -14 up to CP-18 as a walkway but restricting traffic beyond this point. This may also be maintained as an uncarpeted area to reduce wear.    (Shown shaded in Figure FA-1). Area reserved for operators is shown shaded.


1. Habitability / Functionality There are numerous small details which contribute to functional ease and habitability. Concerns with where to store personal belongings, hats, coats, eating space, storage within the kitchen area, paper and supplies etc. as well as general comfort and aesthetics are minor individual items but in the aggregate make a marked dif ference. Provisions for local power for calculators, desk lamp, etc. should be considered.
2. Control Room Environmental Specifications Temp - Winter 70F
              - Summer 75F 4

Relative Humidity - 50* Airflow approximately 39,000 scfm I Noise - diffuser selected with NC-38 criteria I 3. Decor I Floor 12 x 12 antique green vinyl K-47 I Walls ceramic tile 4 x 4 #945 tuscany pearl I American Clean Tile Co. Door, frames trim Darle Brown Benjamin Moore #18-107 I lI 8 lI

I I 4. Lighting I Control room lighting consists of (1) a 4 row bank of fluorescent l fixtures mounted above the benchboards, along the entire board, (2) ceiling mounted 4 tube fluorescent fixtures, (3) emergency incandescent fixtures. I Power supply to che lights was designed to power each half of the fluorescent fixtures from a separate supply and the incandescents from I batteries. At the time of this review no ceiling panels had been installed, and no louvers were in place over the fixture.s . The light levels with all fixtures on was judged to be high. Louvers will reduce this somewhat. Witn half the fluorescent tubes off, the light level was judged adequate. We are not aware of any control for adjustment of light I levels. (Note by Editor: Lighting, can be adjusted from 100 fc to 75 fe, 50 fe, or 25 fc illumination of work surface. ) In our experience, we judge the fully lit room to be unusally bright. It is probable that there will be problems with light level relative to CRT viewing and tnat level could be reduced without impairing visibility. I The unlouvered fixtures are clearly glare sources on meter and chart recorder faces. In other control rooms this is a typical problem, even when louvers are in place. We anticipate glare problems on the CRTs. Vertical mounting, as planned, should help to reduce glare. The installation of glare hoods may be necessary. Additionally, tilting the upper CRTs may help. I -It is of concern that the supervisor's office windows will provide a source of reflection and glare which may impact CRT viewing.(9) I I ' l' 9 I l

I l I I 5. Acoustics I No specifications for control room noise environment were available except. for the specification on NC levels for ducting, I i Potential sources of noise are from: I a) air movement particularly fans and blowers I b) personnel , I c) alarus, annunciators, phones d) external equipment (noise passing through doors). There are fans in equipment racks behind the control board, and positive pressure fans on the rear of the control boards. These units are all ~E

     ***"  '"* * "    '  """ "*    """'     '*d"****"*'*"

I W noise. There are blower vents on the lower portion of CP-13 and 15 which may be noise sources. There is no way to estimate noise from personnel and traffic at present but control of access to the control room is strongly recommended. 4 The full complement of alarms, annunciation, and phone bells was not I available for review. The termination of the annunciator warning af ter 3-5 seconds is s noise reducing feature. It is probable that alarm

,   levels could be reduced if the environment is reasonably quiet in practice.

I The hard surface finish of the room may be a problem not only from an I aesthetic but from an acoustic point of view. Specifically, we refer to tile walls and hard vinyl floors. We expect the control board panel surfaces, glass walled supervisor's office and tile walls to be harsh and possibly have unacceptable reverberations. I . 10

I- l As mentioned previously there will be long distances between operators and overall NC values (noise criteria curves) will have to be low to permit accurate communication over distances of more than 6-10 f t. Human Engineering data is available for specifying NC levels. j We believe the control room snould be carpeted and the walls treated to reduce reflected noise and glare. This will have a substantial impact on habitability as well. The area shown shaded in Figure FA-1 should be a minimum carpeted area.(10) 6. Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning I Nominal temperature specification seems acceptable. C. CONSOLE AND WORK DESK CONFIGURATION

1. _0_perator's Console Figure FA-6 depicts the operator's console, and a plan view of the elements upon it.

It is assumed that the operator can slide his chair I along this console or sit at a central position and rotate his chair. The basic height of the work surface from the floor is 30 inches. The acceptable range is 20-30 inches. Keyboards placed on the console should be slanted about 15 degrees up from horizontal and the keys I should be between 26 and 31 inches above the floor. Unless the keyboards are recessed they will be too high. The operator computer interface section provides only minimum desk surface adjacent to the CRTs, more is probably needed. There is minimal drawer space. The display locations seem to be offset to the right with regard to the keyboards. The display screens appear to be only 18 inches from the i console front edge so viewing distance will be adequate. Viewing over the CRT turrets may be a problem. There may also be glare problems from i I 11 4

the supervisors office area. Access around the console may be trouble- j some. If a radiation monitoring terminal is added then it may be advisable to reconfigure the console and desk surfaces to 2 units each with CRTs and adjacent writing surfaces. This may be accomplished by extending the wings of the console and creating a center passage as j shown in Figure FA-7. This could also be done without the desk surfaces on the ends, thereby reducing total size. Too large a console may create additional obstructions. I 2. Main Control Board Figure FA-3 shows a profile through a conventional section of the panel while Figure FA-4 shows a similar view through a section with CRT displays. Basic anthropometric data from human factors literature are over laid on these views. The two issues concerned are viewing geometry and reaching geometry. As shown on page WA25 of NUREG 1580 the optimum field of view is 30 directed down from the horizontal eyeline. For the average standing operator, eye height from the fle'.r is approximately 64 inches. Nominal viewing and reach distances are usually given as 28 inches with specifi-cations for dimensions of objects viewed increasing as viewing distance increases. l . l I . I  ; I 12

I I In Figure FA-3 the eye point is shown at 64" high and 4" back from the l panel edge. The shoulder point has been estimated at 53" high and 12" back from the console edge. The arcs drawn on the figure represent the I 28" viewing distance and the 28" reach distance. Neither of these intersect the panel surface indicating non optimum placement of control and displays. Viewing distance may be extended if display element size is increased. Controls may be reached as far as 45" with body bending. This is the estimated maximum distance from the estimated shoulder point to the vertical panel surface (at a point horizontal from the shoulder straight ahead). Elements on the panel up to a height of 63" above the floor fall into this range. Elements on the benchboard are easily reachable with existing panel I geometry. Also shown on Figure FA-3 are locations of typical highest meters 4.nd recorders. Meters are above the optimum display area. Because of their surface scale curvature upper portions of the scale may be difficult for shorter persons to see. This is compounded by glare off meter surfaces. The highest located recorders on the board are partially within the optimum viewing area and are slightly above the maximum reach envelope. Paper changing will be conducted with the recorder slid forward from tne panel bringing it to a better reach location. Recorders located lower down on the panel should present no problem. E Several pushbutton functit ns such as trip and think buttons, and buttons requiring simultaneous actuation with right and left hands are in the maximum reach area. They are finger tip operated, providing a somewhat longer reach, and they require only discrete operation. E On the CRT sections of the board, Figures FA-4 and FA-5, the center of the upper CRT falls somewhat above the average horizontal line of I sight. Both CRT screens are contained in the range of +12 to -30 around the horizontal but at a distance which exceeds the naminal 28" viewing distance. I I

I The keyboard will be located on the benchboard section while within the 28"-45" range use of the keyboard will necessitate bending and reaching for most operators. This is probably acceptable as long as continuous use of the keyboard or the entry of long strings of numbers is not I required. D. INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS HARDWARE

1. Display Elements The arrangement of display elements follows a horizontal linear order I with meter at the highest level and chart recorders below them, Gener-ally there is not a good relationship shown between associated displays I and controls. Good association is proviued through lighting of switch elements and small meters located above valve controls which give feedback on actual valve position are directly related to the control action.

I The meter arrangement is basically logical, that is, by system or plant function but seems to contain both primary and secondary parameters in the same cluster. There is also a mixture of parameters, flows, pressures, temperatures, levels, gas concentrations, presented together without any easily noted distinctions. Long arrays of adjacent meters I with varying scales are notoriously hard to discriminate.(12) , The critical functions of steam generator control should be highlighted and the relationship of meter chart recorders, and control elements clarified.

2. Locations of Panel Elements Panel elements are arranged with annunciators on the upper Board section i tilted forward 20 degrees. Immediately below, arranged horizontally are meters (6" vertical scale).

I 14

I I Generally below these are chart recorders. Control switch elements may I be coincident with chart recorders but are generally lower. Control j units which require manual continuous control are located on the bench-board vhere possible. There are exceptions to these location conventions, the described I arrangement generally corresponds to good human engineering practice in 4 assigning displays to visual areas, and controls to easily reached k areas. Annunciators are somewhat nigh for the legend size. i 3. Labelling and Display Conventions Label locations are described in detail below. There is no hierarchical i labelling.( l Color Codes process flow is interrupted - Breaker open, valve / damper closed, GREEN : pump / fan is o f f, etc. RED: Process flow is in operation. AMBER: Presence of abnormal condition is detected on 7 kV/4 kV equipment. l WHITE: Status / Operational Indication: Specific message on white screen f (includes all annunciators). I In general this conforms to accepted industry practice. Labelling of Control Elements Several labelling locations are used.( 2 E 'l 'E

I a) Engraved in the lower half of control switch which has integral indicating lights. b) Engraved on separate plates and attached below the control switch which I has integral indicating lights. c) Engraved on a plate that is placed between the control switch and its indicating lights. 4 d) Either engraved on the switch lower segment that does not provide light feedback or placed on engraved plates located below the control switch without indicating lights. e) On dual indication vertical meters the bottom la' bel is associated with the right hand scale markings. The top label is associated with the le f t scale markings. On CMC type control switches that have two devices associated with the W control, the primary device label is placed below the switch, the secondary device label is engraved in the lower half of the control switch. A special convention is used for devices that must have disabled control l systems during normal operation. The indicator lights are NOT engraved. The upper portion indicates status of a device when control power is available, 'I the lower portion indicates status of a device when the control system is disabled. Switch and Indicating Light Conventions J There is one basic switch and indicating light assembly which uses microswitch l model CMC devices. Type 1 The basic device has a 3 segment faceplate with the upper left quadrant colored green, the upper right red and the bottom half white. The center knob is used for operation. The red and green f I "

4  ! segments are backlighted, tne white is not. The white segment is used for l labelling. The basic module has various control actions as appropriate for the control design. The options used are:

1) two position maintained (315 , 45 )

o o o

2) two peeition momentary (270 , 90 spring return to center 0 )
3) three position maintained (270 , 0 90 )
4) three position momentary and maintained:
                     '270 maintained, spring return to 0 from 90 momentary
5) four position maintained.

4 Type 1A Tha first variation of this basic station is the type used for breaker control on 4 and 7 kV switchgear. The lower white segment is replaced with an amber backlighted segment. This segment is still used for labelling. The amber light indicates the breaker has tripped due to operation of automatic protection systems. The use of this light is congruent with LP&L's convention, i Type IB The white lower half is lit as a status advisory providing context for the upper red / green status indication e.g. , " Water Detected". i Type 2 When two devices are operated by a single control switch (such as tandem valves) and the status of both devices is important (such as extraction valve and reverse current valves on one heater), the i lower white segment, normally used for labelling, is replaced with the second controlled device's indication. The labelling of the switch is done with engraved nameplate placed below the switch. The i top segments indicate the primary device as indicated on the label, < , the bottom segments indicate the secondary device and may have that devfce legend engraved on the bottom segments if it cannot be inferred from the basic label. l t g 17 K l

2 4 8 Type 2A A variation of tnis arrangement occurs when the switch is required l l to be key locked. In this case the key operated switch is placed ' immediately below the lamped microswitch indicator and the device legend label is placed between the control and the key switch. When i this arrangement is use.d the indications are engraved with the device legend. Type 2B A variation is made for those valves or other devices which must be I locked in position and de energized during normal operation. In this case the indication lights are NOT engraved with the device legend, the key operated switch is located below the indicators with a label fixed between the switen and the indicators. The indicators contain four lights. The upper half red and green indicate status of the valve when the control system is available and the control switch active. During tnis phase the lower indicating lights must De out. When the control system power is disabled, the upper lights i must go out, the lower light must energize indicating the position of the device and also indicating that the device has been disabled. Type 3 This arrangement is for mode selection between two automatically positioned devices. When the red is in the upper position, this means selection will cause that " train" to become energized or active as per the normal color convention. When the upper half is

            . green, selection will cause the train to de energize as per the I

green convention. Red and green appear in both upper and lower halves following convention. A left turn of the knob selects the A or 1 automatic device at the top. A right turn selects the lower half display for the B or 2 device. Type 4 Whea. 1.i ght indication feedback is not provided, a different control I switch is provided. On Ebasco designed systems, the switch is a microswitch PTK-PTS. On vendor supplied systems the switches are larger and. visually distinct and are sized by the vendor in accordance with contact number and arrangement. { 1 l 18 l


t 8 Type 4A When the switch is used for "more" or "less" function it is spring returned to center and feedback is provided through meter indica-tions. "Less" appears on the left, green indicator, "more" on the right, red indicator with corresponding knob rotation. Type 5 Ebasco supplied push buttons: Trip and Think push buttons are protected and red colored. Other push buttons are unprotected and black (annunciator buttons). 8 Order of Labels on Switches, Meters, Recorders i Position hierarchy is (1) left to right, top to bottom (2) clockwise increase or on, counterclockwise decrease or off. This applies to switches, meters and recorders, and conforms to good practice.

4. Annunciators General Arrangement Figure 2 shows the control room layout and the location of annunciator elements by panel. Specifically indicated are (1) annunciator boxes (2) auditory horns (3) response push buttons also shown are the relation of push buttons to annunciators e.g. , which buttons silence which annunciator.

Locations of Windows and Legends Initially the annunciator boxes were displaced toward the right because of the larger number of indications required for CP-13,18,1. This offset the annunciations,from its related control panel. Af ter review of content , legend and arrangement of all annunciator windows by several LP&L operators and EBASCO it was decided to add two one-half size annunciator panels to CP-1 above the existing console, and relocate the proposed windows. We are I informed that this was done to operator's satisfaction. The added annunciators will be less easily visible because of height from floor and consequent increased viewing distance. 19 18 I


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n .
I gi

It was stated that there are approximately 1400 annunciator windows, 1200 of which are used. The annunciator structure (e.g. number of windows, row by l column size and physical configuration in 3 high blocks) constrains the arrangement of annunciator windows.  ! l We carefully reviewed annunciator A on CP-13 in conjunction with a panel upgrading evaluation, and concluded that the logical arrangement was excellent. Discussion of some changes demonstrated the existence of two alternate logical schemes, and the one chosen is in fact preferable. On a sample basis this could indicate consistency and order in other l W annunciator units we did not evaluate. Re adabili t y Main annunciators are Panalarm units with individual windows measuring 7/8" high x 3-1/4" wide. Each is lit by 2 bulbs and has a black border approximately 1/8 inch wide minimum. Legend size specifications were not I available but are approximately 3/16" high x 7/8" wide for characters; 3/32" between lines. I Annunciator windows were highly visible when lit in the fully lighted control room. l Three observers viewed the lit and unlit annunciators by adjusting their W viewing distance forward and back until the legend was clearly resolvable. The table below shows this data: I I ig 20 E

8 Viewing Distance (In) . -Annun Observer Condition \ S.S. V.B. S.B.S. D D LIT '116 130 139 128" UNLIT 96 104 100" " Observer 4 i Note: SS & VB wore glasses Annunciators were also observed while flashing and there was no change in the i viewing distance at tne alarm flash rate of 3.6 per second. They were somewhat harder to read at the " return to normal" flash rate of 1 per second. I Of fset viewing was assessed by determining the maximum lateral distance along the board at which one observer could resolve the annunciator legend. Figure W 3 shows the viewing geometry. Figure 3 Annunciator Viewing Angle i Vertical Board l l bN 8  ! N N 31" I \ N N N 8

,l                           l y     <    76"    >

N g N 60o

12. ,

Panel Edge

                                                              \'N lg3 k Observer's Eye This observer was able to resolve detail on an annunciator displaced 76 inches laterally and at a line of signt viewing distance of 85 inches. This observer was viewing with head rotated. The viewing angle relative to the line of sight normal to the panel was approximately 60 degrees. This same observer was able to resolve legends straight ahead at 139 inches. Thus viewing at this aspect angle reduced viewing distance by 85/139 or to about 61 percent.

I I 21 5

I i b l Audible Alarm I Annunciator alarms are Panalarm Novatone units with minimum ranges of 80 db at l 10 ft and a max of 100 db at 10 feet . They were clearly audible. Separate annunciators are associated with CP-18(2), CP-19(2), CP-8(1) and CP-1(1). Tonal patterns on the CP-18 annunciators (safety related) can be varied. Separate location of annunciators around the board permit reasonable associa-tion of tne auditory alarm and the related visual display. B. Annunciator Controls and Labels for the Controls The order and consistency in labelling needs correction. Photographs 40A through 40G show the annunciator controls arrangement and designaticas. I Alarm Logic I When a deviant condition occurs the alarm sounds for 3-5 seconds and the annunciator flashes at approximately 3.6 flashes /second, or cycle per second (CPS). The auditory extinguishes automatically. If the alarming condition persists the annunciator light goes steady when the operator acknowledges. When the condition is fixed annunciators flash at 1 CPS. The operator then clears / resets the condition and the window extinguishes. If a transient condition exists, the flash rate will go to 1 CPS upon operator acknowledging, assuming the condition has cleared before he responds. He then g resets / clears as above. Fire Alarm Systems No information was obtained by observation of the logic, response characteristics, or auditory alarming of the fire alarm annunciators system. The specified fire alarm system characteristics are given in Table 1. The fire siren is characterized by a 2 CPS slow rise and rapid fall in the 500-600 Hz range. 22

7 lI 1 lI With reference to NUREG-CR1580, listed below are the visual and audible annunciators in the control room for the following systems. Table 1 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM lW Component Visual Audible l FPE-3 l i I . Low Air Pressure Indicator RED-Steady On Pulsating shrill horn *-87db @ 10 feet Trouble Indicator Amber-Steady On Steady tone shrill horn *-87db j @ 10 feet l l KnCP Fire Indicator RED-Steady On Pulsating shrill horn *-87db @ 10 feet l Trouble Indicator Amber-Steady On Steady tone shrill horn *-87db

                                                       @ 10 feet Power on                         White-Steady On   None l    Suppression / Sprinkler System Activated Indicator       Green-Steady On   None 1

[ Gate Valve Closed Indicator Blue-Steady On None Low Air Pressure Indicator Amber-Steady On None (Reaction Sprinkler System) l Table 2 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM l Component Visual Audible MRCP Fire Pump Available Green-Steady On None J Fire Pump Running RED-Steady On None

  • NFPA codes require audible tone to be at least 85 db at 10 feet and a means

! of silencing horn must be provided.

    *r RED was chosen since this indicated a fire condition and NFPA codes rsstrict use of RED to Fire indications only.


 ,                                              23

E. PANEL GROUPINGS AND ASSOCIATIONS overall, it became apparent that much thought has been given to providing logical meaningful groupings of panel components. A sense of symmetry is reflected and it is obvious that the requirements for channel separation, as well as structural strength requirements presented constraints-Because analyses of specific functions and relationships were not w rmitted to an adequate depth during this review, generalized comments only are provided. l l l Areas of concern are' l 1 o Lack of visual relationship between controls and associated displays. (e.g., benchboard controls and vertical panel meters and/or recorders) o Some mirroring of sub groups as on the feedwater panel. i o The apparent concern for symmetry and/or alignment of elements enforces a " disassociated" placement of some elements as on the safeguard panel. The use of various graphic and labelling techniques can be applied to make functional groups stand out to the operator. The graphics applied to CP-13. " turbine supervisory and start up panel" presents an example of highlighting the existing good organization of panel components. Lines of demarcation, only, were added to CP-1 "feedwater - steam generator panel". These lines demonstrate both the lack of a good associated grouping of elements and are an indication of how graphics can alleviate that


condition. Refer to photographs 9 and 10. Thorough analyses and application of graphics is recommended for each of the control board panels.( l I ' ( 24 1

I y, COMMUNICATIONS i No functional / operational data was available. Instruments, etc. , are not installed with one exception, sound powered maintenance communications. I Phone jack panels are installed centrally on the bottom face panel of each CB wing. This is an awkward access location; Jack labels are difficult to reed, position 12 apparently corresponds to the use of a select switch case. Because of the bottom location, use and reading of this switch position is difficult and subject to error. G. OPERATOR OBSERVATIONS AND COMMENTS Operator inputs to the control room review were made in the form of 1) walk around review with Wayne Smith sud Jim Comeaux and 2) review of discrepancy reports (CIWAs) produced by Jim Comeaux. u The discrepancy reports are limited since they werc based on an incomplete control board and did not reflect operating experience. They represent physical rather than functional concerns. At this level of experience they fall into four basic categories: 1) labels

2) meters 3) controls and 4) board arrangement.

Labels The largest number of comments concerned labelling and indicate the following types of problems: a) mislabelling I b) lack of label c) inadequate label - d) violation of convention l e) illegible label f) confusing label arrangement. l i



I I Meters Meter problems indicated were: l a) glare / visibility problem


b) labels which come off or can be switched I c) d) obscuring of scales on dual power meter relation of meters label to scale on dual meters

;      e)     use of " vertical" scale orientation on horizontally placed meter lg f)     lack of indication in appropriate panel area (start up rate only on protection panel)

Controls Switches o Switch labels are hard to read due to low contrast glare on cover plate small letter size, and poor grouping of legends. o Switch position conventions, and label and color code conventions ~ were not clear. o The logic and arrangement for keys on keylock switches was not understood. o excessive force is required on the keylock spring return rotary

'I switches.

Annunciators In order to replace lamps on annunciators, a 3 window module must be removed from the front. Once done, bulb removal and replacement is reasonable. Problems noted: 'I o the 3-window module is " Snapped" on very tightly, so that a special tool is required. Surface scratching is expected.

I 26

I I o Once removed, the window lenses are not held securely within this frame, so that they fall out easily. There remains a high I probability that a window lens will be replaced in the wrong frame, and/or dropped and damaged. I The potential error seems significant and calls for a fix.(15) l l 1 I Trend Recorders Access to recorder is generally good. A cursory review of recorders indicates the need to review scales to ensure: o Correct scales are installed o Compatible scales are used (e.g. hard scale paper scale window decal scale) I The same general scaling described elsewhere needs review as per o NUREG-CR1580. Because of the small window, there appears to be a need to ensure that adequate time and recorder speed capabilitics are provided. The use of I one common recorder across all panel functions implies the need to review these factors.(16) I Board Arrangement A number of instances were pointed out where there was a wirror image arrangement of switch positions. This occurred where there vera related parallel systems. Instances were shown on the turbine start up and feedwater panels. There was a reversal of A and B switches on the Boron Control Panel. Panel was A-B, selector switch was B-A.( "} I On the Reactor Control Panel the order of the rod position annunciators appears inverted, e.g. I I

!I' j Hi Insert Hi Withdraw Lo rather than Lo s

Hold Hold i

! LO LO Hi Withdraw Hi Insert I lI. . lI i l lI 1 I !I 1 4 g

s il 4

4 I

           .      . - - . .          _ . . _       ,           -        __ _._._ _ __ ___________________ _ ____ ___                                                       - _ _ - . . _ - ~ .

I IV, UPGRADE /BACKFIT ILLUSTRATION CP-13, CP-1 i l Two panels were examined in some detail. One was the turbine atart up panel and the other CP-1 contained condensate, feedwater, steam dump, and main turbine elements. A. TURBINE SUPERVISORY START-UP PANEL, CP-13 A detailed review of this panel was conducted to develop a specific evaluation and provide an example of enhanced labelling and group demarcations. System schematics and bill of material lists were reviewed with assistance from the panel designer. A simplified system schematic was generated, addressing only the system components on the panel, and then relating this to the panel lay-out. Approximate accuracy only was attempted in order to demonstrate the

 = methodology in achieving a rational set of panel graphics and comments.

Overall, a coacern for HFE issues is shown by the logic of element sequenceo which generally follow system flow and by the grouping of elements in logical groups. Also, there is a consistency in the rules for display schemes. 4 half scale paper paste up of the panel was made in order to rough out the lI i graphics and l'abeling scheme. A photo of this paste up is shown as Photo. 56. Following the paste up temporary panel labels and graphics were placed on the CP-13 in the control room and reviewed by the operator supervisor for comment. The panel is shown in Photo 10B. The principles, represented are:

1) Demarcation of Functional Group Grouping of components by subsystem or common function provides a first order aid to location and identification. It provides a means of group dif ferentiation from a field o f similar appearing elements. This is j especially important where elements are laid out in an equidistant mat-l rix.

I l 29

 .I                                                                                l I    2) Hierarchical Labelling I       Major and minor groups are generally labeled, ensuring a clear I

denotation of subsumed components. Letter size, positioning, and use of graphics are utilized. This technique allows concise labels, avoids labeling redundancy, and enhances quick location and identification of components, through the ability tv emphasize the unique identifier for , each component. I 3) Labelling Above or to the Lef t of the Component I All labels should appear above the designated component or on the left as an alternative.

4) Appearance I A sense of balance, symmetry, uniformity, and generally good appearance is important to match up with perceptual functions of people, this I includes the avoidance of excessive graphics which can cause clutter and/or confusion. People tend to impose order on their visual world,
    ,    and any aids which can be provided eases this information processing load.

I 5) color I The use of " color" should be minimized. In this example, black is used. Any use of non neutral colors should be consistent with the control board color coding scheme. Too much color is distracting and  ; defeats a primary purpose of highlighting critical elements. I 6) Standardization l I The example attempts to standardize the connotations of the graphic elements, e.g., large lettering and wide lines for major groupings. I 3e g

il 1 Evaluation o f CP-13 ' 't An indication of some HFE conversions are given at this time. A more thorough review for specific resolution alternatives needs to be conducted. l

 .I      1)    Annunciator Parel

~I This panel is very well organized into meaningful groups and logical sequences but these groups are not clearly identifiable. Photo 10B l shows the use of lines of demarcation. Annunciator panels are discussed in Section III D4. !I a

2) Nomenclature and Abbreviations Inconsistency and apparent deviation from expected or stereotyped terms I

were noted. For example: a) Inconsistent teference to some equipment: Term Location

MS Drain Tank 1A Control A-17 MSR SHELL DR TK Ann 0401 iW l REATER SA 6A Nameplate B44
INL & OUT VAS LP HTRS ISOL VA Ann 0908 il b) Deviation from expectation stereotype  !


I-NOR DR VA Switch A15 1

ALT DR VA Switch A15

I (1) NORM is expected abbreviation for normal I


8 I (2) ALT (Alternate) conveys " optional". Apparently, the intended use is as Back-Up or Emergency; if not , at least " Secondary". I (3) Labelling for the MSR Drain Collection Tanks, Controls A13-A20: USED PREFERRED I DCT 1A Al I

  • 2A IB A2 B1 2B B2 I The repeated designetion is pre ferred first , forming " groups",

followed by subelements. The result is quicker identification and reduced probability of error. I 3) Layout Schemes While each group is organized, a selected scheme is not consistent across groups, eg, controls A22-A32 are laid out to present a top-to-bottom sequence corresponding to parallel heaters (A-B-C). Heater groups in series are presented le f t-to right (1-2). Controls l I A34-A56 are laid out in reverse logic i.e. , A-B-C paralle l heaters , left-to right; 3-4 5-6 heater groups, top-to-bottom. , 1 CP '., Feedwater, Condensate, Steam Dump Area General Arrangement I CP-1 contains a number of system elements basically running from the generator out on the lef t to turbine control to steam generator and feedwater pumps and related systems on the right. While the generator /switchgear, and main turbine control are fairly clearly delineated, the organization of the remaining systems could be improved. I l 32

I i l The basic panel arrangement is constrained by total size, separation criteria, I seismic criteria, and the basic use of a uniform matrix of positions to lay out panel elements. This forces the panel elements into a grid arrangement l which does not permit easy functional or sequential arrangement. Additionally criteria of adjacency demand the proximate location of related subsystems. A photograph of this panel is shown in Photo 9A. A more detailed view is presented in Pnoto 9B. I The major, centre.1 portion of the panel contains the feedwater pumps. To the left center are the steam dump controls. In the lower right the condensate system, central right, hydrazene and ammonia, and upper right, temperature and cooling water. The upper left portion is the main turbine reheat. The upper portion also contains turbine auxiliary functions. I , The feedwater controls are arranged in two columns for pump A and B running


from oil and turning gear on top through pump drive, and feedwater three element control. An organizing principle that might have been applied would functionally relate systems (which has been done to some ertend but relate this in board topography e.g. I GENERATOR - TURBINE - STEAM DUMP - STEAM GENERATOR FEEDWATER FLOW - FEEDWATER PUMP - CONDENSATE Feedwater System I Within the feedwater system the relationship of elements is reasonably well I organized. The top down order has been used to place the control element closer to the operator. No attempt was made to provide detail labelling on subdivision on this panel but it clearly is not as systematically laid out as CP-13. I I 33

4 I !I j The two panels described represent two points on a scale of possible 4

g e nhanc ement through surface changes such as graphics and labels.

lW ! Some questions concerning relocation of elements have been discussed. Specific answers must await Task Analysis. !I 1 i i, 1 +I } !I 5 lI s !I !,I s !I 4 i 4 !I !I !I ) 4 i 34

I n

_ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . v _ - -- - -- , . - , - - - - - -


v. tssus-W Layout Philosophy:

Two primary layout philosophies are reflected. Layout by functional subsystems, and layout by event oriented panel groups. I In other words start up CP-13 and safeguards panel can be considered evolution g or event oriented while remainder are system function oriented for use under a

W ' variety of operating conditions.

The goodness of this division can be established by analyses, evaluating the task sequences for various evolutions to substantiate this design decision. I Are Required Controls / Displays Available? I Detailed scenarios must be conducted to establish whether all necessary control and displays are provided. Displays can be partially supplemented by the CRTs, but what of controls? J Is the CRT/ Computer Required to Operate the Plant? (Editors note: The plant computer has no safety related function, and is currently being considered for the SPDS function.) If so, how reliable? For how long can computer system be down? For what

)      conditions or modes would this apply?

Relationship of Computer /CRT displays to Hardware C/D What is ratio of information on CRT vs. hardware? What is relationship or W controls to information on CRT, eg, control display relationship?

I  ;

!I Integration of CRT/ Computer with Control, Board

I Operating CRTs call for control action which should be integrated with control

. actions, i.e., sequences, locations, conventions. Those actions may need to

.      be determined through extension of scenarios to timeline task analysis.

What is plan for computer /CRT alarm / annunciation?

Basically same question of C/D integration, sequence and time lines.

4 l l What are Human Engineering Guidelines for CRT display Format Design?

.I Since CRT will be a major man machine interface, consistent Human Engineering guidelines will be necessary to support display development.

j In addition, the structure of the data base, the "menuing" and access logie 2 "' must be examined in terms of time and error considerations. !I 'f ,I

!I f

!I I !I 36

I I VI. RECOMMENDATIONS. DISCUSSION OF Pil0TOCRAPilS Summary Evaluation Caution I It seems clear that the degree of potential impact will very mong individual I life deviations. The assumption is that, generally, each must be reviewed to weigh its impact value in order to catablish priority for change. A caution in this area relates to the systematic systems integration perspective which must be retained. I 1. Changes to existing conventions are recommended. I 2. Once established they must be maintained. A cnange, there fore, to an individual component - because of significant impact should not violate the adopted conventions. In ef fect, the decision to change one may, in fact, mean changing many. Restated, we recommend against piecemeal fixes in lieu of system - iitegrated modifications, first tested and evaluated. I Labelling - General I Recommended e f forts:(19) I 1. Develop a glossary of terms for standard use i e . g. , "Eme rgency" vs " Backup" vs " Alte rnate".

2. Review all control / display labels for appropriateness of labels.

Emphasize specificity and functional meaningfulness to an operator.

3. Develop a glossary of abbreviations for standard use.

I Control Labelling The labelling on the control shown in Photo 20 is confusing. 37

I I 1. How many selection positions are there?

I 2. Apparently, an instruction " Push" appears as a selection option
I Meter Labelling IE 1. By convention, meter labels appear at the bottom where two
 ,                parameters are displayed the le f t scale is labeled at the top; the right scale at the bottom. A problem arises because single sceles

are designed for a left side pointer.

I The esult is that lef t' side pointer scales are labeled on the g bottom (for single parameters) or the top (dual parameters). These
 $W               conventions are incompatible.
2. Labels should be complete and functionally meaningful. This requires that both the component and the component parameter be shown, as well as parameters units of measure. Photo 32 illustrates this deficiency on the " Cool Wtr Header" meter.
3. Scaling factors There is little consistency apparent for the use of scale factors.

s Differences may appear on a dual parameter meter, e.g.:

'I 0 - 10 x 100      (1000) 10 - 100 x 10       (1000) 1 Controls and Displays
I Meters
 ,I    Mcters uniformly deviate from HFE criteria. While some examples indicate a I high probability for error the present brief review has not allowed an evaluation of the potential impact en operation. Key meter design criteria is listed:

g ,,


1. Label above tne meter
2. Pointer with high contrast, touching edge of scale l
3. Index marks and numbers on opposite side from point

{ 4 Pointer should not overlay any labelling 2 i 5. Scale graduations in units of 2, 5 o- '.0 to facilitate interpolation

6. Pointer should " peg out" within visible display area

,g 7. Clear differentiation (neavy and thin) between major and minor index 5 marks. Photos 43 through 55 show several deviations from the criteria, in particular: o Scale graduation. Many are difficult to interpolate o Lack of clear differentiation between major and minor index marks o Labels below meters - keeping with designed convention o Confusing scale combination for dual meters compounding the devia-tion from criteria above. Some tradeoff options are available. Dual meters, howevet, should share an identical scale. (A lg' recommended display is illustrated.) Meters should be combined only 5 where an operational advantage is gained by their functional correspondence and where a scale can be shared. Additional deviations from good HFE practice are discussed in other sections. These are:

  ,       1. eigh p1acement e ..ters I                                                                                     l 1

I 3' l 1

I i lI - above good reading height 1 a convex meters, especially, causing parallax problems in reading

2. Groupings poor grouping in general with misleading associations or disassociations l


3. Control Display Association .

Little positive indication of association between meters and related controls

4. Re flec t ion Much reflection of meter faces controls The majority of controls are micro switch components, shown in Photos 18 to
23. Several uses and coding conventions are utilized, which are explained in ]

another section. 1

1. Labels Labels for controls have been placed below the component or on the  !

lower half. In either case, this deviates from good HFE practice. g 2. Bulb Replacement im Access and manipulation for lamp replacement is good. No problems

 <g             are seen.

I I 40 2 4

3. Conventions Many conventions have been followed related to display configuration for the controls and the way they indicate their specific operation I and function. There are exceptions and there are too many of them.

The result is probably operator confusion even after learning the conventions. Simplification is needed along with the use of other operator cue factors. Differences among current conventions are subtle and confusing.(12) I 4 Shape / Color Coding . Shape or color is a typically recommended scheme for control I differentiation and provides a preferred supplement and substitute for some existing conventions. o momentary versus fixed position controls are undifferentiated. I o " hold" for actuation versus momentary - I (touch and let go) controls are undifferentiated. o l Valve controls are undifferentiated from breaker controls, etc. Several options are available: I 1. use of shape coding, such as handle or wider grip surfaces for momentary and/or " hold" controls 2. Bezel color; various neutral bezel controls can provide differentiation

3. Control grab; color coding I '

I ' 41 I

- l While no measurements were made it appears that torque requirements -

especially on spring loaded controls may be too high for the small knob.

This can be alleviated through knob replacement or " sleeved" knobs with enhanced gripping provisions. l l

l Indicators l Re fer to Photos 24 to 29. l l An adequate evaluation was not possible because of the lack of indicator i illumination and lack of operational data to evaluate needed reading distances and panel locations. l Legends, in general, seem small but were readable when standing at closest . 1 panel position. Many indicators have split red / green - lighting when lit, this could cause readability problems caused by the split-field contrast. Some indicators are placed on square panel windows, appearing identical to push-buttons. No convention is provided to differentiate indicators from push-buttons. I L Past observations in control rooms indicate there may be a problem relating to heat generation of the small indicators which rotate for bulb replacement. l j Yellowing of the lens and difficulty in lamp replacement due to plastic ! distortion caused by heat has been experienced in other plants. I 1 ! I j Actuation Safeguards l 1

1. No problems are observed in control design which could cause I accidental activation. One exception is at the bottom of CP-13.

This is expected to be a high traffic area with the potential use of carts, carrying test equipment or printer supplies. The toggles on the lower set of instruments might be accidentally switched although i the significance of this may be minor unless breakage / damage occurs.


42 I

7 1 l I 2. Several safeguards are provided against inadvertent or " unthinking" l i actuation. These are:

o. use of key locks I o. use of "think" button
o. requirement for dual actuation (2 channel and series)

I o. use of cover plates. This mixed use is considered excessive, Cautions in this area are:

1. There are 3 different kinds of locks, requiring at least as many keys - if not more.

E g Where will keys be kept? How will they be controlled? How will they be marked for differentiation? How many keys for the same lock will there be? How many other keys will there be? How differentiated? I Quick response requirements under stress could lead to significant problems. I 2. We recommend against the use of the "think" button. The problem that arises with this use is that in time, modifications occur. These are the result of a plant incidents and thus, the added function is considered "significant" or safety related. Accordingly, the "think" function is expanded to include the switch. In one plant, operators routinely press the "think" button for all actions I on the panel, because they lost track of which were subject to "think". The purpose is defeated. Secondly, the operator who knows its use routinely, will press "think" just as routinely.(

3. Dur.1 actuation buttons are coded red for trip actions, black for actuation safeguards. The philosophy for reactor protection safeguards is a 2 out of 4 (2/4) requirement for actuation.

I Safeguard actuation buttons are placed for channels A&B (dual action I  ! l 43

E I required) on the Reactor Protection panel and C&D (dual action l required) on the safeguards panel. The result is an actuation 8 requirement for 2/2 thera being only 2 channels available at one location.(21) 4 1 Safeguard actuation push buttons are well aligned on the Reactor Protection Panel for easy dual function association. (Photo 12) On the Safeguards Panel this 'same set is not easily paired. The two channels are placed in two groups while positions within a group are matched, potential error can occur resulting in non actuation until the correct pair is located. (Photo 13) l Labels on the latter set of identical appearing controls are uniformly engraved with little visual contrast. Abbreviations are very similar: i SIAS, MSIS, CSAS, CIAS (CCAS to be removed) The potential for misselection seems high.(22) I 4 Spring clipped, clear cover plates are a recommended option tor safeguarding controls. Various color / graphic techniques are i available for appropriate coding. The combination of graphic / color coding and cover should provide an adequate think stop gap for the operator while eliminating unnecessary interruption to his thought process under stress ful conditions. I I I l l l 44

I .g . VII.


OF SUGGESTED FUTURE EFFORTS o Establish chronology of analyses, evaluations, prioritization data gathering, etc. That is systems perspective / integration with I appropriate PERT type time-lines. l o Meetings with vendors of Control and Display (C/D) elements to develop cost / engineering / time impacts and evaluate fix alternatives. o Develop approach for settirg limits / banding and similar display requirements which must be determined during and af ter start up. o Establish a team e f fort with discipline representation and primary integrator to ensure lead times and integrated trade offs.

.g            o  Develop talent / expertise requirements for performance of required 4 W                analysis, (e.g., start up sequence), to perform analytical evaluations. Establish controls and schedules for analyses.

o Establish an interface and continuing integration effort with HFE for computer /CRT software development. l o Establish a set of normal and off normal scenarios for operational

  =               analyses.

o Perform scenario / task analyses to establish C/D requirements without computer participation and again with computcr/CRT integracion. Establish modes, etc. for computer /non computer use. Develop CRT data and format requirements and interface schemes. I o Continue "1580" surface review to detail deviations. Develop component-by component detailed listings of all C/D elements. I i  ! I ,

i .E 43 e Perform more comprehensive review of control room environmental 1 fe at ure s . l l l o Establish a system for development of and evaluation of alternative fixes for HFE/1580 discrepancies, which must incorporate all

relevant factors, such as feasibility, cost, schedule, operational impact, and acceptability to NRC.


o The operating staff must be active participants in all aspects of I* these analyses and evaluation of alternative fixes. Operator acceptance is critical.

1 5 it !I !,t it


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I I Supplemer.c A - Implementation of Enhancements I The following topics relate to items discussed in Sections III, IV and VI. I Findings and recommendations are provided to indicate their implementation i 1 l iI plan. l (1) Call Mechanism in Control Room toilet and kitchen facilities LP&L will address this requirement through staffing and administrative procedures. f W (2) Work Surface LP&L will investigate the amount of work space required during a Task Analysis program and provide the work space in the appropriate location based on that investigation. (3) Supervisor Office Door Location LP&L will verify the present location for the supervisor's office door E during the Task Analysis program performed to satisfy NUREG-0700. !I

(4) Access to Control Room Control Room Access is a TMI related item and is addressed in Waterford-3 Plant Operating Procedure OP-100-001 entitled " Conduct of Operations." l


I .1

!I 1

I I (5) Hard Copy Devices (CRT and printer) I As part of the program to integrate the plant computer and the Safety Parameter Display System into the control room man-machine system, the

   'I.      needs of the operator for hard copy devices will be investigated,          j (6) Computer Room Communication Ib          Both a private line on page system and a commercial telephone are E

available, which provides convenient communication to the computer room, if required, (7) Traffic Patterns l Control Room Access is a TML related item and is addressed in Waterford-3 Plant Operating Procedure OP-100-001 entitled " Conduct of Operations."

I (8) Outlets in the Control Room A convenience outlet will be provided for the operators at the operator console.

(9) Glare Problems

  .I        The glare problems will be reviewed upon completion of the control roon lighting and supervisor's office.

1 (10) Control Room Carpet LP&L will install carpeting as recommended provided that fire protection and insurance requirements are satisfied. I i l l A-2 l I ,

I I , (11) Console and Work Desk Configuration 1 The console / desk was not in place at the time of this review. A more thorough investigation of its use will be performed as part of the control room review done to satisfy NUREG-0700. .I (12) Demarcation - Device Association - Labelling The issue of display and device coordination will be addressed during an extensive demarcation and labelling effort scheduled to begin in June 1981. i

 =   (13) Annunciator Push Buttons The relabelling and rearrangement of the annunciator push buttons is in progress.

I (14) Phone Jack Labels Importance of this finding will be determined during the Task Analysis program performed to satisfy NUREG-0700.

,I   (15) Possible Interchange of Annunicator windows LP&L operation group will provide a scheme to address the window lens concerns.

l (16) Recorder Scaling and Chart Speed Recorder scaling and recorder chart speed versus time display require- l ments will be reviewed during the Task Analysis program performed to

g satisfy NUREG-0700.

,g -I

I (17) Boron Control Board Arrangement Selector switch is being revised to provide A-B operation. (18) Board Arrangement Reactor Control Panel Rod position controls will be analyzed during the Task Analysis program I performed to satisfy NUREG-0700. !I 4 (19) Glossary Stendard glossaries axist, the terms will be compared with an operator selected glossary and legends will be modified accordingly. I i (20) "Think" Pushbutton The use of the "Think" button is a long standing LP&L standard as well as an Ebasco standard. There is sufficient evidence to indicate that abuse of this convention is not a problem within LP&L. It is operator preference to provide this function. (21) Dual Actuation LP&L will require Ebasco and CE to investigate the technical aspects of

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this finding and will require further ansivsis of this operation during  ! 1 the Task Analysis program performed to satisfy NUREG-0700. il !I I I " I

'I i iI (22) Alignment of Pushbuttons 7 3 This correlation problem will be addressed during the Task Analysis program with demarcation or grouping enh.ancements expected to be applied. l i l i ) i i I . 4I 1 s lI !I 4 i iI


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r i fl SUPPLEMENT 3 4 CHANGES ALREADY MADE lgl 5 1 lI i i II , i I , I I t ll

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I I Supplement B In addition to the preceding commitments to continue investigating Human Factors enhancements to the operator man-machine interface, a continuing engineering review of the control boards has generated a significant number of changes. These changes are already being implemented. They are based on both { operator and engineering concerns and range in complexity from simply l correcting vendor errors to complete rearrangement of operator control 'I stations. The method by which these changes are introduced is through a document known ae Design Change Notification. A short summary of some of I i these DCNs is given here as indication of the continuing effort. Date Number Impact 12/23/80 383 Re-engraved annunciator window to correct legends 1/16/81 386 Relocated ten control switches providing more logical grouping of f the control station. l 2/19/81 427 Replaced name plates on various panels as requested by CIWA 810405 (LP&L field request).

I 3/6/81 432 Additional switch rearrangements and labelling in response to HF recommendations.

I" 3/18/81 453 Provide A-B operation of Boron Pump selector (Item 17 of Supplement A). B-1 I .

                                 . SUPPLEMENT C UPDATED CONTROL Room PHOTOGRAPHS (3 PHOTOS) l l

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