IR 05000293/1987058

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Insp Rept 50-293/87-58 on 871220-23.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Containment Integrated Leak Rate Testing & Preliminary Results Evaluation
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 02/17/1988
From: Joe Golla
Shared Package
ML20147C508 List:
50-293-87-58, NUDOCS 8803030102
Download: ML20147C535 (7)


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Report N /87-58 Docket N ,

License No. OPR-35 Licensee: Boston Edison Company- ,

800 Boylston Street Boston, Massachusetts 02199 ,

Facility Name: Pilgrim Nuclear Generating Station Inspection At: Plymouth Massachusetts Inspection Conducted: December 20_-23, 1987 Inspector: s;MM [ 7/df'

geph K. Golla, ReacYor "

Engineer '

ca'te i Approved by: Q. N .

Or. P. K. Eapen, Chief E/I7/W date



Spec W Test Programs Section, EB, DRS -

Inspection Summary: Routine unannounced inspection of cor.tainment integrated leak rate testing and preliminary results evaluatier, on December 20-23, 193 (Report No. 50-293/87-58)

Results: No violations or deviations were identif W . The inspui.e did '

however note deficiencies in the area of adminis'.rative control of test l I

activities with regard to procedural sign-offs, !nadequately detailed test log >

of events, and lifted electrical leads not restored for the test which had +

impact on the test. A hardware problem noted was a dismounted pressure gage on a section of HPCI turbine gland seal leak-off piping which allowed for water leakage upon containment pressurization. These deficiencies constitute t

an unresolved item (UNR No. 50-293/87-58-01).


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! 8803030102 080223 PDR ADOCK 05000293 PDR i f




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Details 1.0 Persons Contacted

  • J. Alexander, Operations Manager
  • R. Barrett, Deputy Station Manager
  • J. Bellefeuille, Onsite Safety & Performance Group Leader
  • M. Brosee, Outage Manager
  • J. Busa, Test Engineer (Stone & Webster)
  • Desmond, Sr. Mechanical Engineer-Acting QC Group Leader
  • Lunn, Sr. Compliance Engineer
  • Manderino, Sr. Test Engineer
  • Parry, Sr. Test Engineer (Stone & Webster)
  • Roberts, Nuclear Operations Manager
  • Schifone, Sr. QA Engineer
  • J. Seery, Technical 5::t'** "- 2:e*

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission

  • J. Lyash, Resident Inspector

"Indicates those present at the exit meeting on December 23, 1937.

The inspector also held discussions with other licensee employees during the inspection including operations and technical supports personne .0 Containment Integrated Leak Rate Testing 2.1 General Ouring the period December 20-23, 1987, a periodic Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test (CILRT) was conducted at Pilgrim Nuclear Gence:.;ng S;tticn, as required by 10 CFR 50, Appendix J. The test was conducted with containment isolation boundaries in an "As-Left" conditio The test was performed in accordance with Station Procedure No, "Primary Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test,"

Revision 4. The inspector reviewed the test procedure and witnessed preparations and various portions of the "As-Left" CILR The purpose of this inspection was to ascertain that the CILRT was conducted in compliance with the requirements and commitments re-ferenced in the follawing sections, and that the test results met the acceptance criteria specified in the station procedures and Appendix CFR 50. The procedures were reviewed for their technical adequacy to perform the intended activitie .


3 2.2 References

Pilgrim Nuclear Generating Station Technical Specification *

10 CFR; Part 50, Appendix J, Primary Reactor Containment Leakage Testing for Water Cooled Power Reactor *

Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR).

ANSI /ANS 56.8-1981, Containment Systems Leakage Testing Requirement *

USNRC I&E Information Notice No. 85-71; Containment Integrated Leak Rate Test .3 Documents Reviewed, Primary containment integrated leakage rate test preparations, Revision *, Primary containment integrated leakage rate test, Revision *

BECO quality control inspection reports various covering the CILR *

Calibration reports for CILRT instrumentatio *

Local Leak Rate Test result .4 Administrative Control of CILRT and Procedure Review The inspectors reviewed procedural sign-offs, the CILRT Log, and the Main Control Room Daily Log to verify that:

Test directors were designated and their responsibilities were clearly define *

The procedures were adequately detailed to assure satisfactory performanc *

Test prerequisites were me *

All systems required to maintain the plant in a safe condition were operable and in their normal mod *

/11 required plant parameters were being recorded on at least an nourly basi .


. 4 The inspector noted that in several cases procedural sign-offs were entered late, and brought this to the attention of the licensee. The inspector noted also that the degree of detail of entries in the test log of events was insufficient to reconstruct all significant events and milestones of the tes The inspector observed that access to the reactor building during the test was appropriately restricted to personnel either directly involved with the test or those with a specific short term need for access. Plant personnel were given a CILRT briefing prior to the test to ensure that people not directly involved with testing acti-vities were aware of the importance of maintaining control of CILRT activities and reactor building acces .5 Test Witnessing The in,spector witnessed portions of the following test activities: Containment Atmospheric Stabilizatio . Twenty four hour CILRT data acquisitio . Four hour instrument verificatio These activities were witnessed to verify that the CILRT was con-ducted in accordance with the test procedure and within the regula-tory requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix J. The inspector made several reactor building walk downs to inspect for the existence of artificial boundaries and boundaries showing evidence of leakag Additionally, the licensee had leak crews throughout the reactor building during the initial stages of the tes Two leakage paths were identified by the licensee during containment pressurizatio One was an air leak at pressure transmitter 65-PT-10001-601 This was a needle valve vent leak on the 74' elevation in the reactor building. This amount of leakage was judged to be minor and was left alone for the test, it was secured after the test. The other leakage path was through a "tee" connection on an HPCI turbine gland seal leak-off pipe and out the fan motor shaft of the HPCI turbine gland seal condenser blower which resulted in a water leak in the HPCI pump room. This section of piping became pressurized as a result of the static CILRT pressure forcing suppression pool water up the HPCI turbine exhaust pipe, into this pipes condensate drain pot, past containment isolation valves (CIV's) CV9068A and CV90688 and into the turbine gland seal condenser. The "Tee" connection where the water leakage occurred was installed to accommodate a pressure gage. The gage was found on the floor of the HPCI pump room and the connection was open to the reactor building atmosphere. It was unknown how this pressure gage became dismounted from its "Tee" connection. The sup-pression pool water ficwed past CIV's CV906BA, CV9068B because they had opened upon level indication in the drain pot. This occurred





because electrical leads had been lifted which bypass the HPCI turbine trips for these valves for a functional test of HPCI which had yet to be complete This constitutes an administrative oversite on the part of the licensee because the lifted leads should have been restored for the CILRT. Under accident conditions, which CILRT is designed to simulate, these valves would stay closed regardless of the level in the drain pot. The licensee then isolated this leakage pathway and began the test. The inspector discussed the oversight with the licensee and determined that it was not a situation which would have compromised containment integrity during plant operatio The leads would have been restored upon completion of the HPCI func-tional test. The inspector did however convey to the licensee con-cern about maintaining good administrative control over activities which may affect the containment boundar .6 Test Instrumentation


The inspector reviewed the calibration records of the CILRT instrumentation to ascertain that the instruments had been calibrated within the 6 month period prior to the test, as per the industry standard ANSI /ANS-56.8-1931. The calibrations were traceable to the National Bureau of Standards. The inspector also verified that the instrument system satisfied the specifications given in the instrument selection guide of ANSI /ANS-56.8-1981. The inspector observed the operation of the automatic data collection system during the conduct of the tes No unacceptable conditions were identifie .7 Chronolocy of Events December 21, 1937 0543; commenced containment pressurizatio Inspection for leaks commenced at 5 psi Inspection results; pressure transmitter PT-65 10001-6018 needle valve vent leakin At 1440 hrs, water leak reported in HPCI


room. Water coming out of gland seal con-denser via a missing plug (pressure gage)

upstream of H0-84B. Problem diagnosed and leak isolate ; began stabilization perio ; stabilization period complete ; began 24 hr test perio ,_ _ _ . _ _ _ - . _ _ _ _ _ . - - .






December 22, 1987 2225; completed 24 he test perio ; began supplemental leak rate test December 23, 1987 0355; supplemental leak rate test complet ,

2.8 Temperature Stabilization The containment atmosphere must meet the following criteria per station procedure "The primary containment stabilization period shall be a minimum of four hours long. Stabilization i criteria will have been satisfied when the average containment temperature change is less than 0.5 degree /hr over the last two hours."

The inspector incependently calculated the average containment <

temperature change over the last two hours of the four hour stabilization period to be .03 degree F/h This meets the criteria for temperature stabilizatio .9 CILRT Results The inspector independently calculated the CILRT leak rate utilizing an NRC approved computer code. A comparison of licensee and inspector computed results is given belo Results are in weight

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Measured (Lam) 0.189 0.183 0.181 0.184 Lam + UCL 0.240 0.238 0.183 0.157 Acceptable 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750 The licensee and inspector computations show close agreemen These preliminary results indicate a successful "As-Left" CILRT. Note that corrections for improvements to containment isolation boundaries (Type E&C Leakages) indicate a failure of the test criterion for the

"As-Found" condition of the containment. This has been acknowledged by the licensee and rep:rted in LER number 86-017-00. A final test r results evaluation is pending NRC review of the licensee's summary technical report. The twenty-four hour CILRT was followed by a successful four hour superimposed leak verification tes I I

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,' 7 2.0 OA/QC Ceverage The inspector discussed coverage of the CILRT with QA/QC representative It was determined that QA provided coverage of test prerequisites such as valve lineup. QC also provided coverage of test preparations as well as ongoing coverage during the test. The inspector reviewed various quality 1 control inspection reports pertaining to the CILRT. The reports were administered well and findings were clearly presented. No unacceptable conditions were identifie .0 Unresolved Items -

The belcw-listed problems identified durirt the ins;?ctdor .~sy indici.te a lack of attention tc cetail ano suf ficient overview of activities.



Therefore, these issues collectively constitute an unresolved item (UNR No. 50-293/87-55-01) pending licensee action to determine the scope of the i problems, root causes, and appropriate corrective actions:

(1) Procedural sign-offs and test log of events as described in  :

Section '

(2) HPCI turbine trip bypass leads lifted and not restored for the test which resulted in a water leak in the HPCI pump / turbine room as described in Section (3) Reason for pressure gage being dismounted from "tee" connection on

HPCI turbine gland seal leak-off pipe described in Section .0 Exit Meeting Licansee management was informed of the purpose and scope of the inspection at the entrance interview. The findings of the inspection were periodically discussed and were summarized at the exit meeting on L December 23, 193 I


Attendees at the exit meeting are listed in section 1.0 of this repor At no time during the inspection was written material provided to the licensee by the inspectors.


The licensee's representatives did not indicate that this inspection i involved any proprietary informatio ;

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