IR 05000293/1998301

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NRC Operator Licensing Exam Rept 50-293/98-301OL (Including Completed & Graded Tests) for Tests Administered on 981016- 23.Exam Results:All Applicants Passed All Portions of Exam
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 11/24/1998
Shared Package
ML20196B547 List:
50-293-98-301OL, NUDOCS 9812010133
Download: ML20196B565 (123)


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i Report No.: :98-301 .

License No.: DPR-35 Licensee: BEC Energy

,. Facility: Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station



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Location: Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360-5599 i


I Dates: October 16-23,1998



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Examiners: J. Williams, Senior Operations Engineer / Examiner t

S. Dennis, Operations Engineer / Examiner T. Fish, Operations Engineer / Examiner >


l L. Vick, Senior Operations Engineer / Examiner, NRR R. Vogt-Lowell, Operations Engineer, NRR F

Approved By: Richard J. Conte, Chief, Operator Licensing and Human Performance Branch Division of Reactor Safety


'. 9812010133 981124 PDR L

V ADOCK 05000293 L PDR I

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station inspection Report No. 50 293/98-301 ,

Ooerations All applicants passed all portions of the exarnination and performed well, overall. (Section 05.1)

The applicants were well prepared for the examination, indicating that the facility had

, thoroughly evaluated the knowledge and chilities of each applicant in an effort to determine their readiness to sit for an initial NRC examination. Crew communications and control board awareness were good. (Section 05.1)

An event involving a potential exam compromise was evaluated. The licensee was objective, thorough and timely in its investigations and in its actions taken to prevent similar events in the future. NRC staff agreed with the licensee that there was reasonable assurance that an exam compromise had not occurred and the control of the examination met the requirements of 10 CFR 55.49. (Section 05.3)

The experience and qualifications of the RO and SRO epplicants met the facility licensee program and NRC requirements. NRC questions on waivers to the program guidelines were adequately resolved. The licensee made enhancements to their program subsequent to the NRC questions. (Section 05.2)

Two procedure clarity problems were identified by the NRC examiners during the exam preparation week. (Section 05.1)


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Report Details 1. Operations 05 Operator Training and Qualifications 05.1 Senior Reactor Operator and Reactor Ooerator initial Examinations c . Scope The facility prepared all portions of the examination in accordance with the guidelines of the Operator Licensing Examination Standards for Power Reactors (NUREG-1021, Interim Revision 8). The NRC reviewed and approved the exams before they were administered. The facility administered the written test and NRC examiners administered the operating tes Observations and Findinas Gradina and Results The results of the examinations are summarized below:

SRO Pass / Fail BO Pass / Fail Written 4/0 5/0 Operating 4/0 5/0 Overall 4/0 5/0 The facility made formal comments on three written exam questions following the administration of the exam. As a result of the facility comments, one SRO exam question was deleted. These comments are discussed in Attachments 1 and Examination Preparation and Quality The written examinations were reviewed by the NRC and approved for administration before they were given by the facility on October 16,1998. Several minor changes were made to the exams as a result of the NRC review. Five questions were replaced. Three were replaced to reduce the number of questions dealing with response to loss of electrical power. Also, two procedure guidance problems were identified by the NRC examiners during the exam preparation wee One issue involved the compatibility of operations policy instructions with approved procedures to interpret and respond to a control rod drift condition. The second issue involved clarifying the use of " active" versec " inactive" licensed operators for performing licensed operator duties. Both issues were discussed with the facility and appropriate actions were taken to clarify the procedure . _._.._._ _._ _ ._ _ _ _ . _ . _ . . . _ _ _ _ . . . _ . . _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _

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Administration and Performance I i


The operating portion of the examinations were reviewed and approved by the NRC ,

and were administered by the NRC examiners on October 19-23,199 l
Simulator and JPM performance by the applicants was good. Communications

! included the use of repeat backs. Crew briefings were routinely performed by the i SROs, however, sometimes the briefings were conducted when the plant conditions were unstable. At these times, the briefings delayed taking operator actions to

!' stabilize the plant. Control board awareness by all of the candidates was evident I throughout each of the scenario ; An NRC analysis of the exam results identified no generic weaknesses in the '

j candidates knowledge or the training program. The candidates performance on the written exam demonstrated that they were well prepare Conclusions I All applicants passed all portions of the examination and performed well, overal The applicants were well prepared for the examination, indicating that the facility !

had thoroughly evaluated the knowledge and abilities of each applicant in an effort I to determine their readiness to sit for an initial NRC examination. Crew communications and control board awareness were good, i

Two procedure clarity problems were identified by the NRC examiners during the )

exam preparation wee !

05.2 License Acolicant Exoerience and Qualification

Scope i The applications were reviewed for satisfactory completion of the educational, I experience and medical requirements. The plant specific qualifications requirements stated in the updated final safety analysis report (UFSAR), the technical specifications and the facility procedures were reviewe A review of the facilities' training program requirements and waiver process was conducted to ensure that regulatory requirements were me Observations and Findinos Several SRO applicants did not meet the guidelines for entry into the facility l licensee's SAT (Systems Approach to Training) based program without waiver '

Internal waivers were granted to these individuals in accordance with the training i program requirements. The examiner pursued the process furthe l i

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The Pilgrim License Training Program is INPO (Institute of Nuclear Power Operations) accredited and SAT based as docemented in Revision 10 to the UFSAR, dated July 21,1989. This satisfies the requirements of the 1987 NRC rule change and Generic Letter 87-07. The eligibility requirements described in their program exceed the regulatory requirements listed in the Pilgrim Technical Specifications (ANSI N18.1- 1971) and are generally consistent with guidelines in NUREG-1021 and NRC Regulatory Guide 1.8, Revision 2. Their program differentiates between eligibility requirements and guidelines. Only guidelines can be waived, such as SRO applicants having been RO licensed or having an appropriate technical degre The Pilgrim process allows individuals that meet ANSI 18.1-1971 to be enrolled in the SRO training if their experience is considered adequate and they are approved by both the Plant Manager and Station Director. To meet the ANSI N18.1-1971 eligibility requirements the employee must: (1) have a high school diploma or equivalent; and, (2) have four years of responsible power plant experience, of which a minimum of one year shall be nuclear power plant experienc However, the facility's statements of waiver justification from the program guidelines for certain SRO Instant applicants did not always clearly specify all of the comparable education and experience which served as the basis for waived item This observation was discussed with the licensee. The licensee had taken a conservative approach to assessing employee experience. Subsequent to the NRC comments, the licensee revised their procedure to more clearly and accurately document the basis for waivers. The licensee also revised the basis for the individual's waivers. The NRC examiners reviewed the revised waiver justification and procedure, and found them to address the NRC comment c. Conclusions The experience and qualifications of the RO and SRO applicants met the facility licensee program and NRC requirements. NRC questions on waivers to the program guidelines were adequately resolved. The licensee made enhancements to their program subsequent to the NRC question .3 Examination Security a. Scope During exam preparation week, the licensee reported that a potential for exam compromise existed for a short time period. The examination preparation room with exam materials in it was left unlocked and unattended and two candidates were alone in the building for a short time period. The NRC staff evaluated the event and associated facility actions.


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l l 4 Observations and Findinas A number of barriers were provided by the licensee to ensure exam security. One barrier, a locked door, was missing for about 10 to 23 hours2.662037e-4 days <br />0.00639 hours <br />3.80291e-5 weeks <br />8.7515e-6 months <br />. During this time period, two candidates were alone in the building for about one-hour and 40-minutes. Based upon a review of the licensee's investigation, discussions with the facility staff and the multiple barriers to prevent exam compromise, no evidence of exam compromise was found. Both NRC and licensee cognizant management agreed that the exam should be given as developed, but the exam results would be reviewed for evidence of compromise. No exam security issues were observed during the exam wee The NRC exam results were compared with the licensee's audit exam results. One candidate was determined to have a statistically significant difference between the two exams. However, this candidate was not in the building when the room was unlocked. Upon further investigations and analysis, it was determined that intensive study accounted for this statistical differenc The licensee used its corrective action program to investigate the event and define actions to prevent similar events in the future. The licensee's problem report and corrective actions were reviewed by the examiners and found to address the problem in an objective, thorough and timely manne Conclusions An event involving a potential exam compromise was evaluated. The licensee was objective, thorough and timely in its investigations and in its actions taken to


prevent similar events in the future. NRC staff agreed with the licensee that there was reasonable assurance that an exam compromise had not occurred and the control of the examination met the requirements of 10 CFR 55.4 V. Manaaement Meetinas X1 Exit Meeting Summary On October 23,1998, the NRC discussed their observations regarding the examinations l with Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station operations and training management representative The examiners expressed their appreciation for the cooperation and assistance that was l provided during the review and administration of the exam by licensed operator training personnel and operations personnel. The following participated in the exit meeting.

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J. Alexander Assessment R. Bolduc - Principal Instructor- Requal M. Briggs Principal Instructor-Initial N. Desmond - . Training Manager C. Goddard Plant Manager G. Leitch Consultant T. McEihinney Operations Department Manager D. Mitchell Senior Training Specialist H. Oheim General Manager, Technical ,

~ F. Pasquale Simulator Team Leader M. Santiago Operations Training Manager T. Sullivan Vice President- Nuclear f S. Willoughby Senior instructor Attachments:

1. NRC Resolution of Facility Comments 2. Facility Comments 3. Pilgrim RO Written Examination w/ Answer Key 4. Pilgrim SRO Written Examination w/ Answer Key 5. Simulation Facility Report a

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Attachment 1 NRC RESOLUTION OF FACILITY COMMENTS 1. SRO Question #91 Accept the facility comment. Delete the question as requested since the stem does not provide enough information to properly answer the question and meet the testing objectiv . SRO/RO Question #96 Accept the facility comment. The keyed answer (d) is incorrect. The correct answer is either (b) or (c).

3. SRO Question #37 and RO Question #50 Accept the facility comment and change the correct answer to (d).




- .- - J.,, 4 o Attachment 2 FACltlTY COMMENTS







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a j 10 CFR 50.55

!. monean Emean


[- . Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Rocky Hill Road E Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360-5599 o


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October 28,1998


BECo Ltr. 2.98.140 L U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region 1 l 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 l

Docket No. 50-293 -

License No. DPR-35




l Pilarim Station's 1998 NRC Initial License Written &amiriation Comments

! The written examination administered on October 16,1998, was considered to be an in-


depth examination, which fairly tested the four (4) SRO and five (5) RO candidates i

knowledge in the appropriate area '

( In accordance with NUREG 1021 (Interim Rev. 8), Section #5 of ES-402, specific requests

on several written exam questions are submitted for your consideration in Enclosure Enclosure 2 contains the reference documentation associated with each of the request

! lf you have any questions or comments, please contact Mark Santiago at (508)830-76kor l Scott Willoughby at (508) 830-7638.




l t & Z 21* % )

l T. A. Sullivan i

l Vice President Nuclear i

Station Director f' id:298140 l KRD/dcg



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- cc: Mr. Julitn Williams, NRC Chief Examiner U.S. Nucl:ar Rrgulatory Commission U.S. NRC, Region i l ATTN: Document Control Desk - !

475 Allendale Road Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 King of Prussia, PA 19406 King of Prussia, PA 19406 3 Mr. Alan B. Wang, Project Manager Senior Resident inspector j s Project Directorate 1-3 Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station


Office Of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

Mail Stop
OWFN 14B20 1 White Flint North
~ 11555 Rockville Pike

! , Rockville, MD 20852




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ENCLOSURE 1 t Que:ti n #115 SRO Exam Question #91 RO Exam Question # N/A A turbine building sump pump has been cleared for routine maintenance. The tagout has been accepted, and a maintenance Red Tag has been hung. No work has been done to the pump.- A problem has developed with the other sump pump, making it necessary to place the cleared pump back in service. The tagout requestor is NOT onsite to remove his Red Ta Which ONE (1) of the following individuals is the MINIMUM level of authority required to authorize removal of the Red Tag? Operations Department Manager (ODM) Any Maintenance Supervisor The Nuclear Operations Supervisor (NOS) The Nuclear Watch Engineer (NWE)


Not enough information is provided in the stem of the question to allow the candidate to properly answer the question. The applicable section of the referenced procedure is attached. A review of this reference reveals the following:

Answer "d" allows the NWE to " release" the tagout "if an emergency condition existe and the individual authorizing the work is unable to be contacted." An " emergency"is clarified to mean threatening to the plant or personnel safety. The stem describes a condition involving a turbine building sump pump. Without additional supporting information, it is difficult to assume that this is a true emergency condition. Additionally, the stem states that the tagout requester is not on-site. It does not specify that the requestor cannot be contacted by telecon, as would be the expected action for a non-omergency condition. Additionally, distractor "b" could be Interpreted as correct since a " responsible" supervisor can also release the tagout after verifying that the tagout can be safely remove REQUEST (Question # 115):

The question was intended to test the requirements for clearing a tagout during an emergency. Since the question does not present such a situation, we request that this question be deleted from the examinatio REFERENCE NOP 1.4.5, "PNPS Tagging Procedure," p. 42

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Enclosura 1 1 Question # 124 l SRO/RO Exam Question #96 l

l You are required to enter an eaa that contains a radiation source. This source is I causing dose rates of 1200 mrem / hour at 30 cm from the surface of the sourc Which ONE (1) of the following is REQUIRED?

l The NWE must authorize entr i Two persons are required for entry; one must be an RP RP Personnel must either establish stay times or provide line of site coverage, One person may enter alone, but another person dressed in the required j protective clothing must be standing b l l


The keyed answer is not correct. There is no requirement in station procedures for thi l The selection of "d" as the correct answer was determined to be a " typo". The proposed -l correct answer was "c". However, further review reveals that regarding entry to a high RAD area, distractor "b" is also correct (see the explanation below). The applicable section of l procedure 6.2-014 is attached and is quoted belo j


Per procedure 6.1-014, Section 6.0 [3], p. 8:

"At least two people are required to effect entry into a LHRA or VHRA, one of which must be an RP person." This makes answer "b" correc Per procedure 6.1-014, Section 8.2 [5], p.11: I

".... stay times....shall be established by RP prior to entries into LHRAs. In lieu of i stay times, line of sight RP coverage may be provided." This makes answer "c" correc No procedural basis justifying answer "d" could be locate REQUEST (Question # 124):

Answer key should be changed to accept either "b" or "c" as the correct answe REFERENCE:

PNPS Procedure 6.1-014, Rev. 5, p. 8 and 11

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Enclosura 1 i'

p . Question # 69 SRO Exam Question #37

' RO Exam Ouestion #50 The plant is operating at 100% powe : Which ONE (1) of the following conditions would cause automatic closure of the condenser vapor valves and subsequent loss of main condenser vacuum?

a.' 70 psig steam pressure to the SJAE inle psig downstream of the SJAE Condense lbm/hr steam flow to the jet compresso degrees F downstream of the SJAE Condense ANSWER: DISCUSSION:

The proposed answer "a"is incorrect. The applicable page of the reference text is attached and an excerpt follows:

Main Condenser and Offgas System reference text, Rev.1, p. 9 of 33 states:

"These vapor valves will auto-close if a hydrogen explosion condition, (temo. areater than 250* or pressure greater than 35 psig), is sensed in the off-gas system piping downstream of the After-Condenser. Auto-closure of ths vapor valves also occurs if either air ejector steam -

supply pressure decreases to 40 psig, or if A.O.G. jet compressor flow decreased to 2750 lbm/ hour."

The applicable operating procedure is also attached and an excerpt follows:

" Low main steam pressure to the SJAE inlet regulator of less than 50 psi and the OVERRIDE LOW DRIVE STEAM PRESSURE switch in " PRESS" will close the four vapor valves to the SJAE and annunciate the alarm on Panel CP600." This makes answer "a" incorrect, since pressure is greater than the setpoin "High temperature upstream of the 30 minute holdup ploe of greater than 250" will close the four vapor valves to the SJAE and annunciate the alarm on Pane CP600." This makes answer "d" correc REQUEST (Question # 69):

Change correct answer to "d".


Main Condenser Vacuum and Air Removal reference text, p. ~ Procedure 2.2.93, Rev. 35, p. 9 of 64.




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6.7.2 Norm:ITagout Continu:d)

(h) Block 27 (TAGOUT RELEASED A tagout may be released by the BY/DATE/ TIME) individuals / designees signed onto the tagout when any of the following conditions are met:

These conditions shall be verified by the individual releasing the tagout (i.e., if Responsible Supervisor A has performed the


work, Responsible Supervisor B may release the work as long as he or she has personally verified one of the following).

(1) All work for which the individual accepting the tagout was responsible for has been complete (2) All work has not been completed, the MR is to remain outstanding, but the work is completed to the point where


isolation is no longer require Tagout release via telecon with the individual performing the physical work is permitted as long as the conversation is held with the NWE or the NOS and witnessed by one other Control Room Operations person. Both Operations personnel involved with the telecon shall sign the TAGOUT RELEASE portion of the Tagou (1) If an emergency condition (threatening to the plant or personnel safety) exists, the NWE may sign off the tagout for an individual not able to be contacte [7] When all jobs performed under a tagout are complete, the tagout may be closed out through the completion of the TAGOUT REMOVAL section of the Tagout Shee [8] Tagout Removal - Section 5 (a) Block 28 (ALL JOBS This question is a reminder to verify all RELEASED) applicable work packages / Procedures and tagouts (if this was a Master) hsve been released from this tagou (b) Block 29 (EQUleMENT VENT The NOS shall determine whether the closecut IAW PNPS of the tagout will require a system fill and vent. Instructions for determining the need to fill and vent systems are contained in PNPS 2.1.1 Procedure 1.4.5 Rev. 45 Page 42 of 79 Enclosure 2 Question #115 Reference

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[1] Appropriate keys and key lockers

[2]- Appropriate locking systems which function to the standards listed in Attachment 4

[3] Radiation survey instruments and alarming dosimeters as required by applicable Radiation Work Permits (4) Flashing lights, when applicable PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS

'[1] Each LHRA and VHRA shall be locked or guarded at all time [2] Only Radiation Protection (RP) personnel may admit a person to an LHRA or VHR [3] At least two people are required to effect entry to an LHRA or VHRA, one of which must be an RP perso [4] Equipment and material, (e.g., hoses, cords, etc.) will not be positioned between the door and frame of an LHRA or VHRA unless approved by Radiation Protectio [5] Two persons, one of whom is a Radiation Protection Technician (RPT) or Radiological Operations Supervisor (ROS), she!! check doors used to access or exit an LHRA or VHRA upon leaving the area and verify them locke [6] An RPT shall check all accessible doors to an LHRA or VHRA upon leaving the area and verify them locked. [NRC LER 89-006-00]

[7] When exiting ari area secured by an earess restricting device (e.g., chain and lock),

verify that all personnel have left the area prior to locking the door. Control of Locked High Radiation Areas (LHRAs) shall be maintained such that no individual is prevented from leaving the are [8] An RPT or an ROS who has been issued a VHRA key shall not give the key to anyone except the RPDM/ designe [9] An RPT or an ROS who has been issued an LHRA or VHRA key shall return the key to the Radiological Operations office or the RPDM/ designee, as appropriate, and ensure that it is signed in before he or she leaves sit Procedure 6.1-014 Rev. 6 Page 8 of 29 Enclosure 2 Question 124 Reference



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8.2 -


3 LOCKED HIGH RADIATION AREA (LHRA) ACCESS / EGRESS l [1] In addition to the access requirements for HRAs, areas classified as LHRAs shall be locked or guarded.

3 [2]- Prior to entering an LHRA, the RP person who has been issued the "R" key shall

perform the following

i l (a) Obtain an LHRANHRA Verification Record (Attachment 5) which lists all

i accessible entrances for the area to be entered. Those areas not entered shall be marked "N/A" on Attachment 5.

( (b) Carry this LHRANHRA Verification Record to the area.



LHRAs under constant visual observation and control of Radiation Protection personnel are

!- exempt from the requirements of Attachment I j -[3] A door guard (normally supplied by the work group) is required for all entries into

LHRAs. The door guard shall be briefed and shall perform his/her duties in accordance j i with Attachment !

l [4] Only RP personnel may allow entry into an LHRA.


[5] The RWP shall specify the maximum stay time for each LHRA. In addition, stay times l I based on individual's available exposure or the RWP ADA shall be established by RP
prior to entries into LHRAs. In lieu of stay times, line of sight RP coverage may be
provided. Remote continuous coverage (TV camera) with continuous communication j (head sets) should be used when practical.


[6] The work crew shall exit the LHRA via the same door they used to enter unless -

otherwise directed by RP.

[7] The doors to the LHRA shall be verified to be closed and locked in accordance with Section 8.7 after exit. [NRC LER 89-005-00]

[8] For individual High Radiation Areas with radiation levels of 21000 mrem /hr accessible to personnel that are located within large areas such as Reactor containment, where no enclosure exists for purposes of locking or that cannot be continuously guarded, and where no enclosure can be reasonably constructed around the individual area, that individual area shall be barricaded and conspicuously posted, and a flashing light shall be activated as a warning device unless otherwise authorized by the RP Procedure 6.1-014 Rev. 6 Page 11 of 29 Enclosure 2 Question 124 Reference


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(1) Low noin steam pressure to the SJAE inlet regulator of less than 50 usi ana


the OVERRIDE LOW DRIVE STEAM PRESSURE switch in * PRESS * will close lae four v nor valves to the SJAE and annurciate the alarm on Panel CP60 [2] Hion temperature upstream of the 30 minute holcup pipe of greater then 250aF will close the four vapor valves to the 11AE and annuncidte the alaen en Panel CP00 [3] Ilich pressure upstream of the 30 minute noldup pipe or greater than 35 ps1 will close the four vapor valves to the 11AE and annancidte tte alarm on Panel C860 [4] Low stesm flow to Offgas Jet Compressors and the CFF GAS LOW FiOW AYPAS$


s#tch in ' NORMAL" will close the four vapor valves to the 11AF end annunciate the alann on A0G Centrol Panel CP50 !

(5) If the mechanical vacuum puno is in service and an 1sclation signal is i received from the main steam lire radiation monitors. the mechanical vacuan pump will trip and its discharge valve 8-AO-3712 will cin (6) The mechanical vacuum pumo will trip on low seal water flow or 15 GPM (7)

Ondecreasin{a alarm vs:uum in the condenser, less than 25 Hg causes low vacuum valves,tri less hen 22" Ho causes turbine trip, ann less than 7" cduses cypass


[6] If the radiation Enitors upstrean of I.he chorr.: col beds (RM 17C5-3A/38) are selected and BOTH these monitors receive o high radiation signal, E

If the radiation monitors dcwnstream of the charcoal beds (RM 1705-5A/58)

are selected arc Q2Id these monitors rerrive o high radiation signa THEN (a) Offges stack isolation valve 8 AO 3751 closes af:er 15 minute timer has timed ou '

(D) Offges 30 minute luop seal toldap 91re c ain valve 6 AO 3750 c1cse [9] The offges holdup line loop sedl drain valve 8 A0-3750 will close or icw level in tne 1000 seal drain pct anc alarm en Dane' CP60 [10: The SJAE after concenser 'uop seal crain valve B AO-9071 will e ose en low level in the ' cop seal drain pet and vil alarm on Panel CP50 fili If any of the air vegxar velves are not ful'y cpen, arnunciatcr

" VAPOR VALVE NOT FULL OPEN" (CF600t A1) will alar Procedure 2.7 93 Rev. 35 Page A of 6 Enclosure 2 Question i#69 Reference

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.' C0M2/9 r COMPONENT DESCRIPTION Main Condenser Vapor Valves (Figure 2)

The air removal system draws from condensers "A" and *B". Each condenser has two suction lines with 12 inch butterfly type air-operated isolation valves. AO-3703 and AO-3710 for condenser "A"; and AO-3704 and AO-3711 for condenser "B". The vapor valves are controlled from panel C-10 by control switches CS-SV-3703,10,04 and 11, using control power from Y-1, (valves fail closed upon loss of control power). These vapor valves will auto-close if a hydrogen explosion condition, (temp. greater than 2500, or pressure greater than 35 psig), is sensed in the off-gas system piping downstream of the After-Condense Auto-closure of the vapor valves also occurs if either air ejector steam supply pressure decreases to 40 psig, or if A.O.G. jet compressor flow decreases to 4500 lbm/ hou During a plant startup, it is necessary to bypass both the low S.J.A.E. steam supply pressure auto-closure feature, and the low A.O.G. jet compressor flow auto-closure feature, to open the vapor valves and provide a suction path for our mechanical vacuum pump to be


used to draw the initial condenser vacuum. Consequently, both a "AOG Stm Dilution Low Flow Bypass Switch" and a " Ejector Low Press Override Switch" are provided on Panel C-10. These switches also enable or disable associated control room alarms. The two condenser suction lines join to form one line for each condense A vacuum breaker line is connected to main condenser "A" just upstream of AO 371 This line has two isolation valves (AO-3707 and AO-3708) between the condenser and room air. The air-to open and air to-close valves are in series, and are controlled with pushbuttons on panel C-2. The valves are opened when it is desired to rapidly decrease vacuum (ie., to stop the turbine quickly as on a turbine vibration problem, or to prevent damage to turbine seals when no steam is being supplied).

MAIN CONDENSER VACUUM AND AIR REMOVAL Page 9 Enclosure 2 Question #69 Reference

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RO Excmincticn Anawar Kcy


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l Question #: 1

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Question: ' The plant is operating at 95% power. The 'B' CRD pump is running. A single


i CRD accumulator trouble light is illuminated. An operator is dispatched to the local accumulator trouble panel. The operator pushes the illuminated alarm button for the affected HCU. The light stays on. WHICH ONE (1) of the i following would cause this condition?.

j Water leaking past the accumulator piston seal 'l l Nitrogen leaking from an HCU fittin c. - Water leaking past a scram valve.

Nitrogen leaking past a scram pilot valv Answer
b-Reference: o0091, CRD-Hydraulics Ref. Text. Section C.16 Justification: Low pressure or high water level is indicated in several ways. An i

" accumulator low pressure /hl level" annunciator alarms in the control room. An amber light for the associated rod on the full core display is illuminated. A local accumulator trouble panel also shows  !

a light for that rod. On the local accumulator trouble panel, a pushbutton is provided for each light. If the local panel pushbutton is lit, the operator pushes the button. If the light goes out when pushed, the problem is water leakage. If the light stays lit, the .


problem is low gas pressur Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-11 Objective: E O Tier # / Group #: 2/2 K/A: 201001 A106 [3.4/3.4] 10CFR55.41(b)(6)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B l





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RO Excminttien Answ:r Kcy Question #: 2 Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following explains why the condensate system is the PREFERRED source of water to the CRD system? Minimizes condensate makeup requirements Maximizes H2 introduction to the reactor vessel Minimizes 02 concentration in the CRDMs Minimizes thermal stress on CRD stub tube welds Answer: c Reference: o0091, CRD Hydraulles, Section Justification: The condensate demineralizers (preferred cource) supply clean, deoxygenated water to the CRD pump suction filters.

, Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-11 Objective: Tier # / Group #: 2/2

, K/A: 201001K101 [3.1/3.1) 10CFR55.41(b)(2)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): R l

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RO Excmincti:;n Answ r KSy Question #: 3 Question: WhlCH ONE (1) of the following conditions must be cleared before the Emergency Rod in function may be used?

a. Rod Insert Error RPIS inop APRM inop RMCS timer motor fails to energize Answer; b Reference: o0713, Reactor Manual Control Ref. Text. Section Justification: The EMERG IN position will not function if a rod select block, caused by (b), is presen Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-08 Objective: EO 5 Tier # / Group #: 2/2


x K/A- 201002A204 [3.2/3.1] 10CFR55.41(b)(6)


Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B 10/22/98 5:36:25 PM Page 3 of 100





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l RO Extmlnttien Annwsr Key Question #: '~ 4 Question: Pilgrim is operating at power. The reactor operator has withdrawn control rod 22-19 to notch 24. A few seconds later a Control Rod Drift alarm comes in on rod 22-19. Position indication shows the rod drifting out. WHICH ONE (1) of the following could be the cause of the control rod drift? Stuck collet piston Wom drive piston seals- l Loaking outlet scram valve  ! CRD Cooling water pressure exceeds 50 psid Answer; a


Reference: o0712, CRD-Drive Ref. Text, Section C. Justification: The annulus formed by the outer tube and inner cylinder forms a flowpath from the withdraw port to the collet piston bottom. Water ;

following this path forces the collet piston up, which causes the ;

collet fingers to be spread by the guide cap. This occurs when there is a control rod withdrawal signal. A stuck collet piston would i provide the same affect allowing the rod to drif ) Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-03 Objective: EO4f Tier # / Group #: 2/3 <

K/A: 201003A203 (3.4/3.7] 10CFR55.41(b)(2)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B p

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RO Exrminctirn Anawcr Kcy Question #: 5 Question: The plant is being shutdown. WHICH ONE (1) of the following signals will automatically enable the ROD WORTil MINIMlZER rod blocks? One APRM reads 18%. Total steam flow reads 19%. Total feedwater flow reads 32%. First stage turbine pressure reads 105 psi Answer: b Reference: o0074, Rod Worth Minimizer Ref. Text. Section Justification: The low power set point (LPSP) is the power level below which the RWM program enforces adherence to the rod sequence. The LPSP is bypassed while increasing power. As power is increased, the LPSP will be bypassed when both FW flow and steam flow are

>20%. As power is lowered, the LPSP will be initiated when either FW flow or steam flow is <20%.

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-07-06 Objective: EO 6 Tier # / Group #: 2/2 K/A: 201006K104 [3.1/3.2] 10CFR55.41(b)(5)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): R


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Question #: 6 l

Question: The reactor is subcritical with a reactor startup in progress. While withdrawing  ;

control rods, a control rod skips to position 10 instead of stopping at position 8 i as designated in the control rod pull sheet. The rod is the third rod in sequence of four rods.

, WHICH ONE (1) of the following explains how the RWM will respond? The affected rod has a withdraw block. All other rods have withdrawn and insert block I The affected rod has an insert block. All other rods have withdrawn and insert block The affected rod has a withdraw block. All other rods may be moved within theirinsert and withdraw limit The affected rod has an insert block. All other rods may be moved within l


theirinsert and withdraw limit Answe a Reference: o0074, Rod Worth Minimizer Ref. Text. Section F.1.c and d.


Justification: Only a withdrawal error will occur under the presented conditions to enforce the pull sequence. The rod can be inserte Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-07-06 Objective: EO 6 Tier # / Group #: 2/2 K/A: 201006K512 [3.5/3.5] 10CFR55.41(b)(6); 43(b)(6)


Question Source: EQB License Level (R/S/B): B


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RO Excminctian Answcr Kcy l

Question #: 7 Question: Refueling is in progress when a double-ended shear of the "A" recirculation l suction line is caused by dropping a large component in the drywell. WHICH l ONE (1) of the following is designed to prevent the core from being completely

uncovered if no automatic ECCS pumps start and no operator action is taken?

I The core shroud will remain full of water providing complete core coverage l to the top of active fuel.

' The recirculation suction line connects to the reactor vessel above the core beltline, providing partial core coverag The jet pumps will act as a standpipe and maintain partial core coverag The volume of water in the reactor cavity during refueling will fill the l containment to a level above the top of active fuel.

! Answer: c


Reference: o0178, Reactor Vessel and Intemals Ref. Text. Section C. Justification: The jet pumps are designed and installed to maintain core l


I Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-07 Objective: EO 3 Tier # / Group #: 2/2 K/A- 202001K401 [3.9/3.9] 10CFR55.41(b)(2)

Question Source: New ( License Level (R/S/B): B


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RO Excminc.tisn An*, war Kcy Question #: 8 Question: While Reactor Recirculation pump "A" is operating at 92%, a failure in the pump's individual M/A station occurs and a signalis sent to the scoop tube positioner calling for a pump speed of 25%. WHICH ONE (1) of the following states the expected response of the pump? The scoop tube will lock pump speed at approximately 92%. The startup signal generator will control pump speed at approximately 44%. The Speed Umiters will terminate the pump speed decrease at approximately 26%. The pump speed will decrease to 25%.

Answer: d Reference: 00174, Recirc. Flow Control Ref. Text. Section C.1.c Justification: The recirc. pump will run back to 25% at a designed rate and nothing will stop it.

Lesson Plen: 0-RO-02-06-10 Objective: EO 6 Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: 202002K305 [3.2/3.3] 10CFR55.41(b)(3)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B 10/22/98 5:36:26 PM Page 8 of 100

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RO Extminttirn Answ:r Kcy l I

Question #: 9 l

Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following will still have power available if EITHER A5 or !

A6 is energized? RHR min flow valves forloops A and B RHR Loops A and B heat exchanger bypass valves LPCI injectica valves for loops A and B RHR containment cooling / spray valves for loops A and B Answer: c


Reference: o0036, RHR Ref. Text. Section Justification: MCC B20 supplies the LPCI injection valves. MCC B20 is fed by B6. B6 can be powered from A5 or A6 (auto xfer).

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-09-01 Objective: 1 Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: 203000K202 (2.5/2.7] 10CFR55.41(b)(7)


Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B 10/22/98 5:36:26 PM Page 9 of 100

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l l RO Excminctit:n An:wcr K0y Question #: 10

' Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following will cause a trip of the running RWCU pump? The MO-1201-2 RWCU inlet valve not full ope The MO-1201-80 RWCU return valve not full ope RBCCW from the pumps reaches 132F The Filter-demin. bypass valve, MO-1201-133 fully close Answer; a Reference: o0172, RWCU Ref. Text. Section Justification: Pump will trip if the MO-2 or 51s not full open, or if MO-80 is full close Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-05

Objective: EO 9 Tier # / Group #: 2/2 K/A: 204000A204 [2.7/2.9] 10CFR55.41(b)(4)

Question Source: New


License Level (R/S/B): R l


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RO Excminctisn An:wer Kcy Question #: 11 Question: For cold shutdown conditions, WHICH ONE [1] of the following combinations of RWCU pump (s) and demin(s)is acceptable per plant procedures?

a. one pump, one filter-demineralizer one pump, two filter-demineralizers two pumps, one filter-demineralizer two pumps, two filter-demineralizers Answer: a Reference: PNPS 2.2.83, Rev. 51, Section Justification: Per station procedures Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-05 Objective: TO 6 Tier # / Group #: 2/2 K/A: 204000A406 [3.0/2.9] 10CFR55.41(b)(4)


Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B



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RO Excmincti::n An; war Kcy Question #: 12 Question: Reactor coolant temperature is 190 deg. Both reactor recirculation pumps have been secured. A loss of shutdown cooling occur WHICH ONE (1) of the following level bands is acceptable? +20 to +25 inches +35 to +60 inches +30 to +40 inches +65 to +75 inches Answer: d Reference: Normal Operation Procedure 2.2.19, Rev. 63, p.117 of 14 Justification: Precaution statement states, "if water temp. is less than 212 OR if a heat sink is not available, then water level must be maintained above +60 inche Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-09-01 Objective: TO 4



Tier # / Group #: 2/2 K/A: 205000K102 [3.6/3.6] 10CFR55.41(b)(4)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): R t

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Question #: 13 Question: The RHR 'A' loop Torus isolation Valve (1001-36A) is fully opened and then the RHR Shutdown Cooling isolation Valve (1001-43C) control switch is taken to OPEN. WHICH ONE (1) of the following describes the system response?

a. The 43C will open and once full open, the 36A will clos The 43C will not open, but the 36A will clos The 43C will open and the 36 A will remain open The 43C will not open and the 36A will rernain ope Answer: d Reference: RHR Reference text, P. 30 Justification: Requal bank: TO16 Lesson Plan: 0-RQ-02-01-40 Objective: EO 14 Tier # / Group #: 2/2 K/A- 205000K403 [3.8/3.8] 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B


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RO Excminctisn Answ:r Kcy Question #: 14 Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following would occur if a suppression pool high level condition developed during a HPCI surveillance test with NO HPCI initiation signal present? CST suction valve MO-6 goes full close, then torus suction valves MO-35 and MO-36 go full ope Torus suction valves MO-35 and MO-36 go full open, then CST suction valve MO-6 goes full close Torus suction valves MO-35 and MO-36 receive an open signal at the same time CST suction valve MO-6 receives a close signa Torus suction valves MO-35 and MO-36 go full open. CST suction valve MO-6 remains open unless a CST low level condition occur Answer: b Reference: 00361, HPCI Ref. Text. Section Justification: MO 35/36, these valves will automatically open on high suppression pool level or low CST level (18" above tank zero). MO-6 closes when MO-35/36 are full ope Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-09-03  ;

Objective: EO 15  ;

i Tier # / Group #: 2/1 l K/A- 206000A303 [3.9/3.8] 10CFR55.41(b)(5)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B

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l RO Extminctlan An wsr Kcy Question #: 15 l Question: With the plant operating at 100% power, the 'A' Core Spray Line Break

Detection Monitor is reading approximately -3.0 psi WHICH ONE (1) of the following does this indication represent?

a. An 'A' Core Spray Line break inside the shrou I Normal due to changes in water density after the instrument was calibrated to read zero under cold conditions.

l An 'A' Core Spray Line break outside the shrou l Normal due to the differential pressure across the dryers and separators ,

being approximately -3.0 psid at 100% powe !

Answer: b I Reference: o1035, Core Spray Ref. Text. Section Justification: The switches are calibrated to read zero during cold shutdown. As  !


l the reactor is heated up, reactor pressure increases. This pressure i

increase is seen on both sides of the dPIS and therefore does not cause indicated dP to change. However, the water densiN in the core bypass region above the core plate decreases, whi : ae density of the water in the low pressure side of the dPIS .emains relatively constant as it is at approximately drywell temperatur Normal differential pressure during plant operations is ap,,roximately -3.0 psi Lesson Plan: 0-RO-0L O9-02 Objective: EO l Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: 209001 A102 (3.2/3.4] 10CFR55.41(b)(5);43(b)(5)

Question Source: 1997 NRC exam l

l R License Level (R/S/B):

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i Question #: 16 Question: Given the following conditions:

l-The piping just downstream of the 'A' SBLC squib valve is completely obstructe i-The SBLC control switch on C905 is taken to the SYS A position, then through OFF to SYS B, then through OFF to SYS A Which ONE of the following describes when the 'A' SBLC pump was injecting to the RPV during this evolution? SBLC pump 'A' never injected to the RP SBLC pump 'A' did not inject to the RPV the first time the control switch was placed in SYS A, but did inject to the RPV the second time the control switch was placed in SYS A SBLC pump 'A' did inject to the RPV the first time the control switch was ,

placed in SYS A, but did not inject to the RPV the second time the control i switch was placed in SYS SBLC pump 'A' injected to the RPV the first time the control switch was ,

placed in SYS A, and also injected to the RPV the second time the control j switch was placed in SYS i Answer: b Reference: o0176, Standby Liquid Control Ref. Text. Figure 1.

Justification: Either pump can discharge through either squib valve. 'B' squib valve does not fire until taken to System 'B'. ]

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-06 Objective: EO 8 Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: 211000K504 [3.1/3.2] 10CFR55.41(b)(5) j


Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B


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RO Excmincti:::n Annwar Key I

- Question #: 17 Question: During refueling a high level developed in the EAST Scram Discharge Instrument Volume (SDIV)and this scram trip has been bypassed. The mode switch is in SHUTDOWN and the scram reset, however the SDIV has not been drained. WHICH ONE (1) of the following would result in a full reactor scram? Loss of Y-1 bus Loss of power to SDIV thermocouples

' Mode switch is taken to STARTUP High levelin the WEST SDIV Answer: c Reference: 00011, Reactor Protection System Ref. Text. Section Justification: The SDIV HI LEVEL SCRAM BYPASS switch only functions in SHUTDOWN and REFUE Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-07-07 Objective: EO Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A- 212000K106 [3.5/3.6] 10CFR55.41(b)(4); 43(b)(8)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B

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i RO Excminttisn Answer Koy l

Question #: 18 l l

l Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following describes the operation of the backup scram valves?

l One valve is used to isolate the instrument air header from the scram pilot i

valve air header (SPVAH); the other valve is used to vent the SPVA ;

i One valve is used to vent the scram discharge volume vent and drain valves; the other valve is used to vent the HCU scram inlet and outlet ,


j Either valve ENERGlZING will isolate the instrument air header from the

SPVAH and vent the entire SPVA Either valve DEENERGlZING will isolate the instrument air header from the l

SPVAH and vent the entire SPVAH.



i Answer: c  !

Reference: o0011, Reactor Protection System Ref. Text. Section C.6.


Justification: These valves energize upon receiving a scram signal, whenever a reactor scram occurs, both backup scram valve solenoids energize to redundantly vent the SPVAH system.

< Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-07-07 '

Objective: ,


Tier # / Group #: 2/1 l K/A: 212000K401 [3.4/3.6] 10CFR55.41(b)(6)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): R l

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RO Excmin:tien Annwcr K0y Question #: 19 Question: Rod position indication shows Black Black on the Four Rod Display. WHICH

- ONE (1) of the following i.s the status of the selected rod? Overtravel beyond full out Rod block monitor bypassed Two reed switches are closed An odd reed switch is closed Answer: a Reference: o0350, Rod Position Indication System, Section F. Justification: The control room display is Black Black for overtrave Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-04 Objective: EO 4 Tier # / Group #: 2/2 K/A: 214000A402 [3.8/3.8] 10CFR55.41(b)(6); 43(b)(5)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): R i

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RO Excmin tian Antw:r Key Question #: 20 Question: A spurious Group 11 isolation is received while an automatic TIP trace is in progress. WHICH ONE (1) of the following is the TIP system response?

a. The detector is withdrawn and the ball valve close The trace is continued at fast spee The detector is withdrawn and the shear valve fire Detector motion is stopped and shear valve fires.

Answe a Reference: o0344, TIP Ref. Text. Section D.4 Justification: Upon receipt of a Group 11 Isolation signal (initiated by 2.2 psig drywell pressure or 12 inches reactor water level), any TIP detector not in its shield chamber is transferred automatically to the " manual reverse" mode of operation by the relay logic in the TIP controi unit. When the detector is in its shield chamber, as indicated by the chamber switch, the associated ball valve closes.

Lesson Plan: O-RO-02-07-08 Objective: EO 4 Tier # / Group #: 2/3 K/A: 215001K401 [3.4/3.5] 10CFR55.41(b)(2)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): R l

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I Question #: 21 l l

Question: IRM Channel B is on range 7 and reading 10 on the 0-40 scale. WHICH ONE (1) of the following is the approximate value of reactor power?

) .2 MWT


Answer: b I Reference: o0029, IRM Ref. Text. Section l Justification: During power operation, IRM range 10 is calibrated such that a reading of 100=640 MWT. This give the correlation of range 7 reading 10 of 10 MW '

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-07-02 Objective: EO 2 Tier # / Group #: 2/2 K/A: 215003A401 [3.3/3.3] 10CFR55.41(b)(6)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): R i



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I RO Extmin ti::n An:wcr K0y Question #: 22 Question: A reactor startup is in progress and the IRM detectors are on range 6 when a loss of 24/48 vde occurs to the 'B'IRM.


. The expected results are:

a. ' alarm only, alarm and rod withdraw block onl alarm, rod withdraw block, and half scra alarm and half-scram onl Answer: c Reference: o0029,lRM Ref. Text, Section ,


Justificatkm: The IRM subsystem is powered from the 24/48 VDC battery distribution panel D-25 and D-26. Losing power to the IRM will cause an INOP rod block and half-scram, and loss of all IRM indicatio Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-07-02 Objective: EO 1 Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: 215003K602 [3.6/3.8] 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): R


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I l RO Excmin:tlen An:wcr Kcy l

Question #: 23 l

l Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following will bypass all the rod blocks caused by the l SRMs? All IRMs are on Range Shorting links are installe The mode switch is placed in RU The SRM channel function switches are placed Iri STANDBY.

Answer: c Reference: o0034, SRM Ref. Text. Section E.3.


Justification: M/S in RUN bypasses all functions of SRM Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-07-01 ,


Objective: EO j Tier # / Group #: 2/1 i

K/A: 215004K406 [3.2/3.2] 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

l Question Source: New l

l License Level (R/S/B): R


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l RO Excminctisn Antw:r Kcy Question #: 24 Question: During a surveillance on APRM Channel C the Function Switch on the meter

- unit is placed in the COUNT position. WHICH ONE (1) of the following is the MINIMUM percentage reading without causing an INOP trip of the APRM7 % % % %

Answer: c

Reference: o0122, APRM Ref. Text. Section D.5.

Justification: COUNT position indicates the number of assigned LPRMs which are in OPERATE (5 percent per LPRM). There are 16 LPRMs assigned to this APRM.

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-07-04 Objective: EO l Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: 215005A403 [3.2/3.3] 10CFR55.41(b)(6);43.(b)(5)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B 10/22/98 5:36:30 PM Page 24 of 100

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RO Excmin ticn Answer Kcy Question #: 25

- Question: While at rated reactor pressure, a leak on the variable leg of the Fuel Zone level instrument has occurred. WHICH ONE (1) of the following describes the effect of the leak on Narrow, and Shutdown levelindication? The Narrow Range indicates lower than actua Shutdown Range indicates lower than actua The Narrow Range indicates lower than actua Shutdown Range indication is unchange The Narrow Range indicates higher than actua Shutdown Range indication is unchange The Narrow Range indicates higher than actual

- Shutdown Range indicates higher than actual Answer: b Reference: o0229, Nuclear Boiler Instrumentation Ref. Text. Section Justification: Delta P increases. Therefore a lower than actual level indicate Fuel Zone and Narrow Range share the same variable leg signa Shutdown Range utilizes a different variable leg signa Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-01 Objective: EO Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: 216000A203 [3.0/3.1] 10CFR55.41(b)(2)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): R l


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RO Excmin!:.tian Answ r Key '

i Question #: 26 Question: Given the following conditions:

- A high drywell pressure condition exists

- HPCI is controlling reactor water level in the +20 - +40 inch band Under these conditions: RCIC is not available in any mod RCIC is available in the injection mode, but not the pressure control mode.

l RCIC is available in the pressure control mode, but not the injection mode.

l RCIC is available in either the pressure control mode or the injection mode.

Answer; b Reference: o3856, RCIC Ref. Text. Section G.4.

l L Justification: HPCI MO-15 closes on initiation signal. MO-15 must be open to l allow pressure control Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-09-04 l Objective: 13.f


! Tier # / Group #: 2/1

217000A203 [] 10CFR55.41(b)(5)  !

Question Source: New I i

License Level (R/S/B): B l







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RO Extminttien Antw::r K";y


/ Question #: 27 Question: The ADS 11 minute timer has actuated. WHICH ONE (1) of the following y


conditions / actions will cause the 11 minute timer to reset? l Dr>well pressure is 2.1 psi l b. Reactor water levelis -44 inches, second ADS timer times ou ! The ADS INHIBIT switch is placed in INHIBI )

Answer: b Reference: o0135, ADS Ref. Text. Section J Justification: A lo-lo RPV level (-46") actuates this timer. Any time the level increases above -46" it automatically reset Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-09-05 i l

Objective: EO 6 '

'  ;

Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A- 218000K403 [3.8/4.0] 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

Question Source: New  !

License Level (R/S/B): B l i

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l Question #: 28 I i

! Question: A loss of coolant accident has occurred. Reactor water level is -200 inche l Drywell pressure is 2.3 psig. The NOS has directed that Torus Cooling be placed in service. WHICH ONE (1) of the following are the positions that the !

LPCI Override Switch (S17) and the RPV Level Override Keylock Switch (S18)

must be in to allow the operator to open the Torus Cooling Valves (MO-1001-34 i i

and MO-1001-36 A/B) from the control room? I 1 Leave S18 A/B in OFF; Leave S17 A/B in NORMAL l l Place S18 A/B in OVERIDE; Leave S17 A/B in NORMA Leave S18 A/B in OFF; then momentarily take S17 A/B to MANUAL.

! Place S18 A/B in OVERRIDE; then momentarily take S17 A/B to MANUA Answer: d Reference: o0036, RHR Ref. Text. Section D4


l Justification: If reactor water level decreases below 2/3 core height, the MO-23, I l 26,34,36 and 37 go shut. The keylock switch S-18 must be placed


In OVERRIDE. The control switch S-17 then has to be placed in l MANUAL and the white light located above the keylock switch must I

be lit to operate those valves agai l Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-09-01 Objective: EO 14 Tier # / Group #: 2/2 K/A: 219000A414 [3.7/3.5] 100FR55.41(b)(7)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B  !

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RO Excmin tian Answcr Kcy Question #: 29 Question: Conditions exist which require emergency torus ventin Which ONE of the following conditions will allow using the Direct Torus Vent? Loss of 125 VDC Bus D4 has disabled the preferred paths of containment ventin Torus air space pressure is greater than 30 psig and additional venting capacity is needed, Containment venting is required by EOP-03 and Indications of core degradation are presen Containment venting is required by EOP-03 and an "regardless of release rate" Icon govems the venting step.

Answer; b Reference: PNPS 5.4.6 Att 1 Justification: These are the requirements specified for the use of the direct torus vent per PNPS 5.4.6 Att 1 Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-08-02 Objective: EO 4 Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: 223001 A201 (4.3/4.4) 10CFR 41.5,45.6 Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): R


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RO Extmination Answcr Kcy Question #: 30 Question: At Panel C-20 an alarm is in indicating an equiprnent level drain sump high condition. One drywell equipment drain sump pump is operating. An attempt is made to start the 2nd drywell equipment drain sump pump. WHICH ONE (1) on of the following identifies the reason for the second pump NOT starting?

a. A group ll isolation has not been rese Clean radwaste receiver tanks indicate a level of 60%. The equipment drain sump level is not high enoug Interlocks within the Drywell Leak Detection System prevent both pumps from operating at the same time.

Answer: c Reference: 001956, Drywell Leak Detection System Ref. Text, Section D.4 and 6.

Justification: The first drywell equipment drain sump pump is available to start on a high level as indicated by the annuciator. The second pump will not start until a high-high level permissive condition develops.

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-08-09 Objective: EO 3.b Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: 223001K104 [3.1/3.2] 10CFR55.41(b)(4); 43(b)(5)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B 10/22/98 5:36:31 PM Page 30 of 100

RO Ex minttisn Antw:r Key Question #: 31 Question: In response to a steam leak in the drywell, both loops of RHR were placed in drywell spray and torus spray per Subsequently, the high drywell pressure condition clears and drywell pressure drops below 1.0 psig. The white

"LPCI initiation" light is illuminated. WHICH ONE [1] of the following describes the expected system status? Drywell and suppression chamber sprays isolatin Drywell and suppression chamber sprays continuin Drywell spray isolating and suppression chamber spray continuin Drywell spray continuing and suppression chamber spray isolatin Answer: a Reference: o0036, RHR Ref. Text. Sections C. 9 & 10 Justification: Both drywell and suppression chamber sprays isolate when DW pressure decreases to <1.8 psig with LOCA signal presen Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-09-01 Objective: EO 4 and 5 Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: 226001A105 [3.1/3.4] 10CFR55.41(b)(5)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B


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RO Exeminctian Antw r Kty

- Question #: 32 Question: . WHICH ONE (1) of the following will cause Fuel Pool Pump A to trip? Pump discharge pressure is 35 psi i l Skimmer Surge Tank level is 18 inche Pump suction pressure is 10 psig, Filter inlet pressure is 75 psi l


Answer: b  !

Reference: o0084, Fuel Pool Cooling Raf. Text. Section Justification: The only Fuel Pool pump trip is low skimmer surge tank level 19.5".

l Lesson Plan: 0-NL-03-11-01


Objective: EO Tier # / Group #: 2/3 K/A: 233000K604 [2.5/2.6] 10CFR55.41(b)(4)

Question Source: New 1 License Level (R/S/B): B i



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Question #: 33 i

Question: Given the following conditions:

-Mode Switch in REFUEL-Refuel floor radiation level is 15 mr/hr-The bridge is over the core-Main hoist is loaded with 500 lbs-Frame hoist is unloaded 1-Grapple is engaged l-One rod is at position 02 and another at 04 WHICH ONE (1) of the following identifies the present status of system interlocks? Bridge travel in both directions is prevented, Reverse bridge travelis prevente Only frame hoist upward motion is prevente Only frame hoist downward motion is prevente Answer: b t

Reference: 0-RO-06-04-01, Section ll.B.2 t Justification: Reverse bridge travel (towards the core) is prevented if any rod is withdrawn and any hoist loaded. Frame hoist operations are halted ,

when the main hoist is loaded and the bridge in near or over the )

cor l Lesson Plan: 0-RO-06-04-01 l Objective: TO 1 l

l Tier # / Group #: 2/2 K/A: 234000K401 [3.3/4.1] 10CFR55.41(b)(7); 43(b)(7)

Question Source: New l

l License Level (R/S/B): B l





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RO Excminttien Antwer Key


Question #: 34



Question: You are the BOP operator when the " Relief / Safety Valve Leaking" alarm ,

, annunciates.' This signals that: l 2 a safety or relief valve tailpipe temperature is above a predetermined j threshold.

a safety or relief valve open limit switch has actuate a safety or relief valve closed limit switch has actuate i l

' noise level downstream of a safety or relief valve is above a predetermined threshold.-

[ Answer: a l

Reference: ARP C903L-A2 I






Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-04-01 Objective: EO 19


Tier # / Group #: 2/1


l K/A: 239002A407 [3.6/3.6] 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

! Question Source: New i

! License Level (R/S/B): R








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RO Exentinction Answ::r Kay Question #: 35 Question: During power operations, a small LOCA occurred in the drywell. The reactor has been successfully scrammed. Reactor water level is being maintained the i normal band with the feedwater system. Reactor pressure is 800 psig with a cooldown in progress with Turbine Bypass Valves. Currently, #1 Bypass Valve i is open 50%. Due to high drywell temperature, altemate depressurization of the reactor is required. When attemate depressurization is initiated, one SRV falls l to open due to an intemal mechanical failur Which ONE of the following action is required? Verify closed or close breaker #1 on D4 and D Using the Bypass Valve Opening Jack, fully open all Bypass Valve Increase nitrogen prussure to the drywell essential air header to no more than 130 psi l Using the Bypass Valve Opening Jack, open Bypass Valves until #2 l Bypass Valve is 30% ope l Answer: b j Reference: EOP-17, PNPS 5.3.24 I

Justification: When performing altemate depressurization if less than 4 SRVs are i


open, EOP-17 directs rapid depressurization using attemate methods IAW 5.3.24. For this case,5.3.24 would direct opening all BPVs. The other actions given would not correct the situatio Lesson Plan: 0-RO-03-04-09 Objective: EO ;

Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: 239002K303 [4.3/4.4] 10CFR55.41(b)(8); 43(b)(5)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B


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I RO Extminctinn Antwcr Kcy l Question #: 36 Question: During 100% power operations, output of both MHC pressure regulators fall high and the bypass valves begin to open. WHICH ONE (1) of the following MHC controls is designed to control the amount of steam bypassed to the main condenser under this condition?


a. Load Limit Bypass Jack Speed / Load Changer

) Reactor Flow Limit Answer: d Reference: o0098, MHC Ref. Text. Section C.4.

Justification: The reactor flow limit is normally set at 110 percent. This limits combined flow through the control and bypass valves to 110 percent. If the control valves are at 100 percent flow position, the l most the bypass valves will pass is 10 percent, for a maximum '

combined flow of 110 percent. This limit protects the reactor systems frem a total pressure regulator failure event.

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-0245-04 Objective: EO 13.o.

Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: 241000A107 [3.8/3.7] 10CFR55.41(b)(3)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B 10/22/98 5:36:32 PM Page 36 of 100

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Question #: 37 l

I- ' Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following systems is used to fill the Reactor Cavity / Dryer Separator Pool after the reactor head has been removed and prior to refueling the reactor? RHR Condensate Transfer I Core Spray Fuel Pool Cooling Answer: b I Reference: Normal Operating Procedure 2.2.85, p. 3 Justification: Filling the Reactor Cavity / Dryer Separator Pool is a function of the i


Condensate System. The other systems mentioned are not used but can be in communication with the reactor cavity and separator pool with the vessel head remove Lesson Plan: O-RO-02-04-02 Objective: EO 1 Tier # / Group #: 2/3 K/A: 256000K113 [3.5/3.5] 10CFR55.41(b)(4)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B l

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I Question #: 38 l


Question: While operating at 100% power in 3-element control, one FWLC feedwater flow I detector is inadvertently bypassed. (The equalizer valve on the feed flow I detector was opened.)

WHICH ONE (1) of the following describes the RPV level response to the above condition? RPV level decreases due to an erroneously high feed flow signa RPV level increases due to an erroneously low feed flow signal.

RPV level remains constant due to just one feedwater flow detector being j bypasse l RPV level remains constant due to FWLC being level dominant Answer; b Reference
o0087, Feedwater Level Control Ref. Text. Section F. Justification: The loss of one input corresponds to a 50 percent feedwater sign loss. The resultant flow error demands more feedwater flow.

t Assuming that steam flow stays constant, the reactor water level will begin to rise.

i Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-04-10 Objective: EO 28 i

Tier # / Group #: 2/2 K/A: 259001K108 [3.6/3.7] 10CFR55.41(b)(5); 43(b)(5)

Question Source: Requalification question

! License Level (R/S/B): B



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Question #: 39 l Question: The plant is operating at 90% power. The feed pump trip sequence switch is in


the ABC position .

If the 'B' condensate pump tripped, WHICH ONE (1) of the following automatic actions would occur? The A feed pump only would tri The B feed pump only would tri The C feed pump only would tri All 3 feed pumps would tri Answer: a Reference: o0130, Feedwater and Condensate Ref. Text. Section Justification: On the trip of the first condensate pump, the 'A' RFP trip Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-04-02 Objective: EO Tier # / Group #: 2/2


K/A- 259001K602 [3.3/3.4] 10CFR55.41(b)(4)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B

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RO Extmin tian Answ r Kcy

Question #: 40 l I

Question: - The reactor is operating at 100% power with the Feed Water Control System in i three element control. WHICH ONE (1) of the following failures would cause a l decrease in the NPSH for the recirculation pumps? - Steam flow signal fails lo ! Loss of a feedwater heater strin Narrow range level instrument fails low, Loss of all feed flow inputs to the FWLCS Answer; a Reference: Recirc Flow Control Ref. Text, Page 9 of 21 l

l Justification: Feedwater flow decreases due to the failed steam flow signal. This '

reduces the submling affect from the feedwater syste Therefore, reducing the Recirc. Pump NPS Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-04-10 Objective: EO 3 l l

Tier # / Group #: 2/1 l l

K/A: 259002A201 [3.3/3.4] 10CFR55.41(b)(3); 43(b)(5)

Question Source: New I License Level (R/S/B): B i

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! RO Extminctian Annwar Kcy l

Question #: 41 Question: A momentary fault occurs on the grid causing ACB 102 to open. ACB 103 has been isolated from the startup trant .,rmer for maintenance. The C-3 panet Reclose Switch for breakers 102 and 103 is in the ON positio WHICH ONE (1) of the following describes how the startup transformer would be re-energized once the fault cleared?

Breaker 102 will: automatically re-close immediately after the fault condition clear automatically re-close 5 seconds after the fault condition clear automatically re-close 20 seconds after the fault condition clear not automatically re-close under these conditions and must be re-closed manuall Answer: c Reference: o0033,345 kV Ref. Text., Page 29-30 l

Justification: With 103 isolated from the startup transformer an auto closure of 102 will occur if the Reclose Switch is in the ON position. If 103 were not isolated 102 would close in 5 second Lesson Piar o '.O-02-01-04

Objective: EO 6 i Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: 262001A105 [3.2/3.5] 10CFR55.41(b)(5)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B i



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RO ExcminstlI:n Antw r Kcy I

i Question #: '42 Question: The following annunciator alarms during plant operations:



Investigation reveals that the associated buses are de-energized. WHICH ONE (1) of the following describes the effects associated with the above conditions? RCIC will not be immediately availabl HPCI will not be immediately availabl Loss of power to the Main Turbine control Panel D6 will auto transfer to the backup power supply.

b Reference: Emergency Procedures 5.3.11 & 12 (p.3)

Justification: HPCI partial initiation logic, partial isolation logic and inverter power is los Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-09-03 Objective: EO 2 Tier # / Group #: 2/2 K/A: 263000K303 [3.4/3.8] 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

Question Source: New

. License Level (R/S/B): B l





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l Question #: 43 Question: DG 'A'is operating paralleled with the unit auxiliary transformer. WHICH ONE (1) of the following would cause the unit auxiliary transformer breaker to A-5 to trip? Level in the RPV lowers to -46". The DG 'A' Jacket water temperature increases to 200 deg. The startup transformer locks out due to a startup transformer faul Jacket water pressure is above 12 psig with fuel supply pressure below 20 psi Answe a Reference: 00150, Diesel Generators Ref. Text. Section Justification: On all automatic start signals, isochronous operation is selecte This is true regardless of droop /isochronous and test / normal switch positions, if the DG switches to the isochronous mode of operation while paralleled to the unit auxiliary transformer, the unit auxiliary transformer breaker will tri Lesson Plan: O-RO-02-09-06 Objective: EO 6 Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A- 264000K505 [3.4/3.4) 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B i

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RO Excmincti::n Answer Kcy




Question #: 44 Question: During full power operations the main stack off-gas PRM monitor 1-2 (1705-18)

Indicates an increasing radiation level. WHICH ONE (1) of the following could be the cause for this indication to increase? Excessive hydrogen injection into the reactor coolan Closure of the main condenser vapor valve High recombiner temperatur Loss of both stack dilution fans.

Answer: d Reference: o0710, AOG Ref. Text, Section E.1.

Justification: Lack of dilution fans or SGT fans would reduce the gas mixing at the stack base. This could give false indication of high radioactive ;

release rates from the stack to the enviro ;

i Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-04-11 Objective: 6.h Tier # / Group #: 2/2 K/A: 271000A112 [3.1/3.5] 10CFR55.41(b)(4);43.(b)(4);


Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B






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Question #: 45 I Question: Pilgrim is operating on range 6 of the IRMs with the 'B' main steam line rad monitor failed upscale. The RPS MG set "A" trip WHICH ONE (1) of the following describes the equipment response? Main Steam Line Drain Valve MO-220-1 will clos I Rad Waste Discharge Valve FV-7214A will clos j Stack Isolation Valve AO-3751 will clos l The Mechanical Vacuum Pump will tri l Answer: d Reference: o0344, Main Steam System Ref. Text. Section D.1; o0111, Process I Rad Monitoring Ref. Text. Section E.1 and 5.

Justification: Loss of RPS A would trip main steam line monitors causing the ,

mechanical vacuum pump to tri l Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-03-02 Objective: EO 4.a Tier # / Group #: 2/2 I K/A: 272000K601 [3.0/3.2] 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): R

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RO Excminati::n Answcr Kcy Question #: 46 Question: With the plant in normal power operations, which ONE (1) of the following signals will cause an RBIS isolation? refuel floor area monitors A and B are failed downscale, C reads 10 mrem, D reads 25 mrem refuel floor area monitors A and C are failed downscale, B reads 10 mrem, D reads 25 mrem refuel floor area monitors A and D are failed downscale, C reads 10 mrem, B reads 25 mrem refuel floor area monitor A is failed downscale, B reads 20 mrem, C reads 10 mrem, D reads 25 mrem Answer: b Reference: PRM Ref. Text, Page 19 of 43

, Justification: One high radiation trip in one channel and two downscales in the other channel develops the isolation signa Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-08-05 Objective: EO 10


Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: 290001A301 [3.9/4.0] 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

Question Source: New l

l License Level,(R/S/B): B


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Question #: 47

! Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following is the Safety Limit for reactor vessel pressure with irradiated fuelin the vessel? psig as sensed in the vessel bottom hea psig as sensed in the vessel bottom hea psig as sensed in the steam dome.

i psig as sensed in the steam dome.

l Answer: c l Reference: Tech. Spec. 2. l i

Justification: According to Tech. Specs.1325 psig in the steam dome is the safety limi Lesson Plan: 0-RO-06-01-02 j Objective: EO 1 Tier # / Group #: 2/3 l K/A: 290002K507 [3.9/4.4] 10CFR55.41(b)(10)


Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): R

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RO Excminttien Answ r Kcy Question #: 48 Question: Following a trip of both recirculation pumps, indications are received in the control room that the RPV is beginning to stratify. WHICH ONE (1) of the following actions would be effective in reducing the amount of stratification?

a. Increase CRD cooling water flow, Decrease CRD drive water flo Throttle closed RWCU recirculation loop suction valve (MO-1201-85). Throttle open RWCU recirculation loop suction valve (MO-1201-85).

Answer: c Reference: PNP 2.4.24, Rev.11 p. 3 of 8 Justification: Per procedure 2.4.24 Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-05 Objective: EO 1 Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A: - 295001K101 [3.5/3.6] 10CFR55.41 10,4 Question Source: Requalification question License Level (R/S/B): B


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RO Excminctlan Answ r Kcy Question #: 49  :

Question: The plant is operating at 90% powe WHICH ONE (1) of the following would result in a #2 (44%) recirc pump runback? 1 The 'A' feedline flow transmitter fails upscale A feedwater level control system failure causes reactor water level to lower to +15 inche I A running reactor feedwater pump trips, which causes reactor water level l to lower to +15 inche l The steam flow transmitter fails upscale Answer: c l Reference: 00174, RECIRC Flow Control Ref. Text., Section Justification: If reactor water level is <19" and <3 RFPs are running, recire pumps automatically runback to <44%.

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-10 Objective: EO Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A: 295001K203 [3.6/3.7] 10CFR55.41(b)(5)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B t

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RO Excminttisn Answ r Kcy Question #: 50 Question: The plant is operating at 100% powe Which ONE of the following conditions would cause automatic closure of the condenser vapor valves and subsequent loss of main condenser vacuum? psig steam pressure to the SJAE inlet psig downstream of the SJAE Condenser lbm/hr steam flow to the jet compressor degr downstream of the SJAE Condenser Answer: l 9g0 g jp/M4F Reference: PNP 2.4.36, Rev.19, p. 4 of 7, directs aligning the PCV 3701 bypass valve for this conditio Justification: Low main steam pressure to the SJAE Inlet regulator will cause closure of the vapor valves Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-04-03 ,

Objective: EO 11 Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A:. 295002K207 [3.1/3.1) 10CFR55.41(b)(5);43(b)(5)

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Question Source: New Ucense Level (R/S/B): B fee f m Sodoadion fro m H . G d ta-go ddect 10/aal%r-QAge. IS ,


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RO Extmlnttien Annwar Kcy l

Question #: 51 Question: The plant is operating at 60% power with a single seawater pump and 2 water


boxes in operation. Annunciator C2C-A6, VACUUM LO, has alarmed.


Indications show that condenser vacuum is slowly dropping. WHICH ONE (1) of the following may NOT be used to maintain condenser vacuum? Reduce reactor power, Start the idle Seawater Pum Start tho Mechanical Vacuum Pum Establish flow to a third water bo :

Answer: c Reference: Abnormal Procedure 2.4.36; o0192 Main Cond. Vac & Air Removal, Section J Justification: It is only to be operated while reactor power is < 5 percent (Technical Specification limitations).

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-04-03 Objective: EO Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A: 295002K207 [3.1/3.1] 10CFR55.41(b)(4)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): R




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Question #: 52 Question: While making rounds through the plant, an operator observes that all four isolation switches in the 'A' EDG Altemate Shutdown Panel have been taken to local.- Under these conditions the "A" EDG will:

a. automatically start on a LOCA signal onl automatically start on a loss of power signal onl automatically start on a LOCA signal on loss of power signa have no automatic start capability Answer; b Reference: EDG Ref. Text, Page 26 of 62


Justification: Local control takes away LOCA start capabilit Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-09-06 Objective: EO 4 and 26 Tier # / Group #: 1/1 K/A: 295003A103 [4.4/4.4] 10CFR55.41(b)(7);43(b)(2)

! Question Source: new License Level (R/S/B): R


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RO Excmincti:n Answ:r Kcy Question #: 53-Question: While operating at power the following alarms are received:




WHICH ONE (1) of the following would occur? The running RWCU pump trip MHC pressure regulator swaps to MP Recirc MG set scoop tube positioner will lock-u ; RBIS initiates and SBGTS start )

Answer: b Reference: o0089,120 VAC Ref. Text. Section Justification: Loss of Y-1, with the unit operating, will be accompanied by a loss ,

of power to the EPR causing a rise in turbine inlet press. The MPR l automatically assumes pressure regulation i i

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-01-07


- Objective: EO 3 J l

Tier # / Group #: 1/1 l K/A- 295003K103 [2.9/3.2] 10CFR55.41(b)(8)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B i

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l l Question #: 54 i


Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following describes the effect of a loss of 125V DC panel D5 on the ATWS System?

! The 26B ARI solenoid would de-energize, and would stay closed on a ARI initiation signa The 26B ARI solenoid would de-energize, and fail open, The 'B' channel of ATWS trip logic would de-energize and trip half the logic required for an initiatio The 'B' channel of AlWS trip logic would de-energize and only initiate if both instruments in the 'A' channel trippe Answer: a


Reference: 00356 p. 8 of 17 Justification: The 26 B ARI solenoid is powered from DS, and fails closed Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-07-09 Objective: EO 1 ,

Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A: 295004A102 [3.8/4.1) 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B

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RO Excminttien Ancwcr K0y Question #: 55 Question: The plant is operating at 40% power when the following alarms occur:


- STATOR COOLING INLET FLOW LO-TURBINE RUNBACK There is no reactive load (0 MVAR) on the Main Generator. Due to a failure of the Speed / Load Changer Motor, Main Gsnerator load remains constan Which ONE of the following is the expected automatic response of the system if no operator action is taken: A turbine trip in 2 minute A generator lockout in 2 minute A turbine trip in 31/2 minute A generator lockout in 31/2 minutes.

Answer: c Reference: PNPS 2.2.99 page 9 and 2.4.156 page 5 (discussion sections)

Justification: If the Main Generator fails to runback to 14,845 amps in 2 minutes or 4410 amps in 31/2 minutes, a turbine trip will occur. To reach 4410 amps, the turbine load must be reduced to approximately 23%. At 40% power, main generator current will be greater than 4410 amps but less than 14,845 amps (power proportional ta current)

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-01-08 Objective: EO 8 Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A- 295005A104 (2.7/2.8] 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B 10/22/98 5:36:36 PM Page 55 of 100

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RO Excmincti::n Answcr Kcy Question #: 56 Question: During full power operations a transient occurs causing a reactor scram. Prior to the initiation of the recirc pump runback, you recognize the following:

- Annuciator C904R-A6, MG B SPEED CONTROL SIGNAL L Annuciator C904R-A5, MG B SCOOP TUBE LOCK UP ON WHICH ONE (1) of the following actions is required? Trip the B recirc pump, !mmediately reset the scoop tube locku Adjust the A recire pump speed to match the B recire pump spee Manually position the B recire MG set scoop tube to minimum spee Answer: a Reference: PNP 2.1.6, Rev. 40, Reactor Scram Justification: Immediate action from PNP 2.1.6, Rev. 40, Reactor Scram, states if a recirculation pump scoop tube is locked up and the pump is above minimum speed, then trip the MG se Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-10 Objective: EO 1 Tier # / Group #: 1/1 K/A: 295006A104 [3.1/3.2] 10CFR55.41(b)(7);43(b)(5)

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. 1 RO Excmin::tirn Answ;r Kcy


Question #: 57 Question: A reactor scram has occurred. Not all rods fully inserted. WHICH ONE [1] of

' the following conditions would indicate that de-energizing the scram solenoids would be effective in inserting all control rods?

a .' Blue scram lights on Full Core Display are OF Group Scram Logic Lights on C905 are OF SPVAH Pressure Lo Alarm is O . SDIV Level Hi Alarm is O Answer; a Reference: Emergency Procedure 5.3.23,2.1 and Justification: Emergency Procedure 5.3.23,2.1 classifies this as RPS Elec Failure Lesson Plan: 0-RO-03-04-04 Objective: EO 24 Tier # / Group #: 1/1

K/A: 295006A107 [4.1/4.1] 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B l

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l RO Extmincticn Answ:r Kcy l Question #: 58 l I


Question: Following a Nitrogen Line leak in the drywell, AO-4356 (Nitrogen / Air Isolation Valve to the Drywell) was closed. By design, WHICH ONE (1) of the following represents the maximum number of times over the next eight hours each SRV be can be actuated?

NOTE: COUNT EACH OPEN AND CLOSE CYCLE AS ONE ACTUATION Answe d Reference: o0344, Main Steam Ref. Text. Section C.3.b)

Justification: An accumulator is provided for each relief valve for remote valve operation if instrument air is lost. The accumulator is sized to l provide enough pressurized gas for approximately 20 remote relief valve actuations.


Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-04-01 Objective: EO 3 Tier # / Group #: 1/1 K/A: 295007A104 [3.9/4.1] 10CFR55.4 l(b)(7);43(b)(5)

Question Source: 1997 NRC exam License Level (R/S/B): B l

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RO Excmintti n An; war Kcy Question #: 59 Question: While operating at 100% a level transient occurs. Reactor water level increased to 62 inches before decreasing. Reactor level begins to fall and drywell pressure then increases to 2.3 psig. Assuming no operator action, WHICH ONE (1) of the following indicates when HPCl will begin to inject?.

a. Immediately, When the +60 inch signal clear When the +45 inch signal clear When the low-low signal ( 46") is receive Answer: d Reference: 00361, HPCI Ref. Text '

- Justification: HPCI does not automatically restart until the -46" signal clears the high level tri Lesson Plan: 1)O-RO-02-09-03 Objective: 1)EO 3,4,5 Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A: 295008K205 [3.8/3.9] 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B


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i-RO Excminctlan Antw r Kcy Question #: 60 Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following indications would represent a 100% failure of a number 2 recire pump seal? Number 2 cavity pressure INCREASES to approximately 1000 psi Number 2 cavity pressure DECREASES to O psig.

l Number 1 cavity pressure INCREASES to approximately 1000 psig.

!. Number 1 cavity pressure DECREASES to O psi Answer: b j= Reference: o0124, Recire Ref. Text. Section F.3.a.

l Justification: Failure of no. 2 cavity seal assembly would cause the no. 2 cavity l seal pressure to drop to approximately zero, and the seal leakage L high flow alarm in the control room due to the failure of the seal.

l Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-02 Objective: EO 12 l- Tier _# / Group #: 1/1 K/A- 295010K304 [3.5/3.8] 10CFR55.41(b)(5);43(b)(5)

l Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B l.




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RO Excminctinn Answar Ksy

Question #: 61 Question: During full power operations, a HPCI surveillance test is in progress with the 'A'

loop of RHR in suppression pool cooling. Suppression pool temperature is 81 deg. F and increasing. WHICH ONE (1) of the following actions must be taken? Terminate the surveillanc Commence logging suppression pool temperature every 10 minute Maximize suppression pool cooling using the 'A' loop of RHR onl Maximize suppression pool cooling using both loops of RHR.

l Answer: d

Reference: 0-RO-03-04-05, p.lG 19


Justification: EOP-3 directs maximizing torus cool if it cannot be maintain below 80 deg. F. Maximizing torus cooling is defined as placing both I

loops of RHR in torus coolin Lesson Plan: O-RO-03-04-05 Objective: TO 6 Tier # / Group #: 1/1 K/A: 295013G2. CFR55.41(b)(8);43(b)(5)


Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B

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Question #: 62 l

Question: At 100% power the following alarm is received:

- ROD DRIFT A licensed operator notices rod 22-35 and 26-31 are drifting in from position 4 WHICH ONE (1) of the following actions should be taken? l Place the reactor mode switch in SHUTDOW If cooling water pressure is high give each tod a short withdraw signa Give each rod a short insert signa Lower core flow to 36 Mib/h Answer; a l Reference: PNPS 2.4.11,immediate Actions Justification: Tto rods mentioned are within in a 9x9 array, which would require a scra Lesson Plan: O-RO-02-06-11 Objective: TO 7 Tier # / Group #: 1/1 l

K/A: 295014G2. CFR55.41(b)(10);43(b)(5)


Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B

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Question #: 63 Question: Reactor power is 55% when an inadvertent trip of one of the two operating feed pumps occurs. Levelin the RPV drops to +10 inches before a second feed


pump is back on-line retuming level back to norma WHICH ONE (1) of the following actions should be taken? Place the mode switch in S/D and enter 2. Enter a 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> LCO to restore the trip capability Reset the #2 (44%) recirc runback

, Insert all operable control rods within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> Answer: a


Reference: PNPS 1.3.34, Rev. 51, Page 51of 87 Justification: Scram condition developed and the reactor did not automatically scram. This requires a manual scra Lesson Plan: 0-RO-06-06-01 Objective: E O Tier # / Group #: 1/1 K/A: 295015A102 [4.0/4.2] 10CFR55.41(b)(7);43(b)(1)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B l


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Question #: 64 Question: The control room was abandoned due to toxic smoke. The reactor was not scrammed before evacuation. Which one (1) of the following methods is required to be used to SCRAM the plant in this condition? Open RPS bus supply breakers in panel C511.

l Depressurize the scram pilot valve air heade Open one EPA breaker in each RPS syste ~ Open the P. r supply breakers to the APRMs in panel C511.

l Answer: d

! Reference: 2.4.143, Rev 16, p. 5 of 81 l Justification: This is the method called for in the reference. None of the distractors are sanctioned by any PNPS procedure Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-02-02 l Objective: EO 5.a


Tier # / Group #: 0/0

K/A: 295016A101 (3.8/3.9) 10CFR55.41(b)(6)

! Question Source: new License Level (R/S/B): R


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Question #: 65 '

Question: With the drywell inerted, an air header rupture causes a complete loss of instrument air. WHICH ONE [1] of the following will occur? Allinboard MSIVs clos Startup Feed Regulating Valve opens, RFP A recirculation valve open CRD system flow control valve open Answer: c Reference: PNPS 5.3.8, Rev.19, Attachment 1 Justification: The RFP recirculation valves open on a loss of air. All others mentioned fail differently than what is mentioned.

, Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-04-02 Objective: EO 1 Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A- 295019K203 [3.2/3.3] 10CFR55.41(b)(7);43(b)(5)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B


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l Question #: 66 Question: An automatic reactor scram has occurred from power. WHICH ONE of the I l following describes the reason PNPS 2.1.6 directs placing the Mode Switch in i Shutdown as soon as possible? Allow draining the SDIVs.

! Allow verification of all rods i Prevent an inadvertent Group 1 isolatio Provide a redundant automatic scram signal from APRM setdow j



Answer: c Reference: PNPS 2.1.6, Rev. 41, Page 5, Section Justification: MSIVs close with Mode Switch in run and <8% psig. Post scram, reactor pressure may initially drop below 810# due to cold feedwaterinjectio Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-08-10 Objective: EO-3 Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A: 295020K201 [3.6/3.7] 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

Question Source: New Ucense Level (R/S/B): B


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Question #: 67 Question: RHR Loop 'A'is in Shutdown Cooling. RPV pressure increased to 85 psig. All other parameters.are norma WHICH ONE (1) of the following actions would have occurred conceming the RHR shutdown cooling valves?

' Only MO-50 would clos Only MO-47 would clos Only MO-47 and MO-50 would clos MO-29 and MO-47 and MO-50 would clos Answer: c Reference: 00036, RHR Ref. Text. Section E.1 Justification: The RHR system shutdown cooling valves MO-29A(B),47,50, shut during a group 3 isolation. This isolates the system if pressure becomes too high,76 psig (47 & 50 only)

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-09-01

EO 1 Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A: 295021A206 [3.2/3.3] 10CFR55.41(b)(8);43(b)(5)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B 10/22/98 5:36:39 PM Page 67 of 100 i-

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RO Excminsti::n Answar Kcy Question #: 68 Question: With the plant at 100% power, the operating CRD pump trips and the standby pump cannot be started. WHICH ONE (1) of the following describes the consequences? The control rods with accumulator trouble alarms will not meet their Tec Spec. required scram tim Recirculation pump seal #2 cavity pressure will increase above its design pressure to 1000 psi The CRDM seals will fail within the next hou Recirculation pump seal purge will be lost causing accelerated wearing of the recire pump seal Answer: d Reference: 00091, CRD Hydraulic Ref. Text. Section Justification: CRD supplies recirc seal purge. Above 950# scram times will be met. The CRDM seal may fail but not immediatel Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-11 Objective: EO Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A- 295022K201 [2.8/3.0] 10CFR55.41(b)(5);43(b)(5)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B l

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_ . _ . ._ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . ._ . . _ - _ _ RO Excmin tisn Annwar Kcy Question #: 69 Question: A spent fuel bundle is in transit through the cattle chute from the vessel to the -

storage racks. Level in the fuel pool and reactor cavity is observed to be rapidly decreasing. WHICH ONE (1) of the following actions is the Fuel Handler required to take? Return the spent fuel bundle to the original core position, Place the spent fuel bundle in the nearest open positio Lower the spent fuel bundle to the lowest level that can be obtained for its present locatio Immediately suspend movement of the spent fuel bundl Answer; b Reference: Abnormal Procedure 2.4.31 Justification: Per immediate actions of abnormal procedure 2.4.31 this is the action to tak Lesson Plan: 0-RO-06-04-01 Objective: EO 10 Tier # / Group #: 1/1 K/A: 295023G2.4.49 10CFR55.41(b)(13); 43(b)(7)


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t Question #: 70 Question: The plant is operating at 100% power and SBGT is aligned as follows:

- The "A" SBGT Fan is in AUTO

- The "B" SBGT Fan is in STBY The "A" SBGT Fan starts on a high drywell pressure condition. It runs for 10 seconds, then trips for an unknown cause. WHICH ONE (1) of the following describes the expected automatic response of the "B" SBGT Fan from the time the initiation signalis received?

l Starts 65 seconds after the initiation signal and then continues to run



, Starts immediately after the "A" SBGT Fan trips and then continues to run j uninterrupte Starts when the initiation signal is received, runs for 65 seconds and then stops, then restarts, Starts when the initiation signal is received and continues to run uninterrupted.

i Answer: c I

Reference: o0039, Standby Gas Treatment Ref. Text. Section Justification: With "B" SBGT Fan in STBY and an initiation signal is received, "B" train inlet damper opens. When OPEN limit switch picks up, "B" fan starts. Fan start circuit energizes heaters and opens "B" outlet damper. After 65 seconds, the "B" train shuts down by closing the inlet damper, which secures the fan, which de-energizes the heaters and closes the outlet damper.


Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-08-03 l

Objective: EO 2.a.

l Tier # / Group #: 1/1 l K/A: 10CFR55.41(b)(5);43(b)i5)

295024A120 [3.5/3.6)

Question Source: Modified 1997 NRC exam question.

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License Level (R/S/B): B


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RO Excmin tisn Answcr Kcy Question #: 71 Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following is the intemal design pressure of the drywell? psig, psi psi psi Answer: b Reference: 00045, Primary Containment Structure Ref. Text. Section Justification: The internal design pressure for the drywell is 56 psig, saturation pressure for 281 degrees Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-08-01 Objective: EO 8 Tier # / Group #: 1/1 K/A: 295024K101 [4.1/4.2] 10CFR55.41(b)(9)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B l



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RO Extminstian Answar Kty .

Question #: 72 Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following would allow exiting EOP-17," Alternate Depressurization"?

. RPV pressure of 66 psig and a torus pressure of 18 psi RPV pressure at 900 psig and torus water temperature at 190 deg. F.

RPV pressure of 80 psig and decreasin RPV pressure of 500 psig and a torus pressure of 15 psi Answe a Reference
EOP-17 Justification: When the delta pressure between the RPV an Torus in less than 50 psig the rea.: tor is considered depressurized and systems used for Alternate Depressurization may not functio Lesson Plan: 0-RO-03-04-09 Objective: EO 3


Tier # / Group #: 1/1

.I K/A: 295025A201 [4.3/4.3] 10CFR55.41(b)(7);43(b)(5)

Question Source: New Ucense Level (R/S/B): B l


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Question #: 73 l Question: The plant is operating at 75%. A safety relief valve functional test ic 8n progres One SRV sticks open when it is tested. WHICH ONE (1) of the following describes when a SCRAM is REQUIRED by Technical Specifications? l Valve cannot be reclosed from the control room l Valve is open for 3 minutes j deg F Bulk Torus temperature deg F Local Torus temperature Answer: c I

Reference: Tech. Spec. 3.7.A.1.g, P. 3/4. 7-2 )

l Justification: Anytime suppression pool temp. exceeds 110 deg. The reactor is j required to be scrammed and that requires the mode switch to be !


placed in Shutdowm.

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-06-01-03 Objective: EO 4 Tier # / Group #: 1/1 I K/A: 295026K305 [3.9/4.1] 10CFR55.41(b)(10)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): R

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Question #
74 .



Question: An event occurs causing an increase in drywell pressure that resulted in spraying the drywell. The following temperature readings were taken:

- TI-9019 (DW TEMP Indicator)208 degrees F

- TE-8125 bulk average (Kaye Temp) 216 degrees F

- TR-9044 (DW TEMP / PRESS Recorder) 198 degrees F

- TE-5050 bulk average (Computer Points) 214 degrees F WHICH ONE (1) of the following identifies the temperature that should be used when assessing actions to be taken? deg. F deg. F l deg. F deg. F

Answer: b Reference: PNP 2.1.27,Rev. 3, Drywell Temp. Indication, Justification: PNP 2.1.7, caution, states that only 9019 or 9044 should be use All others are not environmentally qualified. Also the highest tem is use Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-06 Objective: EO 11 Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A- 295028A201 [4.0/4.1] 10CFR55.41(b)(10);43(b)(5)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B l


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RO Excminctitn Answ r K0y

Question #
75 Question: In EOP 3, Primary Containment Control, step DT-4 directs MAXIMlZING drywell cooling. WHICH ONE (1) of the following is NOT considered a means of maxirnizing drywell cooling per the intent of this step?

!- Isolating RBCCW non-essential load I Increasing RBCCW flow through the Drywell cooler Starting idle drywell cooler Lowering RBCCW system temperatur Answer; a Reference: PNPS, Rev. 4, Page 15 Justification: MAXIMlZING drywell cooling as intended by this step is b, e and d l

of the questio . Lesson Plan: O-OR-03-04-05 Objective: EO 14 Tier # / Group #: 1/1 K/A: 295028G2.1.20 10CFR55.41(b)(10);43(b)(5) -


Question Source: New

. License Level (R/S/B): R


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RO Excminttinn Annw r K;y Question #: 76 l


Question: While attempting to reduce a high drywell temperature using EOP-03, introduction of oxygen into the Primary Containment is prevented by ensuring that drywell spray is stopped at 2.2 psig spraying the drywell only if torus water level is less than 180 inches.

I RPV blowdown is performed prior to reaching 280 degrees F drywell tem drywell spray is stopped if drywell parameters move outside the DSIL curv l Answer; a Reference: O-OR-03-04-05, Rev.1, EOP 3 lesson Plan p. IG-18  ;

Justification: EOP-3, directs securing DW sprays after DW pressure drops below 2.2 psig. This action will reduce the potential of opening the reactor building to torus vacuum breaker Lesson Plan: O-OR-03-04-05 Objective: EO 7 Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A- 295028K302 [3.2/3.2) 10CFR55.41(b)(10);43(b)(5)

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RO Excminctinn .Ancwcr Kcy Question #: 77 Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following is NOT an acceptable means of providing adequate core cooling? Maintaining reactor water level at -100 inche Steam cooling with injectio Steam cooling without injectio Spray coolin Answer: d Reference: RO-03-04-03 Rev. 2, p. IG-51 Justification: Spray cooling may not be uniform.

, Lesson Plan: 0-RO-03-04-02 Objective: EO 18 Tier # / Group #: 1/1 K/A: 295031K101 [4.6/4.7] 10CFR55.41(b)(8)


Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B

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Question #: 78 Question: With the Mode Switch in Shutdown, a LOCA occurs causing the following condition Reactor water levelis -10 inches Drywell pressure is 3.2 psig Reactor pressure is 50 psig WHICH ONE (1) of the following states the correct status of PCIS group isolations? Group 1,2, and 6 actuated, group 4,5,and 7 not actuated Group 2 and 6 actuated, group 1,4,5,and 7 not actuated Group 2,4,5,6, and 7 actuated, group 1 not actuated Group 2,4,5, and 6 actuated, group 1 and 7 not actuated Answe c Reference: 00166, Primary Containment Isolation System Ref. Text, Table Justification: According to the reference, these are the groups that will actuate. .

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-08-10, 0-RQ-02-01-35 Objective: EO 3, EO 10d Tier # / Group #: 1/1

295031K212 [4.5/4.5] 10CFR55.41(b)(9)

l Question Source: Requal Bank License Level (R/S/B): R






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RO Excminttien Anawcr Key Question #: 79 Question: The plant is operating at 100% power when a loss of BUS A5 occur When steam tunnel temperature exceeds 160 degrees F, WHICH ONE (1) of the following action (s)is(are) required? Commence a normal plant shutdow Reduce core flow using 'B' recirc pump and scram the reacto Place steam tunnel cooling in service as necessary to maintain steam tunnel below 170 degrees Reduce reactor power using the 'B' recirc pump as necessary to control steam tunnel temperatur Answer: b Reference: PNP 2.4.151 Justification: PNP 2.4.151, Loss of Bus A5, immediate action states reduce core flow and scram the reactor for this conditio Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-L1-05 i

Objective: TO 3 Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A- 295032G2.1.20 10CFR55.41(b)(10);43(b)(5)


l Question Source: From last NRC exam,199 License Level (R/S/B): B

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RO Excminttisn An:wcr K0y Question #: 80 Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following represents the sequence of procedural actions necessary to reset a Reactor Building isolation that has been caused by a refuel floor high radiation condition. (Assume the high refuel floor radiation signal has cleared.)

a. Perform reset using PCIS 2,3,6 ISOL RESET on C905, then Reposition control switches for dampers and equipment, then Perform reset using RBIS TRIP RESET on C7 Perform reset using RBIS TRIP RESET on C7 ,

Perform reset using PCIS 2,3,6 ISOL RESET on C905, then i


Reposition control switches for dampers and equipment Reposition control switches for dampers and equipment, then Perform reset using PCIS 2,3,6 ISOL RESET on C905, then Perform reset using RBIS TRIP RESET on C7

' Reposition control switches for dampers and equipment, then i Perform reset using RBIS TRIP RESET on C7, then Perform reset using PCIS 2,3,6 ISOL RESET on C905

c l Reference: Procedure, Attachment 8 l

Justification: Procedure cautions to place equipment in a condition to  !

prevent repositioning on a containment isolation rese l Procedurally, the dampers and equipment are repositioned first, then the Group 11 isolation logic is reset prior to resetting the RBIS isolatio Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-08-05 Objective: EO 16 Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A: 295033A103 [3.8/3.8] 10CFR55.41(b)(9)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B l

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l RO Excminatirn Annwar Kcy Question #: 81 Question: With a Reactor Vent Radiation Hi-Hi Alarm present, EOP-4 directs the operator to verify secondary containment isolation of reactor building H&V and the j initiation of Standby Gas Treatment.

l WHICH ONE (1) of the following is the purpose of this verification? A treated and controlled grour.d release of the activity is provided.

i A treated and controlled elevateo release of the activity is provide To prevent contamination of normal ventilation ductwor To allow accurate monitoring of a release to the environment.


Answer: b



Reference: 0-RO-03-04-06, Page IG-9 Justification: SBGT operating with the reactor building isolated limits the ground level airbome radio-active material release. Off-site doses from a design basis fuel handling or loss of coolant accident will be below l values stated in 10 CFR 100.

l Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-08-03 l Objective: EO1 l

i Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A- 295034K301 (3.8/4.1] 10CFR55.41(b)(5);43(b)(1)

Question Source: 1997 NRC exam License Level (R/S/B): B l

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RO Excminstisn An wcr Kay Question #: 82 Question: You are the ECCS operator during an ATWS. HPCI is injecting to the RPV due to a valid initiation signal. You have been directed to stop and prevent injection from HPCI for level / power control actions. WHICH ONE (1) of the following is the expected method of stopping and preventing HPCI injection? Hold the manual trip pushbotton on the C903 in the depressed position Depress the manual trip pushbutton on the C903 until the turbine stops, then place the HPCI aux oil pump in pull-to-lock.

! Dispatch an operator to locally manually trip the HPCI turbine Place the HPCI aux oil pump in pull-to-lock, then depress the manual trip l pushbutton on the C903 until the turbine stops l

l Answer b Reference: Operations policy,2.2.21, Rev 50, p.18 of 62 Justification: This is the approved method to accomplish the tas Lesson Plan: 0-RO-03-04-04 Objective: EO 10 Tier # / Group #: 1/1 K/A: 295037K102 [4.1/4.3] 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

Question Source: Requal(closed) exam bank Ucense Level (R/S/B): R i

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Question #: 83 l Question: The following conditions exist:

- A half scram exists on RPS "A" due to APRM testing

- A fire caused a loss of RPS BUS "B" and a full scram

- The testing was stopped and APRMs were retumed to norma WHICH ONE (1) of the following describes when the scram may be reset? Immediatel ! After the dump test switch is placed in isolat After RPS bus "B"is energize After the SDIV vent and drain valves are opene i Answer: c Reference: o0011, RPS Ref. Text, Figure Justification: B RPS bus needs to be energized before the half scram can be rese Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-07-07 Objective: EO Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A- B212000K305 10CFR55.41(b)(8);43(b)(6)


Question Source: 1997 NRC exam License Level (R/S/B): B 10/22/98 5:36:42 PM Page 83 of 100

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RO Excminr.tinn An; war Kcy t


Question #: 84 Question: The plant has scrammed due to high drywell pressure. The "A" RHR pump is l aligned for torus Spray and drywell spra WHICH ONE (1) of the following describes how 'A' loop flow would be regulated? Adjust drywell spray valves MO-23A and/or MO-26A as necessary, i Adjust the torus spray valve MO-37A as necessar " Adjust the torus cooling valve MO-36A as necessar Adjust the RHR heat exchanger bypass valve MO-16A as necessar Answer: c Reference: PNPS 2.2.1 Justification: The MO-36 valve is used to regulate total RHR flow in this mode.


Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-09-01

Objective: EO 4 and 5 Tier # / Group #: 2/2 K/A: B230000A407 10CFR55.41(b)(7) ,



Question Source: New i License Level (R/S/B): R j



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RO Excminntian Answar Kcy Question #: 85 Question: The plant is operating at 20% power with the electrical pressure regulator in service. WHICH ONE (1) of the following explains the expected plant response if the EPR servo fails low, demanding valve closure? The reactor would scram on high reactor pressure, The reactor would scram on MSIV closure, The main turbine would trip, the reactor would not scra The mechanical pressure regulator would take control, the reactor does not scra Answer: d Reference: o0098, MHC Ref. Text. Section Justification: During normal operation the MPR is set at a higher pressure than the EPR. Since the MPR setpoint is higher than the EPR, the MPR error signal will be lower. The compound control mechanism shaft responds to the larger error signal applied to it Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-05-04 Objective: EO 7 Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: 8241000A114 [3.4/3.4] 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B i

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RO Excmincti n Answcr Key Question #: 86 Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following is a violation of secondary containment integrity? One refuel floor exhaust isolation damper is failed open with the other refuel floor exhaust isolation damper open and fully operabl Reactor building ventilation is secured due to dampers failing closed.

! Both drywell personnel doors are ope Reactor water cleanup MO-1201-2 (RWCU Suction) valve is failed ope Answer: a Reference: T.S. Definition of Secondary Containment Intet rity Justification: The secondary containment system is designed with sufficient redundancy so that no single active system component failure can prevent a system from achieving its safety objectiv Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-08-03 Objective: EO 14 l

Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A: B295035K101 10CFR55.41(b)(8);43(b)(5)


Question Source: 1997 NRC exam l License Level (R/S/B): B l

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RO Excminctlen An:wcr Kcy Question #: 87 Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following conditions would allow walving the independent verification requirements to verify a valve's position? If it is estimated that 30 mrem would be required to verify the valve's position If the valve was located in the Main Stack Building If the valve had position indication in the control room If the valve was not associated with an ECCS system Answer; a Reference: 1.3.34, Rev. 50, p. 42 of 89 Justification: Walver of independent verification when it would result in whole body exposure of 10 mrem is directed by procedur Lesson Plan: 0-RO-06-06-01 Objective: E O Tier # / Group #: /

.I K/A: 10CFR 41.10,45.1,45.12 G 2.1.29 (3.4/3.3)

Question Source: new License Level (R/S/B): R 10/22/98 5:36:43 PM Page 87 of 100

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RO Excmincticn An wcr Kcy Question #: 88 Question: Assume that today is July 15,1998. A licensed RO has performed the functions of an RO during one 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> shift since July WHICH ONE (1) of the following actions will result in the RO's license being in an " active" status on November 1,1998? Five more 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> shifts performing RO functions during September. Three

12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts performing RO functions during October.

' Three more 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> shifts performing RO functions during July. One 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shift performing RO functions during September. One 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shift performing RO functions during Octobe Two more 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> shifts performing RO functions during August. Four more 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> shifts performing RO functions during Septembe One more 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> shifts performing RO functions during July. Four more 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> shifts performing RO functions during October.

l Answer: c Reference: NOP 1.3.34," Conduct of Operations," p. 34.

i Justification: Procedural guidance is provided regarding " active" license

' requirements.


Lesson Plan: 0-RO-06-06-01 l

l Objective: EO ;

Tier # / Group #: 3/1 K/A: G211 (3.7/3.8) 10CFR55.41(10) 10CFR55.43(1) )


Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B l


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RO Excminati:n Answ r K y


l Question #: 89 l Question: After running for one [1] week, the 'A' reactor recire pump trips at 1200. At


1300, the 'A' reactor recirc pump is restarted, runs until 1310 and trips. The soonest that the 'A' reactor recire pump can be restarted is:

, l Answer: c ,

i Reference: NOP 2.2.84, " Reactor Recirculation System," p. 2 Justification: Procedural precaution and limitation requirements for MG set operatio Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-02

, Objective: EO 14



Tier # / Group #: 3/1


K/A: G2132 (3.4/3.8) 10CFR55.41(10) 10CFR55.43(5)

Question Source: Modified EQB question l License Level (R/S/B): B i





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RO Excminctisn Answ r KSy


Question #: 90 Question: A plant startup is in progress. Reactor power is 20%. An emergency entry to the drywellis necessar WHICH ONE (1) of the following is the MINIMUM level of authority required to approve this entry? NWE onl NWE and Ops Dept. Mgr. only, NWE and Station Director onl NWE, Ops Dept Manager and Station Directo Answer: c Reference: NOP 1.4.12, " Primary Containment Entry," p. Justification: Procedural limitations related to personnel safety during an emergency conditio Lesson Plan: No facility specific leaming objective identified Objective: No facility specific leaming objective identified i

Tier # / Group #: 3/1


K/A: G218 (3.8/3.6) 10CR55.41(10) 10CFR55.43(5)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B i

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L RO Excmincticn Answcr Kcy i



Question #: 91 l

Question: When letting down to Radwaste, the MO-1001-21, "RHR Discharge to l Radwaste"is jogged ope Before leaving the valve unattended, the operator should verify that dual indication has been reached in order to: prevent wire drawing of the valve dis prevent RHR Pump Motor overheatin ensure that the valve closes on a PCIS signal.

l )

. ensure that sediment does not settle out in the RHR line to Radwaste.



! Answer: c Reference: NOP 2.1.38, "MOV Motor Operation and Guidelines," p. Justification: Procedural guidance is given on operation of safety related MOV l motors.


l Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-08-10 p Objective: EO 14 j' -

Tier # / Group #: 3/1 i

j K/A* G2212 (3.0/3.4) 10CFR55.41(10) 10CFR55.45(13)

l . Question Source: New I


License Level (R/S/B): B l \



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L RO Extminrtisn An:wcr Kcy Question #: 92


Question: A lead in a safety related system is to be lifted. You are directed to verify this activity . This verification should be: Independent and direct j Independent and indirect Non-independent and direct

! Non-independent and indirect l Answer: c Reference: PNPS 1.3.34, Conduct of Operations, Page 4 Justification: Specific procedural guidance is given for verificatio Lesson Plan: 0-RO-06-06-01 l Objective: EO Tier # / Group #: 3/1 K/A: G2213 (3.6/3.8) 10CFR55.41(10)


l Question Source: New i

License Level (R/S/B): B l

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RO Excminaticn Antw;r Key


Question #: 93

Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following is considered as a manipulation of a RED Tagged component and a VIOLATION of tagging procedure?

a. Verifying a red tagged valve is fully seated to stop leakage by attempting to open the valv Lifting leads of a breaker which has been red-tagged open to allow it to be removed from its cubicl Opening a breaker cubicle door that has a red tag attache Manipulating a red-tagged open valve to remove it from its backseat positio l Answer; a Reference: NOP 1.4.5, " Tagging Procedure," p. 23


Justification: Clarifications of red-tag rules in procedural guidanc Lesson Plan: 0-RO-06-06-01 Objective: EO ; Tier # / Group #: 0/0 K/A: G2213 (3.6/3.8) 10CFR55.41(10) 10CFR55.45(13) l Question Source: New  ;

l License Level (R/S/B): R l

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RO Excminctlen Anawar Key Question #: 94 Question: A twenty-five (25) year old Maintenance Contractor with complete exposure records has the following exposure record for the current calendar year:

- Shallow Dose Equivalent - 2.55 REM

- Deep Dose Equivalent- 2.13 REM

- Lens Dose Equivalent - 3.08 REM

- Committed Effective Dose Equivalent - 1.95 REM WHICH ONE (1) of the following is the individual's Total Dose Equivalent (TEDE) for the current calendar year? .08 REM .50 REM . .68 REM .21 REM Answer- a Reference: GET C-GT-01-02-01, p. SG-7 l Justification: TEDE = CEDE + DDE Lesson Plan: GET C-GT-01-02-01 Objective: Objectives Sted on p. SG-2 Tier # / Group #: 3/1 K/A: G231 (2.6/3.0) 10CFR55.41(12) 10CFR55.43(4)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B i

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RO Excmin ti:n Answ:r KSy


Question #: 95 Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following activities requires the use of a SPECIFIC radiation work permit (RWP)? Recharging a CRD HCU Performing Radiography Conducting an Operator Tour Performing a surveillance of the refueling bridge during power operation Answer: b Reference: GET C-GT-01-02-01, p. SG-24 Justi'ication: Radiological workers are required to be familiar with RWP requirement Lesson Plan: GET C-GT-01-02-01 Objective: Objectives listed on p, SG-4 Tier # / Group #: 3/1 K/A- G231 (2.6/3.0) 10CFR55.41(12) 10CFR55.43(4)


Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B

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RO Excminttien Answ r KSy Question #: 96 Question: You are required to enter an area that contains a radiation source. This source is causing dose rates of 1200 mrem / hour at 30 cm from the surface of the sourc I Which ONE of the following is REQUIRED? The NWE must authorize entr I Two persons are required for entry: one must be an RP RP Personnel must either establish stay times or provide line of site l

coverag I One person may enter alone, but another person dressed in the required protective clothing must be standing b Answer: ( ) 6r C l Reference: N 6.1-014, Rev 5, p.11 of 29 Justification: jf$' This is the requirement specified by 6.1-14 for a locked high radiation area Lesson Plan: GET C-GT-0102-01, Rev. 5 Objective: Objective listed p. SG-5 Tier # / Group #: 3/1 l l K/A- G234 (2.5/3.1) 10CFR55.41(11) 10CFR55.43(4)

Question Source: New I License Level (R/S/B): B i l

? 9e afbwheel su Euakabron fy Ff. Sasd-\QD NW /WBAlt8-

[Pqe Il}

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Question #: 97 Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following is the LOWEST emergency classification level that requires the Emergency Response Organization (ERO) to be activated?

, a. Unusual event Alert Site Area Emergency General Emergency Answer: b Reference: EP-IP-230, Rev.1, Page 3 of 16, Section 4. Justification: Workers are required to recognize the severity of an event and respond accordingl Lesson Plan: GET C-GT-01-01-27 Objective: GET C-GT-01-01-27, p. SG-2 Tier # / Group #: 0/0 K/A- G2429 (2.6/4.0) 10CFR55.43(5)


Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): R (

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RO Extminctirn Answar Kcy


Question #: 98 Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following instruments / monitors is a Post Accident Monitoring component? Torus temperature recorders on C170/C171 Reactor shutdown level indicator (Ll-263-101) on C904 Control room ventilation intake radiation monitor (1705-16) on C910 ! Wide range reactor pressure / reactor steam flow recorder (FR/PR-640-27) !

on C905 Answer: a Reference: PNPS 2.2.120, " Post Accident Monitoring Panel," p. '

Justification: Operators are required to be familiar with the emergency monitoring indication l l

Lesson Plan: RO-02-06-01 Objective: 3h  !


Tier # / Group #: 3/1 K/A: G243 (3.5/3.8) 10CFR55.41(6) 10CFR55.43(4)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B l

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RO Excminttien Anaw r Kcy

l Question #: 99 Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following alarm sounds summons operators for fire brigade duties? Fast beeping soun High continuous pitch sire Alternating pitch siren, Fast warble alar Answer: a Reference: C-GT-01-01-27, Page SG-4 Justification: All plant personnel are required to recall emergency alarm sound ,

Lesson Plan: GET C-GT-01-01-27, p. SG- Objective: Bullet 3 Tier # / Group #: 0/0 K/A- G2443 (2.8/3.5) 10CFR55.45(13) 1

, , 1 L Question Source: New I License Level (R/S/B): R j l

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RO Excmintticn Annwar Key

/ Question #: 100 Question: While operating in a steady state condition at 95% power the following conditions develop:  ;

- The main generator output begins to oscillat EPR servo position is oscillatin Bypass valves are opening and closin Power oscillations are from 88% to 96%.

- Turbine intet pressure is oscillating from 975 to 985 psi l WHICH ONE (1) of the following actions should be taken immediately, Place the EPR power control switch to of Lower the MPR setpoin I Reduce reactor power to 25% below it's pre-transient leve I Take the EPR control switch to RAIS Answer: b Reference: Abnormal Procedure 2.4.37 Justification: For pressure oscillations 2.4.37 directs lowering MPR setpoin Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-05-04 Objective: TO 2 Tier # / Group #: 2/2 K/A: H245000G2.1.20 10CFR55.41(b)(10); 43(b)(5)


Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B l

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SRO Excmincti n Answ::r K0y



Question #: 1 ,


Question: The plant is operating at 95% power. The 'B' CRD pump is running. A single CRD accumulator trouble light is illuminated. An operator is dispatched to the local accumulator trouble panel. The operator pushes the illuminated alarm  !

button for the affected HCU. The light stays on. WHICH ONE (1) of the following would cause this condition? Water leaking past the accumulator piston seals, Nitrogen leaking from an HCU fittin Waterleaking past a scram valve, Nitrogen leaking past a scram pilot valv Answer: b Reference: 00091, CRD-Hydraulics Ref. Text. Section C.16 Justification: Low pressure or high water level is indicated in several ways. An

" accumulator low pressure /hl level" annunciator alarms in the control room. An amber light for the associated rod on the full core display is illuminated. A local accumulator trouble panel also shows a light for that rod. On the local accumulator trouble panel, a


pushbutton is provided for each light. If the local panel pushbutton


is lit, the operator pushes the button. If the light goes out when

, pushed, the problem is water leakage. If the light stays lit, the problem is low gas pressure.


Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-11 Objective: EO Tier # / Group #: 2/2 l K/A: 201001 A106 [3.4/3.4] 10CFR55.41(b)(6)

Question Source: New


License Level (R/S/B): B l

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SRO Excmincticn Answ r Key  :

Question #: 2 Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following conditions must be cleared before the Emergency Rod in function may be used? Rod insert Error RPIS Inop APRM inop RMCS timer motor fails to energize Answer; b Reference: o0713, Reactor Manual Control Ref. Text. Section Justification: The EMERG IN position will not function if a rod select block, caused by (b), is presen Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-08 Objective: EO 5 Tier # / Group #: 2/2 K/A: 201002A204 [3.2/3.1] 10CFR55.41(b)(6)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B I




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SRO Excminttirn Answ:::r Kcy Question #: 3


Question: Pilgrim is operating at power. The reactor operator has withdrawn control rod


22-19 to notch 24. A few seconds later a Control Rod Drift alarm comes in on rod 22-19. Position indication shows the rod drifting out. WHICH ONE (1) of the following could be the cause of the control rod drift? Stuck collet piston Worn drive piston seals Leaking outlet scram valve CRD Cooling water pressure exceeds 50 psid Answer: a Reference: o0712, CRD-Drive Ref. Text, Section C. l Justification: The annulus formed by the outer tube and inner cylinder forms a j flowpath from the withdraw port to the collet piston bottom. Water '

following this path forces the collet piston up, which causes the collet fingers to be spread by the guide cap. This occurs when there is a control rod withdrawal signal. A stuck collet piston would provide the same affect allowing the rod to drif Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-03 Objective: EO-6f Tier # / Group #: 2/3 K/A: 201003A203 [3.4/3.7] 10CFR55.41(b)(2) i Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B i

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, .SRO Extminttisn Answar K!,y Question #: 4 Question: Refueling operations are in progress with the reactor vessel head removed and >

a partialload of fuelis in the vessel. Shutdown margin check has been performed.' WHICH ONE (1) of the following is a core afteration?


! Driving in a Source Range Monito Installing a control rod into an empty cel Inserting the instrument Handling Tool below the top guid Performing a friction test on a control rod in a loaded cel Answer: d Reference: Tech. Spe Justification: Core alteration includes movement of any reactivity controlling componen '

l Lesson Plan: 0-RO-06-01-01 Objective: EO Tier # / Group #: 2/3 l

K/A: 201003G2.2.27 10CFR55N1(b)(5)


Question Source: New l l License Level (R/S/B): S i.'

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SRO Exrmincticn Anaw;.r KSy Question #: 5


Question: The reactor is subcritical with a reactor startup in progress. While withdrawing control rods, a control rod skips to position 10 instead of stopping at position 8 as designated in the control rod pull sheet. The rod is the third rod in sequence of four rod WHICH ONE (1) of the following explains how the RWM will respond?

, The affected rod has a withdraw block. All other rods have withdrawn and

. Insert block The affected rod has an insert block. All other rods have withdrawn and


insert block The affected rod has a withdraw block. All other rods may be moved within their insert and withdraw limit i The affected rod has an insert block. All other rods may be moved within i their insert and withdraw limit Answer: a Reference: o0074, Rod Worth Minimizer Ref. Text. Section F.1.c and Justification: Only a withdrawal error will occur under the presented conditions to enforce the pull sequence. The rod can be inserte . Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-07-06 Objective: EO 6 Tier # / Group #: 2/2 K/A- 201006K512 (3.5/3.5] 10CFR55.41(b)(6); 43(b)(6)

Question Source: EQB License Level (R/S/B): B


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SRO Excminttien Annwar Kcy Question #: 6 Question: Refueling is in progress when a double-ended shear of the "A" recirculation suction line is caused by dropping a large component in the drywell. WHICH ONE (1) of the following is designed to prevent the core from being completely uncovered if no automatic ECCS pumps start and no operator action is taken? The core shroud will remain fuli of water providing complete core coverage to the top of active fue The recirculation suction line connects to the reactor vessel above the core beltline, providing partial core coverag The jet pumps will act as a standpipe and maintain partial core coverag The volume of water in the reactor cavity during refueling will fill the containment to a level above the top of active fuel.

Answer: c Reference: o0178, Reactor Vessel and Intemals Ref. Text. Section C.3.b.

Justification: The jet pumps are designed and installed to maintain core f!codability.

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-07 Objective: EO 3 Tier # / Group #: 2/2 K/A: 202001K401 [3.9/3.9] 10CFR55.41(b)(2)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B l

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SRO Excmin;tian Answ:r K0y Question #: 7 Question: While Reactor Recirculation pump "A"is operating at 92% a failure in the pump's individual M/A station occurs and a signal is sent to the scoop tube positioner calling for a pump speed of 25% WHICH ONE (1) of the following states the expected response of the pump? The scoop tube will lock pump speed at approximately 92% The startup signal generator will control pump speed at approximately 44% The Speed Limiters will terminate the pump speed decrease at approximately 26% The pump speed will decrease to 25%

Answer: d Reference: o0174, Recire. Flow Control Ref. Text. Section C. Justification: The recire. pump will run back to 25% at a designed rate and nothing will stop i Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-10 Objective: EO 6 Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A- 202002K305 [3.2/3.3] 10CFR55.41(b)(3)


Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B 10/22/98 5:26:12 PM Page 7 of 100

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l SRO Extmincti n Answer Kcy j

!. Question #: 8 t ,

Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following will still have power available if EITHER AS or l A6 is energized?' RHR min flow valves forloops A and B ,

RHR Loops A and B heat exchanger bypass valves LPCI Injection valves for loops A and B RHR containment cooling / spray valves for loops A and B Answer
c Reference: o0036, RHR Ref. Text. Section Justification: MCC B20 supplies the LPCI injection valves. MOC B20 is fed by B6. B6 can be powered from A5 or A6 (auto xfer). i Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-09-01 Objective: 1 Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A- 203000K202 [2.5/2.7] 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B


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SRO Excmincti n Answ r Ksy Question #: 9 Question: For cold shutdown conditions, WHICH ONE [1] of the following combinations of RWCU pump (s) and demin(s) is acceptable per plant procedures? one pump, one filter-demineralizer one pump, two filter-demineralizers two pumps, one filter-demineralizer two pumps, two filter-demineralizers Answer a Reference: PNPS 2.2.83, Rev 51, Section Justification: Per station procedures Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-05 Objective: TO 6 Tier # / Group #: 2/2 K/A: 204000A406 [3.0/2.9] 10CFR55.41(b)(4)

Question Source: New

. License Level (R/S/B): B


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SRO Excmin". tion Answar K0y Question #: 10 Question: The RHR 'A' loop Torus Isolation Valve (1001-36A) is fully opened and then the RHR Shutdown Cooling isolation Valve (1001-43C) control switch is taken to OPEN. WHICH ONE (1) of the following describes the system response? The 43C will open and once full open, the 36A will clos The 43C will not open, but the 36A will close, The 43C will open and the 56 A will remain open The 43C will not open and the 36A will remain ope Answer: d Reference: RHR Reference text, P. 30 Justification: Requal bank: TO16 Lesson Plan: 0-RQ-02-01-40 Objective: EO 14 Tier # / Group #: 2/2 K/A: 205000K403 (3.8/3.8] 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B l

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SRO Excminttien Answ;r Kcy ,

Question #: 11 Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following would occur if a suppression pool high level condition developed during a HPCI surveillance test with NO HPCI initiation signal present? CST suction valve MO-6 goes full close, then torus suction valves MO-35 and MO-36 go full ope Torus suction valves MO-35 and MO-36 go full open, then CST suction

! valve MO-6 goes full closed, Torus suction valves MO-35 and MO-36 receive an open signal at the same time CST suction valve MO-6 receives a close signa Torus suction valves MO-35 and MO-36 go full open. CST suction valve MO-6 remains open unless a CST low level condition occur '

Answer b Reference: 00361, HPCI Ref. Text. Section Justification: MO 35/36, these valves will automatically open on high suppression

pool level or low CST level (18" above tank zero). MO-6 closes I

when MO-35/36 are full ope Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-09-03 Objective: EO 15


i Tier # / Group #: 2/1 l

K/A: 206000A303 [3.9/3.8] 10CFR55.41(b)(5)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B



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L SRO Extminntion Antwtr Kcy j

. Question #: 12 l


l Question: Given the following conditions: i-The piping just downstream of the 'A' SBLC squib valve is completely obstructe i-The SBLC control switch on C905 is taken to the SYS A position, then through OFF to SYS B, then through OFF to SYS A Which ONE of the following describes when the 'A' SBLC pump was injecting to the RPV during this evolution? SBLC pump 'A' never injected to the RPV.

SBLC pump 'A' did not inject to the RPV the first time the control switch


was placed in SYS A, but did inject to the RPV the second time the control switch was placed in SYS A ' SBLC pump 'A' did inject to the RPV the first time the control switch was placed in SYS A, but did not inject to the RPV the second time the control !

switch was placed in SYS '

, SBLC pump 'A' injected to the RPV the first time the control switch was


placed in SYS A, and also injected to the RPV the second time the control switch was placed in SYS .

Answer: b i

Reference: o0176, Standby Liquid Control Ref. Text. Figure Justification: Either pump can discharge through either squib valve. 'B' squib valve does not fire until taken to System 'B'.

I Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-06 l - Objective: EO 8 Tier # / Group #: 2/1

, 1 i K/A: 211000K504 [3.1/3.2] 10CFR55.41(b)(5)

Question Source: New i

License Level (R/S/B): B l

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SRO Excminction Antwor Kcy Question #: 13 Question: During refueling a high level developed in the EAST Scram Discharge Instrument Volume (SDIV)and this scram trip has been bypassed. The mode


switch is in SHUTDOWN and the scram reset, however the SDIV has not been drained. WHICH ONE (1) of the following would result in a full reactor scram? Loss of Y-1 bus Loss of power to SDIV thermocouples Mode switch is taken to STARTUP

' High levelin the WEST SDIV Answer: c Reference: o0011, Reactor Protection System Ref. Text. Section Justification: The SDIV HI LEVEL SCRAM BYPASS switch only functions in

SHUTDOWN and REFUE Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-07-07 Objective: EO Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: 212000K106 [3.5/3.6] 10CFR55.41(b)(4); 43(b)(8)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B 10/22/98 5:26:13 PM Page 13 of 100

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SRO Ex min ti:n Antw r Kcy Question #: 14 Question: Refueling is in progress. WHICH ONE (1) of the following SRM configurations would allow fuel bundles surrounding control rod 42-27 to be moved? (Refer to attached map.) SRM Channel A reads 150 cps SRM Channel B is bypassed SRM Channel C reads 200 cps SRM Channel D detector is withdrawn SRM Channel A is bypassed SRM Channel B reads 150 cps SRM Channel C detectoris withdrawn SRM Channel D reads 200 cps SRM Channel A reads 150 cps SRM Channel B reads 200 cps SRM Channel C is bypassed ,

SRM Channel D detectoris withdrawn t SRM Channel A detector is withdrawn SRM Channel B is bypassed SRM Channel C reads 150 cps SRM Channel D reads 200 cps

Answer: c Reference: Technical Specification 3.1 Justification: Two SRMs required operable. One in the affected quadrant and one in an adjacent quadran Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-07-01 Objective: TO 7 Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: 215004G2.2.31 10CFR55.41(b)(2)


Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): S


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i SRO Excminctisn Anewar Kcy Question #: 15 Question: During a surveillance on APRM Channel C the Function Switch on the meter unit is placed in the COUNT position. WHICH ONE (1) of the following is the MINIMUM percentage reading without causing an INOP trip of the APRM? % % % %

Answet c Reference: o0122, APRM Ref. Text. Section Justification: COUNT position indicates the number of assigned LPRMs which are in OPERATE (5 percent per LPRM). There are 16 LPRMs assigned to this APR Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-07-04 Objective: EO Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: 215005A403 [3.2/3.3) 10CFR55.41(b)(6);43.(b)(5)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B


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SRO Excminctinn Answar Kcy Question #: 16 Question: The reactor is at 100% power. The following conditions exist:

- APRM "C"is bypassed due to a downscale failure

- Half scram on RPS bus B

- APRM "E" has failed giving a constant reading of 95% regardless of input WHICH ONE (1) one of the following completes the required action for this condition? Reduce power level to IRM range and place mode switch in startup/ hot standby position within eight hour Reduce reactor power to less than 45% of desig Reduce turbine load and close main steam isolation valves within eight hours, l i

l Initiate insertion of operable rods and complete insertion of all operable rods within sixteen hour Answen a Reference: Tech Spec. Table 3. Justification: Tripping RPS A would cause a full scram. For this condition the answer is the appropriate action per Tech Spec. Table 3. i t

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-06-01-03 Objective: EO 3 Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: 215005G2.2.23 10CFR55.41(b)(10);43(b)(2)

[2.6/3.8) l

Question Source: 1997 NRC exam i License Level (R/S/B): S

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i SRO Extminctisn An:::wcr Kcy I Question #: 17 Question: Given the following conditions:


- A high drywell pressure condition exists

- HPCI is controlling reactor water level in the +20 - +40 inch band Under these conditions: RCIC is not available in any mod I RCIC is available in the injection mode, but not the pressure control mod RCIC is available in the pressure control mode, but not the injection mod RCIC is available in either the pressure control mode or the injection mode.

Answer: b 1 Reference: o3856, RCIC Ref. Text. Section G.4.

Justification: HPCI MO-15 closes on initiation signal. MO-15 must be open to allow pressure control Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-09-04 Objective: 13.f Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: 217000A203 [] 10CFR55.41(b)(5)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B l

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SRO Exo:Aatian Answ r Kcy -

Question #: 18 Question: The ADS 11 minute timer has actuated. WHICH ONE (1) of the following conditions / actions will cause the 11 minute timer to reset? Drywell pressure is 2.1 psi Reactor water levelis -44 inche second ADS timer times ou The ADS INHIBIT switch is placed in INHIBI Answer: b Reference: 00135, ADS Ref. Text. Section Justification: A lo-lo RPV level (-46") actuates this timer. Any time the level increases above -46" it automatically reset Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-09-05 Objective: EO 6 Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: 218000K403 [3.8/4.0] 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

Question Source: New Licen. e Level (R/S/B): B i

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I SRO Examin tion Antwsr Ksy


Question #: 19 Question: A loss of coolant accident has occurred. Reactor water level is -200 inches.

l Drywell pressure is 2.3 psig. The NOS has directed that Torus Cooling be l placed in service. WHICH ONE (1) of the following are the positions that the LPCI Override Switch (S17) and the RPV Level Override Keylock Switch (S18)

H must be in to allow the operator to open the Torus Cooling Valves (MO-1001-34 and MO-1001-36 NB) from the control room?

l Leave S18 NB in OFF; Leave S17 A/B in NORMAL Place S18 A/B in OVERIDE: Leave S17 NB in NORMAL.

l Leave S18 A/B in OFF; then momentarily take S17 A/B to MANUA Place S18 A/B in OVERRIDE; then momentarily take S17 A/B to MANUA Answer: d Reference: o0036, RHR Ref. Text. Section D4 l Justification: If reactor water level decreases below 2/3 core height, the MO-23, '

26,34,36 and 37 go shut. The keylock switch S-18 must be placed in OVERRIDE. The control switch S-17 then has to be placed in l

MANUAL and the white light located above the keylock switch must be lit to operate these valves agai Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-09-01 Objective: EO 14 Tier # / Group #: 2/2 K/A- 219000A414 [3.7/3.5] 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

Question Source: 'New License Level (R/S/B): B







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I SRO Extmincticn Answ: r Kcy I Question #: 20 Question: At Panel C-20 an alarm is in indicating an equipment level drain sump high condition. One drywell equipment drain sump pump is operating. An attempt is made to start the 2nd drywell equipment drain sump pump. WHICH ONE (1) on of the following identifies the reason for the second pump NOT starting? A group ll Isolation has not been rese Clean radwaste receiver tanks indicate a level of 60%. The equipment drain sump levelis not high enoug Interlocks within the Drywell Leak Detection System prevent both pumps from operating at the same tim Answer: - c Reference: o01956, Drywell Leak Detection System Ref. Text, Section D.4 and Justification: The first drywell equipment drain sump pump is available to start on a high level as indicated by the annuciator. The second pump will not start until a high-high level permissive condition develop . Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-08-09 Objective: EO Tier # / Group #: 2/1 I

K/A: 223001K104 [3.1/3.2] 10CFR55.41(b)(4); 43(b)(5)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B

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SRO Excmin tian An wcr Kcy l Question #: 21 Question: In response to a steam leak in the drywell, both loops of RHR were placed in i drywell spray and torus spray per Subsequently, the high drywell



pressure condition clears and drywell pressure drops below 1.0 psig. The white l "LPCI Initiation" light is illuminated. WHICH ONE [1] of the following describes the expected system status? Drywell and suppression chamber sprays isolatin Drywell and suppression chamber sprays continuin Drywell spray isolating and suppression chamber spray continuin Drywell spray continuing and suppression chamber spray isolatin Answer; a Reference: o0036, RHR Ref. Text. Sections C. 9 & 10 Justification: Both drywell and suppression chamber sprays isolate when DW pressure decreases to <1.8 psig with LOCA signal presen Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-09-01 Objective: EO 4 and 5 Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: 226001A105 (3.1/3.4] 10CFR55.41(b)(5)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B l


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SRO Excminctisn Annwar Kcy Question #: 22 Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following will cause Fuel Pool Pump A to trip? Pump discharge pressure is 35 psig.

l i Skimmer Surge Tank level is 18 inches.

l Pump suction pressure is 10 psig.

l l Filterinlet pressure is 75 psig.

t Answer: b Reference: o0084, Fuel Pool Cooling Ref. Text. Section Justification: The only Fuel Pool pump trip is low skimmer surge tank level 19.5".

Lesson Plan: O-NL-03-11-01 Objective: EO Tier # / Group #: 2/3 K/A- 233000K604 (2.5/2.6] 10CFR55.41(b)(4)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B


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SRO Extmincti n An::wcr Kcy Question #: 23


l ' Question: Given the following conditions: '

-Mode Switch in REFUEL l -Refuel floor radiation level is 15 mr/hr-The bridge is over the core-Main hoist is loaded with 500 lbs-Frame hoist is unloaded-Grapple is engaged-One rod is at position 02 and another at 04 WHICH ONE (1) of the following identifies the present status of system j interlocks?  ; Bridge travel in both directions is prevente Reverse bridge travelis prevented, Only frame hoist upward motion is prevente '.

d Only frame hoist downward motion is prevente Answer: b Reference: 0-RO-06-04-01, Section ll. Justification: Reverse bridge travel (towards the core) is prevented if any rod is withdrawn and any hoist loaded. Frame hoist operations are halted when the main hoist is loaded and the bridge in near or over the cor Lesson Plan: 0-RO-06-04-01 Objective: TO 1 Tier # / Group #: 2/2 K/A: 234000K401 [3.3/4.1] 10CFR55.41(b)(7); 43(b)(7)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B l

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SRO Excminctisn An wcr Kcy Question #: 24

During power operations, a small LOCA occurred in the drywell. The reactor has been successfully scrammed. Reactor water levelis being maintained the


normal band with the feedwater system. Reactor pressure is 800 psig with a cooldown in progress with Turbine Bypass Valves. Currently, #1 Bypass Valve is open 50% Due to high drywell temperature, altemate depressurization of the reactor is required. When altemate depressurization is initiated, one SRV fails j to open due to an intemal mechanical failur '

Which ONE of the following action is required? Verify closed or close breaker #1 on D4 and DS.

Using the Bypass Valve Opening Jack, fully open all Bypass Valve I Increase nitrogen pressure to the drywell essential air header to no more l than 130 psi '

i Using the Bypass Valve Opening Jack, open Bypass Valves until #2


Bypass Valve is 30% open.


Answer: b

Reference: EOP-17, PNPS 5.3.24

. Justification: When performing attemate depressurization if less than 4 SRVs are


open, EOP-17 directs rapid depressurization using altemate i methods IAW 5.3.24. For this case,5.3.24 would direct opening all


BPVs. The other actions given would not correct the situation.

, Lesson Plan: O-RO-03-04-09 Objective: EO Tier # / Group #; 2/1


K/A: 239002K303 (4.3/4.4] 10CFR55.41(b)(8); 43(b)(5)

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SRO Excminttirn Answ;r Kcy l Question #: 25


Question: During 100% power operations, output of both MHC pressure regulators fail high and the bypass valves begin to open. WHICH ONE (1) of the following MHC controls is designed to control the amount of steam bypassed to the main condenser under this condition?

I l Load Limit l

l Bypass Jack Speed / Load Changer Reactor Flow Limit Answer: d


Reference: o0098, MHC Ref. Text. Section ;

Justification: The reactor flow limit is normally set at 110 percent. This limits combined flow through the control and bypass valves to 110 percent. If the control valves are at 100 percent flow position, the 4 most the bypass valves will pass is 10 percent, for a maximum combined flow of 110 percent. This limit protects the reactor ;

systems from a total pressure regulator failure event.

! Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-05-04

Objective: EO 13.o.


Tier # / Group #: 2/1


K/A: 241000A107 [3.E/3.7] 10CFR55.41(b)(3)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B l

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SRO Excminction Answar KSy Question #: 26 Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following systems is used to fill the Reactor Cavity / Dryer


Separator Pool after the reactor head has been removed and prior to refueling the reactor?

RHR Condensate Transfer Core Spray Fuel Pool Cooling Answer: b Reference: Normal Operating Procedure 2.2.85, p. 3 Justification: Filling the Reactor Cavity / Dryer Separator Pool is a function of the Condensate System. The other systems mentioned are not used but can be in communication with the reactor cavity and separator pool with the vessel head removed.


Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-04-02 Objective: EO1 Tier # / Group #: 2/3 K/A: 256000K113 [3.5/3.5] 10CFR55.41(b)(4)


Question Source: New

License Level (R/S/B)


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SRO Excmincticn Ancwcr Kcy Question #: 27 Question: While operating at 100% power in 3-element control, one FWLC feedwater flow detector is inadvertently bypassed. (The equalizer valve on the feed flow detector was opened.)

WHICH ONE (1) of the following describes the RPV level response to the above condition? RPV level decreases due to an erroneously high feed flow signal.

, RPV level increases due to an erroneously low feed flow signal.

l RPV level remains constant due to just one feedwater flow detector being bypasse RPV level remains constant due to FWLC being level dominant Answer- b Reference: o0087, Feedwater Level Control Ref. Text. Section F. Justification: The loss of one input corresponds to a 50 percent feedwater signal loss. The resultant flow error demands more feedwater flo Assuming that steam flow stays constant, the reactor water level will begin to ris Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-04-10 Objective: EO 26 Tier # / Group #: 2/2 K/A: 259001K108 (3.6/3.7] 10CFR55.41(b)(5); 43(b)(5)

Question Source: Requalification question License Level (R/S/B): B

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SRO Excminsticn Answ:r Kcy Question #: 28 Question: The plant is operating at 90% power. The feed pump trip sequence switch is in the ABC position .

If the 'B' condensate pump tripped, WHICH ONE (1) of the following automatic actions would occur? The A feed pump only would tri The B feed pump only would tri The C feed pump only would tri All 3 feed pumps would tri Answer; a Reference: o0130, Feedwater and Condensate Ref. Text. Section Justification: On the trip of the first condensate pump, the 'A' RFP trip Lesson Plan: O-RO-02-04-02 Objective: EO Tier # / Group #: 2/2 K/A: 259001K602 [3.3/3.4] 10CFR55.41(b)(4)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B i


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l SRO Excmintti:n Answ;r K0y Question #: 29 Question: The reactor is operating at 100% power with the Feed Water Control System in three element control. WHICH ONE (1) of the following failures would cause a decrease in the NPSH for the recirculation pumps? Steam flow signal falls lo Loss of a feedwater heater strin ; Narrow range level instrument fails lo l Loss of all feed flow inputs to the FWLCS Answer; a Reference: Recirc Flow Control Ref. Text, Page 9 of 21 I Justification: Feedwater flow decreases due to the failed steam flow signal. This i


reduces the subcooling affect from the feedwater syste Therefore, reducing the Recire. Pump NPS ;

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-04-10 Objective: EO 33.f Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: 259002A201 [3.3/3.4] 10CFR55.41(b)(3); 43(b)(5)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B



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SRO Excminttisn Answ2r Kcy Question #: 30 Question: A momentary fault occurs on the grid causing ACB 102 to open. ACB 103 has been isolated from the startup transformer for maintenance. The C-3 panet Reclose Switch for breakers 102 and 103 is in the ON positio WHICH ONE (1) of the following describes how the startup transformer would i be re-energized once the fault cleared? I Breaker 102 will: automatically re-close immediately after the fault condition clears, automatically re-close 5 seconds after the fault condition clear automatically re-close 20 seconds after the fault condition clear not automatically la-close under these conditions and must be re-closed manuall I Answer: c Reference: 00033,345 kV Ref. Text., Page 29-30 l Justification: With 103 isolated from the startup transformer an auto closure of 102 will occur if the Reciose Switch is in the ON position. If 103


were not isolated 102 would close in 5 second Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-01-04


Objective: EO 6 Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: 262001A105 [3.2/3.5] 10CFR55.41(b)(5)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B

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SRO Extminttirn Antwar Kcy Question #: 31 Question: The following annunciator alarms during plant operations:



Investigation reveals that the associated buses are de-energized. WHICH ONE (1) of the following describes the effects associated with the above conditions? RCIC will not be immediately availabl HPCI v/ill not be immediately available, Loss of power to the Main Turbine control Panet D6 will auto transfer to the backup power supply.


Answer; b Reference: Emergency Procedures 5.3.11 & 12 (p.3)

Justification: HPCI partial initiation logic, partial isolation logic and inverter power is los Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-09-03 Objective: EO 2 Tier # / Group #: 2/2 i K/A: 263000K303 (3.4/3.8) 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B 10/22/98 5:26:17 PM Page 31 of 100

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SRO Excmin"ti n Annwar Key i

Question #: 32 l


/ Question: DG 'A'is operating paralleled with the unit auxiliary transformer. WHICH ONE (1) of the following would cause the unit auxiliary transformer breaker to A-5 to trip? Level in the RPV lowers to -46".

l 1 The DG 'A' Jacket water temperature increases to 200 deg. i l The startup transformer locks out due to a startup transformer faul ' Jacket water pressure is above 12 psig with fuel supply pressure below 20 psig.

Answer; a Reference: c0150, Diesel Generators Ref. Text. Section Justification: On all automatic start signals, isochronous operation is selecte This is true regardless of droop /isochronous and test / normal switch positions. If the DG switches to the isochronous mode of operation

while paralleled to the unit auxiliary transformer, the unit auxiliary

transformer breaker will trip.


Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-09-06

Objective: EO 6 j ;

Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A- 264000K505 [3.4/3.4] 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

Question Source: New


License Level (R/S/B): B

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SRO Excmincti'a n Answ r Ksy Question #: 33 ,

l Question: During full power operations the main stack off-gas PRM monitor 1-2 (1705-18) l Indicates an increasing radiation level. WHICH ONE (1) of the following could be the cause for this indication to increase?

. Excessive hydrogen injection into the reactor coolan Closure of the main condenser vapor valve High recombiner temperahr Loss of both stack diluka en l Answer: d Reference: o0710, AOG Ref. Text,Section I Justification: Lack of dilution fans or SGT fans would reduce the gas mixing at the stack base. This could give false indication of high radioactive release rates from the stack to the enviro Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-04-11 Objective: Tier # / Group #. 2/2 K/A: 271000A112 [3.1/3.5] 10CFR55.41(b)(4);43.(b)(4); 45(a)(4)



Question Source.' New Ucense Level (R/S/B): B i


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SRO Excmin ti::n An2w r Kcy Question #: 34 Question: With the plant in normal power operations, which ONE (1) of the following signals will cause an RBIS isolation? refuel floor area monitors A and B are failed downscale, C reads 10 mrem, D reads 25 mrem refuel floor area monitors A and C are failed downscale, B reads 10 mrem, D reads 25 mrem refuel floor area monitors A and D are failed downscale, C reads 10 mrem, B reads 25 mrem refuel floor area monitor A is failed downscale, B reads 20 mrem, C reads 10 mrem, D reads 25 mrem Answer: b Reference: PRM Ref. Text, Page 19 of 43 Justification: One high radiation trip in one channel and two downscales in the other channel develops the isolation signa Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-08-05 Objective: EO 10 Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: 290001A301 [3.9/4.0] 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B i

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_ .- -. . SRO Excminctirn An2 War Kcy Question #: 35 Question: Following a trip of both recirculation pumps, indications are received in the control room that the RPV is beginning to stratify. WHICH ONE (1) of the following actions would be effective in reducing the amount of stratification? Increase CRD cooling water flo Decrease CRD drive water flo Throttle closed RWCU recirculation loop suction valve (MO-1201-85). Throttle open RWCU recirculation loop suction valve (MO-1201-85).

Answe c Reference: PNP 2.4.24, Rev.11 p. 3 of 8 Justification: Per procedure 2.4.24 Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-05 Objective: EO 1 Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A- 295001K101 [3.5/3.6] 10CFR55.41 10,4 Question Source: Requalification question License Level (R/S/B): B


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i SRO Extmincticn Antwar Kcy I Question #: 36 Question: The plant is operating at 90% powe l l

WHICH ONE (1) of the following would result in a #2 (44%) recirc pump runback? The 'A' feedline flow transmitter fails upscale A feedwater level control system failure causes reactor water level to lower to +15 inche A running reactor feedwater pump trips, which causes reactor water level to lower to +15 inche The steam flow transmitter fails upscale Answer: c Reference: o0174, RECIRC Flow Control Ref. Text., Section ,

Justification: If reactor water level is <19" and <3 RFPs are running, redire pumps automatically runback to <44%.

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-10 Objective: EO Ter # / Group #: 1/2

) K/A- 295001K203 [3.6/3.7] 10CFR55.41(b)(5)

Question Gource: New License Level (R/S/B): B l

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SRO Excminctirn Answer Kcy Question #: 37 Question: The plant is operating at 100% powe l l

Which ONE of the following conditions would cause automatic closure of the i condenser vapor valves and subsequent tss of main condenser vacuum?  ! psig steam pressure to the SJAE inlet psig downstream of the SJAE Condenser lbm/hr steam flow to the jet compressor 280 d s downstream of the SJAE Condenser

Answer: e f ,,

Referenc b PNP 2.4.36, Rev.19, p. 4 of 7, directs aligning the PCV 3701 g bypass valve for this conditio Justification: I Low main steam pressure to the SJAE inlet regulator will cause ;

closure of the vapor valves Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-04-03 Objective: .EO 11 Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A- 295002K207 [3.1/3.1] 10CFR55.41(b)(5);43(b)(5)



Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B f

See aboark.ed EM Eududle k n H Sa b g e d*k a x lud @ .

Qage f/l.SG w4ake



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SRO Excminctisn Ancwar Kcy

- Question #: 38 l . Question: Given the following conditions:

- The plant is at power

- PNPS 8.9.13, Diesel Generator Altemate Shutdown Panel Test, is in progres It is determined that the 'A' EDG ASP is inoperable.

l WHICH ONE [1] of the following actions should be taken? Immediately begin testing the 'B' EDG ASP.

Manually start and load EDG 'B'.
- Align both Buses A5 and A6 to the Startup Transforme Verify the cable spreading room fire suppression system is operabl Answer
d '

Reference: Procedure 8.9.13, Rev.11, p.14; Tech Spec 3.1 Justification: Required per Tech. Specs.

I Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-09-06 Objective: EO 26 Tier # / Group #: 1/1:


K/A: 295003A103 [4.4/4.4] 10CFR55.41(b)(7);43(b)(2)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): S




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SRO Excminctlan Answer K"y Question #: 39 Question: While operating at power the following alarms are received:



- Y-1/2 BACKUP POWER SUPPLY TRIP C3RC-C1 WHICH ONE (1) of the following would occur? The running RWCU pump trip MHC pressure regulator swaps to MP Recirc MG set scoop tube positioner will lock-up.

l I RBIS initiates and SBGTS starts.

( Answer: b Reference: o0089,120 VAC Ref. Text. Section Justification: Loss of Y-1, with the unit operating, will be accompanied by a loss of power to the EPR causing a rise in turbine inlet press. The MPR automatically assumes pressure regulation Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-01-07 Objective: EO 3 l

l .

Tier # / Group #: 1/1

! a


K/A: 295003K103 [2.9/3.2] 10CFR55.41(b)(8)

Question Source: New l~

License Level (R/S/B): B


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SRO Ex min tinn Antw:r Key

- Question #: 40

- Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following describes the effect of a loss of 125V DC panel D5 on the A1WS System? The 26B ARI solenoid would de-energize, and would stay closed on a ARI initiation signa The 26B ARI solenoid would de-energize, and fail ope The 'B' channel of ATWS trip logic would de-energize and trip half the logic required for an initiatio , The 'B' channel of ATWS trip logic would de-energize and only initiate if both instruments in the 'A' channel trippe Answe a Reference: o0356 p. 8 of 17 Justification: The 26 B ARI solenoid is powered frorr DS, and fails closed

, Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-07-09 Objective: EO 11.e


Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A: 295004A102 [3.8/4.1] 10CFR55.41(b)(7) ,


Question Source: New


License Level (R/S/B): B




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l SRO Excmin tien An:wcr Kcy l

l Question #: 41 Question: The plant is operating at 40% power when the following alarms occur:



There is no reactive load (0 MVAR) on the Main Generator. Due to a failure of the Speed / Load Changer Motor, Main Generator load remains constant.

l Which ONE of the following is the expected automatic responso of the system if no operator action is taken: A turbine trip in 2 minute A generator lockout in 2 minutes, A turbine trip in 31/2 minute A generator lockout in 31/2 minute Answer: c

' Reference: PNPS 2.2.99 page 9 and 2.4.156 page 5 (discussion sections)

Justification: If the Main Generator fails to runback to 14,845 amps in 2 minutes or 4410 amps in 31/2 minutes, a turbine trip will occur. To reach

) 4410 amps, the turbine load must be reduced to approximately 23%. At 40% power, main generator current will be greater than l 4410 amps but less than 14,845 amps (power proportional to current)

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-01-08 L Objective: EO 8

Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A: 295005A104 [2.7/2.8] 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

l Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B l


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! . _ . _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ - _ . SRO Exrminctisn Antwcr K y Question #: 42 Question: During full power operations a transient occurs causing a reactor scram. Prior to the initiation of the recirc pump runback, you recognize the following:

- Annuciator C904R-A6, MG B SPEED CONTROL SIGNAL L Annuciator C904R-AS, MG B SCOOP TUBE LOCK UP ON WHICH ONE (1) of the following actions is required? Trip the B recirc pum Immediately reset the scoop tube locku Adjust the A recire pump speed to match the B secirc pump spee Manually position the B recirc MG set scoop tube to minimum spee Answer; a Reference: PNP 2.1.6, Rev. 40, Reactor Scram Justification: Immediate action from PNP 2.1.6, Rev. 40, Reactor Scram, states if I a recirculation pump scoop tube is locked up and the pump is above minimum speed, then trip the MG se I Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-10 j

) Objective
EO 1 Tier # / Group #: 1/1 l

K/A: 295006A104 [3.1/3.2] 10CFR55.41(b)(7);43(b)(5)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B i





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SRO Excmin tirn An:w:r Kcy {

Question #: 43  ;

Question: A reactor scram has occurred. Not all rods fully inserted. WHICH ONE [1] of the following conditions would indicate that de-energizing the scram solenoids ;

would be effective in inserting all control rods? Blue scram lights on Full Core Display are OF Group Scram Logic Lights on C905 are OF SPVAH Pressure Lo Alarm is O SDIV Level Hi Alarm is O Answer; a Reference: Emergency Procedure 5.3.23,2.1 and Justification: Emergency Procedure 5.3.23,2.1 classifies this as RPS Elec Failure Lesson Plan: 0-RO-03-04-04 Objective: EO 24 Tier # / Group #: 1/1 K/A- 295006A107 [4.1/4.1] 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

Question Source: New

) B

- License Level (R/S/B):




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SRO Excmin2 tion An war Kcy

Question #: 44 l Question: Following a Nitrogen Line leak in the drywell, AO-4356 (Nitrogen / Air Isolation Valve to the Drywell) was closed. By design, WHICH ONE (1) of the following

, represents the maximum number of times over the next eight hours each SRV be can be actuated?


NOTE: COUNT EACH OPEN AND CLOSE CYCLE AS ONE ACTUATION Answer: d i Reference: 00344, Main Steam Ref. Text. Section C.3.b)

Justification: An accumulator is provided for each relief valve for remote valve operation if instrument air is lost. The accumulator is sized to provide enough pressurized gas for approximately 20 remote relief valve actuation Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-04-01 Objective: EO3-


Tier # / Group #: 1/1 K/A: 295007A104 [3.9/4.1] 10CFR55.41(b)(7);43(b)(5)

Question Source: 1997 NRC exam 1 License Level (R/S/B): B l

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SRO Extmintti n An war Kcy Question #: 45

  • Question: ~ Plant conditions are as follows:

- A Main Steam Line break occurred in the steam tunne The MSIVs are closed and the reactor is shutdow Reactor pressure is 1050 psig and rising slowl Reactor water level steady at -10 inche WHICH ONE (1) of the following would be used to control RPV pressure under these conditions?- Main Turbine Bypass Valves.

! RWCU system in blowdown mod HPCI with suction from the Torus RCIC with suction from the Condensate Storage Tank Answer: d I Reference: EOP 01

! Justification: Bypass valves are not available. RWCU is not available due to -

I group 6 isolation. HPCI aligned to the torus in not a preferred system. RCIC is preferred by EOP 1 and 2 if aligned to the CS ' Lesson Plan: 0-RO-03-04-03 Objective: E019 I Tier # / Group #: 1/1 l 'K/A: 295007K303 [3.4/3.5] 10CFR55.41(b)(5)

Question Source: New j License Level (R/S/B): S l






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SRO Excminstien Annwar Key Question #: 46 Question: While operating at 100% a level transient occurs. Reactor water level increased to 62 inches before decreasing. Reactor level begins to fall and drywell pressure then increases to 2.3 psig. Assuming no operator action, WHICH ONE (1) of the following indicates when HPCI will begin to inject? Immediately, When the +60 inch signal clear When the +45 inch signal clear When the low-low signal (-46") is receive Answer: d Reference: 00361, HPCI Ref. Text Justification: HPCI does not automatically restart until the -46" signal clears the high level tri Lesson Plan: 1)O-RO-02-09-03 Objective: 1)EO 3,4,5 f Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A: 295008K205 [3.8/3.9] 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

, Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B 10/22/98 5:26:20 PM Page 46 of 100

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SRO Extminction Answ:r KSy l Question #: 47 l Question: A LOCA has occurred. WHICH ONE (1) of the following REQUIRES exiting the i RPV level control leg of EOP-1, RPV Control? Reactor water level is -165 inches and rising with Reactor Pressure at 200 psi Reactor water level is -125 inches and lowering with Reactor Pressure at 175 psi Reactor water level is -125 inches and rising with Reactor Pressure at 100 psig.

l Reactor water level is -125 inches and lowering with Reactor pressure at


75 psig.


Answer: d

Reference: EOP-1, RPV Control l t


Justification: With level below -125 and decreasing and pressure below 125 psig,


Alternate Depressurization is required and Primary Containment Flooding is require '

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-03-04-03 Objective: EO 18 l Tier # / Group #: 1/1

K/A: 295009A201 [4.2/4.2) 10CFR55.41(b)(10);43(5)

l Question Source: 1997 NRC exam License Level (R/S/B): S l





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SRO Excminctircn Annwcr Kcy )

Question #: 48

Question: With the plant at 100% power on the 100% load line, alarm C905R G-8 " FEED REG VLV CONTROL FAILURE"is received and the Red Pushbutton Lights above the Feed Reg Valve Controllers illuminate. Reactor water level starts to decrease and is currently +15 inches and is trending down at 2 inches per minut WHICH ONE (1) of the following actions would you direct immediately, assuming water level continues to fall? Initiate a manual scram Open the startup feed reg valve Reduce recirc pump speed to minimum to maintain reactor leve Place Feed Reg Valve Controllers in Manual and attempt to ope Answer; a Reference: PNP 2.4.49, Loss of Normal Feed and Feedwater Control Valve Malfunction, Rev. 23 Justification: Immediate action as stated in PNP 2.4.49 Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-04-10 Objective: TO 11 Tier # / Group #: 1/1 K/A: 295009AG2.1.20 10CFR55.41(b)(10);43(5) 45.12 (4.3/4.2)

Question Source: 1997 NRC exam License Level (R/S/B): S i


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SRO Excminttien Annwar Key

Question #: 49 Question: In a post LOCA condition, the torus is being emergency vented due to high containment pressure. Reactor water level is being maintained at -120 Inches with 'A' Core Spray Pump. It has been determined that due to current


conditions, drywell sprays are not allowed for Primary Containment Control Which ONE of the following would occur if drywell sprays were initiated under these conditions?

l Excessive moisture would enter the SBGT trains.

Design basis containment heat removal could not be obtained j Rapid pressure reduction in the drywell would cause excessive torus to


drywell differential pressure.

Insufficient condensible flow from the drywell to the torus during venting


would cause vibration of the downcomer Answer: c Reference: 0-RO-03-04-05, Rev.1, p. IG-44.

l Justification: Based on given conditions, drywell spray is prohibited due to exceeding DSIL. Initiating DW sprays in a high containment l pressure condition will cause excessive torus to drywell differential pressure


! Lesson Plan: O-RO-03-04-02 Objective: EO 23.e l Tier # / Group #: 1/1 l K/A: 295010G2.4.20 10CFR55.41(b)(7);43(b)(5)




Question Source: New  !

License Level (R/S/B): S l




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SRO Extminctinn An wcr Kcy Question #: 50 Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following indications would represent a 100% failure of a number 2 recire pump seal? Number 2 cavity pressure INCREASES to approximately 1000 psi Number 2 cavity pressure DECREASES to 0 psi Number 1 cavity pressure INCREASES to approximately 1000 psi I Number 1 cavity pressure DECREASES to 0 psi !

Answer; b Reference: 00124, Recire Ref. Text. Section F. Justification: Failure of no. 2 cavity seal assembly would cause the no. 2 cavity seal pressure to drop to approximately zero, and the seal leakage J high flow alarm in the control room due to the failure of the sea Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-02 Objective: EO 12 Tier # / Group #: 1/1 K/A: 295010K304 (3.5/3.8) 10CFR55.41(b)(5);43(b)(5)

Question Source: New I B License Level (R/S/B):

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SRO Excmincticn Answ;r Kcy l

Question #: 51 Question: With the plant at power and the 'A' EDG out of service, the motor operated i valves supplying RBCCW to the 'A' RHR Heat Exchanger fall closed. All other (

systems are operable. WHICH ONE [1] of the following is required? Be in cold shutdown within 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> i Verify RBCCW is available to 'B' RHR Heat Exchanger and be in cold shutdown within 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> Restore RBCCW to the 'A' RHR Heat Exchanger within 7 days or be in cold shutdown within the following 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> Restore RBCCW to the 'A' RHR Heat Exchanger within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or be in cold shutdown within the following 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

Answer; a l

Reference: Tech. Spec. 3. i Justification: Containment cooling is lost. The action is required per tech specs.

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-02-06 I Objective: EO 15 Tier # / Group #: 1/1 K/A- 295013G2.1.12 10CFR55.41(b)(7);43(b)(2)


Question Source: New Ucense Level (R/S/B): S 10/22/98 5:26:21 PM Page 51 of 100

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i SRO Extmintti:n Antw:r KLy Question #: 52 Question: During full power operations, a HPCI surveillance test is in progress with the 'A'

loop of RHR in suppression pool cooling. Suppression pool temperature is 81 l- deg. F and increasing. WHICH ONE (1) of the following actions must be taken? Terminate the surveillanc Commence logging suppression pool temperature every 10 minute Maximize suppression pool cooling using the 'A' loop of RHR onl Maximize suppression pool cooling using both loops of RHR.

! Answer: d Reference: 0-RO-03-04-05, p.lG 19 Justification: EOP-3 directs maximizing torus cool if it cannot be maintain below 80 deg. F. Maximizing torus cooling is defined as placing both loops of RHR in torus cooling.

L Lesson Plan: 0-RO-03-04-05 Objective: TO 6 l Tier # / Group #: 1/1 K/A- 295013G2. CFR55.41(b)(8);43(b)(5)



Question Source: New


License Level (R/S/B): B


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SRO Excminctlen Antwar Key Question #: 53

- Question: At 100% power the following alarm is received: i i

- ROD DRIFT A licensed operator notices rod 22-35 and 26-31 are drifting in from position 4 WHICH ONE (1) of the following actions should be taken? Place the reactor mode switch in SHUTDOW If cooling water pressure is high give each rod a short withdraw signa l Give each rod a short insert signa Lower core flow to 36 Mlb/h Answer; a Reference: PNPS 2.4.11, immediate Actions l Justification: The rods mentioned are within in a 9x9 array, wNch would require a i scra Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-11 Objective: TO 7 Tier # / Group #: 1/1 I K/A- 295014G2. CFR55.41(b)(10);43(b)(5)



Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B l

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SRO Excmincti:n Answer Kcy


Question #: .

Question: Reactor power is 55% when an inadvertent trip of one of the two operating feed


pumps occurs. Level in the RPV drops to +10 inches before a second feed pump is back on-line retuming level back to norma WHICH ONE (1) of the following actions should be taken?

. Place the mode switch in S/D and enter 2. , Enter a 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> LCO to restore the trip capability


j Reset the #2 (44%) recirc runback j Incart all operable control rods within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> Answer: a

PNPS 1.3.34, Rev. 51, Page 51o107 l Justification: Scram condition developed and the reactor did not automatically ,

, scram. This requires a manual scram.

3 Lesson Plan: 0-RO-06-06-01 i

Objective: E O Tier # / Group #: 1/1 K/A: 295015A102 [4.0/4.2] 10CFR55.41(b)(7);43(b)(1)

' Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B


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SRO Excminntlen An wsr Kr,y Question #: 55 Le#


Question:- With the drywell inerted, an air haader rupture causes a complete loss of instrument air. WHICH ONE [1] of the following will occur?

, Allinboard MSIVs close.


1 Startup Feed Regulating Valve open J RFP A recirculation valve open ) CRD system flow control valve open . Answer: c Reference: PNPS 5.3.8, Rev.19, Attachment 1 -

Justification: The RFP recirculation valves open on a loss of air. All others mentioned fall differently than what is mentione Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-04-02 l Objective: EO 1 Tier # / Group #: 1/2 l K/A: 295019K203 (3.2/3.3] 10CFR55.41(b)(7);43(b)(5)

l Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B



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SRO Extmincticn Antw::r Kcy Question #: 56 Question: An automatic reactor scram has occurred from power. WHICH ONE of the following describes the reason PNPS 2.1.6 directs placing the Mode Switch in Shutdown as soon as possible? Allow draining the SDIV Allow verification of all rods i Prevent an inadvertent Group 1 isolatio Provide a redundant automatic scram signal from APRM setdow Answer: c Reference: PNPS 2.1.6, Rev. 41, Page 5, Section Justification: MSIVs close with Mode Switch in run and <8% psig. Post scram, reactor pressure may initially drop below 810# due to cold feedwaterinjectio ,

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-08-10 Objective: EO-3 Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A- 295020K201 [3.6/3.7] 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

. Question Source
New Ucense Level (R/S/B): B l

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SRO Extmin:tir;n Answ r Kcy Question #: 57 Question: RHR Loop 'A'is in Shutdown Cooling. RPV pressure increased to 85 psig. All other parameters are norma WHICH ONE (1) of the following actions would have occurred concerning the RHR shutdown cooling valves? Only MO-50 would clos Only MO-47 would clos Only MO-47 and MO-50 would clos MO-29 and MO-47 and MO-50 would clos Answer: c Reference: o0036, RHR Ref. Text. Section E.1 Justification: The RHR system shutdown cooling valves MO-29A(B),47,50, shut during a group 3 isolation. This isolates the system if pressure becomes too high,76 psig (47 & 50 only)

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-09-01 Objective: EO1 Tier # / Group #: 1/2


K/A: 295021 A206 [3.2/3.3] 10CFR55.41(b)(8);43(b)(5)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B 10/22/98 5:26:22 PM Page 57 of 100

i SRO Ex min tion Antwar Kcy Question #: 58 Question: With the plant at 100% power, the operating CRD pump trips and the standby pump cannot be started. _ WHICH ONE (1) of the following describes the consequences?-

a. ' The control rods with accumu.ator trouble alarms will not meet their Tec Spec. required scram tim Recirculation pump seal #2 cavity pressure will increase above its design pressure to 1000 psi The CRDM seals will fail within the next hour, Recirculation pump seal purge will be lost causing accelerated wearing of the recire pump seals.

Answer: d l Reference: o0091, CRD Hydraulic Ref. Text. Section F.3.

Justification: CRD supplies recirc seal purge. Above 950# scram times will be met. The CRDM seal may fail but not immediately.

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-11 Objective: EO l Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A: 295022K201 [2.8/3.0] 10CFR55.41(b)(5);43(b)(5)

Question Source: New J

License Level (R/S/B): B 10/22/98 5:26:22 PM Page 58 of 100

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SRO Extmintticn Answ r Kcy l Question #: 59

i Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following is the Basis for the Technical Specification minimum required fuel poollevel?

l To meet the adequate heat sink requirements that will delay boiling in the pool for 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />, in the event of a station blackout immediately after a full l core offload.

, To provide enough water, to absorb soluble fission gases, and transport delay times, reducing the potential for a radioactive release.

l To provide adequate cooling AND shielding of fuel assemblies in the spent fuel poo To meet the criteria of a designated and established secondary containment barrie Answer: c l Reference: Tech. Spec. 3.10.C. p. B 3/4.10- Justification: Per the T.S. Basis.

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-06-01-03 l

Objective: EO 4 Tier # / Group #: 1/1 l

. K/A: 295023A202 [3.4/3.7] 10CFR55.41(b)(9);43(b)(7)

l Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): S l

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SRO Extmincti::n An wcr Kcy


Question #: 60


Question: A spent fuel bundle is in transit through the cattle chute from the vessel to the


storage racks. Level in the fuel pool and reactor cavity is observed to be rapidly decreasing. WHICH ONE (1) of the following actions is the Fuel Handler required to take?


! Return the spent fuel bundle to the original core position, Place the spent fuel bundle in the nearest open positio Lower the spent fuel bundle to the lowest level that can be obtained for its

present location.
Immediately suspend movement of the spent fuel bundle.

1 Answer: b

Reference: Abnormal Procedure 2.4.31 Justification: Per immediate actions of abnormal procedure 2.4.31 this is the


action to take.

l Lesson Plan: 0-RO-06-04-01 Objective: EO 10

Tier # / Group #: 1/1 K/A- 295023G2.4.49 10CFR55.41(b)(13); 43(b)(7)

) [4.0/4.0)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B 10/22/98 5:26:22 PM Page 60 of 100


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SRO Exrmincticn Ancwcr Kcy Question #: 61 Question: The plant is operating at 100% power and SBGT is aligned as follows: ,

- The "A" SBGT Fan is in AUTO l

- The "B" SBGT Fan is in STBY l

l The "A" SBGT Fan starts on a high drywell pressure condition. It runs for 10 '

seconds, then trips for an unknown cause. WHICH ONE (1) of the following describes the expected automatic response of the "B" SBGT Fan from the time the initiation signalis remived? l

' Starts 65 seconds a fter the initiation signal and then continues to run uninterrupte l

, Starts immediately after the "A" SBGT Fan trips and then continues to run uninterrupte ] Starts when the initiatbn signal is received, runs for 65 seconds and then !

stops, then restart . Starts when the initiation signal is received and continues to run uninterrupte Answer: c

! Reference: o0039, Standby Gas Treatment Ref. Text. Section D.5.

l Justification: With "B" SBGT Fan in STBY and an initiation signal is received, "B"

) train inlet damper open::. When OPEN limit switch picks up, "B" fan l l

starts. Fan start circuit energizes heaters and opens "B" outlet damper. After 65 seconds, the "B" train shuts down by closing the inlet damper, which secures the fan, which de-energizes the heaters and closes the outlet dampe ]

l l Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-08-03 Objective: EO 2.a.

l Tier # / Group #: 1/1 K/A: 295024A120 [3.5/3.6] 10CFR55.41(b)(5);43(b)(5)

Question Source: Modified 1997 NRC exam questio License Level (R/S/B): B l  ;

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SRO ExtminctlEn An; war Kcy Question #: 62 Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following is the internal design pressure of the drywell? psi psi psig, psig.

Answer; b Reference: o0045, Primary Containment Structure Ref. Text. Section C.1.

Justification: The internal design pressure for the drywellis 56 psig, saturation pressure for 281 degrees F.

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-08-01 Objective: EO 8 Tier # / Group #: 1/1 K/A: 295024K101 [4.1/4.2] 10CFR55.41(b)(9)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B l


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SRO Excminttien An wcr Kc,y Question #: 63 Question: . WHICH ONE (1) of the following would allow exiting EOP-17,"Altemate Depressurization"? RPV pressure of 66 psig and a torus pressure of 18 psi RPV pressure at 900 psig and torus water temperature at 190 deg. RPV pressure of 80 psig and decreasin RPV pressure of 500 psig and a torus pressure of 15 psi Answer; a Reference: EOP-17

, Justification: When the delta pressure between the RPV an Torus in less than 50  ;

psig the reactor is considered depressurized and systems used for  ;

Alternate Depressurization may not functio .

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-03-04-09


Objective: EO 3 .

Tier # / Group #: 1/1 K/A: 295025A201 (4.3/4.3] 10CFR55.41(b)(7);43(b)(5)

Question Source: New I

License Level (R/S/B): B j




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SRO Excminctinn Answer Kcy


Question #: 64 Question: A LOCA occurs at full power. After depressurization, level is restored to 30 inches. Torus bottoin pressure is 5 psig and torus temperature is 205 WHICH ONE (1) one of the following is the preferred source of RPV inventory control? CRD i RHR Condensate transfer Core Spray Answer: a ,

Reference: EOP-01, Table A Justification: Torus level challenges the NPSH of RHR and C Lesson Plan: . O-OR-03-04-03, Rev. Objective: EO 11


Tier # / Group #: 1/1 K/A: 295026K101 [3.0/3.4) 10CFR55.41(b)(8);41(b)(10)

) Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): S t



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SRO Excmintticn Answ r Key Question #: 65 Question: An event occurs causing an increase in'drywell pressure that resulted in spraying the drywell. The following temperature readings were taken:

- TI-9019 (DW TEMP Indicator)208 degrees TE-8125 bulk average (Kaye Temp) 216 degrees F

- TR-9044 (DW TEMP / PRESS Recorder) 198 degrees F

- TE-5050 bulk average (Computer Points) 214 degrees F

, WHICH ONE (1) of the following identifies the temperature that should be used


when assessing actions to be taken? deg. F deg. F deg. F deg. F Answer: b Reference: PNP 2.1.27,Rev. 3, Drywell Temp. Indication, Justification: PNP 2.1.7, caution, states that only 9019 or 9044 should be use I All others are not environmentally qualified. Also the highest tem is use ) Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-06 Objective: EO 11 Tier # / Group #: 1/2 l l K/A: 295028A201 [4.0/4.1] 10CFR55.41(b)(10);43(b)(5)

l Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B l l




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I l SRO Excminctian Answ:;r K";y l

l Question #: 66 Question: While attempting to reduce a high drywell temperature using EOP-03, introduction of oxygen into the Primary Containment is prevented by ensuring that

, drywell spray is stopped at 2.2 psig spraying the drywell only if torus water level is less than 180 Inches.

! RPV blowdown is performed prior to reaching 280 degrees F drywell tem drywell spray is stopped if drywell parameters move outside the DSIL curv Answer; a Reference: 0-OR-03-04-05, Rev.1, EOP 3 lesson Plan p. IG-18 Justification: EOP-3, directs securing DW sprays after DW pressure drops below



2.2 psig. This action will reduce the potential of opening the reactor building to torus vacuum breaker Lesson Plan: O-OR-03-04-05 Objective: EO 7 Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A: 295028K302 [3.2/3.2] 10CFR55.41(b)(10);43(b)(5)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B l l

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SRO Excminctir;n Anawar Kcy Question #: 67


Question: In the event that torus water level cannot be maintained above 95 inches, HPCI ,

is secured. WHICH ONE (1) of the following is this action designed to prevent? l l Isolating HPCI on high exhaust pressur Exceeding the Heat Capacity Temperature Limi l Exceeding the Primary Containment Pressure Limi ; Exceeding the Pressure Suppression Pressure.

l Answer: c Reference: 0-RO-03-04-05, Rev.1, p. IG-3 Justification: At 95" in the torus the HPCI exhaust line becomes expose Lesson Plan: 0-RO-03-04-05 Objective: EO 10 Tier # / Group #: 1/1 K/A: 295030K201 [3.8/3.9] 10CFR55.41(b)(7);43(b)(5)

Question Source: 1997 NRC exa License Level (R/S/B): S



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SRO Excminstinn Antw:r Kcy Question #: 68 Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following is NOT an acceptable means of providing adequate core cooling? Maintaining reactor water level at -100 inches, Steam cooling with injectio Steam cooling without injectio Spray coolin Answer: d Reference: RO-03-04-03 Rev. 2, p. IG-51 Justification: Spray cooling may not be unifor l


Lesson Plan: 0-RO-03-04-02 Objective: EO 18 Tier # / Group #: 1/1 K/A: 295031K101 [4.6/4.7] 10CFR55.41(b)(8)

Question Source: New

License Level (R/S/B): B


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SRO Excmin tirn Anaw::r Kcy Question #: 69 l Question: The plant is operating at 100% power when a loss of BUS A5 occurs.


l When steam tunnel temperature exceeds 160 degrees F. WHICH ONE (1) of ,

the following action (s) is(are) required? I l Commence a normal plant shutdow Reduce core flow using 'B' recirc pump and scram the reacto Place steam tunnel cooling in service as necessary to maintain steam i tunnel below 170 degrees Reduce reactor power using the 'B' recirc pump as necessary to control steam tunnel temperatur Answen b Reference: PNP 2.4.151

! Justification: PNP 2.4.151, Loss of Bus AS,immediate action states reduce core flow and scram the reactor for this conditio Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-01-05 Objective: TO 3 Tier # / Group #: 1/2

) K/A: 295032G2.1.20 10CFR55.41(b)(10);43(b)(5)

! [4.3/4.2]

Question Source: From last NRC exam,199 License Level (R/S/B): B




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SRO Excminctisn An wsr Kcy


l Question #: 70 l


l Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following represents the sequence of procedural actions )

j necessary to reset a Reactor Building Isolation that has been caused by a refuel


floor high radiation condition. (Assume the high refuel floor radiation signal has ;


I Perform reset using PCIS 2,3,6 ISOL RESET on C905, then J


Reposition control switches for dampers and equipment, then l

l Perform reset using RBIS TRIP RESET on C7 Perform reset using RBIS TRIP RESET on C7 I Perform reset using PCIS 2,3,6 ISOL RESET on C905, then l


Reposition control switches for dampers and equipment l l Reposition control switches for dampers and equipment, then Perform reset using PCIS 2,3,6 ISOL RESET on C905, then l Perform reset using RBIS TRIP RESET on C7 Reposition control switches for dampers and equipment, then l

Perform reset using RBIS TRIP RESET on C7, then Perform reset using PCIS 2,3,6 ISOL RESET on C905 l

Answer: c Reference: Procedure, Attachment 8 Justification: Procedure cautions to p! ace equir, ment in a condition to prevent repositioning on a containment is'Aation rese '

I Procedurally, the dampers and equipment are repositioned first, I then the Group 11 isolation logic is reset prior to resetting the RBIS isolatio .

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-08-05 Objective: EO 16 Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A: 295033A103 [3.8/3.8] 10CFR55.41(b)(9)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B i

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SRO Excminntion Answ r Key Question #: 71

' Question: - The reactor was manually scrammed and MSIVs were closed due to gross fuel failur West area HCU rad levels are at 1225 mR/h East area HCU rad levels are at 1255 mR/h The East Scram Discharge Volume vent and drain valves have failed ope The reactoris at rated pressur For the plant conditions listed above, Altemate Deprassurization is: not required since the CRD HCU east and west areas are considered the same are required in order to reduce radiation exposure to personnel l required to allow the scram to be reset and isolate the primary system lea not required since there is no primary system discharging into secondary '

containmen .

Answer: b Reference: EDG Step SC/R-2.2, IG-16


l Justification: More than two areas have exceeded the Table L limit for one parameter, and a primary system is discharging into the secondary containment, the operator is directed to perform Altemate j Depressurization. The purpose of EOP-4 relates directly to basic functions performed by the structures comprising secondary containmen Lesson Plan: 0-RO-03-04-06 Objective: EO 5 Tier # / Group #: 1/2

K/A- 295033K103 [3.9/4.2) 10CFR55.41(b)(8);43(b)(5) l l Question Source: Modified 1997 exam questio ]

License Level (R/S/B): S j l

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SRO Excminntien An wnr Ksy Question #: 72 Question: With a Reactor Vent Radiation Hi-Hi Alarm present, EOP-4 directs the operator to verify secondary containment isolation of reactor building H&V and the initiation of Standby Gas Treatmen WHICH ONE (1) of the following is the purpose of this verification? A treated and controlled ground release of the activity is provide A treated and controlled elevated release of the activity is provide To prevent contamination of normal ventilation ductwor To allow accurate monitoring of a release to the environmen Answer: b Reference: 0-RO-03-04-06, Page IG-9 Justification: SBGT operating with the reactor building isolated limits the ground level airbomo radio-active material release. Off-site doses from a design basis fuel handling or loss of coolant accident will be below values stated in 10 CFR 10 Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-08-03 Objective: EO1


Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A: 295034K301 [3.8/4.1) 10CFR55.41(b)(5);43(b)(1)

Question Source: 1997 NRC exam License Level (R/S/B): B I

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SRO Excminttinn An:wcr Kcy Question #: 73 Question: An AW/S is in progress. EOP42, RPV Control / Failure to Scram, has been entered. WHICH ONE (1) of the following would allow the operating crew to exit EOP-27 a. < All control rods are at position 00, except 4 rods at position 1 IRM power indicailon is on range 6 and lowering with no boron injecte SBLC storage tank level decreases from 4400 to 2800 gallon All 6 APRMs indicate downscale.

Answer- c Reference: EOP-2 Justification: Over 1600 gallons (Cold Shutdown Boron Weight) of boron have been injected.

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-03-04-04 Objective: EO 3 Ter # / Group #: 1/1 K/A: 295037A104 [4.5/4.51 10CFR55.41(b)(4)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): S


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SRO Excminttien An:wcr Key j Question #: 74 Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following conditions require entry into EOP-05,

, Radioactive Release Control?

,' :00 AM a reactor scram occurred on high drywell pressure. At 10:17 AM

. reports come in that Tcius Normal Exhaust valves AO-5041 A and B are open. At 10:25 AM high high RBVE monitor 1705-32A and B alarm.

i :00 AM r. reactor scram occurred on RPV low level. At 1:02 AM reports l come ir. that Torus Vacuum Breaker Iso. Valves AO-5040 A and B are j oper,. At 1:17 AM the Main Stack PRM 170518A and B indicate 11,000 cps, i

, l During reactor operations at 11:05 AM high high RBVE monitor 1705-32 A ,


i and B alarm. At 11:20 AM Drywell Normal Exhaust Valves AO-54043 A and B are reported ope . During reactor operations at 2:10 AM the Main Stack PRM 170518A and B indicate 10,000 cps. At 2:15 AM the Torus and Drywell N2 Makeup Valves AO-5033 A and C are reported open. At 2:25 AM Main Stack PRM 1705

18A and B indicate 10,500 cp Answer: d


l Reference: EOP-5

Justification: Any time Main Stack PRM 170518A and B Indicate >10,000 cps for 15 minutes or more this is an entry condition to EOP-5, Radiation


, Release Contro Lesson Plan: 0-RO-03-04-07, Rev. 3, IG-4


Objective: EO 1 i Tier # / Group #: 1/1


K/A: 295038G2. CFR41(b)(10); 43(b)(5)


Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): S

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SRO Extminctisn Antw r Kcy Question #: 75 Question: When placing H2/02 monitoring in service with an isolation signal present, the containment leak detection lines are left isolated if containment temperature is above 180 deg F in order to: Prevent condensation in the sample line Ensure a representative sample is draw Prevent overheating the heat tracing cables on the line Ensure the potential ignition sources in the leak detection monitors remain isolate Answer; a Reference: 2.2.133, Rev 19 p. 9 of 56.


Justification: MCC B-15 supplies power to SBGT fan 'A' which will stop. Train 'B'

will start on low air flow from SBGT fan 'A'.

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-08-09 Objective: EO Tier # / Group #: 1/1 K/A: 500000EG2420 10CFR55.41(b)(7)


Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): S 10/22/98 5:26:25 PM Page 75 of 100

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SRO Excmin tir;n Ancwcr Kcy Question #: 76 Question: it is August 10th,10:00 AM and boron concentrations in the SLC tank have just been reported as being 7.9%.

WHICH ONE (1) of the following represents the MAXIMUM time to reach Hot Shutdown? hours hours hours days Answer: c Reference: Tech. Spec. 3.4.C and 3. Justification: Per T.S. 3.4.C and 3. Lesson Plan: 0-RO-06-01-03 Objective: EO 3 Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: B211000G2.2.22 10CFR55.41(b)(10);43(b)(2)



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. SRO Excminctisn An:wcr Kcy Question #: 77 l


Question: The following conditions exist:

- A half scram exists on RPS "A" due to APRM testing )

- A fire caused a loss of RPS BUS "B" and a full scram



- The testing was stopped and APRMs were retumed to norma WHICH ONE (1) of the following describes when the scram may be reset?

, Immediatel ] After the dump test switch is placed in isolat After RPS bus "B"is energize After the SDIV vent and drain valves are opene Answer: c Reference: o0011, RPS Ref. Text, Figure Justification: B RPS bus needs to be energized before the half scram can be reset.


Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-07-07


Objective: EO l





Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: B212000K305 10CFR55.41(b)(8);43(b)(6)



Question Source: 1997 NRC exam License Level (R/S/B): B i



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SRO Excminctinn Annw r Kcy Question #: 78 Question: During fur.ctional testing of ADS during power operation, it was determined that one of the ADS Timer Reset Pushbuttons has shorted causing its contacts to remain closed. (Electrically equivalent to holding the pushbutton in the depressed position). All other systems are fully operabl Which ONE of the following states the response of the ADS system to a valid ADS initiation signal and the action required by Technical Specifications? ADS will respond to an initiation signal. Reactor pressure must be below 104 psig within 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> ADS will respond to an initiation signal. Reactor pressure must be below 104 psig within 15 day ADS will not respond to an initiation signal. Reactor pressure must be below 104 psig within 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> ADS will not respond to an initiation signal. Reactor pressure must be below 104 psig within 15 day Answe a Reference: o0135, ADS Ref. Text. Section D.5., T.S. 3.5.E.1 and Table 3. Justification: Depressing one Timer Reset Pushbutton still allows ADS to initiate from the other channel. However the system is inoperable and 24


hour LCO to be in Cold Shutdown must be per T.S. Table 3. note 1. However, once reactor pressure is below 104 psig, ADS is not required to be operable per T.S. 3.5.E.1 and the Cold Shutdown LCO may be exite Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-09-05 Objective: EO 11 Tier # / Group #: 2/1 K/A: B218000A403 [4.2/4.2} 10CFR55.41(b)(1); 43(b)(5)

Question Source: 1997 NRC exam question License Level (R/S/B): S 10/22/98 5:26:26 PM Page 78 of 100

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SRO Excmincticn An: war Key Question #: 79 Question: The plant is at 100% power and normal operating pressure. SRV 3A suddenly lifts for no apparent reason, reduces pressure by 20 psig and ressats. WHICH l ONE (1) of the following states the MINIMUM action required by Technical l



l Initiate an orderly shutdown and place the plant in cold shutdown within 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> j l


l Initiate an orderly shutdown and reduce reactor coolant pressure below l 104 psig within 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> Verify HPCI is operable, enter 14 day LCO. When the LCO is expired, initiate an orderly shutdown and place the plant in Cold Shutdown within 24 i hour !

! Verify HPCI is operable, enter 14 day LCO. When this LCO is expired, l initiate an orderly shutdown and reduce reactor coolant pressure below 104 l psig within 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> Answer; b Reference: Tech Spec 3.6. Justification: This is the action required by Tech Spec 3.6. ,

Lesson Plan: 0-RO-06-01-03 l

') Objective: EO 3 Tier # / Group #: 2/1 i

K/A: B239002G2.2.22 10CFR55.41(b)(10);43(b)(2)


Question Source: 1997 NRC exam License Level (R/S/B): S



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i SRO Extminctinn Annwar Kcy Question #: 80 Question: The plant is operating at 20% power with the electrical pressure regulator in service. WHICH ONE (1) of the following explains the expected plant response


If the EPR servo fails low, demanding valve closure? The reactor would scram on high reactor pressure.

l The reactor would scram on MSIV closur The main turbine would trip, the reactor would not scram.

, The mechanical pressure regulator would take control, the reactor does not l scra Answer: d Reference: 00098, MHC Ref. Text. Section Justification: During normal operation the MPR is set at a higher pressure than i the EPR. Since the MPR setpoint is higher than the EPR, the MPR error signal will be lower. The compound control mechanism shaft responds to the larger error signal applied to it Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-05-04 Objective: EO 7 Tier # / Group #: 2/1 i

K/A: B241000A114 [3.4/3.4] 10CFR55.41(b)(7)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B l




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SRO Extmincti:n Anawcr Kcy Question #: 81-Question: An A1WS has occurred and SRVs are being used to control pressure. WHICH ONE (1) of the following describes conditions where the Heat Capacity i

Temperature Limit is being approached? Reactor pressure is lowering; Torus water level is risin Reactor pressure is stable; Torus water level is lowerin Torus temperature is stable; Torus water level is rising.

l Torus temperature is lowering; Torus water level is stable.

! Answer: b

Reference: EOP-03 l ; Justification: The Heat Capacity temperature limit graph indicates that with a stable reactor pressure and the torus water level decreasing the limit will be approached.

l Lesson Plan: 0-0R-03-04-02, Rev. 2, IG-5 Objective: EO 21 Tier # / Group #: 1/1 K/A: B295026A202 (3.8/3.9] 10CFR55.41(b)(10)

h Question Source: EQB

, License Level (R/S/B): S l





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l SRO Exrminstien Anawcr Key Question #: 82 Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following is a violation of secondary containment integrity?

l l One refuel floor exhaust isolation damper is failed open with the other j refuel floor exhaust isolation damper open and fully operabl Reactor building ventilation is secured due to dampers failing close Both drywell personnel doors are ope Reactor water cleanup MO-1201-2 (RWCU Suction) valve is failed ope Answer; a

- Reference: T.S. Definition of Secondary Containment Integrity Justification: The secondary containment system is designed with sufficient redundancy so that no single active system component failure can prevent a system from achieving its safety objectiv Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-08-03 Objective: EO 14 Tier # / Group #: 1/2 K/A- B295035K101 10CFR55.41(b)(8);43(b)(5)


Question Source: 1997 NRC exam License Level (R/S/B): B I


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SRO Examinstian Antwcr K";y Question #: 83 Question: A lead is being lifted per an approved 2.2 series procedure. Lifting this lead must be entered on the lifted lead and jumper log if: The lead will not be relanded by the end of the current NWE work shif l The lead affects a safety related syste i The lead is in a system above 24 VDC or 120 VA l The lead relanding does not require second verificatio i l

Answer; a l l

Reference: NOP, " Lifted Leads and Jumpers, Page 6 of 9, Rev. 5 Justification: Procedural guidance is provided regarding required jumper log entrie l Lesson Plan: No facility specific leaming objective identified j Objective: No facility specific leaming objective identified Tier # / Group #: 3/1 l l

K/A: BG2214 (2.1/3.0) 10CFR55.43(3)

Question Source: New )

License Level (R/S/B): S l


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SRO Excminntirn Anawcr Kcy Question #: 84 Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following describes the required emergency notifications in response to an emergency declaration, according to the Emergency Classification and Notification Procedure?

i The NRC must be notified within 15 minutes after classification of the event. State and local agencies must be notified immediately thereafter not to exceed one hou State and local agencies must be notified immediately and the NRC must be notified within 15 minutes after classification of the even After the event classification notify the NRC, state and local agencies within 15 minute Local and State agencies must be notified within 15 minutes of the event classification and the NRC notified immediately thereafter not to exceed one hou Answen d Reference: EP-IP-100, " Emergency Classification and Notification," p. 21 Justification: Procedural guidance is given regarding the time limits for notifications required by emergency plan implementing procedure Lesson Plan: GET C-GT-01-01-27, Re , Objective: Bullet 4 Tier # / Group #: 3/1 K/A: BG2415 (3.0/3.5) 10CFR55.41(10) 10CFR55.45(5)

Question Source: Modified exam bank question License Level (R/S/B): S





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SRO Excmincti n Annw2r Kcy Question #: 85 Question: Assume that today is July 15,1998. A licensed RO has performed the functions of an RO during one 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> shift since July WHICH ONE (1) of the following actions will result in the RO's license being in ;

an " active" status on November 1,19987 l Five more 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> shifts performing RO functions during September. Three 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shifts performing RO functions during Octobe l Three more 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> shifts performing RO functions during July. One 12 I l hour shift performing RO functions during September. One 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> shift performing RO functions during Octobe Two more 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> shifts performing RO functions during August. Four more l

8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> shifts performing RO functions during September.

l One more 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> shifts performing RO functions during July. Four more 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> shifts performing RO functions during Octobe Answer: c Reference; NOP 1.3.34, " Conduct of Operations," p. 3 Justification: Procedural guidance is provided regarding " active" license requirement Lesson Plan: 0-RO-06-06-01 l

Objective: E O <

Tier # / Group #: 3/1 K/A: G211 (3.7/3.8) 10CFR55.41(10) 10CFR55.43(1)

Question Source: New

License Level (R/S/B): B l





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k SRO Excminttisn Ancwcr Key Question #: 86 Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following activities is required to be logged in the NOS logbook, per 1.3.34, " Conduct of Operations?"


'  ! A phone call from a non licensed operator calling in sic Normal chemistry results for the reactor water cleanup syste \ The time that a new condensate demineralizer is starte ]

l l Completion of a surveillance test on the turbine stop valve l i  !

l Answer: d 1 Reference: NOP 1.3.34, " Conduct of Operations," p. 3 Justification: Operators are required to follow procedural guidance for maintaining accurate logs, including correcting log entrie Lesson Plan: 0-RO-06-06-01 i Objective: E O Tier # / Group #: 3/1 ,

i K/A- G2118 (2.9/3.0) 10CFR55.41(10) 10CFR55.45(12)

Question Source: New

, License Level (R/S/B): S  !







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l SRO Excminctlan Antw;r Kcy Question #: 87 Question: After running for one [1] week, the 'A' reactor recire pump tripe at 1200. At 1300, the 'A' reactor recirc pump is restarted, runs until 1310 and trips. The soonest that the 'A' reactor recirc pump can be restarted is:

i l l Answer: c Reference: NOP 2.2.84, " Reactor Recirculation System," p. 2 Justification: Procedural precaution and limitation requirements for MG set operatio Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-06-02 Objective: EO 14 Tier # / Group #: 3/1 K/A: G2132 (3.4/3.8) 10CFR55.41(10) 10CFR55.43(5)

Question Source: Mod; fled EQB question License Level (R/S/B): B i


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SRO Excminstisn An2 War Kcy l I

Question #: 88 Question: You are on watch in the control room as a licensed senior reactor operator during operations. Shifts are 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> long. All shifts are manned to the l l MINIMUM composition of Technical Specifications. You become ill and need to


leave to seek medical attention prior to your relief arrivin i l

WHICH ONE (1) of the following describes the guidance in plant Technical Specification conceming this situation?

l Shift composition may NOT drop below the minimum unless an operator exceeds 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> on watc Shift composition may NOT be less than the minimum as a result of personalillness.

, Shift composition may be less than the minimum until a replacement is

! foun Shift composition may be less than the minimum for two hours while attempting to replace the absent individua l l Answer: d l Reference: T.S. 5.2.2.d, " Unit Staff," p. 5.0-3 Justification: Recent TS change regarding unit staffing requirements and I


procedural guidance regarding minimum shift crew compositio Lesson Plan: 0-RO-06-06-01 Objective: EO Tier # / Group #: 3/1 K/A: G214 (2.3/3.4) 10CFR55.41(10) 10CFR55.43(2)

i Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): S


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SRO Excminctirn An; war Kcy l l

l Question #: 89 Question: A plant startup is in progress. Reactor power is 20% An emergency entry to l the drywellis necessary.

l WHICH ONE (1) of the following is the MINIMUM level of authority required to approve this entry?

l NWE onl NWE and Ops Dept. Mgr. onl NWE and Station Director onl j l NWE, Ops Dept Manager and Station Directo i l

Answer: c 1

i Reference: NOP 1.4.12, " Primary Containment Entry," p. l l

Justificatiort: Procedural limitations related to personnel safety dunng an emergency conditio Lesson Plan: No facility specific leaming objective identified i Objective: No facility specific leaming objective identified Tier # / Group #: 3/1 l

, K/A: G218 (3.8/3.6) 10CR55.41(10) 10CFR55.43(5)

Question Source: New l


License Level (R/S/B): B ,




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l SRO Excminttien Antw r Kcy l Question #: 90 i Question: When letting down to Radwaste, the MO-1001-21, "RHR Discharge to l Radwaste"is Jogged ope Before leaving the valve unattended, the operator should verify that dual

Indication has been reached in order to:

l prevent wire drawing of the valve dis prevent RHR Pump Motor overheatin ensure that the valve closes on a PCIS signa ensure that sediment does not settle out in the RHR line to Radwaste.

l Answer: c Reference: NOP 2.1.38, "MOV Motor Operation and Guidelines," p. Justification: Procedural guidance is given on operation of safety related MOV motors.

t Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-08-10 Objective: EO 14 '

Tier # / Group #: 3/1 K/A- G2212 (3.0/3.4) 10CFR55.41(10) 10CFR55.45(13)



Question Source: New

License Level (R/S/B)


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SRO Excminctisn Answer K i Question #: 91 l Question: A turbine building sump pump has been cleared for routine maintenance. The 1


tagout has been accepted, and a maintenance Red Tag has been ng.No work has been done to the pump. A problem has developed wi e other sump pump, making it necessary to place the cleared pump service. The tagout requestor is NOT onsite to remove his Red Ta WHICH ONE (1) of the following individuals is t Y'/

MINIMUMlevelof authority required to authorize removal of the Red Ta ' Operations Department Manager M) Any Maintenance Supervisor The Nuclear Op ai i pervisor(NOS) i 1 The Nuclear We : ineer(NWE)

Answer: d Reference: .4.5, "PNPS Tagging Procedure," p. 42 Justification: ocedural guidance is given regarding emergency removal of tags.

Lesson Plan: \ [ 0-RO-06-06-01 Objective: EO Tier # / Group . 3/1 K/A: G2213 (3.6/3.8) 10CFR55.41(10) 10CFR55.43(5)

Quest Source: New Ll S 7 se Level (R/S/B):

See aischect E6 svMw Ooie c lo/Aa/f&- b H.Sabigo

[f*bt &+d g,[?L,, joka)9&-


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SRO Excminctinn An wcr Kcy Question #: 92 Question: A lead in a safety related system is to be lifted. You are directed to verify this activity . This verification should be: Independent and direct Independent and indirect Non-independent and direct

, Non-independent an(l indirect l Answer: c Reference: PNPS 1.3.34, Conduct of Operations, Page 4 Justification: Specific procedural guidance is given for verificatio Lesson Plan: 0-RO-06-06-01 Ob,lective: EO 9.b l Tier # / Group #: 3/1 K/A: G2213 (3.6/3.8) 10CFR55.41(10)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B


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SRO Examintti::n An war Kcy Question #: 93 Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following activities requires the use of a SPECIFIC radiation work permit (RWP)? Recharging a CRD HCU Perfoaming Radiography Conducting an Operator Tour Performing a surveillance of the refueling bridge during power operation Answer: b Reference: GET C-GT-01-02-01, p. SG-24 Justification: Radiological workers are required to be familiar with RWP requirement Lesson Plan: GET C-GT-01-02-01 Objective: Objectives listed on p, SG-4 Tier # / Group #: 3/1 K/A- G231 (2.6/3.0) 10CFR55.41(12) 10CFR55.43(4)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B 10/22/98 5:26:29 PM Page 93 of 100

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SRO Ex: min:ti:n Answcr Key Que'Alon #: 94 Question: A twenty-five (25) year old Maintenance Contractor with complete exposure records has the following exposure record for the current calendar year:

- Shallow Dose Equivalent- 2.55 REM

- Deep Dose Equivalent- ~2.13 REM

- Lens Dose Equivalent - 3.08 REM

- Committed Effective Dose Equivalent - 1.95 REM WHICH ONE (1) of the following is the individual's Total Dose Equivalent (TEDE) for the current calendar year? .08 REM .50 REM

. .68 REM .21 REM Answer: a Reference: GET C-GT-01-02-01, p. SG-7 Justification: TEDE = CEDE + DDE Lesson Plan: GET C-GT-01-02-01

') Objective: Objectives listed on p. SG-2 Tier # / Group #: 3/1 K/A: G231 (2.6/3.0) 100:R55.41(12) 10CFR55.43(4) j Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B l


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l SRO Examinttien An wcr Kcy Question #: 95 Question: A Job is being planned in a high radiation area. Consideration is being given to l installing temporary shielding and to using a special tool that will allow the job to

! be performed at a greater distance from the source, but will increase the time j- required to complete the job. The temporary shielding will require a total dose

of 1R to install and remove.

t l The following estimates are available:

l l OPTION 1: The job can be performed in a field of 2.4 R/hr. In one hour without


temporary shielding and without the special tool.

l OPTION 2: The job can be performed in a field of 500 mR/hr. In one hour with temporary shieldirig and without the special too OPTION 3: The job can be performed in a field of 600 mR/hr. In two hours without temporary shielding and with the special tool.



OPTION 4: The job can be performed in a field of 120 mR/hr. in two hours with temporary shielding and with the special tool.

In order to maintain the station's dose as low as reasonably achieveable (ALARA), this job should be performed using: OPTION 1 OPTION 2 j OPTION 3 OPTION 4 l Answer: c I l

Reference: GET C-GT-01-02-01, p. SG-11&12  !


! Justification: Point source calculation relative to personnel ALARA considerations l under radiological condition t Lesson Plan: GET C-GT-01-02-01 )

Objective: Objectives listed on p. SG-3 Tier # / Group #: 3/1 K/A: G2310 (2.9/3.3) 10CFR55.43(4)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): S

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l l SRO Excmincti n Answzr Ksy Question #: 96 Question: You are required to enter an area that contains a radiation source. This source is causing dose rates of 1200 mrem / hour at 30 cm from the surface of the


sourc Which ONE of the following is REQUIRED?

l The NWE must authorize entr Two persons are required for entry: one must be an RP RP Personnel must either establish stay times or provide line of site

! coverag One per ay enter alone, but another person dressed in the required prot ve clothing must be standing b Answer: i # b Of k gg g /ggg Reference: 6.1-014, Rev 5, p.11 of 29 Justification: This is the requirement specified by 6.1-14 for a locked high radiation area Lesson Plan: GET C-GT-01-02-01, Rev. 5 Objective: Objective listed p. SG-5

. Tier # / Group #: 3/1 K/A: G234 (2.5/3.1) 10CFR55.41(11) 10CFR55.43(4)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B l

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SRO Excmincticn Answ r Kcy Question #: 97 Question: A plant emergency occurred that resulted in the Emergency Director declaring an Alert at 0845. The event was upgraded to a Site Area Emergency 094 Accountability of personnelis being conducte WHICH ONE (1) of the following is the LATEST time that accountability !s required to be completed? Answer: b Reference: EP-IP-100," Emergency Classification and Notification,"

Attachment 3, p. 2 Justification: Plant personnel are responsible for understanding emergency Reponses and accountabilit Lesson Plan: C-GT-01-01-27, Re Objective: Bullets 4&S


Tier # / Group #: 3/1 K/A: G2429 (2.6/4.0) 10CFR55.41(10) and 10CFR55.43(5)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): S



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SRO Excmincticn An::;wcr Kcy Question #: 98 l Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following instruments / monitors is a Post Accident l Monitoring component? l Torus temperature recorders ort C170/C171 Reactcr shutdown level indicator (L1-263-101) on C904 Control room ventilation intake radiation monitor (1705-16) on C910 Wide range reactor pressure / reactor steam flow recorder (FR/PR-640-27)

en C905 Answer; a Reference: PNPS 2.2.120, " Post Accident Monitoring Panel," p. Justification: Operators are required to be familiar with the emergency monitoring indication Lesson Plan: RO-02-06-01 Objective: Sh Tier # / Group #: 3/1 K/A: G243 (3.5/3.8) 10CFR55.41(6) 10CFR55.43(4)

Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B

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SRO Excn1lnati n Answcr Kcy Question #: 99 Question: WHICH ONE (1) of the following responsibilities MAY be delegated by the On-

! Call Emergency Director? .% protective action recommendations.

' Classification of an emergency even Actual phone notification of the Nuclear Regulatory Commissio Specifying the access authorization requirements for the emergency condition Answer: c Reference: EP-IP-200, "On-Call Emergency Director," p. Justification: Guidance is provided within the Emergency Plan regarding the responsibilities which may not be delegated by the Emergency l Director or the On-Call Emergency Directo Lesson Plan: GET C-GT-0101-27, Rev.1, Objective: Bullet 4 Tier # / Group #: 3/1 K/A: G2440 (2.3/4.0) 10CFR55.41(10)10CFR55.43(5)




Question Source: New F

License Level (R/S/B): S


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SRO Extminctisn Ancwcr Key l

Question #: 100  !

Question: While operating in a steady state condition at 95% power the following ,


conditions develop: 1

- The main generator output begins to oscillat EPR servo position is oscillatin i

- Bypass valves are opening and closin ,

- Power oscillations are from 88% to 96%. i

- Turbine inlet pressure is oscillating from 975 to 985 psi j l

WHICH ONE (1) of the following actions should be taken immediatel ! Place the EPR power control switch to of !

, Lower the MPR setpoin Reduce reactor power to 25% below it's pre-transient leve Take the EPR control switch to RAIS ;

! Answer; b l Reference: Abnormal Procedure 2.4.37 i l  !

Justification: For pressure oscillations 2.4.37 directs lowering MPR setpoin l l

j Lesson Plan: 0-RO-02-05-04 -

L t

Objective: TO 2 Tier # / Group #: 2/2 l

K/A: H245000G2.1.20 10CFR55.41(b)(10); 43(b)(5)


Question Source: New License Level (R/S/B): B

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! Attachment 5 i


SIMULATION FACILITY REPORT Facility Licensee: Pilarim Nuclear Power Station Facility Docket No: 50-293 l Operating Tests Administered from: October 19-23.1998 l

This form is used only to report simulator observations. These observations do not constitute audit or inspection findings and are not, without further verification and review, l

indicative of noncompliance with 10 CFR 55.45(b). These observations do not affect NRC certification or approval of the simulation facility other than to provide information that l May be used in future evaluations. No licensee action is required in response to these I observation During the examination preparation week, the examiners discussed ongoing simulator upgrades with the facility. The facility has a contract with the simulator support contractor to upgrade the core model. This work is about 50% completed. No problems were



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