IR 05000255/1997007

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Partially Deleted Insp Rept 50-255/97-07 on 970428-0513. Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Mgt Support,Plant Support,Detection Equipment & Evaluation of Security Communication Activities
Person / Time
Site: Palisades Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/05/1997
Shared Package
ML19063D061 List:
50-255-97-07, 50-255-97-7, NUDOCS 9706110062
Download: ML20148H722 (2)


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l U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION ll1 Docket No: 50-255 l License No: DPR 20 Report No: 50-255/97007(DRS)

Licensee: Consumers Energy l

l Facility: Palisades Nuclear Generating Plant


Location: 27780 Blue Star Memorial Highway Covert, MI 49043-9530

Between April 28 and May 13,1997 l

i inspector: T. J. Madeda, Physical Security inspector l

Approved by: James R. Creed, Chief, Plant Support Branch 1 Division of Reactor Safety l

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9706110062 970605 I" PDR ADOCK 05000255 G PDR -


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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Palisades Nuclear Power Plant NRC inspection Report 50-255/97007 i

This inspection included a review of plant support activities related to the physical '

protection of your facility. The report covered routine review of management support ,

activities, a partial review of protected area detection equipment, evaluation of security I communication activities, review of selective security plan and procedure requirements,


follow-up on previous inspection findings, and initial inspection activities of the vehicle I'

barrier program. The inspection was conducted between April 29 and May 13,1997.

Overall, security performance was determined to be adequate and provided the required level of protection to the facility.

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The inspector identified a weakness in the protected area personnel access control program that could result in unauthorized personnel gaining undetected access to l

. the protected area. (Section S2.1)

The inspector identified a violation regarding the failure to adequately control a 4 sealed package in the protected area. The violation demonstrated a program I


weakness involving lack of procedure guidance, lack of specific training in the control of sealed packages, and weak oversight control of the sealed package control program. (Section S3.1)

The licensee identified that on at least three occasions, alarm station operators ( security supervisors) violated procedure requirements by disabling a security alarm function in the Secondary Alarm Station. The licensee also identified that nine I other supervisors aware of the incidents did not report them. The significance of this finding was that multiple security supervisors failed to implement basis I monitoring and reporting requirements (Section S4.1)

The inspector identified a violation regarding failures to properly limit access to two vital areas. The violation demonstrated a lack of understanding of vital area access authorization criteria on the part of licensee supervisors. Contributing to this failure was weak training and oversight activities relating to vital area access authorization. (Section S5.1)

The inspector identified six procedural deficiencies regarding the licensee's vehicle barrier system. The deficiencies involved several examples of inadequate compensatory measures, inadequate reporting, testing of active barriers, and patrol activities to verify barrier integrity. (Section S8.1)

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