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Forwards Lists of Data Ltrs & Bulletins in Response to Generic Ltr 83-28 Item 3.1.2 Re Reactor Trip Sys Components & Response to Item 4.2 Concerning Description of Preventive Maint Program for Reactor Trip Breakers
Person / Time
Site: Catawba  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/1984
From: Tucker H
To: Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
GL-83-28, NUDOCS 8501070328
Download: ML20101P980 (16)


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.- a DUKE Powen GOMPANY P.O. DOX 33180 CHARLOTTE. N.C. 28242 HALH. TUCKER ren.erssown vacu renomer (704) 373-4531 December 31, 1984 Mr. D. G. Eisenhut Division of Licensing U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Re: Catawba Nuclear Station Docket Nos. 50-413, 50-414

Dear Mr. Eisenhut:

Our response of November.4, 1983 to Generic Letter 83-28 described our efforts regarding Item 3.1.2, Review of Vendor Engineering Recommendations for Reactor Trip System Components. We have completed our review of applicable Data Letters and Bulletins, the results of which can be found in Attachment 1. This review included Westinghouse data letters and technical bulletins for all other safety-related components as well.

In response to Item 4.2 please find Attachment 2, a descripuion of the Preventative Maintenance Program for Reactor Trip Breakers which is currently in use at Catawba.

This is accomplished through procedure MP/0/A/2001/05, a copy of which is included.

As discussed in our original response of November 4, 1983, the results of the

. Life Cycle Testing program which was conducted by Westinghouse for the Westinghouse Owner's Group are to be incorporated into an updated Instruction Manual from Westinghouse. A replacement program for reactor trip system components will be ,

incorporated into an upgraded Duke maintenance program when the new manual is issued.

In our status letter of November 2, 1984, the scheduled implementation date for the component replacement program was incorrectly stated as December 31, 1984.

Based upon timely receipt of the new Westinghouse manual implementation of the

- component replacement program at Catawba is expected by the end of the first scheduled refuelirig outage.

Very truly yours, d /$p _ - - .

Hal B. Tucker j LTP/mjf 0 tI1 Attachments (

8501070328 841231.

' PDR ADOCK 05000413:


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Mr. D. G. Eisenhut, Director '

, December 31,.1984 Page two.

cc: Mr..J. P. 0'Reilly, Regional Administrator U. S.' Nuclear Regulatory Commission

' Region'II. .

" 1101 Marietta Street, ~MJ, Suite 2900

-Atlanta,. Georgia 30302-

,  : Mr. R. A.- Birkel Division of Project Management

< Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.-S.-Nuclear Regulatory Commission

' Washington, D.-C. 20555 Robert' Guild, Esquire

. Attorney-at-Law P. 0.-Box 12097 Charleston, South Carolina 29412 Mr. Jesse.L. Riley .

Carolina Environmental Study Group 854 Henley Place Charlotte,' North Carolina 3

-Dr. K. N. Jabbour-NRC Project Manager Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation l- U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Ms.. Helen Nicolaras, Project Manager Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

- U. S.; Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 -

Mr.'J..C. Bryant LNRC Resident. Inspector-Oconee F.tclear Station LMr.'W. T. Orders NRC Resident Inspector

- McGuire Nuclear Station NRC Resident. Inspector

. Catawba Nuclear Station PalmettoLAlliance-2135 Devine Street

, Columbia..So'uth Carolina 29205-


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ATTACHMENT 1 DATA LETTERS 63-2 Nuclear Maintenance I & E concurs with Design Engineering that appropriate noise reduction techniques were utilized in the design and construction of Catawba Nuclear Station. Catawba I & E has agreed that appropriate noise reduction techniques will be considered

-in the implementation of future NSM packages. Furthermore, Catawba Projects has agreed to make their personnel aware of these techniques.

63-5 The only mineral insulated cable we are aware of at Catawba is the cable used in the nuclear instrumentation and incore thermocouple applications. In both cases, vendor supplied, prefabricated cables were used (the cables and plugs were already assembled and ready to use). Therefore, this item does not affect Catawba. However, as a precaution the station was notified that any mineral insulated cable which is formed by site personnel for any future application should be heat dried just before sealing.

64-4 The use of any item containing lead within the primary system is controlled by a Materials Guide.and by Station Directives.

68-14 This Data Letter was originally written by Westinghouse with reference to their old 7100. series equipment, and is therefore not applicable to Catawba. Furthennore, the Precautions, Limitations & Setpoints manual is used to determine the proper setpoints.

68-25 The Vital Bus is never used to supply non-vital loads at any time.

68-31 The content of this Data Letter has been superseded.

68-36 This Data Letter is not applicable to Catawba Nuclear Station.

70-18 All essential equipment utilizing triaxial cable has been success-fully preoperationally tested. Furthermore, any faulty cable would already have been discovered during installation or testing.

71-20 There has been no problem with drifting output signals on Barton transmitters. If there were any defective transmitters at Catawba, they would have been noticed by now. However, if any problems are noted, either the site Westinghouse representatives or Barton-representatives will be notified.

73-8 Breakers at Catawba Nuclear Station were originally sized based on manufacturer's specifications on the electrical loads, and also on Design Engineering calculations of the maximum motor starting current '

through each breaker. Any incorrectly sized breakers would be noticed during periodic breaker testing and preventative maintenance.


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74-4 'No action by Duke Power Company. is required - this Data Letter was

, transmitted for our information.

77-2 Catawba Nuclear Station already uses the Keithley 602 electrometer.

77-3 This Data Letter is not applicable to Catawba Nuclear Station.

78-4 The recommended changes will be made to the appropriate instrument calibration procedures by Catawba I & E.

79 Station procedures specify the use of permanently installed voltmeters to ensure proper P-4 permissive contact operation following all reactor trips. .These voltmeters were installed as a modification in

. response to a Westinghouse letter of 11-7-79 to the NRC.

80-3 .The proper connectors have already been ordered as spares, and the necessary instructions for their use are already in the appropriate instrument procedure..

80-8' It is a common practice of Catawba I & E to " exercise" the calibration potentiometers of a transmitter if the output of that transmitter is not steady.

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ATTACHMENT 1 TECHNICAL BULLETINS 73-24 Rev. 1 The potential for RF I & C interference as a result of the use of radio equipment within the station has already been addressed in response to IE Information Notice 83-83.

Catawba Nuclear Station has established administrative controls on areas where transmitter use will not be allowed.

74-12 No action is necessary for Catawba Nuclear Station Unit 1, as construction has been completed for this unit. Catawba Constrection has committed to notify / train the electrical crews of this situation by December 31, 1984, in order to be alert for this potential problem on Unit 2. This training will be documented on Construction Training Form V-lC.

75-2 This Technical Bulletin is not applicable to Catawba Nuclear Stu tion.

77-10 The actions recommended by this Technical Bulletin have been completed.

80-4 Catawba Nuclear Station was alerted to the possibility of the subject voltage oscillations occurring, and were instructed to notify both Westinghouse and Nuclear Maintenance I & E if any such oscillations are observed. None have been seen to date.

80-5 Catawba Nuclear Station plans to always use a reference power level of 100%, with Incore Axial Offset data taken at 75%.

However, a note will be added to the appropriate instrument i procedure by I & E to. provide proper scaling for other refer-ence power levels.

80-6 This bulletin is not applicable, since Catawba Nuclear Station does not utilize 10-50 mA transmitters.

I 80-8 This Technical Bulletin is not applicable to Catawba Nuclear Station.

L 81-11 - Action on this Technical Bulletin has been completed for Catawba Nuclear Station.

81-13 Catawba Nuclear Station was not affected by this Technical Bulletin.


Attachment 2 I

l Catawba Nuclear Station Westinghouse DS-416 Reactor Trip Breakers i Summary of Preventative Maintenance Program The subject breakers are cleaned, inspected, and tested every six months under procedure MP/0/A/2001/05. A description of the preven-tative maintenance follows below:

The breakers are given a visual inspection as they are removed from service. If any cracked welds, broken parts, and/or loose or missing bolts are discovered, repairs are made immediately. The breakers are then cleaned by means of vacuum, compressed air, or an oil free solvent.

The cubicle is cleaned, and lubricated if necessary. Next, the arc chute shields, barriers, covers, and arc chutes are removed (wet arc chutes or insulators are dried with a suitable heat source).

A Force Test on the Trip Bar is performed, fo!1 owed by a Force Test on the UV Trip Device (the Trip Load must be less than 2 lbs., and the acceptance criteria for the latter test is 3.0 lbs. minimum). Pre and Post Travel tolerances for the Trip Tap on the UV Trip Device are checked. (No adjustments to the UV Trip Attachment are allowed to satisfy clearance requirements within the device or between the device and the reactor trip breaker shaft lever pin, unless a Westinghouse service representative is present. If a UV device is in need of repair and no Westinghouse representative is present, a new UV device is installed). Proper cleanliness and lubrication of the roller bearing is verified.

An inspection of.the contacts is now performed. They are cleaned, and contact wipe, contact resistance, pressure, and alignment are checked (see Attachment 3 for a drawing showing the alignment tolerances checked).

The mechanism linkage is checked for proper operation, including an.

inspection of every pin, keeper, or spring used in the assembly. Any necessary repairs are made. All other measurements and adjustments

- required by the instruction manual (CNM-1399.40-00ll) are made,'and then the equipment is lubricated and cleaned.

Finally, the breaker is tested mechanically and electrically for proper operation. The Force Tests on the Trip Bar and UV Trip Device are performed again, and the Pre and Post Travel tolerances for the Trip Tap on the UV Trip Device are again checked. The roller bearing is re-examined, and then the breaker is cycled ten times (using the UV trip device).

Finally, all parts which were earlier removed (chutes, shields, etc.)

are reinstalled.

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Form 34731 (1041)

(Formerly SPD 10021) 1 l

DUKE POWER COMPANY (1) ID No: HP/0/A/2001/05 PROCEDURE PREPARATION PROCESS RECORD Change (s) 0 to 0 Incorporated (2) STATION: Catawba Nuclear (3) PROCEDURE TITLE:_ Westinghouse DS-416 Air Circuit Breaker Insoection and Staintenance (4) PREPARED BY: Jeff Ashe DATE: 11/17/83 J>

(5) REVIEWED BY: [. 8e m / DATE: 2!/,5 /99 Cross-Disciplinary Review By: SI N/R: S/20 W!f




(SRO) Date:

By: Date:

( (7) APPROVED BY: me MC Date: .3-2-N (8) MISCELLANEOUS:

  1. Reviewed / Approved By: Date: ((-/2 " b F

Reviewed / Approved By: Date:

REYlEWED BY QUAmY ASSURANCE DEARTMENT This' copy ~&as'6een's rpared OPERATIONS DMSION the cetrol co -

corret Rd 18 Yerified Y Y$ 2-/.SN O Eat E REPRESENTATIVE DATE N

. ar: , -

Procedure TCP/CN0/A/0006/00/0/SM (MP/0/A/2001/05)


CHARLOTTE DISTRICT / GROUP CATAWBA LOCATION / STATION WESTINGHOUSE DS-416 AIR CIRCUIT BREAKER IN$PECTION AND MAINTENANCE NOTE: Sections in this procedure that are preceded by an asterisk shall be initialed on Enclosure 13.1 of this procedure. Double asterisks indicate QA inspection steps. Sign off in step 11.16.

1.0 Purpose 1.1 This procedure establishes the requirenents to control the inspection and maintenance of Westinghouse DS-416 breakers.

2.0 References 2.1 Current copy of Instruction Manual for DS-416 Breakers. CNM 1399.40-0011.

2.2 Westinghouse Drawing No. 693C350.

2.3 Westinghouse Drawing No. 588C785.

3.0 Personnel Requirements 3.1 The number of manhours necessary to complete the inspection and testing depends on the extent of repairs to be made. Record actual manhours on the work request.

3.2 Personnel performing maintenance on Westinghouse DS-416 breakers shall have qualifications satisfying Catawba Nuclear Station Directive 2.7 and the Transmission Administrative Manual Section 2.3.

4.0 Safety Considerations 4.1 Equipment Clearance and Isolation

-4.1.1 Breaker maintenance will require that the breaker be racked out to the disconnect position and placed on the floor. Red tags should be issued if needed according to Catawba Nuclear Station Directive 3.1.1.


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4.2 Health Physics Considerations 4

4.2.1 If the work request indicates, obtain a Radiation Work Permit or a Standing Radiation Work Pemit from Health Physics.

) 4.3 Special Safety Considerations 4.3.1 Assure good ventilation or use air masks when using "Penolene",

" Spot Check", or similar chlorinated hydrocarbon cleaners.

4.3.2 Use red tape to identify any exposed high voltage creas and warn personnel of any possible shock hazards.

5.0 .

Station (or Unit) Status l'

  • 5.1 Routine maintenance on breakers should coincide with PM requirements and Technical Specification requirements. Availability should be determined by the shift supervisor or his superior, in order to insure safe unit operation.

6.0 Prerequisites

  • 6.1 Verify that this procedure is the same as the control copy at the p station.
  • 6.2 Notify Quality Assurance personnel before beginning work if the


Work Request so indicates.

i *6.3 Before or during the job, the job supervisor, planner, or engineer shall review, the job. initial and "N/A" any procedure steps that are not applicable to li *6.4 If necessary, obtain current manufacturer's drawings and/or instruction books.

-**6.5 While performing this procedure if any leads are lifted, jumpers added, or switches opened or closed, double verification of removal and double verification of replacement must be documented on Enclosure 13.2.

7.0 Repair Parts 7.1 Work on safety related breakers will require - Quality Assurance approved parts.

7.2-Parts utilized during repairs will be listed 'on the Work Request.

The Work Request must be presented at the parts room to obtain parts.

l. 8.0 Special Tools
    • 8.1 Verify that calibration dates on tools and measurement equipment are cu* rent.

Record serial number and calibration date due. on Enclosure 13.2.


9.0 Acceptance Requirements Note: This section is applicable only when a complete PM of the breaker is perfonned and need not be initialed when making minor repairs or adjustments that may arise between scheduled PM periods.

  • 9.1 The successful completion of the applicable parts of Section 11.0 of this procedure will detemine the acceptability of the A. C. B.

10.0 Interference Items None 11.0 Procedure Note: The following steps are not necessarily required to be performed in chronological order. Some steps may be performed at any time. This procedure is to be used as a guide by experienced breaker retairmen only.

  • 11.1 Verify that the Work Request has been approved, and the " Clearance to Begin Work" section has been properly completed. Be sure the breaker is de-energized and/or red tagged. Maintain all enclosum: + bat are applicable to the maintenance activity being performed.
    • 11.2 Visually check equipment as removed from service. Inspect the equipment for broken parts, cracked welds, and/or loose or missing bolts.

Repair or replace any damaged parts and record action taken.

  • 11.3 Remove dust and dirt by vacuum, air, or oil free solvent.
    • 11.4 Clean and inspect cubicle for loose hardware or broken parts and lubricate where necessary.
  • 11.5 Remove are chute shields, barriers, covers, and arc chutes. " Wet" arc chutes or insulators may be dried with a heat gun, oven, or other heat source.
  • 11.6 Perform the following tests and record the data obtained on Enclosure 13.3. Include the total number of times the breaker was tripped.

Before preventive maintenance testing on UV trip device "AS FOUND" Westinghouse Drawing No. 693C350 and No. 58SC785 should be consulted if needed.

11.6.1 Perform a Force Test on the Trip Bar.

11.6.2 Perform a Force Test on the UV trip device.

11.6.3 Check the tolerances regarding Pre and Post Travel of the Trip Tap on the UV trip device.




11.6.4 Check the condition of the roller bearing with regard to the proper cleanliness and lubricant.

r 11.6.5 Should a UV device be found faulty and adjustments cannot be made, field installation of a new UV device should .be made as per Westinghouse Drawing No. 588C735. No adjustments to the undervoltage trip attachment are to be made in the field to satisfy either intracisarance requirements (within the device proper) or interclearance requirements (between the device and the ,

RTB trip shaft lever pin) without an appropriate Westinghou e service representative present.

    • 11.7 Inspect the' ' contacts; clean, check contact dipe, contaci resistance, pressure ard alignment. This includes checking measurements as y per instruction book. ' Repair or replace as needed. ,

F .

$ **11.8 Inspect mechanism linkage for binding, looseness, worn or defective i parts. Check every pin, keeper, and spring in the mechanisn. Repair or replace as needed. c 3

  • 11.9 Make and/or check any mechanism measurements and adjustments needed n

.per instruction or technical bulletins and record on Enclosure 13.1.

  • 11.10 Lubricate and perfonn finai cleantag of the equipmept.


  • 11.11 Check breaker operation mechapi t ally and electrically.
  • 11.12 Ferform the following tests and record the data obtained on Enclosure =13.3.  ;, . ,f


After preventive maintenance testing of UV device "AS LEFT" s e

m Westinghouse Drawing rio F needed. 69.'C350 and No. 588C785 should be consulted if J

- **1.1.12J , Perform a Force Tes : in the Trip Bar.

t b **11.12.2 Perform a Force Test on the UV Trip Device, r f


  • '11.12.3 Check the tolerances regarding Pre and Post Travel of' the Trip Tab

'on the UV Trip Device. ,

P ,


9 .

    • 11.12.4 Check the condition of the miler bearing with regsrd to the proper .


t- cleanliness and lubricant. >


- 1

    • 11.13 a device. Report On the test bench, Sycle the breaker ten times udng the UV trip Ew any failuresip appropriate personnth

[ **11.14


Install necessary parts (chutes, chields, and /ront cover).

  • 11.15 ~

Complete all documentation on the Work Request and the Enc'icsures.


  • 11.16 Q.C. inspector veriff es that $lh inspectioris with double asterisks

/g 5 qave been performed.


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T 12.0 Restoration

  • 12.1 Contact the shift supervisor to clear the red tags if any were issued and return the breaker to the station for operation.
  • 12.2 Notify the I&E group for additional testing requirements.


  • 12.3 Forward the completed copy of the Work Request and applicable enclosures to the Planning Office or the Station Support Engineer.

13.0 Enclosures 13.1 Procedure Checklist 13.2 Tool, Instrument, and Torque Value List 13.3

! Force Tests and Tolerance Checks for UV Device S

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-'f ., 2 545001H


Date Breaker Nameplate: Type Mfr Volts Amps .

Serial #

5.1 Status 11.8 Mechanism 6.1 Verification 11.9

__ Adjustments 6.2 QA 11.10 Lubrication

6. 3 - Review 11.11 Operation 6.4 I.B. 11.12 As left 6.5 Leads 11.13 Cycle 9.1 Acceptance 11.14 Arc Chutes 11.1 Clearance 11.15 Document tion 11.2 Visual 11.16 QC 11.3 Dust 12.1 S.S.

11.4 Cubicle 12.2 18E 11.5 Arc Chutes 12.3 Forward .

11.6 As Found 11.7 Contacts Contact resistance left Middle Right Comments or Discrepancies:

i 545001E

- - - - - - - _ _ _ - - - - - - _ - - - - . - - - - J



f List Leads Lifted / Jumpers Added or switches opened Terminal /Etc Date Removed Verified By Date Returned Verified By

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/ /  ;

r 3

i 545001E




(Trip load less than 2 lbs. Indicates satisfactory operation) 4 11.6.2 Force Test on UV Trip Device 1bs.

(3.0 lbs. minimum) 11.6.3 Tolerance of o e-Travel was inches.


Tolerance et Post Travel satisfactory (Yes or No) 11.6.4 Condition of roller bearing satisfactory (Yes or No)


. lbs.

(Trip load less than 2 lbs. indicates satisfactory operation) 11.12.2 Force Test on UV Device 1bs.

(3.0 lbs. minimum) 11.12.3 - Tolerance of Pre-Travel inches.

Tolerance of Post Travel acceptable (Yes or No) 11.12.4 Condition of roller bearing satisfactory (Yes or No)


5 545001E

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Athkment- 3

70 12.1.1 When to Inspect tion shows, for instance, heavy accimtulations of dirt or Industry standards for this type of equipment recommend other foreign matter that might cause mechanical, insula. o i a general inspection and lubrication after the number of tion or other electrical damage, the inspection and maintenance interval should be decreased, I operations listed in Section 123.1 of this instruction y

f book. 'Ihis should also be conducted at the endWhen of thea breaker opens a heavy fault, at or near its of fust six months of service if the number of operations has 7

not been reached. rating, give it a visual inspection withdrawn from the -

C mPartment and with insulating barriers and are chutes removed.

After the first inspection, inspect at least once a year, if these recommended inspections show no inaintenance1 .l. t to Inspect requirements, the period may be extended to a more First economical point. Conversely,if the recommended inspec. withdraw the breaker from the compartment.

Remove barriers. Remove are chutes. If there is a depo C ,, r .02o to .060 A C ,,_,

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- 3 Fig. 85 Contacts and their AJjustment, DS416l420 Breaker



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