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Forwards Requested Info Re Offsite Mgt Resources & Offsite Technical Resources Available to Anticipate or Respond to Unusual Events
Person / Time
Site: Calvert Cliffs  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/31/1979
From: Lundvall A
To: Reid R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
TASK-2.E.1.2, TASK-TM NUDOCS 7908080534
Download: ML19242B445 (26)



B ALTI M ORE GAS AN D ELECTRIC CO M PANY GAS AN D ELECTRIC D UILDI N G B ALTI M O R E, M A RY LA N D 21203 Ammun E LuNovALL.JR m *.sve ~' July 31, 1979 3 .. .

Office of Iiuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Attn: Mr. Robert W. Reid, Chief Operating Reactors Branch r%

Division of Operating Reactors


Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Unit No. 1 & 2, Docket lio. 50-317 & 50-318 Manarerent and Technical Resources


I;RC letter dated 6/29/79 from H. R. Denton to All Power Reactor Licensees Gentlemen:

The referenced letter recuested us to provide certain infomation pertaining to our offsite management resources and our plant staff and off-site technical resources which would be available to anticipate and preclude or respond to unusual (TI'I-2 type) events. The following infomation is presented in three parts, per the format of the referenced letter:

I. Offsite Management Rescurces A. Organization Charts B. Key Muagement Assignments (Accident Response)

C. Resu=es II. Plant Staff "'echnical Resources A. Organizatio- Charts B. Key technical personnel and resumes III. Offsite Technical Resources (Consultants)

A. Name of Consultant B. Area of work C. Centractual Artongement It should be noted that the infomation provided in this letter represents our current organizational s n.cture and, aside from the essign-ments contained in paragraph I.B below, does not reflect any chancas as a result of the Three Mile Island Unit 2 incident.

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As a result, it is possible that some of the information contained herein could change as mere is learned about the response to the Th2 incident.


1. Figure 1 shows the B11timore Ges and Electric Company Organization down through the Manager Level.
2. Persons in Key Manageaent Accignments and their reporting seniors are indicated with heavy-bordered boxes. The names of cther key supporting Departments are underlined.
3. Key Management Assignments (Accident Response)
1. Engineerine bhnacement: ht. J. W. Gore. Jr.
a. Allocates and directs the resources of the Engineering and Construction Division including the Electric Engineering Departrent, which includes nuclear and Environmental Engineering, and the Ouality Assurance Department. as well as other Departrents as shown in Figure 1.
b. Co>rdinates interface with other Company Divisions and with outside Consultants to provide all necessary engineering support to the Overall Accident Response Coordinatcr.
2. Coordination with Government Acencies:  !'r. J. W. Gore. Jg. _
a. Reports to the Fresident
b. Coordinates activities between the Company anl local, State and Federal Agencies outside of those activities specifically delineated in the Site Etergency Plan.
c. Responsible, through the Nuclear Engineering Section, for all follov-up licensing activities during the post-accident recovery phase.

3 Cu==unications Networks: Pr. G. F. Rocers. Jr.

a. Reports directly to the Vice-President, Management cnd Staff Services.
b. Responsible for direct supervision of the Director of Public Relationr.
c. Develops and =aintains effective relationships with news redia organizations,
d. Responsible for ensuring that adecuate ce==unications channels are set up and maintained for the effective passage of vitel infernation relative to accident mitigation and re-covery.


e. Figure 2 shows the organization of the Corporate Co=unications Department.

L. Lot-istics Support: Mr. J. B. Bullock

a. Reports directly to the Vice-President, Supply.
b. Responsible for power production status at nuclear power plant. Since Calvert Cliffs is a twin-unit plant, this function includes detemination of proper operational mode of unaffected unit.
c. Coordinates (with Production Paintenance Department and other Department::) repair and suprort activities necessary to restore / maintain stable conditions in affected unit.

5 Overall Accident Resnonse Coordinator: Mr. A. E. Lundvall. Jr.

a. Reports to the President.
b. Responsible for overseeing all aspects of the response to the accident including assurance that th^ Site E=ergency Plan is properly executed, that appropriate Company officials are kept appraised of the status of the accident and recovery, that a proper assessment has been made of the scope / severity cf the event and is updated continually, and that the Security Forces are made aware of authorized admittees to the plant site, m Fesponsible for asse=bling, en an as needed basis, a Co=pany-vide staff of Division / Department representatives with expertise in all pertinent fields who can then be called on to analyze all aspects of the event and respond to detemine if additional actions nay be prudent or recuired.
d. Coordinates with Engineering Manag==ent Function (I.B.1 abo ~e) to ensure efficient utilization of Cc=pany assets as well as outside consultants / suppliers.

C. Resures (Eefer to Appendix A)

1. Mr. J. W. Gore, Jr. - Vice-President, Engineering and Construction
2. Pr. G. F. Rogers, Jr. - Manager, Corporate Co=tunications 3 Mr. J. B. Bullock - Manager, Electric Production Department
4. Mr. A. E. Lundvall, Jr. - Vice-President, Supply II. PLM;T STAFF TECIEICAL PISOUBCES A. Organization Charts
1. Figure 3 shows the key positions and relationships for the Ce' vert Cliffs manage =ent staff.
2. Figure h shows the organization of the Electric Production Depart =ent, which contains the Calvert Cliffs Plant.

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3 Figure 5 shows the crganization of the Production Paintenance Department, which, while not entirely onsite, does naintain an onsite staff.

B. Key Technical Personnel

1. Position titles and functions - see Appendix B.
2. Resumes - See Appendix C.


A. Itame B. Work Area C. Contract Status

1. Bechtel Power Field engineering, engineering Contreet Corporation support, seismic analyses, piping analyses.
2. FPR Associater Engineering studies: Themal- Purchase Order hydraulic, radiation snielding. Agreem?at 3 Corbustion All aspects of IISSS design, Draft Contract Engineering, Inc. operation, and analysis.
4. Radiation Site emergency Radiological Contract Management Corp. assistance and analysis 5 Catalytic Corp. Paintenance Contract
6. IiUFAIICO (Rhode Health Physics Personnel Contract Island) 7 Dames & Moore Met Studies and Doce calculations Contract
8. Acade=:f of liatural Radiological Sample Collection Contract Sciences of Philadelphia 9 Ecological Analysts, Biological (water) studies Contract Inc.
10. Ebasco Asy= metric Loads Evaluation Contract
11. I!uclear Review Ituelear Safety Review Contract Groun (Iiyer, Lapp, Riee)

Baltimore Gas and Electric Canpany has no holding cocpany or subsidiaries or separate engineering branch. All design, engincering, construction, maintenance and testing are performed by the Cc=peny's nomal organization unless the scope of such werk is beyond Canpany capabilities, either technj aally or manpower-wise.

521 317

In such cases, the services of an architect-engineer, supplier, or consultant may be utilized. A close working relationship has been maintained with Bechtel Power Corporation and Cc=bustion Engineering, Inc. since the beginning of the Calvert Cliffs project.

During the period following the TMI-2 incident. Baltincre Gas and Electric Ccepany has been actively evaluating its inhouse operations with respect to both the potential impacts of T32-2 events and the general conduct of our nuclear operations. This, along with guidance gained frc=

other members of the nuclear industry and Government agencies, is expected to yield a refine =ent of on accident response procedures to ensure the least possible impact en the public health and safety as a result of a nuclear incident.

Very truly yours'


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' - A. E. Lunavall, Jr.

Vice-President, Supply Attachments: Figures 1-5 Appendices A-C cc - Messrs: J. A. Biddison, Esquire G. F. Trowbridge, Esquire E. L. Conner, Jr. UEC W. P. Haass, URC i

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CORPORATE COMMutJlcATIONS CORPORAn; COW 1UtJICATIONS George F. Rogers, Jr. F1AllAGER 34 Total Complement # MEDIA REIATIONS COttt1UNICATIONS SIRVICES Charles J. Franklin, Jr. Vernon F. Stricklin DIRECIOtt GENERAL SUPTRVISOR S Complement 20 Total Complement I COW 1 UNITY REIATIONS gy SUPIRVISOR N ~~~' 6 Complement i t .. N C' FIGURE f.,



Y ELECTRIC ISDDUCTIOff D[rAltTMDfT Jonerh D. Bullock MANACTR 1 Cecretary to Man.sger 64 3 Total Cmpir ent *

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__q CritNICAL NttCtr>m IVEL MAriAGENI:Nr FLANT ICTELIATI0ftS Wal*er L. RIedet Walter J. Lippold Joseph J. Jones FRIt4CIrAL CitrNIri CUrrRVISIt:G D3GINEIR cur!RVISOR 9 c m plement 11 Cc=plement 10 Creptemer'. a _ _ _ _ _ . _ 'T___.-__ " ^ ' s FEPIVU WiCE CurfoltT CFRVICrs CALvtRT CLIrr3 STAT 30td Charles D. Scharp M / A"# 4 I Leo's fl. Runsell Gurtavl8Itto rJtGINt!71 Cf;HITIAL CUrfl{VIf,0n GIICF E':GINEER-NUCLEAR rtAlfT Total Conflement 84 Tot.11 C m plement 189 Total Cmplement s.__._...____.~~ cnarR r.Tiott # John M. Preston ,

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_ . . _CuAnLrs r. cP Ant, trCtris Ct.ttr 6 TTERWAN STATICt39 l RnVMt'lIDE STATI0t! Jahn J. Drebof f, Jr. flar ry W. 50t ton C'lltr Ur'"TfD-ELCC1RIC FRODUCTIO?l OIIET UCttfrf t-ELECiRIC I140DUCTIott 48 Total _C wple*t 67 Total Ctepl went l wt"; TIC 17 (X;Uta ET & THIt/Dt t r!!! A I177tetRT A. HA7fffR STATI0tl itOAD STATIONS Herm an C. Keyes, Jr. John L. Odler - CIIILF DJCIllCIR-ELECillIC I1tODUCTIOtt C1tIEF CICINCIR-Et0CTRIC TRODl'CT!Ott F 97 Totpl Cmplement f;p%fj o ,- '

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kk HATu1IALS A!1ALYSIS 'IllAINING & SAFETY L. Erik Titland . Walter E. Jackson l'RIllCIPAL METALLURGIST SUPIRVISOR , 13 Cornplement 10 Complement i g l l i t d PLANNING & CONTROI, , 1410JECTS 6 EllGINED1IllG Oonald E. Trojanowski Joacph A. Tiernan GEllERAL SUPERVISOR GENDIAL SUPDWISOR 22 Total Coinplement

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APPEutix A

                                .                                   ( G PA6CS)

VICE PRESIDENT - ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION John W. Gore , Jr . Registered Professional Engineer - State of Maryland Member, Boar d of Director s , Radiation Management Co r po ra t i on E DUCATION "A" Course Graduate - Baltimore Polytechnic Institute - 1943. BE in Electrical Engineerin g - The John s Hopkin s Uni ver sity - 1948. MS in Engineer in g - The John s Hopkin s Uni ver si ty - 19 50. BS in Busines s Adan . (with honors) - The John s Hopkins Univ. - 1957 Power Systems Engrg. Course - Gen'l Elec. Co. - Sept. 19 52-May 19 53. Operations Research and Systems Engrg. - The Johns Hopkins Univ. - 2 weeks - 1960. Con ference on Computer Applications - 2 weeks - I BM - 1962. EXPERIENCE Military U. S. Navy - May 6, 1944 to June 14, 1946 - Electronic Technician's Mate, Secon d Cl as s . Teaching The Johns Hopkins Univ. - Elements o f Electrical Engin eer in g - 1948-49. The Johns Hopkin s Univ. - McCoy Evening College - Alternating Cu rer t Machinery - 1952. Advanced Alternating Current Theory - 1954-55. 2 In du s t r ial Pennsylvanic vster and Power Co. - June 1947 to Sept . 1947 - Test Wo r r. , Baltimore Gas and Electric Company - June 1948-Sept. 1948 - Student Electric (returned to school for gr aduate wo rk ) . June 1949 t o March 1950 - Student Electrical. March 1950 to Dec. 1953 - Testman and Technical Asst. - Electric Test De pt . Dec. 1953 to May 1960 - Asst. Engineer, Engineer, and Senior Engineer - Electric Engineers Dept. May 1960 to Apr il 1962 - Asst. Supt. - Electric Test Dept. April 1962 to March 1964 - Asst. to General Supt., Engineering and Construction. March 1964 to Sept. 1965 - Supt. of Construction - Electric Con struction Dept. l Sept. 1965 to Feb. 1, 1966 - Principal Asst. t o V. P . - Engineering and Construction. Feb. 1, 1966 - Vice President, Engineering and Construction. TECHNICAL AND OTHER ORGANIZATION AFFILIATIONS American Nuclear Society - Member. American Society of Mechanical Engineers - Member. Atomic In dus trial Forum, Inc. - Company Repre sentative. Institute of Ele-trical and Electronics Engin eer s - Senior Member. E ') 1 7 ') *

                                                                          .Il1     J L '+
                                        -2a-                      Rev. 2/7/75

a TECHNICAL AND OTHER ORGANIZATION AFFILI ATIONS (Con t ' d) l I , .- National Societ y o f Professional Engineers - Member. Tau Be * . Pi Fraternity Member. C 7 Gas Cooled Fas t Reactor Utilit y Program - Executive Committee. American National St a n da r ds Institute, Inc. - Company Representative. l American Society for Engineering Education - In du s t r i al Member Cour. il. Building Congress and Exchange of Baltimore - Member. 37 Chamber o f Commerce of Metropoli tan Baltimore - Member. The Engineers Club of Baltimore - Member and Past Director ( Now Engineering Society o f Bal timore , Inc.). Maryland Academy of Sciences - Company Representative. Southeastern Electric Exchange, Member Engineering and Oper at ion Division, Executive Committee. State of Maryland Power Plant aiting Program Advisory Committee - Member. j

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Re- 2/7/75

4 BIOGR7.PHICAL S}TICH Hame, Title and George F. Rogers, Jr. Affiliation: Manager-Corporate Co==unications Baltimore Gas and Electric Cc=pany P. O. Box 1475 Baltimore, Maryland 21203 Date of Birth: Nove=ber 4, 1925 Binghamton, New York Military Service: United b 'es Navy, World War II. Two years co=ba . dt.t, South Pacific Theatre of Cperations Education: Bates Ccllege, Lewiston, ME Boston University, Boston, Mass. Mt. St. Mary's College, E=:ritsburg, MD - BS 1950 Career Si--37: News Director-Anchorman - WPJa-TV National Spokesman - Shell Oil Co. "Shell's 10nderful World of Golf" National Spokesman - Bell Telephone "The Bell System Family Theatre" Civic and Other Member, Countr/ Club of Maryland Orgar.tzations: 11/1/78

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MMiAGER Joseph B. O Q ock EDUCATION Fncility Date s Degree s ochns Hopkins University 1933-1936 B.E. (Mechanica!) Graduate School of Johns Hopkins University: ' Advaaced Thermodynamics 1936-37 , Advanced Turbine Design 1936-37 Advanced Power Plant Calculations 1937 38 Graduate Seminar 1937 73 TRAINItaG Program Dates Facility Fuel Management Workshop (1 week) 1968 NUS Nuclear Poser Plant Fundamentals 1963 NUS Public Utility Executive Progra= 1960 University of Pdchigan (1 mo.) EXPERIENCE Employed by Bsltimore Gas & Electric Company immediately following his graduation in 1936. All of his service has been in the Ele ' tic Pro /actiori Departe- ' t-cept for an assiCnnent in the Electric Engineering uepartment from 1933 to li i. b After active military service from ich2 to 1945, he returned to the Company. ':e became Chief Engineer of the Gould Street Ptant in 19hB, Chlef Engineer of the Riverside Plant in 1954 and Chief Engineer of the H. A. Wagner Plant in 1955 In 1957, he nas placed in charge of new power plant instal?-tion:, p:cvidirs valuable service in assistinC the Electric enc neering i Department in the design of new plants and in plLeing the nc'- plants into service. Effective July 1,197h Mr. Bullock was prc=oted to Manager, Electric Producticn Department and placed in responsi' le charge of all Company electric production plants. The Electric Production Lcpartment consists of about 800 experienced operating and maintenance personnel and a highly cc=petent staff of Engineers, Metallurgists, and Chemists and presently inc2udes, in addition to Calvert Cliffs, five steam electric generating plants and three gas turbine peaking plants. All operating and maintenance fune . ions for these plants are conducted by Electric Production Department personnel. FESCELLANEOUS Member, Tau 9 eta Pi Me=ber, A=erican Society of Mechanical Engineers Registered Professienal Engineer, State of Maryland First Class Stst ionary Engineer's License, State of Maryland Chairman, Bocrd of Boiler Rules, Statt.of Maryland , Member, Keystone-Cone =augh Ocerating & Maintenance Co=ittee Member, PJM ?hintenance Co=ittee Member, EEI Prime Movers Co=ittee 52'i 327

JOSEPH B. BULLOCK Born - 6/23/15 S.5. M.E. - 1936 - Johns Hopkins University Entered Company 7/6/36 - as Testman Assistant - Electric Production Assistant to Superintendent - 194! Military Service - January 1942 - November 1945 - Major, Corps of Engineers Returned to Company - 11/19/45 Title changed to Engineer - May 1948 Ch!vf Engineer - Gould Street - March 1949 Chief Engineer - Wagner Station - June 1955 J anua ry 1957 - Transf erred f rom Wagner to Wes tport May 195' - changed to Senior Engineer Became Pri,cipal Engineer - September 1963 ' Supervising Engineer - June 1966 July I, 1974 - named Manager- Electric oroduction Chairren of Baard of Sciler Rules Member of ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Member of Executive Committee of Power Division - ASME As of July 1, 1974 will assume duties on PJM Maintenance Committee 9nd Keystone-Conemaugh Operating and Maintenance Committees. (Replacing Mr. Beyerie) Address: 724 West Hills Parkway - 21229 (Baltimore County)

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j\ bl Per Selma Nieran - 6/13/74

ARTHUR EU3ENE LUNDVALL, JR. Vice President - Supply Baltinare Gas and Electric Ccepany P fof Biog:anhy Born Fsbruary 23, 1923, Battin. ors,!b.y:and. Educcted in Ec:iiraore schoo!s, grz. ducting f rom Baltima c Fo!ytechnic Instituto la l040. Attar.dcd Unise.r!ty of Mary!cr,d Co. !cga of Cus!noss Administrstion rnd CoOp cf Mcchentca! Engincoring, c:civing a BS in F'echanical Enginscrir.g in :953, follo.:lng .al:11ary so . ico in !!orld b'ar l1. Milliary Ss. s ics - Ser ved in U. S. Army f rom June 1943 to Septo...bor 1946 dering which tigac ed.caced f rom Prl'. ate to First Licutenant in various armored units in the Un!tod States tnd the Pacific Theatro of Operations. Employr.nn+ - Eup:cved by Ccepany in Febrecry 1950 as Sttdant Apprentice until February !551 at thich ^Irco beccma Testn:n in tha Elo:tric Production Dap a.-i rsnt. Foi cuing inis assignment, progressed from Assisiant Engincor in 1955 :o Plent ?*anagur at tic;ne.- Go .erating Stction in 1958. B?cato Senior Enginocr in 1960, P.-lacipal Engineer in 1965, and Project I:ancger, t he Coner.augh Project, in Aegust 1956. On September !, 1970, bc: cme

     'eneger of flie Pe<:or Peo!!ng Economics Dapertr.cnt. Elected Vico Pcosident, Generz l Servicas ef f ectiva t'ay 1, 1974. On September !,1974, Vice President -

Supply. Cisic tad Oths.- Orcr.nizations fornvar baacon cnd prcsan!'y a Trusics of the P.olcnd Park Presbyterian Church. Technical Sc.clotics and Professional Status Registered F: o'orsional Engince.- in the State of Maryf and Monbor of AT.2rican Society or ;'ochenical E.;gincars Me.T.ber of T he Enginet. ring Scciety of Ba: tin. ore; Tre:sueer of Enginoecir g SO:Ioty of 2niiiroro Haids a t s' Gr:dc Stationary Engineer's Operating Cc -tif clate Member of A.G. A. Managing Comittee.




1. CHIEF ENulNEER Supervise operation, maintenance, training, and support of the entire Calvert Cliffs complex.
2. NUCLEAR PLANT ENGINEER - Responsible for the safe, efficient ooera-OPERATIONS tion of both Calvert Cliffs units and the administration of all operations personnel.
3. GENERAL FOREMAN NUCLEAR Responsible for mechanical maintenance and modifications.
4. NUCLEAR ENGINEER Resporsible for reactor testing and nuclear fuel management.
5. RADIATION SAFETY AND Advises plant management on matters of radi-CHEMISTRY ENCINEER ation safety and chemistry. Establishes con-trols for monitcring plant effluents, maintains an adequate radiation erotection program and coordinates the Site Emergency Plan.
6. SUPERVISOR, PLANT Responsible for mechanical engineering projects ENGINEERING - NUCLEAR and cutage planning.
7. NUCLEAR PLANT ENGINEER - Responsible for Instrumentation and Electrical PERFORMANCE maintenance and for plant Technical Suncort including training.
                                                                          ..-n q)        55u


1. CHIEF ENGINEER Leon 8. Russell A. EDUCATION Facility Dates Decree Arizona State University 9/56 - 6/57 BS Eng.

United States Naval Academy 7/57 - 6/61 B. TRAINING Procram Dates Facility U.S. Navy Nuclear Power School 2/64 - 7/64 Vallejo U.S. Navy Nuclear Prototyoe 8/64 - 1/65 A1W Nuclear Fuel Manacenent Workshoo (I week) 5/70 NUS Nuclear Powe. Reactor Safety ~ (2 weeks) 7/70 MIT C. EXPERIENCE From the period of July 1961 to February 1964, served aboard a destrover escort in the Weacons Deoartment. Served consecutively as deck division officer, anti-submarine warfare officer, and weapons officer. Following completion of the U.S. Navy Nuclear Power Training Program, fron September 1965 to August 1967, held the following positions in the Engineerino Department of a nuclear-cowered missile submarine: reactor controls officer, auxiliary division officer, damage control officer, main proculsien assistant, and machinery division officer. Durino this period, qualified as engineering officer of the watch and supervised ao-proximately ten reactor startuos. After being oualified as chief engineer of naval reactors in July 1967, served as chief engineer of a nuclear-oewered missile submarine fron September 1967 to December 1969. Durino this ceriod, was resconsible for the crocer coeration and maintenance of the nuclear oroculsion clant, atmosphere control eouioment, and ship's auxiliary eouipment and training of engineering decartment personnel. In conjunction with reactor olant operation and personnel training, supervised aonroximately 100 reactor startuos. Completed a majority of a shioyard overhaul, includinc reactor refueling and associated pre-ooerational and hot functional testino oro-gram. From March 1970 to November 1978, emoloved by Baltimre Gas and Electric Company as Operations Encineer. Training assionments included visits to Connecticut Yankee and Palisades to observe refuelinc and fuel loading pr]cedures resoectively and a visit to Point Beach to discuss nlant test-ing programs. In adslition, worked in the areds of Calvert Cliffs desion review, hired plant personnel, and supervised coerator training and devel-opment of operational procedures. Promoted to Chief Encineer in Nov 1978. 521 531

2-CHIEF Ef'GINEER (Continued) Leon B. Russell D. MISCELLANE0US First Grade Stationary Encineer's License, Maryland,1970 Member, American t'uclear Society UShRC Senior Operators License (SOP-2179-3) e 9 521 252


2. NUCLEAR PLANT ENGI"EER - OPERATIONS Robert E. Denton A. EDUCATION Facility Dates Degree Duke University 9/61 - 6/65 BS Physics B. TRAINING Program Dates Facility Navy Nuclear Power School 6/6E - 12/65 Bainbridge Navy Nuclear Prototype 1/66 - 6/66 SIC C. EXPERIENCE From December 1965 until June 1970, served in various cacacities as a division officer and watch stander, orinarily in the Encineeri,o Depart-ment, on board two nuclear-ouwered submarines. During this tire, suoer-vised approxinately 50 nuclear reactor startuns. While in overhaul, served as refuelina officer and acted as the shio's reoresentative for procedures involving refuelina of the installed reactor core.

In June 1970, hired by Baltimore as a nerber of the Calvert Cliffs plant staff. Particinated in the evaluation of various vendor crocosals, the final formulation of the FSAR and Technical Snecifications, and the train-ing of licensed olant coerators. Coordinated the writing and reviev of plant operating and energency procedures. Assigned as Performance Encineer in the Onerations Unit. Worked on various projects associated with olant coerations and plant licensino. As such, in-plemented and administered the Surveillance Test Program for the Ooerations Unit. In March 1978, assumed the resconsibility of Suoervisor - Technical Suncort. Responsibilities included: plant in-service insoection progran, trainina (including licensed operators), plant modifications, outage schedulino and administration. In November 1978, oromoted to Nuclear Plant Enaineer - Onerations. Rescon-sible for the safe, efficient ooeration of both Calvert Cliffs Units and the administration of all operations personnel. D. MISCELLANEOUS First Class Stationary Engineer's License, Maryland USNRC Senior Operator's License (No. SOP-2187) n:^


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A. EDUCATION 7 cility Dates Decree University of Kansas 9/61 - 2/66 BS Electrical Eng. B. TRAINING Procram Dates Facility Navy Nuclear Power School 4/66 - 10/66 Bainbridge Navy Nuclear Prototype 10/66 - 4/67 SIC Hot Functional Test Program 11/71 Turkey Point CE Reactor Simulator Training 9/75 Windsor, Conn. C. OPERIENCE During the period from Aoril 1967 until February 1971, was an enaineering division officer and encineering watch stander on two nuclear-nowered sub-marines. During this time, suoervised anoroximately 20 nuclear olant startups. During the ceriod from July 1970 to Februarv 1971, served as the refueling officer during a refueling overhaul. Hired by Baltimore in February 1971, and assigned to the Calvert Cliffs staff. From February 1971 until May 1977 was a Perfomance Encine r ':ith rescon-sibilities in several different areas including Preoperational Test Coor-dinator fur U-1, Shift Test Enqineer for U-1 startun testing, and Test Program Coordinator for U-2. Received Senior Reactor Doerator license in Nov 1975. In May 1977 became Suoervisor of Technical Sucoort resnonsible for outage coordination, traininc, desion change coordination and clant interface with Construction Deoartment. In March 1978 becane Maintenance Engineer. In July 1979 became General Foreman - Nuclear. D. MISCELLANE0US Mamber of Eta Kappa Nu, Sigma Tau, Tau Beta Pi, ANS

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4 NUCLEAR ENGINEER Walter J. LiocolJ A. EDUCATI0'4 Facility Dates Degree United States Naval Academy U/C6 - 6/60 BS Eno. (with honors) North Carolina State University '/67 - 12/68 MS Nuclear Eng. B. TRAINING Procram Dates Facility U.S. Navy Nuclear Power School 1/64 - 7/64 Bainbridge U.S. Navy Nuclear Prototyoe 7/64 - 1/65 SIC Nuclear Power Reactor Safety (2 weeks) 7/69 MIT Nuclear Steam Supply Design System Lectures 5/3 - 6/4/71 Combustion Engineerine C. EXPERIENCE Initial assionnents included administrative, onerations and naintenance resconsibility as mechanical division officer rad subsenuently as reoair division and damace control assistant of an oil-fired destroyer enaineer-ing plant. Following U.S. Navy Submarine School training, served consec-utively as assistant ennineer, suoplv officer, and weacons officer of a diesel-electric cover submarine. Qualified in subnarines in 1963. Following concletion of the U.S. Navy Nuclear Trainina Procran, from February 1955 to January 1957, held the followino nositions at different times in the Enaineerino Decartment of a nuclear-oowered missile-firing submarine, auxiliary nachinerv and damaae control officer, electrical officer, maia crocuision assistant and nachinery division officer, and qualified as an engineering watch officer of the SEW plant. Following discharce from the Navy, did craduate work at t .h Carolina State University, Raleigh, N.C. Thesis work, which was suncorted by a research assistantship, was in Monte Carlo simulation of neutron ther-malization in soils. Co-authored a cacer on the subject which was published in Nuclear Encineerino and Desian. Employed by Baltinore in 1968. Particioeted in tF Calvert Cliffs initial core physics design effort while on temnot dry u;-4 nment to Combustion Engineering, Windsor from 1/70 - 9/70. Currently assigned as Supervisor, Nuclear Fuel Management Unit, and Plant Staff Nuclear Engineer. D. MISCELLANEOUS , ( Member, Sigma Xi

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5. RADI ATION SAFETY AND CHEMISTRY ENGINEER Albert J. Kaupa A. EDUCATION Facility Dates Decree State University of New York at Buffalo 9/60-6/64 BA Chemistry State University of New York at Buffalo 9/64-1/65 -

(Graduate Studies) Canisius College; Buf f.1o, New York 9/67-1/69 - (Graduate Studies) B. TRAINING Proaram Dates Facilf ty Health Physics Observation 9/1-9/2/71 Surry Power Station Virginia Electric Power Comoany Pasic Radiological Health 9/27-10/8/71 U.S. Public Health Service Occupational Radiation Protection 11/l-11/12/71 U.S. Public Health Service Radiation Protection Guides 4/10-4/21/72 Environmentel Pro-and Dose Assessment tectior. Acency Short Course on Radiation 5/8-5/19/72 University of Protection Surveys Michigan Plant Chemistry and Health 11/8-11/12/72 Maine Yankee Station Physics Observation Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company C. EXPERIENCE I1) Nuclear (a) Directiv Related Employed as an enaineer by Westinahouse Electric Company in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania from May 1969 to ?iay 1971 and worked in the PWR System Divis' 7 of the Nuclear Energy System. Worked on research and develooment of ion exchange perfon.iance, boric acid chemistry and materials outlification. Assigned as Westinghouse Resident Chenist at the Saxton Nuclear Excerimental Corporation in August 1970, performino duties involving routine reactor cool-ant chemistry analysis especially radiochemic:1 separations. Employed as an associate engineer by the Baltircre Gas and Electric Connany in June 1971 and assigned to the Electric Production Deoartrent to work on the Calvert Cliffs Project. Duties ir.cluced establishina written crocedures in radiation safety, chemistry and radiochenistry, trainina and develonrent of plant chemistry startuo procedures. Was pro:mted t7 engineer ia 1973 and subsequently to Radiation Safety and Chemistry Ennineer at Calvert Cliffs in 1976. Major duties and responsibilities presently include advising plant hl) bb

RADIATION SAFETY AND CHEMISTRY ENGINEER Albert J. Kaupa management on matters of radiation safety and chemistry, establishinc controls for and monitoring plant effluents, maintainino an adeauate radi-ation protection program and coordination of the Site Emergency Plan. (2) Non Nuclear Employed as a research chenist by Pratt & Lam.bert. Inc. in Buffalo, New York from April 1965 to December 1965 and worked on development of archi-tectural coatings. Employed as a laboratory engineer by Bell Aerosystems Comnany in Buffalo, New York from January 1966 to April 1969 and worked on testing of rocket fuel chemistry (lunar ascent engine) and research on oxidizers. D. MISCELLANEOUS Certified as Industrial Wastewater Works Superintendent, Class 1 - State of Maryland. b2l b$/


Facility Dates Deoree Slippery Rock State College 9/64 - 1/68 B.A. Natural Sciences B. TRAINING Procram Dates Facilitv U.S. Navy Nuclear Power School 11/68 - 5/69 Bainbridge, Md. U.S. Navy Nuclear Power Training Unit 5/69 - 11/69 Nest Milton, N.Y. U.S. Navy Submarine School 12/69 Groisn, Conn. C. EXPERIENCE Served 20 nonths on U.S.S. Abraham Lincola. Dualified En0V, EDO, 00D. Underwent test engineer trainino at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Poser Plant. Assisted in ore-operation testing, startuo testing, escalation to nower testing and ore-ocerational testing at Calvert Cliffs. A?so served as Facility Change Recuest (FCR) Encineer, Sunervisor, Technical Sunnart, and more recently as Suoervisor, Plant Engineerino - Nuclear. e L; ) \ b

7. NUCLEAR PLANT ENGINEER - PERFORMANCE William S. Gibson A. EDUCATION Facility Dates Degree U.S. Naval Academy 6/63-6/67 B.S. Naval Science University of Maryland 9/77-6/79 B.A. Business and Management (21 of 30 hrs . completed)

B. TRAINING Procram Dates Facility NNPS 10/67-5/68 Mare Island NNP 6/68-11/68 SIW Navy Submarine School 12/68-3/69 New London C. EXPERIENCE (1) Nuclear (a) Directly Related

           '          From June 1969 until December 1971, served in various depart-ments as division officer and watch stander en board nuclear-oowered fast attack submarine. Technical experierce includes Reactor Con-trol and machinery repairs Maintencnce exoerience was obtained while in two shipyard availabilities       Goerations exoerience was obtained thru weekly operations and one extended deployment. Qual-ified as Engineering Officer of the watch on S5W pl a t.

In January 1972, hired by Baltimore Gas and Electric Company as a Performance Engineer at the Calvert Cliffs Plant. Particicated in development of corperate Quality Assurance Program, Record Retention and Retrieval System, Administrativ.e Control Systems for Maintenance, Operations, Repairs and Modifications to the Calvert Cliffs Plant. Supervisory experience includes cersonnel in following areas: quality assurance auditing, cuality control insoection, records management, electrical and instrument and control maintenance. s '. O r}}