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Forwards Response to 790525 Request for Info Re PWR Feedwater Lines
Person / Time
Site: Farley  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 07/24/1979
From: Clayton F
To: Stello V
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 7908010380
Download: ML19242A319 (4)


Alabarr.a Power Corrpny a . 600 Nort.118:h Streeft

  • Post Once Don ora t B.rrningham. Alatwra 35291 Te'ephone 205 323-5341 F. L CLAYTON, JR. 3hgg]3 N g g Senior Vice I s dent the southern elecinc system July 24,19 79 Docket Nos. 50-348 & 50-364 Information on PWR Feedwater Line<,

Mr. Victor S tello , Jr. , Director b1 vision of Operating Reactor Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. f. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555

Dear Mr. Stello:

Enclosed is Alabama Power Company's sixty (60) day response to the information request on PWR feedwater lines, dated May 25, 1979.

This response is for Plant Farley - Units 1 and 2 with the exception of Preservice/ Inservice Inspection and Operating History items 4 and 5, which is only for the operating unit, Farley Unit 1.

Yours very truly, hh0 F. L. Clayto , Jr.

FLCJr/ KAP /mmb Enclosure cc: Mr. R. A. Thomas Mr. G. F. Trowbridge sy\

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- - - . .- . .:.- _ . . : . . - .. -- . . . .. - . . --..x.. - - - . . . thiid-FABRICATION HISTORY ITEM 3 : Provide the NDE performed during and af ter fabrication of the . eld joints requested in Item 2.

RESPONSE: Shop-fabricated welds were examined by radiography and magnetic particle me thods. Field welds were exanined by radiography liquid penetrant and hydrostatic testing methods.

ITEM 4  : Provide tht codes edition to which the feedwater piping system was fabrica ted.

RESPONSE: The feedwater piping system was fabricated to the 1971 ASME Boller and f amosure Vessel Code,Section III; Nuclear Power Plant Ccaponents, including all Addenda thru Summer 1971.

ITEM 5 : State the fracture toughness requirements, if any, for the feedwater piping system RESPONSE: All piping and associated welding filler metal which is part of containment penetration shall be impact tested at +10 F. Impact tests are no t required for pipea 1/2" or less in nominal wall thick-ness.or 6 inch nominal diameter and less. Acceptable valves shall be those listed in Table I-7.1 of the Nuclear Code.


ITEM 1  : State whether the feedwater system welds received a preservice in-spection in accordance with AS!E B & PV Code, Sectior. XI .

RESPONSE: Unit 1 - Feedwater piping classified as ASME Class 2 (between the steam generators and the cont :inment isolation valves) received a preservice examination in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI,1971 Edition through the Winter 19 72 Addenda cs considered practical as indicated in Section 5.2 8 of the FSAR.

In addition, the preservice inspection incorporated as much of the 1974 Edition of ASME XI through the Summer 1976 Addenda as considered practical.

Unit 2 - A preservice ir.spection of ASME Class 2 feedwater piping was performed in accordance with the ASME Code,Section XI, 1974 Edition through the Summer 1975 Addenda to the extent considered practical as outlined in Section 5.2.8 of the FSAR.

ITEM 2  : Provide the extcut of inservice inspection performed on the feedwater pipe to st am generator nozzle welds. Include the results of the examinatio n, any corrective actions taLen and causes o f any failures .

RESPONSE: Unit 1 - A volumetric examination using radiography ar.d ultraronic methods was performed on the three (3) sceam generator nozzles to feedwater ploe velds during the 1970 ref ueling outage. The exam'na-tion revealed no flaws in the exr.mination areas. As a result, no corrective action was taken.

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Unit 2 - Not applicable ITEM 3 : Provide the schedule and extent of inservice inspection for the feed-water system for the next inspection interval.

RESPONS E: Unit 1 - The following table provides the inservice inspection ex-tent and schedule of ASME Class 2 feedwater for the first inspection interval (10 years):


14" Cire. Welds-Feedwater Volumetric l -

1 10" Cire. Welds-Aux. Feedwater Volume tric 1 - -

8" Circ. Welds-Aux. Feedwater Volumetric 1 1 -

Integrally Welded Supports Surface 1 1 1 Support Components Visual 2 3 2 In addition, the feedwaterpiping is scheduled for a visual examination while under hydrostatic pressure by the expiration of the 10-year interval.

RESPONSE: (Item 3)

Unit 2 - The ten-year inspection plan for Unit No. 2 has not been developed at this time.

ITEM 4  : Provide any history of water hammer or vibration in the feedwater system, and design changes and/or actions taken to prevent these occurrences.

RESPONSE: Modifica tions to steam generators and feedwater system piping were made during the plant cons truction to minimize water hammer and its effects based on experience gained f rom operating PWR's. Changes included were routing fecdwater piping to minimize the length of horizontal piping attached to the steam generator feedwater nozzle. and installation of 0-tubes on the feedring to minimize drain-dosn when the feedring is uncovered.

Tests were conducted during hot functionals to verify the effectiveness of these changes. Results confirmed that forces imposed on supports, and stresses induced in the piping system are within acceptable limits.

The question of water hammer associated with feedwater flow instabilities is addressed in FSAR section and in Admendment 33 as a response to Question G-1. In addition, a copy of the test procedure with results was forwarded by letter W. W. Funtz to Mr. Frank Jape, USNRC, dated April 22, 1977.

To date no incidents of water hammer or vibration have occurred which could be attributable to design of the feedwater system or steam generator.

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ITEM 5 : Provide a description of feedwater chemistry control and a summary of chemistry data.

RESPONSE:The feedwater system is a once-through system and its chemical treatment is based on the All Volatile Treatment (AVT) concept.

The primary emphasis of this tceatment concept as related to the feedwater system is to minimize corrosion by eliminating oxygen in the feedwater as far as possible. This is accomplished by adding hydrazine to the condensate. Part of the hydrazine decomposes to ammonia and thus provides the mechanism of all con rol ir. the feedwa te r .

Due to the importance of oxygen exclusion f rom the feedwater and the necessity of maintaining adequate levels of hydrazine to accomplish this , the concentrations of oxygen and hydrazine are the only two " control" specifications established for feedwater chemistry control. The specitications for normal power operation are:

Oxygen <$ ppb Hydrazine [J]+5 2 ppb From a review of our data during normal power operation for August 1977 through March 1979 the concentration of orygen was measured as < 5 ppb on 425 occasions; 10 ppb on 4 occasions; and 15 ppb on 5 occasions. The hydrazine concentration has generally been main-tained at appropriate levels. Some problems have been experienced in simultaneously maintaining the required level of hydrazine and the appropriate feedwater pH value.

Listed below are valves of other parameters monitored in the feed-water system.

pH 8.8 - 9 ' @ 25 C Fe < 10 ppb Cu < 5 ppb Cation Conductivity d 1 umho/cm @ 25 C Specific Conductivity 6 4 umho/cm @ 25 C Ammonia $ 0.5 ppm lilica None specified f45 TG

