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RO 78-08/1P:on 780202,util Informed by NSSS of Deviation Discovered Between FSAR Steam Line Break Analysis & Actual Operating Parameters.Procedure Mod Will Limit Secondary Site Water Volume
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/02/1978
From: Kunder G
NUDOCS 7910250813
Download: ML19308A524 (1)


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METROPOLITAN EDISON COMPANY Posi o r r ir. c a o v 4ac t r.- E : . . : t .'.c. . c. s e s ..

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5 et:r.;ary 2,1978 "r. Poyce u. Grior D 0

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  • Pdlear Reaulet"e/ C ers-i s s i on l,  ;

s v rari Avenue .

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Orrrating License DPR-5')

Docket 50-289 Sub,ipc t : Reportatile Occurrence 'io. 78-08/IP -

Dear Mr. Grier:

This telegran is to cor:Firr the telecon between Mr. E. Brunner, Region I NRC, and Mr. G. A. ".under. Unit ! Sucerintendent Technical Support at 1P:15 hours on 2 February 1970 bi- .

  • c-s i. < r.,,e. f e rc q . u rr a abic in .ic,.r rdanc e . i t h Tu be n a '

?ccification 0.9.2.A.9.

On 2 February 1979, et-Ed was infored by the Unit 1 N55 supplier that a deviation .:a5 disco.ered between a cararater assumption used in tSe Unit 1 Stear Line BreM. Analysis in Chapter la of the FSAR and an actual cperatino para eters.

The OTSG is nor9 11f nperatad with the secundary side feedr.ater nozzles sub erg.

ed belew 5 full e.).v a r in ordas to avoid icog'.en' 'eed.a ter norit e ther,a 1 effacts.

'ha ..C e r i nv an ter .- e>lstent curinn this rpede is greater than ' hat anu pd in the Steam Lica Ge-aot Analysis aad, therefore, represents an uranalyzed cendition.

Cnerectiva atticn will intlade :>rocedure modification to preven'. creration in the

  • nva r3nnar such es tr> li it the setondary side water inventery to within the

.s! sos assu =d in 'ba s.<'at/ anelysis.

.Lh[(' . Mf . <<.IO G.A. Kunder..

'Jnit I Superintendent, Technical Support

' oar.. .it r e m 91025 8

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