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FOIA Request for 64 Documents for Use in Facility Proceeding.Descriptive List Encl
Person / Time
Site: 05000467, Allens Creek  File:Houston Lighting and Power Company icon.png
Issue date: 07/09/1980
From: Doherty J
To: Felton J
FOIA-80-368 NUDOCS 8008110203
Download: ML19330C660 (10)


1 o l July 9, 1980 I

4327 I.lconbury Lane #3 Houston, Texas 77021 (713) 741-4437 J. M. Felton, Director ,

Division of Rules and Records U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission $EEDOM OF'WFag Washington D. C. 20555 ACT REQUEST Re: ENCLOSED FREED 03t OF INFORMATION REQUEST gfoTA-Po.34 /

Dear Mr. Felton,

Enclosed is an FOIA request which I am filing in accordance with your letter of >brch 3,1980, setting a reduced copying charge, and which was in reponse to FOIA 80-3, 80-8 and 80-47. Since then I have of course recieved several other responses to requests from you and your office.

I am treating this as the last request under the reduced copying charge arrangement, because barring a repreive, the discovery period for my contentions is over today. If there is further discovery time I will let you know, of course.

Most requests are from the Accession numbers, which I pre-sure nakes location very easy for you. A fev'are from the NRC Seventh Vater Reactor Safety Research Conference, which I pre-sume can be located fairly easily. Here, I have also indicated why I believe the request is justified according to the contentions I have had accepted by the ASLB.

Thank you very mpch for everything. I expect to be able to pay for these and all others by the end of August. I have mailed some i of the pay:sents of the shorter requests, in order to keep the bill j to (as now) a single item.

With best rcrards, u) ohn F. Doherty l

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/ 1. 7..ree P-fors ~"ecented ut no avanth ..'cter .".eactor ~:nfety-p' nerea;ch Iafo. ':cating of ::ov . 1979: 1) "Li 7 ht .mter ;cactor fuel res'a ne urin; .I*. e- -sri :ts,"'_7 P. 5. ':a::anald of Z3SG; ?)Cvarvie.. of 'acca'; J2F Test Results, by II.J. Icile of 535G; 3) Inf'.ucace 31 ~ressure and ~riar Trrnii-atio- on Deform ti.n af .',ircaloy Clul'ing L.0-3 ?.esults, of EGSG. These cera recorted in ::uc1 car "efety by(T R Yackle,2' 3) 299 to s'uaw en?eri.eatally the enthalpy of various reactivity initiated events. These are needed for Doherty Cont #3 to show that these events .ill initiate creaber enthalpy than the failure thresh 31' nho.n far certain rois in several expericents an' that hence a 3..'R is uaound due to inability of the fuel ro' clad of irradiate fuel tc

'fithstani exmecta' ale transients.

2. inou 'r sented by Dnedele n '.sc a . i: ms re aartin a technicue called inter =:al fri. bi;.; ' :,?inc ta in".icate stress corrosion crac%inc in piping. Tresented at the 3 event ..'ater- Resctor "afety Research Infor aticn ':ceti3E sponsred by IIRC in I ov. '979, Zeeded for Doherty Cant 344 which aruces a water hammer may er7 1 oit a cipe crack lendir- to a ua.jor accident of the LOCA type. Applicant and staff will oppose citing various methods of 'ipe crack ' iscovery of which this is sure to be one be-Onuse of the along lead tiae from licensing for construction and operation of the Allens Creek plant. li: e he has include?

3 7914050092 To'ical 2 apt ccc'mation af 2VA-TR79-01 "73rificction of TVA St ~' - 7 tat e 7.'R ~'h-ics Method s "by .iiRC. In my Cant. 1' 5 and #33 and also in 32a and 228, I have argued 3'#R core simu-lation methods have~1ead to inadequate estination of reactiv-it7 insertion. 71is is nec'c'.,  :-cause the analysis has been fount acceptable for URs such as ACHG3, and will areas 1- be used ta rebut this Intervenor's pasition.

4. 7910330377 (2 p.:es) 7 in confirmation of a necting iniicates avnila11e data casessment is needed t; determine if the fuel eathalpy threshold neci be raised. Althaugh only a confirmation,

-- it is the onlv infornation I have seen that such a~n examination of the fuel enthalpy.vireshold has been cc:templated. In Dahert- Catention 13, I have raised the issue the current e7tha197 threshold has been inadequate, hence this any support my nasition (!!aatson, D.A., !RC ?uel lehavicr 3 ranch)

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/ 59.. pores. A3R3 neeting on 3 pent Fuel Fool

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/ M (Gubco ntvtee L,e o n, e a, ,a c e su s e in t. .ais Inbervaur's Con-7f ;igs ;Y11, I have raised the issue of a serious hazard be-lcj$e the ACMG3 spent fuel pool is not sage when unattended due to design errors and defects. '

7 Attach, cat C of a Submittial (3NL #200) from General Electric Co,peny to "RC.(DORS).1/27/78 concerning Generic Task A 'O, 2WR nozzle crncking'. This rnised the istuo of hich initial . tith drawal speed of control rads when the control rod drive return line is removed. Doherty Contention #48 n5dicates retaining the control rod drive return line. This ite, is nee?ed to show General Electric has demonstratad one defect of not retaining the return line.

8. 7337030324 Forw .rding results of com?arison tow two loo? test auparatus peak clad temperature with G. E. licensing evaluation.

I! ceded to ar.  ; ue against utility claia ECOS acets 10 CFR retard-Iccs of fact two loop test a,Saratus may have shown temperature of cladding is hicher than ECC3 code states ic is. I aced additional inforcation to show that the fact the code's preliction is - in-necurate tut still belou core celting ten?erature does not acet the Comoission general design criteria. (Relevant to Doherty 39 bectuce tea meratures are hotter, longer,'and hence there is more clasticity of the fuel rods. ,

9. 73072404a3 _

Sur sary of 5/'4/73 aecting with GE and 3RC re: implication of Tuo Loop Test Aopartatus rasults on GE.EOCS evaluation model.

This document gives GE position on Doherty Contention 32 and 39 which argue core conditions uill be diff7 rent durinr ECCS than model states and the fuel rod bloc %a e due to dilation of cladiing -lill renult in cart lue to failure co accurately pr20ict vaoorization rate. (See recuest 7 for more on TLTA ,

results revealing deficiencies of heat contained in the fuel rods.

10. 7903310354 90H-7 hoeri7ent treiication of the Thermal Furls Johnvior -

ro; ram. In Contention 25(a) this Intervenor argues blockage of two assenblies is a hanarious condition. This Procraa is

-the major research effort in power coolant nisaatch accidents (PCMs) by theHRC. The results will be used by Staff and .

utility to show flow blockage severity is not great. Hence this Intervenor needs the document to know where they will be presenting their argunents fron.  ;

11. 7903010570 Response of G. E. to use request for info re:

Pipe cracks in regard to BlR coolant oxygen control and related documents. This Intervenor needs, because utility has not #

t y

made available any information on coolant oxygen control and stress corrosion crackinC. This In:crvenor's Contention #44, raises the issue that a water hamner coabined uith unnoticed pipe cracks can lead to a pipo crack LOCA. 1 1

12. 790309:458 General Electric report on high density fuel storara. This riven paraaters for high density spent fuel pool storage.

Utilite in this ' icon"ing seeks a high density spent fuel pool at this stage. I need this repart to arcue the dangers of unattended operation, the substance of tiis Intervenor's Contention #11.

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j2", , I have ery.ued two vays in which Inncaobentions control rod nava,ents

,) oso notch endancer the public. This docuecent contai7s rec-

~ -andaticas to orevent scrass due to reactivity insertions, a dording to HUREG-0540., Any systens for reducing notch worth

irectly in,into on these cor.textions, because if notch worth is reduced sufficieltly the consequences are mitirated.

14 '31C1G0159 31bert Enler, farnerly of ACRS in discuccion of 3'.iR rod drop accident problem. This Inte:vena.:'s Co ne7 tion $24 is on rad drop accident. Previous submittal by 2pler on Xenon trannicat has prJvel valutbel and up to date on dilineating problem.

Rad drop accident has baen inpartant cancern due to recent uncoupling events at Dresden-II, and this consultant is likely to have solid i.:sicht in these ten pa;es.

15 7s10320557 31bert Epler counent that BJ2 roactor shutdown system would not protect arainst transient by dropped rod during start-up.

'ine pares. (Refer to recuost #14, above). In addition to contention #24, this is relevant to #46, with regard to rod '

drop during start-up under hat standby conditions.

16. '910300301 Dac%et Ho. 50-365, Hatch Unit 2 -L5R 79-024/03T-1 Reports PARV failed to open at setpoint and reason. 2el, to Doherty Contention #17, that a stuck steaa valve can damage suppression pool, lends supnort to SRV unreliability alle_ation.

47 7910290353 Dacket No. 50-271 Vernant Yankee. LER 79-027/03L-0. LER vir-tually identical to recuest y15. Interveacr 1elieves should Get this for came reasons.

18. Any follou(Doc on Dresden-2


up report by)theLER

%et 50-237 URCofor11/12/74, Connanacalth report Edison No. GO-237,

/1974-56 uhich was provided this Intervenor as item 3 of FOIA 80-289,

19. Any follow-up report by the HRC or Boston Slison on dj 1r; rim-1 (Docket 50-293) LER of 6/2/77; Reo,t No. 77-18/36, which was urovided this intervenor as item 4 of FOIA 80-289.
20. A Licensco Event Report concerning an event at "ny of the Brown's Ferr- Units, 50-259, 50-260, 50-296 durins the period of June 21, 198] and July 3, 1930, where an attempt at noraal shutdown failed and e:ercency action was taken. Heeded for this Interveaor's Coutantion #S, which alleces SORAM failure poses a danger when there is a transient. This event appears to be evidence to confirm SC2AM failure can occur in a large B'.lR systen.
21. 7904160031 i S. J. Ditto (ORHL) cos aents on improvinr SCRAM system relia 111ity. [

This 2 pa.e y document is needed t'a understand a major research f source's opinion on impring the system this Intervenor has [

cited in his Contention JS as unreliable.  ;.



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  • h an accident.

This Intervenor's Contention #14,that.

steau_line radiation nonitors are not adequate to detect-


of' accident following._ This comacnt deals with the "nhilosophy" of follcuing an accident, which would essign some role-to de-tection. There. fore come idea of the expectations for MSLRMs in abnornal event.. considerations-is possible.' - T'd: a u 23 7904180350 - --

Draft Report o ^ Task A-34 "Instrum;nte for Monitoring Radi6tbn and Frocess Variables During Accidents. This Intervenor believes this is needed for his Contention $14' for the reasons stated in iten $22 of this FOIA request.

24.' 7334233243 -

Analysis of Recirculntion .?uop during cc,ident conditions. This docuaent was prepared for General E13ctire pumps. T'.iis Inter-venor in Contention ;.26,.has maintaiaed a LCCA, pump overspeed will result in niscile generation even though the flyuheel has been renoved. This aspect must certainly bec covered in this document.

~ '

25.'7904210131 >

Stntus re7 ort on "Qualifiention'of New FuelGeonstries" and Behavior of Recator Puel unier Abn7rnal Conditions"? In'his contentions #3 and #39, this Intervenor has raised issues ,

of fuel clad swelling, and-failure of the fuel rod to with -  :

stand the effects of ractivity when irradiated. He has also raised the effect of fuel _tenperature on high burn-up fuel fission gas release. These aspects are certain to be ,

raised in this docuaent uhich cppears from :FJ2EF OMO, V.4," .

P. 2$9 to have authority. -

26 79041'0078~

Short dobunent of forccstinc electricity demand by state.

In his' Contention 630, this Intervenor has' raised the issue a that the utility's lack of interconnection with utilitys~" -

which 'suoply other statest' than Texas is a danger. in the ? -

event of loss'of' system load. Knowing the ex?ected -

demands of other states would be essential to refute the ar7unent that the other states need their power and he,nce cannot help the Rouston based utility.-


27 7908210393 . . .. .

Comment by Elbert Eppler, former ACRS Denber on LERS re- ,

porting. He indicates utilities are reluctant to blame desirn ihedocuacies for events. Several of this Inter-venor's Contentions are based on LER reports. This is '

needed to argue that the reports are probably less than _

actual events, because of the utility bias ,ut forth by 1', ,

Mr. Eppler in this connent. The concent vill suppsrt 1 t'ais ar,uaent which I have previcuely raised in repositio[as' ,

f and the utility uill' oppose. 06atentions 45 8: 48 are eXE3P 08, 1 ~


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., P',. Lb t for YiR coolant. The c2 cunt of oxycen dissolved 3*

V ). _ .L.d uig A_.+ yC M@iays a significant part in stress corrosion cracking N ', ~ M#k'9nor's c Contention W caintains cracks in piping plus s  : g [. $ hnsmer event, are a nublic hazard. This will cive the

} o. . E. plosition:on the,acount of, dissolved oxygen in coolant.

29 7908010635 NRC request from General Electric for ad'itional information on its topical report with reference to coaoliance to ECCS standards.

This Intervenor's contentions #32 and #33 and #45, raise issues with regard to the role of vaporization, fuel clad'suelling a lateral response to coolant flashing cs a result of 2003 termination which are relevnat to this document and these questions on it.

30. 7303150670: . .

"Off cer.terline 1/4 Scale T-Quencher Test Report" '

Uceded because the report vill give the loading on the' suppression po31 through this diccharce device. This Intervenor's Contention

  1. 17, argues these loads are heavy enough to danage the suppression pool leading to shutdoun and nor serious probleas. Utility is very likely to ar ue from this.
31. 7903160004 Revision 2 to BWR nozzle cracking TAP-A-10. This Intervenor has raised the issue
  • removal of the control rod drive line is not a good idea for certain reasons. .

The utility wants to remove said drive ITne because of' nozzle ~ cracking. This 10 page document vill give me latest progress on solving the ~ nozzle cracking problem without removing the nozzle, which is the utility?s solution. Contention f48.

32. 7903290198

" Physics Analysis of PBF Test RIA 1-3" This report is of an experimental reactivity in-itiated accident. This Intervenor in his contention #3 has raised the issue utility's ,

plannned fuel rod design canot tolerate rapid insertion of reactivity such as in these vest coast experiments. .

33. 7903300388

" Information from General Electric chief engineer, Sherwood with regard to removal cf control rod driver return line being satisfactory. This Intervenor has raised the contrary position in his contention #48. Data here vill probably be used to support the utility' position justifying removal. ~ '

34. 7902010034 .. . . ..

Rept " Transient Burst Test of Multirod" on dif ferences in ballooning modes between single and multired tests. This short report is relevant to Doherty Contentions #3 cnd #39, which assert reactivity initiated events and ballooning are hazards. The paper will help me because I will be able to know some of' the shortcomings of each of the types of tests and hence criticize data presented bf each tfpe.-


35. 7902010054'

" Fission Product Source Terms for the light water LOCA" In my Conention f40, I have raised the issue that the fission product release at Three Mile Island was tuch different than expected. This report appears to offer some information on what might have been expected than the plant safety analysis reports found in error.

36. 7902010058 "Independant FRAP-T4 Assessment" This report co pares FRAP T-4 data with exerpimental cnalysis of transients at INEL. As FRAP T4 is a licensing code, any differences will be valuable for arguing any of the reactivity accident based contentions cuch as Doherty f3, #24 and #28.

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r on" This Intervenor's Contention #3 asserts there E n E SEN E I M $ k % ons from molten fuel hitting the coolant following WW*WOt *^M +5+ INon event. This is needed to show that the plenomena

] {y enn watue's .

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WT"TWQI@:010fdynamic Loads in Pressure Suppression Containment" This Inter-k[

j m - ]di.a(8'# -cc centions #5 and #17 aise the issue these loads are too strong

<a0 h ^ fer I{in systems in th plant by poolswell to a height of 15This t


re-etructures of the Al 7 -

g appears to deal with this topic.

'39, 7'902010086

  • " Preliminary Multirod Burst Test Program Results and Implications" This is

' relevant to thisJntervenor's Contention #3 as it is concerned with reactivity induced fuel rod Eurst. The data here will be about the amount of irradiation and the reactivity amount inserted in the various rods and is useful to

, show the lack of integrity of the fuel rod cladding.

40. 7901120199

" Spent Fuel Heatup Following Loss of Water During Storage" This Intervenor has asserted in his Contention #11 thatspent fuel will,h~atup c in a loss of water i accident and radionuclides will be released to the environment. This report evaluates this event and expresses reservations about this postulated conclusion.

Although utility insists the spent fuel pool can never go below a level above stored fuel,-the report will be useful in understanding the utility's case on the next step beyond - where utility asserts even if the spent fuel pool f does uncover, it is not a hazard to the public.

41. 7905030340 Description of MARK-III tests of pressure suppression,by Cencral Electric.

These tests directly check out Doherty Contention #17 by measuring various forces cnd loadings on structures in the containment building. Hence I believe this document would be useful in knowing if this contentdon will have validity.

Alt. 7906130309

" Changes to return Line to Reactor Vessel Control Rod Driveline Hydraulic Control Systes" This paper discusses the modification oppored by this Inter-venor in Contention #48.

7906290175 Sum =ary of ACRS Subcommittee meeting on reactor conditions related to ECCS.

This Int,ervenor has raised several contentions with regard to ECCS and its ability to protect the public in a BWR system.- These include the issue cf Contention #6, inadvertent operation, #39 fuel clad swelling, #25 flow blockage, #32 insufficient vaporization, and #13 plugging of the drain with consequent loss of ECCS water. This meeting is certain to consider several of these, particularly 439.

43. 79100100ft33 LER 79-065/03L-0 Failure of rod sequence control cystem due to relay failure. This ~nterrenor contends the utility's red cuntrol end inform; tion system, the analogous system to this is unreliable. This cnd the taa Cocu=ents below appear to rupport roi ; orth control unreliability as an issue, and hence the document is needed. (Do det 50-333 Fitznatrick.

12 4 79100251 LER 79-070/0&O Repeat of problem in recuest #3 (Docket 50-333, Titzcatrick)

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,eq 79-359/03L-0. .. u r c. .ter pr o aens in the saae

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  1. ohests43and44, ( L c' e t 52-333, Fiteatrick) g y y e-. no - o'. ns as re: ..T.?S rec olution.


4 . u ntta Me etin- o f GE and 43 Scis Rthat am nonds to he prevented .

5". 20? N.5

? i l'A N Nnor's'Co?

ne there has de:entian .i ir.tchs2 ru le m s'-inc , etc. Despite Mr. Thaani, N.Y{1


ara; ably'tectify'here,' and 9 lS-is'still this backgroundto beinforaction considerel in Allens Cree will brobably represent some of his testimony and cive me in-sight into7.Jh at_the ouners have opposed of this highly signifi-cant issue. 'M' ,

, s

' r a?.' 8002260072' ^

Discussesnroblem of residual heat renoval. This comment i's rel- -

evant to 'contentio'n #33 that thd utility's RHR system is 'not adequate to bring cold shutdown in 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> (Doherty #33) make and that renoval of the con.~rol rod drive removes one way to bi ~

RHR acre certain (Daherty 43).,' . -

- ~

',c: ,  ; , .a.

48. 7907050460 <

Comments on issue of acceptability of a sint;1e system to accomplish reactor shutdoun. This appearts relevant to a -justified e<.

by the saae consideration as raised in recuest .547.- .


lum,nry 7907240nu3 of- 5/24/79 meetin w/ General: 31ectiic with regard to TLTA results and in71ications with LOOA analysis. This intervenor has

. asserted t:o deficiencies in:G. E. DOCS,.that the torperstures cast icjection will be waraer ;han expected leading to plasticz .

distortion and the vaporisatiot of coolant will result in less This recent meeting is certain to have coolin than anticipated.

covered these isnues, and henes the docue.ent is relevant.

-d. 8]]1300004 "Variition of 20 aler.Reactivit7 Joeffiacint w/de?letion" 231eva.t ta Joherty 33 chich uniatains Dog-ler Feedback has. . -

been incorrectly analys 3d and will not s'1ut down an RIA.


"First 8031300005. . >

Results of 'argo-Scale Pressure Su2pression System Experiments" The G.S. Mark-III pressure sup?ression systea has been postulated in Dohert? #5 and #17, to not be aderunte against pressure from This docuecent appears bloud:wn with relief valve misoperation.

to give irect data on hou forcefulf the system will be struck.

G2. 9001303305

" Influence of aircalov 01ad: of Internal

.LOCA-3 Urassure and FriorInIradiation Test Results.' Coacntion on#3, Deforaation this Intervonor has asserted that Irradiation eiJects have been understated in hc44 reactivity a: i'ents.. Thera'is little data'with irradiate fuel raSc, and this inf oraation will be of value because the reacti'i ty initisted event involves heat generation. '

53. 3301330322' "LUR Fuel Response During 2eactivity Initiated AccidentContention
o Dohert- Experiment" "3 1 This locu~ent covers info directly related 9

(See request 52) -

54 3031303187 ir "Frocresscive in Juel Behavior Research" (Jo'.nson '3. y This'will recent research on areas relate 1UIoo.Doherty i) Cantenti'n i

(See requests 52 and 53. - . -




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""' . 8003030480


ubmi8sinbyGeneralElectricEngineeronfuelthormalmechanicalanayssmoes l i dl l for high burn operating cycles. This Intervenor's Cont. 20 deals with role l of fuel temperature in high burn-up fuel and fission gas release. These factors appear to be part of this 2 page proposal.

, . 1 56, 8003310183 < s , _

" Nuclear Stesi Turbine Wheel Reliability" ,

In this Intervenor's Contention 47, unreliability in the form of cracking of discs in the turbine is asserted. This document appears to deal with turbine failures of several types, of which cracking, or breaking of f a piece of a disc is highly likely, because of this occuring in several plants in the past year.


57. 8003070249 _,

. i, . .. ..

Co=ments on three General Electric test facilitics on the pressure suppression containment ssytem. This intervenor has asserted the system will bring undesirable results in his contentions #5 and #17.Any criticism on the t'est system which the utility will have to use to show the systems operation because there is no functioning MARK-II'. containment in operation today, will be helpful in ex-ploring the adequacy of the pre-performance testing of that system.

58. 8003070279 Summary of reaction between uranium oxide (fuel) and zircaloy (cladding) at high temperature. In this Intervenor*s contention #3, it is asserted that reactivity inserted in the fuel will result in mecEanical failure of the rod. One mechanism is contact ,through fuel swelling (not rod swellirp such that heat from the fuel melts the zircaloy cladding. This ACRS member (Besette) submitted comment appears relevant to this.
59. 8003120639

" Thermal Fuels Behavior Program" This report will cover fuel behavior of which this Intervenor has filed Contentions

  1. 3 and #39, which describe fuel behavior consequences which are subjects of this ongoing research.
60. Paper from Seventh NRC Water Reactor Safety Research Information Meeting:

"Acomparision of RELAP Calculations with TLTA Test 6406,"by G. E. Wilson of EG&G Company. Parrt of the BWR Safety Research Program Part of the meeting.

This Intervenor plans to use evidence the RELAP code does not conform to TLTA tests, such that there is danger from greater plasticity of fuel rod clad, and hence flow blockage due to clad swelling. Contention #39.

61. Paper from Seventh NRC Water Reactor Safety Reserch Information Meeting.

" Variation of Doppler Reactivy Coefficient with Depletion, by A. Radkowsky.

This appears to be an e pandcd version of Request #50 (Page 7) Relevant to Doherty #33.

62. Paper from Seventh NRC Water Reactor Safety Reserch Information Meeting: A "Independant Assessment of PRAPCON-1 and FRAP T-5, by E. T. Latts, of EC&G.

These two codes are used to predict the effect of transients, ir.cluding pri- j

marily reactivity transients. The paper is needed for Contention #3, #24 and #28, which challenge the conclusion that various accidents of reactivity [

insertion can be met by current BVR fuel systems. , .~ 3l

  1. j[
63. Paper from Seventh NRC Water Reactor St _ty Reserch Information Meeting:

" Overview of Recent Power Burst Tacility test results." H J Zeile, EG &G Co. ]{ty This is needed becaus this Intervenor has raised the issue Power Bursts will , ,.

n t be adequately met by the Current C. E. fuel system. The PBF has been [ 'E> ~ Eib


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[ oc:!ERTY /FDLA 7/9/80 NINE

,, O RUNNING TESTS ON REACTIVITY INSERTION. Such information as provided in an overview will infor= intervenor of validty or lack thereof of his Contention 53.

64. Paper frca Seventh NRC Water Reactor Safety Research Infort.ation' Meeting: *

" Eip' eritiental Investigatioh of LWPJ Caf e Material Temperatures Ranging .

from 1500 degrees to 2,800 degress C." In Contention (20, this Intervenor has raised the issue of fuel temperature and fission gas release in BWR fuel rods as part of the issue of heat conductance from fuel to clad to coolant. This s  ;

appears relevant to the variable of fuel te=perature.

... }

65. Paper from Seventh NRC Water Reactor Safety Research Information Meeting ~,

of November, 1979: "Applicantion of RAMONA-III and IRT Codes to BWR and PWR analysis". This Intervenor is interested only in the RAMONA-III code which I

is now the BWR core neutronics code. This Intervenor has raised the issue 'i in his Contention #15, the the BWR coded underestimate reactivity insertion u because water moderation is more complete thansthe codes in use showed. -

R.Uf0NA-III is a more rcent code. This paper vauld probably provide the .

current G. E. position on the core code. ', * *

. M'

                                                          • e' '?


' .g End of request. Thank you. -


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