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Tech Specs 3.17,4.19 & 6.1 for Fire Protection & Detection Sys
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/01/1977
Shared Package
ML19317D236 List:
NUDOCS 7911190619
Download: ML19317D237 (6)



_/ Applicability This specificatior. applies to the operability of fire protection and detec-tion systems which protect systems and equipment required for safe shutdown.

Objective To assure the operability of fire protection and detection systems when the reactor is in conditions above cold shutdown.

Specification 3.17.1 The Fire Protection System shall be operable and two high pressure service water pumps shall be operable and aligned to the high pres-sure fire header.

3. .2 When it is determined that only one high pressure service water pump is operable, that pump shall be demonstrated functionally operable within one hour and daily therediter until Specification 3.17.1 is set.

3.17.3 When it is determined that neither fire pump is operable, an alternate source of fire water shall be provided within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or the reactor shall be in a cold shutdown condition within an additional 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />.

3.17.4 When Specification 3.17.1 is determined not to be met, exclusive of the provisions of Specifications 3.17.2 and 3.17.3, appropriate action will be taken to protect the affected area. Such action shall consist of one or more of the following actions:

(a) Increased inspection frequency (b) Verification of availability of backup equipment (c) Verification of operability of fire detection systems (d) Providing an alternate source of fire protection (e) Restricting potentially hazardous operations 3.17.5 The fire detection system shall be operable with the following minimum numbers of heat and smoke detectors in each area or :ene.

(a) At least 50% of the detectors in areas or zones containing 3 or more detectors.

(b) At least i detector in areas or zones containing 2 detectors or less.

3.17.6 If Specification 3.17. 5 cannot be met, the frequency of inspections of the affected areas shall be increased commensurate with the fire potential in these areas.

3.17-1 7911190 /




4.19 FIRE PROTECTION AND DETECTION SYSTEM Applicability Applies to the fire protection and detection systems which protect systems and equipment required for safe shutdown.

Objective To verify the operability of fire proteetto.1 and detection systems.

Specifications 4.19.1 The High Pressure Fire Protection System components shall be tested as follows:

Item Frequency (a) High pressure service water pump functional Monthly test (b) High pressure service water pump capacity Every Three Years test (c) Automatic logic system Quarterly (d) Alignment of fire protection valves Weekly 4.19.2 The fire detection systen shall be tested for operability as follows:

Item Frequency (a) Operability of detectors Annually


(b) Operability of annunciators Quarterly 4.19-1

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ADt11NISTRATIVE CONTOLS 6.1 ORGANIZATION, REVIEU, AND AUDIT 6.1.1 Organization The station Manager shall be responsible for overall facility operation and shall delegate in writing the succession to this responsLbility during his absence.

6.L.L.2 in all matters pertaining to actual operation and maintenance and to these Technical Specifications, the station Manager shall report to and be directly responsible to the Vice President, Steam Production, through the Manager, Nuclear Production. The organisation is shewn in Figure 6.1-2.

6.L.l.3 The station organization for Operations, Technical Services and Maintenance shall be functionally as shown in Figure 6.1-1.

Minimum operating shift requirements are specified in Table 6.1-l. Incorporated in the staff of the station shall be personnel meeting the minimum requirements encompassing the training and experience described in Section 4 of the ANSI N13.1-1971,

" Selection and Training of Nuclear Power Plant Personnet." Retraining and replacement of station personnel snall be in accordance with Section 5.5 of the ANSI N13.1-1971, " Selection and Training of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel." A training program for the fire brigade shall meet or exceed the requirements of Section 27 of the NFPA Code-1976.

6.1.2 Technical Review and Control Activities a.

Procedures required by rechnical Specification 6.4 and other procedures which affect station nuclear safety, and changes (other than editorial or typographical enanges) thereto, shall be prepared by a qualified individual /

organization. Each such procedure, or procedure change, shall be reviewed by an individual / group other than ene individual / group whicn prepared the procecure, or procedure change, but who may be from the same organizat.:n as tne individual / group which prepared the procedure, or procedure change.


Suen procedures and precedure enanges may be approved for te=porary use by I two members of the station staff, at least one of whcm holds a Senior Reictor Cperator's Liecnse on the unit (s) affected. Procedures and precedure chances shall be approved prior to use or within seven days of receiving temporary approv-al for use by the statian Manager; or by the cperating Superintendent, the Technical S.rvices Superintendent or the Maintenance Superintendent, as previously designated by the station Manager.

b. Proposed changes to the Technical Specifications shall be prepared bv a qualified individual /org 2ni:ation. The preparat ion of each proposed Tech-nical Specifications eaange shall ue reviewec by an indiv cual/ group cther than the individual /srcup wnich prepared the prcposed change, but who may



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b3 from tha same orgtnization as the individual / group which prcpared ths proposed change. Proposed changes :o the Technical Specifications shall be approved by the station Manager. /

e. Proposed modi ficat lons to sta tion nuclear safety-relat ed st ructurea ,

systems and components shall be designed by a qualtfled individual /

organization. Each such modification shall be reviewed by an Individual /

group other than the individual / group which designed the modification, but who may be from the same organization as the individual / group which designed the modification. Proposed modifications to station nuclear safety-related structures, systems and ccaponents shall be approved prior to implementation by the station Manager; or by the Operating Superintendent, the Technical Services Superintendent, or the Maintenance Superintendent, as previously designated by the station Manager.

d. Individuals responsible for reviews performed in accordance with,, and shall be members of the station supervisory staff, previously designated by the station Manager to perform such reviews. Each such review shall include a deter =1 nation of whether or not additional, cross-disciplinary, review is necessary. If deemed necessary, such review shall be performed by the appropriate designated station review personnel.
e. Proposed tests and experiments which af fect station nuclear safety and are not addressed in the FSAR or Technical Specifications shall be reviewed by the station Manager; or by the Operating Superintendent, the Technical Servi-ces Superintendent or the Maintenance Superintendent, as previously desig-nated by the station Manager. ,j:
f. Incidents reportable pursuant to Technical Specification and vio-lacions of Technical Specifications shall be investigated and a report pre-pared which evaluates the occurrence and which provides recommendations to prevent recurrence. Such reports shall be approved by the station Manager and transmitted to the Vice President, Steam Production, or his designee; and to the Direc:or of the Nuclear Saf ety Review Board.
g. The station Manager shall assure the performance of special reviews and investigations, and the preparation and submittal of reports thereon, as l requested by tne Vice Presiaent, Steam Production.


h. The station security program, and implementing procedures , shall be reviewed at leas: annually. Changes cetermined :o be necessary as a result of such review snall be approved by the station Manager and trans-mit:ed to the Vice President, Steam Production, or his designee ard to the Director of the Nuclear Safety Review Board.
1. The station emergency plan, and implementing procedures , shall be reviewed at least annually. Changes de:er=ined to be necessary as a result of such review shall be approved by :he station Manager and trans-mi::ed to the Vice President, Steam Production, or his designee; and :o the Direc:er of the Nuclear Safety Review Board.
j. The station =anager shall assure that an independent fire pro-tec: ion and loss prevention inspection and audi: shall be per- -

l formed annually utilizing qualified of f-site personnel and tha:

l an inspection and audi: by a qualified fire censultan: shall be


performed at intervals no grea:er than :hree years.

  • 6.1-2 DTD Th lT )f @

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g. Any othat crec of station eparatio'n 'conaidsrtd appropriate by th9 NSRB or th2 Vice Prscidant, Secam Production.
h. The station fire protection program and implementing procedures at least once per two years. Responsibilities and Authorities

a. The NSR3 shall report to and advise the Vice President, Steam Production, on those areas of responsibility specified in Specifications and
b. Minutes shall be prepared and forwarded to the Vice President, Steam Pro-duction, and to the Senior Vice President, Production and Transmission, within 14 days following each formal meeting of the NSR3.
c. Records of activities performed in accordance with Specifications and shall be maintained.
d. Audit reports encompassed by Section shall be forwarded to the Vice President, Steam Production, and to the Senior Vice President, Pro-duction and Transmission, and to the management positions responsible for the areas audited within 30 days of completion of each audit.



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era b 7. A fire brigaile of 3 members stiall be maintained on site at all times.

E A] This exclisiles 3 members of the minimum operating sliift requirement.o that are requireit to be present in the control rooms, b


