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Forwards Info Requested in 990324 RAI as Suppl to 981223 Application for Amend to License NPF-63 for Alternative Plan for Spent Fuel Pool Cooling & Cleanup Sys Piping
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/1999
From: Alexander D
Shared Package
ML18016A936 List:
HNP-99-069, HNP-99-69, NUDOCS 9905050200
Download: ML18016A935 (22)



ACCESSION NBR:9905050200 DOC.DATE: 99/04/30 NOTARIZED: NO DOCKET FACIL:50-400 Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1, Carolina 05000400 AUTH. NAME AUTHOR AFFILIATION ALEXANDER,D.B.

RECIP.NAME Carolina Power a Light Co.


'~ner~( +~~~ PO Records Management Branch (Document Control Desk)


Forwards info requested in 990324 RAI as suppl to 9812123.

for amend to license NPF-63 for alternative plan C o'pplication for spent fuel pool cooling a cleanup sys piping.

i A C



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Carolina Power & Ught Company Harris Nuclear Plant P.O. Box 165 New Hill NC 27562 SERIAL: HNP-99-069 APR g0 Bgy United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTENTION: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT DOCKET NO. 50-400/LICENSE NO. NPF-63 RESPONSE TO NRC REQUEST FOR ADDITIONALINFORMATION REGARDING THE ALTERNATIVEPLAN FOR SPENT FUEL POOL


Dear Sir or Madam:

By letter dated March 24, 1999, the NRC requested additional information regarding the Harris Nuclear Plant (HNP) license amendment request to place spent fuel pools 'C'nd 'D'n service.

Enclosure 8 of the HNP license amendment request (ref. SERIAL: HNP-98-188, dated December 23, 1998) provided a detailed description of the proposed alternatives to demonstrate compliance with ASME B&PV Code requirements for spent fuel pool cooling and cleanup system piping in accordance with 10 CFR 50.55a(a)(3)(i). The NRC has determined that additional information is required to complete the review of the proposed alternative piping plan. Enclosed is the HNP response to the NRC request for additional information. The enclosed information is provided as a supplement to our December 23, 1998 submittal and does not change our initial determination that the proposed license amendment represents a no significant hazards consideration.

Please refer any questions regarding the enclosed information to Mr. Steven Edwards at (919) 362-2498.

Sincerely, /

r 9905050200 990430 Donna B. Alexander Pad/

PDR ADOCK 05000400 PDR Manager, Regulatory Affairs P Harris Nuclear Plant KWS/kws Enclosures 5413 Shearon Harris Road New Hill NC

0 4 (ijjj g Q rf lA

Document Control Desk

~ SERIAL: HNP-99-069 Page 2 c:

Mr. J. B. Brady, NRC Senior Resident Inspector (w/ Enclosure 1)

Mr. Mel Fry, N.C. DEHNR (w/ Enclosure 1)

Mr. R. J. Laufer, NRC Project Manager (w/ all Enclosures)

Mr. L. A. Reyes, NRC Regional Administrator (w/ Enclosure 1)

Document Control Desk Serial: HNP-99-069 Page 3 bc: (w/o enclosures)

Mr. K. B. Altman Ms. L N. Hartz Mr. G. E. Attarian Mr. W J. Hindman Mr. R. H. Bazemore Mr. C. S. Hinnant Mr. S. R. Carr Mr. W. D. Johnson Mr. J. R. Caves Mr. G. J. Kline Mr. H. K. Chernoff (RNP) Ms. W. C. Langston (PE8cRAS File)

Mr. B. H. Clark Mr. R. D. Martin Mr. W. F. Conway Mr. T. C. Morton Mr. G. W. Davis Mr. J. H. O'eill, Jr.

Mr. W. J. Dorman (BNP) Mr. J. M. Taylor Mr. R. S. Edwards Nuclear Records Mr. R. J. Field Harris Licensing File Mr. K. N. Harris Files: H-X-0511 H-X-0642

Enclosure 2 to Serial: HNP-99-069 Markups of Isometric drawings showing:

(1) Piping Within Scope of Alternative Plan (28 sheets)

(2) Continuance of Design and Construction (41 sheets)



J to Serial: HNP-99-069 Page 1 of 13 Matrix of Construction Records Pertaining to Units 2 & 3 Spent Fuel Pool Cooling System

0 Enclos o Serial: HNP-99-069 Page 2 of 13 Field Weld Access? Id of welded Weld SpeciTied Filler Qual Record &: NDE Hydrotcst Inspections No. items? documents Material ID/ Welder ID Records Records completed available? Documentation (ANI/ QC) on hand/

Alt.Verification Method 2-SF-1-FW-1 Embedded No, but No, but review ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 No, but assured by No, but assured by Yes Hydro -QC & ANI assured by of "Weld No weld doc review in weld documentation (ref. DDR 1347) (ref. DDR 1347) piping Documentation ~ Assured by hydro records; review in hydro installation, "contained in weld doc program and records, program and hydro and Hydro test review in hydro procedural procedural concrete pour rccofd records, site requirements requirements.

procedure specification SS-requirements 021, procedural r uirements 2-SF-1-FW-2 Embedded No, but No, but review ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 No, but assured by No, but assured by Yes Hydro -QC & ANI assured by of "Weld ~ No weld doc review in weld documentation (ref. DDR 1347) (ref. DDR 1347) pipmg Documentation ~ Assured by hydro records; review in hydro installation, " contained in weld doc program and records, program and hydro and Hydro test review in hydro procedural procedural concrete pour record records, site requirements requirements.

pfoccdufc specification SS-requirements 021, procedural uirements 2-SF-1-FW-3 Yes, by No ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes, by re-inspection. No inspection ~ No B61, G97

~ by alloy analyzer 2-SF-1-FW-4 Embedded Yes, on one No, but review SFA 5.9/5.4 No, but assured by No, but assured by Yes Hydro -QC & ANI side (ref. of "Weld ~ No weld doc review in weld documentation (ref. DDR 1347) (ref. DDR 1347)

D DR-1347). Documentation ~ Assured by hydro records; review in hydro Also assured " contained in weld doc program and records, program and by piping Hydro test review in hydro procedural procedural installation, fccofd records, site requirements requirements.

hydro and specification SS-concrete pour 021, procedural procedure requirements r uirements

Enclos o Serial: HNP-99-069 Page 3 of 13 Field Weld Access? Id of welded Weld Specified Filler Qual Record & NDE Hydrotest Inspections No. items? documents Material ID/ Welder ID Records Records completed available? Documentation (ANI/ QC) on hand/

Alt.Verification Method 2-SF-1-FW-5 Embedded Yes, WDR on Yes, WDR on ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes, in weld Yes, attested to in Yes Hydro -QC & ANI hand (ref. hand (ref. ~ Yes, WDR documentation weld documentation. (ref. DDR 1347) (ref. DDR 1347)

DDR-1347) DDR-1347) on hand in (ref. DDR-1347) weld documentation-Also assured DDR-1347 QC & ANI by piping ~ Not (ref. DDR 1347) installation, required DDR-1347 - QC &

hydro and ANI concrete pour procedure r uirements 2-SF-1-FW-6 Yes Yes, by No ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes, by re-inspection. No inspection ~ No D41

~ by alloy analyzer 2-SF-8-FW-65 Embedded Yes, on one No ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 No, but assured by No, but assured by No liner leak test - QC side by DDR- ~ No weld program and program and 1387. Also Assured by procedural procedural assured by site requirements requirements. Will be piping specification SS- subject to internal installation, 021, procedural camera inspection concrete pour requirements procedure r uirements 2-SF-8-FW-66 Embedded Yes, on one No ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 No, but assured by No, but assured by No liner leak test - QC side by DDR- No weld program and program and 1387 Also ~ Assured by procedural procedural assured by site requirements requirements. Willbe piping specification SS- subject to internal installation, 021, procedural camera inspection concrete pour requirements procedure r uirements

Enclos o Serial: HNP-99-069 Page 4 of 13 Field Weld Access? Id of welded Weld SpeciTied Filler Qual Record R NDE Hydrotest Inspections No. items? documents Material ID/ Welder ID Records Records completed available? Documentation (ANI/ QC) on hand/

Alt.Verification Method 2-SF-70-FW- Yes, by No ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes No, 325 inspection ~ No Bj, D41 by re-inspection willbe hydro-

~ by alloy tested by Mod analyzer 2-SF-72-FW- Yes, by No ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes No, 326 inspection ~ No E21 by re-inspection willbe hydro-

~ by alloy tested by Mod analyzer 2-SF-72-FW- Yes, by No ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes No, 327 inspection ~ No E21, C97 by re-inspection willbe hydro-

~ by alloy tested by Mod analyzer 2-SF-69-FW- Yes, by No ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes No, 328 inspection ~ No B61 by re-inspection will be hydro-

~ by alloy tested by Mod analyzer 2-SF-69-FW- Yes, by No ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes No, 329 inspection ~ No B61 by re-inspection will be hydro-

~ by alloy tested by Mod analyzer

Enclos to Serial: HNP-99-069 Page 5 of 13 Field Weld Access? Id of welded %Veld Specified Filler Qual Record & NDE Hydrotest Inspections No. items? documents Material ID/ Welder ID Records Records completed available? Documentation (ANI/ QC) on hand/

Alt.Verification Method 2-SF-71-FW- Yes, by No ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes No, 329 inspection ~ No B7 by re-inspection will be hydro

~ by alloy tested by Mod analyzer, cheinical analysis 2-SF-30-FW- Yes Yes, by No ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes No 381 inspection ~ No E21, C97 by re-inspection

~ by alloy analyzer 2-SF-148-FW- Yes, by No ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes, by re-inspection. No 382 inspection ~ No E21

~ by alloy analyzer 2-SF-149-FW- Embedded Yes No, but have ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 B61 (NCR W- Yes, (full LP in DDR Yes, Hydro -QC & ANI 408 (ref. DDR- repair WDR on ~ Partial, 207) 829). Will besubject seeNorth New Repair weld 829). Also hand, also weld WDR on Also repair WDR to internal camera Fuel Pool Hydro documentation - QC &,

assured by documentation hand for on hand (DDR inspection Test Record. ANI piping review signoff repair weld. 829) NDE rpt. - QC A ANI installation, in North New ~ Assured (ref. DDR-829) hydro and Fuel Pool by weld doc DDR-829 - QC k, ANI concrete pour Hydro Record, review in hydro procedure records, site requirements specification SS-021, procedural requirements.

Enclos to Serial: HNP-99-069 Page 6 of 13 Field Weld Access? Id of welded Weld Specified Filler Qual Record & NDE Hydrotcst Inspections No. items? documents Material ID/ Welder ID Records Records completed available? Documentation (ANI/ QC) on hand/

Alt.Verification Method 2-SF-150-FW- Yes Yes, by No SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes, by re-inspection. No 412 inspection No E21 by alloy analyzer 2-SF-14-FW- Yes Yes, by No SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes No, 424 inspection No B61 by re-inspection will be hydro tested by Mod by alloy anal zer 2-SF-31-FW- Yes, by No SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes No 426 inspection No E21, C97 by re-inspection by alloy analyzer 2-SF-35-FW- Yes, by No SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes No NDE rpt. - QC & ANI 440 inspection No E21 by re-inspection (ref. NCR WP-016) by alloy analyzer 2-SF-37-FW- Yes, by No SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes, by re-inspection. No, 441 inspection No E59, F60, E25, Willalso be subject to will be hydro by alloy B47 direct internal tested by Mod analyzer examination when adjacent strainer is disassembled.

2-SF-16-FW- Yes, by No SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes No, DDR-895 - QC & ANI 447 inspection No B61 by re-inspection willbe hydro by alloy tested by Mod analyzer

Enclos o Serial: HNP-99-069 Page 7 of 13 Field Weld Access? Id of welded Weld Specified Filler Qual Record & NDE Hydrotest Inspections No. items? . documents Material ID/ Welder ID Records Records completed available? Documentation (ANI / QC) on hand/

Alt.Verification Method 2-SF-36-FW-448

  • See Note 2-SF-36-FW- Yes, by No SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes, by re-inspection. No, 449 inspection No D41, B47 Will also be subject to willbe hydro by alloy direct internal tested by Mod analyzer examination when adjacent strainer is disassembled.

2-SF-36-FW- Yes, by No SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes, by re-inspection. No, 450 inspection No B47 Will also be subject to will be hydro by alloy direct internal tested by Mod analyzer 4 examination when chemical adjacent strainer is analysis disassembled.

2-SF-38-FW- Yes, by No SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes, by re-inspection. No, 451 inspection No G1, B7 Will also be subject to willbe hydro by alloy direct internal tested by Mod analyzer Bc examination when chemical adjacent strainer is analysis disassembled.

2-SF-67-FW- Yes, by No SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes, by re-inspection. No 452 inspection No E21 by alloy analyzer 2-SF-68-FW- Yes, by No SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes, by re-inspection. No 454 inspection No C97, D87 by alloy analyzer

Enclos to Serial: HNP-99-069 Page 8 of 13 Field Weld Access? Id of welded Weld Specified Filler Qual Record R NDE Hydrotest Inspections No. items? documents Material ID/ Welder ID Records Records completed available? Documentation (ANI / QC) on hand/

Alt.Verification Method 2-SF-143-FW- Embedded Assured by No, but WDR ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 No, but assured by No, but assured by Yes, Hydro -QC & ANI 512 piping review signoff ~ No weld doc review in weld documentation see North New installation, in North New ~ Assured by hydro records, review in hydro Fuel Pool Hydro hydro and Fuel Pool weld doc program and records, program and Test Record.

concrete pour Hydro Record, review in hydro procedural procedural procedure records, site requirements requirements.

requirements specification SS-021, procedural r uirements 2-SF-143-FW- Embedded Assured by No, but WDR ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 No, but assured by No, but assured by Yes, Hydro -QC R ANI 513 piping review signoff ~ No weld doc review in weld documentation see North New installation, in North New ~ Assured by hydro records, review in hydro Fuel Pool Hydro hydro and Fuel Pool weld doc program and records, program and Test Record.

concrete pour Hydro Record, review in hydro procedural procedural procedure records, site requirements requirements.

requirements specification SS-021, procedural requirements 2-SF-143-FW- Embedded Yes, ref. No, but WDR ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 No, but assured by No, but assured by Yes, Hydro -QC A ANI 514 DDR-888 review signoff ~ No weld doc review in weld documentation see North New DDR-888 Also assured in North New ~ Assured by hydro records, review in hydro Fuel Pool Hydro by piping Fuel Pool weld doc program and records, program and Test Record.

installation, Hydro Record, review in hydro procedural procedural hydro and records, site requirements requirements Willbe concrete pour specification SS- subject to internal procedure 021, procedural camera inspection requirements requirements

Enclos to Serial: HNP-99-069 Page 9 of 13 Field Weld Access? Id of welded Weld Specified Filler Qual Record & NDE Hydrotest Inspections No. items? documents Material ID/ Welder ID Records Records completed available? Documentation (ANI / QC) on hand/

Alt.Verification Method 2-SF-144-FW- Embedded Assured by No, but WDR ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 No, but assured by No, but assured by Yes, Hydro -QC & ANI 515 piping review signoff ~ No weld doc review in weld documentation see North New installation, in North New ~ Assured by hydro records, review in hydro Fuel Pool Hydro hydro and Fuel Pool weld doc program and records, program and Test Record.

concrete pour Hydro Record, review in hydro procedural procedural procedure records, site requirements requirements. Willbe requirements specification SS- subject to internal 021, procedural camera inspection requirements 2-SF-144-FW- Embedded Yes, on one No, but WDR ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 No, but assured by No, but assured by Yes, Hydro -QC & ANI 516 side, ref. review signoff ~ No weld doc review in weld documentation see North New DDR-921 - QC & ANI DDR-869. in North New ~ Assured by hydro records, review in hydro Fuel Pool Hydro Also assured Fuel Pool weld doc program and records, program and Test Record.

by piping Hydro Record, review in hydro procedural procedural installation, records, site requirements requirements. Willbe hydro and specification SS- subject to internal concrete pour 021, procedural camera inspection procedure requirements requirements 2-SF-144-FW- Embedded Yes - ref No, but WDR ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 No, but assured by Yes, partial UT & LP Yes, Hydro -QC & ANI 517 DDR-869. review signoff ~ No weld doc review in performed under see North New Repair weld Also assured in North New ~ Assured by hydro records, DDR-869. Also, Fuel Pool Hydro documentation - QC &

by piping Fuel Pool weld doc program and assured by weld Test Record. ANI installation, Hydro Record. review in hydro procedural documentation review Also ref. DDR- (ref. DDR-869) hydro and records, site requirements in hydro records, 869. DDR-869 - QC & ANI concrete pour specification SS- program and procedure 021, procedural procedural requirements requirements requirements. Willbe subject to internal camera ins ection

Enclos to Serial: HNP-99-069 Page 10 of 13 Field Weld Access? Id of welded Weld Specified Filler Qual Record & NDE Hydrotest Inspections No. items? documents Material ID/ Welder ID Records Records completed available? Documentation (ANI / QC) on hand/

Alt.Verification Method 2-SF-159-FW- Embedded Also assured No, but WDR ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 No, but assured by No, but assured by Yes, Hydro -QC & ANI 518 by piping review signoff ~ No weld doc review in weld documentation see North New installation, in North New ~ Assured by hydro records, review in hydro Fuel Pool Hydro hydro and Fuel Pool weld doc program and records, program and Test Record.

concrete pour Hydro Record review in hydro procedural procedural procedure records, site requirements requirements requirements specification SS-021, procedural uirements 2-SF-159-FW- Embedded Yes, on one No, but WDR SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes, C-20 No, but assured by Yes, Hydro -QC & ANI 519 side (ref. review signoff No (see NCR W-103) weld documentation see North New NCR W-103 - QC NCR-85-1318, in North New Assured by review in hydro Fuel Pool Hydro Also assured Fuel Pool weld doc records, program and Test Record.

by piping Hydro Record review in hydro procedural installation, records, site requirements hydro and specification SS-concrete pour 021, procedural procedure requirements requirements 2-SF-71-FW- Yes, by No ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes N/A (Hanger 331 inspection ~ No D75, E50, D69 by re-inspection attachment (Hanger ~ by alloy weld)

Attach. Weld) analyzer 2-SF-71-FW- Yes, by No ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes N/A (Hanger 332 (Hanger inspection ~ No E50, D69 by re-inspection attachment Attach. Weld) ~ by alloy weld) analyzer

Enclos to Serial: HNP-99-069 Page 11 of 13 Field Weld Access? Id of welded Weld Specified Filler Qual Record R NDE Hydrotest Inspections No. items? documents Material ID/ Welder ID Records Records completed available? Documentation (ANI/ QC) on hand/

Alt.Verification Method 2-SF-71-FW- Yes Yes, by No SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes N/A (Hanger 333 (Hanger inspection ~ No D69 by re-inspection attachment Attach. Weld) ~ by alloy weld) analyzer 2-SF-71-FW- Yes Yes, by No ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes N/A (Hanger 334 (Hanger inspection ~ No D75, E50, D69 by re-inspection attachment Attach. Weld) ~ by alloy weld) analyzer 2-SF-71-FW- Yes Yes, by No ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 Ycs Yes N/A (Hanger 335 (Hanger inspection ~ No D69 by re-inspection attachment Attach. Weld) ~ by alloy weld) analyzer 2-SF-71-FW- Yes, by No ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes N/A (Hanger 336 (Hanger inspection ~ No D69 by re-inspection attachment Attach. Weld) ~ by alloy weld) analyzer 2-SF-71-FW- Yes, by No ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes N/A (Hanger 337 (Hanger inspection ~ No E50, D69 by re-inspection attachment Attach. Weld) ~ by alloy weld) analyzer

Enclos to Serial: HNP-99-069 Page 12 of 13 Field Weld Access? Id of welded Weld Specified Filler Qual Record & NDE Hydrotest Inspections No. items? documents Material ID/ Welder ID Records Records completed available? Documentation (ANI / QC) on hand/

Alt.Verification Method 2-SF-71-FW- Yes, by No ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes N/A (Hanger 338 (Hanger inspection ~ No D69 by re-inspection attachment Attach. Weld) ~ by alloy weld) analyzer 2-SF-71-FW- Yes, by No ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes N/A (Hanger 339 (Hanger inspection ~ No D75, D69 by re-inspection attachment Attach. Weld) ~ by alloy weld) analyzer 2-SF-71-FW- Yes, by No ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes N/A (Hanger 340 (Hanger inspection ~ No D75, E50, D69 by re-inspection attachment Attach. Weld) ~ by alloy weld) analyzer 2-SF-71-FW- Yes, by No ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes N/A (Hanger 341 (Hanger inspection ~ No D75, E50, D69 by re-inspection attachment Attach. Weld) ~ by alloy weld) analyzer 2-SF-71-FW- Yes, by No ~ SFA 5.9/5.4 Yes Yes N/A (Hanger 342 (Hanger inspection ~ No D75, D69 by re-inspection attachment Attach. Weld) ~ by alloy weld) analyzer

Enclos to Serial: HNP-99-069 Page 13 of 13 Field Weld Access? Id of welded Weld Specified Filler Qual Record & NDE Hydrotest Inspections No. items? documents Material ID/ Welder ID Records Records completed available? Documentation (ANI/ QC) on hand/

Alt.Verification Method 2-CC-3-FW- No, but is No ~ SFA Yes, Yes No, 207 accessible and 5.18/5.1 K40 by re-inspection to be hydro will be No tested by Mod visually TBD by verified. chemical analysis 2-CC-3-RV- No, but is No ~ SFA Yes, Yes No, 208 accessible and 5.18/5.1 Cl 1 by re-inspection to be hydro will be ~ No tested by Mod visually ~ TBD by verified chemical analysis 2-CC-3-FW- No, but is No ~ SFA Yes, Yes No, 209 accessible and 5.18/5.1 Bl by re-inspection to be hydro willbe ~ No tested by Mod visually ~ TBD by verified chemical analysis Note ":

Field Weld 2-SF-FW-36-448 is a completed and stamped field weld, but willbe cut out and replaced as it joins a section of piping which was affected by a pipe spool modification.

to Serial: HNP-99-069 Metallurgy Unit Report for Spent Fuel Pool Weld Metal Composition Analysis