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Revised ASME QA Manual, for Shnpp
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/21/1985
From: Utley E
Shared Package
ML18016A936 List:
NUDOCS 9905050206
Download: ML18016A938 (308)


Enclosure 5 to Serial: HNP-99-069 ASME Quality Assurance Manual for the Construction of the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant l.

ctqp5p5p2pg 99p43p pDR ADQCK p v)&P

Second Edition Rev. 0 Folic Statement

'I0 is the policy of the Carolina Power & Light Company to engineer, construct, and operate nuclear power plants without jeopardy to public health and safety. Measures shall be set, forth and documented for quality assurance which encompass those responsibilities within CP&L and those responsibilities delegated to companies supporting the engineering, construction and start-up of nuclear power plant projects. These documented measures comprise the CP&L ASME Quality Assurance Manual and shall be strictly adhered to. This Manual provides quality measures for assuring nuclear safety for long-term power production; engineering design requirements and objectives are achieved in construction of new facilities; and plant functional capability is maintained in operating plants. These measures assure compliance with the quality requirements of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Division l, Nuclear Power Plant Components and applicable Federal, State and local regulations and codes.

I take full and complete responsibility for the program described in this CP&L ASME Quality Assurance Manual. I have assigned the responsibility for its implementation as documented and approved herein for the Engineering, Construction and Start-Up portions of this program to the Senior Vice President - Nuclear Generation, and to the Manager - Corporate Quality Assurance Department.

The Senior Vice President in charge of Nuclear Generation has assigned the responsibility for implementation of his portion of this program to the Vice President - Harris Nuclear Project, and to the Vice President Nuclear Plant Construction and the Vice President - Nuclear Engineering and Licensing who shall'have stop-work authority within their department's responsibility for work determined to be out of compliance with this program.

The Manager - Cor porate Quality Assurance Department, in the implementation of his portion of this program, has delegated to the Manager - Quality Assurance/Quality Control Harris Plant and the Manager - Quality Assurance Services, the authority to stop any work determined to be out of compliance with applicable sections of the ASME Code and this program.

The Manager - Corporate Quality Assurance Department has the responsibility for implementing the Corporate quality assurance audit program for the engineering, construction and start-up of nuclear power plants.

E. E. tley Senior Executive Vice President Power Supply and Engineering & Construction

'2Th 411 FayetteVitte Street ~ P, O. BOX 1551 ~

Rating~, N C, 27602





OF REVISIONS DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 Scope 1.2 Responsibility for the Quality Assurance Program 1.3 Organ.zatioty and Responsibilities 1.4 Training and Qualification r.

1 .5 Delegation of Responsibility 4

2.0 DESIGN'ND DOCUMi NT CONTROL 2' Design Control by Engineering Organization 2.2 Design Specifications, Calculations, Stress and/or Design Reports 2.3 Design Changes

, 2.0 Site-Generated Specifications, Drawings, and Procedures 2.5 Site Document Control 2.6 Identification of ASME Code Documents 3.0 PROCUREMENT 3.1 Se~ce Contracts 3.2 Procurement by the Architect-Engineer 3.3 Site Procurement VISION J

BV NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC OATK 5/12/82 1/20/83 /3/84 0/1 /8 3/21/8 AFF ROVCO


QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power & Light Company.

RaHHlh, N. C. 27COZ TABLE OF CONTENTS 5/11/8 3.4 Reclassified Material 4.0 RECEIVING'NSPECTION 5.0 STORAGE AND PROCESS CONTROL 5.1 Storage 5.2 Process Control 5.3 Construction Procedures Development 5.4 Start-Up Procedures Development 6.0 WELDING CONTROL 6.1 Procurement of Welding Material 6.2 Welding Procedure Qualification 6.3 Qualification of'elders and Welding Operators 6.4 Construction Welding 6.5 Repairs. to Welds and Base Material 6.6 Control of Welding Equipment 6.7 Additional Process Control Forms

7. 0 HEAT'REATING 7.1 Description of System 7.2 Construction Heat Treatment 7.3 Calibration 7.4 Verification of Metal Temperature 7.5 Training 7.6 Construction Site Inspection REVlS ION BV DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 /21/85 APPROVED

FOaM icae 3

PAL ASME PACE DF 4 GUALITY ASSURANCE MAHUAL DATE rolina Power 6 Light Company RsHlgh, N. C. 21COZ TABLE OF CONTENTS 5/11/82 7.7 Records 7.8 Bending and Forming 8.0 CONTROL OF EQUIPMENT TOOLS GAUGES AND INSTRUMENTS 8.1 Calibration 8.2 Records. and Maintenance 9.0 INSPECTION TESTS AND NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION 9.1 Training, Qualification, and Certification 9.2 Inspection and Tests 9.3 Nondestructive Examination (NDE) 9.Ii Inspection and Test Equipment 9..5 Inspection and Test Records 9.6 Code Data Report and Nameplate Stamping 1

.100 NONCONFORMANCE AND CORRECTIVE ACTION 10 1 Scope 10.2 Reporting Nonconformances 10.3 Corrective Action 10.0 Review of Nonconformance Report 10.5 Receiving Inspection Software Deficiencies ll 0 RECORD RETENTION 11.1. Responsibility 11.2 Record Index 11.3 Accumulation and Maintenance of Records

.)S>DN NJC NJC NJC DATE /12/82 112 4 7/3/84 APPROVED

ORM 164!


4 GUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL OATK Carolina Power 5. Light Company R4HHIII, N. C. 27C4R TABLE OF CONTENTS 5/ll/82 12.0 AUTHORIZED NUCLEAR .INSPECTOR 12.1 Personnel Interface "jI 12.2 Document Accessibility 12.3 Selection of Holdpoints 12'.4 NDE, Tests, and the Authorized Nuclear Inspector 13.0 AODETS 13.1 Corporate Audits 13.2 Supplier Audits 13.3 CP&L Management Review of Corporate Quality Assurance Audit Activities i

14.0 REVIEW AND CONTROL OF MANUAL 14.1 Responsibilities 14.2 Distribution and Control of Manual 14.3 Revision 15.0 EXHIBITS (Index in Section 15.0)

RavtsloH BY NJC NJC OATE 5/12/82 1 2 APFROVKD



QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE lina Power & Light Company SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Raleigh, N. C. CTCOC ADDENDUM 5/1 1/82 ADDENDUM STATEMENT This Quality Assurance Manual is applicable to the engineering, construction and start up of the Shearon Hart is Nuclear Power Plant located at New Hill in Make and 2 Chatham Counties, North Carolina, of one pressurized water reactor 2 unit.'he Nuclear Steam Supply System was purchased from Mestinghouse Pressurized Mater Reactor DSvision, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The Architect-Engineer for the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant is Ebasco Services, Inc., New York, New York.

The Prime Constructor is Daniel International Corporation of Greenville, South qCarolina, who will work under direct supervision and technical control of Carolina I

Power & Light Company management personnel at the site. The responsibility for construction activities at this nuclear power plant is that of Carolina Power &

Light Company, who has the authority to control assignment and removal of personnel at Carolina Power & Light Company's discretion.

Carolina Power & Light Company will secure the services, as appropriate, of organizations to furnish manpower for accomplishing work. Contractual arrangements will clearly reserve to Carolina Power & Light Company those

-prerogatives necessary to totally control the quality of the work.


FORl1 %CHIC ASME PAGE Or QUALITY ASSURAHCE IIIAHUAL DATE Carolina Power 5 Light Company SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Ri~h. k. C. 27COE ADDENDUM 5/11/82 The Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant Unit 1 was docketed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Atomic Energy Connmission) September 29, 1971. Docket; number issued is 50-400.

1 The Nuclear Steam Supply System piping -for Unit 1 was purchased from Westinghouse Pressurized Mater Reactor Division to the 1971 Edit;ion of the ASME Code Section III, Division 1, including the 1973 Summer Addenda.

Balance of plant: piping requiring Code stamping were purchased by Ebasco Services, Inc., to the 1971 Edition of'he ASME Code, Section III, Division 1, including the 1973 Summer Addenda.

The applicable Code Edition and Addenda for field fabrication and installation of 4

Code items shall be the 1974 Edition of the ASME Code, Section III, Division 1, prospect, including the 1976 Minter Addenda.

For the Shearon Harris Nuolear Power Plant the design, fabrication and installation'f component supports do not come within the scope of the ASME Quality Assurance Manual.


FORM 1638 PAGE ASME 1 CARL Carolina Power 81 Light Company QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL OF 5 DATE Raleigh, N. C. 27602




Cover Page 13 Definitions 6of 14 2 And Policy Abbreviations '7of 14 2 Statement (Cont'd.)

8 of 14 3 Table 1of4 4 9 of 14 2 of Contents 2of 4 '2 10 of 14 3 3of4 2 11 of 14 3 4of4 1 12 of 14 3 13 of 14 4 Addendum 1of2 2 14of 14 2 2 of'2 1 Section 1 1 of 28 2of28 6 4 14 Summary 1 of 5 'l4 3of 28 6 of Revisions 2of 5 14 4of 28 7 3 of 5 14 5 of 28 6

+14 4of 5 14 6of 28 6 5of 5 14 7of 28 8of 28 Definitions 1 of 14 2 9 of 28 7 And Abbreviations 2of 14 1 10 of 28 8 3 of 14 2 11 of 28 8 4 of 14 1 12of 28 8 5of 14 3 13 of 28 8

,, ) ISION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 0/17/84 /21/85 /24/85 /24/85 1/25/8 APPROVEO

FOAM NO. 16368 AEV. 1/6$

RAce 2 ASME QF 5 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL OATE Carolina Power 5 Light Company R4lel8h, N. C. 27602




Section 1 14 of 28 8 Section 2 8of 25 5 (Cont 'd. ) h (Cont'd.)

15 of 28 8 9of25 6 16 of 28 8 10of 25 9 17 of 28 7 11 of 25 9

+14 18 of 28 8 12 of 25 6 19of 28 8 13of25 5 20 of 28 7 14 of 25 5 21 of 28 8 15 of 25 6 22 of 28 7 16of 25 8 23 of 28 7 17 of 25 8 24 of 28 7 18 of 25 6 25 of 28 8 19 of 25 9 D4 26 of 28 3 20 of 25 10 14 27 of 28 3 21 of 25 8 +~

28 of 28 0 22 of 25 8 +14 Section 2 1 of 25 7 23 of 25 8 +14 2of 25 5 24 of 25 6 +14 3 of 25 4 25 of 25 4 +14 4of25 '4 Section 3 1of 21 3 5 of 25 4 2 of 21 2 6 of 25 8 3of 21 2 7of 25 5 4 of 21 3 NJC NJC NJC NJC 0/17/84 3/21/85 4/24/85 6/24/85 1/25/8 Vr

FORM 1636 3

ASME PACE DF 5 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carotina Power 5 Light Company Raleigh, N. C. 27602



OF REVISIONS 5/11/82 1



'I4 Section 3 5of 21 2 Section 5 1 of 15 6 (Cont'd.)

6 of 21 3 2of 15 4 7of 21 1 3 of 15 5 8 of 21 2 4 of 15 7 9 of 21 5 of 15 5 10of 21 2 6of 15 5 11 of 21 7of 15 4 12 of 21 Sof15 6 13 of 21 9 of 15 4 14 of 21 1O of 15 5

> 15 of '21 11 of 15 16 of 21 12 of 15 17 of 21 13 of 15 3 18 of 21 14 of 15 1 19 of 21 15 of 15 1 20 of 21 Section 6 1of 15 2 21 of 21 2of 15 2 Section 4 1of5 3 of 15 5 2of5 4of 15 2 3of5 5of 15 3 4of5 6of 15 2 5of5


NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 0/17/84 3/21/85 4/24/85 6/24/85 11/25/8 APPROVED

FORM NO+ 16368 RKV I/$ 5 A$ ME PAGE DF 4

5 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power SI Light Company Raleigh, N. C. 37603




Section 6 7of 15 2 Section 9 4of 12 2 (Cont'd.) (Cont'd) 8of 15 4 5of 12 2 9 of 15 2 6 of 12 2 10 of 15 3 7 of 12 1 11of15 6 8 of 12 1 12of 15 3 9of 12 13of 15 4 10 of 12 14 of 15 3 11 of 12 2 15 of 15 3 12 of 12 2 Section 7 1of5 .3 Section 10 1 of 11 4 2of5 3 2 of 11 6 3of5 2 3 of 11 5 4of5 2 4 of 11 5of5 2 5 of 11 4 Section'8 1of5 1 6 of 11 5 2of5 3 7 of 11 6 3of55 8 of 11 6 4of5 2 9 of 11 5 5of5 1 10 of 11 1 14 Section 9 1 of 12 3 11 of 11 0 2of 12 Section 11 1 of 8 3of 12 1 2of 8 1 REVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC 0/17/84 3/21/85 4/24/8 6/24/85 11/25/8 APPROVED

FORM HO. 16368 RFV. l/$ 5 PAGE 5 ASME QF 5 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 5 Light Company P Ralel9II N. C. 27602







Section 11 3of 8 3 Section 14 1of5 4 (Contld.)

4of 8 3 2of5 2 5of 8 5 3of5 3 6of 8 4of5 2 7of 8 4 5of5 3 Sof 8 0 Section 15 1of5 11 14 Section 12 1of4 0 2of5 11 14 2 of 0 3of5 9 +14 3 of 4 0 4of5 14 14 4of4 0 5 of 5 Section 13 1 of 11 3 2 of 11 2 3 of 11 3 4 of 11 6 5 of 11 4 6 of 11 3 7 of 11 3 8 of 11 3 9of11 3 6'EVISION

+14 10 of 11 6 11 of 11 4 NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 0/17/84 3/21/85 4/24/85 /24/8 11/25/8 APPROVED


FOAM 1CQI PACK SL ASME OP 14 "arolina Power 5, Light Company MALITY ASSURAHrlE MANUAL DATE RAHI1h. N. C. 27C42


~Aooval - An aot or'ndor sing or adding positive authorization, or both,,

indicated by signatu're and date on the document or on a record traceable to the document..

completed and previously stamped.

Architect-En ineer {A-E) - Consulting engineering organization which may be assigned as the owner's designee responsibility for portions of a nuclear power I

plant pro)cot.

"As-Built" Sketch - A sketch or tabulation of materials. identifying each piece of materi Q. with the Certified Material Test Repor t and. the coded marking.

<As-Constructed" Drawi The Approved. for Construction {AFC) design drawing either revised to incorporate, or appended with, authorized design change documents.

wklO N BV NJC NJC NJC DATK 5/12/82 1/2P/83 2/29/84 APPROVED



audit h documented activity performed in accordance uith uritten procedures o'. "

checklists to verify, by examination and evaluation of objective evidence, that applicable elements of a quality assurance program have been developed, documented, and effectively implemented in accordance with specified requirements. An audit does aot include surveillance, surveysy. or inspection for a

the purpose of process 'coatrol or product acceptance.

Auditor - A person in the Corporate Quality Assurance Department responsible for conducting audits.

Authorized Ins ection A eac {AIA) -'gency designated as such by the appropriate legal authority of s state or municipality of the United States or a province r" Canada. The agency employs t:he Authorized Nuclear Inspectors who perform inspections required by ASME Code The agency may be. s state or municipality of the United States, s province of Canada, or an insurance company authorized to write boiler and pressure vessel insurance.

Authorized Nuclear Ins ector (ANI) - Authorized Nuclear Inspector performing inspections required by the ASME Code who has been qualified under. rules of any state of the United States or province of Canada which has adopted the ASME Code. An employee of the Authorized Inspection Agency aad not an employee of CPSL and qualified in accordance with ANSI N626.


FORM 162$


$4 carolina Power ~ QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL 0 ATK 8r, Light Company R jlol7hi~ No~ Ce~ 27C02 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS 5/11/82 h

'I Authorized Nuclear Ins ector Su ervisor (ANIS) - The Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor who has been deemed qualified may be designated by his employer as the Author ized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor and shall meet the requirements of ANSI Standard N626 document.

Certificate of Authorization - A document issued by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers as evidence that CPAL as the Owner, Manufacturer, Fabricator, or Installer has met specific requirements set forth in the ASME Code Section III.

Certificate of'o liance - A written statement signed by a qualified party certifying that items or services comply with specific requirements.


Certificatiorr of Qualification A. signed statement supported by documentary evidence in the. case of welding procedures or performance, or the credentials of the signer in the case of nondestructive examination certifying that specified criteria have been met by an individual or procedure.

/ ~

/110 H BY NJC NJC Njc O ATK 5/I:2/82 1/20/83 8 8 83 APPROVKO

FORM Isla PAcg ASME or 14 4

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL 0 ATK Carolina Power 8I Light Company RalelIIIt, N. C, RTIt02 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS 5/11/82 Code American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel III, l.,

Code,'ection Nuclear Power Plant Components, Division systems, pumps~ valves, and storage tanks, designed to act as pressure-retaining members of the nuclear power system.

Containment S stem - Those items which form structures that may enclose nuclear po~er systems or that may be connected to other containment items and which are designed to provide a pressur~ontaining barrier for the primary purpose of containing within leakag'e limits~ or channeling for containment, or for controlled disposal of radioactive or hazardous effluents released from the system+

Contractor Any organization under contract for furnishing items and/or t

services Contractor Audit - An external audit of a CP&L contractor which includes A-E, NSSS Supplier, and other Suppliers'o orate Audit An internal audit of a CPSL activity.

CPSL Carolina Power & Light Company, the Owner, the Company.


FORM 1626 ASME PAcE 0F 5

14 Carolina Power & Light Company amL 7f assUVNcE mNW,L DATE Raleigh, N. C. 27602 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS 5/ll/82

-3 in the ASME Code, Section III, shall be completed and certified by the Owner or Manufacturer for each component, system, and installation.

performed by a structure, system, or component of a facility, and the specific values or ranges of values chosen for controlling parameters as reference bounds for design. These values may be (l) restraints derived from generally accepted "state of the art" practices for achieving functional goals, or (2) requirements t /

derived from analysis (based o'n calculation and/or experiments) of the effects of a postulated accident for which functional goals.

a structure, system, or component must meet its Desi n Chan e Re uest - A documented request for changes, corrections, or additions to design documents previously released for use.

Desi n Documents Certified Design Specifications and drawings derived from design bases that delineate plant item design, quality assurance, and process requirements for'se in procurement, fabrication, installation,



NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5 12 82 1 20 83 3 21 85 4/24/85 APPROVED

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PACK 7 CPSL ASME Di 14 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE roiina Power 5 Light Company RaHhlh. k. C. 27C02 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS 5/11/82 2 Disci line En ineer - The Discipline Engineer is an individual who has been ,

delegated authority by the Discipline Manager. The Discipline Engineer may hold the'itle of'esident: Engineer, Principal Engineer., Pro)cot Engineers etc.

Documentat:ion - Any written or pictorial information descr ibing, defining, specifying, reporting, or certifyi,ng activities, requirements, procedures, or r esult:s.

Field Chan e Re uest - A written request originating at t;he construction site for a design change.

by CPKL representative or the ANI. cwork sha11 not proceed. beyond mandatory holdpoiats without the wr ittea consent of the CPAL representative or ANI, as applicable.

Ins ection S ecialist (IS) - The Inspection Specialist performs duties required by the ASME Code who has. demonstrated his qualifications by passing an examination acceptable to the ASME in one or more methods of nondestructive examination and, ia addition, the test for Inspector Supervisor given by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors for knowledge of, and familiarity with, the ASME Code Section III, Division 1.

i~: --.J R <SSDN o

7 DATE /12/82 1/20/8310/1 /84'

FORM 1626 PAL ASME FacK os 8

14 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL OATK Carolina Power & Light Company R!Noh, N, C 27602 DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS 5/11/82 Install'er - An organization which installs and Joins components, piping subassemblies, assemblies, and appurtenances at the construction site in accordance with design documents approved for the nuclear power plant prospect, and which holds a Certificate of Authorization from the ASME and thereby qualifies to Code-stamp its work.

Item - Any structure, system, equipment, material, components, parts, pieces, or part thereof installed or intended to be installed in the nucle;w power plant, 3 including spare or replacement parts of the item, as permitted by Section III of


the ASME Code.

Manufacturer One who produces any class of component, material, part, or appurtenance to meet prescribed design requirements. An organization which fabricates components, parts, or appurtenances to meet the Design Specifications and the rules of Section III of the ASME Code.

Nonconformance - A deficiency in characteristic, documentation, or procedure which renders the quality of an item unacceptable or indeterminate. A nonconformance is a deviation from specified requirements. Examples of nonconformance include physical defects; test failures; incorrect or inadequate documentation; or deviation from prescribed processing, inspection or test procedures.


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ASME PAcK OP I 1 14 3


arotina.povier 5 Light Company RoHIylt. N. C. 27f02 DEFINTTXONS AND ABBREVXATlONS 5/11/82 system or equipment basis) through completion of the Start-Up Power Test Program. The Start-Up Power Test Program encompasses initial criticality, zero power operation, and ascension to full power.

NPCD Procedures - Nuclear Plant Con'struction Department procedures which are developed by that organization for either depar tment or site use.

Plant Start-U Powe~ Test Pro A systematic test program to verify that plant systems and equipment have been constructed and safely function in accordance with'design documents. The test program includes flushing, pressure


testing, system functional checks and initial operation.

Pressure-Bound Item - A component or appurtenance which in application is pressure-retaining or pressure-containing, including welding materials applied at the construction site to fabricate or install the pressure-boundary item.

Qua1it Assurance A11 those planned and. systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that a structure, system, or equipment will perform satisfactorily in service.

I' 4 i tSION I sv NJC NJC NJC NJC OATE /12/82 1/20/83 10 21 10/1 /8



'ATC RRIelgh. N. C. 27CDC DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS 5/11/82 Qualit Control - Those quality assur ance, actions which provide a means to control and measure the characteristics of an item, process, or facility to established requirements.

Qualit Release - A document utilized by the A-E, NSSS Supplier, or CP&L quality assur ance representatives to release item(s) for shipment from a Supplier's facility. CPM. quality release document is titled Release for Shipment.

~Re aux - The process of restoring a nonconi'arming c haarcte ito a reit c condition such that the capability of an item to function reliably and safely complies with the Code even though that item still may not conform to the original requirement Reyiew - A systematic evaluation documented by a signoff, stamp, oc wr5.tten review and dated.

Rework The process by which a nonconforming item is made to conform to a prior specified requirement by completion, r emachining, or reassembling.





Carolina Power 5. Light Company ASSURANCE MANUAL'UALlTY DATE Raleigh, N. C. 27602


DEFXNl:TlONS AND ABBREVXATiONS 5/11/82 SHNPP Start-U Manual A controlled document which contains the administrative controls and procedures required to implement the Plant Start-Up Program and the applicable reuuiremenbs of bbis Manual. pe Sbarb-Up Manual defines bbe interface agreement between the Harris Plant* Operations Section (HPOS) and the Harris Plant Construction Section (HPCS) 1 regarding (i) Code pressure tests to be performed by HPOS and Code pressure tests 6o be performed by HPCS; and (ii) the use of HPCS tools, gauges and equipment, and the HPCS calibration control system for pressure tests performed by EPOS personnel. The Start-Up Manual also 4 addresses the controls for item disassembly'/reassembly to support Code pressure tests performed by HPOS.

SNT-TC-1A (l975) The American Society for Nondestructive Testing publication which present Code requirement practices for qualifying and certifying personnel performing specific methods for nondestructive exanIination and evaluation of the examination resul ts.

Source Surveillance - A review,'bservation, or inspection for the purpose of verifying that an action has been accomplished as specified at the location. of material procurement oz manufacture.



NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE /11/82 1/20/83 0/21/83 0/1 /84 3/21/85 AIsIsROVED

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FORM 1636 ASME o. 28 4

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 5 Light Company Raleigh, N. C. 27602 1.0 GENERAL 5/11/82 1.0 GENERAL"

~Sco e This Manual provides measures to assure compliance with the requirements and rules of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, Division 1, Nuclear Power Plant Components. This Manual shall be applied to activities associated with plant items and services for which compliance with the rules of the ASME Code, Section III, is mandatory.

1.1.2 Carolina Power & Light Company (CP&L) will qualify as the Owner for the nuclear power plant engineering and construction project as prescribed in the ASME Code, Section III. CP&L qualifies as the N certificate holder assuming overall responsibility for piping systems and storage tanks; Installer; and, as the construction site fabricator, will apply the appropriate N-type symbol stamp.

1.1.3 Supporting companies; i.e., the Architect-Engineer (A-E), Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) Supplier, and other Suppliers and

/ / l5 I0 N BY NJC NJC NJC NJ" DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 10/17/8 3/21/85 6/24/8 APPROVED

FORM 1626 rAcE 2 ASME oF 28 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 5 Light Company Rarelgh, N. C. 27602 1 .0 GENERAL 5/11/82 Contractors, shall operate in accordance with quality assurance (QA) programs which are in compliance with the requirements and rules of the Code and this Manual.

1.1.4 The Constructor shall operate in accordance to this Manual and CP&L's procedures and does not operate under a separate quality assurance program.

1.2 Res onsibilit for the Qualit Assurance Pr o ram 1.2.1 The Manager Corporate Quality Assurance is responsible to the Senior Executive Vice President Power Supply and Engineering &

Construction for implementation and corporate auditing of this QA Program. The authority and independence as discussed in paragraph 1.3.5 has been delegated to the Manager Corporate Quality Assurance'and personnel reporting to him.

.. 1.2.2 The Manager Nuclear Safety and Environmental Services is responsible for execution of the management review of Corporate I

Quality Assurance audit activities.

REVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE /12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 10/17/8 3/21/85 6/24/85 11/25/8 APP ROVED

FORM 1626 ASME PAGE 3 CPRI Carolina Power 5 Light Company QUAL1TY ASSURANtlF. MANUAL 28 bATE R jlelyh, H. C. 27662 1.0 GENERAL 5/11/82 1.2.3 The Senior Vice President - Nuclear Generation has assigned the responsibility for engineering, construction, and the Plant Start-Up Program to the Vice President - Harris Nuclear Project.

1.2.0 The Manager - Corporate Quality Assurance has delegated to the Manager - Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Harris Plant and the Manager - Quality Assurance {QA) Services, the authority to order stoppage of any work related to the Code which is determined to be out of compliance with this QA program. Xn addition, the Manager - QA/QC Harris Plant has been delegated the responsibilities for preparing this manual, controlling and 'distributing revisions to this Manual, and maintaining master files.

Or anization and Res onsibilities CPAL organizational responsibilites for quality-related activities in engineering, construction and start-up of nuclear power plants are shown on the CPKL Organization Chart for Nuclear Power Plant Projects (Exhibit. 1-1).

REVlS ION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 ]/20/83 4/27/83 0/21/8 10/17/8 3/21/8 6/24/8 APPROVED

FORM 1616 ASME PAcE oF 28 4

~7 I

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 6 Light Company Raleigh, N. C. 27602 1.0 GENERAL, 5/11/82 1.3.1 Harris Nuclear Project Department (HNPD)

The Vice President Harris Nuclear Project has overall responsibility for engineering, construct'n and start-up of the Harris Plant. He assigns responsibility for engineering to the Qv Engineering General Manager, for construction, including welding to Qv the General Manager Milestone Completion, for start-up testing and operation to the General Manager - Harris Plant, and for Material Control/Storage and Document Control to the Manager - Harris Project 4

Administration. The General Manager Milestone Completion is supported by a matt ix organization consisting of the Project General Manager - Construction, the Engineering General Manager, for items pertaining to project completion, and by the Gener al Manager Harris Plant, through the Manager - Start-Up, fot'tart-up testing activities.

1.3 1.1

~ Harris Plant Engineering Section (HPES)

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FORM 1666 ASME 0F 28 6 QUAL1TY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 6 Light Company Raleigh, N. C. 27602 1.0 GENERAL 5/11/82 0

l.3.1. 1. 1 The Engineering General Manager, who reports to the Vice President - Harris Nuclear Project, has overall responsibility for the planning, scheduling, estimating, cost control, and coordination of engineering-r'elated activities necessary for nuclear power plant construction projects required by the Company. He manages the contract of the assigned A-E, engineering consultant(s), and other assigned purchase contracts associated with his assigned nuclear power plant construction project. As necessary, he may request the NELD to perform projects which, due to timeliness or technical expel tise, may not be performed by HPES. This work includes coordinating with the A-E the review and approval of A-E design and procurement documents, the procurement of engineered items and services, and the review and comments of NSSS specifications. The Engineer ing General Manager has delegated responsibility for design and technical matters to the Manager - Harris Plant Engineering, and for contract administration and scheduling to the Manager-Engineering Management.

The Section responsibilities include:

REVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJG DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 10/21/8 10/17/8 3/21/85 6/24/8 APPROVED

FORM lddd ASME DF 28 6 QUAL1TY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 5, Light Company RdI ~ Idh, N. C. 2760d 1.0 GENERAL 5/11/82

a. Development of the A-E contract and the NSSS inquiry and contract.
b. .Development of the project requirements which define the major plant parameters for operation and construction and identify the major structures, systems, and equipment to be incorporated.

C ~ Directing the -development of the list of plant items to which the Code applies.

d. Initiation of design activities with the A-E following award of the contract. The Engineering General Manager is responsible for ensuring that the design and engineering provided by the contracted A-E meet the applicable regulations and codes and will produce safe, economical, constructible, and operable nuclear power plants that have as little impact on the natural environment as possible and for direction of the engineering performed by the A-E.

The Harris Plant Engineering Section, under the direction of its Manager, has overall responsibility for ensuring that the design and REVISION BY NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 0/21/8 10/17/8 3/21/85 6/24/8 APPROVED

FORM 1626 ASME DI'8 6 QUAL1TY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power gI Light Company RIHI6h, N, C. 22602 1.0 GENERAL 5/11/82 engineering provided by engineering consultants for the nuclear power plant construction projects required by the Company are acceptable and are in compliance with the best interests of the .

Company. The primary responsibility of the Harris Plant Engineering Section is to provide well engineered nuclear power plants which comply with the necessary codes, regulations, and with good operating practices. The Engineering General Manager is responsible for making those technical decisions, such as approval of specifications and proposals which are required of CPAL by various project agreements. Harris Plant Construction Section {HPCS)

'l .3 1.2.

~ 1 The Project General Manager - Construction has direct management responsibility for plant construction. The. Project General Manager - Construction is responsible for construction of the nuclear power plant that conforms to Code, procedures, permits, specifications, drawings, and Corporate policies and commitments.

He is directly accountable to the General Manager - Milestone Completion for constructing the assigned nuclear power plant in R EV I 5 I 0 N 0, NJC NJC NJC 'JC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 10/21/8 0/17/84 3/21/85 6/24/8 APPROVEO

FORM I666 ASME OF QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power gI Light Company Raleigh, N. C. t760t 1.0 GENERAL 5/11/82 compliance with this Manual. He is responsible for directing activities in accordance with this Manual, including stopping work that is'nonconforming and promptly initiating corrective action, and providing construction procedures for the project, as necessary.

He has the authority to approve or disapprove requisitions for field purchasing of items and services. He is assisted by, the Construction Manager who is responsible for directing the activities of the Discipline Managers. The Construction Manager (or the Project General Manage 's designee) assumes the responsibilities of the Project General Manager - Construction during periods of absence.

6 The Welding Manager, an employee of CP&L, is assigned direct contractural and technical control and authority over welding activities in accordance with this Manual. Harris Plant Operations Section (HPOS)

REVISION BY NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC HJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 0/21/8 10/17/8 3/21/85 6/24/8 APPROVED

FORM Iddd ASME DF 28 GUALtTY ASSURANCE MANUAt. DATE Carolina Power 5. Light Company Rdleldh, N. C. 27602 1.0 GENERAL 5/11/82 1.3. 1.3.1 The Manager - Start-Up is responsible for performing Code pressure tests not performed by HPCS in compliance with the Code and this Manual. He is responsible for directing start-up activities in accordance with this Manual including stopping work that is nonconforming and promptly initiating corrective action. He is responsible for providing the Start-Up Manual and testing procedures.

1 ~ 3 ~ 1 ~ 3.2 The Assistant General Manager who reports to the General Manager Harris Plant is responsible for maintenance activities on Code items. He has assigned implementation of these responsibilities to the Manager - Maintenance which includes stopping work that is nonconforming and promptly initiating corrective action.

1.3.1.N Harris Plant Administration Section (HPAS) The Manager Harris Project Administration is responsible for receipt, control, and storage of code materials prior to issuance to the field and for control and issuance of specifications, drawings REVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 0/21/8 7/3/84 0/17/84 3/21/8 6/24/8 APPROVED

FORM 1636 ASME PACE 10 CPKL Carolina Power gI Light Company OUALfTY ASSURANCE MANtJAL OF DATE Ralelg11. K. C. 2760Z 1.0 GENERAL 5/11/82 and procedures and other documents required by those individuals engaged in Code Nor'k at the site. He shall be responsible for the final control and storage of QA Records.

II Supporting Departments 1 ~ 3 ~ 1.5 ~ 1 The Vice President Nuclear Engineering and Licensing has the responsibility for providing procedures, technical support (including the management of outside consultants) and engineering services as requested to the Harris Plant Engineering Section as required.

1.3. 1.5.2 The Vice President - Nuclear Plant Construction has overall responsibility for field procurement. He assigns responsibility for procurement of items requisitioned in the field and the procurement of labor services and/or a combination of labot set vices and related items requisitioned in the field to the Managet - Construction Procurement and Contracting. The Manager - Construction Procurement and Contracting assigns the function of procurement of labor services to the Director - Construction Contracts and assigns the REVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC O ATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 0/21/8 7/3/84 0/17/84 3/21/85 4/24/85 6/24/8 APPROVEO

FORM 1656 ASME 28 8

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power gI Light Company Relelgh, N. C. $ 7602 1. 0 GENERAL 5/11/82 function for procurement of items requisitioned in the field to the Principal Buyer - Harris Project who is located on site.

1.3.2 Quality Assurance/Quality Control 1.3.2. 1 The Manager - QA/QC Harris Plant has direct management responsibility for QA/QC activities related to site engineering, construction and start-up. He is directly accountable to the Manager - Corporate Quality Assurance for implementation of this Manual. Administrative control (salary review, hire/fire, position assignment) of individuals within the QA/QC Harris Plant Section, subject to the approval of the Manager Corporate Quality Assurance, is the responsibility of the Manager QA/QC Harris Plant. Control of the Code stamps and Certificates of Authorization shall be the responsibility of the Manager - QA/QC Harris Plant.

Certificates and stamps shall be promptly returned to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers upon demand.

REVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 0/21/8 7/3/84 0/17/84 3/21/85 4/24/85 6/24/8 APPROVED

FORM 1626 12 ASME PAOE 28, ~8 CITAL Carolina Power 5 Light Company OUAt.ITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DF.

DATE Raleigh, N. C. 27602 1.0 GENERAL 5/11/82 The Director - Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) - Harris Plant Unit, under the direction of the Manager - QA/QC Harris Plant, is responsible for the following:

a. Providing Construction and Start-Up QA/QC procedures (CQA and CQC) ~
b. Providing construction and start-up QA/QC inspection.

C ~ Maintaining liaison with the ANI, the field representatives of t

the A-E and NSSS Supplier, the Project General Managers and the General Manager Harris Plant to assure prompt interchange of quality-related information and timely resolution of quality-related problems. This function includes establishing lines of communication.

d0 Reviewing field purchase documents to ensure inclusion of applicable Code and QA requirements.

e. Reviewing applicable start-up procedures for compliance with specific QA and Code requirements when the procedures are designated for use with Code items at the construction site.

Ensuring timely resolution of identified concerns and nonconformances.

REVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 0/21/8 7/3/84 0/17/84 3/21/85 4/24/85 6/24/85 APPROVED

FORM 1626 PAOE 13 ASME ~8 CITAL Carolina Power gI Light Company QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DF 28 DATE Relel6h, N. C. 27602 1.0 GENERAL 5/11/82 The Director - QA/QC - Harris Plant, reporting to the Manager-

'A/QC, is responsible for those functions listed in Paragraph, and for conducting the site QA/QC activities in accordance with this Manual and QA/QC procedures. He supervises the CP&L site QA/QC personnel in the various disciplines who are assigned to his unit. The Director QA/QC - Harris Plant has the responsibility for initiating and completing ASME Code, Section III, Data Reports. Unless otherwise noted, the Director - QA/QC - Harris Plant referred to herein, hereafter will be addressed as the Director QA/QC.

l.3.2.5 The Principal QA/QC Specialist - NDE, under the direction of the Manager - QA/QC Harris Plant, is responsible for implementing the NDE program, and the following:

a. Training, qualification and certification of NDE personnel.
b. 'roviding nondestructive examination procedures (NDE).
c. Providing, as necessary, Level III,expertise which includes inter pr'e tat ion o f tes t da ta.
d. Review applicable contractor NDE procedures involving Code class work.

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FORM 1626 ASME PAGE 14 P DF 28 ~8 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power gl Light Company Raleigh, N. C. 27602 1.0 GENERAL 5/11/82

e. Maintain Radiation Isotope License issued by the State of North Carolina. The Principal QA Engineer - QAE, under the direction of the Manager QA/QC Harris Plant is responsible for:

a. Reviewing applicable const uction, technical and administrative procedures, and their revisions, for. compliance with specific QA and Code requirements.
b. Reviewing site generated/controlled specifications and their revisions for QA and Code requirements.
c. Providing QA engineering support to QA/QC Harris Plant personnel.
d. Providing QAE Hart is Plant Procedures.

8 1-3.2.7 "'he Manager Operations QA/QC is responsible for providing QA/QC support to the Manager - QA/QC Harris Plant in areas such as start-up and maintenance activities. He has delegated this responsibility to the acting Director -"Harris Operations QA/QC. For the purposes of this Manual, reference to the Director QA/QC, herein shall mean either the Director - QA/QC - Harris Plant or the acting Director REVtSlON BY NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 0/21/8 7/3/84 10/17/8 3/21/85 4/24/85 6/24/8 APPROVED

~ FORM 1636 ASME PAGE o"

15 28 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power gI Light Company Ralel6h, N. C. 27602 1.0 GENERAL 5/11/82 Harris Operations QA/QC as applicable, for their respective areas of responsibility 1-3 3 Quality Assurance Services 1.3.3. 1 The Manager - QA Services has direct management responsibility for engineering, vendor surveillance, and training QA activities. He is also responsible for conducting an independent corporate audit program. He,is directly accountable to the Manager Corporate Quality Assurance for implementation of his responsibilities as k

described in th'is Manual (Exhibit 1-1). Administrative control (salary review, hire/fire, position assignment) of individuals within the Quality Assurance Services Section, is the responsibility of the Manager - QA Services.

1.3.3 2 The Principal QA Engineer Quality Assurance Engineering Unit, under the direction of the Manager - QA Services, is responsible for the following:

a. Reviewing A-E and NSSS purchase orders and contracts for inclusion of applicable QA/QC requirements.

REVISION BY NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 0/21/8 7/3/84 0/17/84 3/21/85 4/24/85 6/24/8 APPROVEO

FORM 1636 ASME PAcc OF 16 P QUALlTY ASSURANCE MANUAL OATS Carolina Power 5. Light Company Ril~ Igh, N. C. 67606 1.0 GENERAL 5/11/82

b. Maintaining liaison'ith the A-E and NSSS Supplier in accordance with this Manual to keep up-to-date on project QA/QC activities and status and to assure timely resolution of quality-related ptoblems.

C ~ Conducting and/or participating in audits of quality-related activities of the A-E and the NSSS Supplier for compliance with this Manual and their quality programs, as required.

d. Providing QA Engineering procedures.
e. Reviewing A/E and NSSS Design Specifications, and CPE L Contracts and their revisions fot QA requirements.

Ensuring timely resolution of identified concerns and nonconformances. The Principal Vendor Surveillance Specialist - Vendor Surveillance Unit, under direction of the Manager - QA Services, is responsible for the following:

a0 Qualification of Supplier's QA programs and performing facility surveys as required. For procurement by. the A-E, the actual function of conducting such surveys is performed by the A-E. When surveys are performed by the A-E, the Vendor REV(SION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC OATK 5/12/82 1/20/8 4/27/83 0/21/8 7/3/84 0/17/84 3/21/85 4/24/85 6/24/85 AppRoveo

FORM 16dd PAGE ASME DF 17 28 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 5 Light Company Rsleldh, N. C. 21602 1.0 GENERAL 5/11/82 Surveillance Unit will monitor and may participate in the survey.

b. Conducting inspections and item acceptance activities (shop inspections) at Supplier facilities for procurement and ensuring timely resolution of identified concerns and nonconformances.
c. Evaluating Supplier' corrective action to prevent recurrence of nonconformances identified during shop inspections.
d. For procurement by the A-E, the actual functions of conducting these inspections and evaluating corrective action are performed by the A-E. The Vendor Surveillance Unit will monitor and may participate in the inspections.
e. As required, conduct and/or participate in audits of quality-related activities of Suppliers for compliance with this Manual and their quality programs.

Providing Vendor Surveillance Quality Assurance Procedures. The Principal QA Specialist Performance Evaluation Unit is responsible to the Manager QA Services for establishing and I

implementing the Corporate QA audit program to determine the

':.1I'VISION As ~v ~s SY NJC NJC 'JC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 0/21/8 10/17/8 3/21/85 4/24/85 6/24/85 APPROVED

FORM 163$

FAcE 18 ASMF. 28 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power gI Light Company Ralelph, N, C, 27602 1.0 GENERAL 5/11/82 effectiveness of the program described in this Manual and its compliance with the requirements of the Code. He reports audit results to the Senior Executive Vice President Power Supply and Engineering and Construction; Senior Vice President

- Nuclear Generation; Manager - Nuclear Safety and Environmental Services; Manager - Corporate Quality Assurance; and to the departmental manager of the function audited.

1.3.3-5 The Performance Evaluation Unit is responsible for the following:

a~ Assuring that during the engineering, construction and start-up phase of a nuclear power plant, a comprehensive system of planned Contractor audits to determine the effectiveness of the engineering, construction and start-up C

QA program is conducted as detailed in Corporate Quality Assurance procedures on instruction for preparing, auditing, distributing, and


maintaining the QA audit documents. This system shall be in accordance with the Code and as delineated in Corporate Quality Assurance procedures for QA audits. Personnel in this unit are trained to prepare for. audits, conduct and report audits, and follow up, as necessary, to assure timely correction of REVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE /12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 0/21/83 0/17/84 3/21/85 4/24/85 6/24/85 11/25/8



28 9

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power gI Light Company Raleigh, N. C. 27602 1.0 GENERAL 5/11/82 conditions, practices, and items that could degrade plant quality.

b. Organizations which are subject to audits shall include those manufacturers of Code items and subcontractors of services contracted by the NSSS Supplier and the A-E. For procurement by the NSSS Supplier and the A-E, the actual function of conducting such audits may be delegated to the NSSS Supplier and the A-E. When audits are performed by the NSSS Supplier and the A-E, the Performance Evaluation Unit personnel will monitor and may participate in the audits.

C~ For CPE L procurement, auditing the QA programs of suppliers of Code items and/or services. Audits are periodically scheduled at least every three years or once within the life of the contract, whichever comes first, to assure compliance with the approved QA program. The preaward source evaluation audit may suffice for the initial periodic audit. An annual evaluation shall be made by the QA Services Section to determine the necessity of increasing the audit frequency. Material Suppliers and Material Manufacturers-pot possessing the Quality System Certificate (Materials) shall be audited annually.

R EV I 5 I 0 N NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 1/27/83 0/21/8 10/17/8 3/21/85 4/24/85 6/24/85 APPROVED

FORM I67II ASME PAGE 20 CPKL Carolina Power SI Light Company QUALfTY ASSURANCE MANUAL DF, 28 ~7 DATE RslelIIh, N. C. 27607 1.0 GENERAL 5/11/82

d. Ensuring timely resolution of identified concerns and nonconformances.
e. Providing Corporate Quality Assurance audit procedures. The Principal QA Specialist Training and Adminstration is responsible for providing Code training for QA Services Section Qv personnel and for control and storage of quality assurance records

~7 for the Corporate Quality Assurance Department General Office.

1.3.4 Supporting Companies CP&L utilizes items and services of other companies in the engineering and construction of nuclear power plant projects. To qualify for this work, these supporting companies must meet the following general requirements in addition to those specific requirements outlined herein:

a~ Demonstrate, by previous work of a similar nature {not necessarily for CPE L), a technical capability, experience, and facilities commensurate winch Purchase Order or contract requirements.

R EV I 5 I 0 N Az Qa NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 0/21/8 10/17/8 3/21/85 4/24/85 6/24/85 APPROVED

FORM 1628 PACE 21 ASME CARL Carolina Power gI Light Company QUAL1TY ASSURANCE MANUAL DF 28 DATE Relelyh, N. C. 27602 1.0 GENERAL 5/11/82

b. Document and submit to CPAL or its agent for review and acceptance a QA program that meets the ASME Code, Section III, as applicable for the assigned scope of work related to Code plant items, and which is consistent with the requirements of this Manual.

C~ Implement on a timely basis the applicable portions of their Quality Assurance Program by written procedures covering activities such as administrative controls, QA activities, construction processes, testing, and material control. The A-E, the principal engineering organization for CPKL, is responsible for overall engineering design and design coordination of the nuclear power plant, and for technical guidance of personnel participating in the engineering design and application of the engineering design during construction (Exhibit 1-2). The A-E is responsible to the Engineering General Manager for project contract activities. The responsibilities of the A-E include:

a. Development of design criteria, design bases, and nuclear safety evaluations; and preparation of documents, such as flow diagrams, general arrangement drawings, and other descriptive REVISION NJC NJC NJC 'JC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 0/21/8 10/17/8 3/21/85 4/24/85 6/24/85 APPROVED

FORM 1636 22 ASME FAae oF 28 OtjALtTY ASSURANCE MANUAL OATC Carolina Power 5. Light Company Rslelyh, N, C. 37603 1.0 GENERAL 5/11/82 information in suppor t of the proposed design. The A-E coordinates these activities with the NSSS Supplier and with the Manager - Harris Plant Engineering to respond to guidelines supplied by COL.

b. Developing plant designs, including Code requirements, and coordinating design, activities with the NSSS Supplier, with Suppliers responsible to the A-E and with the Harris Plant Engineering Section. This includes inter face and document reviews necessary to assure consistency with project requirements.

C ~ Submitting specific design and procurement documents to the Harris Plant Engineering Section fot review and/or approval.

d. Procuring items, for CP&L, subject to approval by the Vice President' Harris'uclear Project, or his designee.
e. Performing vendor surveillance activities {Supplier facility surveys and shop inspections) when so directed by HPES or QA Services.

Control of design documents and their distribution.

ge Maintaining a central reference file of as-constructed design drawings for the nuclear power plant project during the REVlSION BY NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC 0 ATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 0/21/8 10/17/8 3/21/85 4/24/85 6/24/85 APPROVBO

FORM I626 PAGE 23 ASME CITAL Carolina Power gI Light Company QUALtTY ASSURANCE MANUAL OF DATE Raleigh, N. C. 22602 1.0 GENERAL 5/11/82 construction phase and transferring this file to CP&L as directed by the Engineering"General Manager.

h. Controlling design document distribution to the construction site from A/E, NSSS and CP&L through the use of the project distribution schedule approved by the Vice President - Harris Nuclear Project.
i. Providing technical guidance to the construction site, as applicable, to assure correct application of design documents as required by the Code.

(Note: HPES may also, at their option, perform the duties outlined in a. thru d. and f. thru i. above.)

l. 3-4-3 The NSSS Supplier is responsible for the engineering, design, and provision of the NSSS in accordance with the NSSS contract. The NSSS Supplier provides technical guidance to the construction site for installation, construction, and testing of the NSSS. The responsibilities of the NSSS Supplier for NSSS items include:
a. Submitting to CP&L and the A-E descriptions of the NSSS appropriate design criteria, design bases, nuclear safety evaluations, and supporting drawings.

REVISION BY NJC 'JC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/8310/21/8 0/17/84 3/21/8 4/24/85 6/24/8 APPROVED

FORM 1636 ASME PAGE 24 P OF QUAL1TY ASSURANCE MANUAL O ATE Carolina Power & Light Company Ral ~ lych, N. C. 27602 1.0 GENERAL 5/11/82

b. Direction of NSSS design, including document reviews, audits of their Supplier activities, technical reviews of their Supplier design concepts, and interfaces with other design activities.

C ~ Developing Design Specifications and other design documents which include Code requirements, and submitting them to the A-E for review for items of the NSSS that; interface with the balance of plant or which otherwise could influence balance-of-plant design (Exhibit l-2).

Control of NSSS design documents and their distribution.

e. Performing procurement of NSSS items and reviewing NSSS support activities to assure compliance with specifications. This work will include surveillance in the form of shop inspections and audits, when appropriate.

Provide controls that will include stopping work that is nonconforming, controlling disposition and correction of nonconformities, and evaluating and accepting corrected items or practices.

g. Maintaining control of NSSS items and"'activities to assure that deliver ies to the construction site meet requirements.

REVISION BY NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC OATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 0/21/8 10/17/8 3/21/85 4/24/85 6/24/8 APPROVEO

FORM 1626 ASME rAce, oF 25 28 .~

QUAL1TY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 5 Light Company Ralel6h, N. C. 27602 1.0 GENERAL 5/11/82 The term "Constructor" refers to one or more Contractors who are responsible to the Project General Managers for erection of the plant, installation of systems and equipment, and for construction tests to prove the acceptability of installed items. The Constructor will conduct work related to Code items in accordance with this Manual, CP&L procedures and supervision. Suppliers are responsible to the organization that issues the Purchase Order. Suppliers are responsible for the activities, items, and services of their subvendors or subcontractors and will audit such activities as appropriate to the complexity of the work and importance to the nuclear safety of the plant. Suppliers will

) perform work related to Code items in accordance with the requirements of their accepted QA programs and applicable ASME Code.

1 3.5 Documentation of Authority and Independence The following requirements relating to engineering, construction and start-up of nuclear power plants shall be met by CP&L management and by the management of supporting companies:

REVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC BV DATE 5/12/82 4/20/83 4/27/83 0/21/8 1/12/84 0/17/84 3/21/85 4/24/85 6/24/85 APPROVED

CORM 1626 ASME rAcE 26 oc A

28 GUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power gr Light Company Relelgh, N. C. 27602 1.0 GENERAL 5/11/82

a. The authority and duties of'ndividuals and organizations performing QA functions shall be clearly established and delineated in writing. These individuals and organizations shall have sufficient authority and organization freedom to:
1) Identify quality problems.
2) Direct work to be stopped when necessary to maintain quality.
3) Initiate, recommend, or provide solutions for conditions adverse to quality.
4) Verify implementation of solutions to quality problems.
b. An individual or organization assigned responsibility for checking, auditing, inspecting, or otherwise verifying that an activity has been correctly performed shall be independent of the individual or group dit ectly responsible for performing or supervising the specific activity.

1.4 Trainin and Qualification REVfSrON NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 0/17/84 3/21/85 4/24/85 6/24/8 APPROVED

FORM 1666 PAOE 27 ASME oF 28 ~3 QUALlTY ASSURANCE MANUAL 0 ATE Carolina Power gI Light Company Ril~ lych, N. C. 27602 1.0 GENERAL 5/11/82 1.4.1 Each CP&L Department manager for the Construction Site and General Office is responsible for developing procedures which define the training and indoctrination requirements for their personnel. As a minimum, personnel will be trained in the applicable requirements of the Manual, supporting procedures and subsequent changes. This training will be conducted by personnel defined in such procedures and will be completed prior to the person participating in the specific Code activity. Records attesting to such training will be maintained by each Department. On-site training procedures will be reviewed for, adequacy by the Manager - QA/QC Harris Plant. Off-site training procedures will be reviewed for adequacy by the Manager-QA Services. Records of formal classroom training shall include name of instructor, subject matter, date, time spent, and list of attendees. Records of other training shall be documented as specified in procedures and would identj.fy the individual and subject matter as a minimum.

REVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 10/17/8 3/21/85 4/24/85 6/24/8 APPROVEO



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FORM 1626 A$ ME PAGE oF 1

25 GUALlTY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power Light Coinpany


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Sz Raleigh, N. C. 27602 2.0 DESIGN AND DOCUMENT CONTROL 5/11/82 2.0 DESIGN AND DOCUMENT CONTROL Desi n Control b En ineez in Or anization 2.1.1 Design participation by CP&L is diz ected and cooz dinated by the Engineering General Manager in accordance with Pazagraph 1.3.

Support is provided by the Manager - QA Services and Manager QA/QC Harris Plant. CP8L participation includes:

a. Maintaining control over engineez ing activities which include, when necessary, participation in design review meetings to evaluate'he adequacy of engineering concepts and status of development or to resolve design interface problems between design organizations.
b. Reviewing, approving and/or commenting on the A-E and selected NSSS Design Specifications.
c. Diz ecting the distribution of design documents to ensure availability at the prospect site.
d. Generation/updating of design documents in selected areas in accordance with authorizing procedures (NELD/HPES Procedures).

~EVISION BV NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJ NJC OATE /12/82 1 20834 2 2 8 21 0/17/8 21 APP ROVED

FORM I63e ASME PACK DF 25 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power JlI Light Company I Raleigh, N. C. 27402 2,0 DESIGIV AiJD DOCUMENT CONTROL 5/11/32 HPCS inter face with the engineering organization such as HPES/A-E in matters concerning design, shall be as described in HPCS procedures in interface with design engineering. The responsibility for interface is assigned to the Manager - Harris Project Administration who shall maintain records of'he exchange of information regarding design documents. Interface between the Start-Up organization and HPES/HPCS in matters concerning design documents shall be in accordance with the procedures described in HPCS Administrative Procedures.

2.1.2 Intercompany design communications, including distribution of design documents, shall be as depicted on the Nuclear Engineering Organizational Chart (Exhibit 1-2) and distribution schedule, Each company participating in design of the plant shall designate a coordinator responsible to receive and transmit inter company design engineering communications in accordance with the project j

distribution schedule. Distribution controls shall include REVISION BY NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC 8 ~

DATE 12 82 3218 APPROVED




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FORM 163$


25 MAL1TY ASSUijAN0E MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 5 Light Company R1RiPh. H. C. 21606 2.O DESIGN AND DOCUMENT CONTROL >>/jj/A9

e. Definition of the boundaries of the item for Code application.
f. Material requirements, including impact tests, when applicable.
g. The requirements for Stress and/or Design Reports.
h. The requirements for the Overpressure Protection Report or Overpressure Protection Analysis.
i. The requirements for the various Data Reports particularly with respect to transmittal requirements to enforcement authorities.

QA program requirements.

k. when operability of an item is a requirement, the Design Specification shall make reference to other appropriate documents which specify the operating requirements.
1. In addition to the above, will contain all the information contained in paragraph 2.jl.2.1.

2.2.2 The NSSS Supplier, A-E, or other approved design organization as applicable, is responsible for certification of the Design Specifications as the Owner's designee. The Design Specification shall be certified to be correct, complete and in compliance with the Code. Certification will be by one or more Registered Professional Engineers competent in the applicable field of design REVISioiP BY NJC NJC NJC NJC , NJC OATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 9/23/83 10/21/8 10 1 APPROVED

FORM ICOS PAGE 5 4 ASME or 25 OUALtTY ASSURANCE MANUAL OATE Carolina Power gI Light Company RaHlgh, N. C. ZTC02 2.0 DESIGN AND DOCUMENT CONTROL 5/11/82 of components and related nuclear power plant requirements.

2.2.3 CPEL has the responsibility for assuring that copies of the certified Design Specifications are maintained and made available to the ANI and the enforcement authority for the State of North Carolina having jurisdiction for the construction site before the Code items are placed in service.

2.2.4 The NSSS Supplier, the A-E, or other approved design organization responsible for Code items shall provide Design Specifications that are in accordance with the Code. The Design Specification shall assure consistency and compatibility of design within the plant.

2.2.5 CP8LI as the N Certificate Holder, is responsible for the design of piping systems, storage tanks, and the adequacy and completeness of the design documents. CP&L shall be responsible for assur ing that the Stress and/or Design Reports are prepared, based on "as-constructed" drawings, as set forth in the Code. Generation, certification and maintenance of the "as-constructed" drawings is


FORM 1626 ASME PACE OF QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL OATE Carolina Power 5. Light Company R3IOI9h~ N C 27602 2.0 DESIGN AND DOCUMENT CONTROL 5/11/82 the responsibility of the Manager - Harris Plant Engineering.

Actual installed geometry and location will be generated by HPCS and transmitted to HPES. Acquisition of this data shall be done by persons who are independent from the group responsible for installing the pipe. Verification of this data will be per formed by QA/QC on a monitoring basis.

Preparation of the "as-built" sketch is the responsibility of the Project General Manager Construction. The "as-built" sketch in conjunction with the applicable process control sheets provide the "as built" tabulation of materials and configuration. Verification of this "as-built" data will be per formed by QA/QC during in-process inspections.

Internal design reviews and verification of Stress and/or Design Reports shall be performed by competent individuals other than those who performed the original design and shall be documented in or attached to the Stress and/or Design Report. The Stress Report shall be certified by a Registered Professional Engineer, that it REVISION SY NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC 'JC NJC OATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 9/23/83 0/21/8 ,7/3/84 3/21/85 4/24/85 6/24/85 APP ROVED


25 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power fk Light Company Raleigh, N. C. 27602 2.0 DESIGN AND DOCUMENT CONTROL 5/11/82 satisfies the requirements of the Code, the Design Specification and the "as-constructed" drawing.

&2.2.6 CPALI or it's designee, shall assure that the certified Stress

+5 Report is reviewed to verify that the report satisfies the design and operating conditions stated in the Design Specification.

Qs Certification of this review will be attached to the stress report and on file and readily available to the ANE and enforcement authority having jurisdiction for the construction site prior to Code stamping.

2.2 7 Modifications of any design document, as authorized in paragraph 2.3.41 from the revision used in preparing a Stress Report to comply with re'quirements of the Code shall be reconciled by the responsible design organization with those calculations and the as-constructed drawings so certified. Copies of the certified drawings shall (which accompany the Stress Report) be filed as specified for the Stress Report in Paragraph 2.2.6. The Supplier, through the A-E or NSSS Supplier, is responsible for certification, fili'ng, and distribution of the modified drawing'.

REVISION BY NJC NJC NJC HJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 /23/83 0/21/83 4/24/85 6/24/8 APPROVED

FORM l656 ASME OF QUALFf ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 8I Light Company Raleigh, N. C. 27602 2.0 DESIGN AND DOCUMENT,CONTROL 5/11/82 2.2.8 For systems that include Code Class 1 components and Code Class 2 steam and feedwater systems, an analysis of the overpressure protection system shall be performed and documented. The analysis will develop the specific data required by the Code and is the responsibility of the A-E, NSSS Supplier, or other approved design organization acting for CPEL.

For Code Class 1 components, an Overpressure Protection Report shall be prepared by the design organization responsible for the Design Specification or their subcontractors. This report will define the overpressure protection afforded for the components of the nuclear power system, extent and boundaries of the system, and the details and results of the over pressure protection analysis.

For Code Class 2 steam and feedwater systems, the Overpressure Protection Analysis shall be prepared by the design organization responsible for the Design Specification or their subcontracto'r and be on'ile and made available to the ANI and the enforcement agency authorities at the construction site upon request.

REVISION BY NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DAVE 5/12/82 1/20/83 /23/83 0/21/8 3/21/85 '/24/85 APPROVED

FORM 16dd PAcE 9 ASME CHAL Carolina Power 8I Light Company GUALtTY ASSURANCE MANUAL OF 25 OATE Rjl~ Idh, N. C. 27602 2.0 DESIGN AND DOCUMENT CONTROL 5/11/82 The Overpressure Protection Report for Code Class 1 components shall be certified by a Registered Professional Engineer competent in the field of design of nuclear power systems and their operating and

-nuclear safety controls. This certification shall be recorded only after compliance with the requirements of the Code is established.

This is the responsibility of the A-E or NSSS Supplier, as applicable, acting for CP&L. Copies of the verified and certified Overpressure Pr otection Report shall be filed with the enforcement authorities having jurisdiction at the construction site and is the responsibility of the Managet'-

Harris Plant Engineer ing.

2.3 Desi n Chan es 2.3.1 Design changes shall be controlled in accordance with design control

,measures applied to the original design and will require review and approval by the organization that performed the original design.

Approval or authorization to proceed (i.e work may proceed prior to Final Analysis) as noted on the design change constitutes approval to initiate the work related to the subject change. Approval of the design change is required prior to final acceptance of the installation by QA/QC and the ANI. In the event it is not practical

, REVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC OATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 9/23/83 0/21/8 2/29/84 3/21/85 4/24/85 APPROVEO

FOAM I626 ASME oF 10 25 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL 0 ATE Carolina Power 8c Light Company RaI ~ Igh, N. C. 27602 2.0 DESIGN AND DOCUMENT CONTROL 5/11/82 for the original organization to perform these functions, CPAL will designate other responsible design organizations which have access to pertinent background infot mation and have adequate under standing of the or iginal requirements. The design organizations and CP&L, as applicable, are responsible for design changes.

2.3.2 Procedure for generating design changes to previously approved design documents is detailed in HPCS/NELD Procedures and the Start-Up Manual.

20303 The methods to be followed for design changes requested by the constructing organization or start-up are described in HPCS procedures and the Start-Up Manual. Such r equests are appropriate when the authorized design documents either'cannot be impleraented or the same end result can be achieved in a more timely or feasible manner. The Field Change Request/Permanent Waiver form {FCR/PW)

(Exhibit 2-1) shall be used by the construction, HPES, start-up or other plant organization to request design changes or permanent waivers. The Document Control Supervisor has the responsibility for assigning the FCR/PW number and maintaining a FCR Log within the REVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 8/8/83 9/23/83 0/21/83 7/3/84 0/17/84 3/21/8 4/24/8 6/24/8 APPAOVEO

FORM 1628 PAGE ASME 1 1 CARL Carolina Power 5. Light Company QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL oF 25 DATE Raleigh, N. C. 27602 2.0 DESIGN AND DOCUMENT CONTROL 5/11/82 construction controls computer system indicating the status.

2.3.0 Authorization or rejections of requests for design changes require the concurrence of the Manager Harris Plant Engineering as detailed in the HPCS/NELD procedures. Approved and rejected design changes are issued by HPES to HPAS Document Control..

HPAS Document Control will ensure design changes are distributed to holders of controlled copies of documents assigned to those individuals engaged in Code work in accordance with HPCS procedures.

Additionally, HPAS Document Control will distribute copies of approved and rejected design changes to the initiator. HPES will ensure design changes are recorded in the Drawing Control Log against the affected design document. HPES shall also be responsible for stress report reconciliation and/or changes.

2. 4'ite-Generated S ecifications Drawin s and Procedures 2.4.1 This Subsection identifies the requirements for the preparation, review, approval, release, distribution, and revision of REVISION BY NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 8/8/83 9/23/83 0/21/8 7/3/84 0/1 /84 3 21 4/24/8 6/24/85 7


FORM I626 rAcE " 12 A ASME DF 25 ~6 GUAL1TY ASSURANCE MANUAL ~ DATE Carolina Power 8c Light Company Raril6h, N. C. 27602, 2.0 DESIGN AND DOCUMENT CONTROL 5/11/82 specifications, drawings, and procedures associated with the assembly, fabrication and installation of Code items at the construction site. Measutes shall assure that documents, including changes thereto, are reviewed for adequacy by authorized personnel as described in Paragraph 2.1.3 and are available for use at the location where the activity is performed. n Documents shall be reviewed in accordance with Paragraphs and to assure that applicable Code requirements are specified and correctly translated. The reviewers will be competent in the technical field addressed by these documents. Copies of documents applicable to Code items shall be made available to the ANI and enforcement authority through the Director - QA/QC.

n 2.4.2 The Discipline Managers have the overall responsibility for control and development of site-generated specifications which are used for field procurement or fabrication activities of Code items.

R EV IS ION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 9/23/83 0/21/8 V/3/84 10/17/8 4/24/85 APPROVED

FORM I626 PAcE 13 ASME 25 CIPRL QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL OF DATE j Caroiina Power 8. Light Company Rs4lyh, N. C. 21602 2.0 DESIGN AND DOCUMENT CONTROL 5/11/82 Preparation and approval of these specifications are detailed in HPCS procedures. Flow Chart, Appendix A: (Exhibit 2-3), depicts the responsibilities for preparation, review, and approval. The required approvals of the site specification are by the Discipline Manager and the Manager, Harris Plant Engineering as shown on the Site Specification Cover Sheet (Exhibit 2-4). Construction site-generated specifications shall include the provisions of Paragraph 2.2.1 and 'the following requirements when they are within the scope of the applicable design documents and are appropriate to the procurement:

a~ Identification of the Code and standards to be applied and a delineation of the Code olassifications and boundaries of application.

b. Requirements for the QA program of the Suppliers and the requirement that a copy of the documented QA program and any proposed modifications thereof of the Suppliers be provided prior to and after purchase order award.

Ci Access'equirements for preselection surveys and postselection R EV I 5 IO N BY NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 /23/83 10/21/8 10/17/8 4/24/85 APPROVED

FORM lC2C ASME PAOE DF 14 25 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 5 Light Company Raleigh, N. C. 2TC02 2.0 DESIGN AND DOCUMENT CONTROL 5/11/82 shop inspections, surveillance, and auditing.

d. Requirements for inspection and test plans and procedures to be developed and performed by the Supplier.
e. Quantitative and qualitative acceptance criteria.
f. Requirements for documentary evidence of quality to be furnished by the Supplier (e.g., test and analysis results; certification that specific requirements have been met; and, 4

heat, lot, batch number, or other records of traceability of items to the source).

Requirements for engineering, scheduling, and performance by the Supplier, including the plan and schedule for submittal of Supplier drawings, calculations, and special processes, such as NDE and welding, for review prior to application.

h. Requirements for identification labels or markings on items.
i. Special shipping, storage, and handling requirements for protection and preservation of the items or the need for such instructions to be provided by the Supplier.
j. Requirements for calibration procedures and recommendations for calibration cycles to be furnished along with tools, gauges, instruments, or other equipment supplied and/or used by the REVlSION BY NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 9/23/8 0/21/8 10/17/8'/24/85 APPROVED

FORM I6Se 15 ASME PACE DF 25 QUAL1TY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 8I Light Company Raleigh, K. C. 27602 2.0 DESIGN AND DOCUMENT CONTROL 5/11/82 Supplier for which calibration control is necessary.

k. Requirements for manuals, drawings, and other documentation to be furnished by the Supplier for use as, construction control, documents or as information to be applied in preparing construction control documents.
1. A document list showing attachments to the construction site-generated specification.

Code class, Code effectivity, vendor QA program requirements.

n. The Material Manufacturer 's Quality System Certificate (materials) number and expiration date shall be shown on the CMTR or Certification of Compliance (COC) as applicable covering materials manufactured under the provisions of the Certificate. Material Manufacturer s and Suppliers not holding an ASME Quality Systems Certificate shall include on the CMTR or COC as applicable, the revision level and date of their Quality System Program approved by CPEL.

4 2.4.Z.Z The site-generated specification shall be reviewed by personnel assigned by the responsible Discipline Manager to assure that the engineer ing'ata and Code requirements are adequate for the R EV I 6 IDK BY NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 /23/83 10/21/8 10/17/8 4/24/8 APPROVED

FORM I626 ASME PACE oF 25 QUALtTY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Caroiina Power 5 Light Company Rsleldh, N. C. 27602 2.0 DESIGN AND DOCUMENT CONTROL 5/11/82 procurement. The review shall be conducted by individuals other than those who prepared the document and who are cognizant in the intent of the procurement and competent in the technical area of the specification. Site-generated specifications shall be reviewed by HPES and QA/QC personnel. Site-generated specifications for site procurement shall be reviewed and approved as stated herein and as detailed in HPCS procedures to assure adequate coverage of technical and QA requirements. Vhen site-generated specifications specify engineering and/or design activities, approval by the Manager, Harris Plant Engineering is required after HPES and the QA/QC Harris Plant Section's comments have been resolved. Site-generated Design Specifications for Code items shall be certified by one or more registered Professional Engineers competent in the applicable field of design and related nuclear power plant requirements. Specifications not involving Qs engineering and design activities shall be approved by either the Qs Prospect General Manager, or the responsible Discipline Manager.

'I Resolution of QA/QC Harris Plant Section comments is requir ed prior to approval of site-generated specifications.

REVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 9/23/83 0/21/8 10/17/8 3/21/85 4/24/85 6/24/85 APP ROVED

FORM 1626 PAcK ASME DF 17 25 GUALlTY. ASSURANCE MANUAL OATK Carolina Power gI Light Company Rjle19h>> N C 27602 2.0 DESIGN AND DOCUMENT CONTROi 5/11/82 2.A.3 The Manager - QA Services has the overall responsibility for the development and control of Corporat'e Quality Assurance Department (CQAD) procedures.

The Manager - QA/QC Harris Plant has the overall responsibility for the control of the QA/QC procedures developed for site use which will be identified as site QA procedures (CQA), site Quality Control procedures (CQC), site Quality Assurance Engineering procedures (QAE), and site Nondestructive Examination procedures (NDEP).

Maintenance, distribution, and recall of these procedures are as designated in CQAD, NDEP, QAE, and CQA procedures. Upon issuance of a QA/QC procedure, distribution shall be recorded on a document control log. The log shall identify the procedure number, revision, and 'the person to whom it was issued. The Corporate Quality Assurance Department and the QA/QC Harris Plant Section procedures, as applicable, shall not conflict with this Manual.

8 2.4.4 The Pro)cot General Manager has the overall responsibility for the development and approval of those Construction administrative REVISION BY NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 9/23/83 0/2]/8 10/17/84 3/21/85 4/24/85 6/24/85 APPROVED

FORM IC2C 18 ASME PacE, CITAL Carolina Power 8I Light Company QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL oF 25 0 ATE Rs4lgh, N. C. 21C02 2.0 DESIGN AND DOCUMENT CONTROL 5/11/82 procedures applicable to Code items.

2. ll . ii . 1 Development and approval of construction technical and work procedures is the responsibility of the Discipline Manager . Final are oval shall be in accordance with HPCS procedures on preparation, appt approval, control, and release of procedures by authorized personnel. Preparation, approval, and release of welding procedures

'detailed in Section 6.0.

2.Q.5 Preparation of the Start-Up Manual and preparation and approval of the Start-Up procedures is the responsibility of, the Manager Start-Up. Approval of the Start-Up Manual is the responsibility of the Vice President - Harris Nuclear Project. Distribution of the Start-Up Manual and Start-Up procedures is the responsibility of the Manager - Harris Project Administration. Approval and distribution of Start-Up procedures shall be in accordance with SHNPP Start-Up Manual section on preparation, approval, control and distribut'ion of procedures by authorized personnel.

2.A.6 To facilitate installation of Code Instrumentation, the Discipline R EV I 5 I 0 N NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC OATE /12/82 1/20/83 9/23/83'10/21/8 10/17/8 3/21/85 4/24/85 APP ROVED

FORM I626 PAOE 19 CPSL Caroiina Power 5 Light Company ASM'UALITY ASSURAHCE MANUAL DF 25 DATE Raleigh, N. C. 21602

~ 2.0 DESIGN AND DOCUMENT CONTROL 5/11/82 is responsible for preparation, review, approval, and


Manager revision of instrument isometric drawings in accordance with HPCS Procedures. The instrument isomett ics and Instrumentation Sketches (Exhibit 2-9) are prepared based on criteria outlined in approved design documents as described in this Section. Distribution and control of the isometrics and Instrument Isometric Change Request (IICR) (Exhibit 2-8) shall be as described in Paragraph 2.5 and will be issued to the Discipline Engineer for inclusion in a work package as described in Paragraph 5.2.8. The Instrumentation Sketch is controlled through the applicable HPCS procedure. The Discipline Engineer may make changes to instrument isometrics with the IICR or as described below, provide the changes do not affect established or create new QC or ANI Holdpoints or affect NDE or welding processes. These changes will be accomplished by marking in red ink on the controlled copy of the instrument isometric included in the work package; the changes will be initialed and dated by the Discipline Engineer initiating the change. Interim rerouting of tubing that does not require support relocation or modification may be, made by craft supervision withost "red-lining" the isometric I if the change is within the design criteria. Changes to welds or EVIS ION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE /12/82 /21/83 9/23/831 0/21/83 1 /1 2/84 0/1 /84 3/21/8 4/24/8 /24/8 11/25/8 APPROVED

FORM NO l6368 REV l/65 20 CARL ASME PAcE oP 25 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL OATK Carolina Power Bc Light Company RileiIIh, N. C. 276II2 2.0'ESIGN AND DOCUMENT CONTROL 5/11/82 threaded connections shall'ot be made prior to issuance of an approved isometric revision or IICR and the appropriate process control documents. Upon return 'of each completed work package from the field, the Discipline Engineer shall review ea'ch package and revise the instrument isometric to incorporate all intet im changes and IICR's prior to release of the work package for final review/acceptance.

Erection and inspection of instrument installations will only be performed to the work package copy of the instrument isometric.

Inspection to the instrument isometric by QA/QC shall be limited to verification that the drawing depicts the "As-built condition".

Revision of instrument isometrics and IICR's will be subject to the same review as the original document as described in HPCS Procedures.

2.5 Site Document Control 2.5.1 The methods used on site to distribute and control Design Specifications and drawings; site-generated specifications and REVISION NJC OATE 11/25/8 APPROVEO

F-O R M I 6 26 21 ASME PACE CPKL Carolina Power BI Light Company QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DF 25 DATE Rslelgh, N, C. 27602 2.0 DESIGN AND DOCUMENT CONTROL 5/11/82 drawings; and administrative, technical, work, and welding procedures shall be as described in HPCS procedures on document distribution and control. The Manager - Harris Project Administration is responsible to assure documents received are

+s recorded on the HPAS Document Record form (Exhibit 2-5), or recorded

+s I on a computor system that will indicate status, revision date,

+s revision number and controlled distribution. Distribution of these documents shall be accomplished by utilizing the HPCS Document Transmittal form (Exhibit 2-6). Only documents issued through the HPAS Document Control Unit, or the Pipe Spool Fabrication/Modification Sheet (PSFMS) (Exhibit 5-Il), the Instrument 8 Isometr ic Change Request (IICR) (Exhibit 2-8) or the Instrumentation Sketch (Exhibit 2-') when issued by the Discipline Manager may be used for construction. Controlled documents, issued by HPAS Document Control, will be updated as new revisions are received and FCRs will be distr ibuted to holders of controlled copies of affected t

drawings at the time the FCR is approved. Documents processed and distributed through the HPAS Document Control Unit will be identified by a Document Control "RECEIVED" stamp. The PSFMS or IICR issued by the Discipline Manager will be stamped "Issued for a period not to exceed 7 days". Document Control will issue within seven days, a controlled copy of the PSFMS/IICR to be inserted in

+VISIDN NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 9/23/83 10/21/8 4/29/84 10/17/8 4/24/85 6/24/85 11/25/8 APPROVED

FORM 1626 ASME PA+ E DF 22 25 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 8c Light Company Rjlelgh, N. C. 27602 2.0 DESIGN AND DOCUMENT CONTROL 5/11/82 Qs the work package. The Instrumentation Sketch shall be controlled through the applicable HPCS procedure. Documents issued for information purposes that may not be used for construction will be stamped "UNCONTROLLED", "SUPERSEDED", or RVOIDR. The HPAS Document Control Unit may retain void/superseded documents as necessary for ll information purposes. The Director - QA/QC will ensure that documents required for record purposes are maintained in accordance with Corporate Quality Assurance Department Procedures.

2.5.2 Revisions to specifications, drawings, and procedures shall be controlled in accordance with those measures applied to the original document. Revisions shall be reviewed and approved by the same organization that per formed the original review, or other properly authorized personnel competent in the applicable field of design and have adequate understanding of the requirements of the original document. Provisions shall assure that the current revisions of specifications, drawings, and procedures are available for use where the applicable function is being performed. Approved specifications, drawings and revisions to these documents will be REVISION 2~

NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/8 1/20/8 9/23/83 0/21/8 7/3/84 0/17/84 4/24/85 6/24/85 11/25/8 APPROVED

FORM I626 PAcE 23 ASME CARL Carolina Power 5 Light Company QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DF 25 DATE Rblelbh, N. C. 27602 2.0 DESXGN AND DOCUMENT CONTROL 5/11/82 transmitted by numbered transmittal letters from the design organization to the Project General Manager and processed through the HPAS Document Control Unit. The HPAS Document Control Unit will transmit documents to holders of controlled documents as listed on the approved distribution list by a Document Transmittal Form (Exhibit 2-6) wh'ich must be acknowledged by the controlled document holder by a signature and date'ndicating that superseded documents have been destroyed. Transmittal Forms (Exhibit 2-6),


when completed and signed, will be retained by the HPAS Document Control Unit for the current calendar year and the previous calendar year .

The Manager - Harris Project Administration will make a monthly survey of site document holders, in accordance with HPCS procedures, engaged in Code work to ensure that the most current documents are available at the point where the Code work is being done. The Director QA/QC is responsible for checking the effectiveness of document control activities by surveillance of construction activities to verify that the latest approved documents are in .

use. Maintenance, distribution, and disposition of obsolete or superseded procedures shall be as specified in appropriate site procedures.

EVIS ION 3 6 7 8 I

BY NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE /12/82 1/20/83 9/23/8 10/21/8 7/3/84 0/17/84 3/21/85 /24/85 1/25/85 APPROVED

FORM 1638 ASME PAca oF 24 25 6

QUALlTY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power & Light Company RslelIIh, N. C. 27602 2.0 DESlGN AND DOCUMENT CONTROL 5/11/82 2.5.3 Responsibility for document control in support of the Harris Plant Operations Section is that of the Manager - Harris Project Administration. The methods used by Harris Plant Operations for the distribution and control of design specifications, drawings, U

procedures and the Start-Up Manual shall be described in HPOS procedures. Revisions to specifications, drawings, procedures and manuals shall be controlled in the same manner as the original.

document. Provisions described in procedures shall assure that the current revisions of specifications, drawings, procedures and manuals are available to holders of controlled copies of these documents and available within the libraries and satellite document, control areas throughout the plant. During the construction phase of the project, approved specifications, drawings and revisions to such documents will be processed by the HPAS Document Control Unit. The HPAS Document Control Unit will transmit documents to holders of controlled documents as listed on the approved distribution list by use of a controlled document distribution form which shall be acknowledged by the controlled document holder by signature and date indicating receipt of the documents transmitted and compliance with disposition instruction for adding and/or deleting documents. An accountability record of distribution and acknowledgement will be maintained by the.HPAS REVISION

<0 NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 0/21 /83 7/3/84 0/17'/84 4/24/85 6/24/85 1 1/25/8 APPROVEO

FORM 1638 25 ASME PAOE DF 25 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 5 Light Company Raleigh, N. C. 27602 2.0 DESIGN AND DOCUMENT CONTROL 5/11/82 Document COntrol Unit for a minimum period of two years. The Manager - Harris Project Administration shall survey monthly, in accordance with HPOS procedures, the document holders engaged in Code work where the applicable function is being performed to ensure the latest documents are in use. The Director - QA/QC is responsible for checking document control effectiveness by surveillance of HPOS activities to ensure that the latest approved documents are in use.

2.6 Identification of ASME Code Documents 2.6.1 Purchase requisitions, purchase orders, and procedures generated and/or used at the construction site for fabrication and installation of Code items shall be identified as "ASME Section III".

2.6.2 For documents generated and/or used at the construction site for other than Code work, no special marking is required to distinguish it from documents marked in accordance with Paragraph 2.6.l.

~< ~

NJC NJC DATE /23/83 10/17/8 4/24/8 6/24/85 11/25/8 APPROVED p/



.) Raleigh, N. C. 27602 5/11/82 3.0 PROCUREMENT 3.l Service Contracts The Department manager responsible for obtaining services is responsible for the applicable service contract. When contracted services affect the quality of the engineering or construction of the plant, the contract shall be controlled as described in this Subsection. Examples of services of the type covered by the Subsection are as follows:

a. Engineering Consultant and A-E services contracted by the 0,-) Harris Plant Engineer ing Section or the Nuclear Engineering and Licensing Department in support of nuclear power plant engineering and design projects.
b. Constructor and/or Construction Manager contracted by the Nuclear Plant Construction Depar tment in support of nuclear power plant construction projects.

REVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE /12/82 /20/83 10/21/8 4/24/85 APPROVED

FORM 16$ $

2 ASME PACK oF 21 Carolina Power & Light Company Rslel6h, N. C. 21606 QUALfTY ASSURANCE MANUAL 3.0 PROCUREMENT DATE 5/ll/82 ~

Prior to award, contracts for plant quality-related services shall be reviewed by the QA Services Section. Any revisions other than for commercial consideration to such a contract shall also be reviewed by the QA Services Section. These reviews will provide assurance that the quality-related requirements of the contract are adequate for the services specified. Additionally, the QA review will determine that the QA program of the Supplier and implementation meets the applicable requirements of the Code.

Qualification of contractors will be in the same manner as described in paragraphs through 3.3.8.

~ V~

3.2 Procurement b the Architect-En ineer The A-E is responsible for the procurement of Code-stamped items, including the NSSS, on behalf of CP&L as described in this Subsection.

3.2.1 Procurement by the A-E shall be initiated by preparing an inquiry.

The inquiry shall consist of two parts:

R EV ISI 0 N NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/8 /27/83 4/24/85 APPROVED

FORM 16Sd ASME QUALlTY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power &. Light Company

0) Rdltldh, N. C. 21602 a~ The commercial 3.0 PROCUREMENT portion which sets for th items, quantities, 5/11/82 delivery schedule, terms, and conditions.
b. The Design Specification which includes the engineering and quality requirements. (The Design Specification, as defined by this Manual, is prepared or revised, approved for release, and approved for use in the nuclear power plant project as set forth in Section 2.0.)

3.2.2 ' recommended bidders list shall be prepared by the A-E for each inquiry. The bidders list identifies potential Suppliers.

I 3.2.3 The recommended bidders list shall be evaluated by the Harris Plant

~ . Engineering Section. As a result of these evaluations and records of Supplier performance or surveys, bidders may be added to or deleted from the list. The recommended bidders list, as reviewed or amended, shall be approved by the Engineering General Manager to authorize its use for issue of inquiries to potential Suppliers.

R EV ISI0 N 0=:) NJC NJC NJC DATE 5 12/82 0/17/84 4/24/85 APPROVED

FORM Iela 4

ASME PAGE Q3 CIPRL Carolina Power 8I Light Company QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL OF DATE RjhlIIh, N. C. 27C02 3.0 PROCUREMENT 5/11/82 3.2.0 The inquiry shall be issued by the A-E to bidders on the list approved by CP&L. A copy of the inquiry will be forwarded to the Manager QA Services and to the Manager' Harris Plant Engineering.

3.2P5 Proposals submitted by selected bidders to the A-E shall be evaluated (including the QA program submitted by the bidder). This evaluation and recommendations for selection of the Supplier shall be documented by the A-E.

Proposals, including the A-E's evaluations and recommendations, shall be submitted to CP&L for approval.

3.2K6 The documents submitted by the A-E shall be reviewed by the Harris Plant Engineering Section for engineering acceptance and/or comments. Reviews and comments will be obtained from the Quality Assurance Services Section when quality exceptions are noted in a recommended proposal. As a result of these reviews, one of th' following courses of action shall be documented and transmitted to the A-E:

R EV ISI 0 N NJC NJC NJC NJC 8t DATE 12 82 4 27/83 10 17 8 4/24/85 APPROVEO

FORM Iddd ASME oF 21 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power & Light Company RIHIdhi N C 22602 3.0 PROCUREMENT 5/11/82 a~ Approval is granted to proceed with the procurement as recommended.

b. Approval is granted to proceed with the procurement as recommended following resolution of CPAL comments (engineering and/or QA).

C ~ CPAL comments are to be resolved and a new recommendation submitted, if required.

3.2.7 Qualification of the Supplier selected for the procurement shall be accomplished by the A-E as required by the A-E's nuclear QA program and in accordance with the rules of the applicable Code.

Qualification shall be established prior to award of the Purchase Order . Records shall be maintained by the A-E that identify the selected Supplier, his facility, specified items or equipment which he is qualified to supply, and the date of survey or verification.

Qualification will be reviewed and approved by CP8L by one or more of the following means:


, BY DATE NJC NJC 5/12/8 4/27/83 4/24/85 NJC APPROVED

FORM 1626 ASME QUALfTY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 8I Light Company Raleigh, N. C. 22602 3.0 PROCUREMENT 5/11/82

a. Receipt of Supplier v'eri,fication that he holds an active Certificate of Authorization from the ASME to manufacture and Code-stamp the item(s) described in the inquiry.
b. Evidence that Material Manufacturers or Material Suppliers hold a Quality System Certificate (Materials).
c. Verification that the vendor's currently on the A-E's Approved Supplier's List.
d. CP&L or A-E survey of the Supplier's facility to assess his capability to document and execute a QA program that meets the requirements of the inquiry, including verification that his technical capability, organization, facilities, and inspection measures are commensurate with requirements of the inquiry. When an A-E survey is required, as determined 'above, the Manager-QA Services shall be advised by the A-E of the survey schedule with sufficient advance notice to participate, at his option. The survey shall be conducted by the A-E and documented on a Manufacturer Evaluati.on Quality Assurance form (Exhibit 3-1) or equi. valent.. The evaluation form shall be submitted to CP6L foi R EV I 5 I 0 N BY NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 /27/83 a/2</8 APPROVED

FORM 162$

ASMF. 2l Di QUALfTY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 8I Light Company Rslelyh, N. C. 27602

3. 0 PROCUREMENT 5/11/82 review which will summarize the results of the survey and state whether or not, in the opinion of the survey team, the Supplier is qualified and meets Code requirements.

3.2.8 If the Supplier is found not to be qualified, corrective action shall be implemented to qualify the Supplier; or a new Supplier shall be selected by re-examination of the bids or by resolicitation as set forth in Paragraphs 3.2.1 through for the initial selection.

3.2.9 A Purchase Order shall be awarded to a qualified Supplier. The Design Specification and other applicable requirements of the

'Oi inquiry shall be made a part of the Purchase Order. If the scope of supply or complexity of requirements so warrants, a preaward meeting shall be held by the A-E with the selected Supplier to assure that the requirements are understood. When a preaward meeting is held, a qualified spokesman for QA in the A-E's organization shall clarify QA requirements to assure that there are no misunderstandings. QA questions or concerns and their resolution will be documented.

Award shall. be withheld until QA requirements for the procurement REVISION

) BY DATE NJC 5/12/82 4/24/85 NJC APPROVED


CHAL Carolina Power & Light Company auAt. TY ASSURANCE MANUAL DF 21 DATE 3.0 PROCUREMENT 5/11/82 Ralelllh, N. C. 27C02 are accepted by the Supplier. If as a result of the preaward meeting a revision is proposed'to the Design Specification, the revision shall be prepare'd, reviewed, and approved for release as set forth in Section 2.0.

3.2.10 A Quality Compliance Plan for Vendors, Manufacturers, or Contractors (Exhibit 3-2) shall be documented and executed by the A-E for an awarded Purchase Order. The plan shall be submitted by the A-E to CP&L for review and approval by the Manager - QA Services prior to execution.

The compliance plan shall include provisions, as required:

a. For in-process and final inspections (shop inspections) of Supplier items at the Supplier's work site when so specified.

The inspections will be documented by the A-E and copies of the reports forwarded to the Manager - QA Services.

b. For surveillance, as necessary, to"assure that Supplier planning and execution of work are controlled in accordance with his approved QA program.

R EV I 5 I 0 N BV NJC NJC NJC DATE 5 12/82 4/27/83 4/24/85 APPROVEO

FORM 1626 pAce ASME oF21 9

CARL Carolina Power 5 Light Company QUAL1TY ASSURANI:E MANUAL OAT K Relelgh, N. C. 27602 3.0 PROCUREMENT 5/11/82 During execution of the compliance plan, the Manager - QA Services shall be notified by the A-E of scheduled surveillance events at the Supplier's facilities. This notification will allow reasonable time for preparation and participation by CPAL when so directed by the Manager QA Services.

3.2.11 Supplier documents required by the Design Specifications, which are made a part of the Purchase Order, will be reviewed and accepted by the A-E.

3.2.12 Purchase Order additions or modifications after award shall be reviewed and controlled the same as set forth for the original Put chase Order.

3.3 Site Procurement

+43. 3. 1 The Pro)cot General Manager is r'esponsible for controlling field purchase requisitions for Code items and services at the construction site as described in this Subsection.

R EV1510 N BY NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC OATK 5/12/82 4/27/83 0/17/84 4/24/85 6/24/8 APPROVBO

FORM 1626 CPM A$ ME PAcE os 10 21 ~

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 8I Light Company Raleigh, N. C. 21602 3.0 PROCUREMENT 5/11/82 3~3~ Field purchases shall be initiated by preparing a purchase requisition as detailed in the HPCS procedures on the requisitioning of materials"and equipment. Items, quantities, delivery schedule, technical, and QA requirements will be included on the Purchase Requisition for m (Exhibit 3-3) or in attachments as necessary. One of the following types of specifications shall be attached to or included with the Purchase Requisition.

'a ~ A-E generated Design Specifications distributed to the construction site in accordance with Section 2.0.

b. Construction site-generated specifications consisting of engineering and quality requirements developed for the procurement. The specification shall be in accordance with applicable Code, regulatory requirements, design bases, and other requirements established for the plant items to which the procurement applies to assure adequate quality in the purchased items or services.

R EV ISI 0 N BY NJC NJC NJC DATE /12/82 10/21/8 4/24/85 APPROVED

FORM 162$

I AOE 11 ASME OF 21 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power & Light Company Raleigh, N. C. 27602 3.0 PROCUREMENT 5/11/82 3.3.3 The Purchase Requisition package shall be submitted to the Director

- QA/QC, or his designee, for review to ensure inclusion of QA requirements prior to bid solicitation.

3.3.4 Proposals which contain technical differences, deviations, or exceptions submitted by bidders on Code items shall be technically reviewed and evaluated for conformance to procurement documents by the Engineering General Manager, Project General Manager, Discipline Managers, or their designees. Exceptions to QA requireraents in the Supplier's proposal shall be referred by the evaluator to the Director - QA/QC for review and concurrence.

3.3.5 For Code items Construction Procurement and Contracting Section shall request the QA qualifications of the Supplier selected for the procurement which shall be accomplished as required by this Manual and in accordance with Corporate Quality Assurance Department procedure on Supplier evaluation.

The requested QA qualification shall be established by the Manager QA Services prior to award of the Purchase Order or Contract by one or more of the means detailed below:

REVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 4/27/83 0/17/84 3/21/85 4/24/85 6/24/85 APPROVED

FORM 1636 12 ASME PAcE DF 21 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE CarOlina POWer 8I Light COmpany Ralel6h, N. C, 27602 3.0 PROCUREMENT 5/ll/82

a. Receipt of supplier verification that he holds an active Cet tificate of Author ization from the ASME to manufacture and Code-stamp the item(s).
b. Evidence that Material Manufacturers or Material Suppliers hold a Quality System Certificate (Materials).

C ~ Verification that the vendor is currently on the approved supplier's list.

d. Survey of the Supplier's facility to assess his capability to document and execute a QA program that meets the requirements of the procurement documents, including verification that his technical capability, organization, facilities, and inspection measures are commensutate with requirements of the procurement documents. Mhen a survey is required, it shall be performed at the Supplier's facility and documented (e.g. on a Manufacturer Evaluation Quality Assurance form Exhibit 3-1) by the Quality Assurance Services A report will summarize the results of the survey and 'ection.

state whether or not, in the opinion of the survey team, the Supplier is adequately qualified and meets Code requirements.

R EV I 5 I 0 N NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 4/27/83 3/21/85 4/24/85 APPROVED


) Ralelyh, N. C. 27602 approval of a Supplier 3.0 PROCUREMENT will be documented in a memorandum 5/11/82 by the "

QA Manager - QA Services Section and forwarded to the Construction Procurement and Contracting Section. The Manager - QA Services shall be responsible for generating, maintaining, and controlling an Approved Suppliers List (ASL) for vendor's supplying ASME Code items. The listing shall include in tabular form:

a0 Name of supplier.

b. Address of supplier.

C~ Types and description of materials, parts or services qualified to supply.

d. Basis for qualification.
e. Qualification expiration date.

Restriction (if any) with regard to qualification.

At least once each month the Manager - QA Services shall revise the Quality Assurance Record Tracking System data base to reflect the addition of new suppliers qualified during the previous month, and the deletion of pieviously approved suppliers whose qualification has been terminated. This information will be summarized in a published memorandum.


REVISION BY NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE /12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 8/8/83 3/21/85 4/24/85 APPROVED

FORM 1626 PAcE 14 A ASME DF 21

'UALlTYASSURANCE Carolina Power 8I Light Company Ral ~ Igh, N. C. 21602 3.0 PROCUREMENT MANUAL DATE 5/ll/82 ~

Access to the ASL (via computer terminal) and distribution of the memorandum will be made to the Manager Construction Procurement and Contracting, the Principal Buyer Harris Project, and the Director QA/QC - Harris Plant.

Additions to the list will be limited to vendors whose quality assurance programs have been evaluated and conform to the applicable requirements of this Manual. Termination shall be supported by appropriate records such as:

a. Expiration of qualification date and no purchasing activity to support continued qualification.
b. Failure of the supplier to maintain an adequate quality assurance program.

As occurring, the Manager - QA Services will prepare a memorandum to add or remove a qualified vendor, except for expiration of qualification date and/or no further interest by the procurement and contracts sections.


BY NJC NJC NJC NJC D ATE 5/12/82 4/27/83 8/8/83 3/21/85 4/24/85 APPROVED

FORM I636 15 P ASME PAGE 21" ~2 CITAL Carolina Power 8I Light Company QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DF DATE j

Raleigh, N. Co 27602 3.0 PROCUREMENT 5/11/82 The Quality Assurance Services Section shall maintain qualification records that identify the selected Supplier, the item to be furnished, and the dat;e of QA qualification.

3.3.6 If the Supplier is found not to be qualified and resolution of the problem cannot be resolved before the start of work, a new Supplier shall be selected by re-examination of the proposals, or by resolicitation as set forth in this Subsection for the initial selection.

3.3.7 For procurement of Code items, a Purchase Order (Exhibit 3-4) shall be awarded by the Manager - Construction Procurement and Contracting 0: or his designee to a Supplier on the Approved Supplier's List. For procurement involving labor services or a combination of labor services and Code items, a Contract shall be issued by the Manager-Construction Procurement and Contracting, or his designee, in accordance with NPCD procedures. The Purchase Order or Contract shall be awarded to the qualified and selected Supplier after resolution of any exceptions or deviations to the QA or technical requirements of the Purchase Requisition as detailed in 5PCD REVISION NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 4/27/8 4/24/85 APPROVED

FORM 1626 PAcE 16 ASMF.

CITAL Carolina Power 81 Light Company QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DF 21 DATE Ralelyh, N. C. 21602 3.0 PROCUREMENT 5/11/82 1

procedures. The Design Specification or site-generated specification shall be made a part of the Purchase Order or Contract, as applicable. Xf the scope of supply or complexity of requirements so warrants, a preaward meeting may be held with the selected Supplier to assure that requirements are understood.

3.3.8 Purchase Order or Contract award shall be withheld until QA requirements for the procurement are resolved with the Supplier.

lf, as a result of the preaward meeting, a revision is proposed to the Design Specification or site-generated specification, the revision shall be prepared, reviewed and approved as set forth for the original specification.

3.3.9 The Manager - QA Services is responsible for a Vendor Surveillance Check Plan (Exhibit 3-5) to be documented and executed for an awarded Purchase Order as required for items manufactured in accordance with the Code. The surveillance plan shall include provisions, as required:


FORM 3626 17 ASME PAGE 0F 21 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power gI Light Company Rdleldh, N. C. 27602 3.0 PROCUREMENT 5/11/82 a~ For in-process and final inspections (shop inspections) at the Supplier's work site. When specified, the inspection will be documented on a QC Xnspection Report (Exhibit 3-6) and copies of the reports forwarded to the Director QA/QC.

b~ For surveillance, as necessary, to assure that Supplier planning and execution of work at his work site is controlled in accordance with this QA program.

C ~ As applicable, only a properly executed Release for Shipment form (Exhibit 3-7) by the CPAL Vendor Surveillance Specialist will release Supplier to ship items or equipment.

Engineering General Manager/Project General Manager/Discipline 0! Q4 3.3.10 The Managers 'shall be responsible for the review and control of Purchase Order or Contract addi.tions or modifications involving the specifications concerning Code items and services. Additions or modifications, excluding commercial or quantity, will be reviewed by the Director QA/QC, or his designee for QA requirements.

3 3.11 Engineering drawings, calculations, and special process procedures and revisions thereto submitted from a Supplier performing REVISION BY NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 0/17/8 3/21/85 4/24/85 6/24/85 APPROVED

FORM I626 18 ASME PACE DF, 21 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE CaroHna Power 8I Light Company Raleigh, K. C. 27602 3.0 PROCUREMENT 5/11/82 engineering, which are received by the rxncxpa uyer arras Project or Manager Construction Procurement and Contracting, are forwarded to the Harris Plant Engineering Section for their review and comment as detailed in the HPCS procedures on interface with the Harris Plant Engineering Section.

3.3.12 Engineering drawings, calculations, and special process procedures and revisions thereto, submitted from a Contractor who furnishes labor/related items and who performs engineering, are received by the Discipline Managers for review and approval and, if applicable, forwarded to the Harris Plant Engineering Section for their review and comment as detailed in the HPCS procedures on interface with the Harris Plant Engineering Section.

3.3-13 The Harris, Plant Engineering Section will review Supplier submittals of documents pertaining to engineering when specific submittals are requested in the Purchase Orders or Contracts issued by NPCD.

Comments by the Harris Plant Engineering Section will be provided to the Discipline Manager or to the Manager - Construction Procurement and,Contracting. The Nuclear Engineering and Licensing Department REVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE -

5/12/82 1/20/8 10/21/8 10/17/8 /24/85 APPROVED

FORM 1656 ASME PACE 19 CARL Carolina Power 8c Light Company QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DF 21 DATE Rsl ~ 19h~ N Cn 27602 3.0 PROCUREMENT 5/11/82 may perform these activities for the Harris Plant Engineering Section.

3.3.l4 CP&L approval and/or comments to be resolved will be forwarded by the Principal Buyer - Harris Project, the Manager - Construction Procurement and Contracting, the Engineering General Manager or Project General Manager, as applicable, to the Supplier.

3-3.15 For A-E purchase orders in which procurement responsibilities have been assumed by CP&L, further supplements shall be issued on the Purchase Contract Form (Exhibit 3-8). Preparation and Processing of e

1 the form shall be in accordance with Paragraph 3.3.

3.4 Reclassified Material The Welding Manager shall be responsible to ascertain the Code required examinations, testing and any other operations required to upgrade the materials to the requirements of the Code class for which the material is to be used. The Welding Manager shall be responsible to evaluate and ensure all tests and operations required to upgrade the material are completed and acceptable. The Welding Manager shall be responsible to prepare and certify that the R EV IS I ON BY NJC 'JC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 0/21/8310/17/8 3/21/85 0/24/85 6/24/85 APPROVED

FORM 1656 20 ASME PAOE oF 21 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL 0 ATE Carolina Power 8I Light Company Ralel61, K C 67602 3.0 PROCUREMENT 5/11/82 contents of the Certified Material Test Report are correct and that all tests are in compliance with the requirements of the material specification and the Code and attach to the Material Manufacturer's original Certified Material TestReport. Material identification shall be described in the Certified Material Test Report.

All upgraded material shall be identified and marked, as required, in accordance with the Code. Additional marking and stamping shall be witnessed by QA/QC personnel. Material shall be received and inspected as described for purchased materials in Section 4.0 of this manual. Certified Material Test Report records and laboratory test reports, after completion, shall be sent to QA/QC personnel for review and retention in QA Records. QA/QC personnel shall submit the CMTR's to the AN? for review prior to use of the material.

The, Welding Manager who certifies material made from stock produced by a manufactut er whose Quality System Program has not been qualified under NA-3700 may accept the certification of the requirements of the material specification which must be performed during the melting and of the heat analysis from the manufactut er of the stock provided the requirements of (1) through (4) below are met.

REVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC 0 ATE 5/12/82 10/21/8 10/17/8 3/21/85 4/24/85 APPROVEO

FORM Iddd PACE ASME 0F 21 QUAt.lTY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 5. Light Company

) RIHldh, N. C. 27602 3 0 PROCUREMENT 5/11/82

+o (1) (a) The Welding Manager performs or subcontracts all other requirements of the material specification on each piece of Qo stock material. Alternatively, the Welding Manager may perform or subcontract all other requirements of the Qo material specification on each heat and lot of material, provided traceability has been established by this program.

Qo (b) Where Certificates of Compliance are acceptable, testing of each piece is not required.

+o (2) The Welding Manager performs or subcontracts a product analysis to verify the chemical composition of each piece of stock Qo material furnished by the stock material manufacturer.

(3) The stock material manufacturer, does not perform any welding on

+o the material.

(4) These functions shall be performed in accordance with this program.



FORM t620 ASME PACK OF 5 IIUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL OATK Carolina Power 5 Light Company Raleigh, N, C, 27602 4.0 RECEIVING INSPECTION 5/11/82 4.0 RECEIVING'NSPECTION 4.1 This Section sets forth requirements for the receipt of Code items at the construction site. It includes requirements for identification of the source and status of the item and control of its use for construction. The purpose of receipt inspection of items is to assure that only items that comply with the Code will be used. or installed in the plant; and to prevent damage, deterioration, or loss to those items.


'4. 2 It is the responsibility of the Director - QA/QC to ensure items are 0: inspected in accordance with approved procedures and identified to provide. the required traceability upon receipt at the construction site ~

4,3 The QA/QC Specialist and/or the QA/QC Inspector shall review the Purchase Order, Design Specification, site-generated specification, or other documents as applicable, and inspect the item to ensure special packaging, shipping, and handling instructions are adhered to<<'I


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FORM 1626 3

ASME PAGE CPM Carolina Power 81 Light Company QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL Of DATE RiI~ 19h, N. C, 27602 4.0 RECEXVXNG INSPECTION 5/11/82 Inspection Report (Exhib'it 4-1). Items inspected and accepted by QA/QC personnel shall be tagged/labeled by QA/QC personnel (Exhibit 4-2).

Nonconformances noted during receipt inspection shall be reported and controlled in accordance with Section 10.0 and the CQA procedure on nonconformance control. The QA/QC inspector shall place the item(s) in a QA/QC Hold or Reject status (Exhibit 4-2), as appropriate.

4.8 A receiving inspection package consisting of receiving inspection reports, Quality Releases and Supplier documentation shall be assembled by the QA/QC receiving inspector. Documents placed in the package shall be identified by marking with the appropriate QA number (purchase order and item number) to establish traceability.

The package is then forwarded to the Director - QA/QC or his designee for review.

4 ' The-Director - QA/QC or his designee will ensure that Supplier.

documentation for CP&L site-purchased items is reviewed for R EV IS IOII BY NJ NJ NJC DATE APPROVED

FORM 1626 ASME PAGE CPKL Carolina Power 6 Light Company QUALtTY ASSURANCE MANUAL oF 5 GATE Ril~ 16h, N. C. 21602 4.0 RECEIVING INSPECTION 5/11/82 compliance with the Purchase Order requirements. The documentation will be identified to the item by a QA number and transmitted with the Records Review and Acknowledgement form (Exhibit 4-3) to QA Records for filing.

4. 10 When an A-E or NSSS Quality Release (QR) or CPAL Release for Shipment is not received for an item, acceptability of the item shall be determined by review of the Supplier's certifications, manufacturing/fabricating records, and a physical receipt inspection performed per Paragraph 4.6 prior to release of the item to construction.

4.11 When conditions warrant, a Conditional Release Request (Exhibit 4-4) may be initiated to permit progression of work involving a nonconforming item awaiting resolution. The Conditional Release Request shall be processed and approved by the Project General Manager/Discipline Manager or General Manager, as applicable, and concurred with by the Director - QA/QC in accordance with CQA procedures and Paragraph 10.3.2(f) of this Manual on nonconformance control.

REV 161O11 NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 0/17/84 3/21/85 6/24/85 APPROVEO

FORM 1626 FacE 5 PRL ASME DF 5 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 5 Light Company Relel6h, N. C. 27602 4.0 RECEIUING INSPECTION 5/11/82


~l2 The Records QA/QC Specialist or other designated individual shall review and verify the cez tification and/or manufacturing data packages for A>>E purchased items for compliance to procurement documents. The Records QA/QC Specialist or other designated individual is responsible only to ensure completeness of NSSS Supplier packages and that the NSSS QA organization has provided certification of review and compliance to the Purchase Order for their Suppliers'ata packages. The Records QA/QC Specialist or other designated individual shall indicate his review and acceptance of the package as required by the CQC procedure on receiving forward the package to

/ QA Records for retention inspection and as QA records.

+ 4.13 Shen the manufacturing data package is not included with the item shipment, a suspense file for the item, identifying the missing manufacturing data package, will be maintained by the Director QA/QC. If the data package is not received within the time specified by the purchase order or sixty days the item will be considered nonconforming and processed per Section 10.0.



FORM 1636 ASME PAGE 1 CIPL Carolina Power 5. Light Company QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL oF 15 DATE e Raleigh, N. C. 27602


~ a 1

5.0 STORAGE AND PROCESS CONTROL 5.1 ~Stora e The Discipline Managers/Manager Project Administration are responsible for issue of procedures for storage control of Code items to prevent damage, deterioration or loss. When necessary special coverings, special equipment, and special protective environments such as, incr t gas atmosphere, specific moisture content levels, and temperature levels shall be specified and provided in storage procedures.

5.l.l The Director QA/QC is responsible for surveillance of storage areas containing Code items in accordance with Harris Plant QA/QC a

Section procedures to assure that items are properly controlled and protected. Nonconformances shall be identified and dispositioned in accordance with Section 10.0.


BY NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE /12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 4/29/84 7/3/84 0/17/84 1/25/8 APPROVED

~ ~


CML Carolina Power 8c Light Company QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL OV OATE RaHlgh. N. C. 27CO2 5.0 STORAGE AND'ROCESS CONTROL 5/11/82 5.2 Process Control 5.2.1 Process control sheets are utilized to establish measures to assure that processes, including welding and heat treating, are controlled in accordance with the Code and are accomplished by qualified personnel using qualified procedures. Process control sheets contain checklists including the document numbers and revisions to which the process conforms, with space provided for reporting results of completion of specific operations. The checklists include spaces for Director - QA/QC signature and date and for signature, initials or stamp of the ANX for activities which he witnesses. Mhenever process contiol sheets have to be revised, they shall be processed in the same manner as the originals.

5.2.2 The Discipline Managers utilizing, specifications and drawings are responsible for initiating HPCS process control sheets. The Manager - Start-Up, utilizing specifications and drawings, initiates the Start-Up process control sheets.

ReVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC 0 ATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/2 /83 0/21/83 L aW urn

FORM t656 3


. Carolina Power 5 Light Company ReleIIIh, N. C. 25602 QUALfTY ASSURANCE MANUAL 5.0 STORAGE AND PROCESS CONTROL OATE 5/11/82 5.2.3 For fabrication and installation of Code items by welding, the Weld Data Report (Exhibit 6-7), the Tank Fabrication Weld Record (Exhibit 4

6-2) and the Safety-Related Instrumentation Weld Data Report (Exhibit 6-13) are the process control sheets as described in Section 6.0. For pipe spool fabrication/modification, the Pipe Spool Fabrication/Modification Record (Exhibit 5-9) is used to supplement the WDR as a process control sheet. These process control sheets are initiated by HPCS. The Pipe Spool Fabrication/Modification Sheet (PSFMS) (Exhibit 5-4) is initiated by the Discipline Engineer to define the specific operations required and processes the PSFMS through Document Control. The Discipline Engineer routes the PSFMS with the Pipe Spool Fabrication/Modification Record (PSFMR) to the Director-QA/QC for review and insertion of hold points. The Director - QA/QC reviews the PSFMS and PSFMR and forwards it to the ANI who establishes his hold points and signs and dates the PSFMR to indicate reviews. After review and insertion of QA/QC and ANI hold points, the PSFMS and PSFMR are returned by the Director - QA/QC to the Discipline R EV IS IO N BV NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC 0 ATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/2 /83 0/21/8 10/1 8 3 21 8 APPROVED

FORM 1626 ASME PAGE 0F 15 4

QUAL TY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power & Light Company RaHI6h, K. C. 27602 5.0 STORAGE AND PROCESS CONTROL 5/11/82 Engineer for development and issue of the work package per Paragraph 5.2.8.

5.2 3.3 After completion of work, the PSFMR shall be submitted by the Discipline Engineer to the Director - QA/QC and ANI for acceptance and sign-off. The QA copy of the PSFHR shall be filed, as a permanent QA Record. These records shall not be submitted until final acceptance of any design changes are obtained.

5.2.4 The ASME Section III - Mork Traveler Non-Welding (WTNW) (Exhibit 5-2) and the continuation sheet (Exhibit 5-3) are used for process controls involving repair or rework non-welding activities such as grinding/machining on pressure boundary areas of code items. The WTNM is initiated by the Discipline Engineer or the Discipline Melding Engineer to define the specific operations required and forwards the WTNW and related documents (e.g. FCR, Drawings, etc.)

to the Director QA/QC for review and insertion of hold points.

The Director - QA/QC reviews the WTNW and forwards it to the ANI who establishes his hold points and signs and dates the WTNW to indicate review.

REVISIOK BY NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/8 4/29/83 0/21/8 2/29/84 0/17/8 3/21/85 APPROVED


DF 15 QUALlTV ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 5 Light Company Raleigh, N. C. 27602 5.0 STORAGE AND PROCESS CONTROL 5/11/82 After review for hold point applicability by QA/QC and ANI, the WZNW is returned by the Director - QA/QC to the Discipline Engineer, who is responsible for transmittal to the craft for initiation of work. After completion of work, the WTNW shall be submitted by the responsible Discipline Engineer to the Director - QA/QC and ANI for acceptance review and sign-off.

5.2.5 For HPCS installation of Code items by bolting, the Flanged Connection Inspection Form {FCIF) {Exhibit 5-5). serves as the process control sheet. The FCIF is initiated by the Discipline Engineer to define the specific operations required and forwards the FCIF and related drawings to the Director QA/QC for review and insertion of hold points. The Director - QA/QC reviews the FCIF and forwards it to the ANI who establishes his hold points and signs and dates the FCIF to indicate review. After review and insertion of QA/QC and ANI hold points, the FCIF is 0, REVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/2 /83 0/17/84 3/21/85 6/20/8 APPROVED

FORM 1626 6

ASME PAGE DF 15 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power gI Light Company RII~ IIIh, N. C. 27602 5.0 STORAGE AND PROCESS CONTROL 5/11/82 returned by the Director - QA/QC to the Discipline Engineer for development of the work package per Paragraph 5.2.8. After completion of work, the FCIF shall be submitted by the Discipline Engineer to the Director - QA/QC and ANI for acceptance and sign-off.

5.2.6 To support the pressure tests to be performed by Start-Up personnel, Code items installed by bolting may have to be disassembled by Start-Up personnel prior to the pressure tests and then reinstalled by Start-Up personnel after the pressure tests. The Start-Up Flanged Connection Inspection form (SU FCIF) (Exhibit 5-7) serves as the Start-Up process control sheet for this action.

I The SU FCIF is initiated by the Start-Up Engineer to define the specific operations required and forwards the SU FCIF to the Director QA/QC for review and insertion of hold points. The Director QA/QC reviews the SU FCIF and forwards it to the ANI who establishes his hold points and signs and dates the SU FCIF to indicate review.



'rolina Power 5 Light Company Rslofyh. K. C. t7C02 5.0 STORAGE AND PROCESS CONTROL 5/'1 1/82 4 After review and insertion of QA/QC and ANZ ho3,d points, the SU FClF is returned by the Director - QA/QC to the Start-Up Engineer for initiation of the work. The Director - QA/QC shall ver ify correct identification, tagging and storage of disassembled items.'fter completion of work, the SU FCXF shall be submitted by the Start-Up Engineer to the Director - QA/QC and ANl: for acceptance and sign-off. The Director - QA/QC shall verify correct identification of the reinstalled items and document such action on the process control sheet; 5-2.7 The process sheet for pressure tests performed by HPCS is the Pressure Test Record (Exhibit 9-6) and its controls are addressed in Section 9.0. The process sheet for pressure tests performed by Start-Up personnel is the Pressure Test Data and Witness form (Exhibit 9>>7), and its controls are addressed in Section 9.0 of this Manual.

5.2.8 For HPCS installed items, the Discipline Engineer has the BV NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC 0 ATE 1 2 8 4/2 8 /84 10/17/8


15 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL 'ATE Carolina Power 8c Light Company Ral ~ lych, N. C. 27602 5.0 STORAGE AND PROCESS CONTROL 5/11/82 responsibility of issuing a work package that is comprised of drawings and process control sheets to craft personnel. The work 4 ~

package defines the scope of the work and provides directions to the "

craft for accomplishment of the work. From this work package Code items are requisitioned by craft personnel from the warehouse or from the Pipe Fabrication Shop, which is established as a controlled storage area by use of the Construction Material Requisition form (Exhibit 5-1) for installation in the field. QA/QC verifies correct identification of the item and documents such action on 'the process control sheets. Changes to the process control sheets in the work package will be handled in the same manner as the original.

5-2.9 qualified according to each material heat lot of tubing, size and type of bending tool. The preparation of the Qualification Record for ASME Code Class Tube Bending (Exhibit 5-10) shall be the responsibility of the Discipline Engineer who shall submit it to the Director - QA/QC and the ANX for establishment of hold points prior to qualification.

REVISION BY NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 12 82 1 2 8 42 8 883 /3 84 10 1 8 APPROVED



'aroiina Powe'r 5 Light Company Rilefyh. N. C, 27CO? ~

5.0 STORAGE AND PROCESS CONTROL 5/11/82 Installation of instrument tubing shall require that the process control sheet,. Heat Number Transfer/Tube Bending Verification Sheet (HNT/TBVS) (Exhibit 5-11), be prepared by the Discipline Engineer.

The ~T/TBVS shall be submitted by the Discipline Engineer to the Director QA/QC and the ANI for verification of operations data, qualification of tubing, and inspection as required. Removal of completed instrument tubing installations for maintenance/testing purposes shall be in accordance with the SHNPP Start-Up Manual. Instrumentation tubing joints with threaded NPT connections shall require a process control sheet, Threade'd Connection Inspection

-~ Sheet (TCIS) (Exhibit 5-13), to be initiated by the Discipline Engineer. The .TCIS shall be submitted: to the Director QA/QC and the ANI for review and establishment of hold points prior to issue.

4 5 2-9.3 Instrumentation tubing joints involving welding shall require a process control sheet, Safety-Related Instrumentation Weld Data Report (SRIWDR) (Exhibit 6-13). The Welding Manager shall be responsible for preparation of the SRIWDR and submittal to the Director - QA/QC and ANI for review and establishment of hold points prior to issue.

iI R LVIS ION NJC NJC NJC NJC , NJC DATE. 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/29/83 10/21/8 10/17/8

FORM 1636 ASME PAGE 10 CMK Carolina Power & Light Company QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DF 15 DATE Relelllh, N. C. 27602 5.0 'STORAGE AND PROCESS CONTROL 5/11/82 I ~

.2.9.4 Instrument Tubing Joints including compression fittings, pipe fittings, instruments, instrument valves, pipe and tubing shall require a Material Verification Sheet (MVS) (Exhibit 5-14) to be initiated by the Discipline Engineer. The MVS shall be submitted to the Director - QA/QC and the ANI for the verification of materials by bill of material/heat-trace number/piece number/serial number.

5.2. 10. After completion of operations involving qualification, bending fabrication and required inspection, the compieted process control sheets shall be submitted to the Director QA/QC and ANI for acceptance and sign-off.

5.2.11 Piping points involving threaded connections shall require a process, control record, Threaded Connection Inspection Report (TCIR)

(Exhibit 5-12), to be initiated by the Discipline Engineer. The TCIR shall be submitted to the Director - QA/QC and the ANI for.

review and establishment of hold points prior to initiation of installation. After completion of the operations, the TCIR shall be submitted to the Director QA/QC and ANI for acceptance and sign-off.


ASME PAGE 1 1 CARL Carolina Power 5 Light Company QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DP 15 DATE Raleigh, N. C. 27602 5.0 STORAGE AND PROCESS CONTROL 5/11/82 The Director - QA/QC is responsible for notifying the ANI when a mandatory hold point is reached and for providing 'necessary inspections in accordance with Code requirements. Hold point inspections shall be accepted by signature or initials and date on the process sheet prior to any work proceeding past that point.


~ ~ Nonconformances will be handled per Section 10.0. The 7

Director QA/QC will enter the'CR number on the process sheet for inprocess work. The Discipline Manager or the Director QA/QC may enter the NCR number on process control sheets. that are initiated to correct discrepancies identified by a NCR. The Director - QA/QC will verify NCRs are resloved prior to signing the process control sheets for final acceptance.

5.2.l4 Identification tags or marks shall be retained on each item. When it is necessary to cut an item, material identification shall be transferred to the affected piece by HPCS prior to cutting. The action shall be verified and documented by QA/QC personnel on a QA/QC Field Report, (Exhibit 5-6) or PSFMR or HNT/TBVS as applicable.

R EV IS ION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/29/83 0/17/84 3/21 /85 /24/85 6/24/85 1/25/85 APPROVED


15 2

GUAL1TY ASSIJRANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 5 Light Company RaIelgh, N. C. 27602 5.0 STORAGE AND PROCESS CONTROL 5/11/82

~ J 2 5.2.l5 It is the responsibility of the Project General Manager/Discipline Managers/General Manager/Director - QA/QC to assure that Code items are controlled as follows:

a~ Permanent labels, markings, or other identification shall be applied and documented to assure proper identification of the item and traceability to its material sources.

b. Required identification and status markings shall be retained with the item until it becomes part of an assembly or installation. The identification of each .item shall be included in the record of the assembly or. installation.

C ~ Materials applied in welding of Code items shall be identified and controlled as detailed in Section 6.0. Instructions shall be provided to ensure that specified materials are used.

Records shall provide source traceability for welding materials used at the construction site in the fabrication and installation of Code items.

d0 Items tagged Hold or Reject shall be withheld from use or installation, except as provided for in Section 10.0.

e. Material protection procedures shall be implemented to prevent damage or deterioration.

R E VI6 I0 N gO BY NJC NJC DATE 4/29/83 0/17/84 11/25/8 APPROVED



'15 QUAL1TY ASSURAHCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power gI Light Company Raleigh, N. C. 37603 5.0 STORAGE AND PROCESS CONTROL 5/11/82 5.3 Construction Procedures Develo ment 5.3.1 The Discipline Managers are responsible for assuring that necessary construction procedures are developed; reviewed for adequacy; approved for release; and made available at construction site work areas. The Discipline Managers will construction procedures to QA/QC for review. QA/QC comments will be resolved prior to procedure release.

~ 3 ~2 Xt is the responsibility of the Project General Manager to maintain a current file of construction procedures.

REVISION BY NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 10/17/84 3/21/85 6/24/8 APPROVED

FORM 1626 14 ASME PAOE DF 15 GUAL1TY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 8I Light Company Raleigh, N. C. 27602 5.0 STORAGE AND PROCESS CONTROL 5/11/82 1 .3.3 Construction procedures applied to control work associated with Code items will include the following information, when appropriate!

a~ Requirements for indoctrination, training, and skills.

b. Prer equisites for special environments, equipment, tools, and material preparation.

C ~ Instructions for data collection and reporting.

d. Instructions for documenting work performed, results achieved, and requirements for retention of QA =records.
e. Requirements for verification of functional capability and quality by inspection, witnessing, examination, and testing, including designation of mandatory hold points.
f. Quantitative and qualitative criteria for determining that important steps or functions have been satisfactorily accomplished.

5.4 Start-U Procedure Develo ment 5.4.1 The General Manager is responsible for assuring that Start-Up test procedures are reviewed for adequacy, approved for release, and made REVISION BY DATE 3/21/8 APPROVED

FORM 1626 15 ASME PAOE DF 15

0) Carolina Power 8I Light Company Ralelyh, N. C. 27602 GUALlTY ASSURANCE MANUAL 5.0 STORAGE AND PROCESS CONTROL DATE 5/ll/82 available at the test area. He will provide Start-Up procedures to the Director QA/QC for review. QA/QC comments will be resolved prior to procedure release. It is the responsiblity of the General Manager to maintain a current file of Start-Up procedures.
5. il.2 Start-Up procedures applied to control work associated with Code items will include the information, as applicable, listed in Paragraph 5.3.3.





DATE Carolina Power Bc Light Company Raleigh, N. C. 21602 6.0 WELDING CONTROL 5/11/82 6.0 WELDING CONTROL 6.1 Procurement of Weldin Material 6.1.1 Welding material used in the construction or repair of items or materials shall conform to the requirements of the Code as detailed in the Site Specification titled "Purchasing Welding Materials for permanent Plant Construction." Procurement shall be in accordance with this Manual as described in Subsection 3.3, "Site Procurement". The required material tests shall be conducted by the manufacturer for each lot of flux-cored or fabricated electrodes;

0) for each heat of bare electrodes, rod, or wire for welding processes; and for each heat of consumable use with. the insert.

site Submerged arc welding is not used by CPAL under this program for site fabrication.

6.1.2 Purchase orders for weld materials shall include 'the welding material classification and shall require that testing and certification be performed to the test requirements per ASME Code NB2400 for each heat and/or lot of material in REVISION BV DATE APPROVED

FORM 1636 PAcE 2 ASME CHAL oF 15 Carolina Power 8I Light Company Rslel6h, N, C, 33603 QUAL1TY ASSURANCE MANUAL 6.0 WELDING CONTROL DATE 5/ll/82 ~

accordance with the latest mandatory addenda of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section II, Part C; and the 1974 Edition, 1976 Winter Addenda (or later edition) of ASME Section III. Tests, as applicable, shall include tensile tests; impact tests; he'at treatment; and chemical analysis with all results to be recorded on the manufacturerIs Certified Material Test Report (CMTR). Test coupons, as required by Code, shall be tested in the as-welded and post weld heat treated conditions as described in the Site Specification.

For austenitic stainless steel, the manufacturer shall certify the delta ferrite on the CMTR as determined by the use of an Aminco-,Bremmer Magne-Gage or by a chemical constitution diagram in accordance with the ASME Section III Code. The delta ferrite and the method used to determine the delta fer rite shall be stated on the CMTR, and shall be a minimum of 5 to a maximum of 20.

6.1.3 Welding materials received from a manufacturer/supplier without proper certification or complete documentation records, as required by the Code, shall be tagged and placed on Hold Status in a R E V ISI 0 N NJC NJC NJC DATE /12/82 10/17/8 4 24 85 APPROVED


) Carolina Power 8I Light Company Ralelth, N. C. 27602 6.0 MELDING CONTROL 5/11/82 controlled segregated area until the documentation has been received or corrected.

'I 6.2 Meldin Procedure Qualification 6.2.1 The Melding Manager is responsible for preparation, qualification, and approval of CPhL welding procedures used for nuclear power plant Code work. Melding procedures shall be qualified in accordance with ASME Code, Section IX, and shall meet the requirements of the ASME Code, Section III. The Director - QA/QC shall be notified of the procedure test schedule prior to the set-up and welding of the test of the activity

" assembly to allow QA/QC monitoring and documenting on a QA Surveillance report or checklist.

6.2.2 Melding Procedure Specification form (Exhibit 6-3) and the Procedure Qualification Record (Exhibit 6-0) shall be used to record actual welding parameters, test results and data as required by Code and shall. be certified by the Melding Manager or his authorized representative. The Director - QA/QC shall sign these records after review against, the applicable Code requirements. These records are REVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC OATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 10 17 8 4/24/85 APPROVEO

FORM ICSC PAcE 4 2 ASME oF "5 QUALITY ASSIJRANGE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 5. Light Company Rjlelgh, N, C. 2TC02 6.0 WELDING CONTROL 5/11/82 submitted to the ANI for review through Document Control by the Welding Manager. The ANI may require requalification of weld procedures if he deems it necessary.

6.3 Qualification of Welders and Weldin 0 erators 6.3.l The Welding Manager is responsible for testing, qualification, and approval of the qualification for welders and welding operators qualified to perform welding on nuclear power plant Code items.

Prior to performing any site welding, welders and welding operators will perform a welder qualification test(s) in accordance with ASME Section IX and approved Welding Procedure Specifications (W.P.S.).

These tests will be performed in the Weld Test Shop under the responsibility of the Welding Manager. Each welder and welding operator successfully passing test requirements on the qualification test coupons will be certified by the Welding Manager on a 1

Performance Qualification Test Record (Exhibit 6-6). This test record is submitted to Document Control. In addition, the welder qualification status will be listed in a Welder Qualification Status Report which is also transmitted to Document Control for issuance to REVISION BY NJC NJC NJC OATE 12/82 10/1 /8 3/21/8 APPROVED

FORM 162$

PACE 5 ASME DP 15 MALITYASSORANtlE MANUAl. DATE Carolina Power 5. Light Company Rjlelgh, N. C. 27602 6.0 WELDING CONTROL 5/1 1/82 I

the field for use by craft supervisors in the selecting of welders for welding assignments. The Welding Manager is responsible for compiling, each month, the current Welder Qualification Status Report of each welder and/or welding operator. The Status Report shall contain each welder 's qualifications by WPS procedure number .

and the limitations according to welding process, diameter, thickness and position. Also, the repor t shall list the date which the three month welder qualification will expire if no welding has occurred within a three month period. The Welder Qualification j

Status Report shall also specify when the welder is extended an additional three months provided the welder has welded to some other welding process'n the previous three month period. Copies shall be furnished by. site Document Control to site welding supervision and the Director QA/QC as required.-. Copies of the Welder Qualification Status Report and of the welder and/or welding operator Performance Qualification Test Record (Exhibit 6-6) shall be made available to the ANI through the Director - QA/QC.

6.3.2 Welders, including tack welders, and welding operators shall be qualified and certifi'ed by the Welding Manager or his designee in accordance. with the HPCS procedure on qualifying welders and welding VISION DATE APPROVED

ICOSI FORM PAGg ASIDE OP QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power Bc Light Company Rsieiqh. N. C. 27C02 6.0 WELDING CONTROi. 5/11/82 operators in accordance with the ASME Code, Section XXl and Section 6.3.3 Each welder and welding operator who has been certified shall be l

assigned a welder symbol by the Welding Manager or his designee in accordance with HPCS procedure on qualifying welders and welding operators to identify the welds made by the welder. A log shall be maintained for welding symbols by the Discipline Welding Engineer.

Upon termination, or loss of the symbol, stamp the symbol stamp will I

not, be reassigned to another welder for a period of one year.

6.3.4 Renewal of'ualification of a welder or welding operator performanc~

qualification is required:

a~ When a welder or welding operator has not used the specific process, i.e., metal-arc, gas, etc., for a pei iod of 3 months or more; except when employed on some other welding process, the period may be extended to 6 months by the Welding Manager or

b. When there is a specific r.eason to question his ability to make welds that meet the specification.



FORM 1636 7

ASME PAGE CITAL Carolina Power 5. Light Company QUAL1TY ASSURANCE MANUAL DF 15 DATE Raleigh, K. C. 23603 6.0 WELDlNG CONTROL 5/11/82 Renewal of qualificati'on for a specific welding process under (a) above may be made in only a single test )oint (plate or pipe) on any thickness, position, or material to reestablish the welder's or welding operator's qualification for any thickness, position, or material for which he was previously qualified.

Only one extension of the welder's qualification can be granted based on the welding to another welding process before requalification is required.

6.3.5 lf there is a specific reason to question the ability of the welder

) or welding operator to specification make welds to meet the requirements of the and Code, the Welding Manager, Director C}A/QC, or the ANX may require requalification before the welder or welding operator is permitted to continue on Code work.

6.4 Construction Weldin 6.4.l The Welding Manager shall be responsible for the selection of the welding procedure(s) to be used by the welders and welding operators REVISION BV DATE APPROVED

FORM 1656 PAGE .8 ASME oF 15 QUAL1TY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power'gI Light Company Rsi ~ lgh, N. C. 27602 6.0 MELDING CONTROL 5/11/82 by preparation of the pipe Weld Data Report (WDR) (Exhibit 6-7) or the Tank Fabrication Weld Record (TFWR) (Exhibit 6-2) or the Safety-Related Instrumentation Weld Data Report (SRIWDR) (Exhibit 6-13).

Preparation is based on design dt awings, specifications and site procedures. The Director - QA/QC reviews the WDR/TFWR/SRIWDR for essential requirements and mandatory hold points. The Director-QA/QC reviews theiWDR/TFWR/SRIWDR and forwards it to the ANI who establishes his hold points and signs and dates the MDR/TFWR/SRIMDR to indicate review. The WDR/TFWR/SRIWDR is then returned by the Director - QA/QC to the Discipline Engineer, who is responsible for h

transmittal to the craft supervisor, along with the applicable drawing, for initiation of the welding activity. After completion of the work the WDR/TFWR/SRIWDR is submitted to the Director - QA/QC and the ANI for acceptance and sign-off.

6.4.2 Welding shall be perfor med by CP&L or contracted welders or welding operators. All welding personnel shall be qualified by CP&L to CP&L Melding Procedures Specifications of which preparation is the responsibility 'of the Welding Hanager. All performance qualifications shall be performed under his supervision and all REVISION BY NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 4/29/83 0/17/84 3/21/85 6/24/8 APPROVEO 2



15 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL OATK Carolina power Bc Light CompanY R jleIIIh. N. C. 27C02 6.0 WELDliVG CONTROL 5/11/82 construction welding shall be accomplished to the qualified procedures. The Welding Manager shall have direct contractual control of the welding operation including authority to assign or remove welders and welding operators at his discretion.

6.4.3 Prior to assigning a welder the craft foreman/supervisor reviews the WDR and ascertains the required WPS, material, thickness, and diameter. Based on this review, a welder or welding operator is selected as listed in the Welder Qualification Status Report.

6.4.4 The craft foreman/supervisor shall prepare the Welding Material Requisition (WMR) (Exhibit 6-l) for welding materials required for Code work in accordance with the HPCS procedure for site welding material control. The requisition shall contain the type of material, welder to whom material is to be issued, welding procedure specification, and location to be used. The Welding Manager is responsible for 'ssuing the controlled welding material. The weld material issue room attendant, at time of issue, shall enter the heat number of the welding material (or other identifying manufacturers number which is traceable to the material


l I i vaVISION NJC NJC I NJC 5/]2/82 10/21/83.10 OATK APPROVFO ~lw= 1 r

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FORM 1638 ASME PAcE oF 11 15 QUALITY ASSURAilCE MAliUAL OATE Carolina Power 5. Light Company

( ~ Raleigh, N. C. 27602 6.0 MELDING CONTROL 5/1 1/82 control. Surveillance of ovens used for storage of coated electrodes will be conducted and documented on QA Surveillance reports by QA/QC inspectors in accordance with Harris Plant QA/QC Section procedures. Materials retur ned after issue shall be processed in accordance with material Manufacturers'ecommendations and the Code as detailed by the HPCS procedure on welding material control.

6.4.7 The Director - QA/QC is responsible for notifying the ANI when a mandatory holdpoint is reached and for providing necessary inspections in accordance with Code requirements. Holdpoint inspections shall be accepted by the QA/QC welding inspector and ANI by signature or initials and date on the original MDR or Tank Fabrication Weld Record or the Safety-Related Instrumentation Weld Data Report prior to any work pr oceeding past that point.

6.4.8 The visual inspection of weldpreps, fitup, tack welds, root pass, cleanliness control, and final inspection will be performed by QA/QC inspectors as required by the Code and CQC procedures. If the QA/QC welding inspector observes an unacceptable in process condition requiring rework, he shall advise the responsible craft foreman/supervisor. It shall be the craft foreman/supervisor's responsibility to effect the necessary repair or rework.



12 15 P

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL OATE Carolina Power BI Light Company RslelIIh, N. C. 2TC02 6. 0 NEU)ING COHZROL 5/11/82 6.Il.9 The welder identification symbol shall be applied by the welder, next to the weld joint, in accordance with HPCS procedures.

6.5 Re airs to Melds and Base Material 6.5.1 Unacceptable defects identified on the applicable inspection report(s) (Exhibits 6-8 through 6-11) shall be repaired in accordance with the Code as detailed by HPCS procedure on repair of base materials and weldments. The Director QA/QC is responsible for notifying the ANI of planned repairs to Code wor k for his concurrence pt ior to initiation of such repairs. The ANI may establish holdpoints as deemed necessary.

6.5.2 The QA/QC welding inspector shall furnish information on the location of the defect requiring removal and repair on or adjacent to the weld and notify the Discipline Melding Engineer of the need to repair.


FORM I626 PAGE, 1 3 ASME CITAL Carolina Power 5. Light Company QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DF 15 DATE Rslcl9hy N C 27602 6.0 WELDING CONTROL 5/11/82 Prior to the weld repair, the Discipline Welding Engineer is responsible to prepare a Repair Weld Data Report (RWDR) (Exhibit 6-12). The RWDR shall include instructions on the required preparation of the repair area, WPS, welding material, and inspection requirements. The RWDR will be submitted to the Director

- QA/QC for review and establishing of hold points. The Director-QA/QC reviews the RWDR and forwards it to the ANI who establishes his hold points and signs and dates the RWDR to indicate review.

The RWDR is then returned by the Director - QA/QC to the Discipline Engineer, who is responsible for transmittal to the Craft Supervisor, for initiation of the repair activity.

6.5.3 The QA/QC welding inspector will be responsible for documentation of the pipe/storage tank weld repairs on a Repair Weld Data Report (Exhibit 6-12). For Code Classes 1, 2, and 3 base metal repairs, the QA/QC welding inspector will prepare a sketch of the repaired area, as required by the Code for QA records, showing location and size of the prepared cavity. The welding material identifications, REVISION IIY NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 8/8/83 10/17/8 3/21/85 6/24/8 APPROVED

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FORM 162$



CITAL Carolina Power 5 Light Company QUALITY ASSURANCE MAKUAL oF 15 OATE Raleigh, N. C. 27602

~ ~ 6.0 WEI DING CONTROL 5/11/82 6.6.2 When a machine is found to be operating outside of the tolerance ranges as specified by pr ocedure during operation check or QA monitoring, the Welding Manager is notified by receipt of the welding machine maintenance report or a QA nonconformance report.

If the settings for amperage or voltage ar e out of tolerance, i" is the responsibility of the Discipline Welding Engineer to determine if the condition was sufficient to affect quality, then investigate the location and use of the machine since its last operational check. Corrective measures shall be initiated by the Discipline Welding Engineer as deemed appropriate and accepted by QA and the ANI when a nonconformance is reported.

Additional Process Control Forms The Repair Weld Data Report Continuation Sheet (Exhibit 6-5) may be used when space is needed for additional hold points or remarks.

~ '"41S1ON DATE 12 82 0 21/83 0/1 /84 3/21/85


FOAM 1626 MSL ASME PAGK 1 oF I 5 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL 0 ATK Carolina Power 8 Light Company Rjlelgh, NC. 27602 7.0 HEAT TREATlNG 5/11/82 7.0 HEAT TREATING 7.1 Descri tion of S stem .

Heat treating shall be performed in accordance with approved written procedures conforming to the Code and approved as described in HPCS procedures on heat treatment. The Welding Manager is responsible for preparation and approval of site procedures for heat treatment of Code items.

7-2 Construction Heat Treatment 7.2.1 The Welding Manager is responsible for reviewing design specifications, drawings and Code requirements and specifying heat treatment requirements in site procedures, WDR's, TER's and RWDR's. Manufacturers'ecords for items which require site heat treatment during fabrication, installation or repair shall be reviewed by the Discipline Welding Engineer or his designee to determine if prior heat treatment has been performed. The cumulative time at temperature for items will be considered prior to VISION I

BY NJC NJC NJC 0ATK 10/21/8 10/17/8 3/21/85 APFROVKO'/12/82

fORM lC2C lacE ASME of i 2

5 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power & Light Company  :.

Rslelyh, N, C 27C02 7.0 HEAT TREATlNG 5/11/82 I

assigning a heat treatment procedure to ensure that total, time at temperature or temperatures during postweld heat treatment of the material does not exceed the total accumulative time allowed by the Code+

7.3 Calibration Heat treating equipment, such as thermocouples, gauges, and recorders, shall be calibrated at regular'ntervals in accordance with Code requirements as detailed in HPCS procedures on heat treatment and Section 8.0,of this Manual.

k 7,4 Verification of'etal Tem erature 7.4.1 Thermocouples must be'attached to the item undergoing heat treatment at locations specified in HPCS procedures on heat treatment.



or 3

5 QUAL!TY ASSURAHCE MAHUAL OATK rolina Power 5 Light Company RIlerrh, rr. C. 17001 7.0 HEAT TREATING 5/1 1/82 7.4.2 The item undergoing heat treatment will have heating rates, holding time, and rate of cool down as required by Code and as described in the site heat treatment procedures.

7.5 ~Tnalnln 2 7.5.l The training of personnel performing heat treatment, indoctrination and qualification in heat treatment techniques and applicable HPCS procedures for Code wor k is the responsibility of the Welding Manager. Training shall be documented in accordance with Section 1.0 of this Manual.

~z r.s.a Records of qualifications will be maintained by the Welding Manager or his designee as part of personnel qualification records.

7.6 Constr uction Site Xns ection The Director - QA/QC shall be responsible for the review of heat treatment charts, verification of compliance with applicable procedures and Code requirements, and monitoring and inspection of

'C I ISION NJC NJC NJC OATK 5/12/82 0/21/83 its r

FORM 1626 4

CARL ASME PAcE OF 5 IIUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL'.. 'ATE Carolina Power 8I Light Company RaIel6h. N. C. 27602 7.0 HEAT TREATENG 5/11/82 heat treatment activities in accordance with CQC procedures on heat

.I treatment control. He shall maintain records pertaining to heat treatment of Code items.

7-7 Records 7.7.1 Each heat treatment shall be documented by the operator. The record shall indicate time, temperature and date. The heat treatment I

record shall identify the heat treatment method used, the recorder Il number, and item or )oint identificati'on; and other pertinent data essential for traceability to the item shall be entered by the operator as required by HPCS procedures on heat treatment.

7-7-2 The operator shall place his signature or initials and date on heat treatment records which shall contain the following minimum data:

a. Heat treatment procedure and 'revision
b. Time (a.m. and p.m.) and date
c. item and material specification REVISION NJC NJC

/0 NJC DATE 5/12/82 4/27/83 10/21/8 APPROVED

ASME PACK PAL iina Power 5 Light Company QUALITY ASSURANCE MAHUAL ow 5 OATK R8lelllll, N. C. 27CO2 7.0 HEAT TREATING 5/1>/82

d. Holding temperatur e
e. Holding time (hours)
f. Rate of heating and cooling as required
g. Operator name 2 7-7 3 Records shall be forwarded by the Melding Manager to the Director QA/QC or his designee for review and acceptance prior to transfer to the QA records vault. Records will be available through the Director - QA/QC to the ANI for review and acceptance.

7.8 Bendi and Formi 7.8 1 No bending and forming of Class 1 materials will be per formed at the construction site.,

7.8.2 Bending of Code Class 2 and 3 instrument tubing shall be performed at the construction site by CPItL in accordance with the ASME Code.

Section 2.0 descr ibes the controls for procedure preparation and approval and Section 5.0 describes the process control sheets including QC/ANI interface as related to the instrument tubing bending qualification and'nstallation operations.



FORM I636 CARL ASME PAGE oF 5 carolina Power & Light Company MALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE 8 ~0 CONTROL OF EQUIPMENT I TOOLS I 5/11/82 Raleigh, N. C. 27602 GAUGES AND INSTRUMENTS 8.o CONTROL OF EQUIPMENT TOOLS GAUGES AND INSTRUMENTS 8.1 Calibration 8.1.1 Equipment, tools, gauges, and instruments specified .for calibration control shall be identified, stored, calibrated, and maintained in accordance with HPCS and CQC procedures for tool, gauge, and instrument calibration control. For simplicity of this Section, equipment, tools, gauges, and instruments hereafter will be addressed as instruments. Calibrations and adjustments shall be accomplished at prescribed intervals and against certified standards having known valid relationships to national standards. If no r

national standard exists, the equipment manufacturer's recommended standard shall be used. Calibration and ad)ustment records shall be retained. Recalibration shall be performed when the accuracy of the g

instrument is suspect. Traceability shall be maintained between the instrument and the equipment or item tested. The instrument identification number.

shall be recorded on the Controlled Tool Log (Exhibit 8-5) and on l"-,

VISION NJC OATC 5/'i2/82 10/21/8


3 QUALITY ASSURANCE MAHlJAL Carolina Power 8I Light Company 8.0 CONTROL OF EQUIPMENT, TOOLS, RI&IIIR.N. C. ZTC4Z GAUGES AND INSTRUMENTS 5/>>/82 the process control documents. In the event that an instrument is found to be out of calibt ation, the calibration r

shop shall issue an Out of Calibration Notification form (Exhibit 8-7) to the Discipline Engineer/QA/QC Specialist of the area to which the instrument has been assigned. The Discipline Engineer/QA/QC Specialist through review of records shall identify and document on the Out of Calibration Corrective Action form (Exhibit 8-6) the activities and items for which the tool was used since the last valid ca1ibration of'he tool. A program will be implemented by the Discipline Manager to evaluate the suspect inspections, examinations and test results. The results of this evaluation will be documented by the Discipline Manage on the Out of'alibration Corrective Action fora and shall be transmitted to the Director - QA/QC. Nonconformances, as necessary, will be processed by the Director QA/QC per Section 10 An instrument frequently found out of calibration shall be recalibrated on a shorter interval, or the instruments repair ed or replaced. Calibration status and the next prescribed calibration date sha11 be shown on or with the instrument, except. for pressure ReVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC

/12/82 1/20/83 8/8/83 10 1 8 A~ROVKO

FOltM 1CQt ASME PAQf 3 PSL rolina Power & Light Company QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL OF OATE 8.0 CONTROL OF EQUIPMENT, TOOLS, RaHlgh, K. C. 27C02 GAUGES AND INSTRUMENTS 5/11/82 gauges which are calibrated before use and upon being returned to the calibration shop, the period .of which shall not exceed two weeks.

8.1.Z The Discipline Manager shall ensure propee implementation of consCruction calibration procedures for in'struments under this I

program used for the construction and start-up of nuclear power  !

I plants. These calibration procedures as a minimum will identify the method of calibration, accuracy, frequency of calibration and allowable tolerances.

8.1.3 The Director QA/QC shal1 perform surveillance of instrument calibration and conCrol activities in accordance with HPCS and CQC procedures on instrument calibration and control. Surveillances shall be performed in accordance with Harris Plant QA/QC procedures and documented on a QA Surveillance repor t (Exhibit 5-8) and shall include checks of instruments in use for current calibration status.




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FORM. 0 C5%


OF QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL OATK lina Power 5. Light Company 8.0 CONTROL OF EQUIPMENT, TOOLS, Raleigh, N. C. 21COZ GAUGES AND INSTRUMENTS 5/11/82 8.2. 4 Care and .storage instructions for such instruments shall be detailed in HPCS procedure on instrumentation calibration and control.

8.2.5 ~

Pressme gauges used for hydrostatic testing shall be calibrated before and. after each test or series of tests. A series of tests is that group of tests using the same pressure test gauge oc gauges which is conducted within a period not exceeding two weeks.

8.2.6 Charpy impact equipment will be calibrated once each 12 months and


temperature devices used for impact testing will be calibrated every 3 months.

I l



FORM 1638 ASME PAGE oF 12 DATE Carolina Power Bc Light C ornpany Rjltlgh, N. C. 27602 DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION 5/11/82 9.0 INSPECTION TESTS AND NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION 9.1 Trainin Qualification and Certification 9.1.1 The Manager - QA/QC Harris Plant has the responsibility for staffing the QA/QC Section with personnel meeting appropriate Code qualification requirements. QA/QC Supervisors shall have the responsibility for personnel indoctrination and site training on related activities in their assigned areas of responsibility.


~ ~ QA/QC inspection personnel shall be trained and qualified in

~ \,

accordance with Section 1.0 and CQA procedure on personnel training and qualification, except for NDE which is described in Subsection 9.3. The job performance of QA/QC inspection.. personnel shall be evaluated at intervals not to exceed two years.

9.1.3 QA/QC inspection personnel shall meet the physical requirements as set forth in CQA procedure on personnel training and qualification.

QA/QC inspection personnel records shall be maintained by the Director QA/QC.

1 I6 I0 N BY NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 /20/83 4/27/83 11/25/8 APPROVED

FORM 1626 2

ASME PACE oF 12 QllALITY A'SSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 5 Light Company 9.0 INSPECTION, TESTS, AND NON-Rdleldh, N. C. 22602 DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION 5/11/82 9.2 Ins ections and Tests 9.2.1 The Manager QA/QC Harris Plant, the Project General Managers/Discipline Managers, and the General Manager are responsible in their respective areas for determining and implementing the appropriate training and programs needed to qualify personnel for performing inspection and tests.

9.2.2 QA/QC inspection and test personnel shall be trained to perform appropriate inspections and tests to procedures approved by the areas of "'..

Manager - QA/QC Harris Plant which are applicable to their responsibility. They shall be trained in the proper preparation and control of inspection and test records.

9.2.3 Inspection and test personnel shall perform inspection and tests in accordance with approved procedures as specified on appropriate REVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 10/17/8 11/25/8 APPROVED

'ORM 162$




,Carolina Power 5 Light CoInpanY 9.0 INSPECTION, TESTS, AND NON-Ral ~ IIIh, N. Co 27602 DESTRUCTIVE EXQ1INATION 5/ll/82 process sheets. Results of the inspections and tests shall be documented on the report forms specified {in the applicable inspection and test procedure and in the process control sheets).

9.2.4 At the. conclusiori of the inspection or test, the status of the item will be indicated by Status Tags {Exhibit 4-2) or labels attached to the item or indicated on process control sheets or test records traceable to the item.

9.2.5 The ANI shall be notified by the Director QA/QC when ANX holdpoints for inspection are reached.

) 9.2 ~ 6 Work will not progress past established QA/QC inspection and ANI inspection holdpoints until the holdpoint is accepted and initialed or signed off and dated by the QA/QC inspector and/or ANI, as applicable.

9.2.7 Work not in conformance with the Code shall be stopped and action initiated as described in Section 10.0.

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rrsIon NJC NJC 0 ATE 5/12/82 1/20/8Z

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I FORM 163$

5 ASME PAGE lcllPRK lych, QUALtTY ASSURANCE MANUAL oF 12 DATE Carolina Power 8I Light Company 9.0 INSPECTION, TESTS, AND NON-R jk N. C. 27602 5/11/82 DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION 9.3.2 Levels I and II personnel shall be qualified and certified by examination which will b administered by Level III personnel.

Level III personnel will be qualified by examination administered by a Level III examiner and certified by the Manager - QA/QC Harris Plant.

9.3 ' In the event that no NDE Level III personnel exist within the CP&L organization, the services of an outside agency shall be contracted.

Training, qualification, certification of I, II, III 0- 9.3.4 and sit:e personnel shall be in accordance with NDEP Levels procedure on and training, qualification, and certification of nondestructive examination personnel. These activities shall be administered to those NDE personnel whose specific jobs require appropriate knowledge of the technical principles for NDE to which they are to perform, monitor, or evaluate. Certification of NDE personnel shall be documented on a Certificate of NDE Personnel Qualification form (Exhibit 9-4). A separate certification form shall be prepared for each NDE method and level for which an individual is qualified.



The maintenance of records for site NDE certified personnel shall be

-'.3.5 the responsibility of the Principal QA/QC Specialist NDE.

9.3.6 Certified NDE personnel shall be recertified at least once every three years for each NDE discipline certified.

9.3.7 NDE may be performed by personnel qualified to Level I, but interpretation and evaluation of the results of NDE shall be performed by personnel qualified to Level II or III.

9.3.8 Service organizations for per forming NDE shall not be employed.

9.3.9 NDE requests shall be initiated by QA/QC inspectors or responsible construction personnel, as applicable. Nondestructive Examination Request (Exhibit 9-5) shall be used. Reports for magnetic particle, liquid penetrant, ultrasonic, radiographic and leak test examinations (Exhibits 6-8, 6-9, 6-10, 6-11 and 6-10) will be prepared by the examiner and shall show the examination procedure, revision number, type of equipment used, the examiner name, signature, date, level of qualification, and results of the examination.

R EV ISIO N BY NJC NJC NJC OATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 /24/85 APPROVEO

FORM t62!



Carolina Power 8c Light Company 9.0 INSPECTION, TESTS, AND NON-




Rjlelylt, k. C, 27602

~ F ~

DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION 5/11/82 9.4 Ins ection and Test E ui ent Prior to performing inspection and test activit'.ies, QA/QC inspection personnel are responsible fox ensuring that inspection and test equipment is calibrated and has current calibration labels which are displayed in accordance with Section 8.0.

9.5 Ins ection and Test Records 9.5.1 'A/QC inspection personnel shall ascertain that required reco'rds are

~- prepared and maintained in accordance this Section and Section'1

0. For nonconforming materials or items identified, appropriate action as required by Section 10.0 shall be initiated.

9.5.2 The Director QA/QC and/or Principal QA/QC Specialist NDE, as applicable, shall have the responsibility for releasing completed inspection, test ~itness, and QA/QC reports for retention as QA records after correctness and completeness are ascertained.

NJC NJC 5/12/82 1 2O 83 AppRoveo



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MRL FacB ASME DF 12 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE C arolina Power 8c Light Company 9.0 INSPECTION, TESTS, AND NON-Raleigh, N. C. 27002 DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION 5/11/82 9.5.8 The Discipline Managers are responsible for developing a pressure testing procedure, for those pressure tests performed by HPCS, to'eet specification requirements for test parameters and controls.

QA/QC inspection personnel vill notify the ANI of all pressure tests so that he may witness as required by the Code. The QA/QC inspector will inspect all points and areas of high stress during the test.

Pressure tests shall be documented on the Pressure Test Record (Exhibit 9-6).

Prior to pressure testing, the Pressure Test Record shall be initiated by the Discipline Engineer and. forwarded to the Director-QA/QC'or review and assignment of'old points. The Director-QA/QC reviews the pressure test record and forwards it to the ANT who establishes his hold points and signs and dates the pressure test record to indicate reviews. Upon completion of the pressure test, the Pressure Test Record (Exhibit 9-6) is signed by the QA/QC inspector and the ANI to indicate acceptance of the test.

.V I 510 N BY DATE aooohvFD



OATK RaHI6he No C 27602 DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION 5/11/82 9.5.9 The Manager Start-Up is responsible for developing pressure test procedures, for those pressure tests performed by Start-Up, to meet specification requirements for test parameters and controls. QA/QC inspection personnel will notify the ANI of all pressure tests so that he may witness as required by the Code. The QA/QC inspector will inspect all points and areas of high stress dux ing the test.

Pressure tests shall be documented on the Pressure Test Data and Witness, form (PTD&W) (Exhibit 9-7).

Prior to pressure testing, the PTDEW form shall be initiated by the Start-Up Engineer and forwarded to the Director - QA/QC for review and assignment of hold points. The Director - QA/QC reviews the PTD&W form and forwaxds it to the ANI who establishes his hold points and. signs and dates the PTD&W form to indicate xeview. Upon completion of the pressure test, the PTD&W form (Exhibit 9-7) is

'I signed by the QA/QC inspector and the ANI to indicate acceptance of the pressure test.


0ATK 12/82 1/20/83 3/21/85 APPROVKO


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2 ASME PAcK of, 1


9.6.4 National Board Serial Numbers shall be controlled, issued sequentially, and stamped on the nameplate 'by the Director QA/QC 1

or his designee. He shall maintain a record of issuance using a National Board Number Log giving the following information:

National Board Number, Type of Item, Serial number (if different from the National Board Number), date stamped and date registered.

The Director QA/QC is responsible to ensure the N symbol stamps are controlled by procedure and applied to the items or nameplates attached to the items fabricated at the construction site when the following conditions are met:

a. CPU. holds a valid Certificate of Authorization for the fabrication or installation.

b The required Data Reports have. been completed and certified.

c. The ANI has authorized application of the stamp.


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..Carolina Power MALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Bc Light Company 10.0 NONCONFORMANCE AND Raleigh, N, C. 27602 CORRECTIVE ACTION 5/11/82 control shall. require a Conditional Release (Exhibit 4-4) to allow issuance and/or installation of the item. The

.conditional release shall be entered in the Conditional Release LOgo C ~ The item will be segregated, when practical. If size or bulk make this impractical, the location where the nonconforming item is stored may be designated a Hold area and adequately identified as such.

d. Corrective action and disposition of the nonconformance will be reported by the Discipline Engineer on the NCR"and a Corrective Action Report (CAR) (Exhibit 10-2), and, if necessary, attachments thereto.

10.2.2 The status of nonconforming items shall be clearly shown by tags, labels, markings or indicating status on process control documents. This status identification shall be retained with the item or in records traceable to the item during all phases of disposition and correction.

VISION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE /12/81 1/20/83 0/21 83 1/12/84 10/1 /8


11 4

QUALlTY ASSURANCE MANUAL 0 A1'L Carolina Power 8 Light Company 10.0 NONCONFORMANCE AND Ralelyh, k, C, 21COX CORRECTIVE ACTION 5/ 11/82 10.2.3 The nonconforming item and 'NCR shall be reviewed by the QA/QC Specialist. If the nonconformance is confirmed, disposition and corrective action shall be determined and assigned as outlined herein Zf the condition is determined not to be a nonconformance, the QA/QC Specialist will cancel the NCR by noting the basis for the cancellation in 0he "Review Comments" section of the NCR. The cancelled NCR shall be so marked, and retained on file in QA Records. The QA/QC Specialist will have the QA Status Tags/Labels changed, or removed. The cancelled NCR shall be noted in the NCR

, LOgo 10.2o4 Contractor audit nonconf'ormances and corrective action will be handled in accordance with Section 13.0 of this Manual.

10.2.5 When addi,tional space is needed to write the description of a Nonconfo'rming condition, Exhibit 10-3, QA/QC Report Continuation Sheet, may be used.


FORNAX 1CBS V'aae y PIL ASME 5 OV QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL OATK carolina Power 5 Light CompanY 10.0 NONCONFORMANCE AND Reloan, tl. C. 27CO2 CORRECTIVE ACTION 5/11/82 10.3 Corrective Action 10.3.1 Disposition and corr ective action taken by the Supplier or CP&L, as applicable, -shall be determined and recorded by the applicable Discipline Engineer on the NCR and CAR. The Director - QA/QC shall indicate concurrence with the final disposition, cause, and preventive measures by. signing and .dating the "Final Review By<<

sections of the NCR and CAR. Corrective action will be documented on the CAR form and will include identification and documentation of the cause and action taken to preclude. recurrence of the condition. Verification of, disposition and corrective action, as specified on the NCR and CAR'orm shall be performed by the QA/QC inspector and documented by signing the NCR and CAR prior to closing.

10.3.2 Disposition options are:

a. Regect the nonconforming item and obtain an acceptable replacement; i.e.,
1) Return the itear to the Supplier for replacement, or RevtsloN BY


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11 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power gI Light Company 10.0 NONCONFORMANCE AND Raleiqtt, N. C. 27C02 CORRECTIVE ACTION 5/11/82

+610.3. 3 In the event the Project General'Manager/Discipline Managers/General Manager/Engineering General Manager/Manager Harris Plant Engineering and Director - QA/QC cannot agiee on the corrective action or disposition, the chart for escalation below will be used until a resolution is reached.






- Lines of Communication Escalation Chain Q6 10.3.4 The Project General Manager/Discipline Managers, for HPCS activities, or the General Manager, for Start-Up activities or the REVISION BV NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 0/21/8 1/12/84 0/17/84 6/24/85 APPROVEO

CORM 1C3 ~


8 11 QUAL1TY ASSURANCE MANUAL OATE Carolina Power 5 Light Company 10.0 NONCONFORMANCE AND RaHlyh. N. C. XTCOZ CORRECTIVE ACTION 5/11/82 Engineering General Manager for HPES activities is responsible for final disposition of nonconforming items. Scrapped items or materials shall be identified by a Hold Tag (Exhibit 4-2), promptly

'I removed from work areas and controlled to prevent inadvertent use.

10.3.5 Rework and repair shall be controlled and documented as set forth in Sections 5.0 and 6.0 and CQA procedures.

10.3.6 If a nonconformance is detected at a Supplier 's facility by CPhl.

Vendor Surveillance personnel, the Supplier shall be required to submit a Vendor Material Nonconformance Report (Exhibit 10-4) or equivalent to the Manager - QA Services. This report shall include l

sufficient detail to define the nature of the nonconformance, stage of manufacture, disposition and corrective action to prevent recurrence, unless it is a normal inherent production defect such as repair able surface inperfections.

10.3.7 Supplier's disposition and corrective action taken to resolve the nonconformance will be reviewed and evaluated by a Vendor Surveillance Specialist. Acceptance will be documented on the R EY ISION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC O ATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 10/21/8 1/12/84 2/29/84 10/17/84 A$IRROYEO


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Pg SORH 1450 ASME PACK' oP r 11 11 0


'+o be reported by the Discipline Engineer on the RIR form and,'. if necessary, attachments thereto. Disposition will be verified 'by the QA/QC Inspector and reviewed for acceptability by the": QA/QC Specialist for closure. If it is determined that the RIR can not be resolved by routine measures a MCR will be wri,tten.



FOAM 1636 PAGE 1 ASME oF 8 1

QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 5 Light Company 5/11/82 Raleigh, N. C. 27602 11.0 RECORD RETENTION l1.0 REC R Res onsibilit

11. l. l CP&L, Suppliers, and Contractors shall provide documents generated inj their work that are designated by this Section for retention.

Upon completion of work by Suppliers and Contractors, these records shall be transferred to CP&L or its agent unless, by contractual agreement, the Supplier or Contractor retains the records for CP&L for the required periods mutually agreed upon and as required by the Code.

1 ll. 1.2 The applicable Manager/Director - QA/QC shall be responsible for the of record checklists for systems and/or components; j'reparation and the accumulation, identification, and review of documents in accordance with the appropriate procedures prior to filing as QA Records.

1 11 ~ 1.2. 1 The Dir'ector - QA/QC shall be responsible for the accumulation, control and storage of site documentation as defined herein until R EV ISI ON BY NJC NJC OATE 5/12/82 6/24/8 APPROVEO

FORM 163@


'UALITYASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 5 Light Company R21 ~ lych, N. C. 27602 11.0 RECORD RETENTION 5/11/82 turnover to HPAS Document Control.

11-1 ~ 2.2 The Engineering General Manager shall be responsible for the control of design engineer ing documentation until turnover to HPAS Document Control. The Manager - HPAS shall be responsible for the final accumulation, Q1 control and storage of site documentation.

+1 11.1.3 The Manager - HPAS/Director - QA/QC is responsible for filing and maintaining records in accordance with site procedures on records filing. They shall restrict access to the records storage area to those authorized access by an approved list of personnel. They records will be removed from the storage area shall assure that no except when authorized by them or their designated representative.

A record sign-out log shall be maintained by the Manager HPAS/Director QA/QC, or his designee.

1 11.1.4 The Principal Quality Assurance Specialist - Training and Administration shall be responsible for control and storage of REVISION NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 6/24/8 APPROVED


ASME PACE, 3 P OF 8 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 6 Light Company Rslel6h, k. C. 27602 11.0 RECORD RETENTION 5/11/82 quality assurance records, and o er require ocumen a son, tor Corporate Quality Assurance Department {CQAD) general office personnel in accordance with CQAD procedures for document control and quality assurance records.

3 11.2 Record Index Preparation of a record index shall be the responsibility .of the applicable Manager - HPAS/Director - QA/QC to permit orderly filing and timely retrieval of records by personnel authorized access to these records. The index shall specify the location of records.

t 11.3 Accumulation and Maintenance of Records

&3 1 1 .3 ~ 1 A checklist of documents shall be prepared for each system and

+3 structure by the Manager - HPAS/Director QA/QC to ensure accumulation of required documents.

11.3.2 Supplier Is manufacturing records for A-E and NSSS Supplier purchased items shall be reviewed by the Records QA/QC Specialist or other R EV ISI 0 N gas, NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 1/12/84 6/24/8 APPROVEO

FOR41 1626 ASME PACE 4 8

QUALFY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power gI Light Company Raleldh, N. C. 27602 11.0 RECORD RETENTION 5/11/82 designated individual and transmitted to QA Records storage room with the Records Review and Acknowledgement Form (Exhibit 4-3) for retention. Suppliers'anufacturing records for site-purchased items will be reviewed by the responsible QA/QC Specialist and transmitted to QA Records with the checklist (Exhibit 4-3) for retention..

11.3.3 Receiving inspection records containing material certifications, manufacturing records, and QA releases shall be assigned a QA number by the QA/QC inspector for traceability to the item received.

11.3.4 Permanent records shall be retained for the lifetime of the plant.

Permanent records shall include "as-built" sketches or a tabulation of materials identifying each piece of material with the certified Material Test Report and the coded marking; and other documents-providing objective evidence of plant quality which meet P

one or more of the following criteria:

a. Those which would be of significant value in demonstrating

'apability for proper functioning of Code items.

REVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/12/8'/29/84 6/24/85 APPROVED t

FORM 1636 PAGE 5 ASME oF 8 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL 0 ATE Carolina Power BI Light Company Ralclgh, N. C. Z7602 11,0 RECORD RETENTION 5/11/82 b- Those which would be of significant value in maintaining, reworking, repairing, replacing, ot modifying the item.

C ~ Those which would be of significant value in determining the cause of an accident or malfunction of an item.

d. Those which provide required baseline data for in-service inspection.

11.3.4 ~ 1 The permanent record file shall contain documents required for quality assurance," fabrication, manufacturing, installation and traceability. The file shall contain such records of materials, manufacturing, examination and test data taken before and during construction, and the procedures, specifications, Stress Reports,

.0 and drawings used, fully identified by pertinent material or item identification numbers, revision numbers and issue dates. The file shall also include related data such as qualifications of personnel, procedures, equipment and related repairs.

5 The Manager HPAS/Director QA/QC shall be responsible for designating the records to be mai.ntained and shall ensure filing in a manner which will allow access by the ANl.

REVISION BY NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 4/27/83 0/21/8 1/12/84 7/3/84 6/24/8 APPROVEO

FORM Iddd ASME pAce OF 6 A QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL O ATE Carolina Power gI Light Company Rditldh, N. C. 21602 11.0 RECORD RETENTXON 5/11/82 Records retained by the Manufactur er or installer shall be filed and raaintained in a manner that will allow access by the ANI and CP&L or its agent to specific information contained therein.

4 The Director - QA/QC shall be responsible for maintaining the following records on file until turnover to HPAS Document Control.

a. An index to the record file.
b. Data Reports for each par't, component, appurtenance, piping system and piping subassembly. (Available as received from the


c. Copies of appropriate Certified Material Test Repoi ts.
d. "As-built" sketch or tabulation of materials.
e. NDE reports including final radiographs.
f. Heat treatment records.

4 >> .3.4.4 The Manager - HPAS shall be responsible for maintaining an index to the permanent record file and for maintaining the following records on file as received.

a. Those records defined in paragraph b through f.
b. Certified Design Specifications.

REVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC OATE 5/'l2/82 4/27/83 1/12/84 3/2]/85 6/24/8 AppRoveo

FOAM 1636 oaaE ASME 7 CARL Carolina Power 8I Light Company 00Al.ITY ASSURANCE MANUAL OF 8 OATE Rslsl511, N. C. 21602 11.0 RECORD RETENTION 5/11/82 Ce The Ceritifed Stress Reports or Stress Calculations with verification regarding the applicability to the "As-constructed" condition. (Must have certification of owner's review and on file prior to application of the Code Stamp.)

d. "As-constructed" drawings certified as to correctness (must be on file pr ior to application'f the Code Stamp) ..

+4 The records a6 the site shall be filed and maintained in facilities that prevent deterioration or damage to documents and shall be controlled to prevent loss.


' The records shall be organized and filed by being attached in binders, placed in folders or envelopes or by being microfilmed so that each document is identifiable and retrievable.

Records which cannot be filed in binders, folders, envelopes or microfilmed vill be filed in a suitable manner which vill preclude deterioration of the records.

R EV I 5 I 0 N NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC OATE 5/12/82 4/27/83 1/12/84 2/29/84 6/24/8 AFPROVEO

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FORINT f628 1


oF $ 4 arolina Power 5 Light Company'sSUVScs.mW~L 0 ATE Raleigh, Ne Ce 27602 12.0 AUTHORIZED NUCLEAR INSPECTOR c,5/ll/S2 j


12. 1 Personnel Interface This Section summarizes the interface with the Authorized Nuclear Inspector (ANI) and associated requirements for compliance with the Code.

k 12.1. 1 An ANI is an employee of an Authorized Inspection Agency, such as an Insurance Company authorized to write boiler and pressure vessel insurance, who has been qualified by written examination under" the rules of any state of the United. States which has adopted the ASHE Code.

12.1.2 The ANI will be given free access to all work locations which come under his jurisdiction. In performance of his duties, the ANI will be subject to safety and security regulations.

17.1 3 The primary contact for the ANI is the Director QA/QC. It is the responsiblity of the Director QA/QC to notify the ANI of the progress of work and furnish necessary information.

1 lslON NJC 0 ATE 5/12/82

FORM t63$


4 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL Carolina Power 5 Light Company OATE RtHINh, N. C. 27602 12.0 AUTHORIZED NUCLEAR INSPECTOR 5/ll/82 12.1.4 The ANI shall be provided adequate facilities from which to perform his duties as required by the Code.

12.1.5 The ANI shall witness or otherwise verify examinations and make inspections required by the agreement for his inspection services and by the Code.

12.1.6 ~

An agreement shall be established by the Vice President - Nuclear Plant Construction with/the Authorized Inspection Agency of record I

at the nuclear power plant construction site to perform inspection services as set forth in the Code.

12.1.7 The Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor shall be given assistance necessary to perform his audits and shall be accompanied by the Director - QA/QC or his designee.

I2.2 Document Accessibilit REVISION NJC OATK S/12/82


4 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL OATE arolina Power Bc Light Company Raleigh, N. C. 21fi42 12.0 AUTHORIZED NUCLEAR INSPECTOR 5/11/82 12.2.1 The ANI shall be given free access to all information and records applicable for Code items.

12.2.2 Procedures utilized to implement Code requirements on Code items shall be subject to review by the ANI. Procedures found not in compliance with Code requirements or this Manual shall be revised to comply with the Code and this Manual. Melding procedure qualifications and certified reports for material related to Code items shall be submitted to the ANI for review by the Director-QA/QC upon completion 'and verification and prior to filing.

12.2.3 The ANI may monitor the QA program to determine that requirements of the Manual are being complied with. The ANI shall be provided assistance as necessary.

12.3 Selection of Hold pints 12.3.1 The ANI shall be given the opportunity to select holdpoints as described in Sections 5.0 and 6.0. The ANI shall have access to any incoming Code items he may wish to inspect.


FOR& 1636 pRL ASME PAGE 4 I,


Carolina Power 5 Light Company R34lgh, N. C. 27602 12.0 AUTHORIZED NUCLEAR INSPECTOR 5/11/S2 12.3.2 The Director QA/QC is responsible for assuring that the ANI is notified sufficiently in advance of the initiation of Code-related work and testing to avoid delays in such activities.

12.4 NDE Tests and the Authorized Nuclear Ins ector 12.4.l. If the ANI has reason to question procedure or personnel qualifications'elated to Code items (welding and NDE), he has the authority to require requalification to his satisfaction.

12.4..2 The ANI may witness or verify records of nondestructive examination~

to determine the acceptability of the items evaluated.

12.4.3 The ANI shall ~itness- final hydrostatic or pneumatic tests required by the Code.




ASME PACK OF QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power gI Light Conipany Raleigh, N. C. 27602 ]3.0 AUDITS 5/11/82 13.0 AUDITS 13.1 Cor orate Audits The Manager - QA Services has responsibility for Corporate QA audit activities as described in Section 1.0.

13.1.1 Training and Qualification of Personnel 'he Manage - QA Services is responsible for the training and qualification of Corporate QA audit personnel. This is accomplished by assuring that Auditors and Lead Auditors are trained and qualified in accordance with the established requirements of Corporate Quality Assurance Department procedures on instruction for training and qualification of Corporate QA audit personnel.

Auditors shall have no direct responsibilities in the areas they audit. A personnel history file reflecting the records of each Lead Auditor's qualification (Exhibit 13-1), personnel history records, REVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/11/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 6/24/8 APPROVED

FORM 1626 ASME PACE OF Carolina Power gI Light Company GOALIE ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE RaIIlyh, N. C. 27602 13.0 AUDITS 5/11/82 and Audit Par ticipation Record (Exhibit 13-2) is maintained in the Corporate Quality Assurance Department files.

13.1.2 Corporate Audit System During the engineering, construction and start-up of a nuclear power plant, a comprehensive system of planned Corporate audits to determine the effectiveness of the engineering, construction and start-up QA program is carried out as detailed in Corporate Quality Assurance Department procedures on instruction fot preparing, distributing, and maintaining the Corporate QA audit documents.

This system shall be in accordance with the Code and delineated in Corporate Quality Assurance Department procedure for Corporate QA audits.

13.1.2'.2 Audits shall be regularly scheduled on the basis of the status and importance of the activities to assure compliance with the Code and this Hanual. The frequency of these audits shall be based on the areas of activity, amount of activity in progress, and the degree of criticality of the area involved. As a minimum, the entire program shall be audited annually.


FORM 163$

3 ASME PAGE CARL Carolina Power 5 Light Company MALlTYASSURANCE MANUAL oF 11 OATE Relolgh, N. C. 27602 13.0 AUDITS 5/11/82 Written Audit Reports shall document audit results and will identify nonconformances and pr ovide sufficient associated information to enable appropriate corrective action to be taken.

3 When the audit report requires corrective action to be taken, the applicable management is responsible for transmitting to the Manager Quality Assurance Services, within thirty days after receipt of the audit report, a document describing the cause of the condition, corrective action taken or planned and schedule for completion of corrective action. A status of audits will be maintained by the Lead Auditor.

+3 Corrective and follow-up action associated with audits shall be determined and accomplished by the Lead Auditor and reported to the Manager - QA Services. Verification of completiop of corrective action will be accomplished during the next scheduled audit of the activity or plant.

13 ~ 1.3 Management Review for Status and Adequacy

"~VlSlON BY NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 7/3/84 6/24/8 APPROVEO

FORM l6dd 4


QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL OATE Carolina Power 5 Light Company Releldh, N. C. 2760d 13.0 AUDITS 5/11 /82 I

Corporate Quality Assurance internal audit reports shall be distributed for management review by the Manager - QA Services to the Senior Executive Vice President Power Supply and Engineering &

Construction, Senior Vice President Nuclear Generation, Vice

+6 President. Harris Nuclear Project, Manager Nuclear Safety and

+6 Environmental Services, Manager - Corporate Quality Assurance, and other CP&L Management having responsibility for the W

activity audited. The Senior Executive Vice President - Power Supply and Engineering & Construction shall sign and return the original audit report to the Manager - QA Services indicating his review. When

.corrective action is required, it shall be monitored to assure timely and effective results. Monitoring will include follow-up audits when appropriate.

13.1.4 Audit Reports A separate file of each audit report shall be maintained in the Corporate Quality Assurance Department files and shall include associated correspondence.

REVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC OATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 0/21/83 7/3/84 6/24/85 11/25/8 APPROVEO

FORM 1626 PAcE 9 P, ASME oF 11 QUALITY ASSURANCE DATE Carolina Power gI Light Company MANUAL'3.0 Rdleldh, N. C. 27602 AUDITS 5/11/82 action. Verification of completion of corrective action will be accomplished during the next scheduled audit or shop inspection whichever comes first. Contractors have the responsibility for conducting audits of their QA programs and are responsible for auditing their subsuppliers. Management Review for Status and Adequacy

+3 Audit reports shall be distributed to the Senior Executive Vice President Power Supply and Engineering & Construction, Senior Vice President - Nuclear Generation, Vice President - Harris Nuclear Project,, Manager - Corporate Quality Assurance and to the management of the function or activity audited. The Manager - Corporate Quality Assurance shall sign and return preaward audit reports to the Manager QA Services indicating his review. The Senior Executive Vice President - Power Supply and Engineering &

Construction shall sign and return periodic audit reports to the Manager - Corporate Quality Assurance indicating his review.

VISION D6 <7 Qs <9 BY NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/ 7/83 6/24/8 APPROVED

FORM 1626 10 ASME PAcE CIPRL 5 QUALITY ASSURANCE MAHUAL oF 11 DATE Carolina Power Light Company Raleigh, N. C. 27602 13.0 AUDITS 5/11 /82 Audit Reports l3. A separate file of each audit report shall be maintained in the Corporate Quality Assurance Department files and shall include associated correspondence.

13.2.l.4.2 Audit reports covering activities associated with Code items shall be made available to the ANI for review when so requested by him through the Director QA/QC.

13.3 CPhL Management Review of Corporate Quality Assurance Audit Activities The authority and responsibility for the administration and execution of the management review program is delegated by the Senior Executive Vice President - Power Supply and Engineering h

+s Construction through the Senior Vice President Operations Support

+s to the Manager - Nuclear Safety 'and Environmental Services. A management review of Corporate Quality Assurance Unit activities will be conducted at least semi-annually by the Manager Nuclear REVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 10/21/8 7/3/84 /24/85 1/25/85 APPROVED

FORM 162$

PAGE ASME 7 CHAL Carolina Power 5 Light Company, QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL OF DATE Ral+lghe N C 27602 13.0 AUDITS 5/11/82 Material Manufacturers not possessing the Quality System Certificate (Mate'rials) shall be audited annually. Audits shall be regularly scheduled on the basis of the status and nuclear safety impor tance of the activities to assure compliance with the developed and implemented program. The need for audits to maintain contractor qualification will be evaluated and determined by the Manager - QA Services and coordinated with the Principal QA Specialist Performance Evaluation Unit. When corrective action is required, it shall be monitored to assure timely and effective results. Monitoring will include'ollow-up audits when appropriate. Audits may be scheduled at any time at the direction of the Manager

- Corporate Quality Assurance Department. Follow-up audits will be planned and conducted when necessary. Audits shall be conducted using written procedures or checklists as guidelines.

1 However, an auditor may depart temporarily from the guidelines when necessary to follow through in an area of concern to determine if a quality problem does exist.

REVISION NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 6/24/8 APPROVED

FORM ICOS ASME PACE 8 ceKL Carolina Power & Light Company QUAL1TY ASSURANCE MANUAL'3.0 OF DATE Raleigh, N. C. 22CO2 AUDITS 5/11/82 Audit planning shall include a review of previous audit repor ts for the a'rea or activity to be audited. Personnel shall be appropriately trained and indoctrinated to plan, conduct, and report audits. Auditors shall have no direct responsibilities in the areas they audit.

13.2 '.2.7 The audits will include an objective evaluation of the documented organization and Contractor's QA program for administrative control and the effectiveness of the implementation of the program in meeting the requirements of the applicable Purchase Order or Contract and the Code.

13.2.l. 2. 8 The audit report will be transmitted to the management of the activity audited. When the audit report requires appropriate corrective action to be taken, the applicable organization or Contractor is responsible for transmitting to the Manager - QA rr Services, within thirty days after receipt of the audit report, a document describing the cause of the condition, corrective action taken or being planned and schedule for completion of corrective REVISION BY NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 6/24/8 APPROVED

FORM 166$


Caroiina Power 5. Light Company GOALS ASStJRANCE MANUAL DATE Raleigh, N. C. 27602 13. 0 AUD1TS 5/11/82

13. l. 4.2 Audit reports covering activities associated with this Manual shall be made available to the AN? for review when so requested by him through the Director QA/QC.

13.2 Su lier Audits 13.2. 1 The Manager - QA Services has the responsibility to ensure that audit activities are planned, scheduled, coordinated and accomplished by trained and qualified personnel during the engineering, construction and start-up of nuclear power plants.

13.2.1. 1 Training and Qualification of Personnel 13.2. l. l. 1 The Manager - QA Services is responsible for -the training and qualification of QA audit personnel. This is accomplished by assuring that Auditors and Lead Auditors are trained and qualified in accordance with the established requirements of Corporate Quality Assurance Department procedures on instruction for training and qualification of QA audit personnel. Auditors shall have no direct responsibilities in the areas they audit.

R E V ISI 0 N BY NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 7/3/84 6/24/85 APPROVED


~3 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 5 Light Company RalelCh, N. C. 27C02 13.0 AUDITS 5/11/82 13.2 '.1.2 A personnel history file reflecting the records of each Lead Auditor b

and Auditor's qualification, personnel history records, and audit par ticipation record is maintained in the Corporate Quality Assurance Department files. Supplier Audit System Those organizations which are .subject to the audit shall include the A-E, the NSSS Supplier and other Suppliers surveyed and qualified by CP&L. The A-E and NSSS Supplier audit frequency intervals shall be described in Corporate Quality Assurance Department procedures and shall be conducted at least once each twelve months. The total coverage. of the applicable portions of the ASME Code NA-4000 shall be accomplished on a triennial basis. For Suppliers of Code items and/or services1 audits are periodically scheduled at least every three years or once within the life of the contract, whichever comes first, to assure compliance with the approved QA program. The preaward source evaluation audit may suffice for the initial periodic audit. An annual evaluation shall 'be made to determine the necessity of increasing the audit frequency. Material Suppliers and REVISION BY NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 6/24/8 APPROVED

FORM t63$

PAcE 11 ASME OF 11 MALITYA'SSIIRAHCE MANIIAL DATE Carolina Power 5 Light Company Raleigh, N. C. 27602 13.0 AUDITS 5/11/82 Safety and Environmental Services. The management review report will be distributed by the Manager Nuclear Safety and Environmental Services for review to the CP&L Chairman/President, Senior Executive Vice President '- Power Supply and Engineering IL Construction, Senior Vice President - Operations Support and the Manager Corporate Quality Assurance. These reviews will be conducted in accordance with the "Procedure for Management Review of Quality Assurance Audit Activities," approved by the Executive Vice President Power Supply and Engineering 5 Construction.

<0 NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 1/20/83 4/27/83 6/24/85 11/25/8 APPROVEO


,Ralel6h, N C. 22602

~ 15.0 EXHIBITS 5/11/82 EXHIBIT FORM REVISION NO. NO. NO. TITLE OF EXHIBIT 23 CP&L Nuclear Engineering, Construction, Start-Up and Quality Assurance/Quality Control Organization Chart 1-2 6 CPAL Nuclear Engineering Organization Chart 2-1 APF-001 Field Change Request;/Permanent Waiver 2 3 AP-IX-10 Flaw Chart APF<<008 Site Specification Cover Sheet 1651 Document Record 2-6 APF-003 Document Transmittal Delete Instrument Isometric Change Request Instrumentation Sketch 3-1 1483 H Manufactu) er Evaluation Quality Assurance 3 w2 6009-12M 5/75 Quality Compliance Plan for Vendors, Manufacturers, or Contractors 3-3 150 3/82 Purchase Requisition 152 10/81 Purchase Order




~ 'h

PtORM NO 1CSIS REV 1/l5 PAGE 2 ASNlE OF QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 5, Light Company Raltiyh, N. C. 27C02 15.0 EXHIBITS 5/11/82 EXHIBIT FORM REVISION NO. NO. NO. TITLE OF EXHIBIT 1538 Vendor Surveillance Check Plan 3-6 1539 Quality Control Inspection Report 3-7 1540 Release for Shipment 3-8 5/Bo Purchase Contract Form 4-1 QA-7 Receiving Inspection Repor t 4-2 Quality Assurance Status Tags 4-3 QA-6 Records Review and Acknowledgement QA-5 12 Conditional Release Request 5-1 Construction Material Requisition 5-2 QA-36 ASME Section III - Work Traveler-Non-Welding 5-3 0 ASME Section III - Work Traveler-Non-Welding Continuation Sheet QA-36A'A-3 5-4 .Pipe Spool Fabrication/Modification Sheet 5-5 Flanged Connection Inspection Form 5-6. QA/QC Field Report 5-7 SU-18.1 12 Start-Up Flanged Connection Inspection Form

>ra Delete REVISION NJC NJC DATE 6/24/85 1/25/8 APPROVEO

~ ~

fORM IS28 3

ASME PACE of 5 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power & Light Company RaIIIIIh, N. C 21502 15.0 EXHIBITS 5/11/82 EXHIBIT FORM REVISION NO. NO. NO. TITLE OF EXHIBIT 5-9 Pipe Spool Fabrication/Modification Record 5-10 Qualification Record for ASME Code Class Tube Bending 5-11 Heat Number Transfer/Tube Bending Verification Sheet 5-12 QA-39 Threaded Connection Inspection Record A 5-13 Threaded Connection Inspection Sheet

>> 5-14 Material Verification Sheet 6-1 MP/3-1 Welding Materials Requisition 6-2 QA>>32 Tank Fabrication Weld Record MP/1-2 Welding Procedure Specification 6-4 MP/l-l Procedure Qualification Record 6-5 QA-28A Repair/Weld Data Report Continuation Sheet 6 MP/2-2 Performance Qualification Test Recor d 6-7 QA-28 Meld Data Report 6-8 PT-1 Liquid Penetrant NDE Report 6-9 Magnetic Particle NDE Report 6-10 RT-1 Radiographic NDE Report

'I VISION BY NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC NJ DATE 5/12/82 4/29/83 8/8/83 0/21/83 1/12/84 2/29/84 0/17/84 /21/85 /24/85 1/25/85 APPROVED



4 CARL Carolina Power 5 Light Company QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL' DP 5 DATE Ralel9h, N. C. 27C02 15.0 EXHIBITS 5/11/82 EXHIBIT FORM REVISION NO. NO. NO. TITLE OF EXHIBIT 6-11 UT-2 Ultrasonic Weld Examination Report 6-12 QA-30 Repair Weld Data Report 6-13 QA-40 Safety-Related Instrumentation Weld Data Report 6-14 LT-1 Vacuum Box Leak Test Report 8-1 APF-004 Master Controlled Tool List 8-2 APF-005 Controlled Tool Recalibration Record 8-3 APF>>006 Calibrated Data Form 8-4 APF-009 Calibration Sticker 8-5 APF-007 Controlled Tool Log 8-6 APF-012 Out of Calibration Corrective Action Form 8-7 Out of Calibration Notification 9-1 QA-47 Delete 9-3 ~

QA-49 Delete 9 QA PQ-6 Certificate of NDE Personnel Qualification QA-37 "- "'Nondestructive Exam]nation Request R EVIS ION C .

BY NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 0/17/84 3/21/85 /24/85 6/24/85 1/25/85 APPROV ED

0 O.

FORM 1626


ASME PACE DF 5 QUA11TY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 5. Light Company Rdleldh, N. C. 27602 14.0 REVIEW AND CONTROL OF MANUAL 5/11/82 14.0 REVIEW AND CONTROL OF MANUAL Res onsibilities lit. l. 1 The Manager - QA/QC Harris Plant is responsible for the revision of this Manual, as necessary, to maintain consistency with the applicable Code Edition and Addenda as stipulated in the Manual Addendum. The Manager - Corporate Quality Assurance will review the status and adequacy of this Manual and submit recommended revisions, as necessary, to the Manager QA/QC Harris Plant. The Manager-QA/QC Harris Plant will submit proposed revisions to appropriate management for review and to the Senior Executive Vice President-Power Supply and Engineering & Construction for approval. This approval will be documented by his signature on the transmittal memorandum from the Manager - QA/QC Harris Plant. In the absence of the Senior Executive Vice President - Power Supply and Engineering &

Construction, the approval will be by signature of the Senior Vice President Nuclear Generation on the transmittal memorandum from the Manager - QA/QC Harris Plant.

14. 1.2 Upon receipt of approval of the proposed revisions from either the Executive Vice President - Power Supply and Engineering &

REVISIOH BY NJC NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5/12/82 4/27/83 10/21/8 3/21/85 6/24/85 APPROVED

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FORM 162$


~ GOALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL OATK Carolina Power 8c Light Company Rslelyh,~ N ~ C. 27602 14.0 REVIEW, AND CONTROL OF MANUAL 5/11/82


14.3.1 Revisions of this Manual shall be submitted to the Authorized Inspection Agency by a letter (Exhibit 14-3) by the Manager - QA/QC Harris Plant for review and acceptance prior to implementation. The accep-'.ance'opy e

of the letter (Exhibit 14-3) shall be furnished to the ANI by the Manager - QA/QC Harris Plant simultaneously with transmittal of revisions to the Manual.

14.3.2 Exhibits in the Manual may be changed without a revision to the Manual provided no information is deleted. Approval by the Manager - QA/QC Harris Plant, or Principal QA Engineer, is required. Pr int Shop form number addition/deletion is outside the scope of'he manual. Revisions to the exhibits shall not conflict with the editorial sections of this manual.

Any organization change within CPEL that affects this Manual will be incorporated as a revision within sixty (60) days after effective date of the change.

14.3.3 When accepted by the Authorized Inspection Agency, revisions of this Manua1 shall be dated and forwarded by the Manager QA/QC Harris Plant to individuals on the Distribution List by a form letter (Exhibit 14-4), a copy of which is to be signed and returned


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FORM 1624 PAcE ASME oF 5

5 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina Power 8I Light Company 5/11/82 Relelyh, N. C. 27602 14.0 REVIEW AND CONTROL OF MANUAL designee, will maintain a copy of the letter until acknowledgement is received. The Manager QA/QC Harris Plant and Manual Holders within CPAL shall be responsible to ensure that their Manuals are maintained current. Manuals found to be in noncompliance will be retrieved and the holder removed from controlled distribution, or the manual will be updated.

14.3.5 Holders of this Manual are responsible for acknowledging receipt of revisions thereto on the transmittal form letters (Exhibit 14-2 or Exhibit 14-4), for inserting revised pages into the designated sections, and for returning superseded pages. The returned acknowledgement receipt shall be retained by the Manager - QA/QC Harris Plant, or his designee, for a minimum of one (1) year or until the next revision whichever is longer.

14.3.6 A Summary of Revisions shall document revisions of all pages in this I

Manual. The Summary of Revisions shall be inserted in the front of this Manual. The Summary of Revisions shall also reflect the Section revised, page number, and revision number of each page of the Manual.



R EV IS ION NJC NJC NJC NJC DATE 5 12 82 4/27/83 10/21/8 4 24 8 APPROVED



QUALITY ASSURANCE MANUAL DATE Carolina PovIIer 8I Light Company RaleIIIIIe N, Co E7002 15. 0 EXHIBITS 5/11/82 EXHIBIT FORM REVISION NO. NO. NO. TITLE OF EXHIBIT 9-6 QA-26 Pressure Test Record 9-7 SU>>10.1 Pressure Test Data and Witness Form 10-1 QA-1 Nonconformance Report 10-2 QA -4 10 Corrective Action Report 10-3 QA-13 QA/QC Report Continuation Sheet ,.

10-4 Vendor Material Nonconformance Report 10-5 QA-7A Receiving Inspection Report 13-1 Ex. A Qualification Requir ements.

13-2 Ex. B Audit Participation Record 14-1 Quality Assurance Manual Distribution List 14-2 Form Letter (On Manual Distr ibution) 14-3 Form Letter (Distribution to ANIS or IS) 14-4 Form Letter (Distribution of Manual Revisions) 14-5 Form Letter (Notification of Late Acknowledgement on Distribution)

REVISION NJC HJC HJC NJC HJC HJC HJC DATE 4/29/83 1/12/84 7/3/84 0/17/84 3/21/85 4/24/85 6/24/8 APPROVED


I II / to Serial: HNP-99-069

~1 Weld Process Specification and Procedure Qualification Records Associated with Field Welds Subject to the Alternative Plan



~y GTAW & SMAW Min.3/16" - 14" Max. DATE 3/29/85 Meld Metal:

Max 3E;" GTAW Max. 1 '7/16" SMAW (3/29/78)

Max lk" GTAW & SHAW BASE HE R7 Preheat Tem erature Pl(Gr.1) to P-l(Gr.1)" ,

emperature: See Page 3 of WPS Maintenance: Resistance or Fuel Gas Torch F LER E S E R CONTRE Process: GTAw SMAW

.SFA No.: 5.18 5.1 500'F Max.

R7 AMS Class: ER70S-6 E7018.

A. No.: 1 N No.: 6 'F.

4 emperature ange: None Electrode-Flux (Class): N/A Hold Time: N/A Consumable Insert: N/A Procedure: N A

'lux Trade Name: N/A ec c: HKrrl N P Filler Metal Size s): te 88 ungsten ze: 3 32', 1/8" EEG C C CE 'C Tungsten TypeQX Thoriated rocess: GTAW SMAW Orifice or Gas Cup Size: Nos. 4-10 Current: Dc DC Contact Tube to Mork Polarity: SP RP OiStanCe: N/A 4Y. Core Wi e gaia. or 5/8" lectrode Mire Feed OSCillatiOn/WeaVe: wiiichever Ps.'Xess.

8: Speed'ange:


E ~,M N/A Material '(TPPe): 9-1 carbon eneel x

'Retainer (Type):Non-fusing metallic retainer Meld Progression: UpM13.

Insert, Size and Style: N/A Strin er or Meave: aoth u t p e enera or'ng e Electrode: Single R7 Other: N A Prohibited Multiple or Single Pass: Multiple ercent om osst on ow ate (Per. Side) ype

'Elect'rode'pacing: N/A Min. 99.-95X 10-30 CFH ,'Initial 8 Interpass Cleaning:Brush/Grind Shielding:Argon

,BaCking9 None Methad Of BaCk GOuging:Grind/Air Arc, Gouge Trailin  :

C C 0 E Peenin Prohibited

'P-06, MP-10, HP-18, Latest Revision E

'ESTRICTION: None Charpies, qualified at -20'F for material R7 over 5/8" thick.

This procedure specification meets the requirements of Section III, Div.

1975 Code Edition, W1975 Code Addenda; and,Section IX of the 2, and ASME Code, 1977 Code Edition, W1977 Code Addenda.



~ ~

-HP/1-2 Rev.




Seei page 1'f WPS 1-2 GTAW SIZE'/1622 3/32 50-130 8-,12 Manual J 1'/822 main. SMAW ,3/3222 70-110 21-23, Manual.


emain. 'SMAW li'/8II 90-125 l 21-23

'anual'oint Design* Welding'equence*

$ 0+ Geg ~ t 9


1/8" +, 1/16" '1/,16",;,+ 1/32" L

1/8" +'/32" 1/16" + ]/32" t

rs ~5.

1/16" + 1/32" (g tfee. I R7 Min.3 16" -1/2" max Thickness of any SMAW pass shall not exceed 3/16". R7 Thickness bf any GTAW pass, shall not exceed/1'6".






  • Recommended Additional Requirements

i ~

'k p

~a V"

n I lf



V.P.S. No. 1>A3 WPS REV e, NO'ATE 3/29/85

-0 PAGE 3 of Preheat Code . P-; Thickness of Msxxmumi Minimum Note

'umber Adjoining Member Reported'Carbon

,Preheat See Note, 1, X Section III 1>iu or less .30'r less 100oF Div. 1&2 over lg" to 14" .30 or less 200 F 3/4!'o 14"'er

'3/4" or less .30 100oF lover ver .30 200 F ANSI B31 ~ 1 ASME Section I, 3/4" or less .30 or less 100 F AWS, D1 ~ 1 'up 'to, 3'/4" N/A 100oF over 3/4" thr'u 14" N/A .'100oF

'RiE'ection VIII over- 1" to 14" ver .30 175 F

.over l>"'o 14" N/A 200 F Note I:, "Thickness oS Adjoining Member"'s'ominal thickness. por ASMS', Section Nominal thickness ill Div. t A 2l the column shall read".

whi'ch', is defined as the'hickness of the weld', pressure retaining material, or the thinner of the sections being joined, whichever is less.


)" o~


A 0


,p:~.:+$ 3;dingpPcoceypl s es h~>>

WPS NoS" 'P-'1 "X~BA'>>3 '."' 4'/28'/78 '"-.~ e% ma.....,

MPS No ' "".~-'"' a-. ':~""a~~a'~~d""t


JOINT DESIGN ~TECEMZ DE 75<5~ String. or Weave Bead Weave (Ch Oscillation 4. x 4 re re a 0 Sinsle or MultiPle Electrodes ~sin le Single or Multiple Pass Multi le Travel Speed Manual mssoo f II )o+ BASE METALS I6 Pipe XX Plate Other ~NA 3&e Material Spec 10 Type or Grade B P.'o 1 tc P. No FILLER M TALS Thickness 0.844 N/A {Bare Mire) Diameter 10 75 Weld Metal Analysis A-. No, Other 10" Sch. 120 Size of Electrode3/32"(B.W.) & 3/32" 1/8" E.)

Filler Metal F-No F-6 & F-4 SFA'Specification SFA 5.18 & SFA 5.1


AWS Classification- E70S-6 & E7018 POSITION Trade Name AIRCO E70S>>6 & Hobart LH718

. Other N A Position of Joint 6G Weld Progression U hill (uphill o" downhill)

POSTWELD HEAT TREA'Q!ENT Other N/A PREHEAT Temperature None Time N/A Preheat Temperature 200oP Min.

Other N/A Interpass Temperature 500op. Mass Other ELECTRICAL CKARACTERicTERICS Current type Polarity Amperage Direct Current Strai ht & Reverse 20 125 130 & {90 125 Flow Rate {CFH) 28 CFH


Voltage 10 12 & 23 C~ of Backing ',Gas{es N/A Other N/A Other We certif> that the data in this record is correct and that: the te't welds were preoared and welded in accordance with the requirements of Section III Div.. p and of the ASME Code, 1977 Code. edition, 1977 Winter Code adde d This is a true copy, only Editorial changes were made on 8"7"80


Q(7 v Orig. WITNESSED BY: Joe Young /True Copy/ Sr. Q.A. S ecialist 5/3/78 Title Date yp/gc 0 REPIESED SP: 0. L. Porehand /True Co / 5/18/78 E a C Q. A.

Origo APPROVED BY. .Malcolm,E. Reese /True Co /

PPCD - SHNPP -DiscipUne Engr'..Metallurgy/Welding Date 0 A l4. t.ttr.aa /True Co 7g

~g,'GLEE.'-,<'~ "'VMJLCTE@



'.;"'47~" '

p-.',;718'"-'. -'-; 536 350500". 66,'231 LOCATION~",'oke/Base',Meta 732 .671 ": ~ 491 39,000 79,430 roke/Base 'Mete GUIDED BEND TESTS YPE AND RESULT TYPE AM)


Side Bend-QW-462.2{ ) Satisfactory Side Bend - QW-462.2 (a) Satisfactor Side Bend-QW-462.2{ ) Satisfactory Side Bend - QW-462.2 (a) Satisfactor TOUGHNESS TEST PECTEN NOTCH NOTCH TEST IMPACT LATERAL EXP. DROP NO. LOCATION TYPE TEMP. VALUES X SHEAR MILS BREAK NO BREPX Base Metal Base Metal -20 F 22 ft-lbs- e 57. 18 Ave AZ HAZ -20'F 22 ft-lbs- e 5/. 18 Ave eld Metal Weld Metal V -20 F 8.3 ft-lbs- ve 507. 76 Ave Actual Data See Attac FILLET WELD TEST Result - Satisfactory N/A. P enetration into Base Metal N/A yes-no yes-no Type and character of Failure N/A Mqqro Results N/A Clock No.'240-62-7846 Stamp no.

Welders name Dames A. Buffaloe Laboratory Test No. 2800-R Test Conducted by: Ne ort News Industrial Cor .

We certify that the data in this record are correct and that the test welds were prepared, welded and tested in accordance with the requirements of Section III >,

and Section IX of the ASME Code, latest applicable revision.~ *Division 2 rip o>>EVIEWED BY . G. L. Forehand /True Co / 5/1S 7S EC(C-Q. A. Date


rig. APPROVED BY, Malcolm E. Reese /True Copy/ 5/1s/7s PPCD - SHNPP -. Discipline Engr. Metallurgy) Date

/ Welding APPROVED BY. A. M. Lucas /True Copy/ 5/19/78


$ ~>3.e Tea@.~;- Lat. Exp. Lat. Ero. Percent" .

Eo. 0" Ft Lbs. h~ls Perce.".t Shee, Veld I.' -20 115 80 20.3 50

'i,'eld Ketal-2 -20 60 11.2 30 Ve c, ketal-3 95 74 18.8 40 e'eld I'.etal--': -20 89* 66 16.8 50 Meld I!e al-5 -20 111

  • 88 2ce3 , 60

~use h!e ta.l-6 -20 22 18 4.6 5 Base hyetal-7 -20 22 17 4.3 5 Base I~e al-8 >>20 22 18 4.6 5 Base Iletal-9 -20 21* 4.6 5 2>~

  • 4.8 Base Yetal-' -2C 10 4Z-11 2A 6 4 1.0 1 AZ-12 -20 20 16 5

) 20 27 22 5.6 5

-20 54 46 ~ $ 30 I'AZ-1'~.Z-15

-20 QQ 4 16

  • Retest

MP/l-2'" Rev. l< i 6/84 ITIONS 7


~ OF WPS 8B2 Manual GTAW ase Weld ta:

Min..031-8.00" 1




~l REV. Np. ls NP.(S) 6,64 6,8 DATE.~ 6C 8AS P-8 Stainless Steel to P-8 Stainless Steel Tem erature DOCUMENT CONTROL

'reheat TemPerature: Oo F Min Maintenance: None F LL R ME LS N E P b E U E moo Process: GTAW Pc i SFA No.: 5.9 300 F Max.

AWS Class: ER308,ER308L,ER316,ER316L,ER309, A. No.: 8 ER309L,ER347 WE 0 E EN HEARON HARRIS N. P F. No.: 6 emperature ange: None Electrode-Flux (Class): N/A Hold Time: N/A Consumable Insert: N/A Procedure: N A Flux Trade Name: N/A 0.045", 0.035", E N ecl lc X/16 Filler Metal Size s): 1 16" 3 32" 1 8" ungsten ze: 1 16,3/32,1/8 ELEC C E C Tungsten Type: E-ThW-2 Process: GTAw Orifice or Gas Cup Size: 4-8 Current: DC Contact Tube to Work ol arity: sp Distance: N/A is less ctrode Wir- Feed Il Speed Range: Weld Progression: Uphill for Vertical progress.

Other: 'N/A Insert Size. and Style: N/A 8 KN: E N Strin er or Weave: Both Material (Type): P-8 Stainless Steel E N enera Retainer (Type): None u tip e or lng e Electrode: Single Other:'/A Mul tiple'or Single,Pass: Multiple S ercent Com osl tlon Flow Rate CF/H (Per Side) ype Electrode Spacing: N/A .

Initial & 'Interpass Cleaning: Brush/Grind Shielding: Min.99.95%Argon 10>>30 CFH Backing". Min.99.95%Argon 5-30 CFH Method of Back Gouging: Grind/Aii Arc Gouge Trailin  : None N A E E E Peenin: Prohibited MP-07 Latest Revision RE K Single pass may be used up to 3/32" thickness, pulsation may or maynot be used.

RESTRICTION: None Thickness of any pass shall not exceed 3/16" Backing gas is not required for 5oints with barging strip, doubled welded 5oint or fillet This procedure specification meets the requirements of Section (((, piss l , and t974 Code Edition, Ntsyd Code Addenda; and Section (X of the ASME Code, 1983 Code Edition, S1984 Code Addenda.

1 RE . 4


':'P (






H/16 See Page 1 GTAW 1/16",3/32",10-140 8-12 2-6 IPM 1/8",0.045",


'I Ill+ 0.035" R/16


Remainder GTAW 1/16",3/32"10-165 8-12 2-6 IPM

' (

1/8" 0 045" 0 035"


e Joint Design* Welding Sequence~

-. 1/8" + 1/16 +g o "4~

68",e 5" + 8010" 1/S'i.i16" g "AP:sg I

lo I/ Ie" v'/O" 3/32" + 1/32 I I 4

1 IAS Sp I

1/16" + 1/36" 1/8"+ 1/76" 1



  • Recommended Additional Requirements

I I r I Ja-')


~st kt P y I

'I I

~L HPI1'-2 Rev. '






SIZE'/8'nsert See Page

'-1'4 R9~ 1 GTAH IManual,

'0-1'40'0-140 1 GTAW 5/32" Insert 8-1'4 Manual' tl Reaininder ,


1'/l6'" 3/32" v 50>>140 '8>>1'4'. Manual'


/8<' ~



Joint Oesign*'ax.

Extension beyond radius .015"'i Wel ding', Sequence*

4 PiN'&fCP gf<<qev ecei~~j' 4 ~

vv ~ ~


I e,


  • RecomendedI Additional~ Requirementsi

tl F,i l

I' I I

/1-2,Rev.,5,." ..; '. -,';;Exhibit.t '2' MP-.'01<,

! t

'. "'CAROLINA POWER'-'hsLZGHT',:CO 6'fAW" -..'"'-- "-.":'~,TTPE'(S).'Mancu'al'.": .""




ERIAL'h'"P-,.8"-',Stairiless".Steel'.t'o~P-'8'tains'e's's ~'Steel'"~'""

"F5 ".'7/22'/83 ",-

,".,"""'"".0 en!Buttt .cB'ackin'!';Rint '".'.Socket".~,.FiF11ehtf'&'



';F JOINTDESI'. ,, '-WPS l,,Ãoc "Rev".-,;,Date',



QUALZFIED,, BTPQR', HO,(S)"- '7'O'6' 8 241 76.,; Tes'et;;d')"',,-'" 't PAGE(" ":.1~ ~='. '.of,'<.. 2';

I h ,6A "10,6,81 "',,;,,- THICKNESSy~RANGEP)-

".';;" .; PIPE(.DIAMETER<'RANGE' I" '" >h;'POSITIONS~~

Max.c 2"'ll'/32>'.

".....A'ny~ f.-,...

F k1xn;,, ~ '

1 C' Lay'er, H ,,Ql QLQlP>> Remainder". ( ~Remainder.'...;

&',gO'C't,,l,'h" '-)t t ft l,h;14 Qt P

'SMAW",.< ., , k,; SliAWI tp '.p tt Weldixxg;, cesstp>>'Q>8'~ ',GTAW< ').'FMAWi '.tth1p

';.. )",,'.

t RRemainder'/jA'<

.'," i ( "

',lungs ten; ~Ch .'I ICQ (1'/;l'6;r~3J32n ",

. N/14;, ",l;," g' F,N/A~; ','~,;I, -

Fill "", 'M gPRgt'1:;+@Bi"':Rt +

FElectrode/Wire*. Size' ' - .-Bare'I Wir'e'~ -/16<'3/32r" ( 3/Q2 r ' l. 1/8rrJ), 'h -<

( 5/32~~h, I Welding- AmperageRa'nge'~, ',". '-';;-.,:.-", ISO->.160", )",60-,90*;,", ~ -.$ 0 1'20'hl',, j ', 1'20=160 (CFH),"1/Sii;:tt;- 7 FFI t' ). "22'-,'28>,

R Wel'dinge'i, Vol'tage>,Ringe', ",':,' 4i-.14~ 1 19,'-'.28",,',', I 19.28l, ~:


"" <,',"."DC".">>'"c":.-'., "".


>I, - "';DC'..

F. tt I

',", - 'h; "; 'Currenttttc'c "

t:'I, '1: tt" ..

(DC ,'. DC c'-"": c

'El'e'ctrl'c'al't Character%'sht'ics <l;,Polargty, '"-'

,'To~rch'.",.Gas~Type!-aad] Fg'ov,'-Range~

SP'."." 4 ~


) H/AF."' j l,', H/Aj ':" l', N'/P',.':

rprgonf IF r,

M'h 1&

Dx:scontxnue~ aft r:"3/16<.,-

'Ba BC'as,"-Type".&'~F1'ow) Range'; (CFH)>>, ~5-.25GFH<.'-.'. i Same'tt. ~%-h.c ~de o'sit=th'xck~ne s'>

r F. f" xc qv r;- F- rea er-.; or",'wo"(2.)".'erpass q 4"'Same,". X- "- .:-': S'a 'e<'-.-': " '- -:: ~~'~-'a'm'e< ."-->>"-- - -':--


!held<-Progression~ .'.:', ';, '."i,~. ';, -,>'>..~~, erqicalr,Upi< ,erti'cal';;Up jVe'rti'c'a1 "Up~; erti'cal:,1 Up"; i., ',

e" Diametei 'o',,),"-:,.whhx."chev is1 1'es'8>

, 'Risc%'1'latioxx /Weave~> .,'l',

/AX Cor'e>CWi N A'~'~ '" ' xzN A'~:xd.t'.. 'L"N A'~'tr f:."".'::.i '='"'; 6-'...FN'i"..'2 ere',, ,, ". '.,",", , >, "~; .'N A'9".- rXN A;i'l'-:",'"'-'.-"'rN A'<<- -* "."~'-':.="." K'F"NF A<" ." -" 1 f'FRC ost", We1d.."Heat "Treatmexxt! 'Pope".Re'quii

,;4pp19iab1e" Proc'etdxxr'e {s)f', GAMP,.W7i,'I L'at'e t,'.R'evxsx:o . RF I

NOTE: WPS 8BA3 was formally P8'8-BA-3".Work that" was'"specified to 'be done in-accordance, with revious revisions ma be erformed or corn leted with this revision.

+:-Thxckne'ss',".range;*for"GTAW< atnd 'SMAW"".u'sed>',in'omb'inati'on': '1/16" Min;. -, 2-;19/32"-'Max.'-"-;;,-


~'. proc'ehdure meets; th', rejiiiretientshh of'ects on'II',:D1v'. '..1w,"",.-atnd> IX"of<the~ A'SPE,,Code'l

'>'I'il~'""" .El &).O' ' ' ~~'~" ' '

-,,', '., ";, ' ~"

'Date II,,


~>'.. D p~et Engr..'eta11urgy/We1'ding" " I',SPODE~


<-'-'-<ff'F r~c'-~~i~APPROVED~Xc'.<~,"',FI'/f p,, f/gp; $ 4' - ", '

. g',g,+ g~

1 t'l A.( 1 J

s1 I 'v




/8l 2'ev'. 5 Exhibit MP-Ol 2 ~'





83'PS 2 OF No. No. Date PREPARATIONS DESIGeee g "a~ s6 9S v R4 '/8" + 1/16" 1/16"

+1'/32'Z 32 I

25~ I/6" + I//I6"q 1/16" ,+ 1/3222 6 0

RI e



'- I/2"IIsr +

+, Ie',+

I I'/32"'Iesj; 1





k f


<Recommended Rscrlaa: Yes~ IIo~ Gas.

Percent Composition {Mixtures) Min 99.9'5/ Argon Backing Material (Type)

Hoametallic, retainer


'r metallic retainer, Carpe Prohibited Mi'n ield o

Other "N A ~

~recha2 ce 7411er Metals,, -String, or Weave Bead'trin or Weave Spec No (SFA)SFA 5.9(B'.W. 'FA 5s4 C:.E. Orfice orr Gas', Cup Si'ze . os R3 1

ASS'o'Class)ER308'ER308L'R309 ER309L'R316 Initial 6 Interpass Cl'eanin <ng ran xng'~

Electrode-Flux '(Class)N A. ER31 L Se 0 e ) Method of Back Gouging Grind Gou e nsumable Insert Contact Tube to Work Distance N Other Multip1e or Single Pass (Per Side) u e 2 s e, or Feel Y.rivel'Pse6 (Raa8e)

Other N/A Electrode Spacing1

t a~

~ ~

1 4 ~


'I E

I t

4 s

IP 4

I II ~

~ ~

' ~ . ' "B' vl'

': ~ Qll I '

I I ~ ~ aa

~~emyy ~

~s >>

1 ~ I I ~ '




~ ~



~ ~lla , ~ eI' . ~ I . I'l 'l 'l e I ' ~

e ~

'I ~ II

~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ III 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ II Ije ~ I ~ ~

I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ II I~ I ~

~ ~

~ ~

~ ' ~ 'L I


I ~ ~ ~

~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

e ~ ~ ~

~,I '


~ I ~ ~ ~

~ ~

I~ ' ~

I eI ~ ~

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~ ~

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~ ~ ~

~ ~

~ ~

~- ~ ~

~ e ~ l

f lf C'

s s

f sr.

/1-1 ev. 2



7 0TP'tL LOAD UN1T STi".ESS FAILURsE A.'i"3 P EC DfEN NO. WIDTH Tff1Cf~XESS d'PEA LB. PSI LOCATION TEN-1 .748 . 244 .1825 16,050 87,945 Break in Weld TEN-2 .749 . 273% .2044 18,100 88,551 Break in Weld GUIDED BEND TESTS YPE AhD RESULT TYPE hhD RESULT IGURE NO. FIGURE NO.

FB-1 QW-462.3 (a) No Visible Cracks RB-1 QW-462.3 (a) No Visible Cracks FB-2 QW-462.3 (a) No Visible Cracks RB-2 QW-462.3 (a) vNo Visible Cracks TOUGHNESS TEST ECilfEN hOTCH NOTCH TEST DL ACT LATERAL EXP. DROP WEA~('-'R" h'0. LOCATION TYFE TC'tp. VALUES 'i SHEAF. IMILS 's):

N FILLET WELD TEST Resolt Satisfoc'ory N/A Penetration into Base Metal N/A yas-no yes-no Type and character of Failure N/A Macro Results N/A Clock No. 241-82-6299 Stamp no. B-2

.Welders name ~Bill R. S'tidham Laboratory Test No. 5530-P Test Conducted by: hewport News Industrial Corp.

We certify that the data in this r cord are correct and that the test welds were prepared welded and ttested in accordance with the requirements nf Section and IX of the ASME Code, III 5 Div-1974 Code edition, Winter, 1475"ode addenda.

EVIDPED BY: -~-rz 6 C~Q. A. Date APPROVED BY: W-C -7E PPCD - Sf!NPP ~ Discipline Engr. Meta11urgv/ Date


V .lding Pro" e ss (as)


Types M>>s (Hanual, Automatic, Semi-Auto hoS. 8B2 / /

4 21 80 5


JOIhZ DESIGN ~cBiHCUh String or Heave Bead Bot Oscillation 3X ~ire Diameter Siecle or ttslttple Electrodes ~gq Single or Multiple Pass Multi le Travel Speed'-4IPM (Manual Other o'rn'I s" BASE METALS Pipe Plate Other O "1O s( les Material Spec z l

+pe or Grade v FILLER Y~=iALS Dimeter A VeldHetal P~alysis A-No Other N Size ofElectrode 3/32"

il'er tfetal F-No 6 SFA Sp~ification 5.9

.<"S Classi=ice.tion ER 308 POSITION .

"ade Na~e h r ition of Joint 3G .

Meld Progression U hill.

POSTl "LD n:".T TRE'.71K.tH'o Other (uphill o" do>~hill)

Te-peratu e Tive Preheat Temperature 0 the.r Interpass Te perature Other r.cEC:RI C.Q. C:"'='MCTERI.. TZRIGS GAS Currant type DC Polarity SP P=peraga 165. 140 16 155 0 Flow. Ra te (CFL') 1A-Voltage llA 12 11. 5. 11.

1 12 Flow Rate (CFH)

Other N Other N 0"her Remarks:

-'ec oce Specxng Sensitization tested per AS'242 Peen'..g None Practice A and were found .to be Oo b~



~-C~ hO VIDTH THICKhVSS A~ LB. PSI LOCATION Tl/187 L.393. .877 l.222 108,3DO 88 625 Duc


tile Base T'7 1 A l 213 l06 500' 799 9 ~c




m~~d AtJ L 2 ( > assed S'de en U <

S ce Bend 462.2( Passed Side Bend OV 4;62.2( 3 s e LAUDE TOU~~SS TEST NO.


~ ~ DROP 4~t.


":.esv.' Satisfacto~ Penetration into Base Hetal yes-no yes-no acro Res u l ts M b Lelcers n~e 'Pnhn~2 'o Test Ccndncted by; Ve cert =y th t the data in this r cord are correct and that the test welds vere prep"".ed '-elde'd and tested in accordance with the requireaents cf Section IIIr Di> 1:".

a=d L'- 0 the A~~+ Code, >ago Code edition, 1<Bi %iiower Code addenda.

1" /0 I,G3.t1onp 1.76 ii'inter Addenda a> +f 'r1ti io ate rd 8'/

8: '"'~

~ r>,


~ c ref o> < e, ve t cl p lie wL:/ D te




~ ~



JoygJ MP-Ol Rev 2/11/81 CAROLINA POWER 6 LIGHT COMPANY Page 1 of SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR PLANT PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD 0~ 6(B) Manual Types We ing Process(es) (Manual, Automatic, Semi-Auto)

WPS Nos. 8B2 8 (WPS No., Date, Revision)

JOINT DESIGN CHNI E String or Weave Bead Strin s cillation None ingle or Multiple Pass Sin le ravel Speed Manua ther E METALS

~j K6

i. e terial e

No or Spec Grade 8

Plate SA 213 TP 316 to P. No.

Other N/A PILLER METALS ckness .049" Weld Metal Analysis A-No. iameter Size of Electrode 1 16 ther N A Filler Metal F-No.

SFA Specification AWS Classification ER 308L

,~-sde Name San vxck SITION r osition of Joint eld Progression P (uphill or dowv>ill)

POSTWELD HEAT TREATM12iZ Temperature Time T Other N A Preheat Temperature 60 F Interpass Temperature 250 F Max.

Other N/A ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Current type DC GAS Polarity Comp. of Shielding Gas(es) 99.95K Ar on Amperage 20 Flow Rate (CFH) 1 Voltage Comp. of Backing Gas (es) 99.95K Ar on Other N/A low Rate (CFH) 10 CFH ther Other Remarks:

Electrode Spac'ing N A Sensitization tested per ASTM A262 Practice A and were found to be Peening None acceptable.


~r P.lltllllZ SEP ><~9 REU1TE SHNPP CONSTR. Q A UN@



P.Q.R. Number Welding for Weld Procedure Qualification ff will begin

~ b c> in the weld a ) time process development and qualification area Notification is being provided in accordance with procedure MP-01.


Received by: DATE



Carolina Power

""--hase Qrd"r H-35811


Seamless ASME SA-213 TP316 Item l. 1/4" OD x .049 M/W (Wall Tube & Metal Heat No.


Item 3." 3/8" OD x .065 M/W (Wall Tube & Metal Heat No.


Item 4.- 1/2" OD x .065 M/W (Wall Tube & Metal Heat No.


Item 2.- 3/8" OD X .049 M/W (Wall Tube & Metal Heat No.


Certi f i cati on: This certifies, to the best of our knowledge and belief, that the piping material described herein is in accordance with the specification and Section III, Class 2 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, 1974 Edition, through the 1976 Winter Addenda, and that all requirements of the purchase order have been fulfilled. Material has been processed in accordance with our Identification and Verification Program.

Attachments: CMTR'S(3)

RBIEWKD BY QA Veronica en Assurance OATS

~3.g- equality Date: M

.VA: 1 db guali ty Systems Certificate cc: Job File (Materials)8 SC-205 g..A. File Expiration Date: 1-6-84

~~<tAM ill


t H-21111 051081 Ol 44716/30839 100404 2/7/80 soLD To: CAROLINA POWER 8 LIGHT sPEcIFIcATIoN ANO IiIATERIAL: S E SECTION I I: SFA. 5. 9; ASME SECTION II I: PARA. NB2400 1 974 EDITION THRU WINTER 76 ADD.'ND SPEC 8021, REV. 4 SANDVIK STAINLESS STEEL WELDING WIRE TYPE ER 308L 1/6 x 36 1,000.08 Filler Metal Analysis, X Heat C Si

~ Ni No~

761463 .015 . 38 1.55 .007 .010 20.08 9.98 .08 Cb+Ta Ti V Cu Co N

.02 .01 .019 .03 .020 .035 Delta Ferrite content as determined from above analysis per Fig. NB2433.1-1 RC Ferrite No. 12 FN ., ~

orresponding ferrite percent Ferrite per Schaeffler Diagram - 10 g:-


11 X ~

Ferrite by Magna Gage - 12 FNger NRC. Reg. Guide 1.31 R3 This is to certify that the contents of this certificate are correct and accurate, as contained in Sandvik's records, and that all above test resu1ts and operations performed are in compliance with the requirements-of the purchase order and the applicable sections of the code and specifications as designated by the purchase order.

ASME guality System Certificate (materials) No. N-1400. Expiration date: June 11, 1982.

>>II INFORMAtIoi-oui.:Y-r

-..:;,: ..-;:-:--..;-;:;-:;=", .':.- SFC'rtoW, r

For Be H. Berg, guali y Assurance Manager ANI REVlEW .,'.;-


LAB TEST REPORTS Ca o> '"- >o~ -" c. L'h Co-oa v Weld I s Report for ~'etallurg;/v.eliin"= Zn"-~ie rin=-, Si-"HAPP Reques ted by: C8 RR 4WP-

-Purpose for Request-Veld Procedure Qualification: ( Welder Performance Qual.: ( ) Other (Specify): ( )

P.Q.R. Number: Wel de r Id en.:

W.P.S. & Rev.: 2. gV. L W.P.S. & Rev.:

Required Code or Specific ion Compliance: 8s'md $8<~> ~~

/ gg p~Mr3)p 8 MQ8 gg~t SXg~~m ~el ~ V. 1 lf"7 Fg)i Wa4 Ql PT&

Tes ts Recuired: NumbeT Per (Code Section)

A ~ Tensile Test +md sdccar~MA'1+'K2 I B. Bend Tes t jffmk'gC77dH~V AP ~2. 3 (~

C. Impact Test D. Sensitization Test p~rz 47~)encl 8<

Other (Specify)

I a.g v .~44 hw aC Base Material Specification & S Filler Haterial Specification: S& 5: / g Z 'ia.

iieat/~  ?~umber 74/5'43 REVIKWED BY QA

Cc o <<aa4 Pove c L'>nt Coroany

~ala Test Report d'or 'letallurg,-/v.elc'n"= Zngmeer'n=, Si-"HAPP Recu sted by: 0/

6/WW/-'Purpose for Request-Weld Procedure Qualification: ( Welder Performance Qual.: ( ) Other (Specify): ( )

P.Q.R. Number: 4 8 Welder Iden.:

W.P.S. 6, Rev.: 2 gV. l W.P.S. 6 Rev,:

Required Code or Specific ion Compliance: gSm6 S'Ee~~ ~V 1'/W FSI&o~

I gl Age)M++ .

muu gfM5 fbi'924M rlJ ~ V. 2 If '7 Fi W4+ lJi476' Tests Recuired: Number Per (Code Section)

A. Tensile Test ggJ gQ /

B. Bend Tes t pfm8 JEL7Zi u~7 All&2. 3 (

C. Impact Test D. Sensitization Test 4gc"2 p+)cwcE pc Other (Spec'fy)

Base Material Specification 6 Size: >8 ~ /~ < ~ ~K ll g)a 8 Fil.ler Haterial Specification:

Heat/~ tiumber RENEWED By qA D1

Caro na Pcve c L-'~nt Co,.apany ld Test Report for ~'etallurg;/v,aiding "ngwe r'n--, SiZPP Requ s ted by:

-Purpose for Request-Weld Procedure Qualification: ( Welder Performance Qual.: ( ) Other (Specify): ( )

P.Q.R. Number: 4 8 Welder Iden.:

W.P.S. 6 Rev.: 2, pV. L W.P.S. &, Rev.:

Required Code or Specific ion Compliance: Erne S'E4~> ~~

/ S'/

838438e Aeema>p Bs~s SXcm~~ ~~/ ~ u. 1 /f g p/~a4 ~iW~

Tes ts Required: Numb er Per (Code Section)

A. Tensile Test /~8 sdccrhr~MS 4(+&2 I B. Bend Tes t ps~ g$ z~H jF All~2. 3 {,

C. Impact Test pgtw gynic~'cw 84 D. Sensitization Test Other (Specify)

/ d.g V .~4.4'htaac Base Material Specification E Size:

Filler Material Specification: SI ',

c'~n ~c- a wnr opgg I $ >8 .

deat/~ tiumber REVIEWED BY QA


'~re Qualification Eever. -'&'~ght Cocoon."

Record ~


Page +

Exhibit MP-01 of 3

. 7 siding Process(es) PQR So.

Manua 1 ~ Semi-Au t omat ic Automatic TD SFA No. 5. 9 Filler Met+I. F No. Rev. No. 15 WS Classification ER 08 Date 11/15/84 eld Metal Analysis (A No.)

Filler Metal" Size(s) 1/16" Preheat Temperature Ambient (50 F)

Interpass Tempprature N A terial Soecif ication (Type or Grade) Post Weld Heat~ Treat Temp None SA240 TP 304 Time of PWHT N A P No. 8 to P No.

Form Sheet Electrode Spacing N A Diameter N/A Thickness .031 Current Type DC Seld Deposit Thickness: Polarity SP i 031" Tungsten Size & Type 3/32" EThW-2

.osition of Groove Compositfnn of Shielding GasM n. . rgon ertical Weld Progression N/A Flow Rate (CFH) 30 CFH rgon Stringer or ~eave Strin er Composition of Backing Gas Mxn.

scillation or ~eave None Flow Rate (CFH) 30 CFH Single or Multiple Pass Sin le Backing Material None Single or Multiple Electrode Sin le Electrode Tradename Arcos Peenin None TENSILE TESTS QW462.1(a)

Specimen Ultimate Ultimate Type of Width Thickness Area Unit Stress Failure umber Total and Load (PSI) Location 69 31 .046 5420 113 913 Brittle in Veld 700 1.482 031" .046 4950 107 609 Brittle Base Metal GUIDED BEND TEST e and Fi ure No. Results T e and Figure No. Results OW 2. 3 a Root Passed QW~ (a Face Passed OW . a Root Passed OW . a Face Passed FILLET WELD TEST Result Satisfactory

~ Yes No Penetration into Base Metal ~ Yes C3 No Type & Character of Failure N/A Macro Results e ers Name Rober Mor an os 2 8-78-1542 Test Conducted By CP& . F&F Laboratory Test No. 9-2-149 Remarks/Additional Tests:

We certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the test welds were prepared, welded and tested in accordance with the requirements of Section IX of the ASME Code 1983 Edition~ S1984 Code Addenda and Section III Code 1974 Edition W1976 Addenda.

Witnessed By ,Signature ~Date Name itle Revie~ By W.. H'cGA~ Signature Director QA/QC Harris Plant Approved By Signature 1/' M Date Discipline Engr et Welding

HP-1-1 Exhibit 3 Carolina Power & Light Company Page 2 of 3 Rev. 7 Procedure Qualification 7/30/84 Record PQR No. ~6c Joint gt9 I

~g sstlCI ~


Exhibit 3 rolina PoMer & Light Page 3 of Procedure Qualification Record PQR No. 6 (c Charpy Notch Impact Test Specimen Notch Notch Specimen Test Impact Lateral Ex ansion Number Type Location Size Zemperture Values Mils

( F) (ft/lbs)

N/A Test Conducted By Date Laboratory Test No.

Remarks Drop Weight Test Spec~en Test Ft-Lbs Break No Break Remarks umber Tem erature N/A Test Conducted By Date ~ Laboratory No.

n 97 pRci 2>> 1

..r r. er

'g Itcllorrl A I r L I C A 'I I O rc I t K IC A K K C I I

tNYtnOIIMtrrtAt. Set clhl (Q):


/PBBS tllecllr~ Uel ~

l reit 7

'l tlerklarr Pel ~ I Oielt2 ~ <<eee I <<%

Orl ~ 0 el ~

Sr~I ~ II ec ~ le <<I Se rrret e4 fhCSP)l C rOS 5ili Cen C)II<~ <<n )t!It Kpil I te i~e A'c4) l.r)r n<<rv j')ICke I Ira tirrrtllKIttere IC'I cg e/ I7, 2p 5tr 7c) )).Il l l. 3/(. Arn'ir 5 t'e'l lr

.C I-4.ii

~ter~ ~trttp t WLA l< ~~ l~. F ~! v-L M4 <<

l:t'rle Anstvled II-I<-I>

Ac(crcrce )>7 <c Aeelrrtl Aeee<<le4 oll~C A<<electr trrferrrrerl Oll

/ //) ) lg A<<erect ~ ttertr<<oJ Ovl A ~ eerlrel Orl ~ I~ r ~ ~ ~ << ~ Ir ~ rer rr L ~ e ~ r ~ cere CL<< Ce Irr .


SJ 4 l.o s p).+5 g.7Q j7 s O 0 o 93 7l Q 649 A~C 2 67 C. 9g TI SC. (,70 T/.~ <O. p

(.9.6-rS 4 72 +

oo50 25~ l$ t tZ" 2 K~ 2. 2 23 8.$ 4 (o3 ~ t( 43

<< 4plIP

~ W ~

" I7>'

0 H-2111! 051081 01 44716/30839 100404 2/7/80 s,, CAROL INA POMER 81 L I GHT

=.:":-"c.- -- -". -. ASM~SECTION II SFA 5 9 ASME SECTION II I PARA NB2400 1974 EDITION THRU MINTER 76 ADD. AND SPEC 4021, REV. 4 SANDYIK STAINLESS STEEL MELDING MIRE TYPE ER 308L 1/15 x 36 1,000.08 Filler Metal Analysis,


4 Heat C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo 761463 .015 .38 1.55 .007 .010 20.08 9.98 .08 Cb+Ta V Cu , Co N

.02 .01 .019 .03 .020 .035 elta Ferrite content as determined from above analysis peF Fig. NB2433.1-1 C Ferrite No. 12 FH orresponding ferrite percent ll ~

Ferrite per Schaeffler Diagram - 10 w Ferrite by Magna Gage - 1'2 FH.per NRC Reg. Guide 1.31 R3 This is to certify that the contents of this certificate are correct and accurate, as contained in Sandvik's records, and that all above test results and operations performed are in compliance liith the requirements of the purchase order and the applicable sections of the code and specifications as designated by the purchase order.

ASME guality System Certificate (materials) No. N-1400. Expiration date: tune ll, 1982.

l )yl j- { ) P I' i

( ) P MA ( ) t~l ) jQ I For Be H. Berg, guality Assurance Manager

... WGA........

~W 8 SFA 1 REV 5) SS i -mfa(h/..i CUSTOMER ORlGlHAl.


~t~ '


BOX.54F HAHOYER.'A'trsst 717I53MO11 CERT I F I ED MATERIALS TEST REPORT Cus tozner Order No. IZ-7275 CAROLINA POLER 6 LIGHT SHARON HARRI XUC PCMER PLT Order No ~ Z30740-STATE ROAD 1134 Thi s Mater ial Conforms to Sneci f i cat icn NEU Hj LL, YC 27562 AS'&PVC SFA 5.1 SEC. I I PART. C 1983 ED. 'THRU %NTR. 1983 ADD. ASME McPVC SEC I I I, NB-Z400 1974 ED THRU %NTR. 1976



Tr ade Name 316 ELC Bare Type- ER316L or Trademark: Arcaloy Diameter Size: I/16 Test No. 2-3593-00 I

Weight: 250 lbs.

Lot Nu ber:

heat Number: P0478 Carbon


.0i(i Chromium Nickel 12-80 Silicon ~ 40 Ol X


Tantalum Mo 1ybdenum Tungs ten g Copper i t an1um phorus





ulphur -010 V anadium 06


F Cobal t SECTtON lit Iron Rm.

Nitrogen -019 FERRITE 9 FN Magne Qual i ty Sys tems Cer t i f i cate No. QSC-221 Expiration Date: September 8, 1984 S tate of Pennsylvania The undersigned certi f ies that the County of York


) SS contents of this report are correct and accurate and that al 1 operat ions


Subscribed and sworn to before me performed by the undersigned or sub

-> thi s }st day of Mav, 1984 contractors are in compliance with requirements of= the material speci-fication Vessel Code Section and ASME Boiler and Pressure III Division I Subsection NCA-3800 sMw('./..&2~&Cv.'~L::........

Public J


My Conxnission expires: 11/22/86 BY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

D. A. Smi th IEW Superv i sor, Q.A. Serv i ces AN) R AHl DATE ~9~~

HARRIS ENERCY A%) ENVIRONMRLTAL CENTER Carolina Pover & Light Company Weld Test Report for Metall rgy/Welding Engineering, SHNPP Requested by:"


-Purpose>for Request-Weld Procedure Qualification: (g Welder Performance Qual.: ( ) Other (Specify): ( )

P.Q.R. Number: 4 Cc) Welder Iden.:

W.P.S. & Rev.: 5'gz, g~v. W.P.S. & Rev.:

Required Code or Specification Compliance: Abc<'<~~~ Z S'~en ~w I I 74 RQQ&i13 OAWO6 J Arri S C>C~ r 9e'i 1 if74'Ge rtCH Tes ts Re u ired: Number

' A.


Tensile Test Bend Tes t 2.


Q/J gs b 5'~e<gw~X'OAj

//> SCc~~ <>

C. Impact Test D. Sensitization Test E. Other (Specify) Crim ~a< M8<~J

'pL(as 'Np c p~ 'c, Pj> 'p 5 s C>>, g. p1 Base Material Specification & Size: ZH 2 4> IC ~ 0+ I ~s(k Filler Material. Specification: ~f74 + 0 Heat/Lot Number

6-M tcriaia Laboratory Number ~

Results of Testa:

A. Reduced Section Tensile Teat Charac t"r Ultimate Ult imate Failure S ecimen No ~ Width Th ic one s s Tota1 Load lb. Unit Stress & Location

~ 03/ SO~a ll 3$ )+

c gap . OB/ -o+, Mq 5.O fO'7 (nOQ I

B. Bend Test:

T e of Bend Results T e of Bend Results

~s do RooT Pr. Se PA55EP FRC. 8 Psst'0 CD Dnpact Test:

Spec imen Notch Notch Test Lat. Exp. Let. Exp. Percent No. Location Tv e Tem ~ Ft. /lbs. Mila. Percent Shear DE Sensiti.zetion Test:

E. Other Teats:


certify that the statements in this report are correct and performed in accordance

~ith the above specification(a)-

ra a P+

(Signature) (Date)

Distribution: 3 copies, Metallurgy/Welding Engineering Subunit (SHNPP)

~ 'ee+eP

  • CA(


P.Q.R. Number ~ C+

Welding for Weld Procedure Qualification 8 will begin in the weld date) time process development and qualification area Notification is being provided in accordance with procedur :tP-Sag atur Received by: g. g. Jylc. ~ DATE TLK

x'< "'-'-Ys"HP/l-l CAROLINA POWER 6 LIGHT COMPANY Exhibit 3 Rev. '3 SHEARON BhRRIS Nl'CLEAR POWER PLANT MP-Ol 5/79 PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD Page 1 of 2 PQR No. 7, 7/10/76 (es) Types Manual Welding Process GTAW (Manual, Automatic, Semi-Auto)

WPS NOS P 8 8 B 4 10/8/76 Rev. 0


JOINT DESIGN ~CR11(RUli HAX, EXTENSION BEYOND String or y ave 3ead ic ever is RADUS 0.015 Osciilation Single or Multiple Electrodes Single 0.032 glnple or Multiple pass Mu~ltip e M X 50 Speed'anual 0 Travel R Other O.O 2."+Q'ISHATCH R~gctoe BASE METALS Pipe gp( t&hree Other JOINT Material Spec AROUND 0.032" ~ Type or Grade T e 304 SHALL NOT EXCEED P.'o 8 tcP. No 8 FILLER METALS Thickness 0.365 Diameter 10.750 Weld Metal Analysis A-No Other 10" Sch. 40 Filler Metal F-No 6 SFA'Spacification SFA 5.9 AWS Classification. ER308L POSITION Trade Name EB Insert, TyPe 308L, Chromenar 3 L

.'Other ER30SL Position of Joirt 6G Weld Progression Uphi11 (uphill o down!d.ll)-

POSTWELD HEAT TREA'BK?tT Other PREHEAT Temperature None Time preheat Temperat;ure 50 F Min ~

Other Interpass Temperature300 F Max.

Other ELECTRICAL CH~CTERISTERIGS Ourrent type Polarity Comp. of Shielding Gas(es) Argon 99.9%

Amperage:<70<<80-90-100~ 110 Flow Rate (CFH) 10-30CFH g 8 10-11-12 Compg of Backing Gas(es) Argon 99.9%

Voltage Ot:her Flow Rate (CFH) 5-25 CFH Other certify that the data in this record is correct and that the te t welds were We prepared and welded in accordance with the requirements of Section III, Div. 1, and

= I of the ASME Code, 1974 '

Code edition, 1975 Wint< Div.


Joe Young .

/True Copy/ 9-5-78 E! C-Q.A. Date




BY: Malcolm E. Reese /True Co / 9-6-78 PPCD - SHNPP - Discipline Engr,; Hetalluigy/ Date Welding g WPROVED BY: A. M. Lucas /True Co / 9-6-78 PPCD - S11NPP - .Sen'ior Resident Engineer Date

MP/1-1 CAROLINA POWER tg LIGHT COMPANY Exhibit 3 Rev, SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT MP-01 5/79 PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION RECORD Page 1 of 2 PQR No. 8/24/76 Welding Process (es) GTAW & SMAW Types Manual (Manual, Automatic, Semi-Aut<

WPS NoS. WPS PS-S-BA-6, Rev. 1 10/8/76


JOINT DESIGN TECMT(EUL'tring.or'Wedge,Bea Strin er WLX. EXTENS10N bEYOND ALDUS 0,015 Oscillation'"~~h Single or Multiple Electrodes Single Sin@3.e or Multiple Pass 'Multiple Travel Speed Manual gyre Other jgl BASE METALS Pipe XX Plate N/A Other Material Spec SA 182 80TK @lb'+ Cr.DA'Cr Type or Grade T e 304 P.'o 8 tcP. No 8 FILLER M. TALS Thickness 1. 312" Diameter 12.750" Weld Metal Analysis A-No 8 Other 12" Sch. 160 e", >>>>3/32", >>>>Y1/8" Filler Metal F-No 6>>) 5>>>>, >>Y>>

SFA Spacification .SFA 5 9 & SFA 5.4 AWS Classification-ER308 ER308L>> E-308ELC-16 9>>>>>>

Trade Name 308 Grinnel Insert Chromenar 3 L POSITION

.'Other Arcalo 308 ELC-16>>>> >>>>>> Position of Joint 6G.

Weld Progression U hill (uphill or downhill)

POSTiKLD HEAT TREA'BKNT Other PREHEAT Temperature None Time N A Preheat Temperat:ure 50 F ..

Other Interpass Temperature- 300,F Max.

Other N/A ELECTRICAL CHUB.CTERISTERIGS GAS Current type DC>>> DC>>>>, >>>>>>

Polarity SP>> RP>>>>

Comp. of Shielding Gas(es) <<gon 99 95%

Amperage 70"95 75-95>> 80-110>>>> {85-90-110-1 )Flow Rate (CFH)

Voltage, 9-11) 9"11*,20-24>>>> 20-21-24-26 Comp> of Backing Gas(es) 99.95%

Other CI, Bare Mire>>, CE>>>>,>>>>>> Flow Rate (CFH) 10-25 CFH Other We certify that the data in this record is correct and that the te t welds were prepared and welded in accordance with the requirements of Section III, Div. 1, and of the ASME Code, 974':

Only Editorial changes were made 12/14/79.

Douglas N. Allen Code- edition, Winter 1975 Code addenda. ~~ f I//J WITNESSED BY: Q.A. Su ervisor 9-23-76 Name itle Date 1 g, REVIEWED BY. G. L. Forehand E.S C-Q. A.

/True Copy/ 9/5/78 Date Orig. APPROVED BY. '-

PPCD E. Reese SHNPP -Discipline

~l* I Engr'. Metallurgy/Welding 9/6/78 Dnte Orig. AppROVED BY. A. M. Lucas /True Copy/ 9/6/78 anna g.'grlrr)D Cnn'0 nl %OR'I)r g)fit'fig)'{TIDDY Dat:c


~ "RQg'.3 Exhibit



FB-1-QW462. 3 (a) Satisfactory RB-1 QW462 ~ 3 (a) Satisfactor FB>>2-QW462.3 (a) Satisfactory RB-2 QW462.3 (a) Satisfactory TOUGHNESS TEST PECIMEN NOTCH NOTCH TEST IMPACT LATERAL EXP. DROP WE NO. LOCATION TYPE TEMP. VALUES  % SHEAR MILS BREAK NO BREAK N/A FILLET MELD TEST Result Satisfactory N/A . Penetration into Base Metal N/A yes-no yes-no Type and character of Failure N/A Macro Results N/A Clock No. 241-82-6299 Stamp no. B-2 Welders name Billy R. Stidham Laboratory Test No. 5529-P Test Conducted by: Newport News Industrial Corp.

Me certify that the data in this record are correct and that the test weld. were prepared welded and tested iq accordance with the requirements of Section XII Div. >

and IX ok the ASME Code 1914 ~i Code edition, " Code addenda.


&C-Q.A Date pal" lBV APPROVED BY; +PS'88 I PPCD - SHNPP -.Discipline Engr. Metallurgy/ Date Welding APPROVED BY:

PPCD - S11NPP Resident Engineer Data

Enc 7 to Serial: HNP-99-069 Page 1 of 3 Matrix of Code Requirements vs. Missing Field Weld Records

Enc 7 to Serial: HNP-99-069 Page2of3 Code Section Code Requirement Deficiency Reconciliation Section III, ND-2150 Requires identification and Identification of weld material for For all accessible welds, material verification program willbe Section III, ND-4122 control of pressure-retaining field welds was contained on WDRs undertaken to assure that correct material was used. For materials which in most cases are no longer embedded SFP piping field welds, programmatic assurance is available. Likewise, records attesting provided in that the procurement specification for welding to pipe spool id cannot be located for materials during the time of construction (Site Specification all of the embedded pipe spools. No. 021)assured that all austenetic stainless steel welding material procured for Harris Plant construction was procured It is noted that numerous sections in to Section IIIrequirements. Construction procedure MP-03, the Code pertain to base metal and "Welding Material Control" required that all filler material weld metal certification requirements. used for Code work at the Shearon Harris Nuclear Power (ND-2121, 2130 A 2410, 2432, Plant be purchased as specified by this procurement 2433, 4125)). There is no indication specification.

that COL did not conform to any of these requirements; rather, the Relative to embedded pipe spool id, in many cases this can be deficiency is taken to be one of verified with alternate documentation from QA records. In identification and traceability those cases where this cannot be accomplished, program and procedure requirements provide additional assurance.

Section III, ND-4230 Requires that tack welds be WDRs used to verify fit-up and All accessible field welds have been re-inspected using Code removed or adequately prepared alignment are generally not available. criteria with no gross fit-up deficiencies identified. A for incorporation into the final significant portion of embedded welds willbe subject to weld. Requires alignment of internal camera inspection which would identify issues with sections to be welded to specific fit-up and alignment.


Enc 7 to Serial: HNP-99-069 Page 3 of 3 Code Section Code Requirement Deficiency Reconciliation Section III,ND-4323 Requires that only those welding Lack of documentation prevents Processes and programs at the time assure that the welding processes and welders qualified in verification of adherence to qualified program was adhered to such that only qualified welders and accordance with Section IX be processes and use of qualified processes were used. Construction Procedures MP-Used. welders. 01(Qualification of WPS) & MP-02 (Qualification of Welders) required that all welders and welding procedures used for Power Plant construction be appropriately qualified.

Construction Procedure MP-07, "General Welding Procedure for Stainless Steel Weldments", provided additional specific technical requirements beyond those found in the WPS.

In addition, records associated with QA/QC oversight are available and provide assurance that issues were identified and resolved in accordance with QA program requirements.

Finally, in most cases QC review of satisfactorily completed field welds is attested to by signature in hydro test records.

Section HI, ND- Requires identification ofjoint by For embedded piping where WDRs Program and procedural requirements would have required 4322.1 application of welder id symbol are not available, lack of accessibility that the welder id be stamped at the weldment and included on prevents verification of welder id the WDR (ref. Construction Procedure MP-05, "Stamping of Weld ments")

Section III, ND-4440 Requires examinations of welds in Lack of documentation attesting to Allaccessible Code field welds in scope of the Alternative accordance with ND-5000. For the satisfactory completion of Plan have been subject to visual examination, along with the welds in question, this would required NDE. Code required external NDE (LP / MT) using original Code have resulted in either MT (for acceptance criteria. In addition, a large percentage of CCW Piping) or LP (SFP Piping), embedded field welds will be subject to internal camera with acceptance standards per inspection using documented inspection procedures and ND-5300. qualified inspectors. This examination program augments programmatic and procedural measures existing at the time of construction to assure that the necessary level of quality exists.

Section III, ND-4452 Requires that defects be removed Repair WDRs may not be available to Records review finds that many Repair WDRs are on file as a

& 4453 and repaired areas be examined. document all inspection / repair result of QC oversight of the construction process. However, activities Repair WDRs which were identified "in process" may not be on hand. The same assurances which attest to the quality of completed field welds also apply to assure that defects were identified and removed r Code uirements.

I to Serial: HNP=99-069 Hydrotest Records for Embedded Spent Fuel Pool Cooling Piping and Field %elds

ttttt ltllt INIXED Ftf.E tNI IIIII:IIIIKINI)A'IKt I:htlf ttttt Ftth! IE ltllt Q htttl IIK'f I.'tttIF. AFF10'IAL5 I) - i'i5l:-

SKNIAL ttttr Itht tt:./TI'CI.KI rttttt:--. ttll< tIEV. lttts SKSI'(ttlslttll.lT'tI VKIIIIIIII s lttlt FIII~ . IKI: 3IIS OIIIIKk Ntc tIKFFIIKIII:Kg IAIttfBff!et

g. A. RECORbS, s


'pgY 30 1S85 INDEX UV

>};Nt~f CONSTR. r,.A. ~.t.

Title Re ort Pa e Descry tion Frow nu hah h-i hvQu.h,imp 4 I C - L FECAL bc% Ac+ KÃ5 <~i' Q-~~ +0 u-

+ iochu.6,inq (-Sw-a-FM-K EAR)h CSKIN W hm6i~ ~

b. me.e ~ i~ 5 ~

3~ i' k

) o< - Le L

Re ort Pa e Descri tion

&bi4h 3

o'.'eo( '


r P o






  • tll/flat

{ Pr ooowL'.r9 C C>>2P ) Date Uo 3 L'.

s t'to ~

-'"'in" !io.

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/(Q, c~

Qo eerie(8) 2,-SF'-/43'~ g j E'g+ $ ~~ g~~~ZA+ Qp~~ ~



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e Jo 5ec.-

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l.o o ~

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v.' ABC 8 ... ...i " -':: "- "':: +Z>3P t C .:.-"'o. t'.73lg Z R..o:.:. ~ go roo

hdld Data Records Sho~n Cn Vx v~' as~,~. T~ pection t3'>' Dere Ident. Comole~e Isometrxc j No.'-s~/~E-

+65'<ww ~5 re dub


p$ .

cg>gg t sac~

5'g - i Sr~~C ~y g~ z S'a bc'5 ~lg W6Jg SQ 8-SP J~s~

t/Bxl~i'~ ~ines em~) w e' Q pswActva~l Po"t tes.'."i'.;;;. g=-'.:;,e rec"libra",.'on vcr Vi~:!

Veld~ e" -e ' "f'n < "o" "'"' d "~'""

'"fes'rrf.e ~

'QA~P6 pa'f

)Jg~ ~ lmf+W"'+ifpgpf,flif. m$ gQ,ge~udaf SO X;Sf(i(A(ff ~ ee. ~ .f ~ ~

g/hg82 t Veld Data Records Sho!m On Visual Leakage Ispection Ident. !lo. Cc."nlete Isone tric Intl's Date lt 'lMrks 2$i - o.


Fc Q 'p me Q / ~ A r 5/g( ff g Id e 7(

Afar gg .y( ~

fe m maximum press appl.ied d(9 psi - Actual time at test press. ~'~ min.

Post test press. gauge recalibration verified:

Initials 6 Late Vields sig..od off on isor.etric dr:.zing:

Initials h Date Test Inspected By:

7- ~$ - F~-


'fest ttitnessed By:


1 t,~~i

,/F ',

~ '( uthorized huclear. Inspector Date j~(:

Fevie"ed h(Apkepted:

Yec . A/QC Special's

"'(iitnessed By:

Har ris Star tup Group Date eCptic"a3. at th d'sere icn of the Harris Startup Group

<4 5.


Page I vf 2 2/4/82 CABCLXiiA P OA B 4 L.X', CCNPAi".



( Awol , 'cpm,* C JQ ) fQ~j

>P- I I5 k6~ 3 TLra.0viir aao. ' 7rr+

glr$%3.Qy '1%5 414 Code Cla" s 'ec~.

JP /P / g~cJ Ca.ii yA/Og k4IEcD Qd

<7 Z-~=~~> z~Z'~~~~NX. ~Mw~~

~~~~~~c>g~" <a~ T~ ~WT &~~zacdr ~~~pi Q.~ WE-~i~~w sr> .

Oesiga Pres". R~'~.~~iriu..> t"r..::",. (vf 3.o>>a-". c. '.";".:.; .', r~~~ p;..

/+5'7 MAN /cc ~ ~o rdr..

ahold i>47ZIZ fe~Psawruaa C'5 1VtQ'4 j gag pp p p p v 5'-Si d-c,  !

-rs'/- ~


--P,U8-- 51983 grab C,, AU 4 n

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vo aV


< ~3'j ~~iA'.~ ggP i;::<~w. ~~~ m:~ ~v I

'. r.

Meld Beta Records Shown On Visual Leakage 'En >ection XdR it 41~0 C ....'. i'l"c Xnu s I Va;~e Be '!(s g~ "p:SW -/~y- ~



l SW -N-~~-iS/-

Yw~i:au;:. press. a; pl"..c;! K9 psi - Actual ~ Ci w ~ ~

< ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~

+MAL g/~/P-~

0 slL g +~>~l 4 Xi14y E J

siaW.w Laa4 i 4Va 14 ~ 4r


~Yn r> g Drawing N . Code Class Isometric(s) ~~~

Test Boundaries Design Press.

Test Press.


~p psi psi Maximum Press.

Minimum Time (of lowest at Test Press.

component) ~~~ psi

~t~ min.

Hold Press.

Prepared By:

~~ psi 7k sT'uM x~~ M&Pz=-&

Verified By:

Mech. Discipline E sneer


Date ech. A/QC Specialist COMPONENTS Mfg./Fabrication Verified By:

Ident. No. Records Acce ted 0 en DDR's/NCR's (Initials 5 date)

- sF-/'s1- p'e .c go O P, UNlT PRE-TEST CHECK-OFF l.


Openings, except System fill &

fi1led; high points vent points, plugged vented Sat.




Items not to be tested disconnected/isolated Sat. <<P Unset.

Surfaces to be inspected clear & uno)structed Sat. <<p Unset.

Test medium temp. ~- F (minimum 50 F) 7.


Press. Gauge No's.carr r<<<<

p No.

~ Date i<<<<ssbate Calib.


~<<s Date Calibrated


<<zlrlaz Ranaa . <<<<. to tn 9fc

W,el d ..Dat a Records Shown On Visual Leakage Ins. ation Ident, No. Com lete Isometric Intl's Date Rema& Ks isr ~x- Y~g Maximum press. applied ~3'si - Actual time at test press. z min.

test press. recalibration verified: .8 r I Post gauge ~

Initials h Date fields signed off on isometric drawing:

Test Inspected By:

~J QA/QC INSPECTOR Dlte Test Mitnessed By:

Authorized Nuclear Inspector Date Reviewed 8 Accepted:

h. QA/QC Specialist

~ inspected & Accepted By:

~'~~K Generation Services I Star t-Up Unit Optional at the discretion of the Generation Services Star t-Up Unit


lie rlV

~ >~~j) ~, g efig

'QA-.'.26. Page 1 o',ps.




Dr awing No

~a ~ System 3-/> "~~

OP l.4" ~

Turnover No.

Code Class

/ g/~CD Isometric(s)

Test Boundaries <4,5 g.c ~

PxLuabl4& l I/(>>az p)A&u)Kus /gbitpb 2 ss'-is9-)p/r Design Press. ~>> psi Maximum Press. (of lowest component) ~~~ psi Test Press.

Hold Press


.~sn psi psi Minimum Time res7 me,nfu~

at Test Press.

4/~r~ w

~~ min.

Prepared By: Verified By:

~z-a-8/ z.7 (

Mech. Discipli Engineer Date Mech. A/QC Specialist D c COMPONENTS Mfg./Fabrication Verified By:

Ident. No. Records Acce ted 0 en DDR's/NCR's (Initials 4 dace)

~Z- r.-/5 - / - //g .p 4/




Openings, except filled; 1'ill il vent points, plugged high points vented Sat.

Sat. v'ystem Onset.


Xtems not to be tested disconnected/isolated Surfaces to be inspected clear a unoaIsbpHcted Test medium temp. F (minimum 50 F

~~i Sat.

Sat. j7 Onset.

/i 3o g/

Press. Gauge No's.ra.wgtgd Date c~- ~ >>ate calid.

Calib. lao/e itanae..

Range to to





- Ident. No.

Weld Dat'a" Records Corn lete Shown On Isometric Visual"Leak'a ntl's Date e 'ns ection

..=marks K=~9-WM-~r~ P~~S 5OJ" Z"5 ed--W9- )8 SN-Z <F=/g$ '- g Maximum press. applied rgb psi - Actual time at test press. ~~ miu.

Post test press. gauge recalibration verified:

'itials h Date Welds signed off on isometric drawing:

tials & Date Test Inspected By:

QAt C INSPECTOR Test Witnessed By:

Authorized uclear Inspector Date Reviewed K Accepted:

ech 4AIQC Specialist D te

<<Inspected 5 Accepted By:

)z i7$i

.~ / Generation Services Start<<Up Unit a

+Optional at the discretion of the Generation Services Start-Up Unit


'(i<I t vv tI

-. 'QA-26



Unit No.

Drawing No.

~~ System ~e I" -8'W vt-<f'5 Ec~ Z.

Turnover No.


~ ~//ig Isometric(s) ~~~ \ f~//wm g/ge/g t Test Boundaries g4.6 QZ s'te t-s~ 8 8'/t ygS~~f Design Press. ~i~~ psi Maximum Press. (of lowest component,) ~~gqpsi ~~~~~,~

Test Press.

Hold Press.


~~ psi psi Minimum Time 1"

  • at Test Press. ~~ min.

Prepared By: Verified By:

E I Mech. Discipline En eer Date M ch. A/QC Specialist D COMPONENTS Mfg./Fabrication Verified By:

Ident. No. Records Acce ted Open DDR's/NCR's (Initials 4 date)

"8'f'-I> ' es pe,O PRE-TEST CHECK-OFF l.


ppenings, except fill i vent points, plugged Syster. filled; high points vented, Sat.



Items not to be tested disconnected/'solated Sat. Unset.

Surfaoea tc be inapeoted Clear g unOIletruoted Sat. vo Unset.

o.m I Test medium temp. ~ + F (minimum 50 F)

Press. Gauge No's.r~r~s- Date

<<~</~~Nate Palib. <~dRange Calib. ia-.r:-8/,,Range

~ to ~C, to I- '8 spat

a a a r u aae e ~

Sj'3'/8'1 '" I RQ'gw"'. 1,

~ a Weld Data Records Shoin On Ident. No. Com lete Isometric Intl's Date R(. irks A. SF /0 "- C5 8 -'S rpJp Asr l5 -28 Ci p/gt li Cf / CC


+a $

>> r/Pr d Maximum press. applied ~l psi - Actual time at testpre, ss. ~dmin.,

Post test press. gauge recalibration verified:

Initials & Date Welds signed off on isometric drawing: i" z/gr Initials & Date Test Inspected By:

QA/QC INSPECTOR Test Witnessed By:

Au or ted Nuclear Inspector Date Reviewed & Accepted:

'. QA/QC Specialist D e eInspected A Accepted 'By:

.~. c2L eneration Services a e Start-Up Unit

+Optional at the discretion of the Generation Services" Start-Up Unit a

~ >>g>>

jyPgg 4,~~~$ .

r + ] R Q>>, >>jf'r1raq.err t 'tA> ~tr+r'~a o'j 'p'+r ~

I;= ':.":-".,:="," . ~


':;r. ~.<('"~/A,,26 0/0'/82 Pa~





{Procedure CQC-22) i MP ]~~ /- Pj/0 '~N Unit (to. 2, System Turnover No.

~P ~~

Drawing Vio. Rev. ~ Code Class Isometric(s)

~ Pp/L I I M"t>> ~A' 8 3 <crWS'<g >p~g aJrr~~ $48~

Test Boundaries /

r I Design P. ess. ~~ psipsi 'in&num Maximu= Press. (of lowest compone..t) ~/i~ psi r.

I Test rress.

Hold Press.

Time at Test Press. ~~ min.

f Prepared By: ~<< <<+ ><4'erified'y:



I' r

Mech. D'ciplx ngineer Date Mech. /QC Specialist a i

COt!PO!t=NTS Mfg./Fabrication Verified By:

Ident. Ko. Records Acce ted Ooen DDR's/t)CR's (Initials 5 date) t'r'4- / o 8&

1 g ra.

aJ) a' rrao Ca'~ c) 84 TED INITIAL ~+5 OAT PR -TEST C!=.-"Ci(-OFF

l. O i e~cep fi l $ t/e po 1 st plu 5 nsato sat.


3a Xte". not to he tested d'sc"nnaa ted/isolated Sat pglsat


a Sur ace" to be irspect d clear 5 unobstructed Sat



5. Test r.. dium te-p. ~d r" {min'"'- 50 F 6.

7 ~ 0-"-" Ão tao.rr+p~d >a ~ C lit y a>>

tt. +

o..o to ~~

sF- pi( f. fly.N )

c r <<a>> Date r. to

V4. Ee / qg'>>se' f" .~p' ~</']

' ~l

."/~z:i iield Data ~e Records Shown On Visual Le akage Xr ~~ction ident. '.to. Conolete Xs~...etr>> c ntl's . Date Rerarks j'-F p.$ /- -/e/V - d dr ~ s

~dr. -

~ Art. ~rr/ d~~3c - ga!.O se'<


%o c 6

Se'4- C d e g r ~ d 2/I eg

/f/d/- 6 5dss 8 /dr 4'/

d/a Max .ma press. applied psi >> Actual tine at test pre s. ~f~



Post test press. eau>e recalitra ion ve. ified:

Initials a Date Vfe1ds sdd.-. d cff cd 1sc.".e'rsc dr""sg:

Xnitials h Date Test L",spected By:

A/QC Its1SPBCTGR Date Test hitnessed By:

Authori"ed Nuclear Xnspector Date Re;ie'ed c Accepted:

l:ech. pecia ist fi* sse essed '9y e Harr's Sta tup Group a4e fsn e>> O q s


s e\

4es' ~ sd rs ~s>>,

s ' rse f ts4s 1 es z E)~s se dsa

~ 4a 4sv s's f, Ossp

A I'>>)@~A" PPV+%%%%I>>~~@. = ~

~ >>I>>

'" I r


Uni Ho. p S);stew ~~~~g~~ '.);mover No. ~~. egg Dra<' tio.

"so;.,-"-."'c(%) ~ w/a I >> . ~ ~I Design F. ess, ]/~spit>>')I>> l e>>>>~ )es~>> cc'~pone"  %. >>



ps'CI Test K'nz~;ca i;,: a". Tes'. Press Press'old ice"s. 7wzv'~tuM 7&~ 44~ra m

~/M/mm ~ AJ'R<~W ig): P.

repa. e 3)': Qe>>%i f 5>> ~

4f/Z ffSc'den'.

,1%%  ! II%

DPP ) /11>>% I t c Q>>%er

~-S<- Z.a 3

~l L'QC>>'

> %>>~~ e>>J'-

--fRCGRP kT~bt INITIO I.~Q~ DAT f'~~i%

l 3 ~ 0>>e>> j 'l X O '!>> A>> l, l

~ C l jr@

~ ~ )~ ~ v)>>>>

)>>>>>>%>> W>>) ~ C I %1



' t'. )

\i'A>>ef4 S~

>>I P>>>>%>>

tt 6~ ( In ~>>  %~" '


. ~ I .1 ',,")>>~~/~gp'$ /$ Da>>e C>>l lo Q p J/ g. - g>>a>>:. C:: ).'.p. p.zq +~~~:, .","..'%





a ply i<e3.1 Data Records Shvraia 0.; V$.suel Leakage Xn .~nb%on Xden . halo, ~Ccm lcae Isor.. tr'c 2'n" l' Hemsrk",

!.'-:-.drr.;;, r,:". -. a all d rj, pad - i ""al tire a'.e.".'. pr..-". // aaa.

AL, V- i'" P~

Xnitials E Date

~ '4 1 a aag

~d= ru-pg



t r('4 r' e.ral . ~ ~

C atn"rx BeV:Ir".re@>> 5 AOCente~,:

~;.t (tne J~IA

~ a ~ <<<4i(J l fk;l,p prowl'e~'" l r ~ p a, ey 1(( gdp


~,=s~ -~ -) e SII!:ARON IU>RRIS NU:.'l.l%>R Fv'ML'R PI ANT CPz.r-- (

I'.;:>'I'OlQ'I Qu(2 --/5 ': ~

IIYDRO Pwc.F o K or LQ (Nuclear Safety Related) ASHE Section Ill n II

'5+~ <c.R.S> ~

Description of Pipe ta be Tested: /C.

s sfIz'f 79 <> - < 4:~

System: ~~p~7 ~i~c. - c.l~ z /z. - l7/

Lao No.: p - ~ f --g /LE,J Mer/~


Drawing No.:

n g>>wr)A F>>J(jr<>>

rO ~ii /re I De" ign >Pressure: ~/'~~ psig I'ressure to be held I.O r>in.: +g ~m;>sig Pressure to bu held during inspection: psip xirnum;>ermiss ible pressure: g~~g& ps ig F~> tNFORMA'7(I,I.; r>NI Y Ali items . n;>aragraph 4. 2 o: TP-30 ci:.;>Ietv>l. lr Ig/lit/

Vis>>nl inspection of piping completed.

p ~ All items in paragraph 4.5 oi TP-30 ct'>pletcd. 7-llydro accepted b::

Engineering and Constr'lon <!A Inspector Iiydro witnessed by: Zn.

A'.i i

~-le natu M7 Startup Unit Represen'.ative To be completed if witnessed (optional.). INCORPORATED ON N-5


SPOOL PIECE)VALVE TAG AND/OR EQUIPMENT NO~ S ~; F 3 g )@ g, gF l $ P'3 g 3@ g, SF. f F3 vI 3(p g .gp' Water Temps 54 Thermometer No.: te8 9g - - ~gtt 3~o


Gage No.: Ca i bra ti cn Da te'. I- g 9 -7g L 1 C7 Pge recal ibrated after hydro and found sati sfa tory: YES 90 ld No,'s insPected: g ~ <P'. l- PLd-4,,Z- gP- I- FLd ~

.> gt~.g. gP.~.Pg ( ~ - St; ~

a a-SF- I-CW- S~-Z- S F- J-C,Q/ g~ >. SF C e, >


Comments '6'i0P~~ v'65 SATtmF&ciVP ]

QR Inspector

~ 'age j a

+@CI' Oa: 3




LINE NO ~ s 'QSFlZ.- l 7I SQ -Z 4 3 ISO NO.i P - SF-l /WE /



g pp-Z.~l> ~- SF- i-I )

Water Temp! ~g Thermometer No.: Q~/ '> 3~~

Gage Ge.: Cal>bration Date: i - f-'7 P

~ge recalibrated after hydro and found satisfactory: YES ld No.'s inspected: 6w>-2 ->F'->-i8 2-5F-I.Fv.) s~' t - >F-g lg

~a SP-I - Fm-~ SM- -- sF-> -3 Sk 2. QP J-.EH SC '- '.-'Gas-I-~ rg I

'Gas a



'll Cornnents:


&'lQ ~ u'A4 zh.ncF'~vaP (

. Ap lg!-(lP~':.r. TIQ"il 9',!I p

/ Ie?

QR Inspector

Enclosure 9 to Serial: HNP-99-069 Representative Quality Assurance Audits of the Site Construction Program

0 L

p r~ t\ + ~


' re r r ~ v V,rb'a g: r'pap $ 34wrrrrr f'vr



.& dY form 244 Power a Light Company

/&Sf rfr



, ';~ r,r.+:"' r p v Company Corro+ptgtnrarr Prrg4~rpWr rrAA/170"4 ~


August 14, 1980 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. S D. Smith FROM: S. McManus


Quality Assurance Audit of ASME Quality Assurance st SHNPP Construction Site It is currently planned to conduct a quality assurance audit of ASME Qual%/

Assurance at SHNPP Construction Sita on September 15-19, 1980. This audit ;(-

will. bc conducted in accordance with Quality Assurance Audit Procedure QAAP>>,I, "Procedure for Corporate and ASME QA A'udits." The attached audit agenda/plan defines the scope and primary areas 'of tho audit. The Lead Auditor will be Mr. A. E. Hall.

~r(fh',y Thc Manager Engineering 6 Construction Quality Assurance should regard this memorandum and attached audit agenda/plan as official notification of the audit.. ASME quality assurance requirements vhich vere adoquatoly audited during thc audit QAA/81-14 vill not be audited during this visit to SHNPP.

If there are any questions concerning this audit, please contact ma.

r LWB/phM9.

" '(v/att.)

r rrrra Mr. 0.; J'rW Mr. A. B. Cutter (v/att.)

Mr. G. L. Porchand (v/att.)

Mr. R. M. Parsons (v/att.)

0pQ@r".4 Mr. T. H. idyllic (v/att.)


tL k

CQ'+jg~~a <<it l

, I

,jj Activityi~.>>'jAssurance Audit of ASME Quality Assurance at i':Cohntruction Site 4

Audit Schedule Date: September 15-19, 1980 Auditors: A. E. Hall - Lead Auditor L. W. Bissette P. W. Taylor I. A. Johnson Requircmnts: (1) CP&L ASME QA Manual (2) ASME Code (3) SHNPP PSAR Applicable Documents: (1) E&C QA Construction Site Manual of Procedures (2) SHNPP Construction Procedures (3) SHNPP Specifications Agenda: 1.0 Prcaudit Meeting (7:30 a.m., 9/15/80) 2.0 Training.and Qualification 3.0 Design Control - ASME Items 4.0 Procurcmant Control - ASME Items 5.0 Document Control - ASME Items ~

6.0 Receiving Inspection - ASME Items 7.0 Handling <<Cleaning and 'Storage - ASME Items 3.0 Hydrostati'c Toots 9.0 Welding Material Contxol 10.0 Construction Welding 11.0 Inspection and Teats 12.0 Nondestructive Examination 13.0 Inspection and Teat Equipment Control 14.0 Coda Data Reports and Nameplate Stamping

15. 0 Hous~cping 16.0 Postaudit Hooting Audit Rcport, Ho.: QAA/170-4 K, ~

4 i(


')o 1

II '