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Rev 3 to Technical Support Mgt Procedure TMM-104, Determination of Technical & QA Requirements for Procurement Documents.
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Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/14/1985
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ML18003B291 List:
TMM-104, NUDOCS 8606100311
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SPR002CAROLINA POWER&LIGHT COMPANY SHEARON HARRIS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT PLANT OPERATING MANUAL VOLUME 6 PART 1 PROCEDURE TYPE: Technical Support Management Manual NUMBER'.THM-1Q TITLE: Determination of Technical and QA Requirements for Procurement DocumentREVISION 3 APPROVED: Signature (Z./"//8 Date TITLE: f)gC CQ Po hfdf)i ii'ili~i7LUt.Li3 P~Uf l~i~8606i00311 860602 PDR ADOCN 05000400 r oa Page 1 of 26 SPR002 IIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES~Pa e 1-26 Revision TMM-104 Rev.3 Page 2 of 26 SPR002 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE 2.0 ORGANIZATIONS AFFECTED




9.2 Requirements

for Off-the-Shelf Items 9.3 Requirements for Quality Class A Services and Non-Off-the-Shelf Quality Class A Items 9.4 Requirements for Quality'lass B, C, and D Services and Non-Off-the-Shelf Quality Class B, C, and D Items 9.5 Procurement Requirements for Various Spare Parts and Consumables

~Pa e 9 9 10 10~Aendi a as Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E-Determination of Technical Requirements

-Determination of Quality Assurance Requirements

-Engineering Review Wozksheet for Procurement Documents-Items Which May Be Procured to the Highest Classification

-Determination of Quality Class of Parts not on EDB 13 15 20 26 TMM-104 Rev.3 Page 3 of 26 SPR002 1.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE This procedure establishes the method for determining and assigning the technical and QA requirements for procurement documents which are prepared or reviewed by HPOS'echnical Support.This procedure does not cover contracting.


AFFECTED HPOS Technical Support


1.MOD-101 Preparation of SHNPP Specifications for Engineered Items and Engineering Services 2.AP-501 Plant Chemical&Material Controls\4, USNRC Reg.Guide 1.28/ANSI N45.2 Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Nuclear Facilities USNRC Reg.Guide 1.33/ANSI N18.7-1971 Administrative Controls and Quality Assurance for the Operational Phase of Nuclear Power Plants 5.6.USNRC Reg.Guide 1.64/ANSI N45.2.11 QA Requirements for Design of Nuclear Plants P USNRC Reg.Guide 1.123/ANSI N45.2.13 Control of Procurement of Items and Services for Nucleax Power Plants 7.USNRC Reg.Guide 1.143 Design Guidance for Radioactive Waste Management Systems, Structures, and Components Installed in Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants 8.Appendix A to Branch Technical Position APCSB9.5-1, Guideline for Fire Pxotection for Nuclear Power Plants 9.10.CP&L Cozpozate QA Program Manual I USNRC Reg.Guide 1.88/ANSI N45.2.9 Collection, Storage, and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Plant Quality Assurance Records 11.'2.Code of-Fedexal Regulations, Title 10, Part 21 Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 50 Appendix B 13.ANSI B31.1 Powe" Piping 14.ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII Pressure Vessels TMM-104 Rev.3 Page 4 of 26 SPR002


(continued) 15.ASME Boiger and Pressure Vessel Code Section III 16.ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI, Article IWA-7000 Replacements 17.Standard Accounting Procedure 550-1 18.USNRC Reg.Guide 1.38/ANSI N45.2.2 Quality Assurance Requirements for Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Storage, and Handling of items for Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants 19.USNRC Reg.Guide 1.58/ANSI N45.2.6 Qualification of Nuclear Power Plant Inspection, Examination, and Testing Personnel'20.IEEE Std.323, Qualifying Class IE Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations 21.USNRC Reg.Guide 1.54/ANSI N101.4 Quality Assurance Requirements for Protective Coatings Applied to Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants 22.Underwriter's Laboratory (Fire Protection) 23.Factory Mutual (Fire Protection) 24.Corporate Material Management System Material Catalog NONE 5.0 PRECAUTIONS None 6.0 SPECIAL TOOLS AND E UIPMENT-None<7.0 LIMITATIONS AND ACTIONS None TiiM-104 Rev.3 Page 5 of 26 SPR002 8.0 GENERA This procedure provides systematic guidelines to HPOS Technical Support for developing or reviewing the applicable technical requirements, QA requirements and other requirements which are necessary to assure adequate performance and quality are included or referenced in the documents for procurement of engineered items and engineering services.After Technical Support has established and included all procurement requirements, QA shall review the document and all changes thereto, 8.1 Procurement Document Review The technical and QA requirements developed using this procedure are applicable to the purchase documents tabulated below which are inj.tiated by or reviewed by Technical Support.How to format the technical and Q.A.requirements determined by this procedure for each type of procurement dictated by the controlling procedure or document for the purchase document type.TABLE 8.1 Procurement Documents Sub'ect to TMM-104 Document T e Controlling Standard QA/QC Form Number Procedure Re uirements 1.Purchase Requisition 2.New Item Request Form 106 106 36012 PMC-01 MOD-101 PMC-01 CMMS Material Catalog E-02-85 CMMS Material Catalog NOTE: QUALITY CLASS CMMS QUALITY CLASS A B C D E Q N R F N All procurement documents for Quality Class A, B, C, and D items or engineering services initiated at SHNPP shall be reviewed using this procedure.

The review shall be documented on the procurement document and will assure that documents transmitted to prospective suppliers for bid or contract purposes include appropriate provisions to assure'items or services meet the specified requirements.

Such reviews shall be performed prior to release for bid and contract award or prior to authorizing a new scope of work and shall assure that the documents are complete and contain the applicable requirements specified in the remainder of this procedure.

TMM-104 Rev.3 Page 6 of 26'

SPR002 8.1 Procurement Document Review (continued)

Changes made in the procurement documents as a result of the bid evaluations or precontract negotiations shall be incorporated into the procurement documents.

The review of such changes and their effects shall be completed prior to contract award.This review shall include the following considerations-.

1)Appropriate requirements specified in Section 8.2.2)Determination of any additional or modified engineering criteria imposed after preparation of the procurement documents.

3)Analysis of exceptions or changes requested or specified by the Supplier and determination of the effects such changes may have on the intent of the procurement documents or quality of the item or service to be furnished.

Reviews required by this section shall be performed by personnel who have access to pertinent information and who have an adequate understanding of the requirements and intent.of the procurement documents.

\Performance of reviews of original orders and changes may be performed using the Engineering Review Worksheet for Procurement Documents{Appendix C).See paragraph 9.0.~8.2 Content of Procurement Documents As determined in accordance with Section 9 the procurement documents covered by this procedure shall include any of the following provisions which are applicable:

A statement of the scope of the work to be performed by the Supplier shall be in the procurement documents.

8.2.2 Technical

Re uirements Technical requirements shall be specified in the procurement documents-by reference to the specific drawings, specifications, codes, regulations, environmental qualification requirements, procedures or instructions including revisions thereto that describe the items or services to be furnished.

The procurement documents shall identify or provide for later identification of test, inspection and acceptance requirements, and any special instructions and requirements for such activities as designing, identification, fabrication, cleaning, erecting, packaging, handling, shipping, and extended sto'rage.All such technical requirement documents shall be prepared, reviewed, and released under the requirements established by ANSI N45.2.11.TUN-104 Rev, 3 Page 7 of 26 SPR002 8.2.3 ualit ssurance Pro ram Re uirements Procurement documents shall require that the Supplier have a documented quality assurance program that implements portions or all of ANSI N45.2 as well as applicable quality assurance program requirements of other nationally recognized codes and standards.

The procurement documents shall require the Supplier to incorporate appropriate quality assurance program requirements in subtier procurement documents.

8.2.4 Ri ht of Access At each tier of a procurement, the procurement document shall provide, as deemed necessary by the Purchaser, for access to the Supplier's plant facilities and records for inspection or audit by the Purchaser, his designated representative, and/or other parties authorized by the Purchaser.

The provisions should include a statement of the minimum time of advance notice and the method of communication of such notice.They should include or provide for the later identification af the events such as witness and hold points established or considered appropriate for the Purchaser's presence at the Supplier's facility.8.2.5 Documentation Re uirements The procurement documents at all tiers shall identify the documentation required to be submitted, including quality assurance records for information, review, or approval of the Purchaser.

The time of submittal shall also be established.

The Purchaser shall prescribe to the Supplier those quality assurance records of compliance for which retention responsibility remains with the Supplier.ANSI N45.2.9 provides guidance for retention and disposition of quality assurance records.8.2.6 Nonconformances The procurement documents shall include Purchaser's requirements for reporting and approving disposition of nonconformances.

Deviations to specifications, approved drawings, procedures, purchase order requirements, or other contract documents which cannot, be brought into conformance with requirements prior to shipment of an item must be submitted to CP&L for approval.Such deviations, when approved by CP&L, axe required to be submitted along with shipment of the item.THM-104 Rev.3 Page 8 of 26 SPR002 8.2.7 10CFR21 Re ortin Re uirements Procurement documents on all Quality Class A services and non-off-the-shelf Quality Class A items shall include a statement of 10CFR21 applicability.

Section 9.0, below, provides an explanatioh of the logic and considerations which should be used to decide how and to what extent the provisions above shall be specified in procurement documents.


FOR DETERMINING TECHNICAL A AND REGULATORY RE UIREMENTS FOR PROCUREMENT DOCUMENTS The following procedure consists of four major sections: Title 9.1 Basic Requirements

9.2 Requirements

for-Off-the-Shelf Items A~licable ualit Classes A, B, C, D A, B, C, D 9.3 Requirements for Quality Class A Services and Non-Off'-the-Shelf Quality Class A Items 9.4 Requirements for Quality Class B, C, and D Services and Non-Off-the-Shelf Quality Class B, C, and D Items B, C, D As requirements are determined, enter the requirement into the procurement document in accordance with the controlling procedure for the procurement document as listed in Table 8.1 and appropriate appendix to this procedure.

A copy of the Engineering Review Worksheet for Procurement Documents (Appendix C)may be used as a review guide.It is not, mandatory, however, to fill out or retain an Engineering Review Worksheet since the procurement'equirements and their review and approval are recorded on the procurement document itself.9.1 Basic Re uirements 9.1.1 Ensure that the item name and description or scope of work for a service completely and adequately describes the item or service.being procured.If not, include the appropriate description, catalog numbers, part number, model number, and serial number for the item or amplify the scope of work for a service.9.1.2 Determine, from the SHNPP Q-list or Appendix E, the Qual.ity Class of the item being procured or items affected by services being procured.Assign a procured service the highest Quality Class of.the items which it affects.TMM-104 Rev.3 Page 9 of 26 SPR002 9.1 Basic Re uirements (continued) 9.1.3 9.1~4 Recommend a supplier.If the supplier is sole source, so state and justify.Determine if the item being procured is an"Off-the-Shelf" item.Off-the"shelf'tems

-Those commercial grade.items which are: (a)(b)Not subject to design or specification requirements that are unique to facilities or activities licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission; and.e Used in applications other than facilities or activities licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission; and (c)Ordered from the manufacturer, distributor, supplier or retailer on the basis of the manufacturer's published catalog or product description.

9.2 Re uirements for Off=the-Shelf Items 9.2.1 9.2.2 Enter"OFF-THE-SHELF" on the procurement document.Include, on the procurement document, the requirement for the supplier to provide special storage requirements and shelf-life expiration date, if any.9.2.3 Include receipt inspection requirements and/or verification actions on the procurement document.9.3 Re uirements for alit Class A Services and Non-Off-the-Shelf ualit Class A Items 9.3.1 Include a statement that the provisions of 10CFR21 apply.9.3.2 9.3.3 Determine the technical requirements for the item or service in accordance with Appendix A and include in the Procurement document.Determine and include-the QA program requirements which will be applicable to the.supplier in accordance with Appendix B.9.3.4 Include a statement which requires the.Supplier to extend appropriate QA program requirements to lower tier suppliers and subcontractors.

9.3.5 Determine

and include the documentation which will be required from the Supplier~includin a schedule-of submission, to verify conformance to the technical and QA requirements.

TMN-104 Rev.3 Page 10 of 26 SPR002 9.3 Re uirements for uali't Class A Services and Non-Off-the"Shelf alit Class A Items (continued)

9.3.6 Include

a requirement for reporting of nonconformance to any requirement by the Supplier for purchaser approval.Nonconformances to approved drawings, specifications, procedures, purchase order requirements, or other contract documents which cannot be brought into conformance with requirements prior to shipment of items shall be reported and submitted to the Purchaser for approval of recommended disposition.

The nonconformance report submitted by the supplier shall include the suppliers recommended disposition and technical justification.

All nonconformance

'reports shall be approved by the purchaser before any action is taken by the supplier on the nonconformance.

A copy of each approved nonconformance report shall be included in each data package for the item.9.3.7 Include a statement providing right of access to the Supplier and subtier suppliers for audit and inspection.

9.4 Re uirements for ualit Class B C and D Services and Non-Off-the-Shelf ualit Class B C and D Items 9.4.1 Determine and include the technical requirements for the item or service in accordance with Appendix A.9.4.2 Determine and include the QA program requirements which will be applicable to the supplier in accordance with Appendix B.9.4.3 Determine and include the documentation which will be required from the Supplier to verify conformance to specified technical and QA requirements.

9.5 Items

Which Ma be Procured to the Hi hest Classification Appendix D contains items which may be used in safety"related, radwaste, fire protection, and non-safety related systems.Rather than procure these items for each of these categories (each having different procurement requirements) then segregate the items on site and maintain procedures and documentation to assure each item is used in the appropriate category, we may procure these items to Quality Class A requirements.

TMM-104 Rev.3 Page ll of 26 SPR002 APPENDIX A DETERMINATION OF TECHNICAL RE UIREMENTS 1., Conduct an engineering review of the item or service and develop or determine the technical requirements listed in 3 and 4 below.An Engineering Review Vorksheet (Appendix C)may be used as a guide for this review.2.For original plant items or items and services previously procured, do the following:

~(a)Determine, if possible, the original procurement requirements for the item or services which have been procured befoxe.(b)If an item or system is subject to Section XI of the ASME Code, its replacement(s) are subject to Article IVA-7000 of Section XI.(c)Determine if the original requirements reflect the latest codes, standards, and engineering practices.

Use latest'codes, standards, and practice to develop technical requirements where the later requirements and practices:

(1)can be reconciled with the original requirements (2)will provide satisfactory mechanical interfaces and fit (3)will provide material compatibility (4)will result in significant improvement in performance, safety, reliability, or procurement availability when compared to the-increased cost,'of using.the newer standards.

t (d)-Review:the operating history of the item or service for failure rates, failure modes, and other operating problems and'etermine what changes to the.original requirements or what new requirements axe dictated by user experience.

Use both in-plant maintenance and operating records as well as industry wide programs such as NPRD to accomplish this-review.TMM-104 Rev.3 Page 12 of 26 SPR002 APPENDIX A (continued) 3.Specify in the item description the manufactuzer's catalog and model number and any of the following documents, including the revisions thereto, which describe the item or service being procured: a.Specific drawings b.Specifications c.Codes d.Regulations e.Procedures oz Instructions 4.Where a necessary requirement is not included in a referenced document, include the requirement in the item description.

Some of the requirements which shall be included if applicable are: a.Seismic and/or'environmental qualification requirements b.Operating requirements Ce Specific critical properties and characteris ics (e.g., design pressure, design temperature, material, dimensions, power supply, etc.)d.B~Test, inspection, and acceptance requirements including in-process verification hold points.Receipt inspection and post-receipt verification.

Special instzuctions and requirements for such activities as design, calibration, identification, fabrication, cleaning, coating, erecting, packing, handling, shipping, and extended storage.A requirement for the vendor to provide shelf-life, storage environment and recommended pzeventive maintenance while in storage, unless specified by the Purchaser.

h.A requirement for the vendor to provide parts list.A requirement for the vendor to supply technical manuals.Post Installation Test at the SHNPP Site.TNM-104 Rev.3 Page 13 of 26 SPR002 APPENDIX A (continued)

Final acceptance by this method is necessary when: (1)it is difficult to verify the quality characteristics of the item without it being installed and in use;or (2)the item requires an integrated system checkout or test with other items to verify its quality characteristics; or (3)the item cannot demonstrate its ability to perform its intended function except when in use.Post installation test requirements and acceptance documentation should be mutually established by the Purchaser and Supplier.Where the list of individual requirements becomes extensive or complex, write a specification in accordance with MOD-101 and reference the specification number in the item description.

PS-104 Rev.3 Page 14 of 26 i

SPR002 APPENDIX B DETERMINATION OF UALITY ASSURANCE RE UIREMENTS 1.0 Basic Re uirements of Su lier A Pro rams b ualit Class Supplier QA program requirements depend upon the Quality class of the item or service being procured.Quality Class A, B, C, and D items and services covered by the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code or other applicable industry standard shall require a Supplier QA program in~accordance with the appropriate section of the Code or applicable standard.ASME A PROGRAM If the item or service requires an ASME QA program as specified in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: a.Section IIL, Divisions 1&2, or b.Section XI, or c.Section VIII, Divisions 1S2, or d.Section I Indicate the applicable code requirement on the purchase document.For guualit~Class A items and services covered under the ASHE~Pro ram an A,S'iiE B&PV Code~Pro ram sets aside the ANSI N45.2 QA PROGRAM Quality Class A services and non-off-the-shelf Quality Class A items shall always require a Supplier QA program based on all or selected sections of 10CFR50 Appendix B and ANSI N45.2-1971.

The general logic and basic methods of specifying a supplier QA program for Quality Class A items and services is covered in Section 2.0 below.Although not mandatory for the other Quality Classes, the logic and basic methods described in Section 2.0 can also be applied to Quality Classes B, C, and D.Appropriate sections of ANSI N45.2 may be required of the Supplier for Quality Class B items if dictated by good engineering judgement.

TMM-104 Rev.3 Page 15 of 26

SPR002 APPENDIX B (continued)

Quality Class C (Radwaste) items shall always require a Supplier QA program which includes control of: a.Procurement b.Inspections c.Handling, shipping, and storage d.Identification e.Nonconformances f.QA records Quality Class D (Fire Protection) items listed by Underwriter's Laboratory (UL)or approved by Factory Mutual (FM)shall require a supplier QA Program in accordance with Underwriter's Laboratory or Factory Mutual standards.

2.0 Guidance

for S ecif in ualit Class A Su lier A Pro rams For Quality Class A items and services, determine a suitable Supplier quality assurance program from ANSI N45.2-1971 as described below.This~ate is m~andato for guual~s r Class A items and services but may be used when deemed necessary to improve the quality of.other Quality Class items.2.1 General Logic Considerations The quality assurance requirements shall be compatible to the particular type of item or service which is to be supplied.Certain items and services may require extensive controls throughout all stages of development, while others will require only a limited quality assurance effort in selected phases of development.

The factors which determine the extent of a quality assurance effort are as follows: a.The importance of malfunction or failure of the item to plant safety.Each item to be procured must be evaluated and assigned a Quality Class in accordance with Appendix E to determine whether or not it is important to plant safety.For those items which are Quality Class A, applicable requirements of ANSI N45.2 shall be specified in the procurement document.b.The complexity or uniqueness of the item.TaaM-104 ReV.3 Page 16 of 26 SPR002 APPENDIX B (continued)

In developing specific quality assurance requirements for a particular item, the complexity and uniqueness should be considered.

The extent of controls needed to assure the quality of those characteristics which are necessary for proper functioning and lang-term performance may depend heavily upon the item's complexity and the industry experience, or lack of, in accomplishing the quality related activity.Obviously, if a design effort is required to develop the item or accomplish the activity, design quality assurance requirements should be~included in the procurement document.Items which require a complex manufacturing plan may require extensive control over important characteristics.

The control over important characteristics should extend beyond the manufacturing phase when it is necessary to preclude damage to those characteristics during packaging, shipping, handling, and storage.In determining the extent of quality assurance to be applied, past experience in the development of similar items should be considered.-

An item being developed for the first time will probably require much more control over important characteristics than one which has had a past history of successful performance.

The complexity or uniqueness of the item may also affect the extent of personnel training and indoctrination required.c.The need for special controls and surveillance over process and equipment.

Certain work operations may require the use of special processes.

such as welding, non-destructive examination, passivation, brazing and soldezing, hardness and tensile testing, protective coating, and heat treatment.

Special processes may also include certain in-process operations such as chemical batch process, plating operations, and electric insulation impzegnation.

These processes shall be accomplished under specially controlled conditions.

Controlled conditions include the use of appzopriate equipment, suitable environmental conditions, definitive procedures, qualified pez'sonnel.and assurance that pzerequisites have been satisfied.

".',d.The degree to which functional compliance can be demonstrated by inspection and test.It*may be possible to demonstrate the quality of certain characteristics of an item by an appropriate inspection or test.In such cases, the in-process control effort may be reduced if an appropriate inspection and test will be sufficient to provide an assurance of quality.A limiting case is an end-product test which can properly assess the degree of compliance to quality requirements, thereby eliminating the need for in-process control.TEL-104 Rev.3 Page 17 of 26

SPR002 APPENDIX B (continued) e.The quality history and degree of standardization of the item.The ability to use historical data in evaluating the quality experience of an item is based in part upon the degree of standardization of the item.If a manufacturer has been producing a particular standard item for a long period of time and if the operational quality history of the item indicates that its significant characteristics perform satisfactorily,~the quality assurance program may be tailored to reflect this satisfactory performance history.Conversely, if certain characteristics are determined to be unsatisfactory based upon operational data, additional quality assurance effort may be required to correct these deficiencies.

The general logic considerations outlined above should be applied for each procurement action.If all or most of these consideration apply to a particular procurement action, the overall method of paragraph 2.2.a should be applied in specifying the quality assurance requirements in the procurement document.However, if these considerations have only limited applicability to a particular procurement action, the unique order method of paragraph 2.2.b may be used to specify the quality assurance requirements of the procurement document.2.2 Methods of Specifying Quality Assurance Program Requirements There are two methods by which the Purchaser can specify and obtain suitable Supplier quality assurance program requirements for Quality Class A items and services.The overall method will be used for most purchases.

For certain special purchases and contracts, the unique order" method will be more appropriate.

a.Overall Method The Purchaser may incorporate into the procurement documents a complete quality assurance program standard, such as ANSI N45.2, and shall require the Supplier to apply the requirements of the quality assurance standard as appropriate to the items or services being procured.The Supplier's quality assurance program shall be evaluated by the Purchaser to assure that it is appropriate to the items or services being purchased.

b.Unique Order Method TMM-104 Rev.3 Page 18 of 26 SPR002 APPENDIX B (continued)

The Purchaser may incorporate into the procurement documents selected portions of a quality assurance program standard, such as ANSI N45.2, that are unique to the items or services being procured.For example, when Purchasers's order is limited to design work only, selected requirements of ANSI N45.2 or ANSI N45.2.11 would be applied.Supplier's.

quality assurance program shall be reviewed by the Purchaser to assure that it is appropriate to the items or services being purchased.

Purchaser may also incorporate requirements equivalent to those referred to in ANSI N45.2 which are unique to the items or services being purchased.

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Type of Document Title or I.D.0 Revision or Supplement Number Date of Issue Originator of Purchase Name/Title/Organization Item or Service Being Procured Quality Class of Item or Service: A, B, C, D, E (Circle One)A.Basic Requirements, (Section 9')1.Description of Item or Service Verified Adequate 2.Vendor(s)Recommended If Sole Source, Justification Included 3.Off-the-Shelf Determination Yes No B.Requirements for Off-the-Shelf Items (Section 9.2)l."Off-the-Shelf" designator included.2~Storage requirements and shelf life expiration date requested.

3.Receipt Inspection requirements or verification actions included.C.Requirements for Quality Class A Services and Non-off-the-shelf Quality Class A Items (Section 9')10CFR21 applicability statement included.2~Technical requirements determined and included (Fill in Appendix A portion of Checklist, Subsection E below).3.QA program requirements determined (Append&a B)and included.a.Code QA programs applied (as applicable).

TM-104 Rev.3 Page 20 of 26 SFR002 APPENDIX C (continued) b.ANSI N45.2 Sections or Daughter Standards Applied (Mandatory).

Statement included requiring extension of QA programs to subtier suppliers and subcontractors.

5.Documentation requirements determined and included.6.Statement included requiring supplier to report non conformances for, purchaser approval.7.Statement included providing for right-of-access to Supplier and subtier suppliers for audit, and inspection.

D.Requirements for Quality Class B, C and D Services and Non-off-the-Shelf Quality Class B, C, and D Items 1.Technical requirements determined and included (Fill in Appendix A portion of Checklist, Subsection E below).2.QA Program Requirements determined (Appendix B)and included.a.Code QA programs applied (As applicable).

b.Radwaste (Quality Class C), Fire Protection (Quality Class D)or special Supplier QA programs required as applicable.

3.Documentation requirements determined and included.4.Requirement for reporting nonconformances for purchaser approval included.5.Provision for right-of-access to suppliers Facil'ities for inspection and audit included (Non Mandatory).

E.Appendix A Engineering Review for Technical Requirements Original Purchase requirements reviewed with respect, to: a.Latest codes, standards and practices.

b.Replacement Requirements of Section XI, Article 7000.c.Past Performance of Item/Service.

TMM-104 Rev.3 Page 21 of 26 0 0 SPR002.APPENDIX C (continued)

Manufacturers Catalog and Model Number Included and Descriptive Documents Referenced.

b.Specifications Drawings Co d.e.Codes Regulations Procedures or Instructions 3~Items Specified a.Seismic and or environmental Qualification Requirements b.*Ce Other Operating Requirements Critical properties and characteristics d.Test, inspection and acceptance requirements e.Receipt Inspection and post receipt verification actions (Mandatory)

Special Instructions and requirements for designing, calibration, identif ication, fabrication, etc.Vendor to provide extended storage conditions, p.m.'s and shelf life (Mandatory) h.Vendor to provide parts list Vendor to provide technical manuals Post installation test at the SHNPP site TMM-104 Rev.3 Page 22 of 26 0 0 SPR002 APPENDIX C (continued)


Ori inatin En ineer: Reviewin En ineer: Name/Title

'ate Name/Title Date TMM-104 Rev;3 Page 23 of 26 MC J~IJVC APPENDIX D Items which may be procured to the highest classification.

1.Carbon arbon and Lov Alloy Piping and Fittings ASME III/II (ASME 1974 EDITION VINTER 1976 ADDENDA).a.Piping ASME SA-106 GRADE B or C ASME SA-155 GRADE KC 65 or KC 70 ASME SA-335 GRADE P-11 b.Fittings ASME SA-105 ASME SA-350 GRADE LF-1 or LF-2 ASME SA-216 GRADE WCB or WCC ASME SA-234 GRADE WPB, WPC or WP-11 ASME SA-181 GRADE II ASME SA-217 GRADE WC6 C~Flanges ASME SA-105 ASME SA-216 GRADE WCB or WCC ASME SA-335 GRADE P-11 ASME SA-181 GRADE II ASME SA-217 GRADE VC6 2.Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping and Fittings ASME III/II (ASME 1974 EDITION WINTER 1976 ADDENDA).a.Piping ASME SA-312 GRADE TP304 or TP316 seamless ASME SA-376 GRADE TP304 or TP316 seamless b.Fittings (2"&under)ASME SA>>182 (Dimensions ASME SA-403 (Dimensions GRADE F 304 or GRADE F 316 in accordance with ANSI B16.11)GRADE WP 304 or GRADE VP 316 in accordance w'th ANSI Bl'6.9)3.c.Fittings (2$"&over)ASME SA-403 GRADE VP 304 or GRADE VP 316 (Dimensions in accordance with ANSI B16.9)d.Flanges (veld neck with raised face forged)ASME SA-182 GRADE F 304 or GRADE F 316 (Dimensions in accordance with ANSI 316.5)Stainless Steel Tubing ASME III/II (ASME 1974 EDITlON VINTER 1976 ADDENDA)ASME SA-213 GRADE TP316, SEAMLESS, COLD DRAWING ROCKVELL HARDNESS VITHIN 70-74"B" NOT TO EXCEED 80 ROCKWELL"B" ZK-104 Rev.3 Page 24 of 26 SPR002 APPENDIX D (continued) 4.Bolts, Screws, Studs, and All-Thread Rod ASME III/II.(ASME 1974 EDITION WINTER 1976 ADDENDA)ASME SA 193 GRADE B7 ASME SA 193 GRADE B8 ASME SA 453 GRADE 660 ASME SA 564 GRADE 630 5.Nuts ASME III/II (ASME 1974 EDITION WINTER 1976 ADDENDA)ASME SA 194 GRADE 2H ASME SA 194 GRADE 6 ASME SA 194 GRADE 8 6.Terminals, Terminal Lugs and Connector Class 1E-Seismic Category Site Spec 53 rev (latest)TMM<<104 Rev.3 Page 25 of 26 SPR002 APPENDIX E Determination of Quality Class of Parts not on EDB.1.Contact HPES for Quality Class or 2.Using the following criteria, assign quality class to procurement document.ltQlf The item is Quality class"Q" if it is necessary to assure: a.,the integrity of the reactor coolant pressure boundary.b.the capability to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shut down condition.

c, the capability to prevent or mitigate the consequences of accidents which could result in potential offsite radiation exposures greater ,than allowable.

ttRlt The item is Quality class"R" if it is a pressure boundary part of the radwaste'systems.

llplt The item is Quality class"F" if it is a fixed piece of plant equipment which provides fire protection, fire detection, or fire isolation for Q list equipment.

The item is Quality class"N" if it does not meet the criteria for Q, R, or F.TNM-104 Rev.3 Page 26 of 26