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Proposed Tech Specs 3.0.5 Re Exception to TS 3.0.1 to Permit Equipment to Be Placed Into Svc in Order to Perform Testing to Demonstrate Operability
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/21/1997
Shared Package
ML18012A527 List:
NUDOCS 9702270109
Download: ML18012A528 (6)


3/<. 0 APPL ICAS ILI '

LIMITING CONDITION OR OPERATION 3.4. 1 Compliance with the Limiting Conditions for Operation contained in the succeeding specifications is required during the OPERATIONAL MODES or other conditions speci fied therein; except that upon failure to meet the Limiting Conditions for Operation, the associated ACTION requirements shall be met.

.3.0.2 Noncompliance with a specification shall exist when the requirements of the Limiting Condition for Operation and associated ACTION requirements are not met within the specified time intervals.

If the Limiting Condition for Operation is restored prior to expiration of the specified time intervals, completion of the ACTION requirements is not required unless otherwise noted in the ACTION statement.

3.0.3 When a Limiting Condition for Operation is not met, except as provided in the associated ACTION requirements, within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> action sha11 be initiated to place the unit in a

MODE in which the specification does not apply by placing it, as applicable, in:


At least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />'.

At least HOT SHUTDOWN within the following 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, and c.

At least COLD SHUTDOWN within the subsequent 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

Where corrective measures are completed that permit operation under the ACTION requirements, the action may be taken in accordance with the specified time limits as measured from the time of fai lure to meet the Limiting Condition for Operation.

Exceptions to these requirements are stated in the individual specifications.

This specification is not applicable in MODE 5 or 6.

3.0.4 Entry into an OPERATIONAI MODE or other specified condition shall not be made unless the conditions for the Limiting Condition for Operation are met without reliance on provisions contained in the ACTION requirements.

This provisio'n shall not prevent passage through or to OPERATIONAL MODES as required to comply with ACTION requirements.

Exceptions to these requirements are stated in the individual specifications.


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SHEARON HARRIS - UNIT 1 9702270109'7022k PDR ADGCK 05000400 P

PDR 3I4 0-1

Technical Specification B 3/4.0 Page B 3/4 0-2 Attachment "A" Insert at B 3/4 0-2 3.0.5 This specification establishes the allowance for restoring equipment to service under administrative controls when it has been removed from service or declared inoperable to comply with ACTIONS. The sole purpose ofthis Specification is to provide an exception to 3.0.1 (e.g.,

to not comply with the applicable Required Action(s)) to allow the performance ofsurveillance testing to demonstrate:


The OPERABILITYofthe equipment being returned to service; or b.

The OPERABILITYofother equipment.

The administrative controls ensure the time the equipment is returned to service in conflict with the requirements ofthe ACTIONS is limited to the time absolutely necessary to perform the allowed surveillance tests.

This Specification does not provide time to perform any other preventive or corrective maintenance.

An example ofdemonstrating the OPERABILITYofthe equipment being returned to service is reopening a containment isolation valve that has been closed to comply with Required Actions and must be reopened to perform the surveillance tests.

An example ofdemonstrating the OPERABILITYofother equipment is taking an inoperable channel or trip system out ofthe tripped condition to prevent the trip function from occurring during the performance ofa surveillance test on another channel in the other trip system. A similar example ofdemonstrating the OPERABILITYofother equipment is taking an inoperable channel or trip system out ofthe tripped condition to permit the logic to function and indicate the appropriate response during the performance'of a surveillance test on another channel in the same trip system.

e 3/4. 0 APPLICABILITY LIAITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION 3.0.1 Compliance with the Limiting Conditions for Operation contained in the succeeding specifications is required during the OPERATIONAL MODES or other conditions specified therein; except that upon failure to meet the Limiting Conditions for Operation, the associated ACTION requirements shall be met.

3.0.2 Noncompliance with a specification shall exist when the requirements of the Limiting Condition for Operation and associated ACTION requirements are not met within the specified time intervals.

If the Limiting Condition for Operation is restored prior to expiration of the specified time intervals, completion of the ACTION requirements is not required unless otherwise noted in the ACTION statement.

3.0.3 When a Limiting Condition for Operation is not met, except as provided in the associated ACTION requi rements, within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> action shall be initiated to place the unit in a MODE in which the specification does not apply by placing it, as applicable, in:


At least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, b.

At least HOT SHUTDOWN within the following 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, and c.

At least COLD SHUTDOWN within the subsequent 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

Where corrective measures are completed that permit oper ation under the ACTION requirements.

the action may be taken in accordance with the specified time limits as measured from the time of failure to meet the Limiting Condition for Operation.

Exceptions to these requi rements are stated in the individual specifications.

This specification is not applicable in MODE 5 or 6.

3.0.4 Entry into an OPERATIONAL MODE or other specified condition shall not be made unless the conditions for the Limiting Condition for Operation are met without reliance on provisions contained in the ACTION requirements.

This provision shall not prevent passage through or to OPERATIONAL MODES as required to comply with ACTION requi rements.

Exceptions to these requirements are stated in the individual specifications.

3.0.5 Equipment removed from service or declared inoperable to comply with ACTIONS may be returned to service under administrative control solely to per form testing required to demonstrate its OPERABILITY or the OPERABILITY of other equipment.

This is an exception to 3.0. 1 above for the system returned to service under administrative control to perform the testing required to demonstrate OPERABILITY.

SHEARON HARRIS - UNIT 1 3/4 0-1 Amendment No.

APPL ICABILITY B4ES 3.0.4 (Continued)

The intent of this provision is to ensure that facility operation is not initiated with either requi red equipment or systems inoperable or other specified limits being exceeded.

Exceptions to this provision have been provided for a limited number of specifications when startup with inoperable equipment would not affect plant safety.

These exceptions are stated in the ACTION statements of the appropriate specifications.

3.0.5 This specification establishes the allowance for restoring equipment to service under administrative controls when it has been removed from service or declared inoperable to comply with ACTIONS.

The sole purpose of this Specification is to provide an exception to 3.0. 1 (e.g., to not comply with the applicable Required Action(s)) to allow the performance of surveillance testing to demonstrate:


The OPERABILITY of the equipment being returned to service; or b.

The OPERABILITY of other equipment The administrative controls ensure the time the equipment is returned to service in conflict with the requi rements of the ACTIONS is limited to the time absolutely necessary to perform the allowed surveillance tests.

This Specification does not provide time to perform any other preventive or corrective maintenance.

An example of demonstrating the OPERABILITY of the equipment being returned to service is reopening a containment isolation valve that has been closed to comply with Required Actions and must be reopened to perform the surveillance tests.

An example of demonstrating the OPERABILITY of other equipment is taking an inoperable channel or trip system out of the tripped condition to prevent the trip function from occurring during the performance of a surveillance test on another channel in the other trip system.

A similar example of demonstrating the OPERABILITY of other equipment is taking an inoperable channel or trip system out of the tripped condition to permit the logic to function and indicate the appropriate response during the performance of a surveillance test on another channel in the same trip system.

4.0. 1 This specification provides that surveillance activities necessary to ensure the Limiting Conditions for Operation are met and will be performed during the OPERATIONAL MODES or other conditions for which the Limiting Condi-tions for Oper ation are applicable.

Provisions for additional surveillance activities to be performed without regard to the applicable OPERATIONAL MODES or other conditions are provided in the individual Surveillance Requirements.

Surveillance Requirements for Special Test Exceptions need only be performed when the Special Test Exception is being utilized as an exception to an individual specification.

SHEARON HARRIS - UNIT 1 8 3/4 0-2 Amendment No.

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