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Rev 5 to Administrative Procedure AP-014, Criteria for Qualified Safety Reviewers.
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/23/1987
From: Joseph Willis
Shared Package
ML18005A336 List:
AP-014, AP-14, NUDOCS 8803160329
Download: ML18005A350 (14)



Signature Date

. L WgjR, PlANt I'Etg]I. j[g~gRPR SsKMP CONTP-OILED COPY 0 Page 1 of 12 8803160329'80222 PDR ADOCK 05000400 8 PDR i

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Osl 0 Section 1.0 PURPOSE Table of Contents

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4 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4 4.0 DEFINITIONS 5 5.0 PROCEDURES 5 5.1 'General, Discussion 5 5 ~2 Qualification Areas 5 5.3 Criteria for Qualification 6 5.4 Qualification Process 6 5.5 Requalification 8 5.6 Qualified Reviewers List 8 6e0 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 SHNPP Qualified Reviewer Qualification Record Attachment 2 Qualified Reviewers (Information) 10 Attachment 3 Instructions for Completing the 11 SHNPP Qualified Reviewer Qualification Record

i CC H AP"014 Rev. 5 Page 2 of 12

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OS1 List of Effective Pa es

~Pa e Revision 1 through 12 AP"014 Revi 5 Page 3 of 12

081 1 ~ 0 PURPOSE This procedure estabLishes the experience/educational leveL required for Qualified Safety Reviewers and identifies the areas in which qualification is required. lt also identifies the individuals who will evaluate the qualifications of personnel and documents the requirements for Qualified Safety Reviewers.

Inclusion on the Qualified Safety Reviewer List indicates that the individual is qualified to perform safety reviews on procedures/documents within their indicated disciplines in accordance with AP-011 (Reference 2.4}.


2.1 AP"007, Temporary/Advance Changes to Plant Procedures 2.2 SHNPP Technical Specifications, Section 6.0 2.3 SHNPP FSAR, Section 1.8 2.4 AP"011 Safety Reviews 2.5 AP-013 Plant Nuclear Safety Committee 2.6. AP-006, Procedure Revie~ and Approval 3 ' RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 The Director - Pro rams and Procedures is responsible for maintaining the documentation of safety reviewer quaLifications and for ensuring that updated Qualified Safety Reviewers Lists are made available at appropriate intervals.

3.2 Mana ers/Su ervisors are responsible for ensuring that appropriate personnel under their direct authority are qualified and have been designated as qualified safety reviewers.

3.3 alified safet reviewers are responsible for ensuring the administrative adequacy of procedures/revisions/changes.

They are also responsible for performing safety reviews as identified in AP-011.

3.4 On-Site Nuclear Safet is responsible for administering Safety Reviewer Training/Retraining.

3.5 Harris Teainin Unit maintains class records and Qualified Reviewer QuaLification Records. HTU wiLL notify Qualified reviewers one month prior to expiration of qualification period (See Section 5.5) ~

AP-014 Rev. 5 Page 4 of 12

Osl 3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES (continued)

R 3.6 The Plant General Mana er shall designate those J individuals who will be responsible for performing safety reviews described in Technical Specification


l. PNSC " Plant Nuclear Safety Committee p'l I I( 2. Qualified Safety Reviewers List - A listing of pH pf individuals quaLified to perform safety reviews, based V

on education, experience, and training. This List will, be periodicalLy updated and distributed.

3. HTU - Harris Training Unit
4. ONS - On-Site Nuclear Safety
5. Harris - Shearon Harris Nuclear Pxoject m
6. SHNPP - Shearon Harris Nuclear Project p


' p 5.1 Genex'al Discussion

~ l NOTE: The statements made below are for information only. Fox a complete and accurate discussion refer to AP-011.

Plant procedures, speciaL tests, Tempox'ary/Advance p

Changes, modifications, and other items require safety p C reviews by at least two Qualified Safety Reviewers, in accordance with AP-011.

2p The role of a Qualified Safety Reviewer is to provide an in-depth review of procedures, temporaxy/advance changes>

modifications, etc., to ensuxe that:

a. The procedure or change will safely accomplish the desixed result.
b. The proposed procedure or change has been properly evaluated for unreviewed safety questions.
c. The procedure or change i.s in accox'dance with the appropriate regulatory guidance, such as the SHNPP Technical Speci,fications and the FSAR.

p p-AP-014 Rev. 5 Page 5 of 12 4 p

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Osl The functional areas for which qualified safety reviewers may be listed are:

a ~ Operations

b. Plant Test and Start Up (T&SU) c~ Chemistry/Radiochemistry do Radiation Protection/ALARA
e. Mechanical
f. I&C/Electrical go Nuclear Engineering he Environmental Qualification 1 ~ Melding J ~ Administrative Procedures
k. Emergency Preparedness
1. ~ Security
m. Fire Protection
n. Inservice Inspection-Pumps and Valves (ISZ-PV) 0~ Inservice Inspection-Non-destructive Exam (ISI-NDE) pe Technical Support, Civil/Structural A designation is also provided for certifying the indivi'dual as a Qualified Interim Approver of Temporazy Changes (AP-007).

NOTE: A minimum of 2 years of related work experience/education is required for qualificKtion in a functional area.

5.3 Criteria for uaLification 1 ~ The qualification of an individual in a functional area is detezmined by that individual's supervisor, based upon the individual's educational and work experience backgzound.

2.. A Qualified Safety Reviewer's experience and education should allow recognition of the compLexities associated with a particular discipline.

3. The Reviewer should be able to recognize highl.y specialized areas in which additional assistance is required and to take appropriate action to obtain that assistance.
4. Qualified Safety Reviewers shall have a baccalaureate degree in an engineering or zelated fiel.d (or equivalent experience), plus 2 years of related work experience.

Such '.esignation shall. include the disciplines or procedure categories for which each individual. is qualified. Qualified individuals or groups not on the plant staff may be rel.ied upon to perform safety reviews if so designated by the Plant CeneraL Manager.

AP"014 Rev. 5 Page 6 of 12

Osl 5.4 alification Process In order to become a Qualified Safety Reviewer, the EoLlowing actions must be taken:

Personnel must pass Safety Reviewer Training administered by ONS.

NOTE: PNSC training/retraining and meeting attendance wilL fulfillqualification training requizements for PNSC members (AP-013). PNSC alternates must attend formaL qualification classes.

Following successful completion of Safety Reviewer training, personnel fill out a copy of the Qualification Record (Attachment 1) indicating functional areas, as described in Attachment 3.

3. The Eorm is then forwarded to the appropziate manager/supervisor Eor concurrence.

4~ The cognizant supervisor/manager indicates concurrence by signing the top portion of the form. If additional justification is necessary to document an individual's qualifications in a particular area, it shouLd be noted on the Qualification Record that additional information is attached.

5. The Qualification Record is then forwarded to the Specialist - Programs and Procedures Eoz vezification that Safety Reviewer Training was successfully completed. The successfuL completion oE the training shall be documented when the Specialist - Pzograms and Procedures signs and dates the qualification Eorm in the appropri:ate section.
6. The Qualification Record is then forwarded to the Plant General Manager/Designee for indication oE Qualified Azeas and for approval (Reference 2.2).

7 ~ Once approved, the Eorm is returned to the Specialist-Programs and Procedures.

The Qualified Safety Reviewers List (See Attachment 2) is periodically updated and distributed. IE there are any questions, contact, the Director - Programs and Procedures who will have access to the official list which is updated as each new qualified safety reviewer is approved.

9. Supervisor/Manager may change oz amend qualifications by submitting a new Qualification Record Eor approval. The Qualified Safety Reviewers List wi11 be updated accozdingly.

AP-014 Rev. 5 Page 7 of 12

OS1 Qualified Safety Reviewer retraining will be required of all personnel yearly in order to maintain qualified status.

Retraining is conducted by ONS or HTU. HTU will notify supervisor when retraining is required and scheduLed. Personnel successfully


completing the retraining course within the required time frame will have their qualification record automatically updated. A new qualification record form shalL be submitted to the Specialist-Programs and Procedures Eor updating the documentation records of each indi.vidual concerning years of experience, discipline areas, and interim approver status.

PNSC retraining and meeting attendance will fulfill requalification requirements for PNSC members (AP"013) ~ PNSC alternates must attend formal requaliEication classes ~

Personnel failing to requalify within 14 months Erom their last

.training will automatically be removed from the QuaLified Safety Reviewer List, These persons will be required to complete a new Qualification Record form following successful completion of retraining in order to be reinstated on the list.

S.6 uglified Reviewers List The Qualified Reviewers List (Attachment 2) is a plant document which identifies those individuals who by 0 education/experience/training are qualified to perform safety reviews of procedures, revisions, temporaryladvance changes, modifications, and other items'his list is periodically updated and distributed by the Director - Programs and Procedures.

Attachment 2 describes the information contained on the list.

Shen selecting a qualified reviewer for a particular type of safety review, refer to the "Discipline" column to ensure that the individuaL is qualified to perform that type of safety review.

F Safety Reviews should be performed by qualified personnel assigned to the units effected by the item being reviewed.

This list also indicates those Safety Reviewers qualiEied to give interim approval to temporary changes in accordance with AP-007.

Qualified interim approvers are i.dentified by a "YES" in the "IA" columns 6+0 ATTACHMENTS Attachment L SHNPP Qualified Reviewer Qualification Record Attachment 2 Qualified Reviewers (Information)

Attachment 3 Instructions for CompLeting the SHNPP QualiEied Reviewer Qualification Record AP-014 Rev. 5 Page 8 oE 12


l. Academic Degree in Engineering or Related Field (Specify University/Degree(Date) YES NO
2. Equivalent Experience (See Section 5.3.4) - If 'Yes'ust Specify- YES N/A NOTE: N/A only' gereeZ
3. Previous Cammercial License N/A RO SRO 4 Licensed at Harris N/A SRO I

WORK EXPERIENCE E /MONTH Commercial Nuclear Power Power Plant Other (Specify) 4 ri O~

Total cavd vox ss 4 A~'Ape( 4 4 4*






peratxons Plant Test and Start-Chemistry/Radioche Radiation Protecti


e. Mechanical
f. Instrumentatio & r lec.

gp Nuclear Engine

h. Environmen L Q ion
i. Welding '
j. Adminis a r


k. Emerge y r ess
l. Securit
m. Fire Prote
n. Inservice pection - PV
o. Inservice Inspection - NDE
p. TechnicaL Support
q. Civil/Structural QUALIFIED INTERIM APPROVER Requested pprove
  • Related experience required in spa~et tc category to Ee an accordance with Section 5.2 (designated "YES" by Plant General Manager).



TRAINING Individual Has Passed Qualified Safety Reviewer and/or VKC ~raining/Examination Requal.ification/Initial.

Training Date Break in Qualification YES/NO VERIFIED BY DATE Plant General Manager

/designee Approval. DATE (Form AP"014-1-2)

AP"014 Rev. 5 Page 9 of 12 s

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OS I ATTACHHENT 2 Qua I I f led Rev I ewer s

( INFORNAT ION) s Name ~ Date Unit Title Ulscl lice(sl C) c Years of Individuals last date Working I nd I v I dua I s fD Name for QSR Unit of Job Title Experience Training the ln the Individual Respective Olsclpl inc 4

Particular Discipline Indicates an NRC 41 Operating I.lcense II or Certification I

s Obtained at Harris 4

444 ~ ~

A ¹Yes>>

In this column Indicates that the Indi v I due I is a member of Plant Nanagement Staff Qualitied to Approve TemporarY Change Per AP-007 4


/SR Page 1 of 2 Instructions for completing the SHNPP Qualified Reviewer Qualification Record (Attachment 1) ~

1. Print your name, Job TitLe, unitlsubunit at the top of the form.
2. Pill in the Education/Experience section as follows:

For question 1, List baccaLaureate degree (in engineering or a related fieLd), university, date, and check the blank labeled "yes" if applicable. If not applicable check the block labeled "no".

b. If question 1 was answered no, then check the bLock labeled "yes" for question 2, and specify your equivalent experience in the area provided. The fol.lowing reLationships apply:
l. 1 year of operational or technical experience training is equal to 1 year of equivalent experience.
2. 1 year of related military experience counts as 1 year of equivalent experience, however, only 3 years maximum equivalent experience is- allowed in this case.
3. An Associate Degree in engineering or a related field counts as 2 years equivalent experience.
4. 4 years of formal education in engineering or science without an earned degree counts as 2 years of equivalent experience.

A total of 4 years of equivalent experience, a high school diploma (or equivalency), is required if "no". One year of the listed equival.ent question 1 was answered experience is required to be at a nuclear power pl.ant.

If question 1 was answered "yes" then questi.on 2 may be answered "NIA".

c. Check applicable bLock concerning previous commercial license.
d. Check applicabl.e block concerning license at Harris.
3. Fill in the applicable Mork Experience by listing the number of years and mon"hs that appLy. A minimum of 2 years of experience are required in this area. Any equivalent experience li,sted in question 2 above may not be listed here.

AP-014 Rev, S Page ll of 12

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OSL ATTACHMENT 3 (continued) Page 2 of 2

4. The Total line listed, is used to sum the education/experience section with the work experience section. The minimum total allowed is 6 years (4 year B.S. degree plus 2 years of work experience).

5, Technical Discipline information is required to be fiLLed in on the next section of the form. A minimum of 2 years of education or work experience in a discipline is required for qualification in that discipline. List the number of years (to the nearest whoLe number) that apply in the applicabLe disciplines.

6. Zf Interim Approver qualification is desired, check the block labeled "requested."

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