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Rev 2 to Maint Mgt Procedure MMM-020, Operation Testing, Maint & Insp of Cranes & Matl Handling Equipment
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Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/21/1985
From: Campbell
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ML18003B291 List:
MMM-020, MMM-20, NUDOCS 8606100285
Download: ML18003B292 (108)





Operation, Testing, Maintenance and Inspection of Cranes and Material Handling Equipment REVISION 2 APPROVED:

Sign ture Jr'r Date TITLE:.

- Wzu 8bOb100285 BbOb02 PDR ADDCK 05000400 PDR RECEIVED gOY 25 ggz DOCUMENT SERVIC Page 1 of 73

SPR022 Table of Contents Section 1.0 PURPOSE


3.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 Crane Operator 3.2 Manager Maintenance 4.0 DEFINITIONS 4.1 Angle of Loading 4.2 Basket Hitch 4.3 Braided Wire Rope 4.4 Braided Wire Rope Sling 4.5 Critical Loads 4.6 Choker Hitch 4.7 Major Maintenance/Alteration 4.8 Heavy Loads 4.9 Hitch 4.10 Master Link or Gather Link 4.11 Rated Capacity/Working Load Limit 4.12 Selvage Edge 4.13 Sling 4.14 Strand Laid Endless Sling - Mechanical Joint 4.15 Strand Laid Grommet - Hand Tucked 4.16 Strand Laid Rope 4.17 Vertical Hitch 4..18 Rope Lay 4.19 Bight 4.20 Choker 4.21 Mousing 4.22 Softener 4.23 Spreader 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Safe Operating Practices 5.2 Crane Operation 5.2.1 Operators and Signalmen 5.2.2 Fixed Cranes 5.2.3 Mobile Cranes 5.3 Signals 5.4 -Inspections 5.4.'1',Overhead'and Gantry Cranes 5.4."1.,1 Frequent Inspections 5.4."1:2, Periodic Inspections

'5.4;2 Mobile Cranes "Frequent Inspections Periodic Inspections 5.5 Testing 5.5.1 Overhead and Gantry Cranes 5.5.2 Mobile Cranes

~Pa e

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6 7

7 7'

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7 8

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SPR022 Table of Contents (continued)


~Pa e

5.6 Operator Training and Qu lification 5.6.1 Physical Requirements 5.6.2 Training 5.6.3 Testing 5.6.4 Certification 5.6.5 Recertification 5.7 Material Handling Attachments and Special Lifting Equipment 5.7.1 Shackles 5.7.2 Eyebolts 5.7.3 Turnbuckles 5.7.4 Hooks Crane Hooks Hooks, Other Than Crane Hooks 5.7.5 Slings Safer Operating Practices Inspections Inspection Criteria Vire Rope Slings Synthetic Meb Slings Storage 5.8 Hoist/Jacks 5.8.1 Chain Falls and Come-a-longs 5.8.2 Jacks 5.8.3 Rings, Links and Swivels 5.8.4 Spreader and Equalizer Beams 5.8.5 Inspections 5.9 Special Lifting Equipment 5.9 '

Safe Operating Practices 5.9.2 Inspections 5.10 General Hardware 5.11 Maintenance

6. 0 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1

Standard Hand Signals for Controlling Overhead Gantry Cranes Attachment 2

Crane Operator Certification FoM {Physical)


Attachment 3

Crane Operator Certification Form (Physical) and Mental Examination)

Attachment 4

Crane Operator Certification Attachment 5

Mobile Crane Operator Certification Attachment 6

Crane Operator Recertification Form

'Attachment 7

Safe Load Paths Table 1

Shackle Specifications Table 2

Turnbuckle Specifications Table 3

Strength of Standard Sling Hooks Table 4

Rated Capacities for Single Leg Slings Table 5

Eyebolt Specifications Table 6

Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant, Heavy Load Listing 20 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 27 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 32

~32 32 33 34 35 36 42 43 44 57 58 59 61 63 65 MMM-020 Rev.

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SPR022 List of Effective Pa es

~Pa e 1-2 5 - 12 14 ",19 21 " 33 36 - 40 42 44 " 55 57 - 64 Revision 1

1 1

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1 3-4 13 20 31 34 35 41 43 56 65.- 73 2

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2 MMM-020 Rev, 2

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SPR022 1.0 PURPOSE This procedure provides written instructions regarding crane operation, inspection and testing.

It is designed (when used in conjunction with other referenced procedures) to assure that plant-lifting equipment is capable of performing its design function, minimize unscheduled

outages, and provide iaximum availability of plant safety equipment.

The following cranes and hoists fall under the applicability of this procedure:


Circular bridge crane in containment building 2.

Overhead gantry cranes 3.

Spent fuel cask handling crane n


Spent fuel bridge crane 5.

New fuel bridge crane 6.

Hot, maintenance

+hop crane 7.

Waste handling bridge crane 8.

Mobile cranes 9.

Under slung br'idge cranes 6 hoists


ANSI N14.6 - 1978 Standards for lifting devices for shipping containers weighing 10,000 pounds (4500 kg) or more for Nuclear Material.


ANSI B30.1 3.

ANSI B30.2.0 - 1976 Jacks Overhead and Gantry'ranes (Top Running Bridge and Multiple Girder) 4.,ANSI B30.3 - 1975 5.

ANSI B30.4 6.

ANSI B30.5 - 1968 Hammerhead tower cranes

Portal, Tower and Pillar Cranes Crawler, locomotive and truck cranes 7.

ANSI B30.6 - 1969 8.

ANSI B30. 7 9.

ANSI B30.9 " 1973 Der:-.icks Base Mounted Drum Hoists Slings MMM-020 Rev.

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(continued) 10.


B30.10 11.

ANSI B30.11 Hooks Monorail System and Underhung cranes 12.

ANSI B30.15 - 1971 Mobile hydraulic cranes 13.

ANSI B30.16 14.

ANSI B30.17 15


ANSI B30. 20 16.

OSHA 910.179 17.

OSHA 1910.180 Overhead hoists (underhung)

Overhead and Gantry Cranes (Top Running Bridge, Single Girder, Underhung Hoist)

Below the hook lifting devices Overhead and Gantry cranes Crawler, locomotive and truck cranes 18.

OSHA 1910. 181 19.

OSHA 1910.184 20'.

OSHA 1910.550 Derricks Slings Cranes and derricks 21.

CPEL Safety Manual 22.

NRC NUREG 0612 23.

N.U.L. Property Loss Prevention Standard, Appendix 1.B.2 24.

Crane Manufacturers Association of America 25.

CMMA Specification 70, Overhead Electric Cranes 26.

Monorail Manufacturers Association 27,.",'MMA Specification for Underhung Cranes and Monorail-Hoists 28.'NRC NUREG 0544 29;; 'ode.of Federal Regulations, Title 10 30.

Clearance Procedure, POM, Volume 1, Part. 1, AP-20

3. 0 RESPONSIBII ITIES All activities conducted at the plant shall be performed within the guidelines of good maintenance practices.

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SPR022 Crane operations shall be conducted in accordance with the guidelines listed in this instruction and its applicable reference data.

In no case shall the crane operator move heavy loads, as defined in NUREG 0612, outside the paths as shown in Attachment 7.

Deviation'rom these load paths are not authorized, unless specific directions are received, in writing, from the Manager - Maintenance.

3.2 Mana er Maintenance The Manager Maintenance (or equal/higher authority) has the authority to designate other cranes to which this procedure may

apply, such as mobile or fixed cranes that may be required to perform work functions.

The Manager Maintenance shall ensure that all crane operators moving heavy loads, as defined in NUREG 0612, are provided with suitable visual aids (Attachment

7) to ensure movements of heavy loads are only along established load paths.

Additionally, during movements of "critical loads," he is" responsible to designate a cognizant individual to monitor each critical lift. This individual will have the authority to stop the operation where accepted standards are not being followed.

Critical loads/lifts are those falling under the guidelines of NUREG 0612 and N.U.L Property Loss Prevention Standard Appendix 1.B.2.

4.0 DEFINITIONS 4.1 An le of Loadin The inclination of a leg or branch of a sling is measured from the horizontal or vertical plane.

An angle of loading of five degrees or less from the vertical may be considered a vertical angle of loading.

4.2 Basket Hitch A sling configuration whereby the sling is passed under the load and has both ends, ends attachments, eyes or handles on the hook or a single'.master, link.

4.3 pBra9:d'ed,=Wire Ro e A wire r'ope";formed by plaiting component wire ropes.

4.4 Braided Wire Roue Slin A sling composed of multiple wire rope legs with the top ends gathered in a fitting that goes over the liftinghook.

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SPR022 4.5 Critical Loads Any lifted load whose uncontrolled movement or release could adversely affect any safety-related system when such system is required for plant safety or could result in potential off-site exposure.

4.6 Choker Hitch A sling configuration with one end of the sling passing under the load and through an end attachment, handle or eye on the other end of the sling.

I 4e7 Ma'or Maintenance Alteration ls defined as a repair or design change in which load ~hearin members are subjected to heating above 300'F (150 C), removal of significant quantities of metal, welding other than for surface repair, or plastic deformation of metal.

Any load, carried in a given area that weighs more than the combined weight of a single spent fuel assembly and its associated handling tool.

4. 9 Hitch A sling configuration whereby the sling is fastened to an object or load, either directly to it or around it.

4.10 Master Link or Gatherin Link A forged or welded steel link used to support all members (legs) of a wire rope sling.

4.11 Rated Ca acit Workin Load Limit The maximum working load permitted.

The finished edge of synthetic webbing designed to prevent unraveling.

4.13 ~Slin An assembly which connects the loads to the material handling equipment.

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SPR022 4.14.Strand Laid Endless Slin -Mechanical Joint A wire rope sling made endless from one length of strand wrapped six times around a core formed by hand tucking the ends of the strand inside the six wraps.

4.15 Strand Laid Grommet-Hand Tucked An endless wire rope sling made from one length of strand wrapped six times around a core formed by hand tucking the ends of the strand inside the six wraps.

4.16 Strand Laid Ro e I

A wire rope made with strand (usually six or eight) wrapped around a

fiber core, wire strand core, or independent wire rope core (IVRC).

4.17 Vertical Hitch A method of supporting a load by a single, vertical part or leg of the sling.


~Ra e 1a The length along the rope which a single stand requires to make one complete spiral or turn around the core.


~B1 ht The bend of a line, rope or cable.

4.20 Choker A sling of wire rope with eyes spliced on each end.

4.21 ~Meaaia The act of wiring the throat of a hook to prevent a choker from jumping out of the hook.

4.22.Softener" Anything<<used-to protect the load or cable from damage while making a lift., Also used to prevent a load from slipping.

4.23 ~Saaadea A set of chokers or slings of equal length used to lift a load.

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SPR022 5..1 Safe 0 eratin Practices (continued) 12.

Cranes shall not be used for side pulls except when specifically authorized by the Mechanical Engineer-Maintenance who has determined that the stability of the crane is not thereby endangered and various parts of the crane will not be overstressed.



The operator shall not hoist, or travel while anyone is on the load or hook.

The operator should avoid carrying loads over people.


Each time a load approaching the rated load is handled, the operator shall test the brakes by raising the load a few inches and applying the brakes.


The load shall not be lowered below the point where less than two full wraps of rope remain on the hoist drum.


When two qr more'ranes are used to lift a load, one qualified person shall be in charge of the operation.

He shall analyze the operation and instruct all personnel involved in the proper positioning, rigging and movements to be made.


The operator shall not leave his position at the controls while the load is suspended.


The hoist chain or hoist rope shall be free from kinks or twists nor shall it be wrapped around the load.


The load shall be attached to the load block hook by means of slings or other approved devices.


Care shall be taken to make certain that the slings or other approved devices clear all obstacles.


The individual appointed to direct the lift shall verify that the load is well secured and properly balanced in the

sling'or;'approved lifting device before it is lifted more

-;than a few-inches.

23.'-'-'perators shall avoid (to the extent practical) moving all

.'-'heavy loads over or near irradiated fuel or safe shutdown equipment.




In respect to deviation from load paths, the Manager - Maintenance is delegated the authority to approve alternate load paths MMM-020 Rev.

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SPR022 5.1 -Safe 0 eratin Practices (continued) and load handling areas identified on the load path drawings.

If heavy loads not identified on the current load path drawings must be carried over the open reactor vessel, prior plant nuclear safety committee review must be obtained.

Approval of heavy load movement over the open reactor vessel is contingent upon meeting the following conditions:


Use lifting equipment (lifting apparatus and crane) with a rated capacity at least twice the load to be handled.


Use a four point or redundant lifting arrangement to preclude a load drop in the event of a single lift point failure.

Deviations from the specified load paths will be subsequently reviewed in accordance with plant procedures for changes to she plant procedure.


Before starting to hoist, assure that the hoist ropes are not kinked and that any multiple part lines are not twisted around each other.


The hook should be moved to the load in such a manner as to prevent excessive swinging.


On a slack rope condition, assure that the rope is properly seated on the drum and in the sheaves.


During hoisting, additional care should be taken that there is no sudden acceleration or deceleration of the moving load and that the load does not contact any obstructions.


When removing/replacing reactor vessel integrated package to its refueling storage position, the head integrated package shall be raised only 6" above the operating floor area while moving to and from its storage site.


Tag lines shall be attached to loads, when necessary, to assist in controlling the movement of the load.

5.2 Crane 0 eration This procedure shall apply to all personnel (local, traveling maintenance and contract) involved with operating or directing the operation of overhead, underslug gantry hoists and mobile cranes.

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SPR022 5.2.1 0 erators and Si almen In general, all operators of cab operated cranes shall be signalmen and all signalmen shall be operators, except under conditions when the foremen (or h'gher authority) authorizes the use of a knowledgeable non-operator as a signalman.

All cab crane operators and signalmen will be trainee', qualified and instructed to conduct themselves in accordance with the requirements of this procedure with no exceptions.

Cab cranes shall be operated only by:


Certified operators 2.

Trainees under the direct supervision of a certified operator.


Vendor maintenance and test personnel when it is necessary in the performance of their duties.

Crane cabs shall only be entered by the above listed personnel, PM Crews and applicable maintenance supervisors in the performance of their duties.

Signalmen will walk down the load path prior to each lift or in cases where walking the load path is not possible, review the load path with the operator prior to signaling the crane operator to lift or move the load.

5.2.2 Fixed Cranes (cab)

At least once each shift, the operator shall test the upper limit switch of each hoist under no load.

Extreme care shall be exercised; the block shall be "inched" into the limit or run in at slow speed.

If the switch does not operate properly, he shall immediately notify his supervisor.

If the cab crane is operated only on one shift, the upper limit switch need only be tested for that shift.

The hoist limit switch which controls the upper limit of travel of the load block shall never be used as an operating control.


The operator shall comply with the manufacturer specifications and limitations applicable to the operation of all permanent cranes and derricks.


Where manufacturer's specifications are not available, the limitations assigned to the equipment shall be based on the determinations of a qualified engineer competent in this field and such determinations will be appropriately documented and recorded.


Persons boarding or leaving overhead cranes should do so only at authorized locations and designated boarding locations.

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,Fixed Cranes (continued) 4, Hands shall be free from encumbrances while personnel are using ladders.

Articles which are too large to be carried in pockets or tool belts shall be lifted and lowered by hand line.

Necessary clothing and personnel belongings shall be stored in such a manner as to not interfere with access or operation.


Tools, oil cans, waste and other material shall be stored in the tool box and shall not be permitted to lay loose in the cab or on the crane.


If the operator finds the main or emergency switch open when starting on duty, he shall not close it until he has made certain that no one is in, on, or about the crane.

If there is a clearance on the switch, he shall not remove it until the clearance has been removed either by the person placing M there or equal authority as per Operating Procedure AP-20.


Before closing the main switch, the operator shall verify that all controls are in the OFF position and tha0 the crane is not under "clearance 9.

If power goes off during operation, the operator shall immediately place all controls in the OFF position.


When starting the bridge and the load or hook approaches near or over personnel, the warning signal shall be sounded.

Contacts with runway stops or other cranes shall be made with extreme caution.


Before any maintenance work on the crane is performed, the operator shall place the main switch in the OPEN position and lock or tag it in accordance with Operating Procedure

..AP"20 (Reference 2.30).

"13.'-"~When. wind indicator sounds (if equipped with one), the bridge and/or gantry crane shall be anchored.

Outdoor cranes shall not be operated when winds exceed the manufacturer's recommended limits.


Before leaving his crane unattended, the operator shall land any attached load, place controls in OFF position and open main line switch for that crane.

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SPR022 5.2.3 Mobile Cranes Before operating mobile cranes on the highway, the operator must familiarize himself with the requirements of the Special Permit posted in the cab and ensure he complies with their requirements.


If any controls do not operate properly, they shall be'djusted, or repaired before operations are begun.


Keep all of cranes and loads at least 15 feet from energized electrical power lines.

4, Prior to making any lift, outriggers shall be fully

extended, set and the crane level. It is permissible, however, to carry a piece of equipment/material with the crane provided the boom is over front or rear and swing is locked.

Care and caution should be exercised.


A three (3) degree tilt can reduce capacities by 50% or more.


When making lifts where outriggers cannot be fully

extended, the operator shall obtain permission from his foreman before picking up any load.

Extreme caution shall be exercised when operating the crane in this condition due to increased possibility of tipping.



In order to ensure safe operation of the crane and to avoid two-blocking, the load should be raised or lowered as the boom is retracted or extended.

Avoid sudden starts or stops.


Inspect the machine daily, paying particular attention to


brakes, attachments and wire ropes.


"Operating is a full-time job, never eat, read or otherwise divert your attention when operating the crane.

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.5.2.3 Mobile Cranes (continued) 10.

Use common sense.

Safe operation depends on the operator and his actions.


Manufacturer's ratings shall never be exceeded.

5. 3

~SX als Signals to the operator should be in accordance with the standards'rescribed in ANSI B30.2.0 - 1976 unless voice communication equipment (telephone, radio or equivalent) is utilized.

Signals should be discernible or audible at all times.

Some special operations may require additions to or modifications of the basic standardized signals.

For all such cases, these special signals should be agreed upon and thoroughly understood by both the

-signalman and operator and should not be in conflict with the standard signals.

The following describes the various standard crane hand signals pictured in Attachment 1.-

Hoist-With forearm vertical, forefinger pointed up, move hand in small horizontal circles.

Iswer-With arm extended downward, forefinger pointed down, move hand in small horizontal circles.

Palm up, fingers closed,-thumb pointing in direction of motion, jerk hand horizontally.

Arm extended forward, hand open and slightly raised; make pushing motion in direction of travel.

~Sto Arm extended, palm down, hold position rigidly.


-'- r.

Move Slowl Arm extended, palm down, move hand. rapidly right and left.

While one hand is signaling motion, place other motionless in front of signaling hand.

Extend Boom (Telescoping Boom) - Both fists in front of body with thumbs point outward (not pictured).

4 Retract Boom (Telescoping Boom) - Both fists in front of body with thumbs pointing toward each other (not pictured).

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SPR022 3.3 3~Bi ele (continued)

Use Main Hoist-Touch right hand to top of hard hat (not pictured).

~Boom U

Thumb up, fingers closed, arm stretched out (not pictured).

Use Vhin Line-Touch left hand to right elbow (not pictured).

Boom Down-Thumb down, fingers closed, arm stretched out (not pictured).

Cranes should be inspected, tested and maintained in accordance with Chapter 2-2 of ANSI B30.2 - 1976 "Overhead and Gantry Cranes" with the exception that test and inspections should be performed prior to use where it is not practical to meet the frequency of ANSI B30.2 for periodic inspections and tests or where frequency of crane use is less than specified test and inspection frequency.

5.4.1 Overhead and Gantr Cranes Pre uent Ins ections Prior to operation each day, the operator shall visually inspect the crane for:


Leakage in lines, tanks, valves, pumps and other parts 2.

Deformed or cracked hooks 3.

Hook latches (if used) in proper working condition 4.

Condition of hoist-rope and tightness of end clamp or rope clips 5.

Slings 6.

"'All'unctional operating h

'7. 'Other items that could effect safe operation of the crane.


e e

These inspections will not require written documentation.

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SPR022 Periodic Ins ection All overhead and gantry cranes shall be inspected once a year.

The inspection shall include the requirements of paragraph above and in addition such items as:


Deformed, cracked ox corroded members 2.

Loose bolts or rivets 3.

Cracked or worn sheaves and drums 4.

Worn, cracked or distorted parts such as pins, bearings,

shafts, gears rollers, locking and clamping devices 5.

Excessive wear on brake system parts, linings, panels and ratchets 6.


Load, wind and other indicators over their full range for any significant inaccuracies Gasoline,'diesel electric or other power plants for proper.

performance 8.

Excessive wear of chain drive sprockets and excessive chain stretch 9.

Electrical apparatus for signs of any deterioration of controllers, master switch contacts, limit switches and pushbutton stations 10.

Fixed crane support structures and rails shall be visually examined for deformation, cracks and corroded members 5.4.2 Mobile Cranes Fre uent Inspections Prior to operation each day, the operator shall visually inspect the crane for:


Leakage in lines, tanks, valves, pumps and other parts 2.

Deformed or cracked hooks 3.

Hook latches (if used) in proper working condition 4.

Condition of hoist rope 5.

Slings MMM-020 Rev.

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, Pre uent Ins ections (continued) 6.

All functional operating mechanisms 7.

Other items that could effect safe operation of the crane Periodic Ins ections Periodic inspections shall be performed, and consideration should be given to the manufacturer's Maintenance Inspection Manual, and performed by an individual designated by the responsible supervisor.

'The inspection results shall be documented and recorded in the plant equipment files.

5.5 T~esein 5.5.1 Overhead and Gant Cranes Prior to initial use and after major, all permanent cranes shall be load tested and inspected by or under the direction of an appointed or authorized person; and a written report furnished by such person confirming the load rating of the cranes.

The load rating should not be more the 80% of the maximum load sustained during the test.

Test loads shall be 125%, of the rated load unless otherwise recommended by the manufacturer.

Test reports shall be placed on file and readily available to appointed authorized personnel.

The rated load test shall consist of:

r 1.

Hoist the test load a distance and hold to assure load is supported by the crane and held by the brake.


Transport the load by means of the bridge for the full length of the runway.


Transport the test load by means of the trolley for the full length of the bridge.


Lower test load, stop and hold load with the brakes.

A procedure will be developed when required for the performance of such "a load'est.

,.e) 5.5.2 Mobile Cranes c'obile cranes shall be tested in accordance with applicable portions of ANSI B30;15.,'

separate testing procedure shall be written to include the requirements of ANSI B30.5 and B30.15.

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SPR022 5.6 0 erator Trainin and uglification The word "Operator" shall be interpreted to mean both operator and signalman as noted in Section 5.2.1.

5.6.1 Ph sical Re uirements Cab crane operators will demonstrate adequate physical and mental capabilities by submitting to a medical examination by a company physician.

The results of the examination will be placed in the operator's training files (see Attachment 3),

Cab Operators must:


Have vision of at least 20/30 in one eye and 20/50 in the other, with or without corrective lenses 2.

Be able to identify the colors red, green and yellow regardless of position 3.

Have corrected hearing of at least 15/20 for ordinary conversation in one ear 4.

Have sufficient strength, endurance, agility, coordination and speed of reaction to meet the demands of equipment operation 5.

Good depth perception and field of vision Cab Operators shall not:


Have physical defects or emotional instability which, in the opinion or the examiner, could render the operator a

hazard to himself or others 2.

Be epileptic or have a disabling heart condition 3.

Have tendencies towards dizziness or similar characteristics 4.

Have physical defects such as loss of arm, hand, leg, foot

~or gross',*loss of function thereof 5.

.:.Operate while under the influence of alcohol or prescribed

- -or nonprescribed drugs that could affect operation A

5. 6. 2 T~ra5a5a After qualifying physically and mentally, the candidate shall receive classroom and practical "hands-on" instruction and practice.

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SPR022 5.6.2

.T~rainin (enntinned)

Classroom instruction will consist of the following:


Crane theory 2.

Familiarization with this procedure, particularly the crane operation section, Paragraph 3.2 3.

Familiarization with the specific crane on which the candidate is to be certified Practical hands-on training will be given to the potential crane operator.

This will include actual (noncritical) material handling.

Operator trainees should not be permitted to operate cranes in close proximity to high value, critical, or safety-related equipment.

5.6.3 T~estin Operators shall demonstrate their ability to operate the crane to which they will be assigned or reassigned by passing a performance test approved by the Maintenance Manager or his designated Maintenance Supervisor.

This test should permit an evaluation of the operator's depth perception and his ability to take the swing out of the load.

A separate test will be administered for each type of crane.

Quizzes will be given to crane operators and signalmen, covering the various classroom phases of the crane operating procedure, including the proper and safe handling of heavy loads and the identification of safe load paths.

The candidate must receive satisfactory grades on these exams (80K, or above).

The ori inal of all uglification and trainin records are to be maintained b

the Trainin Unit with information co ies forwarded to the a

licable foreman for his retention.

5.6.4 Certification Certification will be granted after crane operating proficiency has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Maintenance Supervisor or his designee.

Certification will be for the crane on which the operator was,trained.

For certification on other cranes, the

,operator must.,become familiar with the crane's operation and

-satisfactoiiily demonstrate his operating skill to the maintenance

supervisor>or;his designee.

n Certifi'cation: wil'1'e verified by the maintenance supervisor on Sttachments.

3-and 4 and placed in the operator's training file.

Training records shall be readily available for review.

5.6.5 Recertification Sll crane operators will be recertified annually both physically by a medical doctor and practically by the Manager Maintenance or his appointed designee.

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SPR022 5.6.5 Recertification (continued)

Physical recertification will consist of the annual physical and will be verified on Attachment 3.


Practical recertification will be accomplished by'n oral or operational checkout by the maintenance supervisor or his designee and will be verified on attachment 3 and 4.


The completed recertification forms are to be entered into the individual's training record.

The originals of all qualification and training records are to be maintained by the Training Unit, with information copies forwarded to the applicable foreman for his 'retention.

5.7 Material Handlin Attachments and S ecial Liftin E ui ment This section applies to handling attachments in conjunction with overhead

cranes, mobile cranes, hoists, etc., for the movement of material by hoisting.

The types of handling attachments include

shackles, eyebolts, strongbacks, turnbuckles, hooks, etc.

5.7.1 Shackles Only load rated shackles should be used.

See Table 1 for stock diameter vs.

maximum safe working load.


Manufacturer's safe'working load should be stamped on the shackles.

In the absence of manufacturer's safe working loads at the time of purchase, the safe working load should be marked on the outside surface by a low stress vibro-etching tool, tagging, painting, etc.

Fittings not marked with the safe working load should not be used.


Replacement shackle pins shall be of the same size, material and configuration as the original shackle pins.


Vhen using a screw pin shackle, the pin shall be screwed into its fullest extent.


Shackles shall be returned to the storeroom and scrapped if more than 10K of the original diameter of the crown or pin is worn, pins are bent of if binding occurs during the insertion of the pin due to distortion of the shackle, or the",distance between the shackle eyes has increased due to distortion and exceeds the dimensions specified by manufacturer's recommendations.


Cotter pins shall be used with all round pin shackles.

Screw pin shackles may be used when the shackle is positioned such that the pin tightens under load.

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SPR022 5.7.2

~Eebolts Only load rated eyebolts with shoulders or collars should be used.

Table 5 lists eyebolt specifications.


Tapped holes for eyebolts should have a minimum depth of one and one-half times the bolt diameter and eyebolts engaged to the full depth of the hole with the collar engaged to the object being lifted.

Spacers should be used to maintain alignment if necessary, provided minimum engagement is not violated.


. Manufacturer's or standard rigging tables should be followed relative to the selection, location and application of eyebolts.

4, Eyebolt efficiency factors, as shown in the following

table, should be applied and eyebolt loading thereby calculated:

X ebolt Efficienc Factors Direction of Loading in Plane of Eye and:

X of Special Rated Capacity Along axis of eyebolt shank

100K, 15~ from axis of eyebolt shank 65K 30 from axis of eyebolt shank 45 from axis of eyebolt shank 30%


60 from axis of eyebolt shank (NOTE:

60 is the maximum angle.)


5.7.3 Turnbuckles All turnbuckles used in hoisting or rigging operations should be of weldless construction and forged low alloy steel.

See Table 2 for safe working loads.

4 2 ~

Before each use, turnbuckles should be inspected for cracks in the end fittings (especially at the neck of the shank).

Deformed end fittings, deformed and bent rods and

bodies, cracks and bends around the internally-threaded portion and signs of thread damage should be reason for removal from service.

MMM-020 Rev.

1 Page 23 of 73

SPR022 5.7.3 Turnbuckles (continued) 3 ~

When turnbuckles are supplied with hook fittings, safety latches should be provided, or the hooks should be moused.


Manufacturer's safe load should be stamped on turnbuckles.

In the absence of the manufacturer's

stamp, the safe working load should be vibro-etched, where practicable, on the outside surface of the turnbuckle.

5.7.4 Hooks An annual magnetic particle or liquid penetrant examination shall be performed and documented on all hooks associated with permanent oz fixed cranes, chain falls and come-a-longs.

Table 3 lists various strengths of standard types of hooks. Crane Hooks Any hook found to be cracked,'r showing evidence of excessive wear (a decrease of 10% or greater of the original thickness),

or open at the throat more than 10 degrees from the plane of the unbent hook should be destroyed to prevent any inadvertent use.


All hoisting hooks should be stamped by the manufacturer with rated safe working load.


All hoisting hooks should be equipped with safety latches or should be moused. Hooks other than Crane Hooks 2.

Manufacturer's identification should be forged, cast or die stamped on a low stress and nonwearing area of the hook.

I The weight of the-load to be lifted shall not exceed the load rating of the hook.

3 ~

Shock loading shall be avoided.

A.hook shall not be used in a manner which it was intended.

other than that for 5.

Visually inspect hooks prior to use; disposed of if the twist exceeds 10%

unbent hook or the throat opening is normal throat opening.

hook shall be from the plane of the 15% in excess of the KK-020 Rev.

1 Page 24 of 73

SPR022 1.

This section applies to slings used in conjunction with overhead

cranes, "cherry pickers", hoists, etc., for the movement of material by hoisting.

The types of slings covered are those made from wire rope and synthetic web (nylon, polyester and polypropylene).

Slings made from alloy steel chain, natural or synthetic fiber rope, or metal mesh are not to be used without express permission of the maintenance supervisor.


Only load rated slings should be used.

Slings should be proof tested by the manufacturer.

Table 4 lists rated capacities for single leg slings.


Slings should be visually 'inspected before each use.

4. All slings shall be identified and tested in accordance with the "Sling and Lifting Equipment Marking and Inspection Procedure."

Safe 0 eratin Practices Whenever any sling is used, the following practices shall be observed:


Slings that are damaged or defective shall not be used.


Slings shall not be shortened with knots or bolts or other makeshift devices.


Sling legs shall not be kinked.


Slings shall not be loaded in'xcess of their rated capacities.


Slings used in a basket hitch shall have the loads balanced to prevent slippage.


Slings shall be securely attached to their loads.


Slings shall be padded or protected from the sharp'edges

.:;of their loads.


Suspended loads shall be kept clear of all obstructions.


All employees shall be kept clear of loads about, to be lifted and of suspended loads.

MMM-020 Rev.

1 Page 25 of 73



Safe eratin Practices (continued) 10.

Hands or fingers shall not be placed between the sling and its load while the sling is being tightened around the load.


Shock loading is prohibited.


A sling shall not be pulled from under a load when the load is resting on the sling, 13.

Tag lines shall be employed to guide and prevent excessive sway when transporting a load.


Slings shall be stored in an area where they will not be damaged by moisture, extreme heat, corrosion or subject to physical damage.



Nylon web slings shall not be used where fumes, vapors,

sprays, mists, liquids, acids or phenolics are present.

Polyester and polypropylene web slings shall not be used where fumes, vapors,

sprays, mists or liquids of caustics a'e present.


Web slings with aluminum fittings shall not be used where fumes, vapors,

sprays, mists or liquids of caustics are present.


Synthetic web slings of polyester and nylon shall not be used at, temperatures in excess of 180 F.

Polypropylene web slings shall not be used at temperatures in excess of 200 P.


Repair of synthetic web slings is not permitted.


All slings used in moving heavy loads will meet or exceed the requirements of ANSI B30.9>>1971.


All slings utilized vill have a minimum safety'actor of


The',;rated load when selecting sling size will be the

~'sum:of the static and dynamic load or greater.


,->dynamic load being the greater of 15'X of the static load

...- or 5% for every foot/minute of hook spread.


-The rating identified on the sling should be in terms of the static load which reduces the maximum static and dynamic load.

Where this restricts the slings for use on only certain cranes, the slings shall be clearly marked as to the crane on which they may be used.

4 MMM-020 Rev.

1 Page 26 of 73

SPR022 Safe 0 eratin Practices (continued) 23.

The weight of the load shall be determined prior to lifting the load.


Slings should be well lubricated to prevent corrosion. Ins ections Fre uent Ins ections

- A visual inspection shall be performed each day prior to use.

These inspections shall be without written report.

All slings and lifting attachments shall be visually inspected for damage or defects in accordance with MMM-21.

Additional inspections shall be performed during use where service conditions warrant.

Damaged or defective equipment shall be immediately removed from service and returned to storeroom for repair and/or disposal.


Periodic Ins ections - A visual inspection shall be performed annually and documented.

Sling fastenings and attachments shall be inspected for damage and defects in accordance with the criteria established in Paragraph 5.9 of this procedure.

Damaged or defective slings shall be immediately removed from service and returned to storeroom for disposal. Ins ection Criteria Wire Ro e Slin s If any strap or sling does not pass the required inspection, or any doubt exists as to the condition of the strap or sling, consult with the appropriate Maintenance Foreman.


Fiber core wire rope slings of all grades shall be permanently removed from service if they are exposed to temperatures in excess of 200 F.

When nonfiber core wire rope slings of any grade are used at temperatures above 400OF or below minus 60 F, recommendations of the sling manufacturer regarding use at the temperature shall be "followed.


,Wire rope slings shall not be used with loads in excess of the rated capacities.


Wire rope straps shall be immediately removed from service if any of the following conditions exist:


MMM-020 Rev.

1 Page 27 of 73

SPR022 Wire Ro e Slin s (continued) a.

Ten randomly distributed broken wires in one rope lay, or five broken wires in one strand in one rope lay b.

Wear or scraping of one third the original diameter of outside individual wires c.

Kinking, crushing, bird caging or any other damage resulting in distortion of the wire, rope structure d.

Evidence of heat damage e.

End attachments that are cracked, deformed or worn f.

Corrosion of the rope or end attachments 5.

6 x 19, 6 x 37 and cable laid slings shall have a minimum clear length of rope ten (10) times the rope diameter between splices.,

sheaves or end fittings. S

thetic Web Slin s 1.

Each sling shall be marked to show the rated capacity and type of synthetic web material and shall not be used with loads in excess of its rated capacity.


Web slings shall be immediately removed from service and returned to the storeroom for disposal if any'f the conditions as noted below exists:


Acid or caustic burns b.

Melting or charring, of any part of the sling surface c.

Snags, punctures, tears or cuts d.

Broken or worn stitches e.

Distortion of fittings, or sharp edges on the fittings f.

Nonuniform webbing thickness and width g.

Split selvage edging

~Stara e

Slings shall be stored in a location protected from physical damage and the detrimental effects of weather.

ES-020 Rev.

1 Page 28 of 73

SPR022 This section applies to hoists in conjunction with overhead

cranes, mobile cranes, monorails, etc., for the movement of material by hoisting.

The types of hoists include chain falls, come-alongs, jacks, etc.

5.8.1 Chain Falls and Come-alon s


Only load rated chain falls and come-alongs should be used.


Manufacturer's safe working load should be marked on the chain falls/come-alongs.

In the absence of manufacturer's safe working load at the time of purchase, the safe working load should be marked on the outside surface by a vibro-etching machine, stencilling', taggings, painting, etc.

Come-alongs/chain falls not marked with the safe working load should not be used.


Chain falls used-in a four-point lift should be of sufficient rated capacity to bear 50~ of the total vectored load.

Shackles of correct load capacity should be used to attach the chain hoist to the load and the crane hook.


Safe load capacity should be cleaxly indicated on the chain hoist.


Chain hoists should not have load bearing parts constructed of cast-iron or other brittle material.


Chain links should be closed by welding and the chain approved for the lifting capacity intended.


Chain hoists should be of the self-locking design.


Chain hoist should be visually inspected along with all other rigging before each use.

10'.~Chains should be inspected annually and di.scarded when

-.,;.',,links are worn or stretched to a gage length exceeding the

manufacturer's specifications, or in the tables in OSHA


Chains with repaired sections should not be

.used unless repaired with manufacturer's specifications.

MMM-020 Rev.

1 Page 29 of 73

SPR022 5.8.2 Jacks Control parts shall be designed to provide a means of operation and adjustment which will minimize the operator exposure to injury.


The general construction of every jack shall incorporate a

positive stop or method to prevent overtravel which will not" alter the operating characteristics of the jack.


All features of general design should be such as to minimize the hazard(s) in the use, handling and operation of the jack.

5.8.3 Rin s Links and Swivels Rings, links and swivels should be load rated.


Manufacturer's safe working loads should be stamped on the fittings.

In the absence of manufacturer's

stamp, the safe working'load should be marked on the outside surface where practicable, using low stress vibro-etching tool.

5.8.4 S reader and E ualizer Beams 2.

Spreader and equalizer beams should be designed to suit the specific application and in accordance with the specifications within the AISC'"Manual of Steel Construction."

The maximum safe working load should not exceed 205 of the ultimate strength of the base material.

Distance between attachment points should not exceed the design specifications in relation to the load.

5.8.5 Ins ections Prior to use, the hoists shall be visually inspected for damage or defects.

Additional inspections shall be performed as described in the following paragraphs:


.'Fre uent Ins ection - Visual examination by the operator

'or other';designated personnel with records not being



2. Periodic Ins ection - Visual inspections by appointed persons making records annually of apparent external conditions to provide the basis for a continuing evaluation.

Results of such inspections shall be documented in accordance with the applicable Preventive Maintenance Procedures.

MMM-020 Rev.

1 Page 30 of 73

SPR022 5.9 S ecial Liftin E ui ment This section applies to Special Lifting Equipment in conjunction with overhead

cranes, mobile cranes, monorails, etc., for the movement by hoisting.

Safe 0 eratin Practices Comply with the manufacturer's specifications and limitations applicable to the special lifting equipment.


Where manufacturer's specifications are not available, the limitations assigned to the equipment shall be based on the determinations of a qualified engineer competent in this field and such determinations will be appropriately documented and recorded.

5.9.2 Ins ections Fre uent Ins ections - Special Lifting Equipment shall be visually inspected for damage or defects prior to use.

These inspections shall be without written reports.



Periodic Ins ections

- Inspections shall be performed by an individual designated by the responsible supervisor at i'ntervals not to exceed three months in length for indication of damage or deformation.

a Periodic inspections of the Reactor Internals and the Spent Fuel Rack Lifting Rigs shall not be required.

However, testing and inspections shall be performed prior to-service and shall qualify the equipment for 14 months.

4e Melding, fabrication, heat treatment, testing and inspection procedures and qualifications involved in repair or alteration of special lifting devices shall be in accordance with the design specification.

If no special requirements for repairs or alterations are provided in the design specification, these operations shall bet,governed by the same requirements applying to the



,~5"."<,',,.;-" D'efective-bolts, studs and nuts shall be replaced rather

"'",""-I;than repaired.


" ~Testdn

- The Reactcr Internals and Spent Fuel Rack Lifting Rigs shall be load tested to 125 of rated load.

After sustaining the load for not less than 10 minutes, the load bearing welds shall be NDE tested.

However wher~

surface cleanliness and conditions permit, load testing may'h omitted provided the welds are NDE tested, major maintenance/alteration has not been performed, and the device has not been subjected to stress substantially in excess of those for which it has been qualified.

MMM-020 Rev.

2 Page 31 of 73

SPR022 5.10 General Hardware 1.

All rigging accessories should be visually inspected prior to each use.


Only "load rated" hardware (safe working load stamped on the hardware where practical) should be used for lifting.


Rigging accessories and slings used for critical lifts should be reserved for that use where practical.

5.11 Maintenance and Re air All welding during crane repairs is done by a welder in accordance with procedures that meet applicable American Society of Mechanical Engineers of American Welding Society Standards and according to manufacturer's directions.

Where required, repairs should be inspected by the manufacturer.

Repairs should meet or exceed the original design safety factors.

6.0 Attachments MMM-020 Rev.'1 r

Page 32 of 73

SPR022 Standard Hand Si nals for Controllin Overhead and Gant Cranes Hand Signals lor Controlling Overhead and Gantry Cranes LY l.

L F/



\\ ~

i ~


1 Attachment 1

Page 33 of 73

SPR022 Crane 0 erator Certification-Ph sical Examination Date This is to certify that (name)

(badge no.)

has completed the physical examination and meets the below listed minimum mental and physical requirements.


He must:


have vision of at least 20/30 Snellen in one eye, and 20/50 in the other, with or without glasses.


be able to identify the colors red, green and yellow, regardless of position.


have hearing, with or without hearing aid, of a least 15/20 for ordinary conversation in one ear.


have sufficient strength, endurance, agility, coordination and speed of reaction to meet the demands of equipment operation.


have good depth perception and field of vision 2..

He shall not:


have physical defects or emotional instability which, in the opinion of the examiner, could render the operator a hazard to himself or others b:

Co be epileptic or have a disabling heart condition have tendencies to dizziness or similar characteristics.


have physical defects such as loss of arm, hand, foot or gross loss of function thereof Verified by".

Maintenance Supervisor

+ Not required for underslung cranes

& hoists as specified under ANSI B30.11 MMM"020 Rev.

2 Attachment 2

Page 34 of 73


SPR022 Crane 0 erator Certification

  • Ph sical and Mental Examination This is to certify that I have reviewed the physical and mental requirements for Crane Operators and verify that (name)

(badge no. )

meets these requirements, and based on the results of written examinations and operational check"out or previous experience in crane operation, the above-named man is qualified to operate the crane(s) listed below:

Initial Date Polar Crane Turbine Building Crane Spent Fuel Cask Handling Crane New Fuel Crane Waste Handling Bridge Crane Underslung Cranes

& Hoists Mobile Cranes Verified by Maintenance Supervisor MMM-020 Rev.

2 Attachment 3

Page 35 of 73

SPR022 Crane 0 erator Certification (X)



~Crane e

Pnlaz Crane A.

Pass a written examination consisting of ANSI B30.2-1976, CH2-2&3, and other classroom instructions.

Date Training Unit B.

Demonstrate the ability to perform the following:


General Operation 2.

Storage Procedure Date Date Crane Operator Crane Operator 3.

Safety Aspects of Operation Date.

Crane Operator 4.

Controls>>Layout Function Date Crane Operator 5.

Standard Hand Signals Date Crane Operator C.

Crane Operator meets the physical standards established by Attachment 6.2 Date Maintenance Supervisor This is to certify that I have reviewed the physical and mental requirements for crane operator and verify that (Name)

(Badge Number) meets the requirements and based on the results of written examination and operational oheckout or previous experience in crane operation, the above named is qualified",to operate the crane(s) listed hereon.

,t Verified by:

Maintenance Supervisor MMM-020 Rev.

1 Attachment 4

Page 36 of 73

SPR022 Crane 0 erator Certification (Initial)


~Crane e

Turbine Building Crane A.

Pass a written examination consisting of ANSI B30.2-1976, CH2-2&3, and other classroom instructions.

Date Training Unit B.

Demonstrate the ability to perform

, the following:


General Operation Date Crane Operator 2.

Storage Procedure Date Crane Ope'rator 3.

Safety Aspects of Operation I

Date Crane Operator 4.

Controls-Layout Function Date Crane Operator 5.

Standard Hand Signals Date Crane Operator C.

Crane Operator meets the physical standards established by Attachment 6.2 Date Maintenance Supervisor This is to.certify that I have reviewed the physical and mental requirements for crane operator and verify that (Name)

(Badge Number) meets the requirements and based on the results of written examination and operational checkout or previous experience in crane operation, the above named is qualified to operate the crane(s), listed hereon.

Uerified by:

Maintenance Supervisor MMM-020 Rev.

1 Attachment 4


Page 37 of 73

SPR022 Crane 0 erator Certification (K)



~Crane s

spent Fuel Cask Handling Crane A.

Pass a written examination consisting of ANSI B30.2-1976, CH2-2&3, and other classroom instructions.

Date Training Unit B.

Demonstrate the ability to perform the following:


General Operation Date Crane Operator 2.

Storage Procedure 3.

Safety Aspects of Operation 4.

Controls-Layout Function Date Date Date Crane Operator Crane Operator Crane Operator 5.

Standard Hand Signals C.

Crane Operator meets the physical standards established by Attachment 6.2 Date Crane Operator Date Maintenance Supervisor This is to certify that I have reviewed the physical and mental requirements for crane operator and verify that (Name)

(Badge Number) meets the requirements and based on the results of written examination and operational checkout or previous experience in crane operation, the above named is qualified to operate the crane(s) listed hereon.

Verified by:

Maintenance Supervisor MMM-020 Rev.

1 Attachment 4

Page 38 of 73

SFR022 Crane 0 erator Certification (Initial)


~Crane a

New Fuel Crane A.

Pass a written examinat'ion corisisting of ANSI B30.2-1976, CH2-2&3, and other classroom instructions.


Demonstrate the ability to perform the following:

Date Training Unit

" 1.

General Operation Date Crane Operator 2.

Storage Procedure Date Crane Operator 3.

Safety Aspects of Operation Date Crane Operator 4.

Controls-Layout Function Date Crane Operator 5.

Standard Hand Signals Date Crane Operator C.

Crane Operator meets the physical standards established by Attachment 6.2 Date Maintenance Supervisor This is to certify that I have reviewed the physical and mental requirements for crane operator and verify that (Name)

(Badge'Number) meets the requirements and based on the results of written, examination and operational checkout or previous experience in crane operation, the above named is. qual'i'fied to operate the crane(s) listed hereon.

Verified by:

Maintenance Supervisor MMM-020 Rev.

1 Attachment 4

contxnu Page 39 of 73

SPR022 Crane 0 erator Certification (Initial)


~Crane e

Waste Handling Bridge Crane A.

Pass a written examination consisting of ANSI B30.2-1976, CH2-263, and other classroom instructions.

Date Training Unit B.

Demonstrate the ability to perform the following:


General Operation Date Crane Operator 2.

Storage Procedure Date Crane Operator 3.

Safety Aspects of Operation Date Crane Operator 4.

Controls-Layout Function Date Crane Operator 5.

Standard Hand Signals Date Crane Operator C.

Crane Operator meets the physical standards established by Attachment 6.2 Date Maintenance Supervisor This is to certify that I have reviewed the physical and mental requirements for crane operator and verify that (Name)

(Badge Number) meets the requirements and based on the results of written examination and operational checkout or previous experience in crane operation, the above named is qualified to operate the crane(s) listed hereon'.

Verified by:

Maintenance Supervisor MMM-020 Rev.

1 Attachment 4

Page 40 of 73

SPR022 Crane 0 erator Certification (X)



~Crane s

Underslung Cranes Ec Hoists A.

Demonstrate the ability to perform the following:


General Operation Date Crane Operator 2.

Storage Procedure Date Crane Operator 3.

Safety Aspects of Operation Date Crane Operator 4.

Controls-Layout Function Date Crane Operator 5.

Standard Hand Signals Date Crane Operator This is to certify that I have reviewed the requirements for Underslung Cranes

& Hoists (Name)

(Badge Number) meets the requirements and based on operational checkout or previous experience in crane operation, the above named is qualified to operate the crane(s) listed hereon.

Veri.fied by:

Maintenance Supervisor MMM-020 Rev.

2 Attachment 4


Page 41 of 73

SPR022 Mobile Crane Operator Certification Crane Cranee Make/Model Capacity A.

Pass a written examination consisting of ANSI B30.15-1973, Ch.

15 - 2 and 3,

and other classroom instructions.

Date Training Unit B.

Demonstrate the ability to perform the following:


General Operation Date Crane Operator 2.

Safety Aspects of Operation Date Crane Operator 3.

Controls-Layout and Function Date Crane Operator 4.

Standard Hand Signals Date Crane Operator C.

Crane Operator meets the physical standards as established by Attachment 6.2.

Date Training Unit This is to certify that I have reviewed the physical and mental requirements of Mobile Crane Operator and verify that (Name)

(Badge Number) meets these requirements and based on the results of written examination and operational checkout or previous experience in crane operation, the above named is qualified to operate the crane(s) listed hereon.

Verified by:

Maintenance Supervisor MMM-020 Rev.

1 Attachment 5

Page 42 of 73

SPR022 Crane 0 erator Recertification Name (name)

(badge no. )


Verified to be physically and mentally qualified.

Verified by Maintenance Foreman Date 2.

Oral or operational check-out by Maintenance Supervisor or his designee.

Verified by Maintenance Supervisor Date Recertified as a crane operator on the following cranes:

X Initial Date Polar Crane Turbine Building Crane Spent Fuel Cask Handling Crane New Fuel Crane Waste Handling Bridge Crane Underslung Cranes

& Hoists Mobile Cranes Maintenance Supervisor Date MMM-020 Rev.

2 Attachment 6

Page 43 of 73

SPRG22 Safe Load Paths Wrm ewe caw



RM-20 Rev. I Attachment 7

Page 44 oi 63

Safe Load Paths, LSD PATH..iKAClOP. ~SEL. HEAD.

Mf-20 Rev.

1 Sttachment 7


Page 45 of 63

i~kv22 Safe Load Paths

~et %M~~

~~ e'

~ %MOeQ




~gQIS, 0' LO~S+

~ggwasl 0aM' iCHS~


BYM SPAN<'O ~DR RS-20 Rev.

1 Attachment 7


Page 46 of 63


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SPR022 Safe Load Paths SaelCOe OA q~ KOCKI TaaVal




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~'IAII AT EL 286.oa

~-020 Rev.

Attachment 7


Page 51 of 73

SPR022 Safe. Load Paths

, ~~~~ ~ q maw MAWtSAVEL

~N CASOvlaC CASC IAaCNI ADWNCfMTIVlCCwlllOL 45 04 Cws toes.wea


Aceo( l%)


1 Attachment 7


Page 52 of 73

,Dl ~

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SPR022 Safe Load Paths CIIVtlCPt% Q ++W 4CQC TMVtl SIKW CAART4tC CASE lPCICk ACWWCITM1IVt CDO BIOL aWw 4 SPLall 4&eh % I~))

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g6g.pp'-020 Rev.

1 Attachment 7


Page 33 of 73


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SPR022 Shackle S ecification SHACKLES:

There are two types of shackles commonly used in rigging. They are the anchor (bow type) shackle and chain ("0" type) shackle both of which are available with screw pins or round pins.

Shackles, like most other rigging hardware are sized by the diameter ol the steel in the bow section rather than the pin size. They should only be of forged alloy steel.

Never replace the shackle pin with a bolt.

only the proper fitted pin should be used. 8olts are not intended to take the bending that is normally applied to the pin.

Never use a shackle ilthe distance between lhe eyes is greater than listed in the lollowing table. All pins must be straight and all screw pins must be complelely seated. Cotter pins must be used with all round pin shackles.

Shackles worn in the crown or the pin by more than 10'/ of the original diameter should be destroyed.

Never allow a shackle to be pulled at an angle because the capacity will be tremen-dously reduced. Central/ze whatever is being hoisted on the pin by suitable washers or spac.

e rs.

Oo not use screw pin shackles if the pin can roll under load and unscrew.

A fI Stock t7iameier (Inches) 2/sa I/~


'ln 1/2 2/2 24 2/x 1

II/I 1 "i 12/x 1'/2 124 2

202 3

3>>2 a

Inside Width At Pin (Inches)

C 1$/>>

~2/2 ~

2'/22 nl>>

'ie 1 'les 1 'lx I 2/10 1"/is I'2/ix 2 '/>>

2 '4 2 '/2 3 '/4 a '/2 5

5 2/e 02 Max. Sate Working Load Single Vertical Pull fPoundsl 1.000 1.500 2.000 3,000 a.000 6.500 9.500 13.000 17.000 19.000 24.000 27.000 50.000 70.000 100.000 jTftKH4THOS aHACKL!a JNQIQa JEAN K9l-020 Rev.

1 Table 1

Page 57 of 73

SPR022 Turnbuckles Weldless Construction For ed Allo Steel

  • SWL = Safe Workint Load

~Wsse+e~ SIy~ Sny SSSnos

~s owea caw era 5w I~~ ss ooarss

~~~ wosw C~ ae

~ <<oo ~~

CmoII ~

~ s~ 'eel TunssbuCKLSS wsssIsss Ca>>troops FoIOsd AlloyStssl ssIE1 IP(&Hs WA Oem'ces



Fnltno, Sloss D~lsI Onsnss)

Swl. ol Any CoInlsnslIon ol Asss Knd FInsnss. Kyo Snd Fsnwos snd Slod f,nd Frtlln0s (COs)

SWL ol TvInoossls llosln0 S lsoos Knd FinIn0 (Lbsl 0%IOME Wit ~~


%n ssII P/

1 1'4 1 II~

22'II Strength of Turnbuck Va. Wire Rape

$00 1.200 SHOO SSCO

$200 TACO 10.000 15200 2Lsoo 2S.OCO ST,OCO

~0.000 TSAXN



~.000 SAXO 5.000 T~



Vd VS 1

1M 1+i 1Vd 2

2M 2+I 2+i 2

3'afe Load (Tons)

,2.2 3.1 4.1 6.6 9.7 13.1 17.2 22.5 28.0 28.0 36.7 41.0 iL1ax. Dia.

for T.B.

(Inchesl 2/S gl 5y Sz

<a yt 1

1/s 1 s/s 1 ~l 1'afe Load Guys. Elc.

(Tonsl 2.1 3.6 5.5 7.9 10.7 14.0 17.6 21.6 26.1 30.8 36.0 41.3

.NMM-020 Rev.

1 Table 2

Page 58 of 73





Msstmvm Sate Working Load


I>> I<a>>

~aeeV See+

~Saw eeW I.O. ot Ere Opening at Top ot Hook Sate Working Load 2'fr crom Tip Sale Workrny Load ~I bottom Ot Hook I'fr 2iiI>>'

Tons 7'lr Tons

~h "lrs 1

1 'I>>

I 'fs I 'h 1 sh Irs/sr 1 'fr 1'r/rs I"I>>

IrVrr trh 1's/>>

2 II>>

2'h 2 II4 2 ths 2 Vr 2 s/>>


$ %s 5 Vs 5 r/>>

4 500 1200 2.000 2.500 4.000 4500 5.000 4JNO IL000 4800 L000 5.400 lb.000 10.400 11.000 (F500 IS,ON 15,000 ISAOO tg~

$.0N ~.

24.000 25.000 05.4N Throat Opentny

{inches) r rItr


~/I r/>>


rs/sr "f>>

1 'I>>

1 V>>

For Qze ot Chstn gnches)

'h V>>

sh r/>>

'lr sh Vi r/a 1

Msxtmvm Sate Working Load (Pounds) 2.750 4.500 5~

7.000 9.000 15.500 19.250 0






(SAFETY FACTOR ~ 4) rr>>


Throat Opening 0nctws)


'I V>>


1 V>>

1 ~TI>>

2 2 Ve 2 Vs 5

'ls V>>




".'1 Maximum Sale Woridny Load (Pounds}

2.750 4%0 LRO T.ON SANO TABOO TS450 SSAOO 54.000 Throat Opening gnenes) t/r s/s rls 1 /s 1Ys tr/>>

TVs 2V>>

For Rope Stre (Inches) r/siV>>

sfs Vt Vs

'Is ~ 1 IVei 1'/4 tVs 1t/r Max>>num Sate Workmy Load (Pounds) t~

2.5N 5,100 5.000 t5.000 SWIVELS {ALLTYPES)

Q C) weidiess Construction Forged Atksy Steat Stock Oeanwter (Inshea)

If tr>>

Ve Ifr Vs Vs r/s


e 1

tus tyo

'IVr Mak. Sate Working Load {Pounds) 050 t450 a250 S.SN 7~

10.000 (2500t~

lb.000 45200 Smatt Ptn Olaltwler (ktchas)


Vs Lsrye Ptn Oiametsr jtnches)

Vr IV>>

tfs Mutmvm Sate Working Load (Pounds) 2250 5.500 5,750 tt250 OOI/SLE CLEVIS uHKS


wetdtsss Construction FOryed ANOT Steel MMM"020 Rev.

Table s Page 59 Of 73

SPR022 Strength of Standard Sling Hooks Standard Hook Number 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ""

33 34 34a 35 36 38 ":"

Inside Diam.

o(Eye h laacada 1)z 1s/s 1h 1N 1~s 2

2M 38 3M 3r'0 4

dec 4'"'"

Throat Opening B ltackds 1Vslg 1M 1Ãs 2Ya 3

3N 4+I Rated Capacity 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.2 1.7 2.)

2.5 3.0 4.0 4.7 5.5 6.8 8.0


10.0 11.0 20.0 30,0 The above values are for "Vulcan" and similarly de-signed standard hooks.

Thc capacity can be found by the diameter of the hole in the cye of thc hook. lfthc throat opening of any hook cxccctL thc dimension given above for the corresponding diameter o( eyc, thc hook has heart oocrslrairted artd mus(

nvl br utrd.

MMM-020 Rev.

1 Table 3


Page 60 of 73

SPR022 QRONNET SLINQS Grorneset stsnsts er ~ learned by band lrosn e ssnqle

saend, There u only one tssc) sn the enrue csr.

cwnterence rebore the tsso ends entet Ihe torse to becosoe tbe centre.

Weeeseoeseree les


~essesst lsnsee eeaeeeee Ies ebsets y eseooes u

~ s ~Ierrea end ones ~

~esseoe Ileetbtltty I~

~eeeesssl Where an endless stsbce bas tssetyo ends cash Isschod

~ short dsusnce ento Ihe torse.

a Otoarnet hae oaly tseo ends.

Each u lssc)ed ~ tsst! halt ol the ehna ctrcssalerenco, YElytCIL CIIOLE CHO4EI RATED CAFAC1TT OF CRONXET SEENCS Dia. ol Crornotet laches Rated Capacity-Tooo Vertical Cradle

.T 1A 1A 2.0 4.0 Dla. ol Croaanet lnchee Vertical Cradle 1L4 20At 4A, II I~,'A 124 24.1 2ID 424 14.'1 214 re

~.4 l

124 24A 1

1l4 22A IA 41.2 MMH-020 Rev. 1'able 4

Pege 61 of 73

SPR022 Itope Ownetar Itnchesl Sinye Vattca)

Hitch 5 ngto Cnoser Hiton Single Basset Hitoh

{Vertical Legs) 2<eg Bndle Hitcnb Singie Basket Hitch WithLays Incaned0 4



i ~ a $7 Caesar) rcatycol Olpup. Iniprpeed Plow SIOOL IWIICv MAXU4JMSAFSINISIVKPIOLOADS PCN)HOS ISMotyfscot ie 41 Aooo Caametot (tnchel)

Singe Vontcat HitCn Ssngta Choco/

Hach Singio Bask<<

HitCh Ivoncat legal 2 Log Siioia H>>ch I

&agio Saoayt >>den wl'Illbogs tncl>nod WISE SOPE SLIHcle 4 a 19 Ctaaatt tcatotn Otcwp. Vnptcned rtcw Syo<<. fetta Cote MAXIMUMSAFE WO)ttcINGLOAOS POUt/0$

ISat<<y Factor ~ 5)

Vo I/t Va Ve Vy Ilily I'/e IVyI'l IVa IVy II/y


2 2Vy tYt 2Ve IA50 1.700 LS$0 WQQ 5250 S.NQ IAOO 1$.000 17.000 21.000 26AQQ

$2.IXO SI$00 41.000

~L6N 4,4N IQLXO 12LQN o5i 2.100 S.CQQ i.700 S.iyy 4.6CO

10. 700 IS.IQQ 19.000 26.000

$4.000 CLNQ

$2.400 44.000 79AXN 90.600 10i.000 122.000 IXL200 In.NQ 21L400 252.000 I.ICO 2.950 4.100 S.S50 7.450 9.250 11.950 lb.i$0 22~

29.450 SLCQQ 45.400 Id.oN TL600 105,700 115.i00 Iie.NQ 142.4O 2)LSN I.SN 1.750 2.4N L200 i.000

$.200 7,100 9.750 12.750 1$.750 19.450 2CA)N TIAX)0

~4.$/I 2.400 a $N C.SQQ d.100 MSO 9.750 IS.CQQ 14.400 2CAXN 29.700

$ 7.000 SS.900 caps TSAQQ ILXO




~ a \\ICtaaodwecton Oroup, Vnpttnod Plow BtooL Ir/SC MA)UMUMSAfS~ LOAOS-POUtoOS Cboaety Factor>> 5)

I,TN 2.$50 S.700i~


4.900 9.500

, ISAXO 17.000 21.000 24.200 SL000

$0.500 45,4O S2.000 41.000 44.400 N.CCO 105~

12L000 y/ii lie I/y trio I/~

I toy IIt@

IVy I'lt IVa

Ilr, ti/o 2'/t SVo 1.200 2JQQ S.SQQ C.SXI 6.4N 4.600 10.600 1$.200 19.000 25.4O XL4N

~ 2.1QQ

$2.aQQ 76.400 90.oQQ too 000 12'I.IQQ 1 $5.200 146.000I000 taiAKO l$0 625 1.2$ 0 1,600 2.oQQ S.XO


~.9$0 T.IQQ 9.4CO 12AQQ 15900 19.700 to.SQQ lb.SXI SS,IQQ

$9.000 4$.600 50.100 TI000

~IAQQ 1.050 1.900 2.6$ 0

~ 150

$.5$0 7,600 9.200 II.yoo I6.500 27.200 24.900 Sb TQQ a$,4QQ

$6,100 66 500 74 XO 90 QQQ IQS.XQ IIT.IQQ Ia$,500 IIQ.IQQ 211.XO 650

'1.550 2.$ $0 a.500 7.500 9.$ $0 IS.4N lb.lQ0 TS.IQQ ST.QQQ

~ $.600 Sy.XKI 6$.900 7$ 500 II.QQQ III.NQ Icy.QQQ ln.SN I.IQQ 1.450 2.400

$.200 a,iog


6.600 9.500 lt.NQ te'.700 21.200 26.200

$2.4N CS.tcO S2.000 IQ.SXI 47.4cN


)eatery Factor <<S)

WISE OOPS SIAaNS Ia $7 Ctesaitis ation Citoup. Imptoeod Ptcw SIOOLItare Core liQQ

'l,1 00 I 650 7.400 S.TQQ a CQQ

$.$00 6.600 9.$00 I2. 600 lb.TQ0 7).200 26.200 St,ooo Sb,<<N

~ $ 200 57.000 60 400 47.600


'Iyo.QQQ 122.000


Ftopo Owreytar

)Inches) hiy I/O tl>>

i/t V>>

Vy Ve tla I

I'Va I'lo IVy I ly IVy IVo It/a 2

2'le 2'/r 2Vi 1.150 1,750 X5$0 S.C$ Q C.TQQ LTQQ 7.100 ltXSN ILTSQ IT+50 2L750 2LSN at~


'I.QCO LIKO S.SQQ CAQQ S.XO 7.460 IQAQQ 1$.450 ITAX)0 2)AQQ 26.100 SIAXO i).NQ




$.500 S,IQQ 4.900 It,aQQ ICAQQ 20,4O 27AQQ SL900 40,400 42.4CO STAN IIIAOO IXLNO

,IOLSCO e IIILNQ i 22LICO WSIL200 1.100 2,OXI J.QQQ Loyy 4.000 LISO 12.XO 17,700 2SAQQ

$ 1,100 OLIN 40~

71,500 ICAN 94AKO 11$ $00



>> 227AXO NQ IACO 2AQQ L600 iAKO L450 6.050 IQAOQ Ia.oN II.ogg 2S.CQQ SQAXN CIAQQ SLaN 4L700 79,000 IL$00

'QL700 127,7


I IDION LN 1.150 1,750 2,550

$.450 4.700

$.700 7,100 IQAOO 1$.750 17.950 22,750 teAOO SIAKO 4t~

ib.4N bL900 65,400 72800 90.XO II&00 151.100 24e9 Sndle )etchI I/hyleBasset Hitch WttttLegs Incense i/y t/>>

l/t Vy Vy tla I

I'la I'ly IVaI'l IVy IVa lily 2ti/a tVI toe


Stnye Ventcal Hitch 1.000 I.III S.QQQ C.QCQ S,QQQ 4.i00 I.dcN 12.100 IS,NQ 19.400 ta.a00 29.400 lb.0Q0 750 1.2(O 1.650 2,250


S.QQQ l.750 C.IQQ e.'7QQ 9,100

'I '1.900 Ii,700 14.XO 27.000 SI.TCQ SI.SN it.600 iLSCO IaXK) 7$.500 IT.NQ 2.000

$.200 o.oN 4 QQQ 4.000 10.000 IT.NQ I 7.400 24.200

$).600 SQ.SN

$9.400 72.000 Ia,o00 96.4CO 11$.600 12i.000 IerLeco 194.000 5 ngie Basset H,ICh Hitch I

IVenicer Legl) i 2 Leg Stid rani)in I Singe Balaot oaten With LeQ$ Inclined 60' o$'

1.7$0 2.750 5.200 6.9CO 6.6$0 11.'ICQ 1$.o00 21.000 27,oQQ SLQCQ 42.XO 51AQQ 42.oQQ TLIQQ IXNQ 94,4N IQT.CQQ 1&.$00 16LTN 1,400 2,2$ 0 S IQQ

~ 2$0 5.650 7 IQQ 9.050

'I 2.400 17.100 22.SQQ

27. 7QQ Si 500 Ct.tQQ 50.900 59.700 66 400 IQ,XO 67.700 11$.70S 1$6.600 165.700

'I 000 1.600 2.200 S.QQQ a 000

$ 000 I.oQQ 4.900 12.100 15.600 19 600 ti,o(XI 29 NQ Sb QQQ oSINQ ob. 4N lb.b00 42AKO N.4N 94.000 IIy.tcl TAOLIL11

)cope Owns>>r

'li'nd Sma)tat

~r tly I~

ti/yl' V

a/y and Layer tt used with Choler Hitch muthoty aoovo for Oouote Basset Hitcn multioty aoooo saves Qy L Teste 'o oauoe we IarngAaoctol eyoo aod sdtableo loIcal ondai Fleeasll Spaced Eyes

~nd tsochetdaal sleeooa Hand atooed apoaod eyes ~ radatoo leeds acoodlne loIeooe 8'III Eyes latosod oy seato capo ~ rodatoo Iaode oy XH$

MMM-020 Rev.

Table 4


Page 62 of 73

SPR022 E ebolt S ecifications EYE BOLTS Shoukter Type Only Forged Carbon Steel Stock Diameter (inches)


'its Sls rls 1

't f/s 1'II 500 800 1,200 2 200 3,500 5,200 7~

10,000 15,200 21,400 Reduce Vertical Loads By 45%.

Reduce Vertical Loads By 65%.

Reduce Vertical Loads By 75%.



Nota s.iv.t lorplain (shoulderless) eye bolts ere same es lorshoulder bolts under vertical load. Angular loading ls not recommended.

cotrecl ltovW%%MW

% &leowNW SIQQOO>>rises Sr>> a fuoe soft>>

~ ~ WWWtt1 W +hi QQ

&WQ Q ol WQ Q Wall

~et e4~~ % heQ lwAQ HOST RINGS, can greatly ndoce the rislf involved in material baadllng.

(Machinery, construct ton components, and cargo). They afe ideal lor cargo lasteaing

~nd tie down devices.


able to pivot 180'nd swivel 380'ram canus.

tow centf>> olgravity l>>slats blading o'I Sr>>aking


let 5'IIleoQI l4 liii I

QQ IIQs IQf IWI CO t>>O tffO I.CO ting llCO fce acs UCI IMO ICO IE,QI II,CS CLCO OO tCO tffO Ue ttso tel con IXI IICO IC'OO Iacs coo SAF ETY HOIST RING CAPACffv AT AffctaAftLOAtn MHM-020 Rev.

1 Table 5

Page 63 of 73

SPR022 Using Wm Kye SeNs

+IAVIfIVflL lllhQ OltOUQh s pElf Ql 070 bOltS 04 PlOWfl.

%la~ Ie two

~ teeA>> Wl~

M>>~ led&

%sow to fMC. A avsrsaOWee AAl1Awl C

0 8

Uw e pair of ehackiee Inesat.

Alignment cf Kye SoNs O



Va 4 OIOa>> aestW

>> a ~r >too %re s a~ ~~

9 O~+>>>t <OSltCOS lO ICCO~( f>>~>> g~~p




Wawar agg~

>> 0 H pygmy Qsal Oea&s Moooo



O~e> +4M4 Wlml0 OO~

A04~ 1 O4 IN' 5+w ON 0Oa&

QS-020 Rev.

1 Table 5


Page 64 of 73

SPR022 Shearon llarrls Nuclear Plant lleavy Load Listing Sheet 1 of 9 Ca e

Containment 250 Ton 58>

E Iev.

( 175 Ton Seismic) e~

oad 0

Reactor Vessol Upper Internals Reactor Vessel Lover Internals Reactor Coolant Pump llatch Covers e

h 95, 150 lbs.

201,000 lbs.

osd Pa h

Yes Yes Assigned Procedure umber Reference Ow CAR 2165-G040 (R-3)/

CH-M0092 1364-1023R1/686J532 CAR 2165-0040 (R-3)/

CM-H0093 1364-1007/686J533 Loop - A Loop - 8 Loop -

G 77,500 lbs.

83,700 lbs.

80,600 lbs.

Yes Yos Yos CH"H0079 CH-H0079 CH-H0079 2167-G07IIO (R-4) 2167-G0741 (R-4) 2167-00741 (R-4)

Integrated Reactor tlead Assombly Reactor Coolant Pump Hotor Reactor Coolant Pump Assembly Tripod Handling Fixture Load Cell Linkage Reactor Vessol Stud llole Plugs (Alum.) 58 Rq'd.

6 lbs.

each Reactor Vessel Internals Lifting Rig Q


">Est lma ted weight Burnable Fission Rod Assembly llandl lng Tool Guide Stud Spring Scale Contalnmont 50 Ton Reactor Cavity Seal Ring 358'lev.

Reactor Coolant Pump Internal llandl lng Frame Mead and Intornal Lifting Rlg 355, 100 lbs.

79,500 lbs.

55,200 lbs.

4,100 lbs.

500 lbs."+

3,678 lbs.

7,300 lbs.

3,700 lbs.

Total Wt.

348 Ibs.

19,800 lbs.

610 lbs.

78 lbs.

Yos Yes Yes Yos Yos Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes N/A No CH-M0080 CH-H0075 CH-M0022 CH-H0076 CH"M0094 FIIP-008 CH-H0022 CH-H0076 CAR 2165-0040 (R-3)/

1364-42938 CAR 2165-G040 (R-3)/

1364-2608/1102E75 CAR 2165-0040 (R-3)/

1364-2070/7247013 1364-2609 (R-2)/

1143E64 CAR 2165-0040 (R-3)/

1364-2459/1190E44 CAR 2165-G040 (R-3)

CH-H0075 1364-1023/42494 CH-H0079 1483 F10/1364-2010 CH-H0079 115E11/1364-2010 CM-H0075 1364-42494 CH-M0075 1226E42 Fig. 8-4 S0-188/189 PO-404793

( 1)

PO-ll43967 (2)

CH"H0074 1364/36732 (R-4)

Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant Heavy Load Listing Shoot 2 of'

~ Cra e

oa 0

el Ass I 9 fled Proceduro pad a

h Ow umber Referenci C)

C) 'ontalnmont 50 Ton

, Stud Handling Spring Scale Stud Tensioner Pump Unit Stud Tensioner Unit Inflatable Seal (Rpbber)

Control Rod Drive Shaft Reactor Vossel Guide Studs Control Rod Drive Shaft. Unlatching Too I RCC Thimble Plug llandl lng Tool irradiated Samplo llandl ing Tool (Upper and Lover)

Fan Coolers Coils All 37 thru 39 Operator Support Stand - for Load Cell Linkage Assembly Reactor Vessel Guide Stud Bushings 74 lbs.

300 lbs.

4,000 lbs.

800 lbs.a>

150 lbs.

1,703 lbs.

205 lbs.

250 lbs.

271 lbs.

. 1,920 lbs.

270 lbs.

35 lbs.

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yos Yes Yes Yes Yes CH-H0076 CH-H0022 CM-H0076 CH-H0022 CH-M0076 CH-H0074 CH-H0096 CH-H0022 CM"M0076 FIIP-009 FIIP-007 FIIP-002 CH-H0101 CH-H0022 CH"M0076 CAR 2165-G040 (R-3)

CAR 2165-0040 (R-3)/

1364-41428 CAR 2165"G040 (R-3) 1364 "41430 PR6297 Tech.

Hanual 16-7110 CAR 2165-G040 (R-3)/

1364-7995 C01-g51 R/3 and/

1364-41432 Cont 71-2632 CAR 2165-0040 (R-3)

CAR 2165-G040 (R-3) 1364-45587 1364-2439 1189EII6 CAR 2165-G040 (R-3)/

1364-4823 1100E30601 Tech.

Manua I P136 (SK-1521)

Pago A-15 and A-19 CAR 2165-0040 (R-3) 1548E44 Fig. 8-11 1364-42494 Refueling Cavity Flange 8

Hotor Fan Coolers AN-37 thru 39 0

"Vendor manual.

Instructions to be written lator.


""Estimated weight 300 Ibs.

16,500 lbs. (ea. )

N/A Yes CH-H0101 Tech.

Ha nua I

( SK-1521 )

Pages A~5 and A19/N-0142 CM-H0103 1364-828 (R-2)


Shee ron llarrI s Nuclear Plant lleavy Load Listing Shoot 3 of 9 Cra e

osd e

h Assigned Proceduro oad Pa h

Dw lumber Rere ence C)

g. Containment 50 Ton Fan h Accessories Operating Wt.'hipping Wt.

Coll Wt. (Dry)

Coll Wt.


Hotor Wt.

Hotor Fan Coolers All-1 thru 4 Fan h Accessories Motor Fan Cooler Coils All-1 thru 4 Primary Shield Cooling Fans (S-2)

Reactor Support Cool ing Fans (S-4)

Portable Jib Crane (Total Weight)

Po rtab le J I b Crane llo Ist Portable Jim Crane Jib Roactor Coolant. Drain Tank Pumps 1AIMD-NNS (221'lev.)

Reactor Coolant Drain Tank Neat Exchanger (221'lev.)


Iieat Exchanger (RIIR) 1X"SN (SO 210 4,200 lbs.

23,450 lbs.

22,900 lbs.

1,920 lbs.

2,050 lbs.

1,500 lbs.

33,733 lbs.

1,650 lbs.

451 lbs.

3,903 lbs.

2,250 lbs.

9,400 lbs.

~ 3,100 Ibs 6,300 lbs.

360 lbs.

1,325 lbs.

6,100 lbs.

Yes Yes Yos Yes Yos Yes Yes Yos Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes CH-H0101 Tech.

Manua I SK-1521 CH-H0101 Tech.

Hanua I SK-1521 CH-H0101 Tech.

Hanual SK-1521 CH-H0101 CM-H0101 Tech.

Hanua I SK-1521 Toch.

Hanua I SK-1521 CM-H0101 Tech.

Hanua I SK-1521 CH-H0104 CH-H0104 Tech.

Manual P081 Pago 20/FF15660/

364 4254R6 Tech.

Hanua I P081 Page 20/R1070-1066935E/

1364" 3616 CM-H0105 1364-5233/FF15782 CH-H0106 1364 "5234/FF15777 CH-H0107 8481-CL-1/IIIIL-70A Toch.

Manua I 16-8010 CH-H0112 1364-1399/5357R5 CH"H0107 3100E3019-5S/8481 "CL-1 CH-H0107 8481-CL-1 CH-H0110 1364-1682/62242 CH-H0111 1364-2276 Assy.

0-3349 CH-H0113 1364-2271 Assy.


Excoss Letdown liest Exchanger 1X-SN (236'lev.

SO 210) 8 1,350 lbs.


<<Vendor manual.

Instructions to be written later.

+>Removal of these items, extremoty remote.

Speci fic heavy load path and procedures vl I I be farl tten in the event these items require removal.

Shoaron llarrls Nuclear Plant Itoavy Load Listing Sheet 4 of 9 Cra e

ad I

D lDw Containment 50 Ton Reactor Vessol

Stud, Nut and Wa she r Assemb Iy

( each)

Reactor Vessel

Stud, Nut and Washer Rack (full)

Uppor Steam Gonerator Manway Cover (Socondary)

Reactor Vessel tlead Stud Support Collars (2 15 lbs. each) 50 Total Prossurlzer Hanway Cover CP Sea I Rem a I oi 650 lbs.

5,200 lbs.

350 lbs.

870 lbs.

600 lbs.

oad Pa Yes Yes

'Yes Yes Assigned Procodure umber Rofore ce CH-H0022 CH-H0076 CH-H0022 CM-H0076 CH-HOODS CH"HO082 CH-H0022 CAR 2165-0040 (R-3)

CAR 2165-G040 (R"3)


Hanua I S-120 1364-42494/1364-44383 1464E06

,CH-H0023 Toch.

Hanua I S-130 Pago 5

Articulated Arm Assembly 200 lbs.

Yes CH-H0060 Reactor Coolant Tech.

Hanua I Pump PO gSI25 11?OE13/1364-2010R11 Cha ln llo Ist Assembly Ca rtr I dge Soa I liend I lng F Ixture Shaft Spool Pump Shaft Coupling Cartridge Soal Assembly

( Inc. 9, 10, ll, 12, 13, 14) 100 lbs.

100 lbs.

300 lbs.+

150 lbs.+

1,00D lbs.+

Yos Yes Yes Yes Yes CH-H0060 510F299 CH-H0060 510F299 CH-H0060 9752D91 CH-H0060 9752091 CM-H0060 974D37 No.

1 Seal Piping No.

1 Sea I Runner No. 2 Runner 100 Ibs.

100 lbs..+

50 lbs.+


2 Ring 50 lbs.+

50. lbs. +


3 50 lbs.+


3 aQ Runner Cl Ring 0~ +Est Ima te We Ight Va I uos m gHanway Removed/Stowod Directly Above and AdJacont to Prossurlzer Hanway Flange.

No Transfer Over Safety-Related Equipment.

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes CH-H0060 1741C99 CM-H0060 1741C99 CM-M0060 1741C99 CH-H0060 1741C99 CH-M0060 1741C99 CH-HO060 1741C99

Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant Heavy Load Listing Sheet 5 of 9 Cae ad D

I h oad 8

Assigned Proceduro umber

'ofe once CD Containment 50 Ton Crane Load Block Assembly i.

In Service Inspection Tool Following Items associated with the integrated RV hoed package If installed or removed individually:

4 Tons 4.5 Tons N/A CH-H0075 Tech.

Manua I 16-8065 Dwg. 4 Sec.

3/656053 CH-HOD75 g Supplied Equipment 1553E65601 1553E65601 A. Lift Rod and Clevis (Three Total)


CRDH Seismic Tie Rod Assembly C. Duct D.

Fan Assemblies (Four Total)

E. Cable Bridge Assembly F. Shroud Assembly G. Hissllo Shield Assembly ll. Lift Rlg Assembly 2,100 lbs.

each 4, 100 Ibs.

2,840 lbs.

2,925 lbs.

2,500 lbs.

39,000 lbs.

29,000 lbs.

4, 100 lbs.




I Yes+





CH-M0075 CH-H0072 CH-H0075 CH"H0075 CH"H0075 CH-H0075 CH-H0075 CM"H0075 Westinghouse Dwg.

1553 E65 1191F74 Fig. 8-8 Westinghouse Dug.

1553 E65 1548E57 Fig. 8"1 Westinghouse Ovg.

1553 E65 1611E12 Fig. 8-12 1553E65501 Westinghouse Owg.

1553 E65 1611E12 Fig. 8-12 1553E65601 1598E91 Fig. 8-1 Tech.

Hanua I 16-1005 1553E91 Fig. 8-2 Tech.

Hanua I 16-1005 1584E40 Fig. 8-3 Toch.

Manual 16-1005 1547E98 Fig. 8-6 Tech.

Manual 16-1005 RV llead Insulation


+ Fo I I ov RV lie ad Removal Pa th 0

Less Than 100 lbs.

Per Lift N/A CH-H0074

Shearon Harris Nuclear Plant Heavy Load Listing Sheet 6 of 9 Ca e

oad I

D ei Assigned Procodure oad a h Dw ambo Roi'e ence Dw C)~ Containment 50 Ton No.

2 Insert No. 2 Insert Special RCP Sea I Tools (Sot)

Reactor Coolant Pump Stand (Storage)

Steam Generator Lower Hanway Cover (Primary) 50 lbs."

i 50 lbs.>>

300 lbs.>>

7,300 lbs.

650 lbs.

Yes Yes Yes Yes CH"H0060 1741C99 CM-H0060 17<<1C99 CH-H0060 CM"H0079 3<<82883 510 F299 CH-H0081 Tech.

Manual S120 Page 5

Control Rod Drive Mechanism (CROM)

Compononts A. Pressure Vessel and Latching Assembly B. Operating Coil Stack C. Latch Nous ing Flux Rings D.

Rod Travel Kouslng E.

Rod Drive Assembly F. Seismic Sleeve G. Latch Assembly d

Ql e

<<Estimate Weight Values gHanway Not Hoved Over Safety-Related Equipment.

C) 0r<<

833 lbs.

455.* Ibs.

340 lbs.

337 lbs.

130 lbs.

31 lbs.

156 lbs.

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Yes CH"H0114 CH"HO I 1<<


CH-M0119 CH-M0114 CH-H0114 CH-H0114 CH-H0114 Dwg. 40 Rov.

7 Tech.

Hanual 16-1005 Tech.

Hanua I S115 Figure 6.5/H0022 Sec; 1

H0023 Tech.

Hanua I S115 Figure 6.5/H0022 Soc.

H0023 Tech.

Hanua I S115 Figure 6.5/H0222 Sec.

1 H0023 Tech.

Manua I S115 Figure 6.5/H0031 Sec.

6 Tech.

Hanua I S115 Figure 6.5/M0022 Sec.

1 H0023 Tech.

Hanua I S115 Flguro 6.5/H0031 Soc.

6 Tech.

Hanua I S115 Figure 6.5/H0031 Sec.


Shearon llarris Nuclear Plant Hoavy Load Listing Sheet 7 of 9 CD Pa

~Ca o

Conl.alnment Jib

( Portab lo) 5 1ons (Kranco) 286'lev.

t Various Small Loads for RCP Repairs and<RCP. Seal, Remova I

> ~14'~v oi See 8elow nad a

Assigned Procedure umbe Ro e ence CH-H0079 CH-MO060 9752091 Kranco Inc. 8481-CL-1 Kranco Inc. 8481<<1 Kranco Inc. 84S1-82 Abell-Howe Co. A4-81-15110 No.

1 Soal Runner No.

2 Runner No. 2 Ring No.

3 Runner 4


3 Ring No. 2 Insert No. 2 Insort Specie I RCP Sos I Tools (Sot)

Fuel iiandllng Dulldlng Auxiliary Ia Crane 12 Tons

( Kra neo


E Iev. 316'

<<Estimate Weight Valuos 0

Transfer Tube. Valve Articulated Arm Assembly Cha(n llolst Assembly C

Cartridge Seal llandl lng Fixture g


Shaft Spool Pump Shaft Coupling Cartridge Sos I Assombly

( inc. 9r 10, 11, 12, 13, 14) 200 lbs.<<

100 lbs.+

100 lbs.+

300 lbs.+

250 lbs.<<

1,000 lbs.+

100 lbs.<<

50 lbs.<<

50 lbs.<<

50 lbs.<<

50 lbs.+

50 lbs.<<

50 lbs.+

300 lbs."

SOO lbs.

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yos Yes Yes Yos Yes Yos Yos Yes Yes Yes CH"HOD79 1170E13 CM-M0079 510F299 CH-tl0079 510F299 CM-H0079 CH-HO060 9752D91 9752D9'I CH"H0060 9749D37 CH-M0060 1741C99 CH-H0060 1741C99 CH-H0060 1741C99 CH-H0060 174 1C99 CH-H0060 1741C99 CH"H0060 CH-H0060 1741 C99 1741 C99 CH-H0060 3482883 CH-H0121 CAR-1364-82SR2


C a



Shoaron Harris Nuclear Plant Heavy Load Listing Assignod Proceduro o

umbe ofe ence Lnad a

Shoet S of g External Containment Hlsc.

Loads Hlthln the Capacity of the Bui Iding 10IIt50 Ton Handli'nlt (Kranco) External s

g of Containmont No MMM-20 CAR"2168-8-178 HMH-21 Servlco Bldg.

5 Ton Misc. Loads Mlthln the Capacity of the llandling Unit No HMH-20 HHH"21 RCO-2033 (Trolley

. Beams Layout)

Turbino Gantry Main Hoist 215 Ton Aux. Hoist 50 Ton Generator Fields LP Turbine Rotor HP Turbine Rotor Mith Shaft Gonerator Exciter LP Outor Cylinder Cover g2 Inner Cylinder Cover gl Inner Cylinder Cover HP Turbine Covor Crossover T and Interceptor Valve Assembly Gonerator Upper Bearing Bracket Generator Hydrogen Cooler Other Hlscol laneous Equipment Under 215 Tons As Noeded 181 Tons 121 Tons 57.5 Tons 37 Tons 63.5 Tons 50 Tons 28 Tons 65 Tons

'20 Tons 18 Tons 14 Tons Various Yes Yes Yes Yos Yes Yos Yos Yes Yes Yes Yes CH-H0123 688.-J-804-1 (114F63-2)

CM-M0122 1378-J89 CH-H0124 1378-J52 CH-H0125 111F10"7 CH-H0126 1378"JS9 CM-H0127 1378-J89 CH-H0127 1378-J89 CH-M0120 137S-J52 CH-H0129 741-J715 Q L HPT"HD05 CH-H0130 1320FD7" 3/63SF491-1 CM-HD131 6578DSO"1 CH-H0133 Vendor Manuals Fee I Hand.l ing Bul ldlng 150 Ton


Capacl ty (Kranco)

(316'l ov. )

Brldgo Grano W

Fuol Assembly Conte Incr Spent Fuel Cask New Fuoi Contalnor 3,000 lbs.

140,000 lbs.

6,000 lbs.

Yes Yes Yes FHP-1364-828 R/2

( 10,826-9)


Hanua I 16-7095 FHP"012 2165-G" 025 FHP-003 2165-G"025/026

eee ~ee e

I oad 0

Shoaron Harris Nuclear Plant Ileavy Load Llstlng oad a

Assigned Procedure umbe Refe e ce



Shoot 9 of 9


ED Fuel llandl lng Building Auxiliary Grano 12 Tons (Kranco) Elev.

316'ulkhead Gates Removable Barrier Fuel Racks as follows:


11 x ll BWR (968)


6 x 8 PHR (192)


6 x 10 PWR (1080) 0.

7 x 10 PHR (560) 4,000 lbs.

17,500 lbs.

18,200 lbs. oach 11,600 lbs.

each 16,500 lbs.

each 19,300 lbs.

each Yes Yes Yos Yos Yes Yes CH-H0118 2165-G"025 CN-H0119 2165"G-025/026 FIIP-015 FIIP-015 FIIP-015 FIIP-015