MONTHYEARML18017A9271999-10-21021 October 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Implementing Selected Improvements as Described in GL 93-05 ML18017A8531999-08-26026 August 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Revising TS 3/4.9.4 to Allow Penetrations Which Provide Direct Access from Containment Atmosphere to Outside Atmosphere to Remain Open During Refueling Operations ML18016B0521999-08-0404 August 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Incorporating Analytical Methodology in TS Which Are Used to Determine Core Operating Limits ML18016B0451999-08-0202 August 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 6.2.2.e Re Operations Mgt License Requirements ML18016B0101999-07-0909 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.2.2,3/4.2.3 & 3/4.2.5,providing Clarification & Reducing Burden of Addl License Amend Process by Implementing Guidance in GL 88-16 & NUREG-1431, Rev 1, Std Ts,W Plants ML18016B0131999-07-0909 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Relocating 3/,3/43.3.4,3/ & 3/ to Plant Procedure PLP-114, Relocated Tech Specs & Design Basis, IAW GL 95-10 ML18016A9911999-06-15015 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Incorporating performance-based 10CFR50,App J,Option B for Type a Tests (Containment Integrated Leakage Rate Tests) ML18016A9781999-06-0202 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Revising TS 6.5 & TS 6.8 ML18016A8401999-02-26026 February 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Table Notations for TS Table 3.3-4, ESFAS Instrumentation Trip Setpoints, Specifically Time Constants Utilized in lead-lag Controller for Steam Line Pressure Low (Table Item 1.e.) ML18016A7701998-12-23023 December 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 5.6, Fuel Storage, Increasing Spent Fuel Storage Capacity by Adding Rack Modules to Pools 'C' & 'D.' ML18016A7591998-12-0707 December 1998 Retyped Tech Specs Pages 3/4 6-4 & 3/4 6-4a,incorporating Changes Resulting from Issuance of Amend 84 Re Containment Air Locks ML18016A7561998-12-0707 December 1998 Proposed Retyped Tech Specs Page 3/4 9-13,incorporating Changes Resulting from Issuance of Amend 84 Re SFP Water Level & Revised Fuel Handling Accident Analyses ML18016A7531998-12-0707 December 1998 Proposed Retyped Tech Specs Page 3/4 7-5,incorporating Changes Resulting from Issuance of Amend 77 Re Afs SRs ML18016A6571998-10-28028 October 1998 Corrected TS Pages 6-5 & 6-27 Re 970612 Request for Amend to License NPF-63 Re Proposed Changes to TS 6.0.Original Submittal Contained Editorial Errors ML18016A6261998-10-15015 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.5.1 Re Accumulators & Associated Bases ML18016A6051998-10-0101 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 3.0.4 Concerning Applicability of Limiting Conditions for Operation & SR to Be Consistent with GL 87-09 ML18016A5941998-09-23023 September 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.6.3, Containment Air Locks for Consistency with NUREG-1431,Rev 1 & Clarifying Requirements for Locking Air Lock Door Shut ML18016A5461998-09-0101 September 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Section 3/4.9.11,requiring 23 Feet of Water Above Top of Fuel Rods within Irradiated Fuel Assemblies Seated in Storage Racks ML18016A5381998-08-27027 August 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising Section 6.0, Administrative Controls. ML18016A5411998-08-27027 August 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Applicability of LCO & Surveillance Requirements ML18016A5311998-08-24024 August 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Use of SG Sleeves Designed by ABB-CE ML18016A4301998-05-15015 May 1998 Revised Proposed TS Pages Which More Closely Reflect Generic TS Wording Contained in Std TS W Plants ML18016A4021998-04-24024 April 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.3.2,allowing Two Hour Surveillance Interval to Facilitate Testing of 6.9 Kv Emergency Bus Undervoltage Relays ML18016A3881998-04-13013 April 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Section 4.0.2,clarifying Guidance Related to Safety Performing Surveillance Testing at Power ML18016A3481998-03-12012 March 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Deleting SR 4.9.12.d.4 Which Requires Verifying That Filter Cooling Bypass Valve for Fhb EES Is Locked in Balanced Position at Least Once Per 18 Months ML18016A2591997-12-16016 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Revising TS to Change Differential Pressure & Flow Requirements of Steam turbine-driven AFW Pump to Allow Testing of Pump at Lower Speed than Is Currently Performed ML18016A2241997-10-29029 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising TS 3/4.8.1, AC Sources - Operating & Associated Bases to Clarify Intent of TS ML18012A8121997-06-12012 June 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 6.0 Amending Administrative Controls. ML18012A7991997-05-23023 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Providing Retyped TS Pages Re Revised Action & Surveillance for ECCS Accumulators ML18012A7861997-05-16016 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Informing That TS a.2 Requires Verification at Least Once Per 31 Days of Cw Flow Rate of Greater than or Equal to 1425 Gpm to Each Containment Fan Cooler ML18012A6361997-04-23023 April 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Incorporating Enhancements to TS Identified in Plant Review Performed IAW GL 96-01.Changes Affected Specs,,,, & 4.7.3.b.3 ML18012A5811997-03-17017 March 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Surveillances,4.5.2.e,,,,,4.7.3.b & 4.7.4.b to Delete Specific Restrictions in Text of Surveillances ML18022B0041997-03-14014 March 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Increasing AOT for Refueling Water Storage Tank to Twelve Hs While Performing TS Surveillance ML18022B0071997-03-10010 March 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.5 Re Emergency Core Cooling Systems ML18012A5361997-02-27027 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Amending TS 3/4.4.5, Sgs, & Associated Bases,To Add Sleeve Installation as Alternative to Tube Plugging for Repairing Degraded SG Tubes ML18012A5281997-02-21021 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 3.0.5 Re Exception to TS 3.0.1 to Permit Equipment to Be Placed Into Svc in Order to Perform Testing to Demonstrate Operability ML18012A5351997-02-21021 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising TS 3.3.2 in Action 16 of Table 3.3-3 to Add Specific Time Interval of Six H to Place an Inoperable Channel in Bypassed Condition ML18012A5311997-02-18018 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.7.1, Turbine Cycle Safety Valves ML18012A5101997-02-13013 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 3.2.3 Re Rated Thermal Power ML18012A5011997-02-0606 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.0,adding New Entry 3.0.5 to Provide Specific Guidance for Returning Equipment to Svc Under Adminstrative Control for Sole Purpose of Performing Testing to Demonstrate Operability ML18012A4961997-01-29029 January 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.0 Re Applicability ML18012A4641997-01-10010 January 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Re AC Sources - Operating Surveillance Requirements ML18012A4531996-12-30030 December 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.4.9 Re Pressure/Temp Limits ML18012A4161996-10-31031 October 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Ultimate Heat Sink Level & Temp ML18012A3981996-10-0808 October 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Change to 3/ & 3/ Changing Calculated Peak Pressure for MSLB Event ML18012A3721996-09-18018 September 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Surveillance Requirements for Diesel Fuel Oil Sys Pressure Testing ML18012A3071996-07-19019 July 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.6.2,CSS,extending Surveillance Interval for Performance of Air or Smoke Flow Test Through CS Nozzles from Once Every 5 Years to Once Every 10 Years ML18012A2531996-05-31031 May 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Correcting Location Described for One of Three Triaxial Peak Accelerograph Recorders ML18012A1831996-03-20020 March 1996 Proposed Relocation of TS, Movable Incore Detectors & Associated Bases,Consistent w/NUREG-1431 & GL 95-10 ML18012A1441996-02-16016 February 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 4.3.2 Re ESFAS Instrumentation 1999-08-04
MONTHYEARML18017A9271999-10-21021 October 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Implementing Selected Improvements as Described in GL 93-05 ML18017A8531999-08-26026 August 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Revising TS 3/4.9.4 to Allow Penetrations Which Provide Direct Access from Containment Atmosphere to Outside Atmosphere to Remain Open During Refueling Operations ML18016B0521999-08-0404 August 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Incorporating Analytical Methodology in TS Which Are Used to Determine Core Operating Limits ML18016B0451999-08-0202 August 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 6.2.2.e Re Operations Mgt License Requirements ML18016B0101999-07-0909 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.2.2,3/4.2.3 & 3/4.2.5,providing Clarification & Reducing Burden of Addl License Amend Process by Implementing Guidance in GL 88-16 & NUREG-1431, Rev 1, Std Ts,W Plants ML18016B0131999-07-0909 July 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Relocating 3/,3/43.3.4,3/ & 3/ to Plant Procedure PLP-114, Relocated Tech Specs & Design Basis, IAW GL 95-10 ML18016A9911999-06-15015 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Incorporating performance-based 10CFR50,App J,Option B for Type a Tests (Containment Integrated Leakage Rate Tests) ML18016A9781999-06-0202 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Revising TS 6.5 & TS 6.8 ML18016A8401999-02-26026 February 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Revising Table Notations for TS Table 3.3-4, ESFAS Instrumentation Trip Setpoints, Specifically Time Constants Utilized in lead-lag Controller for Steam Line Pressure Low (Table Item 1.e.) ML18016A7701998-12-23023 December 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 5.6, Fuel Storage, Increasing Spent Fuel Storage Capacity by Adding Rack Modules to Pools 'C' & 'D.' ML18016A9341998-12-15015 December 1998 Rev 11 to ODCM, for Shnpp ML18016A7531998-12-0707 December 1998 Proposed Retyped Tech Specs Page 3/4 7-5,incorporating Changes Resulting from Issuance of Amend 77 Re Afs SRs ML18016A7561998-12-0707 December 1998 Proposed Retyped Tech Specs Page 3/4 9-13,incorporating Changes Resulting from Issuance of Amend 84 Re SFP Water Level & Revised Fuel Handling Accident Analyses ML18016A7591998-12-0707 December 1998 Retyped Tech Specs Pages 3/4 6-4 & 3/4 6-4a,incorporating Changes Resulting from Issuance of Amend 84 Re Containment Air Locks ML18016A6571998-10-28028 October 1998 Corrected TS Pages 6-5 & 6-27 Re 970612 Request for Amend to License NPF-63 Re Proposed Changes to TS 6.0.Original Submittal Contained Editorial Errors ML18016A6261998-10-15015 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.5.1 Re Accumulators & Associated Bases ML18016A6051998-10-0101 October 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 3.0.4 Concerning Applicability of Limiting Conditions for Operation & SR to Be Consistent with GL 87-09 ML18016A5941998-09-23023 September 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.6.3, Containment Air Locks for Consistency with NUREG-1431,Rev 1 & Clarifying Requirements for Locking Air Lock Door Shut ML18016A5461998-09-0101 September 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Section 3/4.9.11,requiring 23 Feet of Water Above Top of Fuel Rods within Irradiated Fuel Assemblies Seated in Storage Racks ML18016A5411998-08-27027 August 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Applicability of LCO & Surveillance Requirements ML18016A5381998-08-27027 August 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising Section 6.0, Administrative Controls. ML18016A5311998-08-24024 August 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Use of SG Sleeves Designed by ABB-CE ML18016A4301998-05-15015 May 1998 Revised Proposed TS Pages Which More Closely Reflect Generic TS Wording Contained in Std TS W Plants ML18016A4021998-04-24024 April 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.3.2,allowing Two Hour Surveillance Interval to Facilitate Testing of 6.9 Kv Emergency Bus Undervoltage Relays ML18016A3881998-04-13013 April 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Section 4.0.2,clarifying Guidance Related to Safety Performing Surveillance Testing at Power ML18016A3481998-03-12012 March 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Deleting SR 4.9.12.d.4 Which Requires Verifying That Filter Cooling Bypass Valve for Fhb EES Is Locked in Balanced Position at Least Once Per 18 Months ML18016A3051998-01-29029 January 1998 Rev 0 to HNP-IST-002, Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant, IST Program Plan - 2nd Interval. ML18022B0351998-01-26026 January 1998 Rev 0 to Procedure HNP-ISI-002, Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant,Isi Program Plan,2nd Interval ML18016A4131997-12-18018 December 1997 Rev 10 to ODCM for Shearon Harris Nuclear Power Plant ML18016A2591997-12-16016 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Pages,Revising TS to Change Differential Pressure & Flow Requirements of Steam turbine-driven AFW Pump to Allow Testing of Pump at Lower Speed than Is Currently Performed ML18016A2241997-10-29029 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising TS 3/4.8.1, AC Sources - Operating & Associated Bases to Clarify Intent of TS ML18012A8121997-06-12012 June 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 6.0 Amending Administrative Controls. ML18012A7991997-05-23023 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Providing Retyped TS Pages Re Revised Action & Surveillance for ECCS Accumulators ML18012A7861997-05-16016 May 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Informing That TS a.2 Requires Verification at Least Once Per 31 Days of Cw Flow Rate of Greater than or Equal to 1425 Gpm to Each Containment Fan Cooler ML18012A6361997-04-23023 April 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Incorporating Enhancements to TS Identified in Plant Review Performed IAW GL 96-01.Changes Affected Specs,,,, & 4.7.3.b.3 ML18012A5811997-03-17017 March 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Surveillances,4.5.2.e,,,,,4.7.3.b & 4.7.4.b to Delete Specific Restrictions in Text of Surveillances ML18022B0041997-03-14014 March 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Increasing AOT for Refueling Water Storage Tank to Twelve Hs While Performing TS Surveillance ML18022B0071997-03-10010 March 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.5 Re Emergency Core Cooling Systems ML18012A5361997-02-27027 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs,Amending TS 3/4.4.5, Sgs, & Associated Bases,To Add Sleeve Installation as Alternative to Tube Plugging for Repairing Degraded SG Tubes ML18012A5351997-02-21021 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Revising TS 3.3.2 in Action 16 of Table 3.3-3 to Add Specific Time Interval of Six H to Place an Inoperable Channel in Bypassed Condition ML18012A5281997-02-21021 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 3.0.5 Re Exception to TS 3.0.1 to Permit Equipment to Be Placed Into Svc in Order to Perform Testing to Demonstrate Operability ML18012A5311997-02-18018 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.7.1, Turbine Cycle Safety Valves ML18012A5101997-02-13013 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 3.2.3 Re Rated Thermal Power ML18012A5011997-02-0606 February 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.0,adding New Entry 3.0.5 to Provide Specific Guidance for Returning Equipment to Svc Under Adminstrative Control for Sole Purpose of Performing Testing to Demonstrate Operability ML18012A4961997-01-29029 January 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.0 Re Applicability ML18012A4641997-01-10010 January 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Re AC Sources - Operating Surveillance Requirements ML18012A4531996-12-30030 December 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.4.9 Re Pressure/Temp Limits ML18012A4161996-10-31031 October 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Ultimate Heat Sink Level & Temp ML18012A3981996-10-0808 October 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Bases Change to 3/ & 3/ Changing Calculated Peak Pressure for MSLB Event ML18012A3721996-09-18018 September 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Surveillance Requirements for Diesel Fuel Oil Sys Pressure Testing 1999-08-04
[Table view] |
e n
e Pa 9703040248 97022i PDR ADQCK 05000400 P
TABLE 3. 3"3 Conti nued TABLE NOTATIONS f
"The provisions of Specification 3.0.4 are not applicable.
STrip function may be blocked in this MODE below the P-11 (Pressurizer Pressure Interlock) Setpoint.
~"Ouring CORE ALTERATIONS or movement of irradiated fuel fn containment, refer to Specification 3.9.9.
"""Trip function automatically blocked above P-11 and may be blocked below P-11 when Safety Injection on low steam line pressure fs nat blocked.
ACTION STATEMENTS ACTION 14 - With the number of OPERABLE channels one less than the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, be in at least HOT STANOBY within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />;
- however, one channel may be bypassed for up to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> for surveillance testing per Specification, provided the other channel is OPERABLE.
ACTION 15 - Wfth the number of OPERABLE channels one less than the Total Number of Channels, operation may proceed until performance of the next required CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST provided the fnoper able channel is placed in the tripped condftian within 1 haur.
ACTION 16 - Wfth the number of OPERABLE channels one less than the Total Number of Channels, operatian may proceed provided the ~rviki~6 g,~
inoperable channel fs placed fn the bypassed candftion&nd the Mfnfmum Channels OPERABLE requfrement is met.
One additional channel may be bypassed for up to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> for surveillance testing per Speciffcatfan
ACTION 17 - With less than the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, operation may continue provided the Containment Purge Makeup and Exhaust Isolation valves are maintained closed while in MODES 1, 2,
3 and 4 (refer to Specificatfon
For MODE 6, refer to Specfffcatfon 3.9.4.
ACTION 18 - With the number of OPERABLE channels one less than the Minimum Channels OPEIÃ,LE requirement, restore the inoperable channel.to OPERABLE status within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> or be fn at least HOT STANOBY wfthin the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.
- The provisions of Specification 3.0.4 are not applicable.
PTrip function may be blocked in this MODE below the P-11 (Pressurizer Pressure Interlock) Setpoint.
- During CORE ALTERATIONS or movement of irradiated fuel in containment.
refer to Specification 3.9.9.
- Tripfunction automatically blocked above P-ll and may be blocked below P-11 when Safety Injection on low steam line pressure is not blocked.
With the number.of OPERABLE channels one less than the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, be in at least HOT STANDBY within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />;
- however, one channel may be bypassed for up to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> for surveillance testing per Specification 4.3.2. 1, provided the other channel is OPERABLE.
With the number of OPERABLE channels one less than the Total Number of Channels, operation may proceed until performance of the next required CHANNEL OPERATIONAL TEST provided the inoperable channel is placed in the tripped condition within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.
With the number of OPERABLE channels one less than the Total Number of Channels.
operation may proceed provided the inoperable channel is placed in the bypassed condition within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requi rement is met.
One additional channel may be bypassed for up to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> for surveillance testing per Specification 4.3.2. 1.
With less than the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, operation may continue provided the Containment Purge Makeup and Exhaust Isolation valves are maintained closed while in MODES 1, 2,
3 and 4 (refer to Specification 3.6. 1.7).
For MODE 6, refer to Specification 3.9.4.
With the number of OPERABLE channels one less than the Minimum Channels OPERABLE requirement, restore the inoperable channel to OPERABLE status within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> or be in at least HOT STANDBY within the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> and in COLD SHUTDOWN within the following 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />.
Document Control Desk HNP-97-045 / Page 2 CC:
Ms. D. B. Alexander Ms. P. B. Brannan Mr. H. K. Chernoff (RNP)
Mr. G. W. Davis Mr. J. W. Donahue Ms. S. F. Flynn Mr. H. W. Habermeyer, Jr.
Mr. W. J. Hindman Ms. W. C. Langston (PE&RAS File)
Mr. R. D. Martin Mr. W. S. Orser Mr. G. A. Rolfson Mr. R. S. Stancil Mr. M. A. Turkal (BNP)
Mr. T. D. Walt Nuclear Records File: H-X-511 File: HI/A-2D
I '4>>>>
4 Z'4>>I "q>>I
I 4 ~II,,>>'4 4
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t Attachment 1
Request for License Amendment Diesel Fuel Oil System Pressure Testing Additional Information Serial:
HNP-97-045 Page 1 of 2 Ihguam Define the current pressure testing boundaries and correlate the specific fuel oil piping lines with the appropriate ASME Code subarticle paragraph (item) number that provides acceptable alternative testing guidance.
Ihsuam; 1.
Harris Nuclear Plant Technical Specification currently requires "performing a pressure test of those portions of the diesel fuel oil system designed to Section III, Subsection ND of the ASME Code at a test pressure equal to 110% of the system design pressure" at least once per 10 years.
This testing requirement currently applies to the diesel fuel oil system piping and components between the main fuel oil storage tanks and the diesel engines.
More specifically, the following portions of the fuel oil system are included:
(Please reference the "red" color-coded portions on drawings, CAR-2165-G-063 and CAR-2165-G-133, which were included in our January 31, 1997 submittal)
Fuel Oil Day Tanks 1A-SA and 1B-SB The fuel oil lines from the fuel oil storage tanks to the fuel oil day tanks The fuel oil transfer pumps and suction and discharge piping (Including fuel oil transfer pump instrument and vent lines)
The fuel oil supply and return lines between the day tanks and diesel engines The diesel engine relief valves and fuel oil lines (from engines to day tanks)
The day tank vent, drain and level instrument lines Based on ASME Code Section XI, Subarticle IWD-5223, the following testing clarifications are proposed:
Subarticle IWD-5223, Item (b) states that "In the case of atmospheric storage tanks, the hydrostatic head, developed with the tank filled to its design capacity, shall be acceptable as the test pressure." The Fuel Oil Day Tanks 1A-SA and 1B-SB are atmospheric tanks and are therefore addressed by this section and would not require a 110% pressure test.
The day tanks are above ground and can be visually inspected for leaks during normal operation.
(Please reference the "purple" color-coded portions on Attachment 2 to this letter)
Subarticle IWD-5223, Item (c) states that "For the purpose of the test, open ended portions of suction or drain lines from a storage tank extending to the first shutoff valve shall be considered as an extension of the storage tank." Several fuel oil lines extending from the main fuel oil storage tanks and the day tanks to the first shutoff valve are addressed by this section and therefore would not require a 110% pressure test.
These lines can also be visually inspected during normal operation.
Observation of adequate level in each of the tanks willensure that the piping is fullof oil during visual inspections.
- This applies to the following lines:
3F01-109SA-1 3FO1-283SA-1&2 3FO340SA-1 3FO2-42SA-1 3FO1-237SA-1 3FO2-50SA-1 3F01-168SA-1&2 3FO4-9SA-1&2 3FO2-44SA-1 (between isolation. valve and day tank) 3FO1-241SA-1 3F01-172SA-1 3FO2-48SA-1 (between isolation valve and day tank)
(Please reference the "green" color-coded portions on Attachment 2 to this letter)
e Attachment 1
Request for License Amendment Diesel Fuel Oil System Pressure Testing Additional Information Serial:
HNP-97-045 Page 2 of 2 Subarticle IWD-5223, Item (e) states that "Open ended vent and drain lines from components extending beyond the last shutoff valve and open ended safety and relief valve discharge lines shall be exempt from the hydrostatic test." The vent, drain and relief valve lines associated with the day tanks are addressed by this section and therefore should be exempted from the 110% hydrostatic test.
"This applies to the following lines:
3F03-46SA-1 3F05-56SA-1 3FO1'/~-243SA-I (Please reference the "blue" color-coded portions on Attachment 2 to this letter)
Table IWD-2500-1, Item D2.10, Note (1) states that "The system boundary extends up to and including the first normally closed valve or valve capable of automatic closure as required to perform the safety-related system function." Since the day tank floor drain isolation valves (3FO-V251SA-1 and 3FO-V72SA-1) are normally closed, line 3FO2-48SA-1 willnot be included in the test boundary.
~This applies to the following line:
3FO248SA-1 (Please reference the "orange" color-coded portion on Attachment 2)
- Note: These are the "A"train lines only and are typical of the corresponding "B" train lines.
~OW 3FO-V289SA-I&2
I 3FO-V209SA-I&2
~a~~a~~a 3FOI 189SA I 3FOI-172SA-I I
3FO-V2QSA-I 3FO2-56SA-I Id2SA-I 3IOIVi-247SA 'I 3FOQ ld3SA-1 S
3FOIV+-249SA I IN Qx" 3FOI 237SA-I 2Q FIAME ARRESTOR ASSEMBLY (47931) 3FO5-5 8SA-1 Qe.
I 3FO-V2SA-I kD E C~~a~~a~~
3FO-V247SA-I 3FO3-4SSA I
3FOOf-243SA-I I
~a~~a~~a 3FOOi-245SA-I SERIAL HNP-97-845 ATTACHMENT 2 PAGE 1 OF 1
IWD 5223(C) 3FO-V249SA 1
3F02-44SA 1
3FOI-241SA-1 ll L
3FO-V2ddSA-I I
~a~~a~~a ~~a JI I
as Foe '
IWD 5223(E)
~ TABID IWD-2588-1 ITEM 02.18 NOTE 1
I f