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Rev 3 to Vol 3,Part 9 of Plant Operating Manual Procedure OST-1083, ESFAS Train 'A' Slave Relay Test 18 Months Interval Modes 5 & 6.
Person / Time
Site: Harris Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/04/1992
Shared Package
ML18010A832 List:
OST-1083-P09, OST-1083-P9, NUDOCS 9210280094
Download: ML18010A837 (61)



NOTE: This procedure has been screened in accordance with PLP-100 AQ criteria and determined to be a Case II procedure.

This procedure requires POD or Outage meeting, SubUnit Manager, or higher, 3)evaluation as to level of management required to be involved in preparations and conduct of this test.~FFFl>~E APR)6 Ml APPROVED: xgna re~~J Date TITLE: MANAGER-OPERATIONS HNP CONTROLLED COPY P~Page 1 of 52 OS1 List of Effective Pa es~Pa e Revision 1, 2 3, 4 5, 5a 6-52~~~~\I~~I~~AC-3/1~.~.AC-3/1 3 OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 2 of 52 OS1 1.0 PURPOSE , The purpose of this procedure is to test the operability of the slave relays of the Solid State Protection System using the Go Circuits.This test will be performed every 18 months during refueling and during each cold shutdown greater than 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> unless the relay has been tested within the previous 92 days.This procedure satisfies the requirements of Technical Specifications 4.3.2', Table 4.3-2, Steps l.b, 3.a.2, 3.a.3, 3.c.3, 5.c, 6.d, 6g, 7.a, 7.b, 8.a, and 8.b for Train A.ESFAS Slave Relay Response testing via OST's 1809, 1812, and 1825 or 1826 fulfills the requirements of this test.


L.Tech.Spec.3.3.2 2.FSAR Section 7.3 3.SD-103, Reactor Protection/Engineered Safety Features Actuation System 4.Procedures:

a.OP-155, Diesel Generator Emergency Power System b.OST-1825, Safety Injection-ESF Response Time Train A c.OST-1812;AFW Isolation-ESF Response Time d.OST-1809, Switchover to Recirc Sump" ESF,Response Time e.OST-1826, Safety Injection-ESF Response Time Train B 5.Drawings: a.Simplified Flow Diagrams 2165-S (1)544, Feedwater System (2)547, Circulating

&Service Water System (3)550, Containment Spray System (4)551, Steam Generator Blowdown System (5)552, Sample System (Nuclear)(6)1303, Chemi'cal&Volume Control System (7)1308, 1309, 1310, Safety Injection System OST"1083 Rev.3 Page 3 of 52 OS1


(continued) b.Control Wiring Diagrams 2166-8401 (1)Shs.270, 409, 413, 1206, 1988-Safety Injection (K601)(2)Shs.242, 243, 972, 1211,-Safety Injection (K602)(3)Shs.271, 407, 411, 1207, 2972." Safety Ingectxon (K603)(4)Shs.1204, 1205, 1209, 2286-Safety Injection (K608)(5)Shs.1988, 2639, 2641, 3177-Safety Injection (K610)(6)Shs.1933, 1944,-Loop 1 AFW Isolation (K615)(7)Shs.1934, 1945-Loop 2 AFW Isolation (K616)(8)Shs.1935, 1946-Loop 3 AFW Isolation (K617)(9)Shs.286, 421, 2253, 2254, 2703-Containment Phase A Isolation (K622)(10)Shs.416, 418, 458" Safety Injection (K740)(11)Shs.418, 1039-RWST Lo-Lo Level (K739, K741)(12)Shs.317-Safety Injection (K636)c.Vendor'Drawings.'1)

EBASCO Dwg.1364-46575 Sheets 9, 10, ll (2)EBASCO Dwg.1364-2776 Sheets 16-31 (3)EBASCO.Dwg.1364-46576 Sheets 9, 10, 11 6.Solid State Protection System Equipment Reference Manual-PRL Volume 1.7.Solid State Protection System Equipment Reference Manual-PRL Volume 2.OST-10&3 Rev.3 Page 4 of 52 Osl 3.0 PRERE UISITES 1.Review the Control Room Status File and verify that the systems being tested are aligned in a manner that will support the performance of this test.2.The performance of this OST has been coordinated with other plant evolutions such that the minimum operability requirements of Technical Specifications will continue to be satisfied during the performance of the OST or the appropriate LCO's have been written.3.Any special tools and equipment required per Section 5.0 of this procedure have been obtained.Instrumentation needed for the performance of this test is free of deficiency tags that affect instrument indication.

5.IGC support required for this test has been obtained.6.Electrical Maintenance support required for this test has been obtained.7.-All switches in the Safeguards Test Cabinet are in the"NORMAL" position.CAUTION This procedure involves an infrequent test or evolution with the potential to reduce margins of safety or introduce unwanted transients or accidents if performed incorrectly, depending on the specific plant conditions at the time of the test.Conditions and management involvement are documented on PLP-100-1.

'A 7a.A PLP-100 shift brief has been performed by the applicable level of management,.

8.The Shift Foreman has given permission to perform this OST and all prerequisites are met.Shift Foreman Date OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 5 og 52 r OS1 4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS Prior to performing safeguards actuations, plant configuration should be established to allow for minimum disturbance to plant operation (i.e., valve positions, starting of redundant equipment).

OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 5a of 52 AC (

Osl 4.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS (continued) 2.Before starting a new step, clear all trips and reset any associated alarms, lights and relays unless the procedure specifies otherwise.

3.If any response is not as required, stop procedure and immediately notify the Shift Foreman for resolution.

4.During Solid Plant Operation, steps that isolate charging and/or letdown should not be performed unless the alternate pressure=control methods are readily available and the operators are aware of expected pressure fluctuations.

5.Steps within a procedure section must be completed in the order written before the next section is started.5.0 TOOLS AND E UIPMENT 1.Headsets or Radios (as required),, 2.Voltmeter-Fluke 8600A (or equivalent) 3.Stopwatch-Fischer Model 14-649-5 (or equivalent) 4.Electrical Jumper(s)5.Ronan X-85 Calibrator or equivalent (as required per drained S/G)6.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 1.For Go Circuit testing, all components listed respond as specified after the slave relay is energized and after it is reset.2.Each device that was activated shall be documented as to the condition left at the completion of the section.7'PROCEDURE STEPS NOTE: To reopen isolation valves after.test, control switch for motor"operated valve must be placed momentarily to the SHUT position, then to OPEN position to reset seal"in relays.The associated flow control valve of the opposite then also be re-opened.

OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 6 of 52 Osl 7.1 Train A Safet In'ection-Go Circuit (K601)(continued) 2.Establish phone communications between operations in the Hain Control Room and the Safeguards Test Cabinet.CAUTION At SSPS (A)Output Cabinet multimeter across Terminal TB604 and ground to ensure multimeter.

No.1 have an I&C Technician connect a 1 of TB604 and ground and Terminal 2 of no voltage is present which may damage 3.At SSPS (A)Output Cabinet No.1, have an I&C Technician connect a multimeter across terminals 1 and 2 of TB604 and verify contacts 11 and 12 of Output Relay K601 are open.4.Open Protection System Safeguards Test Train"A" Cabinet 2 door and, with Shift Foreman,'s approval, commence slave rel,ay test.5.Coordinate with the diesel operator to prelube the Diesel Generator and energize slave relay K601 by turning test switch S907 clockwise then depressing momentarily.(Test switch will spring return to the normal left-hand position.)

6.Verify the following equipment starts or repositions as follows;a.Diesel Generator 1A STARTS b.1CS-214, CSIP's Miniflow Isolation SHUT c.1SI-248, Accumulator 1C-SA Discharge OPEN d.1SI-1, CSIP's to BIT Isolation OPEN 7~e.1SP-227, S/G 1C-SN Sample CNMT Isol SHUT At SSPS (A)Output Cabinet No.1, have an I&C Technician connect a multimeter across Terminals 1 and 2 of TB604 and verify contacts 11 and 12 of Output Relay K601 are closed.This verifies the DG 1A-SA Breaker 106 trip clrcul t~OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 8 of 52 OS1 7.1 Train A Safet In'ection-Go Circuit (K601)(continued) 8.Position reset switch S921 to RESET.9.Verify the following equipment status'.a.Diesel Generator 1A-SA RUNNING H s ICS-2l4, CSIP's Miniiloe Isolation SHUT c.1SI-248, Accumulator 1C-SA Discharge SHUT d.1SI-1, CSIP's to BIT Isolation OPEN e.1SP-227, S/GP 1C-SN Sample CNHT Isol SHUT 10.At SSPS (A)Output Cabinet No.1, have an 1&C Technician connect a multimeter across terminals 1 and 2 of TB604 and verify contacts 11 and 12 of Output Relay K601 are open.11.Direct the I&C Technician to disconnect the multimeter from terminals 1 and 2 of TB604 in SSPS (A)Output Cabinet No.1.Technician Verifier 12.Secure Diesel Generator 1A-SA per OP-155.13.Realign the following valves as required for plant operations'.

a.1CS-214, CSIP's Miniflow Isolation Final Position Positioner b.1SI-248, Accumulator 1C-SA Discharge Verifier Final Position'ositioner c.1SI-1, CSIP's to BIT Isolation Verifier Final Position Positioner Verifier OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 9 of 52 OS1 7.1 Train A Safet In'ection-Go Circuit (K601)(continued) d.1SP-227, S/G 1C-SN Sample CNMT Isolation Final Position Positioner Verifier e.1SI-248 breaker on MCC 1A21-SA Cub.3D Final Position Positioner Verifier 14.Verify Accumulator 1C-SA is repressurized once discharge valve 1SI-248 is SHUT if depressurized in a previous step.7.2 Train A Safet In'ection-Go Circuit (K602)CAUTION Ensure the CSIP suction valves are aligned properly to maintain adequate suction flow to the pumps during the test.1.Direct the I&C Technician to install jumper between terminals 21 and 35 in ARP"19A (SA)F3 to defeat the SG Low Pressure interlock for 1BD-49 unless already done by OP"183.03.(Ref.2.5.b.2)2~If any Steam Generator level is below 38.5X, direct the 1&C Technician to lift the lead at Terminal 60 in ARP-19A (SA)F3 to defeat the S.G.low level interlock for 1BD-49.3 E Prepare the following equipment for testing as follows.'~b.1CS-291, RWST to CSIP Isolation 1CS-165, VCT Outlet Isolation SHUT OPEN C~d.1CC-114, CCW to Sample HX Isolation 1BD-49, S/G 1C-SN Blowdown CNMT Isol OPEN OPEN e.1CC-304, CCW to Gross Failed Fuel Detector OPEN f.SGWLU pump for C S/G SECURED OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 10 of 52 OS1 7.2 Train A Safet In'ection-Go Circuit (K602)(continued) 4.Have the I&C Technician perform the following steps: a.At SSPS (A)Output Cabinet No.1, verify the voltage between Time Delay Relay TD1 Terminal 6 (+)and Logic Ground (-)is 48+2 VDC.b.At SSPS (A)Output Cabinet No.1, verify the voltage between Time Delay Relay TD1 Terminal 2 (+)and Logic Ground (-)is 0+2 VDC.c.At SSPS (A)Logic Cabinet, connect the multimeter between TB505-7 (+)and Signal Ground (-).d.If a Reactor Trip Signal is present as a result of a drained steam generator(s), lift and tape transmitter field leads and install Ronans (transmitter simulator) on the following points to clear the Lo-Lo Level Bistable on the appropriate steam generator(s):

'A'team Generator PIC-2 TBF 10 and 11 PIC-3 TBF 10 and 11'B'team Generator PIC-2 PIC-3 TBF 13 and 14 V TBF 13 and 14'C'team Generator PIC-2 TBF 16 and 17 PIC-3 TBF 16 and 17 e.Adjust Ronan(s)as necessary to clear the Lo-Lo Level Bistables for the appropriate steam generator.

OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 11 of 52 Os 1 7.2 Train A Safet In'ection'-Go circuit (K602)(continued)

NOTE: To prevent flashing in Sample HX, secure sampling prior to energizing slave relay K602.5.Establish phone communications between operations in the Main Control Room and Safeguards Test Cabinet.a.Close then reopen the Reactor Trip Beakers as needed to reset the P-4 interlock.

6.Open Protection System Safeguards Test Train"A" Cabinet 2 door and, with Shift Foreman's approval, commence the slave relay test.7.Simultaneously start a stop watch to time the SI Time Delay Relay and energize slave relay K602 by turning test switch S908 clockwise and depressing momentarily.(Test switch will spring return to the normal left"hand position.)

NOTES The following two steps must be performed within 60 seconds after K602 has been energized to verify SI will not reset.8.Place the Safety Injection Train A Reset Switch to RESET.9.Verify the SI RESET AUTO-SI BLOCKED Light is OFF at Bypass Permissive Light Box (BPLB).10.Veri.fy the following valves reposition as follows: a~1CS"291, RWST to CSIP Isolation OPEN b.C~1CS-165, VCT,Outlet Isolation 1CC-114, CCW to Sample HX Isolation SHUT SHUT d.1BD-49, S/G 1C-SN Blowdown CNMT Isol SHUT e.1CC-304, CCW to Gross Failed Fuel Detector SHUT OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 12 of 52 OS1 7.2 Train A Safet In'ection-Go circuit (K602)(continued) 11.Verify the voltage on the multimeter connected in Step 7.2.4 increases to 48+2 VDC one minute+3 Sec.after slave relay K602 is energized.

VDC T'e 12.Place the Safety Injection Train A Reset switch to Reset.13.Verify the voltage on the multimeter connected in Step 7.2.4 decreases to 0+2 VDC.VDC 14.Verify the SI RESET AUTO-SI BLOCKED Light is ON at Bypass Permissive Light Box (BPLB).15.Position Test Switch S921 to Reset.16.Verify the following valve status.'.1CS-291, RWST to CSIP Isolation OPEN b.1CS-165, VCT Outlet Isolation c.1CC-114, CCW to Sample HX Isolation SHUT SHUT d.1BD-49, S/G 1C-SN Blowdown CNMT Isol SHUT e.1CC-304, CCW to Cross Failed Fuel Detector SHUT 17.Direct the I&C Technician to disconnect the multimeter connected in Step 7.2.4.Technician Verifier 18.Direct the I&C Technician to remove jumper installed in Step 7.2.1 unless required by OP-183.03.

Technician Verifier OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 13 of 52

OS1 7.2 Train A Safet Iniection-Go circuit (K602)(continued) 19.Direct the I&C Technician to reconnect the lead lifted in Step 7.2.2 (Mark this step NA if Section 7.3 is to be performed next)..echnician Verifier 20.Reposition the following valves as required for plant operations:

CAUTION 1CS-165, VCT Outlet Isolation, must be reopened before closing 1CS-291, RWST to CSIP Isolation, to prevent losing suction to the CSIP's.a.1CS-165, VCT Outlet Isolation Final Position Positioner b.1CS-291, RWST to CSIP Isolation Verifier Final Position Positioner c.1CC-114, CCW to Sample HX Isolation Verifier Final Position Positioner Verifier d.1BD-49, S/G 1C-SN BLovdovn CNMT Isolation Final Position Positioner Verifier e.1CC-304, CCW to Cross Failed Fuel Detector Final Position Positioner Verifier 21.Return the SGWLU System to desired lineup per OP-183.03.

OST"1083 Rev.3 Page 14 of 52 OS1 7.2 Train A Safet In'ection-Go Circuit (K602)(continued) 22.Remove Ronans and land leads lifted in Step 7.2.4.d on the appropriate points: 'A'team Generator PIC-2 TBF 10 and 11 TECHNICIAN VERIFIER PIC-3 TBF 10 and 11 TECHNICIAN


'C'team Generator VERIFIER PIC-2 TBF 16 and 17 TECHNICIAN PIC-3 TBF 16 and 17 VERIFIER TECHNICIAN 7.3 Train A Safet In ection-Go Circuit (K603)VERIFIER CAUTION The following test isolates the normal charging line.1.Direct the I6C Technician to install jumper between terminals 44 and 58 in ARP-19A (SA)F3 to defeat the SG Low Pressure interlock for 1BD-11 unless already done by OP-183.01.(Ref.2.5.b.3)OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 15 of 52 Os 1 7.3 Train A Safet In'ection-Go Circuit (K603)(continued) 2.If any Steam Generator level is below 38.5X, direct the I&C Technician to lift the lead at terminal 60 in ARP-19A (SA)F3 to defeat the S.G.low level interlock for 1BD-11 (Mark this step NA if.the lead was not reconnected in Section 7.2).-3.Prepare the following equipment for testing as follows'.a~b.1CS-238, Charging Line Isolation 1SI-4, BIT Outlet Isolation OPEN SHUT C~1SI-246, Accumulator 1A-SA Discharge SHUT d.1SI-246, Control Switch SHUT e.1BD-11, S/G 1A-SN Blowdown Isolation OPEN 1SI-246 Breaker on MCC 1A21-SA Cob.e SC SHUT g~h.1~1SI-1, CSIP's to BIT Isolation 1SI-2, CSIP's to BIT Isolation SGWLU pump for A SIG SHUT SHUT SECURED j.Train A Ventilation'.

(1)3CZ-B1(SA-1), CR Norm Intake (MCB)OPEN (2)3CZ-B3(SA-1), CR Norm Exh (MCB)OPEN (3)E-9(1A-SA), Normal Exhaust Fan ON (MCB)(4)3CZ-BS(SA-l), Equip Prot Room Air OPEN (AEP-1)Inlet Vlv (5)(6)3CZ-B7(SA"1), Elec Equip Prot Room OPEN (AEP-1)Vent Isol L 3AC-D4(SA-~)s RAB Swgr Rm A Ret SHUT (AEP-1)Air Damper (7)E-28(1A-SA), Swgr Rm A Exh Fan ON (AEP-1)OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 16 of 52 Osl 7.3 Train A Safet In'ection-Co Circuit (K603)(continued)

(8)E-28(1B-SA), Swgr Rm A Exh Fan ON (AEP-1)(9)3AC-D3(SA-1), Swgr Rm.A OAI 1st 1 OPEN (AEP-', SLB-11)(10)E-10(1A-SA), Elec Equip Rm Exh Fan ON (A P-1)(11)3CZ-Bll(SA-1), CR Em Filt OAI Vlv OPEN (MCB)(12)3CZ"B9(SA-1)

CR Em Filt OAI Vlv (MCB)OPEN (13)R-13(l&2A-NNS), ARR For Comp/Comm OFF (AEP-3)Rm (14)R-13(1&2B-NNS)

ARR For Comp/Comm Rm (AEP-3)OFF (15)CK-B7-1&2, Comp Rm Normal Intake OPEN (AEP-3)(16)CK"B8-1&2, Comp Rm Normal Intake OPEN (AEP-3)(17)3CZ-D16(SA"1), CR EM Filt Recirc SHUT (MCB)NOTE: Accumulator 1A-SA must be depressurized or at the same pressure as the RCS to prevent injection of water into the loops.If necessary, use 1SI"295 and 1SI-298 to reduce the pressure in the accumulator.

4.Verify Accumulator 1A"SA pressure is less than or equal to RCS pressure.5 Establish phone communications between operations in the Main Control Room and the Safeguards Test Cabinet.6.Open Protection System Safeguards Test Train"A" Cabinet 2 door and, with Shift Foreman's approval, commence the slave relay test.OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 17 of 52 Osl 7.3 Train A Safet In'ection-Go Circuit (K603)(continued) 7.Energize slave relay K603 by turning test switch S909 clockwise and depressing momentarily.(Test switch will spring return to the normal left-hand position.)

8.Verify the equipment, realigns as follows: a~b.C~e.1CS-238, Charging Line Isolation 1SI-4, BIT Outlet Isolation 1SI-246, Accumulator 1A-SA Discharge 1BD-11, S/G lA"SN Blowdown Isolation Train A Ventilation:

SHUT OPEN OPEN SHUT (1)3CZ-B1(SA-l), CR Norm Intake (MCB)(2)3CZ-B3(SA-1), CR Norm Exh (MCB)(3)E-9(1A-SA)

Normal Exhaust Fan (MCB)SHUT SHUT OFF (4)3CZ-B5(SA-1), Equip Prot Room Air SHUT (AEP-1)Inlet Vlv (5)3CZ-B7(SA-1), Elec Equip Prot Room SHUT (AEP-1)Vent Isol (6)3AC-D4(SA-1), RAB Swgr Rm A Ret (AEP-1)Air Damper (7)E-28(lA-SA), Swgr Rm A Exh Fan (AEP-1)(8)E-28(1B-SA), Swgr Rm A Exh Fan (AEP-1)OPEN OFF OFF (9)3AC-D3(SA-1), Swgr Rm A OAI Isol (AEP-l, SLB-11)(10)E-10(lA-SAQ, Elec Equip Rm Exh Fan (AEP-1)(ll)3CZ-Bll(SA-1), CR Emer Filt OAI (MCB)Vlv SHUT OFF SHUT OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 18 of 52

OS1 7.3 Train A Safet in'ection-Go Circuit (K603)(continued)

(12)3CZ-B9(SA-1), CR Emer Filt OAI Vlv SHUT (MCB)(13)R-13(l&"A-NNS), ARR For Comp/Comm ON (AEP-3)Rm (14)R-13(1&2B-NNS), ARR For Comp/Comm ON (AEP-3)Rm (15)CK-B7-1&2, Comp Rm Normal Intake SHUT (AEP-3)(16)CK-B8-1&2, Comp Rm Normal Intake SHUT (AEP-3)(17)3CZ-D16(SA-1), CR Em Filt Recirc OPEN (MCB)9.Position reset svitch S921 to RESET.10.Reset the Control Room Isolation Signal ll.Prepare following equipment for testing as follows'.a.Train A ventilation (1)CK-B6 (1&2), Smoke Pur In Comp Rm OPEN (AEP-3)(2)ES-7(1&2-NNS), Smoke Pur Exh Fan ON (AEP"3)(3)ES-1A, Purge Exhaust Fan (MCB)ON (4)3CZ-B17(SA-1), CR Purge Makeup Vlv OPEN (MCB)(5)3CZ-B13(SA-1), CR Purge Exh (MCB)OPEN 12.Energize slave relay K603 by turning test switch S909 clockwise and depressing momentarily.(Test svitch vill spring return to the'Normal left-hand position).

OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 19 of 52 OSl 7.3 Train A Safet In'ection-Go Circuit (K603)(continued) 13.Verify the following equipment realigns as follows: a.Train A ventilation (1)CK-B6 (1&2), Smoke Pur In Comp Rm SHUT (2)ES-7(1&2-NNS), Smoke Pur Exh Fan OFF (3)ES-lA, Purge Exhaust Fan OFF (4)3CZ-B17(SA-1), CR Purge Makeup Vlv SHUT (5)3CZ-B13(SA-1), CR Purge Exh 14.Position reset switch S921 to RESET.SHUT 15.Verify the following equipment status: b.C~1CS-238, Charging Line Isolation 1SI-4, BIT Outlet Isolation 1SI-246, Accumulator lA-SA Discharge SHUT OPEN SHUT d.e.1BD-'ll, S/G 1A-SN Blowdown Isolation SHUT Train A Ventilation (1)3CZ-Bl(SA-1), CR Norm Intake (MCB)(2)3CZ-B3(SA-1), CR Norm Exh (MCB)SHUT SHUT (3)E-9(1A-SA), Normal Exhaust Fan (MCB)(4)3CZ-B5(SA-1), Equip Prot Rm Air (AEP"1)Inlet Vlv (5)3CZ-B7(SA-l), Elec Equip Prot Rm (AEP-1)Vent Isol I (6)3AC-D4(SA-1')p RAB Swgr Rm A Ret (AEP-1)Damper (7)E"28(lA-SA), Swgr Rm A Exh Fan (AEP-1)OFF SHUT SHUT OPEN OFF OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 20 of 52 OS1 7.3 Train A Safet In'ection-Go Circuit (K603)(continued)

(8)E-28(1B-SA), Swgr Rm A Exh Fan OFF (AEP-1)3AC-D3(SA-1), Swgr Pw A OAI Isol SHUT (AEP-1, SLB-ll)(10)E"10(1A-SA), Elec Equip Rm Exh Fan OFF (AEP-1)(11)3CZ-B17(SA-1), CR Purge Makeup Vlv SHUT (MCB)(12)3CZ-B11(SA-1), CR Emer Filt OAI SHUT (MCB)Vlv (13)R-13(1&2A-NNS), ARR for Comp/Comm Rm (AEP-3)ON (14)R-13(1&2B-NNS), ARR for Comp/Comm Rm (AEP-3)ON (15)ES-7(l&2X-NNS), Smoke Purge Exh OFF Fan (AEP-3)(16)CK"B7-1&2, Comp Rm Normal Intake SHUT (AEP-3)(17)CK-B8-1&2,Comp Rm Normal Intake SHUT (AEP-3)(18)CK-B6-1&2, Smoke Pur Intake (AEP"3)SHUT (19)(20)SHUT 3CZ-D16(SA-1), CR Em Filt Recirc OPEN (MCB)3CZ"B13(SA-1), CR Purge Exh (MCB)(21)ES-1A, Purge Exhaust Fan (MCB)OFF (22)3CZ-B9(SA"1), CR Emer Filt OAI Vlv (MCB).SHUT 16.Direct the I&C Technician to remove jumper installed in Step.7.3.1 unless required by OP-183.01'echnician Verifier OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 21 of 52 OS1 7.3 Train A Safet Iniection-Go Circuit (K603)(continued) 17.Direct the I&C Technician to reconnect the lead lifted in Step 7.3.2 (Mark this Step NA if Section 7.4 is to be performed next).Techni"ian Verifier 18.Realign the following equipment as required for plant operations', a.1CS-238, Charging Line Isolation Final Position Positioner Verifier b.1SI-4, BIT Outlet Isolation Final Position Positioner Verifier c.1SI-246, Accumulator lA-SA Discharge Final Position Positioner d.1BD-ll, S/G 1A-SN Blowdown Isolation Verifier Final Position Positioner Verifier e.1SI-246 Breaker on MCC 1A21-SA Cub.5C Final Position Positioner Verifier f.Train A Ventilation (1)3CZ-B1(SA-1), CR Norm Intake (MCB)Final Position Positioner Verifier (2)E-9(lA-SA), Normal Exhaust Fan (MCB)Final Position Positioner Verifier OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 22 of 52 OS1 7.3 Train A Safet In ection" Go Circuit (K603)(continued)

(3)3CZ-B3(SA-1), CR Norm Exh (HCB)Final Position Positioner Verifier (4)3CZ-B5(SA-I), Equip Pro" Room Air Inlet Valve (AEP-1)Final Position Positioner Verifier (5)3CZ-B7(SA-l), Elec Equip Prot Rm Vent Isol (AEP-1)Final Position Positioner Verifier (6)3AC-D4(SA"1), RAB SWGR Rm A Ret Air Damper (AEP-1)Final Position Positioner Verifier (7)E-28(1A-SA), SWGR Rm A Exh Fan (AEP-1)Final Position Positioner Verifier (8)E-28(lB-SA), SWGR Rm A Exh Fan (AEP-1)Final Position Positioner Verifier (9)3AC-D3(SA-1), SWGR Rm A OAI Isol (AEP"1, SLB-11)Final Position Positioner Verifier (10)E-10(1A-SA), Elec Equip Rm Exh Fan (AEP-1)Final Position Positioner Verifier (11)3CZ-B17 (SA-1), CR Purge Nakeup Vl v (MCB)Final Position Positioner Verifier OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 23 of 52 Osl 7.3 Train A Safet In ection-Co Circuit (K603)(continued)

(12)3"2-811(SA-1), CR Emer Filt OAI Vlv (MCB)Final Position Positioner Verifier (13)R-13(l&2A-NNS), ARR for Comp/Comm Rm (AEP-3)Final Position'ositioner Verifier (14)ES-7(1&2X-NNS), Smoke Pur Exh Fan (AEP-3)Final Position Positioner Verifier (15)CK-B7-1&2, Computer Room Normal Intake (AEP-3)Final Position Positioner Verifier (16)CK-B8-1&2, Computer Room Normal intake (AEP"3)Final Position Positioner Verifier (17)CK-B6-1&2, Smoke Pur Intake (AEP-3)Final Position Positioner (18)3CZ-D16(SA-l), CR Em Filt Recirc (MCB)Verifier Final Position Positioner Verifier (19)3CZ-B13(SA-1), CR Purge Exh (MCB)Final Position Positioner Verifier (20)ES-1A, Purge Exhaust Fan OST-1083 Rev.3 Final Position Positioner Verifier Page 24 of 52 Osl 7.3 Train A Safet In'ection-Go Circuit (K603)(continued)

(21)3CZ"B9(SA-1), CR Emer Filt OAI Vlv Final Position Positioner Verifier (22)R-13(162B)

ARR for Comp/Comm Rm (AEP-3)Final Position Positioner Verifier]9.Verify Accumulator 1A-SA is repressurized once discharge valve 1SI-246 is SHUT if depressurized in a previous step.20.Return the SGMLU System to the desired lineup per OP-183.01.

7.4 Train A Safet In'ection-Go Circuit (K608)CAUTION The perEormance of this test diverts the A Train ESM Return Header to the Auxiliary Reservoir.

This test should not be performed if the Circulating Mater System has been recently chlorinated (check with Chemistry to determine restrictions)

OR if the CTMU System is not available for makeup to the cooling tower basin.Maintain maximum makeup Elow and monitor basin level to avoid the cavitation of a Service Water Pump.1.Direct the I&C Technician to install jumper between terminals 93 and 107 in ARP-19A (SA)F3 to defeat the SG Low Pressure interlock Eor 1BD-30 unless already done by OP-183.02.(Ref.2.5.b.2)2.If any Steam Generator level is below 38.5X, direct the ISC Technician to lift the lead at terminal 60 in ARP" 19A (SA)F3 to defeat the SG low level interlock Eor 1BD-30 (Mark this sXep NA if lead not reconnected in Section 7.3)~OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 25 of 52 OS1 7.3 Train A Safet In'ection" Go Circuit (K603)(continued) 3.Prepare the following equipment for testing as fcl.lows: a.1SW-270, ESW Hdr A Return to Aux Rsvr SHUT B s 1BD-30, S/G IE-SN Bloudoun CNHT Isol OPEN c.1SP-222, S/G 1B-SN Sample CNMT Isol OPEN d.1SP-217, S/G 1A"SN Sample CNMT Isol OPEN e.SGWLU pump for B S/G SECURED 4e Establish phone communications between operators in the Main Control Room and the Safeguards Test Cabinet.5.Open Protection System Safeguards Test Train"A" Cabinet 2 door and, with Shift Foreman's approval, commence the slave relay test.NOTE: 1SM-270 will cycle from shut to open then back to shut when K608 is energized.

6.Energize slave relay K608 by turning test switch S910 clockwise and depressing momentarily.(Test s~itch will spring return to the normal left"hand position.)

7.Verify the following valves realign as follows', a.1SM-270, ESM Hdr A Return to Aux Rsvr OPEN THEN SHUT U.IBD-30, S7G IB-SN Bloudoun CNHT Isol SHUT c.1SP-222, S/G 1B-SN Sample CNMT Isol SHUT d.1SP-217, S/G lA-SN Sample CNMT Isol SHUT 8.Position reset switch S921 to RESET.9.Verify the following valve status'.a.1SW-270, ESW Hdr A Return to Aux Rsvr SHUT OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 26 of 52 Osl 7.4 Train A Safet In ection-Go Circuit (K608)(continued) b.1BD-30, S/G 1B"SN Bio+down CNMT Isol SHUT c.1SP-222, S/G 1B-SN Sample CNMT Isol SHUT d.1SP-217, S/G 1A-SN Sample CNMT Isol SHUT 10.Direct the I&C Technician to remove jumper installed in Step.7.4.1 unless required by OP-183.02.

Technician Verifier 11.Direct the 16C Technician to reconnect the lead lifted in Step 7.4.2.Technician Verifier 12.Reposition the following valves as required for plant operations:

a.1SW-270, ESW Hdr A Return to Aux Rsvr Final Position Positioner Verifier b.1BD-30, S/G 18-SN Blovdown CNMT Isol Final Position Positioner c.1SP-222, S/G 1B-SN Sample CNMT Isol Verifier Final Position Positioner Verifier d.1SP-217, S/G lA-SN Sample CNMT Isol Final Position Positioner Verifier 13.Return the SGWLU System to the desired lineup per OP-183.02.

OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 27 of 52 OS1 7.5 Train A Safet In'ection-Go Circuit (K610)1.Prepare the equipment for testing as follows: a.Diesel Generator 1A-SA-Prepare for startup per OP-155 b.1CH-149, Chill Water to NESSR Fan Clrs OPEN c.1CH-197, Chill Water to NESSR Fan Clrs OPEN d.ALB-23-3-7, RAB NORM EXE XBOL DMPR TRBL OPP e.A Train RAB Normal Exhaust Dampers: (1)AV-D3SA-1 (2)AV-D5SA-1 (3)AV-D7SA-1 (4)AV-D9SA-1 (5)AV-D11SA-1 (6)AV-D13SA-1 (7)AV-D15SA-1 (8)AV-D17SA-1 (9)AV"D19SA-1 (10)AV-D21SA-1 (11)AV-D23SA-1 (12)AV"D25SA-1 (13)AV-D27SA-1 (14)AV-D29SA-1 (15)AV-D31SA-1 (16)AV-D33SA-1

'17)AV-D35SA-1 (18)AV-D37SA-1 OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OST"1083 Rev.3 Page 28 of 52 OS1 7.5 Train A Safet In ection-Go Circuit (K610)(continued)

(19)AV-D52SA-1 (20)AV-D58SA-1 (21)AV-D62SA-1 (22)AV-D66SA"1 (23)AV-D70SA-1 (24)AV-D74SA-1 (25)AV-D78SA-1 (26)AV-D82SA-1 (27)AV-D86SA-1 OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN 2.Establish phone communications between operators in the Main Control Room and the Safeguards Test Cabinet.3.Open Protection System Safeguards Test Train"A" Cabinet 2 door and, with Shift Foreman's approval, commence the slave relay test.4.Coordinate with the diesel operator to prelube the Diesel Generator and energize slave relay K610 by turning test switch S912 clockvise and depressing momentarily.(Test switch vill spring return to the normal left"hand position.)

5'erify the equipment realigns as follows: Diesel Generator 1A-SA STARTS b.C~'d~1CH-149, Chill Water to NESSR Fan Clrs SHUT 1CH-197, Chill Water to NESSR Fan Clrs SHUT ALB-23-3-7, RAB CFORM EXH ISOL DMPR TRBL ON e.OST-1083 Rev.3 A Train RAB Normal Exhaust Dampers: (1)AV-D3SA-1 (2)AV-D5SA-1 SHUT SHUT Page 29 of 52 OS1 7.5 Train A Safet In'ection-Go Circuit (K610)(continued)

(3)AV-D7SA-1 (4)AV-D9SA-1 (5)AV-011SA-1 (6)AV-D13SA-1 (7)AV-D15SA-1 (8)AV"D17SA-1 (9)AV-D19SA-1 (10)AV-D21SA-1 (11)AV-D23SA-1 (12)AV-D25SA-1 (13)AV-D27SA-1 (14)AV-D29SA-1 (15)AV-D31SA-1 (16)AV-D33SA-1 (1/)AV-D35SA-1 (18)AV-D37SA-1 (19)AV-D52SA-1 (20)AV-D58SA-1 (21)AV-D62SA-1 (22)AV-D66SA"1 (23)AV-D70SA-1 (24)AV-D74SA-1 (25)AV-D78SA-.3.


Osl 7.5 Train A Safet In'ection-Go Circuit (K610)(continued) 7.Verify the folloving equipment status'.a.Diesel Generator 1A-SA RlJNN ING b." 1CH-149, Chill Water to NESSR Fan C's SHUT C~1CH-197, Chill Water to.NESSR Fan Clrs SHUT d.ALB-23-3-7, RAB NORM EXH ISOL DMPR TRBL OFF e.A Train RAB Normal Exhaust Dampers: (1)AV-D3SA-1 (2)AV-D5SA-1 (3)AV-D7SA"1 (4)AV"D9SA-1 (5)AV-D11SA-1 (6)AV-D13SA-1 (7)AV-D15SA-1 (8)AV-D17SA-1 (9)AV-D19SA-1 (10)AV-D21SA-1 (11)AV-D23SA-1 (12)AV-D25SA-1 (13)AV-D27SA-1 (14)AV-D29SA-1 (15)AV"D31SA-1 (16)AV-D33SA-1 (17)AV-D35SA~l

': "C.(18)AV-D37SA-1 ,OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN (19)AV"D52SA-1 (20)AV-D58SA-1 OPEN OPEN OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 31 of 52 OS1 7.5 Train A Safet ln'ection-Go Circuit (K610)(continued)

(21)AV-D62SA-1 (22)AV-D66SA-1 (23)AV-D70SA-1 OPEN OPEN OPEN (24)AV-D74SA-'PEN (25)AV-D78SA-1 (26)AV-D82SA-1 (27)AV-D86SA-1 OPEN OPEN OPEN 8.Secure the 1A-SA Diesel Generator per OP-155.9.Return RAB Normal Ventilation to service per OP-172, RAB HVAC System.10.Realign the following equipment as required for plant operations:

a.1CH-149, Chilled Water to NESSR Fan Coolers Final Position Positioner Verifier b.1CH-197, Chilled Water to NESSR Fan Coolers Final Position Positioner Verifier OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 32 of 52 OS1 7.6 Train A Safet In'ection-Go Circuit (K636)CAUTION 1CS-745, CSIP A Alt Miniflow, must be CLOSED prior to opening 1CS-746 to prevent lifting the Miniflow Line relief valve.1.Prepare the valves for testing as follows: a.1CS-746, CSIP A Alt Miniflow Valve b.1CS-745, CSIP A Alt Miniflow Valve SHUT SHUT 2~Establish phone communications between operators in the Main Control Room and the Safeguards Test Cabinet.3.Open Protection System Safeguards Test Train"A" Cabinet 2 door and, with Shift Foreman's approval, commence slave relay test.4.Energize slave relay K636 by turning test switch S911 clockwise and depressing momentarily.(Test switch will spring return to the normal left-hand position.)

5.Verify the valves realign as follows.a.1CS-746, CSIP A Alt Miniflow Valve OPEN 6.Position reset switch S921 to RESET.7.Verify the following valve status.a.1CS-746, CSIP A Alt Miniflow Valve OPEN OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 33 of 52 Osl 7,6 Train A Safet Zn ection-Go Circuit (K636)(continued)

CAUTION 1CS-745, CSIP A Alt Miniflow Valve, must be CLOSED prior to opening 1CS-746 to prevent lifting the Miniflow Line relief valve.8.Reposition the following valves as required for plant operations:

a.1CS-745, CSIP 1A-SA Alternate Miniflow Valve Final Position Positioner Verifier b.1CS-746, CSIP lA-SA Alternate Miniflow Valve Final Position Positioner Verifier OST"1083 Rev.3 Page 34 of 52 Os 1 7'Train A Containment Isolation Phase A-Go Circuit (K622)NOTE: The actuation of this slave relay will cause one letdown orifice isolation valve to SHUT.1.Prepare the equipment for testing as follows: a.1CS-9, Letdown Orifice C Isolation OPEN b.1SI-263, Accumulator Test Return Isol OPEN c.1SW-231, NNS CENT Peo Cooler SW Supply OPEN d.1SW-2402 NNS CNMT Fan Cooler SW Return OPEN e.CNMT Fan Coolers: (1)AH-37 (1A-NNS)(2)AH-37 (1B-NNS)(3)AH-38 (1A-NNS)(4)AH-38 (1B-NNS)(5)AH-39 (1A-NNS)(6)AH-39 (18-NNS)ON ON ON ON ON ON 2.Establish phone communications between operators in the Main Control Room and the Safeguards Test Cabinet.NOTE: Monitor CNMT area temperatures and RCP motor and winding temperatures while CNMT Fans are out of service.3~Open Protection System Safeguards Test Train"A" Cabinet 2 door and, with Shift Foreman's approval, commence the slave relay test.4.Energize slave relay K622 by turning test switch S916 clockwise and depressing momentarily.(Test switch will spring return to the normal left-hand position.)

5~Verify the equipment realigns as follows.'.

1CS-9, Letdown Orifice C Isolation SHUT b.1SI-263, Accumulator Test Return Isol SHUT OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 35 of 52 0$1 7.7 Train A Containment Isolation Phase A-Go Circuit (K622)(continued) c.1SW"231>NNS CNMT Fan Cooler SW Supply SHUT d.1SW-240, NNS CNMT Fan Cooler SW Return SHUT e.CNMT Fan Coolers: (1)AH-37 (1A-NNS)(2)AH-37 (1B"NNS)(3)AH-38 (1A-NNS)(4)AH-38 (1B-NNS)(5)AH-39 (1A-NNS)(6)AH-39 (1B-NNS)6.Position reset switch S921 to RESET.OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF 7.Verify the following equipment status'.a~b.C~d.1CS-9, Letdown Orifice C Isolation'HUT 1SI-263, Accumulator Test Return Isol SHUT 1SW-231, NNS CNMT Fan Cooler SW Supply SHUT 1SW"240, NNS CNMT Fan Cooler SW Return SHUT e.CNMT Fan Coolers: (1),AH-37 (1A-NNS)(2)AH-37 (1B-NNS)(3)AH-38 (1A-NNS)(4)AH"38 (1B-NNS)(5)AH-39 (1A-NNS)L~'~(6)AH-39 (1B-NNS)OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 36 of 52 Osl 7.7 Train A Containment Isolation Phase A" Go Circuit (K622)(continued 8.Realign the following equioment as required for plant operations:

a.1CS-9, Letdown Orifice C Isolation Final Positior Positioner Verifier b.1SI-263, Accumulator Test Return Isolation Final Pos tion Positioner Ver'fier c.1SW-231, NNS CNMT Fan Cooler SW Supply Final Position Positioner Verifier d.1SW-240, NNS CNMT Fan Cooler SW Return Final Position Positioner Verifier e.CNMT Coolers: (1)AH"37 (lA-NNS)Final Position Positioner (2)AH"37 (18-NNS)Verifier Final Position Positioner (3)AH-38 (1A-NNS)Verifier Final Position Positioner (4)'H-38 (1B-NNS)Verifier Final Position Positioner

E.(5)AH-39 (1A-NNS)Verifier Final Position Positioner Verifier OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 37 of 52 0

OS1~7.7 Train A Containment Isolation Phase A-Co Circuit (K622)continued)

(6)AH-39 (1B-NNS)Final.Positior.Positioner Verifier OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 38 of 52 OS1 7.8 Train A Loo 1 AFW Line Isolation-Go Circuit (K615)1.Prepare the valves for testing as follows: a..1AF-137, AFW Pump 1X"SAB to S/G 1A-SN OPEN b.1AF-49, AFW Reg Valve to S/G 1A-SN OPEN 2.Unlock and Shut the.following valves to preven't cold water from being injected to the Steam Generators when Motor Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump is running.(NA for pump not to be run)a.1A MDAFW Pump (1)1AF-36, AFWP 1A First C S/G.(2)1AF-40, AFWP 1A Isolation to A S/G.b.1B MDAFW Pump (1)1AF-39, AFWP 1B First Isolation to C S/G.(2)1AF-42, AFWP 1B Isol,ation to B S/G.3.Start Aux Feedwater Pump 1A OR 1B (NA pump not used).a.1A MDAFW Pump b.1B MDAFW Pump 4.Establish phone communications between operators the Main Control Room and the Safeguards Test Cabinet.5.Open the Protection System Safeguards Test Train"A" Cabinet 2 door and, with the Shift Foreman's approval, commence the slave relay test.6 Energize slave relay K615 by turning test switch S922 clockwise and'depressing momentarily.(Test switch will spring return to the normal left-hand position.)

OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 39 of 52 Osl 7.8 Train A Loo 1 AFW Line Isolation-Go Circuit (K615)(continued) 7.Verify the valves realign as follows: a.1AF-137, AFW Pump 1X-SAB to S/G 1A-SN SHUT b.1AF-49, AFW Reg Valve to S/G 1A-SN SHUT 8.Release test switch S922 (Test s~itch will spring return to the normal left"hand position).

9.Position reset switch S921 to RESET.10.Realign the following valves as required for plant operations:

a.'AF-137, AFW Pump 1X"SAB to S/G 1A"SN Final Position Positioner b.1AF-49, AFW Reg Valve to S/G 1A-SN Verifier Final Position Positioner Verifier NOTE: Mark the following steps N/A if Section 7.9 is to be performed next.Stop the Aux Feedwater Pump started in Step 3 per OP-137.(NA pump not used)a~lA MDAFW Pump 12.b.1B MDAFW Pump Open and lock open the following valves'(NA valves not shut in Step 2)a.1A MDAFW Pump.(1)1AF-36, AFWP 1A First Isol to C S/G LOCKED OPEN VERIF OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 40 of 52

OS1 7.8 Train A"Loo 1 AFW Line Isolation-Go Circuit (K615)continued (2)1AF-40, AFWP 1A Isolation to A S/G LOCKED OPEN VERIF b.1B MDAFW Pump (1)1AF-39, AFWP 1B First Isol to C S/G LOCKED OPEN VERIF (2)1AF-42, AFWP 1B Isolation to B S/G LOCKED OPEN VERIF 7.9 Train A Loo 2 AFW Line Isolation-Go Circuit (K616)1.Prepare the valves for testing as follows: a.1AF"143, AFW Pump 1X-SAB to S/G)B-SB OPEN B.1AF-51, AFW ReS Valve te S/G 1B-SB OPEN NOTE: 2~Mark the following 2 steps N/A if this equipment was left in the required lineup in Section 7.8.Unlock and Shut the following valves to prevent cold water from being injected to the Steam Generators when Motor Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump is running.(NA for pump not to be run)a~b.1A MDAFW Pump (1)1AF-36, AFWP 1A First C S/G.(2)1AF-40, AFWP lA Isolation to A S/G.1B MDAFW Pump (1)1AF-39, AFA'B First C S/G.(2)1AF-42, AFWP 1B Isolation to B S/G.OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 41 of 52 Osl 7.9 Train A Loon 2 AFW Line isolation-Go Circuit (K616)(continued 3.Start Aux Feedwater Pump lA OR 1B.(NA pump not used)a.1A MDAFW Pump b.1B MDAFW Pump 4.Establish phone communications between operators in the Main Control Room and the Safeguards Test Cabinet.1 Open the Protection System Safeguards Test Train"A" Cabinet 2 door and, with the Shift Foreman's approval, commence the slave relay test.6, Energize slave relay K616 by turning test switch S923 clockwise and depressing momentarily.(Test switch will spring return to the normal left-hand position.)

7.Verify the valves realign as follows: a.1AF-143, AFW Pump 1X-SAB to S/G 1B-SN SHUT B.1AF-51, AFW Reg Valve to S/G 1B-SN SHUT 8.Release test switch S923 (Test switch will spring return to the normal left-hand position).

9.Position reset s~itch S921 to RESET.10'ealign the following valves as required for plant operations:

a.1AF-143, AFW Pump 1X-SAB to S/G 1B-SN Final Position'ositioner E.Verifier b.1AF-51, AFW Reg Valve to S/G 1B-SN Final Position Positioner Verifier OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 42 of 52

OS1 7.9 Train A Loo 2 AFW Line Isolation-Go Circuit (616)(continued)

NOTE: Mark the following steps N/A if Section 7,10 is'to be performed next.Stop the Aux Feedwater Pump started in Step 3 per OP-137.(NA pump not used)a~b.1A MDAFW Pump 1B MDAFW Pump 12.Open and lock open the following valves'(NA valves not shut in Step 2 of this section or 7.8)a~1A MDAFW Pump (1)1AF-36 AFWP 1A First Isol to C S/G.LOCKED OPEN VERIF (2)1AF-40 AFWP 1A Isolation to A S/G.LOCKED OPEN VERIF b.1B MDAFW Pump (1)1AF-39, AFWP 1B First C S/G LOCKED OPEN VERIF (2)1AF-42, AFWP 1B Isolation to B S/G LOCKED OPEN VERIF 7.10 Train A Loo 3 AFW Line Isolation-Go Circuit (K617)1.Prepare the valves Efor testing as follows'.a.1AF-149, AFW Pump 1X-SAB to S/G 1C-SN b.1AF-50, AFW Reg Valve to S/G 1C-SN OPEN OPEN OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 43 of 52 Osl 7.10 Train A Loo 3 AFW Line Isolation-Go Circuit (K617)(continued)

NOTE: Mark the following 2 steps N/A if this equ'pment was left in the requireo lineup'n Sr tion 7.9 2.Unlock and Shut the following valves to prevent co'.d water from being inj cted to the Steam Generators when Motor Driven Auxiliary Feedwate" Pump is running.(NA for pump not to be run)a.1A MDAFW Pump (1)lAF-36, AFWP 1A First C S/G.(2)1AF-40, AFWP 1A Isolation to A S/G.b.1B MDAFW Pump (1)1AF-39, AFWP 1B First C S/U~(2)1AF-42, AFWP 1B Isolation to B S/G.3.Start Aux Feedwater Pump 1A OR 1B.(NA pump not used)a.1A MDAFW Pump b.1B MDAFW Pump 4.Establish phone communications between operators in the Main Control Room and the Safeguards Test Cabinet.5~Open the Protection System Safeguards Test Train"A" Cabinet 2 door and, with Shift Foreman's approval, commence the slave relay test.6.Energize slave relay K617 by turning test switch S924 clockwise and depressing momentarily.(Test switch will spring return to the normal left-hand position.)

7.Verify the valves.realign as follows'.t a.1AF-149, AFW Pump 1X"SAB to S/G 1C-SN SHUT b.1AF-50, AFW Reg Valve to S/G 1C-SN SHUT OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 44 of 52 Osl 7.10 Train A Loo 3 AFW Line Isolation-Go Circuit (K617)continued 8.Release test s~itch S924 (Test switch w'll spring return to the normal left-hand position).

9.Position reset switch S921 to RESET.10.Realign the following valves as required for plant operations:

a.1AF-149, AFW Pump 1X-SAB to S/G 1C-SN Final Position Positioner b.1AF-50, AFW Reg Valve to S/G 1C-SN Verifier Final Position Positioner Verifier 11.Stop the Aux Feedwater Pump started in Step 3 per OP-137.(NA pump not used)a.1A MDAFW Pump b.1B MDAFW Pump 12.Open and lock open the following valves: (NA valves not shut in Step 2 of this section or 7.8 or 7.9)a.1A MDAFW Pump (1)lAF-36, AFWP 1A First Isol to C S/G~LOCKED OPEN VERIF.(2)1AF"40, AFWP 1A Isolation to"B" S/G.LOCKED OPEN VERIF.OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 45 of 52 Osl 7.10 Train A Loo 3 AFW Line Isolation-Go Circuit (K617)(continued) b.1B MDAFW Pump (1)lAF-39, AFWP 1B First' C S/G.LOCKED OPEN VERIF (2)1AF-42, AFWP 1B Isolation to B S/G.LOCKED OPEN VERIF 7.11 Train A SI for Switchover to Recirculation

-Go Circuit (K739 K740 K741)1.Prepare the equipment for testing as follows: a.b.C~1SI-300, CNMT Sump to RHR Pump A Isol SHUT 1SI-310, CNMT Sump to RHR Pump A Isol SHUT 1CT-105, CNMT Sump to CS Pump A Suet SHUT d.1CT-26, CNMT Spray Pump A Suction SHUT e.RWST/Lo-Lo LVL Bistables on TSLB-4, LB990C, LB991C, LB992C, and LB993C OFF f.CS Pump A Breaker on Emer Bus 1A2"SA Cub.4C RACKED OUT g.1CT-26 Breaker at MCC 1A21-SA Compt.10B.OFF 2~Have a Maintenance Electrician install a jumper across terminals 20 and 24 in MTC 8A-SA Panel 1 to simulate CS Pump breaker closure.CAUTION The water in the CNMT Spray System is contaminated, use appropriate actions in accordance with AP-503 in handling the contaminated fluid.3.Drain Containment Spray System A as follows: OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 46 of 52

Osl 7.11 Train A SI for Switchover to Recirculation

-Go Circuit (K739 K740 K741)(continued) a~Shut or check SHUT the following valves: (1)1CT-50 CNMT SPRAY PUMP A-SA DISCHARGE (2)1CT-47 CNMT SPRAY PUMP A-SA RECIRC (3)1CT-36 CS PUMP A EDUCTOR LINE INLET ISOL (4,)1CT-39 CS PUMP A EDUCTOR LINE OUTLET ISOL b.Open the low point drain at CNMT Spray.Pump (RAB 190): (1)1CT-28 CS PUMP A SUCTION LINE DRAIN (2)1CT-29 CS PUMP A SUCTION LINE DRAIN C~Open the high point vent at CNMT Penetration 23 (RAB 236): (1)1CT-45 SPRAY HDR A TEST CONN (2)1CT-46 SPRAY HDR A TEST CONN Mhen piping is empty, shut the low point drain valves: (1)1CT-28 CS PUMP A SUCTION LINE DRAIN (2)1CT-29 CS PUMP A SUCTION LINE DRAIN Verif.Verif.4.Establish communications between operators in the Main Control Room and the Safeguards Test Cabinet.5.Open Protection System Safeguards Test Train"A" Cabinet 2 door and, with Ship Foreman's approval,'commence the slave relay test.6.Energize slave relay K740 by turning test switch S940 clockwise and depressing momentarily.(Test switch will spring return to the normal left-hand position.)

OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 47 of 52 OS1 7.11 Train A SI for Switchover to Recirculation

-Go Circuit (K739 K740 K741)(continued) 7.Verify Bypass Permiss ve Light Panel light 4-8 SI Actuated RHR SUCT will xfer on RWST LO-LO LEVEL illuminates.

8.Verify light on SI SUCTION AUTO SWITCH OVER RESET TRAIN A illuminates.

9.Energize slave relay K741 by turning test switcn S941 clockwise and depressing momentarily.(Test switch will spring return to the normal left-hand position.)

10.Verify the valves realign as follows: a.1SI-300, CNMT Sump to RHR Pump A Isol OPEN b.1CT-105, CNMT Sump to CS Pump A Suet OPEN ll.Realign the valves as follows'.a.1SI-300, CNMT Sump to RHR Pump A Isol SHUT b.1CT"105, CNMT Sump to CS Pump A Suet SHUT 12.Energize slave relay K739 by turning test switch S942 clockwise and depressing momentarily.(Test switch will spring return to the normal left-hand position.)

13.Verify the valves realign as follows.'.

1SL-310, CNMT Sump to RHR Pump A Isol OPEN b.1CT-105, CNMT Sump to CS Pump A Suet OPEN 14.Realign the valves as follows'.a.1SI"310, CNMT Supp to RHR Pump A Isol SHUT b.1CT-105, CNMT Sump to CS Pump A Suet SHUT 15.Position reset switch S921 to RESET.OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 48 of 52 Os 1 7.11 Train A SI Eor Switchover to Recirculation

-Go Circuit (K739 K740 K741)continued 16.Position SI SUCTION AUTO SWITCHOVER RESET TRAIN A switch to RESET.17.VeriEy Bypass Permissive'ight Panel light 4-8 SI ACTUATED RHR SUCT WILL XFER ON RWST LO-L'0 LEVEL extinguishes.

N 18e Verify light on SI SUCTION AUTO SWITCH OVER RESET TRAIN A extinguishes.

19.Have the Maintenance Electrician remove the jumper across terminals 20 and 24 in MTC 8A-SA Panel 1.Electrician Verifier 20.Refill the Containment Spray System A piping as follows: a.b.Turn on power supply MCC 1A21-SA Compt.10B and then open 1CT"26 RWST to CNMT SPRAY PUMP A-SA.breaker ON valve OPEN When a solid water stream flows from the vent, close the following', independent verificatrion is required.c~1CT-45 SPRAY HDR A TEST CONN 1CT-46 SPRAY HDR A TEST CONN Vent the CS Pump A-SA casing.CLOSED CLOSED VENTED d.Vent aEfected instrumentation:

PI-7120A CSP"SA Suction Pressure PI-7120A CSP"S'A'eduction Pressure PI-7130A CSP-SA Discharge Pressure PI-7131A CSP-SA Discharge Pressure FT-7122A CSP-SA Flow VENTED VENTED VENTED VENTED VENTED OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 49 of 52

OS1 7.11 Train A SI for Switchover to Recirculation

-Go Circuit (K739 K740 K741)(continued) 21.Realign the follcwing equipment as required for plant operations:

a.1SI-300, CNMT Sump to RHR Pump A Isol Final Position Positioner Verifier b.1SI-310, CNMT Sump to RHR Pump A Isol Final Position Positioner Verifier c.1CT-105, CNMT to CS Pump A Suet Final Position Positioner d.1CT-26, CNMT Spray Pump A Suction Verifier Final Position Positioner Verifier e.CNMT Spray Pump A Breaker on Emer Bus 1A2-SA Compt.4C Final Position Positioner Verifier f.1CT-36, CS Pump A Eductor Line Inlet Isol Final Position Positioner Verifier g.1CT-39, CS Pump A Eductor Line Outlet Isol Final Position Positioner Verifier 8.0 DIAGRAMS/ATTACHMENTS Attachment I-Calibration Data Attachment II-Certifications and Reviews OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 50 of 52 OSl ATTACHMENT I Calibration Data Page 1 of 1 INST/MODEL 0 DESCRIPTION INST I.D.CPL DUE DATE VOLTMETER STOP MATCH*RONAN*RONAN*RONAN*RONAN*RONAN*RONAN-If required due to Drained S/G OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 51 of 52 Osl'TTACHMENT II-CERTIFICATIONS AND REVIEWS Page'1 of 1 This OST was erformed as a.'eriodic surveillance requirement Post-Maintenance Operability Test Redundant Subsystem Test Plant Conditions.'ST Completed by.Mode: DATE TIME OST Performed B Initials Name (Print)Initials Name (Print)General Comments/Recommendations/Corrective Actions: Pages Used: Fill out Task Sheet OSRM019 if done during refueling.

Fill out Task Sheet OSER019 if done during cold shutdown>72 hours.OST Has Been Satisfactoril

/Unsatisfactoril Com leted: Shift Foreman Date REVIEWED BY: Manager-Shift Operations Date OST-1083 Rev.3 Page 52 of 52