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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML02105019412 April 2002EOC Meeting Summary, Re; Performance for the Period of 04/01/2001 Through 12/31/2001
ML02149002331 May 2002Meeting with Nuclear Management Company, LLC, to Discuss Their Response to Interim Compensatory Measure B.2.b of the Security Orders
ML0304401093 March 2003Summary of Meeting Between Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Nuclear Management Company, LLC the Selective Scope Application of an Alternative Source TermPotassium iodide
ML03087088826 November 2002Fax from T. C. Kendall, Wisconsin Electric Company, to Ken O'Brien, USNRC, Re Mss Meetings 92-09, 92-11, 92-12 Excerpts, & Excerpts from Revision 0 of AFW Design Basis Document Addressing Recirculation AOV & AFW Recirculation Flow Control OSafe Shutdown
ML03122026325 April 2003Summary of Public Meeting with Nuclear Management Company, LLC Re Point Beach Performance
ML03168108616 June 2003Regulatory Conference Summary Letter (and Enclosure 2) to Discuss Preliminary Red Inspection FindingSignificance Determination Process
ML03183050524 June 2003PB95003 Meeting Summary 624 Slides Enclosure 1
ML03231014818 August 2003Point Beach & Kewaunee Meeting Summary Reactor Vessel Head Replacement Activities
ML03231039518 August 2003Point Beach & Kewaunee Meeting Summary Reactor Vessel Head Replacement Activities
ML0324708384 September 2003Public Meeting to Discuss Status of NRC Supplemental Inspection Per Inspection Procedure 95003 at Point Beach
ML0336406075 January 2004Summary of Meeting with Nuclear Management Company, LLC Potential Repairs That May Overlap Remnant j-groove Welds on the Upper Reactor Vessel Head Penetrations
ML04072013611 March 2004Summary of Public Meeting with NRC Executive Director for Operations & Regional Administrator to Discuss with Senior NMC Officials Results of NRC Inspection Procedure (IP) 95003 Supplemental Inspection and Recent Performance of Point Beach
ML04086058326 March 2004Public Meeting on with Nuclear Management Company, Llc to Discuss Performance Improvement Commitments
ML0413400455 May 2004Public Meeting Summary, Point Beach 2003 End-of-Cycle Assessment
ML04161014926 May 2004May 3, 2004 Summary of Telephone Conference Between NRC & NMC Concerning Receipt of Aging Management Program Post Audit RAIs Pertaining to Pt. Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 & 2, LRA (Letter and Enclosure 1)Aging Management
ML0421901524 August 2004Summary of Meeting with Nuclear Management Co, LLC Regarding Performance of Point Beach Plant
ML04232065319 August 2004Summary of Telephone Conference Held on July 15, 2004, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Nuclear Management Company, LLC, Concerning Draft Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Point Beach Nuclear Plant, UniAging Management
ML0425701307 September 2004Summary of Public Meeting with Nuclear Management Co, LLC Regarding Performance of the Point Beach Nuclear Plant
ML04264026317 September 2004Summary of Telephone Conference with Nuclear Management Company, LLC Regarding Draft Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 & 2, LRAFunctionality Assessment
Aging Management
License Renewal
ML04299050621 October 2004Summary of Telephone Conference on August 19, 2004, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Nuclear Management Company, LLC, Concerning Draft Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Point Beach Nuclear Plant, UnitsFire Barrier
Aging Management
License Renewal
ML04301034526 October 2004Summary of Public Meeting Between NRC and Nuclear Management Company, LLC Regarding Performance of the Point Beach Nuclear Plant
ML04327065618 November 2004Summary of Telephone Conference Held on November 5, 2004, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Nuclear Management Company, LLC, Concerning Draft Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Point Beach Nuclear Plant,Aging Management
ML04328068422 November 2004Summary of Telephone Conference with NRC and Nuclear Management Company, LLC Re Draft Request for Additional Information Pertaining to Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2Boric Acid
Aging Management
Flow Induced Vibration
ML04358018022 December 2004Summary of Public Meeting with Nuclear Management Company, Llc. to Discuss Engineering Initiatives
ML05006016716 December 2004Summary of Telephone Conference Held on December 15, 2004, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Nuclear Management Company, LLC Concerning Draft Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Point Beach, Units 1 & 2...Aging Management
Stress corrosion cracking
License Renewal
ML05006035720 December 2004Summary of Telephone Conference Held on December 17, 2004, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Nuclear Management Company, LLC, Concerning Draft Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to Point Beach Nuclear Plant, UniAging Management
License Renewal
ML05013019210 January 2005Summary of Telephone Conference Held on January 5, 2005, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Nuclear Management Company, LLC, Concerning Draft Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Point Beach Nuclear Plant, U
ML05026031919 January 2005Summary of Telephone Conference Held on January 10, 2005, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Nuclear Management Company, LLC, Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Point Beach Nuclear Plant, UnitsCoatings
Aging Management
Flow Accelerated Corrosion
Stress corrosion cracking
Eddy Current Testing
License Renewal
Fire Protection Program
ML05026063619 January 2005Summary of Telephone Conference Held on January 10, 2005, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Nuclear Management Company, LLC, Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Point Beach Nuclear Plant, UnitsBoric Acid
Aging Management
License Renewal
ML05026069919 January 2005Summary of Telephone Conference Held on January 10, 2005, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Nuclear Management Company, LLC, Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units
ML05027004619 January 2005Summary of Telephone Conference Held on January 10, 2005, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Nuclear Management Company, LLC, Concerning Draft Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Point Beach NuclearNon-Destructive Examination
Aging Management
License Renewal
Control of Heavy Loads
ML05027012125 January 2005Summary of Telephone Conference Held on January 05, 2005, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Nuclear Management Company, LLC, Concerning Requests for Additional Information Pertaining to the Point Beach Nuclear Plant, UnitsBoric Acid
Aging Management
Flow Accelerated Corrosion
License Renewal
Through-Wall Leakage
ML0508304523 June 2004NRR-2004-A-0026, Allegations Review Board Briefing and Meeting Summary SheetCondition Adverse to Quality
ML05115048525 April 2005Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss the Point Beach End-of-Cycle Plant Performance Assessment
ML05168005016 June 2005Summary of Telecon on May 26, 2005, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Nuclear Management Company, LLC, Concerning Open and Confirmatory Items Pertaining to the Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Safety Evaluation RepAging Management
Through-Wall Leak
Dissimilar Metal Weld
ML05270050827 September 2005Summary of Telephone Conference Call Held on August 10, 2005, Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Nuclear Management Company, LLC, Concerning Comments to the Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 & 2, Draft Safety Evaluation Rep
ML06044064210 February 2006Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss Point Beach Self-Assessments, Summary Letter & Licensee Slides
ML06052065716 February 2006Point Beach Public Meeting Summary, to Discuss Improvement InitiativesBoric Acid
Time of Discovery
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
ML06090060730 March 2006Public Meeting Summary Point Beach Plant Performance Annual Assessment
ML0707105276 March 2007Public Meeting Summary: February 21, 2007, to Discuss NMC Initiatives on Conduct of OPS
ML0709505505 April 2007Summary of Public Meeting with Nuclear Management Company to Discuss the Point Beach End-of-Cycle Plant Performance Assessment
ML08086003730 April 2008Summary of Teleconference Regarding Point Beach Nuclear Plant Proposed Power UpratePower Uprate
ML08205058923 July 2008Summary of 07/16/2008, Public Meeting to Discuss the 2007 Point Beach End-of-Cycle Performance Assessment
ML0822701586 October 2008Summary of Meeting with FPL Energy Point Beach LLC, on the Auxiliary Feedwater Technical Specification Completion Time Extension Amendment RequestSafe Shutdown
Unanalyzed Condition
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
Fire impairment
Operator Manual Action
Emergency Lighting
Fire Watch
ML0824806394 September 2008Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss Cross-Cutting Issues, Nuclear Safety Culture Assessment, and Confirmatory Order EA-06-178 at the Point Beach Nuclear Plant
ML0826801106 October 20089/8/08 - Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, Summary of the September 8, 2008, Meeting with FPL Energy Point Beach, LLC, on Their Proposed Extended Power Uprate Application (Tac No. MD9526 and MD9527)
ML0828101267 October 2008Summary of Meeting Between NRC Region III Management and FPL Energy Point Beach, LLC Representatives to Discuss the Cross-Cutting Issues and Recent Culture Survey
ML0829100936 November 2008Summary of the October 14, 2008, Pre-Application Meeting with FPL Energy Point Beach, LLC, on the Proposed Alternative Source Term Amendment RequestBackfit
Power Uprate
ML08323082020 November 2008Teleconference Summary Regarding the 2008 Steam Generator Tube Inspection Results
ML09140019320 May 2009Summary of Public Meeting to Discuss the Progress on Actions Taken in Response to a Nuclear Safety Culture Survey in 2008 - Point Beach Nuclear Plant