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Forwards Resolution Withdrawing City of Newton from Proceeding Before AEC
Person / Time
Site: Oconee, McGuire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/02/1973
From: Sigmon J
To: Bouknight J
Shared Package
ML19317E707 List:
NUDOCS 7912180861
Download: ML19317E711 (2)


  • -. .

SIGMON AND SIGMON Arrowave awn Couwmar.zons av Law Jasse c s3CmON (88851964 Sacasom Bessmwo.94 Was? A StemeT fassa c sicuoM. Ja. Nswrow, Nontu Canos.swA seeme Ten.apooses se4.osos March 2, 1973 g\

(%N lion. J. A. Boukninht, Jr.

Tally, Tally c Douknight Attorneys at L1w Poat Offico Drawer 1660 Fayct.tevillo, ilorth Carolina 28302 Re: City of !!cwton - Duke Power Company

Dear Mr. Douhnicht:

Thn Board of Aldermen of the City of liewton hold its special necti.nq at 1:00 o'cicek P. M. today to concider the position of the City in thn Duke cano nendinn hoforo the Atonic Enerny Corrission and, after considerable discussion, adented a i'.esolution determining to finally with-draw free the proceedinn.

I encione heronith a certifled copy of the Panolution sinnifying this action recucating thit you take meh r-easures as the Chairnan may require to di:nier the intervention of the city of : outon in the proceedine. I t.:a conding a cortified cony of the 2ct;n1t *:!cn together with a cony of this letter to you to ltr. Connott.

I hono that t'.13 will suffice to enable the Court to cnter such orders necessary to tor"inate the City of !!cwton's particination in the crococdinq.

Both the Coverning tioard end I express our apnrociation to you and to your firm in nurnuinn the interest of the Citv of !!cuton and the other cu..;ns in thit: prococding, and c::nrc'io the houen that the proceedine will ba ent.irel y nuccensful incofar as the cities position would he concerned.

Thanhing you and with kind renards, I remain p Yours very truly,

.J Josco C. Sinmon, Jr.  !

City Attorney JCSjr/ds Enclosuro cc: Atonic-Enorav Corniccion

?!ayor of the City of '!cuton Menhers of the Board of Aldernen of the City of flowton q q/ }/ {Q %l


City .!anaoor

F* *  %


VRE1 TEAS. the City of Newton has heretofore been joined as a party intervenor in that cettain proccedian pening before the United States Atomic E.wr,y Cm 1 ti L certain case known se "In The Hatter of Duke Fower-Compen;r, (Octnee Units 1. 2. and 3; !!ccuire Units 1 and

% 2). Docket Noe. 50-269A. 50-270A. 50-287A. 50-369A. and 50-370A";

AND WHEREAS. thc4 Soard of Aldernen of the City of Newton by resolution at a re;:uiar meeting of said Board on the 3rd day of June.

1969 withdrew as a party in said proceeding and advised its legal counsen of this action.

g AND ullEREAS. formal notice of caid action hee not been entered in the records of the proceeding and the City of Newton is still shown as a party is said proceeding; 9 AND WilEREAS the City of Newtos. acting through its llayor and Board of of Aldermen, has. determined that said City of Newtoa shall voluntarily with-draw from said proteading as a party intervenor and that formal notice of this decision be given to legal counsel representing the intervenors (Cities) cad to lion. Walter W. E. Beanett. Chairmaa. The Atomic Safety And Licensing Board; NOW.111EREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED ET THE BOARD OF THE CITY OF NEWTON.


Section 1. That the City of Newena. North Carolina dose voluntarily withdraw as a party intervenor in that certain proceeding pending before the United States Atomic Energy Cec 21 salon entitled "In The Matter of Duke Power Company. (0conee Units 1, 2 and 3: !!cCuire Unita 1 and 2). Docket Nos. 50-269A. 50-270A, 50-36?A. and 30-370A" section 2. That Tally. rally & Souknight. Attorneys at Law. Fayette-ville, North Carolina,1 cut counsel for Intervenors (Cities) be and they l are hereby cuthorized, capc.wored and directed to cause such motions. I petitions, notices or other documents or picadines as may be necessary and (

1 required to be flied in said proceeding for and on behalf of the City of Newton to dismiss the City of Newton as a party in said proceeding and do any and all things necessary or re:uired to offect the said withdrawal of .

I the City of Newton as a party in said proceeding.

t Section 3. That the City Clert and the City Attorney shall cause a certified copy of this Resolution to be forwarded to said Attorneys and to 11on. Waltar W. K. Dennet. Chairr:an. The Atomic Safety and Licensing Board.

Atomic Energy Co:saission. Washington, D. C.*

eeeeeeeeeeee*******e*****e After a thoroue,h discussion, upon notion of Alderman Rowe. seconded by Alderosa Dellinger, the Resolution was unanimously adopted.

" l CITT OF NDf!ON )



I. Joe S. Cabriel, after first beins dul sworn depose and say that I an the l i

duly appointed and actint city Clerk of the City of tiewton, and as such. I se the of ficial custodian of the records. ninutes and bool a of the Board of Aldermen of the City -

of Newton, North Carolina; that the foregain; is a true and perfect copy of a Resolution duly adopted by the Board of Aldernen of the City of !!cuton, t; orth Carolina, at a special called meetinit of said Board held at the City Itall in the City of Newton, trorth Carolina, at 1:00 o' clock F. !!. on Friday.1:srch 2,1973, the sano being recorded ia the official record of minutes of said Board; that said meetinn was attended by the following scebers of the Board: :tayor Loyd A. Itu111oax. Aida. ncn llenry Cantt. Robert Powell, !!1chael Aternethy. T.dward Comedela. Wayne Dellinger and C. Sam rase. Sr.

Witness my head and the official semi of the City of Newton, ttorth Carniina. ~

SubscrWed and evo'n to before me. o ,'r

/d AFFINIT this the 2nd day of 'tarch. 1973. f io k ,d r /

Ilotary F)shiic Hy commiselos espirees ff/? lr,_ '.' O /YaN ~
