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ATTACHMENT B        Sh. 1 of 28 P.O. 10855-M-70(Q)
ANSI /ASME DRAFT STD QP-1 Provided  ,                        !
In spec.          Remarks        l 5.0        SPECIFICATION 5.1    Pump's specification should        Yes        See checklist exceed those nonnally con-                  for Specification sidered for non safety                      (sh. 18 to 28 of pump.                                        this attachme nt).
5.2    As a minimum following shall be included.
ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Flow, Discharge Pressure          Yes        Refer to NPSHR.                                        S pe ci fica tion, Required Start-up Time.            No Operating Time.                    Yes Recirculation Rate.                Yes Seal Leakage Rate.                Yes EXTERNAL LOADS Seismic Loads.                    Yes        Re fe r to Nozzle Loads.                      Yes        Spe ci fica tion, Vibra tion.                        Yes Location of Loads fo r            Yes Interf ace.
8509230199 850918 PDR    ADOCK 0 % y4 E                                I J
F84/5                                                                        _.                          .-              _.
  ,'                                                                                                        ATTACHMENT B                        Sh. 2 of 28 ANSI /ASME STD QP-1 1
Criteria                                                                  l Item                                Met                                Remark s                          j j
j                          6.0        QUALIFICATION PROGRAM i
f 6.1.1 ( a) Qualification of a                                  No                Seal system is not                                                      1
                                                - shaf t seal assembly n                                        qualified. However                                                      !
accordance with QP-3,                                      pump has operated and,                                                        successfully dur-ing tests.                                                            l j                                      (b) Qualification of a                                Yes i                                                  driver in accordance with QP-4 or 5, and                                                                                                                  ;
(c) Qualification of pump                          Pa rti-                  Seal is not assembled with the                    ally met                  quali fied .
i                                                  qualified shaf t seal
!                                                  and the qualified
;                                                  driver in accordance with QP-2; or 6.1. 2 ( a ) Qualification of a                            l Not applicable.
shaf t seal assembly in l l                                                  accordance with QP-3, i                                                  and (b) Qualification of a                                -
{                                                  driver in accordance                                                                              '
l                                                  with QP-4 or 5, and l                                      (e) Qualification of pump                              -
assembled with the
!                                                  qualified shaf t seal i                                                  and an alternative i                                                  driver in accordance
:                                                  with QP-2 ; or
{                            6.1. 3 ( a ) Qualification of a                                  -
j                                                  driver in accordance with QP-4 or 5, and 4
(b) Qualification of pump                              -
!                                                    and shaf t seal assem-j                                                    bled with qualified                                                                                              '
j                                                  driver in accordance                                                            p t                                                  with QP-3    or i
i F84/5                                                1 4
      --n-., , -, - ,. - . ,  ,,-e., .  ., ..--.e,-      - -      . . . , , . , , . .    -    - , . - , . . , - - , , . . ,.
                                                                                                                                    - , - - - . -e- , - - . . , , . , . - . .v-~,,, ,-
ATTACHMENT B    Sh. 3 of 28 ANSI /ASME STD QP-1 Criteria                      l Item                      '
Met          Remarks      l 6.1. 4 ( a ) Qualification of a                -
Not applicable, driver in accordance with QP-4 or 5, a nd (b) Qualification of pump                -
and shaf t seal assem-blod with qualified driver in accordance with QP-2 and 3.                                    o 6.2    Qualification by Analysis 6.2.1 Component Parts and Inter-face Items Af ter completing one of thel above programs, an analy-tical evaluation of the pump assembly shall be performed to justify that:
(a) all camponent parts                Yes have been qualified.
(b) all interf ace itens                Yes have been considered.
6.2.2 Items That Have Not Been                          Not applicable, Qualified Components or interf aces                -
not incorporated in the qualification program shall be subject to quali-fication in accordance wi th QP-2. This requires that, as a minimum, analy-sis be performed to justify the capability of the interf ace or camponent to pe rf o rm i ts f un ct ion,                        d F84/5                                    i                              ._-
                                                          'Criteriai                          l Item                      Met              Remarks        l
              . 6.2.3 Generic Pump Assemblies If a generic pump assembly            __,
Not applicable.
has been previously quali-fled by the QP series of S ta nda rds , the qualifica-tion program will be desig-
          ,            nated to provide analysis,        !
supplementary tests, or evidence of. operating expe-rience to establish the          l sLnilarity of the specific j pump assembly being ,quali-fied to that previously qualified.      If no previous qualification data is available to verify capab-ility, the qualification program must be formulated j to canply with the QP series of S tandards.                          '
                          *-    r l
F84/5                                                                                                  -
ATTACHMENT B    Sh. 5 of 28 ANSI /ASME STD QP-1 Criteria                          l Item                      Met              Remarks      l 7.0  DOCUMENTATION                      Yes          Refer to SQRT binder for P.O.
7.1  General                                        10855-M-70(0) and E-ll2A( Q).
The qualification documen-tation shall verify that the safety system equip-me n t is qualified for its application and meets its specification criteria.
The basis for claiming qualification shall be explained in a clear, logi-l cal fashion.      Evidence shall be presented to show that:
(a) the fundamental quali-        Yes fication requirement is satisfied, and (b) the qualified life is          Yes ju s tified .
7.2  Documentation Files The owner shall maintain a qualification file (s).      The file shall contain the equipment specification and (a) evidence of compliance )      Yes with specified design codes and standards ,
and (b) evidence of compliance l      Yes with f unctional quali-fication standards, a nd l (c) description and records)      Yes of periodic inspection, maintenance and canpo-nent replacement re-quirements during the life time duty cycle, and I
i F84/5                                .
m ATTACHMENT B  Sh. 6 of 28
ANSI /ASME STD QP-1 ICriteria                      l Item                  l    Met          Remarks    l l
(d) detennination of quali-l      Yes fication, and (e) summa ry and conclu-          Yes sions, and (f) approval signature and l      Yes date.
F84/5                                                          .-          - .        .
ATTACHM'EN''BT      Sh. 7 of 28 AUG a ~850 P 8 7181 ANSI /ASME STD N551. 2 - PUMPS Criteria                                    l Item                        Met                  Remarks            l l
: a. Deformation Lbnits not          Yes        Refer to V.P.
exceeded                                    10 8 5 5-M-7 0( 0 )-4 7-3
: b. Allowable stress values l        Yes for non-code materials are provided.
: 6. 2.1 Casing
: a. Designed for all loads.          Yes        Re fe r to VP-108 55-Distortion does not                        M-7 0 ( 0 )-6 5-1 cause malfunction.
: b. No tapped ( threaded)            Yes        There are no threaded opening for Nozzles.                        ope nings for noz zles.
: c. Drain and vent connec-          Yes tions provided.
6.2.2 Nozzles Threaded noz zle ends                Yes prohibited .
6.2.3 Flanges Conform to ANSI STD B 16.5            Yes 6.2.4 Fasteners
: a. Threaded f asteners con-        Yes form to ANSI STD B . l .1
: b. Threaded f asteners            P a r t i-  All wetted threaded wetted by fluid shall          ally        f asteners are locked be locked so that if            met.        in place except fo r fastener is broken,                          the headless axial all parts retained in-                      screws on the parting place                                        line between the impeller which is staked at the time of assembly against rotation.
l F84/5                                                                                            ,
                                                                                      --    w. -,-.
ATTACHMENT B    Sh. 8 of 28 )
I l
l ANSI /ASME N551.2 - ( PUM PS )                              l Criteria          -
Item                          Met          Remarks 6.3.1 Bearings
: a. Bearing lita minimum              Yes    Refer to VP-10855-3 years with L-10                        M-70(O)-65-1 ra ting life.
: b. Hydrodynamic radial /            __
Not applicable, since      l thrust bearings re-                        DN value is less than quired                                    300,000, if DN > 300,000 (D = Journal Dia N = RPM of shaf t)
: c. Bearing housing re-              Yes placeable without disturbing pump driversl I
: d. Oil Temp not to exceed            Yes    In field testing , cri-Antifriction: 160* F, o r                teria shall be met.
bearing      60*F above an-bient                      Refer to Page 48 of Hydrodynamic:                            PSSUG-PTP-EG-1 Tes t bearing    14 0* F , o r              Procedure.
60*F above                It. is the recommenda-Ambient                    tion of Ingersoll-Rand that the bearings be 6.3.2 Wearing Rings                                ala rmed at 160*F and pump should be shutdown if the tanpe rature reaches 18 0*F.
: a. Hardness > 400 BHN                No
: b. Hardness dif ference              Yes minimum 50 BHN
: c. Held in place by posi-            Yes tive locking method
: d. Stationary wear rings              Yes if RPM > 3 600 RPM F84/5                             
    , ,                                                    ATTACHMENT B      Sh. 9 of 28 ANSI /ASME N551.2 Criteria            -
l Item                        Met            Remarks l  Required Clearance                      Refer to VP 10855-M70(0) 1 Dia of Mem-      Clearance
: a. ber (Inches)      (Inches)
Less than 3        0.015            Yes    Required clearance.
3 to 4.9        0.016                    ( .026" minimum clearance 5 to 6.9        0.018                    for 13" to 15" diameter) 7 to 8.9        0.02 9 to 10.99      0.022                    The design wear ring 11 to 12.99        0.024                    clearance for this pump 13 to 14.99        0.026                    is 0.020" to 0.025", and 15 to 16.99        0.028                    the ring diameter is 14.133".
For 300 Series Stainless steel, add 0.005 to clear-                ,
ance 6.3.5 Impeller Retention If nut used on pump shaf t          Yes to retain impeller, nut shall be prevented from loosening by a pos itive locking device.
6.4  Piping Joints Conform to ANSI B2.1                Yes 6.5.1 Fabrication Ef ficiency of visually            __
This section is not inspected weld - 70% of                      applicable since the allowable stress                              pump casing is a cast-i ng .
6.5.2 Major parts to be dynami-      I cally balanced a._  if speed > 1700 RPM            __
Not applicable capacity > 2 50  GPM                    operating speed
                                                              = 1180 RPM Rotating part mem-ber > 6" diame ter.
F84/5                            !
ATTACHMENT B        Sh. 10 of 28 ANSI /ASME N551.2 ICriteria              -
l Item                        Met            Remarks            l 6.5. 2 (cont'd)
: b. At speeds over- 1700 RPM                  Not applicable, for two or more stages.
6.5.3 Vibration Vibration measurements shall be taken at rated speed and within + 10%
rated capacity Double Amp-plitued Vi-Speed          bration Mils)
Up to 1200          4.0              Yes    Refer to VP-10855-l 1201 to 1800        3.0                      M-70(0)-65-1.
1801 to 4500        2.5 7.0    VERIFICATION OF PROTOTYPE PUMP DESIGN
: 1. Analysis                        Yes    Pump has been
: 2. Test                              -
analyzed for all
: 3. Expe rience                      -
load s .
: 4. Combination                      -    No natural f requency            Yes    Natural frequency within 20% of ope rat-                  = 52 Hz ing s pe ed .                            O pe r a ting s peed
                                                      = 1180 RPM    Fluid film bearings              No
            - consider - half speed whirl 7.2.3      Deep Draf t Pump - Ope r-l              Not applicable.
ation to be proved by                    It is a centri-test                                    f ugal horizongtal l pump.
7.2.4      Shaft                                                                    ,
Meet clearance, d > Elec-        Yes    Refe r to V.P.
tion, misalignment and                    10 8 5 5-M-7 0 ( 0 )-4 7-3, stress limits
l F84/5                                                                                                                        l l
ATTACHMENT B    Sh. 11 of 28 ANSI /ASME N551.2 Criteria                .
Item                  l          Met        Remarks 7.2.5  Bearings Bearing Evaluation shall at least consider
: a. static and cyclic                      Yes  Refer to VP-108 55-;
load ing ;                                M-70(O)-65-1
: b. Rotor dynamic imbala nce)            No at running f requency;
: c. Magne tic Labalanced                    No at twice running frequency ;
: d. Shaf t deflection;                      No
: e. Hydraulic loading;                      Yes
: f. Rotor weight;                        Yes
: g. Bearing fits and                    Yes clearances; Refer to Bechtel
: h. Angular misalignment;                  Yes  calc 678-70 7.3    TESTS Following tests are re-quired
: a. Hydrostatic Test                        Yes
: b. Hydraulic Performance                  Yes Test
: c. Mechanical Running Testl                Yes
: d. Natural frequency for                          Not applicable.
Deep Draft Pumps
: e. NPSHR Test                              Yes
: f. Endurance Test not                  Yes less than 4 hours l              l                    l F84/5                                                                        .
ATTACHMENT B        Sh. 12 of 28 ANSI /ASME N551. 2 Criteria            -
Item                    1    Met          Remarks              j l    Thermal Transient Test              No    Refer to VP-10855-l M-7 0 ( Q )- 6 5-1,    Flow Distribution Test              No 7.4  Experience The prototype should be                        Not applicable.
identical /similar to pre-viously qualified, consider ,
ing following character-istics.
A. Case stif fneSs
: b. Shaf t Stress, material,      I and critical speed
: c. Bearing ma terial, Mounting and clearances.
8.0  DYNIMIC QUALIFICATION 8.2  Tests All loads to be considered              Yes 8.3  Analysis Stresses and deflections shall be calculated at least at:
: a. Pressure retaining parts ,            Yes  Ref e r to V. P.
10 8 5 5-M-7 0 ( 0 )-4 7-3,
: b. Coupling                              Yes
: c. Pump hold down bolts                  Yes
: d. Shaf t and rotor assembly            Yes
: e. Keys, pins, f as teners              Yes we lds , a nd be a ring s .
: f. Pump support pads                    Yes
: g. Pump foundation bolts.                Yes F84/5-                                                                                .                            -      _
.                                                ATTACHMENT B  Sh. 13 of 28 ANSI /ASME N551.2 Criteria          _
1 Item                    Met          Remarks      l 9.0  PRODUCTION PUMP EQUIVAL-ENCY WITH PROTOTYPE
: 1. Chemical and Physical                    Not applicable.
properties of materials
: a. Head-flow character-istic Curve
: b. Powe r
: c. Net Positive Suction Head Required
: d. Thermal and Pressure Transients
: e. Specific Speed
: f. Impeller Diame ter
: a. Case Stress Levels
: b. Shaft
: c. Coupling
: d. Bearing Mounting & Type l
: e. Running Clearances
: f. Support System Stif f-ness
: g. Baseplate Stif fness
: h. Speed - P ump
: i. S tage s
: j. Critical Speed                            u F84/5                            -7
-                                                    ATTACHMENT B  Sh. 14 of 28    j l
l ANSI /ASME N551.2 Criteria          _            l Item                  l    Met          Remarks        l 9.4.4 The following tests are                        Not applicable required or optional Op-Req'd  tionall
: a. Hydrostatic Test    X
: b. Hydraulic Per-formance Test      X
: c. Mechanical Run-ning Test            X
: d. Net Positive Suc-tion Head Test.            X
: e. Natural frequency test for vertical turbine type pumps only          X (Deep Draft pumps)                                                  u l                                j F84/5                                                                                                    .    ._ _
ATTACHMENT B      Sh. 15 of 28
                              . ANSI /ASME STD N551.3            SHAFT SEAL ASSEMBLIES
                                                                  ' Criteria,                                      l Item                      l    Met              Remarks                    l l                                                l 1.2.4  Seal System ' Qualification l              No      Refer to V.P.-10055-M70(Q)
Requi red .                                        1 4.0    Method of Qualification                    No to be speci fied .
5.2.2  Carbon Porosity i
Air leakage        <1 ml/hr/ inch  ,      No of diameter        when tested under water        at a minimum pressure of        30 psi.
5.2.4  Stress Index > 0.1 for                    No springs, bolts, pins.
6.0    Seal Specification Type of seal,              .
Yes    The pump shaf t diameter Shaf t/ sleeve diameter at                  Yes    was specified to the seal seal,            .                                manu f actue r ( 4.18 8 inch e s )
Range of axial travel.                    No Static angularity.                        No      Manufacturer specified Range of axial travel.                    No      .003 inch maximum radial displacement for normal operation. Angularity and axial travel not spe cified 6.2.5  Possible inaccessibli ty                  No of pump during ope ra tion.
i                  6.3    Mechanical Face Seals
                          - hydraulically balanced -                  Yes type.
6.4    Packaging I
I                        Minimum packaging size                    __
Not applicable, 1/4" square                                            since mechanical Preferable - 3/8"                                      seals are used.
6.6    Seal Cavity Recirculation l                Yes Rate.
External Cooling ,                          No        There is no Filtration,                                No          external cooling Fluid Injection System ,                    No Drains at Low Points in Cooling Water Piping .                      Yes                                              ,
F84/5                                  ,1-
ATTACHMENT B    Sh. 16 of 28 ANSI /ASME STD N551.3 - SHAFT SEAL ASSEMBLIES Criteria              -
l Item                    ,  Met          Remarks 7.0  Prototype Seal System Refer to VP-10855-M70(O)
Qualification Required by            Yes    1 Analysis, Tes t or Expe ri-ence.                                        The qualification of the Similartiy of application;            Yes    seal system is based Envi ronmen tal;                              upon past experience.
Performance Data; Maintenance and Inspection;    ,
No      Similar seal systems Records.                                      have been used on simi-lar systems in the same l 8.0  Verification of Production                    e nvironne nt.
Seal Systems Equivalency with prototype            No shall be established    Measure seal f ace              No flatness    Measure mating f ace            No flatness    Leakage : Check                  No Secondary seal cmpo-nente. and record results.
10.0 Qualification Package
: a. Shaf t Seal System Drawing        Yes
: b. Bill of Material                  Yes
: c. Qualification and                  No Production Test Report
: d. Certification of                  Yes Compliance
: e. Installation, Operation          No and Maintenance Instruction Manual                                                          1 l
F84/5                                                                                                                      '
Tablo 1. Shaf t Sral Systen Specification ( ANSI /A!ME SID N551.3)
Design Basis Condition Safety (2)        In          (Glard Related        Service      Plate Only)
Normal (1)        Function          Test    Hydrostatic (5) Other(4 )
Fluid (3)
* WS            N/S          N/S Pressure (psig)            150              150              WS            225          WS Tenperature ( *F) Max        95                95              WS                        WS CoMi-          Thermal Transient tions            Rate, Range ard at Seal          Direction (*F/ min)        WS                N/S              WS                        N/S Cavity      . Thermal Transient Duration (min. )          N/S              N/S              N/S                        N/S Alicwable Leakage (6)              N/S              WS              N/S            0          N/S Radiation (Rads)                                              WS                        N/S l Speed (RIM)                1200              1200              N/S                        N/S Abnormal          Ntznber of Cycles                                              WS              1          N/S Cordition        Duration cf (Design            Cycles (hrs)
Life)                                                                            N/S        30 Min.        N/S Conponent        Pressure (PSIA)            N/A              N/A              N/S                        N/S Coolant          Temperature ( *F)          N/A              N/A              N/S                        N/S Conditions        Flow Rate (GIM)            N/A              N/A              N/S                        N/S Design            Static (Hrs)                N/A                                                          N/S Life              Dynamic (Hrs)              N/A                                                          N/S    l NOIES E  >
(1) tbrmal corditions refer to seal corditions in pimp *ich are required to fmetion chrirg normal plant                    [l  j operation.
y  >
(2) Safety-relata] function corditions refer to seal corditions sich occur in ptmps sich must fmetion chring              g m
:r or af ter a plant upset, emercyncy or faulted conditions.
(3) If fluid is water, specify qtentity of chenicals tresent as additives or imptrities ard solids particle size.NC          d E
(4)  'Other" refers to conditions Wich may af fect the seal cavity environnent sudi as Ims of conponent                  C  (p coolant or injection ard which are not ccueral in the other categories.                                              "
(5) Incluck this information if seal is to be used during hydrmtatic tests.
(6) Allowable leakage refers to that leakage which can be collected as liquid at the seal cperation corditions.          $
NS- Not specified                                                                                                        p N/A-tbt applicable                                                                                                            r
* - See attached spec. sheet.
84/5                                                                                                                      o m
Il o.
* Appendix 1, Docign specificaticn 10855-N-070(Q), R:v 1 APPEIGIX 1 I                                                      SUPPLEMEICAL DATA                                                                ,
The shaft power requirement of the pump shall not exceed 600 BEP at any flowrate less than or equal to the maximum flowrate specified in the pump data sheet, Appendix
: 2.                                                                                                                              .
Sacs system descriptions                                                                                                                                                  '
sacs pumps operate in a closed cooling water loop oonsisting of SACS and various other heat exchangers connected in a parallel arrangement. The loop is pressurized by the static head of an expansion / head tank located above the highest point in the system.
Typical analysis of SACS water being pumped:
conductivity (micrombos/cm a 25*c)                                                                                0.1 Total dissolved solids (ppa as caco)                                                                              0.04 Silica (ppm as sio)                                                                                                0.01 Chloride (ppm as c1)                                                                                                0.03 i    I 6 to 8 pH a 25'c corrosion inhibitor                                                                                                see below                                        ,
Ambient operating conditions:
Installation                                                                                                        Indoors Temperature                                                                                                        65-104*F Relative Bumidity                                        ,
10-1005 Radiation exposure:
The motor-pump units shall be able to withstand an accumulated radiation dose of 9.0 x 10s rads over the 40 years useful life expectancy of the plant, and a short ters (30 days) dose of 2.0 x 10s rade during a IAss of Coolant Accident.
I Noise limitation:
The equipment oovered by this specification (including motor)                                                                                                            '
shall not produce, under any operating condition, noise in excess i
of that permitted by osBA, for 8 hours per day exposure at a distance of 3 feet from the equipment casing.
(                      ,
Corrosion inhibitor:                                                                                                      ,
1-1 of 3                                                                                              l I
                                    - . - . , , - . - - , , . - - , ,    .,.,,e  , , . - . , , - , , , -___,_%..ym,.,,,,,,y...              ,,,        _,,w  q--  -mmv em,_,.p,%,
        '                      -                                                    17 b l
Appendix 1, Design specification 10855-M-070(Q), R;v ic The Buyer is presently considering the use of sodium    nitrate and Seller shall state              !
(          certain other non-toxic corrosion inhibitors.                                '    I any liadtations the equipment might have regardIng~the use of corrosien inhibitors.
t 1-2 of 3
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PLRGASE ORER: 10855-M-70(0) and 10855-E-ll2A(0)
ESCRIPTION:        Safety Auxiliaries Cooling Systen Ptznps          -
l PROVITD ITEM                                IN SPEC                RfMAIES I. ITEMS TO BE SPECIFIED EOR PLMP DESIGN AND QUALIFICATION                                    ,
A. Specification Content
: 1. Construction Code Class, appli-          Yes      AfME B&P Code Class 3 cable edition ste.                                  Section III,1974 Edition l includirg Winter 1975 Addenda.
: 2. Definition cf in-service                  Yes      ASME Code, Section XI.
inspection requirenents including references to specific ISI Codes, as applicable.
: 3. Ebnctional, operatirg, erwiron-          Yes      Given in &ta sheets nental ard & sign conditions mder which the punp must cpe-rate. See data sheet itens.
: 4. Operational nodes includirg time l        Yes      Refer to Section 5.0 limit for reciraalatirg flow testirg .
: 5. Punp type.                                Yes      Centriftgal, horizontal split-case:
: 6. Minimum cperatirg flow limita-tions.                                    Yes      35% of ratal Flcw.
(Section 6.12.5)
: 7. Design life.                              Yes      40 years.
: 8. Requirenents for dynanic analysis}        Yes      Refer to Section 6.16.
or testirg.
: 9. Designation cf loads, load can-          Yes      Refer to Section 6.16.
binations ard related ASME Code service conditions.
: 10. Danonstration cf cperability by      ,    Yes      Refer to Section 6.16 of analysis or test mder all                          spec.
applicable loadirg corditions.
: 11. Seisnic loalirg CBE and SSE.              Yes l                            l K75/3                                                                                                                                              l
  ,                                                              ATTACINENT B    Sh.19 of 28 PUMPS AND ICIOR - (Cont'd)
PROVITD ITIM                          IN TEC              _  RIMAIES I. A. Specification Content (Cont'd) l
: 12. Stress limits.                        Yes
: 13. Seisnic design criteria.              Yes
: 14. Quantified acceptable limits          No for wear cf bearirgs to estab-lish minimum service life.
: 15. Use cf mechanical seals and            Yes        Refer to chta sheet, type cf seal cooler, as appli-cable.
: 16. Flod restrictor fran seal              -
Not applicable ,
cavity, if applicable.
: 17. Vent and drain fran ptrap casirg l    Yes and types of connections.
: 18. Operational limits for ptung            -
Not @plicable ,
recirculation or cperation wittout cooliry water.
19 . Type cf ptrnp naczle connections      Yes and chtails.
: 20. Connection requirenents to otherl      Yes ancillary pipirg.
: 21. Support ard anchorage require-        Yes nents, and configuration.
: 22. Cooling water pipirg code              -
Not applicable ,
: 23. Separation cf runnirg frequency        Yes        Critical sImed > rated fran shaf t natural frequency.                  speed by at least 20%.
: 24. Minimum acceptable force ard          Yes noment carrying e apability of the punp nczzles, the punp casirg, and the punp support attachments.
l K75/3 l
AntV#dtWMA B    Sn. 4U or 20 I AUG 27 '85 ) F fj 71 p,1'
-                                  PUMPS AND M7IOR - (Cont'd) l PROVIIED ITIM                            INEPEC            _
RIMAR<S          ;
l I. A. Specification Content (Cont'd)
: 25. Requirenents for marufacturer's      Yes        Nozzle loads are given.
provision of values of maximum  !
allavable forces ard noments.
: 26. Water cheuical content.    (Punp    Yes        Chenical content cf ptrnp an#or seal coolirg water).                      water is given.
: 27. Materials of corstruction when        -
Not applicable ,
restrictions scist, stch as delta ferrite content.
: 28. Material testirg chtails              Yes required to be specified by the CoCh.
: 29. Quality asstrance requirenents        Yes for code ard non-code parts.
: 30. Shop perfonnance tests ard            Yes        Refer to Section 8.2 .
neastrenents to be taken includ-l irg : capacity, total heal, p3wer irput, efficiency, NPSH, and vibration at the bearirg or on the shaft.
: 31. Prequalification tr arsient test      -
Not @plicable ,
requirenents ard acc@tance criteria.
: 32. Inspection requirenents ard          Yes        Refer to Section 8.2.9 .
acceptance criteria.
: 33. Cleanirg requirenents.                Yes        Refer to Section 8.3.9 ,
: 34. Paintirg requirenents.                Yes
: 35. Preparation for shippirg.            Yes
: 36. Identification.                      Yes
: 37. Docunentation ard identifica-        Yes tion of documents.
: 38. Document apgoval responsibility K75/3 ATTACHMENT B    Sh. 21 of 28
-                              PUMPS AND MOIOR - (Cont'd)
PRWIIED ITIM                                IN EPEC          _
B. Data Sheet Items
: 1. Fluid pumped, specific gravity            Yes at given tenperatures.
: 2. Design tresstre.                          Yes      Design Pressure = 150 psi j (10855-M-70(0)- 7-3 )
: 3. Design tenperature.                      Yes      95'F
: 4. Requirenent for marufacturer's            Yes      4060 GPM Eravision cf values for minimum flw capacity.
: 5. Rated f1w, maximtzn required              Yes      See data sheet.
flow (runcut flw).
: 6. Head at rated flow, maximum              Yes      See data sheet.
requirsi flw, and shutof f corditions.
: 7. Suction tenpe rature: minimum,            No nonal, maxinum.
: 8. Suction tresstre: maximum and            Yes normal.
: 9. PPSH available at rated ard              Yes      NPSH = 95.0 f t.
maximum required flows.                            Requirsi = 28.0 f t.
: 10. 7:nbient tenperature, htanidity          Yes and radiation.
: 11. Seisnic acceleration; both                Yes      Response sInctra [rovided.
horizontal (two orttogonal directions) and vertical.
: 12. Maximtzn horsepower for diesel            Yes generator loadirg.
: 13. Cooling water; tenperature,                -
Not applicable .
minimum and neximum; gresstre, and noximum presstre drcp.
: 14. Entrained noterial for which              -
Designed for chmineralized the putp is designed: dirt,                        eter.
debris, insulation, molten fuel, diesel oil, fish, etc.
under normal and abnormal service conditions.
l K75/3                                                                                    _.          -
ATTACEMENT B    Sh. 22 of 28
PUMPS AND MOIOR - (Cont'd) l PROVITD          ~
ITIM                            INfPEC                RS4AES II. ITENS 'ID BE SPECIFIED FOR PLMP SEALING SETEM A. Specification Contents
: 1. Ptznp construction Code Class        Yes and chte of applicable A!ME Code Edition.
: 2. Type cf seal or seal systen          Yes to be grovided.
: 3. Shaf t direction or rotation          No as viewed fran the drive erd.
: 4. Availability of canponent              -
Not @plicable ,
coolant, includirg the qtantity,' l tenperature, presstre, availablel presstre drcp, ard dienistry.      f
: 5. Availability of seal injection,      No includirg the qtantity, tenpe-rature, chenistry, and solids particle size.
: 6. Possible inaccessibility of          No ptznp durirg cperation that restricts cpporttmities for vistal inspection ard preven-tive maintenance to the seal sys ten.
: 7.    'Ihe nesi for assembly ard            No naintenance features to limit personnel ecpostre time in radiation fielch.
B. Data Sheet Itan The follawirg data are required for the design basis corditiors in the cperatirg I nodes of nonnal, safety systen f tnetions, in service test, hydrostatic tests, and others.    (See Table I of OP-3).
1 K75/3
-                                                              ATIACHMENT B    Sh. 23 of 28 PUMPS AND MOIOR - (Cont'd)
PROVIIED ITEM                              INfPEC            _  RaiANS l
B. Data Sheet Iten (Cont'd)
: 1. Corditions at Seal Cavity:
1.1    Fluid ptraped, specific        Yes gravity at given tenperature.
l2    Design gresstres.              Yes 1.3    Design tenperature.            Yes 1.4    Thennal transient (*F/ Min)      -        Not applicable.
1.5    'Ihennal transient dura-        -        Not @plicable.
tion (min.) .
1.6    Allcwable leakage.              Yes 1.7    Radiation (rads).              Yes 1.8    Shaf t speed (rpm).            Yes 1.9    Maximum entrainsi naterial      -
Not @plicable.
size tnder nonnal ard abnonnal ser.vice corditions.
: 2. Design Life:                                      -
2.1    Static ( hrs. ) .              No 2.2    Dynamic ( hrs. ) .              No
: 3. Canponent Coolant Corditions:
3.1    Presstre (PSIA).                -
Not @plicable.
3.2    Tenperature ( *F) .              -
Not applicable.
3.3    Flcw Rate (GlH).                -
Not @plicable.
: 4. Design Basis Event Condition Infonnation (Design Life):
4.1    Ntznber cf cycles              No 4.2    Duration cf cycles (hrs.)      No 1
  .                                                                        ATIACHMENT B      Sh. 24 of 28 PLRQRSE ORE R: E-112A(0)
PROVIED ITIN                                  INfPEC                RIMAR(S l
III. IIDtS TO BE SPECIFIED FOR PLMP MOIOR IRIVERS The follmirg infonnation, as a mini-nun, shall be included in specifica-tions by the organization responsible for the design cf the plant.
: 1. Driven equipment fu1ction.                  Yes
: 2. Specific location at Plant Site.            Yes
: 3. Inside or o.itside of containnent.          Yes
: 4. Duty Cycle - contirucos or                Yes        Contiruous (Refer Page 5 intennittent.    (If intennittent,                  of Specification) specify in detail.)
: 5. Type drive (direct, belt, gear            Yes        Couplirg or hydraulic ccupling).
: 6. Applicable motor design stardard,          Yes        IEEE, NEMA
                          - NEMA, e tc .
: 7. Eunctional, operatirg, erwirorr-nental arti design corditions mder which the motor must cperate:
a) Design tresstres ard tenpe-            Yes ratures (maximum, nonnal, minimum) .
b) Operatirg presstres ard                Yes tenperatures (maximum, nonnal, minimum).
c) Operatirg cort 11tions (BHP,            Yes RPM) at corresinnding design /operatirg corditions.
l K75/3
ATTACiftENT B    Sh. 25 of 28 PUMPS AND MorIOR - (Cont'd) l PROVITD            ~
ITet                            IN TEC                  RIMARCS 1
: 7. d) Ambient tenperature,                Yes gressee, htsnidity, radia-tion ard any limits on air circulation to notors, if applicable.
e) Naximum horsepower.                Yes f) Seisnic erwironnent.              Yes        RRS are given.
g) Coolirg water - minimum,            -
Not @plicable.
nonnal, maximum tenperature, tressre ard chenistry.
: 8. Required design life cf major          Yes        40 years .
conponents (nonconstanables).
: 9. Seisnic qualification re;[uire-        Yes nents (specification must include definition cf seisnic erwironnent).
: 10. Erwironnental qualification          Yes requirenents,
: 11. Requirenent that the init            Yes danonstrate cperability thecugh all nodes of operation for citration specified (i.e. , sh>p or field test, analysis, and/or l experience).
: 12. Interface requirenents (control l    Yes systen, utilities arailable, flarged connections, etc.) .
: 13. Shaf t vibration limits.              Yes        Per NDiA Stardard.
: 14. Special unterials requirenents        -
Not applicable.
if different fran unrufacturers' stardards.
ATTACIMENT B    Sh 26 of 28
.                                PUMPS AND M7IOR - (Cont'd)
PROVIED ITIM                              IN TEC          _
: 15. Design Qualification require-            No nents (i.e. , presstre vessel analysis, law cycle fatigue analysis, etc.) .
: 16. Support or anchorage require-          Yes nents ard configuration.
: 17. Qualification acceptance                Yes criteria.
: 18. Doomentation requirements.              Yes
: 19. Insulation class.                      Yes      Class F or H B. MOIOR PERFORMAtCE SPECIFICATIONS
: 1. Nonnal voltage (include                Yes tolerance).
: 2. Minimum startirg voltage.              Yes
: 3. Phase.                                Yes
: 4. Frequency (includirg tolerance).      No
: 5. Startirg torque.                      Yes
: 6. Maximum time to accelerate              -      Verdor to decide ,
: 7. Tenperatre rise ard retrod cf          Yes      Thennoccuples requiral .
neastrement.                                    (Page 9 cf Specification) 1 K75/3
AITACHMENT B    Sh. 27 of 28 PUMPS AND MOPIOR - (Cont'd) l PROVIEED ITEM                              IN SPEC          -
APPENDIX B - MOIOR SPECIFICATION This apperdix is not part cf this stardard, but is included for infomation only. The follodirg infomation, as a minimum, should be rwiwed in the preparation d specifica-tions generate $ bf the organization respon-sible for the plant design.
: 1. Driven equipnent ftnction.                  Yes
: 2. Specific location in the plant.,            Yes
: 3. Mcuntirg (vertical or torizontal).          Yes      Horizontal
: 4. Erwirormental corditiom for each            Yes service corditions: nonnal, abnomial, design basis went ard ard post design basis went, as applicable.
: 5. Control systen auxiliary equipment.                  Not applicable II. INIERFACES (motor supplier, user or others)
: 1. Shaf t (material, extension, and              -
Verdor chsign other special features).
: 2. Ccuplirgs (one-half ccuplirg nountsi l      Yes by motor supplier, self-release couplirg, solid, nonrwerse type).
: 3. Motor lea $ termination (lugs, insu-        Yes      Terminal Box lation, and qualification).                          (Page 8 cf Specification)
: 4. Seisnic qualification cf motor ard          Yes driven equignent.
: 5. Water for bearirgs ard air to water          -
Not required heat accharger, if required.
: 6. Motor / driven equipment mountirg.            -
Prcuided bf verdor 1
l K75/3
: 1. Horsepower at each cperatirg cordi-      Yes tion.
: 2. Synchroncus speed (nunber cf wirri-      -
RPM is given irgs if multispeed).
: 3. Nonnal voltage including tolerance.      Yes
: 4. Minimum voltage for starting ard        Yes runnirg .
: 5. Phase ard direction cf rotation.        No
: 6. Frequenof includirg tolerance.          No
: 7. T. cad inertia (WK2 ).                  Yes i
K75/3 s}}

Latest revision as of 04:04, 30 December 2020

Ansi/Asme Draft Std QP-1 Re Safety Auxiliaries Cooling Sys Pump & Motor
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 09/18/1985
Public Service Enterprise Group
Shared Package
ML20205C750 List:
PROC-850918-01, NUDOCS 8509230199
Download: ML20205C757 (31)



ATTACHMENT B Sh. 1 of 28 P.O. 10855-M-70(Q)


ANSI /ASME DRAFT STD QP-1 Provided ,  !

In spec. Remarks l 5.0 SPECIFICATION 5.1 Pump's specification should Yes See checklist exceed those nonnally con- for Specification sidered for non safety (sh. 18 to 28 of pump. this attachme nt).

5.2 As a minimum following shall be included.

ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Flow, Discharge Pressure Yes Refer to NPSHR. S pe ci fica tion, Required Start-up Time. No Operating Time. Yes Recirculation Rate. Yes Seal Leakage Rate. Yes EXTERNAL LOADS Seismic Loads. Yes Re fe r to Nozzle Loads. Yes Spe ci fica tion, Vibra tion. Yes Location of Loads fo r Yes Interf ace.

8509230199 850918 PDR ADOCK 0 % y4 E I J

F84/5 _. .- _.


Criteria l Item Met Remark s j j


f 6.1.1 ( a) Qualification of a No Seal system is not 1

- shaf t seal assembly n qualified. However  !

accordance with QP-3, pump has operated and, successfully dur-ing tests. l j (b) Qualification of a Yes i driver in accordance with QP-4 or 5, and  ;

(c) Qualification of pump Pa rti- Seal is not assembled with the ally met quali fied .

i qualified shaf t seal

! and the qualified

driver in accordance with QP-2; or 6.1. 2 ( a ) Qualification of a l Not applicable.

shaf t seal assembly in l l accordance with QP-3, i and (b) Qualification of a -

{ driver in accordance '

l with QP-4 or 5, and l (e) Qualification of pump -


assembled with the

! qualified shaf t seal i and an alternative i driver in accordance

with QP-2 ; or

{ 6.1. 3 ( a ) Qualification of a -

j driver in accordance with QP-4 or 5, and 4

(b) Qualification of pump -

! and shaf t seal assem-j bled with qualified '

j driver in accordance p t with QP-3 or i

i F84/5 1 4


--n-., , -, - ,. - . , ,,-e., . ., ..--.e,- - - . . . , , . , , . . - - , . - , . . , - - , , . . ,.

- , - - - . -e- , - - . . , , . , . - . .v-~,,, ,-

ATTACHMENT B Sh. 3 of 28 ANSI /ASME STD QP-1 Criteria l Item '

Met Remarks l 6.1. 4 ( a ) Qualification of a -

Not applicable, driver in accordance with QP-4 or 5, a nd (b) Qualification of pump -

and shaf t seal assem-blod with qualified driver in accordance with QP-2 and 3. o 6.2 Qualification by Analysis 6.2.1 Component Parts and Inter-face Items Af ter completing one of thel above programs, an analy-tical evaluation of the pump assembly shall be performed to justify that:

(a) all camponent parts Yes have been qualified.

(b) all interf ace itens Yes have been considered.

6.2.2 Items That Have Not Been Not applicable, Qualified Components or interf aces -

not incorporated in the qualification program shall be subject to quali-fication in accordance wi th QP-2. This requires that, as a minimum, analy-sis be performed to justify the capability of the interf ace or camponent to pe rf o rm i ts f un ct ion, d F84/5 i ._-



'Criteriai l Item Met Remarks l

. 6.2.3 Generic Pump Assemblies If a generic pump assembly __,

Not applicable.

has been previously quali-fled by the QP series of S ta nda rds , the qualifica-tion program will be desig-

, nated to provide analysis,  !

supplementary tests, or evidence of. operating expe-rience to establish the l sLnilarity of the specific j pump assembly being ,quali-fied to that previously qualified. If no previous qualification data is available to verify capab-ility, the qualification program must be formulated j to canply with the QP series of S tandards. '






  • - r l

F84/5 -

ATTACHMENT B Sh. 5 of 28 ANSI /ASME STD QP-1 Criteria l Item Met Remarks l 7.0 DOCUMENTATION Yes Refer to SQRT binder for P.O.

7.1 General 10855-M-70(0) and E-ll2A( Q).

The qualification documen-tation shall verify that the safety system equip-me n t is qualified for its application and meets its specification criteria.

The basis for claiming qualification shall be explained in a clear, logi-l cal fashion. Evidence shall be presented to show that:

(a) the fundamental quali- Yes fication requirement is satisfied, and (b) the qualified life is Yes ju s tified .

7.2 Documentation Files The owner shall maintain a qualification file (s). The file shall contain the equipment specification and (a) evidence of compliance ) Yes with specified design codes and standards ,

and (b) evidence of compliance l Yes with f unctional quali-fication standards, a nd l (c) description and records) Yes of periodic inspection, maintenance and canpo-nent replacement re-quirements during the life time duty cycle, and I

i F84/5 .

m ATTACHMENT B Sh. 6 of 28


ANSI /ASME STD QP-1 ICriteria l Item l Met Remarks l l

(d) detennination of quali-l Yes fication, and (e) summa ry and conclu- Yes sions, and (f) approval signature and l Yes date.

F84/5 .- - . .

ATTACHM'ENBT Sh. 7 of 28 AUG a ~850 P 8 7181 ANSI /ASME STD N551. 2 - PUMPS Criteria l Item Met Remarks l l


a. Deformation Lbnits not Yes Refer to V.P.

exceeded 10 8 5 5-M-7 0( 0 )-4 7-3

b. Allowable stress values l Yes for non-code materials are provided.
6. 2.1 Casing
a. Designed for all loads. Yes Re fe r to VP-108 55-Distortion does not M-7 0 ( 0 )-6 5-1 cause malfunction.
b. No tapped ( threaded) Yes There are no threaded opening for Nozzles. ope nings for noz zles.
c. Drain and vent connec- Yes tions provided.

6.2.2 Nozzles Threaded noz zle ends Yes prohibited .

6.2.3 Flanges Conform to ANSI STD B 16.5 Yes 6.2.4 Fasteners

a. Threaded f asteners con- Yes form to ANSI STD B . l .1
b. Threaded f asteners P a r t i- All wetted threaded wetted by fluid shall ally f asteners are locked be locked so that if met. in place except fo r fastener is broken, the headless axial all parts retained in- screws on the parting place line between the impeller which is staked at the time of assembly against rotation.

l F84/5 ,

-- w. -,-.

ATTACHMENT B Sh. 8 of 28 )

I l

l ANSI /ASME N551.2 - ( PUM PS ) l Criteria -

Item Met Remarks 6.3.1 Bearings

a. Bearing lita minimum Yes Refer to VP-10855-3 years with L-10 M-70(O)-65-1 ra ting life.
b. Hydrodynamic radial / __

Not applicable, since l thrust bearings re- DN value is less than quired 300,000, if DN > 300,000 (D = Journal Dia N = RPM of shaf t)

c. Bearing housing re- Yes placeable without disturbing pump driversl I
d. Oil Temp not to exceed Yes In field testing , cri-Antifriction: 160* F, o r teria shall be met.

bearing 60*F above an-bient Refer to Page 48 of Hydrodynamic: PSSUG-PTP-EG-1 Tes t bearing 14 0* F , o r Procedure.

60*F above It. is the recommenda-Ambient tion of Ingersoll-Rand that the bearings be 6.3.2 Wearing Rings ala rmed at 160*F and pump should be shutdown if the tanpe rature reaches 18 0*F.

a. Hardness > 400 BHN No
b. Hardness dif ference Yes minimum 50 BHN
c. Held in place by posi- Yes tive locking method
d. Stationary wear rings Yes if RPM > 3 600 RPM F84/5

, , ATTACHMENT B Sh. 9 of 28 ANSI /ASME N551.2 Criteria -

l Item Met Remarks l Required Clearance Refer to VP 10855-M70(0) 1 Dia of Mem- Clearance

a. ber (Inches) (Inches)

Less than 3 0.015 Yes Required clearance.

3 to 4.9 0.016 ( .026" minimum clearance 5 to 6.9 0.018 for 13" to 15" diameter) 7 to 8.9 0.02 9 to 10.99 0.022 The design wear ring 11 to 12.99 0.024 clearance for this pump 13 to 14.99 0.026 is 0.020" to 0.025", and 15 to 16.99 0.028 the ring diameter is 14.133".

For 300 Series Stainless steel, add 0.005 to clear- ,

ance 6.3.5 Impeller Retention If nut used on pump shaf t Yes to retain impeller, nut shall be prevented from loosening by a pos itive locking device.

6.4 Piping Joints Conform to ANSI B2.1 Yes 6.5.1 Fabrication Ef ficiency of visually __

This section is not inspected weld - 70% of applicable since the allowable stress pump casing is a cast-i ng .

6.5.2 Major parts to be dynami- I cally balanced a._ if speed > 1700 RPM __

Not applicable capacity > 2 50 GPM operating speed

= 1180 RPM Rotating part mem-ber > 6" diame ter.

F84/5  !


ATTACHMENT B Sh. 10 of 28 ANSI /ASME N551.2 ICriteria -

l Item Met Remarks l 6.5. 2 (cont'd)

b. At speeds over- 1700 RPM Not applicable, for two or more stages.

6.5.3 Vibration Vibration measurements shall be taken at rated speed and within + 10%

rated capacity Double Amp-plitued Vi-Speed bration Mils)

Up to 1200 4.0 Yes Refer to VP-10855-l 1201 to 1800 3.0 M-70(0)-65-1.


1. Analysis Yes Pump has been
2. Test -

analyzed for all

3. Expe rience -

load s .

4. Combination - No natural f requency Yes Natural frequency within 20% of ope rat- = 52 Hz ing s pe ed . O pe r a ting s peed

= 1180 RPM Fluid film bearings No

- consider - half speed whirl 7.2.3 Deep Draf t Pump - Ope r-l Not applicable.

ation to be proved by It is a centri-test f ugal horizongtal l pump.

7.2.4 Shaft ,

Meet clearance, d > Elec- Yes Refe r to V.P.

tion, misalignment and 10 8 5 5-M-7 0 ( 0 )-4 7-3, stress limits


l F84/5 l l


ATTACHMENT B Sh. 11 of 28 ANSI /ASME N551.2 Criteria .

Item l Met Remarks 7.2.5 Bearings Bearing Evaluation shall at least consider

a. static and cyclic Yes Refer to VP-108 55-;

load ing ; M-70(O)-65-1

b. Rotor dynamic imbala nce) No at running f requency;
c. Magne tic Labalanced No at twice running frequency ;
d. Shaf t deflection; No
e. Hydraulic loading; Yes
f. Rotor weight; Yes
g. Bearing fits and Yes clearances; Refer to Bechtel
h. Angular misalignment; Yes calc 678-70 7.3 TESTS Following tests are re-quired
a. Hydrostatic Test Yes
b. Hydraulic Performance Yes Test
c. Mechanical Running Testl Yes
d. Natural frequency for Not applicable.

Deep Draft Pumps

e. NPSHR Test Yes
f. Endurance Test not Yes less than 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> l l l F84/5 .

ATTACHMENT B Sh. 12 of 28 ANSI /ASME N551. 2 Criteria -


Item 1 Met Remarks j l Thermal Transient Test No Refer to VP-10855-l M-7 0 ( Q )- 6 5-1, Flow Distribution Test No 7.4 Experience The prototype should be Not applicable.

identical /similar to pre-viously qualified, consider ,

ing following character-istics.

A. Case stif fneSs

b. Shaf t Stress, material, I and critical speed
c. Bearing ma terial, Mounting and clearances.

8.0 DYNIMIC QUALIFICATION 8.2 Tests All loads to be considered Yes 8.3 Analysis Stresses and deflections shall be calculated at least at:

a. Pressure retaining parts , Yes Ref e r to V. P.

10 8 5 5-M-7 0 ( 0 )-4 7-3,

b. Coupling Yes
c. Pump hold down bolts Yes
d. Shaf t and rotor assembly Yes
e. Keys, pins, f as teners Yes we lds , a nd be a ring s .
f. Pump support pads Yes
g. Pump foundation bolts. Yes F84/5- . - _

. ATTACHMENT B Sh. 13 of 28 ANSI /ASME N551.2 Criteria _


1. Chemical and Physical Not applicable.

properties of materials

a. Head-flow character-istic Curve
b. Powe r
c. Net Positive Suction Head Required
d. Thermal and Pressure Transients
e. Specific Speed
f. Impeller Diame ter
a. Case Stress Levels
b. Shaft
c. Coupling
d. Bearing Mounting & Type l
e. Running Clearances
f. Support System Stif f-ness
g. Baseplate Stif fness
h. Speed - P ump
i. S tage s
j. Critical Speed u F84/5 -7


- ATTACHMENT B Sh. 14 of 28 j l

l ANSI /ASME N551.2 Criteria _ l Item l Met Remarks l 9.4.4 The following tests are Not applicable required or optional Op-Req'd tionall

a. Hydrostatic Test X
b. Hydraulic Per-formance Test X
c. Mechanical Run-ning Test X
d. Net Positive Suc-tion Head Test. X
e. Natural frequency test for vertical turbine type pumps only X (Deep Draft pumps) u l j F84/5 . ._ _

ATTACHMENT B Sh. 15 of 28


' Criteria, l Item l Met Remarks l l l 1.2.4 Seal System ' Qualification l No Refer to V.P.-10055-M70(Q)

Requi red . 1 4.0 Method of Qualification No to be speci fied .

5.2.2 Carbon Porosity i

Air leakage <1 ml/hr/ inch , No of diameter when tested under water at a minimum pressure of 30 psi.

5.2.4 Stress Index > 0.1 for No springs, bolts, pins.

6.0 Seal Specification Type of seal, .

Yes The pump shaf t diameter Shaf t/ sleeve diameter at Yes was specified to the seal seal, . manu f actue r ( 4.18 8 inch e s )

Range of axial travel. No Static angularity. No Manufacturer specified Range of axial travel. No .003 inch maximum radial displacement for normal operation. Angularity and axial travel not spe cified 6.2.5 Possible inaccessibli ty No of pump during ope ra tion.

i 6.3 Mechanical Face Seals

- hydraulically balanced - Yes type.

6.4 Packaging I

I Minimum packaging size __

Not applicable, 1/4" square since mechanical Preferable - 3/8" seals are used.

6.6 Seal Cavity Recirculation l Yes Rate.

External Cooling , No There is no Filtration, No external cooling Fluid Injection System , No Drains at Low Points in Cooling Water Piping . Yes ,

F84/5 ,1-


l Item , Met Remarks 7.0 Prototype Seal System Refer to VP-10855-M70(O)

Qualification Required by Yes 1 Analysis, Tes t or Expe ri-ence. The qualification of the Similartiy of application; Yes seal system is based Envi ronmen tal; upon past experience.

Performance Data; Maintenance and Inspection; ,

No Similar seal systems Records. have been used on simi-lar systems in the same l 8.0 Verification of Production e nvironne nt.

Seal Systems Equivalency with prototype No shall be established Measure seal f ace No flatness Measure mating f ace No flatness Leakage : Check No Secondary seal cmpo-nente. and record results.

10.0 Qualification Package

a. Shaf t Seal System Drawing Yes
b. Bill of Material Yes
c. Qualification and No Production Test Report
d. Certification of Yes Compliance
e. Installation, Operation No and Maintenance Instruction Manual 1 l

F84/5 '


Tablo 1. Shaf t Sral Systen Specification ( ANSI /A!ME SID N551.3)

Design Basis Condition Safety (2) In (Glard Related Service Plate Only)

Normal (1) Function Test Hydrostatic (5) Other(4 )

Fluid (3)

  • WS N/S N/S Pressure (psig) 150 150 WS 225 WS Tenperature ( *F) Max 95 95 WS WS CoMi- Thermal Transient tions Rate, Range ard at Seal Direction (*F/ min) WS N/S WS N/S Cavity . Thermal Transient Duration (min. ) N/S N/S N/S N/S Alicwable Leakage (6) N/S WS N/S 0 N/S Radiation (Rads) WS N/S l Speed (RIM) 1200 1200 N/S N/S Abnormal Ntznber of Cycles WS 1 N/S Cordition Duration cf (Design Cycles (hrs)

Life) N/S 30 Min. N/S Conponent Pressure (PSIA) N/A N/A N/S N/S Coolant Temperature ( *F) N/A N/A N/S N/S Conditions Flow Rate (GIM) N/A N/A N/S N/S Design Static (Hrs) N/A N/S Life Dynamic (Hrs) N/A N/S l NOIES E >

(1) tbrmal corditions refer to seal corditions in pimp *ich are required to fmetion chrirg normal plant [l j operation.

y >

(2) Safety-relata] function corditions refer to seal corditions sich occur in ptmps sich must fmetion chring g m

r or af ter a plant upset, emercyncy or faulted conditions.

(3) If fluid is water, specify qtentity of chenicals tresent as additives or imptrities ard solids particle size.NC d E

(4) 'Other" refers to conditions Wich may af fect the seal cavity environnent sudi as Ims of conponent C (p coolant or injection ard which are not ccueral in the other categories. "

(5) Incluck this information if seal is to be used during hydrmtatic tests.

(6) Allowable leakage refers to that leakage which can be collected as liquid at the seal cperation corditions. $

NS- Not specified p N/A-tbt applicable r

  • - See attached spec. sheet.

84/5 o m


Il o.

  • Appendix 1, Docign specificaticn 10855-N-070(Q), R:v 1 APPEIGIX 1 I SUPPLEMEICAL DATA ,


The shaft power requirement of the pump shall not exceed 600 BEP at any flowrate less than or equal to the maximum flowrate specified in the pump data sheet, Appendix

2. .

Sacs system descriptions '

sacs pumps operate in a closed cooling water loop oonsisting of SACS and various other heat exchangers connected in a parallel arrangement. The loop is pressurized by the static head of an expansion / head tank located above the highest point in the system.

Typical analysis of SACS water being pumped:

conductivity (micrombos/cm a 25*c) 0.1 Total dissolved solids (ppa as caco) 0.04 Silica (ppm as sio) 0.01 Chloride (ppm as c1) 0.03 i I 6 to 8 pH a 25'c corrosion inhibitor see below ,

Ambient operating conditions:

Installation Indoors Temperature 65-104*F Relative Bumidity ,

10-1005 Radiation exposure:

The motor-pump units shall be able to withstand an accumulated radiation dose of 9.0 x 10s rads over the 40 years useful life expectancy of the plant, and a short ters (30 days) dose of 2.0 x 10s rade during a IAss of Coolant Accident.

I Noise limitation:


The equipment oovered by this specification (including motor) '

shall not produce, under any operating condition, noise in excess i

of that permitted by osBA, for 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> per day exposure at a distance of 3 feet from the equipment casing.


( ,

Corrosion inhibitor: ,

1-1 of 3 l I

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Appendix 1, Design specification 10855-M-070(Q), R;v ic The Buyer is presently considering the use of sodium nitrate and Seller shall state  !

( certain other non-toxic corrosion inhibitors. ' I any liadtations the equipment might have regardIng~the use of corrosien inhibitors.

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PLRGASE ORER: 10855-M-70(0) and 10855-E-ll2A(0)

ESCRIPTION: Safety Auxiliaries Cooling Systen Ptznps -


A. Specification Content

1. Construction Code Class, appli- Yes AfME B&P Code Class 3 cable edition ste. Section III,1974 Edition l includirg Winter 1975 Addenda.
2. Definition cf in-service Yes ASME Code,Section XI.

inspection requirenents including references to specific ISI Codes, as applicable.

3. Ebnctional, operatirg, erwiron- Yes Given in &ta sheets nental ard & sign conditions mder which the punp must cpe-rate. See data sheet itens.
4. Operational nodes includirg time l Yes Refer to Section 5.0 limit for reciraalatirg flow testirg .
5. Punp type. Yes Centriftgal, horizontal split-case:
6. Minimum cperatirg flow limita-tions. Yes 35% of ratal Flcw.

(Section 6.12.5)

7. Design life. Yes 40 years.
8. Requirenents for dynanic analysis} Yes Refer to Section 6.16.

or testirg.

9. Designation cf loads, load can- Yes Refer to Section 6.16.

binations ard related ASME Code service conditions.

10. Danonstration cf cperability by , Yes Refer to Section 6.16 of analysis or test mder all spec.

applicable loadirg corditions.

11. Seisnic loalirg CBE and SSE. Yes l l K75/3 l

, ATTACINENT B Sh.19 of 28 PUMPS AND ICIOR - (Cont'd)

PROVITD ITIM IN TEC _ RIMAIES I. A. Specification Content (Cont'd) l

12. Stress limits. Yes
13. Seisnic design criteria. Yes
14. Quantified acceptable limits No for wear cf bearirgs to estab-lish minimum service life.
15. Use cf mechanical seals and Yes Refer to chta sheet, type cf seal cooler, as appli-cable.
16. Flod restrictor fran seal -

Not applicable ,

cavity, if applicable.

17. Vent and drain fran ptrap casirg l Yes and types of connections.
18. Operational limits for ptung -

Not @plicable ,

recirculation or cperation wittout cooliry water.

19 . Type cf ptrnp naczle connections Yes and chtails.

20. Connection requirenents to otherl Yes ancillary pipirg.
21. Support ard anchorage require- Yes nents, and configuration.
22. Cooling water pipirg code -

Not applicable ,


23. Separation cf runnirg frequency Yes Critical sImed > rated fran shaf t natural frequency. speed by at least 20%.
24. Minimum acceptable force ard Yes noment carrying e apability of the punp nczzles, the punp casirg, and the punp support attachments.

l K75/3 l

AntV#dtWMA B Sn. 4U or 20 I AUG 27 '85 ) F fj 71 p,1'


RIMARp or field test, analysis, and/or l experience).

12. Interface requirenents (control l Yes systen, utilities arailable, flarged connections, etc.) .
13. Shaf t vibration limits. Yes Per NDiA Stardard.
14. Special unterials requirenents -

Not applicable.

if different fran unrufacturers' stardards.


ATTACIMENT B Sh 26 of 28

. PUMPS AND M7IOR - (Cont'd)




15. Design Qualification require- No nents (i.e. , presstre vessel analysis, law cycle fatigue analysis, etc.) .
16. Support or anchorage require- Yes nents ard configuration.
17. Qualification acceptance Yes criteria.
18. Doomentation requirements. Yes
19. Insulation class. Yes Class F or H B. MOIOR PERFORMAtCE SPECIFICATIONS
1. Nonnal voltage (include Yes tolerance).
2. Minimum startirg voltage. Yes
3. Phase. Yes
4. Frequency (includirg tolerance). No
5. Startirg torque. Yes
6. Maximum time to accelerate - Verdor to decide ,


7. Tenperatre rise ard retrod cf Yes Thennoccuples requiral .

neastrement. (Page 9 cf Specification) 1 K75/3



APPENDIX B - MOIOR SPECIFICATION This apperdix is not part cf this stardard, but is included for infomation only. The follodirg infomation, as a minimum, should be rwiwed in the preparation d specifica-tions generate $ bf the organization respon-sible for the plant design.


1. Driven equipnent ftnction. Yes
2. Specific location in the plant., Yes
3. Mcuntirg (vertical or torizontal). Yes Horizontal
4. Erwirormental corditiom for each Yes service corditions: nonnal, abnomial, design basis went ard ard post design basis went, as applicable.
5. Control systen auxiliary equipment. Not applicable II. INIERFACES (motor supplier, user or others)
1. Shaf t (material, extension, and -

Verdor chsign other special features).

2. Ccuplirgs (one-half ccuplirg nountsi l Yes by motor supplier, self-release couplirg, solid, nonrwerse type).
3. Motor lea $ termination (lugs, insu- Yes Terminal Box lation, and qualification). (Page 8 cf Specification)
4. Seisnic qualification cf motor ard Yes driven equignent.
5. Water for bearirgs ard air to water -

Not required heat accharger, if required.

6. Motor / driven equipment mountirg. -

Prcuided bf verdor 1

l K75/3



1. Horsepower at each cperatirg cordi- Yes tion.
2. Synchroncus speed (nunber cf wirri- -

RPM is given irgs if multispeed).

3. Nonnal voltage including tolerance. Yes
4. Minimum voltage for starting ard Yes runnirg .
5. Phase ard direction cf rotation. No
6. Frequenof includirg tolerance. No
7. T. cad inertia (WK2 ). Yes i

K75/3 s