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| number = ML13358A373
| number = ML13358A373
| issue date = 12/31/2013
| issue date = 12/31/2013
| title = Monticello - Enclosure 1, Reload 26 Cycle 27 Supplemental Reload Licensing Report, 000N0154-SRLR, Revision 5, Extended Power Uprate and Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Plus
| title = Enclosure 1, Reload 26 Cycle 27 Supplemental Reload Licensing Report, 000N0154-SRLR, Revision 5, Extended Power Uprate and Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Plus
| author name =  
| author name =  
| author affiliation = Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas, LLC
| author affiliation = Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas, LLC

Latest revision as of 00:30, 4 April 2019

Enclosure 1, Reload 26 Cycle 27 Supplemental Reload Licensing Report, 000N0154-SRLR, Revision 5, Extended Power Uprate and Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Plus
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 12/31/2013
Global Nuclear Fuel - Americas
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
L-MT-13-126, TAC ME3145 000N0154-SRLR, Rev. 5
Download: ML13358A373 (51)


L-MT-1 3-126 ENCLOSURE 1 MONTICELLO NUCLEAR GENERATING PLANT RELOAD 26 CYCLE 27 SUPPLEMENTAL RELOAD LICENSING REPORT, 000N0154-SRLR, REVISION 5 EXTENDED POWER UPRATE (EPU)AND MAXIMUM EXTENDED LOAD LINE LIMIT PLUS (MELLLA+)50 pages follow GN.F Global Nuclear Fuel A Joint Venture of GE, Toshiba, & Hitachi 000N0154-SRLR Revision 5 Class I December 2013 Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Monticello Reload 26 Cycle 27 Extended Power Uprate (EPU)and Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Plus (MELLLA+)Copy'right 2013 Global Nuclear Fuel-A ruericas, LLC All Rights Reserved Monticello 00ON0154-SRLR Reload 26 Revision 5 Important Notice Regarding Contents of This Report Please Read Carefully This report was prepared by Global Nuclear Fuel -Americas, LLC (GNF-A) solely for use by Northern States Power Company (NSP) ("Recipient")

in support of the operating license for Monticello (the"Nuclear Plant"). The information contained in this report (the "Information")

is believed by GNF-A to be an accurate and true representation of the facts known by, obtained by or provided to GNF-A at the time this report was prepared.The only undertakings of GNF-A respecting the Information are contained in the contract between Recipient and GNF-A for nuclear fuel and related services for the Nuclear Plant (the "Fuel Contract")

and nothing contained in this document shall be construed as amending or modifying the Fuel Contract.

The use of the Information for any purpose other than that for which it was intended under the Fuel Contract, is not authorized by GNF-A. In the event of any such unauthorized use, GNF-A neither (a) makes any representation or warranty (either expressed or implied) as to the completeness, accuracy or usefulness of the Information or that such unauthorized use may not infringe privately owned rights, nor (b) assumes any responsibility for liability or damage of any kind which may result from such use of such information.

This report supports the licensing work done for the Nuclear Plant EPU/MELLLA+

license. This reload design was initiated prior to the PRIME transition commitment to utilize PRIME for reload analyses.

The cycle-specific reload analyses are based on GESTR-M, with one exception, and the PCT impact of PRIME was evaluated as part of 10 CFR 50.46 Error Notification 2012-01. The one exception is the DSS-CD BSP analysis, which was performed using PRIME. The use of PRIME for the DSS-CD BSP analysis is consistent with NEDO-33173 Supplement 4-A, Rev. 1, "Implementation of PRIME Models and Data in Downstream Methods," November 2012.Page 2 Monticello 00ON0154-SRLR Reload 26 Revision 5 Acknowledgement The engineering and reload licensing analyses, which form the technical basis of this Supplemental Reload Licensing Report, were performed by GNF-A/GEH Nuclear Analysis personnel.

The revision of the Supplemental Reload Licensing Report was prepared by J. Su. This revised document has been verified by L. Leatherwood.

Page 3 Monticello 000N0154-SRLR Reload 26 Revision 5 Table of Contents 1. Plant Unique Items 5 2. Reload Fuel Bundles 6 3. Reference Core Loading Pattern 6 4. Calculated Core Effective Multiplication and Control System Worth 7 5. Standby Liquid Control System Shutdown Capability 7 6. Reload Unique GETAB AOO Analysis -Initial Condition Parameters 7 7. Selected Margin Improvement Options 8 8. Operating Flexibility Options 9 9. Core-wide AOO Analysis Results, 9 10. Rod Withdrawal Error AOO Summary 10 11. Cycle SLMCPR and OLMCPR Summary 11 12. Overpressurization Analysis Summary 12 13. Fuel Loading Error Results 12 14. Control Rod Drop Analysis Results 13 15. Stability Analysis Results 13 16. Loss-of-Coolant Accident Results 16 Appendix A Analysis Conditions 29 Appendix B Thermal-Mechanical Compliance 30 Appendix C Decrease in Core Coolant Temperature Event 31 Appendix D Off-Rated Limits 32 Appendix E Mislocated Fuel Loading Error 37 Appendix F Turbine Trip with Bypass and Degraded Scram 38 Appendix G Monticello Non-Standard SRLR Items 39 Appendix H TRACG04 AOO Supplementary Information 41 Appendix I NEDC-33173P-A Supplementary Information 42 Appendix J MELLLA+ Supplementary Information 46 Appendix K List of Acronyms 47 Page 4 Monticello 00ON0154-SRLR Reload 26 Revision 5 The basis for this report is General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel, NEDE-2401 I-P-A-19, May 2012; and the U.S. Supplement, NEDE-2401 1-P-A-19-US, May 2012.A proprietary Fuel Bundle Information Report (FBIR) supplements this licensing report. The FBIR specifies the thermal-mechanical linear heat generation rate limits and also provides a description of the fuel bundles to be loaded. The document number for this report is 0000-0146-5423-FBIR.

1. Plant Unique Items Appendix A: Analysis Conditions Appendix B: Thermal-Mechanical Compliance Appendix C: Decrease in Core Coolant Temperature Event Appendix D: Off-Rated Limits Appendix E: Mislocated Fuel Loading Error Appendix F: Turbine Trip with Bypass and Degraded Scram Appendix G: Monticello Non-Standard SRLR Items Appendix H: TRACG04 AOO Supplementary Information Appendix I: NEDC-33173P-A Supplementary Information Appendix J: MELLLA+ Supplementary Information Appendix K: List of Acronyms Page 5 Monticello Reload 26 000N0154-SRLR Revision 5 2. Reload Fuel Bundles Cycle Number Fuel Type Loaded Irradiated:

GE 14-P 1ODNAB392-16GZ-100T- 45-T6-2931 (GE 14C) 24 9 GE14-PI0DNAB392-17GZ-1OOT-145-T6-2932 (GE14C) 24 11 GE 14-P10DNAB392-16GZ-1OOT-145-T6-2931 (GE14C) 25 40 GE 14-P1 0DNAB424-14GZ-1 OOT-145-T6-3 100 (GE 14C) 25 16 GE 14-PIODNAB375-16GZ-100T-145-T6-3101 (GE 14C) 25 52 GE 14-P1ODNAB392-16GZ-1OOT-145-T6-3102 (GE 14C) 25 40 GE14-P1ODNAB391-12GZ-100T-145-T6-3 103 (GE14C) 25 16 GE 14-PIODNAB373-16GZ-1OOT-145-T6-3375 (GE14C) 26 32 GE 14-PI ODNAB391-16GZ-1OOT-145-T6-3376 (GE14C) 26 40 GEl 4-PI ODNAB391-15GZ-1OOT-145-T6-3377 (GE14C) 26 32 GE 14-PI ODNAB391-12GZ-1OOT-145-T6-3378 (GE 14C) 26 44 New: GE 1 4-P I ODNAB389-11 GZ- 100T- 145-T6-4178 (GE 14C) 27 24 GE 14-P1ODNAB386-16GZ-1OOT-145-T6-4177 (GE14C) 27 24 GE 14-PIODNAB386-16GZ-100T-145-T6-4176 (GE14C) 27 48 GE 14-P1ODNAB372-17GZ-1OOT-145-T6-4175 (GE14C) 27 56 Total: 1 484 3. Reference Core Loading Pattern Core Average Cycle Exposure Exposure 30776 MWd/MT 12595 MWd/MT Nominal previous end-of-cycle exposure:

(27919 MWd/ST) (11426 MWd/ST)Minimum previous end-of-cycle exposure (for cold 30326 MWd/MT 12145 MWd/MT shutdown considerations):

(27511 MWd/ST) (11018 MWd/ST)17040 MWd/MT 0 MWd/MT Assumed reload beginning-of-cycle exposure:

(15459 MWd/ST) (0 MWd/ST)Assumed reload end-of-cycle exposure (rated 30929 MWd/MT 13889 MWd/MT conditions):

(28059 MWd/ST) (12600 MWd/ST)Reference core loading pattern: Figure 1 Page 6 Monticello Relnad 9.00ON0154-SRLR Reviqinn S Reload 26 4. Calculated Core Effective Multiplication and Control System Worth Beginning of Cycle, keffective Uncontrolled (20'C) 1.110 Fully controlled (20'C) 0.955 Strongest control rod out (most reactive condition, 20'C) 0.987 R, Maximum increase in strongest rod out reactivity during the cycle (Ak) 0.000 0 MWd/MT Cycle exposure at which R occurs (0 MWd/ST)5. Standby Liquid Control System Shutdown Capability Shutdown Margin (Ak)Boron (ppm) (at 1601C, Xenon Free)Analytical Requirement Achieved 660 >0.010 0.021 6. Reload Unique Anticipated Operational Occurrences (AOO) Analysis Initial Condition Parameters Operating domain: ICF (HBB)Exposure range : BOC to EOC (Application Condition:

1)Peaking Factors Fuel Bundle Bundle Initial Design Local Radial Axial R-Factor Power Flow Design___

_(MWt) (1000 lb/hr) MCPR GE14C 1.0 1.42 1.42 0.974 5.877 112.8 1.76 Operating domain: LCF (HBB)Exposure range : BOC to EOC (Application Condition:

1)Peaking Factors Fuel Bundle Bundle Initial Design Local Radial Axial R-Factor Power Flow Design___

_(MWt) (1000 lb/hr) MCPR GE14C 1.0 1.44 1.32 0.975 5.966 83.8 1.58 Exposure range designation is defined in Table 7-1. Application condition number is defined in Section 11.Page 7 Monticello Reload 26 00ON0154-SRLR Revision 5 Operating domain: ICF (UB)Exposure range : BOC to EOC (Application Condition:

1)Peaking Factors Fuel Bundle Bundle Initial Design Local Radial Axial R-Factor Power Flow Design__ __(MWt) (1000 lb/hr) MCPR GE14C 1.0 1.41 1.25 0.974 5.839 111.2 1.87 Operating domain: LCF (UB)Exposure range BOC to EOC (Application Condition:

1)Peaking Factors Fuel Bundle Bundle Initial Design Local Radial Axial R-Factor Power Flow Design__ __(MWt) (1000 lb/hr) MCPR GE14C 1.0 1.40 1.35 0.975 5.798 83.2 1.69 7. Selected Margin Improvement Options 2 Recirculation pump trip: Rod withdrawal limiter: Thermal power monitor: Improved scram time: Measured scram time: Exposure dependent limits: Exposure points analyzed: No No Yes Yes (Option B)No No I 2 Refer to the GESTAR basis document identified at the beginning of this report for the margin improvement options currently supported therein.Page 8 Monticello OOONO 1 54-SRLR Reload 26 Revision 5 Table 7-1 Cycle Exposure Range Designation Name Exposure Range 3 BOC to EOC BOC27 to EOC27 8. Operating Flexibility Options 4 The following information presents the operational domains and flexibility options which are supported by the reload licensing analysis.Extended Operating Domain (EOD): Yes EOD type: Extended Power Uprate (EPU)Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Plus (MELLLA+)Minimum core flow at rated power: 80.0 %Increased Core Flow: Yes Flow point analyzed throughout cycle: 105.0 %Feedwater Temperature Reduction:

No ARTS Program: Yes Single Loop Operation:

Yes Equipment Out of Service: Safety/relief valves Out of Service: Yes (credit taken for 5 valves)PROOS Yes 9. Core-wide AOO Analysis Results 5,6 Methods used: GEXL-PLUS, TRACG04 3 End of Rated (EOR) is defined as the cycle exposure corresponding to all rods out, 100% power/]00%

flow, and normal feedwater temperature.

For plants without mid-cycle OLMCPR points, EOR is not applicable.

4 Refer to the GESTAR basis document identified at the beginning of this report for the operating flexibility options currently supported therein.5 Exposure range designation is defined in Table 7-1. Application condition number is defined in Section 11.6 The Heat Flux, Q/A (% rated) output is not available from TRACG04, so the Simulated Thermal Power (STP) (%rated) is shown.Page 9 Monticello Reload 26 00ON0154-SRLR Revision 5 Operating domain: ICF (UB)Exposure range : BOC to EOC (Application Condition:

1)Uncorrected ACPRIICPR Event Flux STP GE14C Fig.(% rated) (% rated) GE14CFig.FW Controller Failure 548.5 114.4 0.238 2 Turbine Trip with Bypass 621.3 110.3 0.291 3 Turbine Trip w/o Bypass 550.8 108.5 0.228 4 Load Rejection w/o Bypass 335.4 106.2 0.169 5 Inadvertent HPCI /L8 530.8 120.5 0.248 6 10. Rod Withdrawal Error AOO Summary The Rod Withdrawal Error (RWE) event was analyzed in the GE BWR Licensing Topical Report Average Power Range Monitor, Rod Block Monitor and Technical Specification Improvement (ARTS)Program for Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, NEDC-30492-P, April 1984.RWE Results: RBM Setpoint (%) ACPR 114.0 0.25 The more limiting of the cycle specific and the generic ACPR values are reported in the table above. The RWE OLMCPR is determined by adding the ACPR for the desired RBM setpoint from the table above to the SLMCPR in Section 11.The ITSP and LTSP MCPR limits associated with the HTSP reported in the above table are bounded by the Kp limits for this cycle.The ARTS RWE analysis validated that the following MCPR values provide the required margin for full withdrawal of any control rod during this cycle: For Power < 90%: MCPR > 1.70 For Power 90%: MCPR > 1.40 The RBM operability requirements have been evaluated and shown to be sufficient to ensure that the SLMCPR and cladding 1% plastic strain criteria will not be exceeded in the event of a RWE.Page 10 Monticello Reload 26 000N0154-SRLR Revision 5 11. Cycle SLMCPR and OLMCPR Summary 7 8 9 Two Loop Operation (TLO) safety limit: 1.15 Single Loop Operation (SLO) safety limit: 1.15 Stability MCPR Design Basis: EGGS MCPR Design Basis: Non-pressurization Events: See Section 15 See Section 16 (Initial MCPR)Exposure range: BOG to EOC All Fuel Types Rod Withdrawal Error (114.0 % RBM Setpoint) 1.40 Loss of Feedwater Heating 1.34 Fuel Loading Error (Mislocated)

Not Limiting Fuel Loading Error (Misoriented) 1.37 Rated Equivalent SLO Pump Seizure 10 1.45 Limiting Pressurization Events OLMCPR Summary Table: " Appl.Cond. Exposure Range Option A Option B GE14C GE14C 1 Base Case BOC to EOC 1.74 1.62 7 Exposure range designation is defined in Table 7-1.8 For SLO, the MCPR operating limit is equal to the two loop value.9 The safety limit values presented include a 0.03 adder in accordance with extended operating domain licensing commitments up to and including operation in the MELLLA+ operating domain.'0 The cycle-independent OLMCPR for the recirculation pump seizure event for GE14C is 1.62 based on the cycle-specific SLO SLMCPR. When adjusted for the off-rated power/flow conditions of SLO, this limit corresponds to a rated OLMCPR of 1.45. This limit does not require an adjustment for the SLO SLMCPR." Each application condition (Appl. Cond.) covers the entire range of licensed flow and feedwater temperature unless specified otherwise.

The OLMCPR values presented apply to rated power operation based on the two loop operation safety limit MCPR.Page 11 Monticello D I oA r, 00ON0154-SRLR P-,QrA";nn Pressurization Events:" 2 Operating domain: ICF (UB)Exposure range : BOC to EOC (Application Condition:

1)Option A Option B GEI4C GE14C FW Controller Failure Not Limiting Not Limiting Turbine Trip with Bypass 1.62 1.62 Turbine Trip w/o Bypass Not Limiting Not Limiting Load Rejection w/o Bypass Not Limiting Not Limiting Inadvertent HPCI /L8 1.74 1.54 12. Overpressurization Analysis Summary " Event PsI Pdome Pv Plant (psig) (psig) (psig) Response MSIV Closure (Flux Scram) -ICF (1-BB) 1321 1327 1351 Figure 7 MSIV Closure (Flux Scram) -LCF (HBB) 1306 1312 1333 Figure 8 13. Fuel Loading Error Results Variable water gap misoriented bundle analysis:

Yes 14 Misoriented Fuel Bundle ACPR GE 14-PI ODNAB373-16GZ-1OOT-145-T6-3375 (GE14C) 0.21 GE 14-PIODNAB391-16GZ-1OOT-145-T6-3376 (GE14C) 0.15 GE14-PI ODNAB391-15GZ-100T-145-T6-3377 (GE14C) 0.07 GE14-P1ODNAB391-12GZ-1OOT-145-T6-3378 (GE14C) 0.15 GE14-P1ODNAB372-17GZ-1OOT-145-T6-4175 (GE14C) 0.21 GE14-PIODNAB386-16GZ-1OOT-145-T6-4176 (GE14C) 0.18 GE 14-P 1ODNAB386-16GZ-1OOT-145-T6-4177 (GE 14C) 0.22 GE I4-PI ODNAB389-11GZ-I OOT- 145-T6-4178 (GE 14C) 0.20 12 Application condition numbers shown for each of the following pressurization events represent conditions for which this event contributed in the determination of the limiting OLMCPR value.3 Overpressure calculated at an initial dome pressure of 1010 psig.14 Includes a 0.02 penalty due to variable water gap R-factor uncertainty.

the application Page 12 Monticello 00ON0154-SRLR Reload 26 Revision 5 14. Control Rod Drop Analysis Results This is a banked position withdrawal sequence plant, therefore, the control rod drop accident analysis is not required.

NRC approval is documented in NEDE-2401 l-P-A-19-US.

15. Stability Analysis Results Northern States Power Company is seeking approval for operating Monticello in the MELLLA+operating domain, which would provide greater core flow flexibility, particularly as power approaches 120% of the Original Licensed Thermal Power. SLO will not be allowed in conjunction with operation in the MELLLA+ domain. Implementation of MELLLA+ operating domain requires the use of the Detect and Suppress Solution -Confirmation Density (DSS-CD) stability solution.

Stability results for operation at EPU with MELLLA+ and DSS-CD are contained in this section.15.1 Stability DSS-CD Solution Monticello will implement the stability DSS-CD solution using the Oscillation Power Range Monitor (OPRM) as described in Reference 1 in Section 15.4. Plant-specific analyses for the DSS-CD Solution are provided in Reference 2 in Section 15.4. The Detect and Suppress function of the DSS-CD solution based on the OPRM system relies on the Confirmation Density Algorithm (CDA), which constitutes the licensing basis. The Backup Stability Protection (BSP) solution may be used by the plant in the event that the OPRM system is declared inoperable.

The CDA enabled through the OPRM system and the BSP solution described in Reference 2 in Section 15.4 provide the stability licensing bases for Monticello Cycle 27. The safety evaluation report for Reference I in Section 15.4 concluded that the DSS-CD solution is acceptable subject to certain cycle-specific limitations and conditions.

These cycle-specific limitations and conditions are met for Monticello Cycle 27.15.2 Detect and Suppress Evaluation A reload DSS-CD evaluation has been performed in accordance with the licensing methodology described in Reference 1 in Section 15.4 to confirm the Amplitude Discriminator Setpoint (SAD) of the CDA established in Reference 2 in Section 15.4. The Cycle 27 DSS-CD evaluation and the results for the DSS-CD Reload Confirmation Applicability Checklist documented in Table 15-1 demonstrate that: 1) the DSS-CD Solution is applicable to Monticello Cycle 27; and, 2) the SAD=I.10 established in Reference 2 in Section 15.4 is confirmed for operation of Monticello Cycle 27.The SAD=I. 10 setpoint is applicable to TLO and to SLO.Page 13 Monticello Reload 26 00ON0154-SRLR Revision 5 Table 15-1 DSS-CD Reload Confirmation Applicability Checklist Monticello Parameter DSS-CD Criterion Cycle 27 Results Acceptance BWR Product Line BWR/3-6 design BWR/3 Confirmed Fuel Product Line GE14 and earlier GE designs GEl4 Confirmedý EPU/MELLLA+

including EPU/MELLLA+

Operating Domain currently licensed operational including currently Confirmed (TLO) flexiblity features licensed operational flexibility features flexibility features EPU/MELLLA Operating Domain c EPU/MELLLA including including currently Confirmed (SLO) currently licensed operational licensed operational flexibility features flexibility features< 120°F (EPU/MELLLA)

Rated TFw Reduction No TFw Reduction No TFw Reduction Confirmed (MELLLA+ Extension)

Margin for TLO (see Table 2-2 in see Table 2-2 in Reference 2 0.29 Confirmed Reference 2 in Section in Section 15.4 15.4)Margin for SLO (see Table 2-2 in see Table 2-2 in Reference 2 0.37 Confirmed Reference 2 in Section in Section 15.4 15.4)15.3 Backup Stability Protection Reference 1 in Section 15.4 describes two BSP options that are based on selected elements from three distinct constituents:

BSP Manual Regions, BSP Boundary, and Automated BSP (ABSP) setpoints.

The Manual BSP region boundaries and the BSP Boundary were calculated for Monticello Cycle 27 for normal feedwater temperature operation.

The endpoints of the regions are defined in Table 15-2. The Scram Region boundary, the Controlled Entry Region boundary, and the BSP Boundary are shown in Page 14 Monticello 0 1 A 1A 00ON0154-SRLR D. ; "- 1;MnIcel -ON v5- RL Figure 9.The ABSP APRM Simulated Thermal Power setpoints associated with the ABSP Scram Region from Reference 3 are confirmed for Cycle 27 and are defined in Table 15-3. These ABSP setpoints bound both TLO and SLO.Table 15-2 BSP Endpoints for Normal Feedwater Temperature Endpoint Power Flow Definition Endpint (%) (%)Scram Region Boundary, HFCL BI 42.6 33.7 Scram Region Boundary, NCL Controlled Entry A2 83.6 58.9 Region Boundary, HFCL B2 28.6 31.2 Controlled Entry Region Boundary, NCL A3 100.0 85.2 BSP Boundary Intercept, HFCL BSP Boundary B3 75.3 57.4 Intercept, MELLLA+Boundary at Minimum Flow Page 15 Monticello Reload 26 000N0154-SRLR Revision 5 Table 15-3 ABSP Setpoints for the Scram Region Parameter Symbol Value Slope of ABSP APRM flow-m 1.30 biased trip linear segment.ABSP APRM flow-biased trip setpoint power intercept.

Constant Power Line for Trip PBSP-TRIP 38.0 % RTP*from zero Drive Flow to Flow Breakpoint value.ABSP APRM flow-biased trip setpoint drive flow intercept.

WBSP.TRJP 55.8 % RDF**Constant Flow Line for Trip.Flow Breakpoint value WBSP.BREAK 37.9 % RDF*** RTP -Rated Thermal Power** RDF -Recirculation Drive Flow 15.4 References

1. General Electric Boiling Water Reactor Detect and Suppress Solution -Confirmation DensitV, NEDC-33075P-A, Revision 6, January 2008.2. Safey Analysis Report for Monticello Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis Plus, NEDC-33435P, Revision 1, December 2009.3. Instrument Limits Calculation, Northern States Power -Minnesota (NSPM). Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant, Average Power Range Monitor NUMAC PRNM Setpoints

-MELLLA+ Automnatic Backup Stabilit, Protection (ABSP), 0000-0105-4810-R2 MNGP-M+ABSP-APRM-Calc-2009-P, Revision 2, June 2011.16. Loss-of-Coolant Accident Results 15 16.1 1OCFR50.46 Licensing Results The ECCS-LOCA analysis is based on the SAFER/GESTR-LOCA methodology.

The licensing results in the new cycle are summarized in the following table.'5 Lattice numbers are defined in the Fuel Bundle Infornation Report, 0000-0146-5423-FBIR.

Page 16 Monticello 000N0154-SRLR R~vidinn 'Pplnnrl 26 Revision 5 Table 16.1-1 Licensing Results Core-Wide Licensing Local Me-Wate Fuel Type Basis PCT Oxidation Re atio (OF) Reaction (°F) (%) (%)GE14C 2140 <10.00 < 0.20 The SAFER/GESTR-LOCA analysis results for GE14C are documented in Reference 1 for EPU and Reference 2 for MELLLA+ in Section 16.4.The RHR intertie open line analysis is documented in Reference 3 for GEI4C in Section 16.4. Reference 1 for GE14C extends the Reference 3 analysis to EPU. Reference 2 for GE14C extends the Reference 3 analysis to MELLLA+. These analyses indicate that plant operation up to 376 MWt with the RHR intertie line open is acceptable from an ECCS performance standpoint, provided a MAPLHGR multiplier of 0.75 is implemented or that the peak bundle power does not exceed 3.9 MWt.In addition to the power and flow dependent multipliers, Monticello also requires an ECCS MAPLHGR multiplier of 0.9908 for operation at or below 99% core flow. This multiplier ensures that the off-rated limits assumed in the EPU ECCS-LOCA analyses bound the cycle-specific off-rated limits calculated for MELLLA+ operation.

For GE 14C, the large break Appendix K ECCS-LOCA result at EPU power and MELLLA+ core flow is 2123°F as documented in Reference

2. The large break Appendix K ECCS-LOCA result at EPU power and rated core flow is 2119'F as documented in Reference 1.16.2 10CFR50.46 Error Evaluation The 1OCFR50.46 errors applicable to the Licensing Basis PCT are shown in the following table.Table 16.2-1 Impact on Licensing Basis Peak Cladding Temperature for GE14C 10CFR50.46 Error Notifications Number Subject PCT Impact (OF)2012-01 PRIME Code Implementation for Fuel Rod T/M +10 PeTforaance, Replacing GESTR Total PCT Adder (Ff) +0 Page 17 Monticello Reload 26 00ON0154-SRLR Revision 5 After accounting for the error impact, the GEI4C Licensing Basis PCT remains below the IOCFR50.46 limit of 2200'F, the Local Oxidation remains below the I OCFR50.46 limit of 17%, and the Core-Wide Metal-Water Reaction remains below the 1OCFR50.46 limit of 1%.16.3 ECCS-LOCA Operating Limits The ECCS-LOCA composite MAPLHGR operating limits for all fuel bundles in this EPU/MELLLA+

analysis are identical to the EPU MAPLHGR operating limits provided in the Monticello Cycle 27 EPU SRLR as documented in Reference 4.The core monitoring system monitors LHGR limits and ECCS-LOCA MAPLHGR limits separately; therefore, the new ECCS-LOCA MAPLHGR limits shown in Reference I for GEI4C in Section 16.4 are unaffected by changes to the LHGR curve, and application of the GE14L-B36-G7-IMLTR LHGR curve is acceptable from the ECCS-LOCA perspective.

The single loop operation multiplier on MAPLHGR and the ECCS-LOCA analytical initial MCPR values applicable to GE 14C fuel type in the new cycle core are shown in the following table.Table 16.3-15 Initial MCPR and Single Loop Operation Multiplier on MAPLHGR Fuel Type Initial MCPR Single Loop Operation Multiplier on MAPLHGR GE14C 1.350 0.83 The GE14C SLO multiplier applies to the EPU operating domain only, and SLO operation in the MELLLA+ domain is not permitted.

Monticello has an ECCS-LOCA PLHGR of 11.62 kW/ft for GEI4C fuel type.16.4 References The SAFER/GESTR-LOCA analysis base reports applicable to the new cycle core are listed below.Page 18 Monticello 00ON0154-SRLR Reload 26 Revision 5 References for GE14C 1. Project Task Report Nuclear Management Company, LLC (NMC) Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Extended Power Uprate Task T0407: ECCS-LOCA SAFER/GESTR, GE-NE-0000-0060-9286-TR-R2, Revision 2, October 2011.2. Project Task Report Northern States Power -Minnesota (NSPM) Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant MELLLA + Task T0407: ECCS-LOCA SAFER/GESTR, 0000-0096-6889-TR-R1, Revision 1, October 2011.3. Monticello Nuclear Plant GEl4 ECCS-LOCA Evahlation with the RHR Intertie Line Open, NSA 01-459, October 10, 2001.4. Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Monticello Reload 26 Cicle 27 Extended Power" Uprate (EPU), 0000-0146-5423-SRLR-R3, October 2013.Page 19 Monticello R elnad 00ON0154-SRLR Ppvicinn5 Reload 26 Revision 5 52 5o 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 5 11 6 9 9 10 9 10 6 9 5 11 6 7 9 10 9 9 11 13 9 9 14 20 7 15 20 10 8 15 18 18 10 20 19 15 14 18 18 12 13 18 12 17 13 18 12 17 14 18 18 12 10 20 19 15 8 15 18 18 7 15 20 10 9 2 14 20 9 9 11 13 9 10 6 7 5 6 9 9 6 5 11 9 10 10 9 11 9 9 7 8 10 3 13 13 14 10 9 9 15 15 20 18 18 18 18 20 11 14 20 18 19 18 12 12 18 19 13 20 10 18 15 12 17 17 12 15 7 18 19 14 17 7 15 15 7 17 18 15 14 17 15 17 8 8 17 15 19 14 10 13 17 10 12 12 10 17 14 17 13 7 13 17 7 7 17 13 17 15 17 13 17 12 19 19 12 17 7 17 10 17 12 17 13 13 17 12 15 8 12 7 19 13 7 7 13 19 15 8 12 7 19 13 7 7 13 19 7 17 10 17 12 17 13 13 17 12 17 15 17 13 17 12 19 19 12 17 14 17 13 7 13 17 7 7 17 13 19 14 10 13 17 10 12 12 10 17 18 15 14 17 15 17 8 8 17 15 7 18 19 14 17 7 15 15 7 17 13 20 10 18 15 12 17 17 12 15 11 14 20 18 19 18 12 12 18 19 9 9 15 15 20 18 18 18 18 20 9 9 7 8 10 14 13 13 3 10 11 9 10 10 9 11 5 6 9 9 6 5 8 7 9 9 15 15 9 9 18 20 14 11 9 5 18 10 20 13 10 9 14 19 18 7 13 11 9 17 14 15 18 20 14 1 13 10 14 19 10 20 15 7 13 17 14 18 18 15 13 17 15 17 15 19 20 17 10 17 7 12 18 18 7 12 8 15 17 12 18 7 12 8 15 17 12 18 17 10 17 7 12 18 18 13 17 15 17 15 19 20 7 13 17 14 18 18 15 13 10 14 19 10 20 15 17 14 15 18 20 14 9 14 19 18 7 13 11 9 18 10 20 13 10 9 18 20 14 11 7 6 15 15 9 9 8 7 9 9 9 9 7 8 10 14 13 13 14 10 8 7 9 9 11 9 10 10 9 11 5 6 9 9 16 5 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 Fuel Type I=GE 14-P 010DNAB392-16GZ-I GOT-I 45-T6-2931 (Cycle 25) 12=GEI 4-P)lODNAB373-16GZ-I OOT-145-T6-3375 (Cycle 26)2=GE I 4-Pl 0DNAB375-16GZ-1 OT-1 45-T6-3 101 (Cycle 25) 13=GEI 4-PIODNAB391-16GZ-I0OT-145-T6-3376 (Cycle 26)3=GE 14-P I ODNAB391-15GZ-I OT-145-T6-3377 (Cycle 26) 14=GE14-PI ODNAB391-15GZ-I OT-145-T6-3377 (Cycle 26)5=GE14-PIODNAB392-16GZ-l OOT-145-T6-2931 (Cycle 24) 15=GE14-Pl ODNAB39 I-12GZ-1 OT-145-T6-3378 (Cycle 26)6=GE14-PIODNAB392-17GZ-IOOT-145-T6-2932 (Cycle 24) 16=GEI4-PIODNAB3 92-17GZ- I OOT-145-T6-2932 (Cycle 24)7=GEI 4-P I 0DNAB392-16GZ-0 OT-145-T6-2931 (Cycle 25) 17-GE= 4-PIODNAB372-17GZ-10OT-145-T6-4175 (Cycle 27)8=GE 14-P I1DNAB424-14GZ-I OT-145-T6-3 100 (Cycle 25) 18=GE0 4-PF ODNAB386-16GZ-I GOT-1 45-T6-4176 (Cycle 27)9=GE 14-P 1GDNAB375-16GZ-I 0T-145-T6-3 101 (Cycle 25) 19=GE0 4-PF ODNAB386-16GZ-IOOT-145-T6-4177 (Cycle 27)10=GE 14-PIODNAB392-16GZ-10 GT-145-T6-3102 (Cycle 25) 20=GE14-PI0DNAB389-1 I GZ- IOT-145-T6-4178 (Cycle 27)1 I=GE14-PIODNAB391-12GZ-0O0T-145-T6-3103 (Cycle 25)Figure 1 Reference Core Loading Pattern Page 20 Monticello PD1,-A 14 O00NO 154-SRLR SpXiAQnn r-I.- -MwCP Uk...NFJCPEOC~h-Bs.Cas.

U"I 27 140 120 100 40 20 I'5 I I 1350 1300 1250 1200 1150J 1100 1050 1000 1 0 050 0 5 10 15 20 25 Thu. f")j 40 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 I's 1.0 0.6 0.0-1.0-1.5-2.0-TOW Roa**y--Stmm A***Ay-Deppler T-Paueo. Itdo"N VOW Roo*0 5 10 is 20 25 Tkme is")5 10 15 T ,kh -)2D 25 Figure 2 Plant Response to FW Controller Failure (EOC ICF (UB))Page 21 Monticello 1?I0H1 A 9f 00ON0154-SRLR P~vikinn 'Revision 5 TT UIJ4PWJlCFE-LOC~k-3aCas

___00 w 0 IKI 27 140 120 100 ISO wt so 40 20 0 120 4001 3001 200 too 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Tim. (s")0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Thm (.)40 301 201 1 10 1 I 00 0 410 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time (see)0 1 2 3 4 5 a Thin (a")Figure 3 Plant Response to Turbine Trip with Bypass (EOC ICF (UB))Page 22 Monticello Reload 26 00ON0154-SRLR Revision 5 TTNSP UB..NPWJCP..JOC4M-Ua..Cas W(1 KIT 140 120 100 600 40 20 700 so 600 70 60 600 400' so~ 40 3001 30 200 1350 1300 1250 1200 11501 1100 1050 10D0 100 1 10 0 0 950 0 1 2 3 4 5 a Tkm (-e)0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Tkm (SC)120 60 I 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0:05.0-0.5-1.0-1.5-2.0 0 460 0 1 2 3 4 5 6..,A" Timlefts)0 1 2 3 4 Trm to")a Figure 4 Plant Response to Turbine Trip w/o Bypass (EOC ICF (UB))Page 23 Monticello Rflnnd 9A 00ON0154-SRLR P Revision 5 NKI I?140 120 100 40 20 0 120 LRNBP USJ4PWJCP.-EOC4UU-Cas.

I I I 12001 Iio 0 1 2 3 4 5 a TW" (0")0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Tm f"c)40 so 140 0-40 30 2 0 10 0I-10-20-40 C I mAWSAU.P 2UUVU 2 3 4 5 Tm losee)6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Thu (-)Figure 5 Plant Response to Load Rejection w/o Bypass (EOC ICF (UB))Page 24 Monticello 00ON0154-SRLR R P-1-1 2A Revision 5 HPCHJS USJ4FWJlCF...OC4m-Sa..Cas.

EKI 27 140 120 100 so 4O0 40 20 0 1w 120 so j40 0-40 560 so 48W 70 400 320' 50~ 40 2 4 0 j 30 180 2D 1350 1300 1250 1200 IOS 1050 10O0 so 10 0 950 0 8 10 1S 20 25 30 35 Tieh ts)0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 S("C)60 4.0 3.6-50 3.0 i 2.5 1.5 30 1.0 0.5 201 10.0-0.5 10 -1.0-1.5 0 -2.0 TO-Mi RGOI4V S- rr Root#-Doppla Terniporabs Romel*vo Roda*410 0 5 10 1s 20 25 30 35Time (See)0 5 10 1s 20 25 30 35 Tme (see)Figure 6 Plant Response to Inadvertent HPCI /L8 (EOC ICF (UB))Page 25 Monticello D I AIA OOONO I 54-SRLR D , , Iz%,.kU-U LU v V*faUIi .IK1 27 140 120 100 so 40 20 0 120 so 40 MSIWF HBBJ4PWJlCF-OC4as...Cas.

-____ 420 so sa 70 300 240'120 20 so 10 --0 a --0 -.1400 40 4.0 3.S 3.02.5 2.5 20 1.0 0.5 0°0 to! -as6-1.0-1.5 0 -2.0 0 1 Figure 7 Plant Response to MSIV Closure (Flux Scram) -(EOC ICF (HBB))Page 26 Monticello ID. ,l-A If,'00ON0154-SRLR MSIV H5BNPWLCFEOC4Ma.Caso 2171 140 120 100 so 40 20 0 120 60 40 0 420 80 60 300 2401 s 1140 1801 30 120 20 1400 so o 4 0 01 40 4.0 3.5 3.0-30 f 2.5-20 1.0 0.0-0.6-1.0-1.5 0 -2.0 rim (se)3 4 11mg (-e)Thiw ("a)ThtOA UA pnn24:z~finn2 Figure 8 Plant Response to MSIV Closure (Flux Scram) -(EOC LCF (HBB))Page 27 Monticello 00ON0154-SRLR PA1,nQ;A 1;229 110 100 90 80 CIO 00 30 10 0 Ce!, FISWW~l Figure 9 Manual BSP Regions and BSP Boundary for Normal Feedwater Temperature Operation Page 28 Monticello Reload 26 000N0154-SRLR Revision 5 Appendix A Analysis Conditions The reactor operating conditions used in the reload licensing analysis for this plant and cycle are presented in Table A-1. The pressure relief and safety valve configuration for this plant are presented in Table A-2. Additionally, the operating flexibility options listed in Section 8 are supported by the reload licensing analysis.Table A-1 Reactor Operating Conditions Analysis Value ICF LCF Parameter NFWT NFWT Thermal power, MWt 2004.0 2004.0 Core flow, Mlb/hr. 60.5 46.1 Reactor pressure (core mid-plane), psia 1041.0 1036.3 Inlet enthalpy, Btu/lb 524.8 517.1 Non-fuel power fraction" 6 NA NA Steam flow, Mlb/hr 8.39 8.39 Dome pressure, psig 1010.2 1009.8 Turbine pressure, psig 943.9 943.7 Table A-2 Pressure Relief and Safety Valve Configuration Number of Lowest Setpoint Valve Type Valves (psig)Safety/Relief Valve 8 1170 (Relief Mode)16 The non-fuel power fraction is not available from TRACG04 Page 29 Monticello 00ON0154-SRLR Reload 26 Revision 5 Appendix B Thermal-Mechanical Compliance A thermal-mechanical compliance check is performed to assure that the fuel will operate without violating the thermal-mechanical design limits. These limits are designed such that reactor operation within these limits provides assurance that the fuel will not exceed any thermal-mechanical design or licensing limits during all modes of operation.

The fuel thermal-mechanical limits are met for the current cycle.Page 30 Monticello 00ON0154-SRLR Reload 26 Revision 5 Appendix C Decrease in Core Coolant Temperature Event The Loss-of-Feedwater Heating event was analyzed at 100% rated power using the BWR Simulator Code. The use of this code is consistent with the approved methodology.

The transient plots, neutron flux and heat flux values normally reported in Section 9 are not an output of the BWR Simulator Code;therefore, those items are not included in this document.

The OLMCPR result is shown in Section 11.Page 31 Monticello Reload 26 000N0154-SRLR Revision 5 Appendix D Off-Rated Limits Off-Rated Power Dependent Limits ARTS power dependent thermal limits have been developed for operation with all Equipment In-Service and a Pressure Regulator Out-Of-Service (PROOS) in Reference D-1.The MCPRp limits provided in Reference D-I are based on a SLMCPR of 1.15.MCPRp Limits for: Base Case Limits for Power < 40.0%Flow > 50.0% Flow < 50.0%Power (%) Limit Power (%) Limit MCPRp MCPRp 25.0 3.62 25.0 2.83 40.0 2.91 40.0 2.37 Limits for Power _ 40.0%Power (%) Limit Kp 40.0 1.323 60.0 1.150 90.0 1.056 100.0 1.000 Page 32 Monticello Reload 26 000N0154-SRLR Revision 5 Reload 26 Revision 5 MCPRp Limits for: Pressure Regulator Out-of-Service Limits for Power < 40.0%Flow > 50.0% Flow < 50.0%Power (%) Limit Power (%) Limit MCPRp MCPRp 25.0 3.62 25.0 2.83 40.0 2.91 40.0 2.37 Limits for Power 40.0%Power (%) Limit Kp 40.0 1.550 60.0 1.460 85.0 1.240 85.0 1.072 90.0 1.056 100.0 1.000 LHGRFACp Limits for: Base Case Lim its for Power < 40.0%Flow > 50.0% Flow < 50.0%Power (%) Limit Power (%) Limit 25.0 0.496 25.0 0.522 40.0 0.519 40.0 0.638 Limits for Power _ 40. 0%Power (%) Limit 40.0 0.687 100.0 1.000 LHGRFACp Limits for: Pressure Regulator Out-of-Service Lidits for Power < 40.0%Flow > 50.0% Flow < 50.0%Power (%) Limit Power (%) Limit 25.0 0.496 25.0 0.522 40.0 0.519 40.0 0.638 Limits for Power _ 40.0%Power (%) Limit 40.0 0.645 85.0 0.825 85.0 0.894 100.0 1.000 Page 33 Monticello 00ON0154-SRLR Revisqion 5 Reload 26 Revision 5 MAPFACp Limits for: Base Case Limits for Power < 40. 0%Flow > 50.0% Flow < 50.0%Power (%) Limit Power (%) Limit 25.0 0.496 25.0 0.522 40.0 0.519 40.0 0.638 Limits for Power >_ 40. 0%Power (%) Limit 40.0 0.687 100.0 1.000 MAPFACp Limits for: Pressure Regulator Out-of-Service Limits for Power < 40.0%Flow > 50.0% Flow < 50.0%Power (%) Limit Power (%) Limit 25.0 0.496 25.0 0.522 40.0 0.519 40.0 0.638 Limits for Power _ 40. 0%Power (%) Limit 40.0 0.645 85.0 0.825 85.0 0.894 100.0 1.000 Off-Rated Flow Dependent Limits The flow dependent ARTS thermal limits are documented in Reference D-1. The off-rated flow dependent limits provided in Reference D-1 have been validated for this cycle. The flow dependent LHGRFAC/MAPFAC limits include an ECCS-LOCA MAPLHGR limit for core flow <99.0% rated flow.The MCPRf limits provided in Reference D-1 are based on a SLMCPR of 1.15.MCPRf Limits for: Base Case Limits for a Maximum Runout Flow of 107.0%Flow (%) Limit MCPRf 30.0 1.64 94.4 1.23 107.0 1.23 Page 34 Monticello Reload 26 00ON0154-SRLR Revision 5 MCPRf Limits for: Pressure Regulator Out-of-Service Limits for a Maximnum Runout Flow of 107.0%Flow (%) Limit__MCPRf 30.0 1.64 94.4 1.23 107.0 1.23 LHGRFACf Limits for: Base Case Limits for a Maximntu Runout Flow of 107. 0%Flow (%) Limit 30.0 0.660 78.6 0.991 99.0 0.991 99.0 1.000 107.0 1.000 LHGRFACf Limits for: Pressure Regulator Out-of-Service Limits for a Maximnum Runout Flow of 107.0%Flow (%) Limit 30.0 0.660 78.6 0.991 99.0 0.991 99.0 1.000 107.0 1.000 MAPFACf Limits for: Base Case Limits for a Maximaumt Runout Flow of 107. 0%Flow (%) Limit 30.0 0.660 78.6 0.991 99.0 0.991 99.0 1.000 107.0 1.000 Page 35 Monticello Reload 26 00ON0154-SRLR Revision 5 MAPFACf Limits for: Pressure Regulator Out-of-Service Limits for a Maximnum Runout Flow of 107.0%Flow (%) Limit 30.0 0.660 78.6 0.991 99.0 0.991 99.0 1.000 107.0 1.000 Reference D- 1 Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Offirated Limits and Pressure Regulator Downscale Failure Analysis at MELLLA+, 0000-0131-4356-RI, Revision 1, January 2012.Page 36 Monticello 00ON0154-SRLR Reload 26 Revision 5 Appendix E Mislocated Fuel Loading Error The Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant Cycle 27 Mislocated Fuel Loading Error analysis was evaluated.

The event is non-limiting for fuel types through GEl4 if the following condition is satisfied:



1, / 1.07)This criterion has been demonstrated to be generically applicable to GE 14 reloads.The minimum OLMCPR calculated for Monticello Cycle 27 is 1.62 (shown in Section 11 for GEl4 fuel from BOC27 to EOC27) while the plant/cycle specific SLMCPR is 1.15. Using 1.15 in the equation yields 1.38 on the right side.Using these values the above equation would yield 1.62 > 1.38.Therefore, the Mislocated Fuel Loading Error is non-limiting for Monticello Cycle 27.Page 37 Monticello 00ON0154-SRLR Reload 26 Revision 5 Appendix F Turbine Trip with Bypass and Degraded Scram The Turbine Trip with Bypass (TTWBP) event was analyzed with the postulated Option A degraded scram and an OLMCPR value was determined.

No Option B analysis was performed for the TTWBP.The Option A calculated OLMCPR for the TTWBP is used for Option B and this value sets the OLMCPR limit for Option B because it is higher than the most limiting OLMCPR calculated for a pressurization event. Therefore, if the cycle average scram time does not satisfy the criterion provided in Reference F-1 and Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant decides to interpolate between Option A and Option B scram times, this can be accomplished by using the procedure provided in Reference F-i with the following modification to Equation 4 of Reference F-i: The modified equation to establish the new operating limit for pressurization events is given below:

= MAX OLMCPRl B -B AOLMCPR, OLMCPRTT,..P T'4 -T'B IT '(4 )where: T a,e and T1 are defined in Equations I and 3 of Reference F-1, respectively; TA = the technical specification limit on core average scram time to the20 percent insertion position OLMCPR Option B = the most limiting OLMCPR calculated for a pressurization event actually analyzed for Option B AOLMCPR = the difference between OLMCPR Option A and OLMCPR Option B For Monticello Cycle 27, the OLMCPRs for the HPCIL8 event are 1.74 for Option A and 1.54 for Option B. Therefore, the AOLMCPR for the HPCIL8 event is 0.20. The OLMCPR for the TTWBP event is 1.62.This approach is cycle independent with the TTWBP analyzed in this manner as long as the cycle specific OLMCPR Option B and AOLMCPR values are used in the calculation.

Reference F-1. Monticello Option B Licensing Basis, LRC03.040, March 24, 2003 from L. R. Conner to Rick Rohrer.Page 38 Monticello Reload 26 00ON0154-SRLR Revision 5 Appendix G Monticello Non-Standard SRLR Items This appendix contains Monticello non-standard SRLR items that are being provided at the request of Xcel Energy.Additional Section 9 Information For the inadvertent HPCI event, the level 8 trip was modeled as the OPL-3 setpoint value. The turbine trip signal is initiated manually after the narrow-range water level has reached equilibrium.

This was done since confirmation could not be obtained that a level 8 event would not occur during this event.Additional Section 11 Information The following table summarizes the cycle rated power and flow MCPR values for the events reported in this SRLR. If the event's Option A or Option B limit are merged together in a single column, then the event cannot be interpolated based on scram times. For a description of how to implement Option B scram times see Appendix F.Cycle MCPR values Exposure range: BOC27 to EOC27 Option A Option B GE14C GE14C FW Controller Failure Not Limiting Not Limiting Load Reject w/o Bypass Not Limiting Not Limiting Turbine Trip w/o Bypass Not Limiting Not Limiting Inadvertent HPCI /L8 Turbine Trip 1.74 1.54 Loss of Feedwater Heating 1.34 Fuel Loading Error (misoriented) 1.37 Fuel Loading Error (mislocated)

Determined to be non-limiting SLO Pump Seizure 1.45 Turbine Trip with Bypass 1.62 Control Rod Withdrawal Error (RBM setpoint at 114%) 1.40 Load Rejection with Bypass'7 Determined to be non-limiting LOCA Analysis Limit MCPR 1.350 17 This event corresponds to "Single Turbine Control Valve Slow Closure (GESIL 502)". Since Cycle 22 results for this event were far from limiting and no significant changes have occurred that would significantly increase this event's results for this cycle, this event was determined to be non-limiting.

Page 39 Monticello OOONO154-SRLR Reload 26 Revision 5 Additional Section 12 Information The Dome Pressure Safety Limit, provided via the OPL-3, of 1332.0 psig is satisfied.

Additional Section 16 Information These analyses indicate that plant operation up to 376 MWt with the RHR intertie line open is acceptable from an ECCS performance standpoint, provided a MAPLHGR multiplier of 0.75 is implemented or that the peak bundle power does not exceed 3.9 MWt.In addition to the power and flow dependent multipliers, Monticello also requires an ECCS MAPLHGR multiplier of 0.9908 for operation at or below 99% core flow.No single-loop operation multiplier on PLHGR is required.Maximum Subcritical Banked Withdrawal Position (MSBWP)The Maximum Subcritical Banked Withdrawal Position analysis confirmed that the reference core loading pattern satisfied cold shutdown margin requirements including bank position 04.Page 40 Monticello 000N0154-SRLR Reload 26 Revision 5 Appendix H TRACG04 AOO Supplementary Information Reference H-1 provides the results of the evaluations supporting the application of TRACG04 for AOO analyses for Monticello.

Section 11 of this report presents the MCPR limits based on the TRACG04 methodology of Reference H-2.The safety evaluation report for licensing topical report NEDE-32906P Supplement 3 (Reference H-2)concluded that the application of TRACG04 methods to AOO and overpressure transient analyses were acceptable subject to certain limitations and conditions.

Several of these conditions request that additional, application-specific information be provided.

The information provided below responds to these requests for the identified items.Limitation/Condition 23 (Transient LHGR Limitation 3)The Transient LHGR Limitation 3 specified in Reference H-2 requires that in order to account for the impact of void history bias, plant-specific EPU and MELLLA+ applications using either TRACG04 or ODYN will demonstrate an equivalent to 10 percent margin to the fuel centerline melt and the 1 percent cladding circumferential plastic strain acceptance criteria due to pellet-cladding mechanical interaction for all of the limiting AOO transient events, including equipment out-of-service.

Limiting transients in this case, refers to transients where the void reactivity coefficient plays a significant role (such as pressurization events).The analyses for Monticello Cycle 27 met the conditions of the Void Reactivity Coefficient Correction Model Condition (Limitation 21 of Reference H-2) and the Void Reactivity Coefficient Correction Model Basis Condition (Limitation 22 of Reference H-2); and therefore per Limitation 23 of Reference H-2, the pressurization transient events are not required to demonstrate 10 percent margin to the fuel centerline melt and the 1 percent cladding circumferential plastic strain acceptance criteria.References for Appendix H H- 1. Monticello TRA CG Implementation for Reload Licensing Transient Analysis, 0000-0082-0062-R1, Revision 1, May 2010.H-2. Migration to TRACGO4/PANACll firom TRACGO2/PANACIO for TRACG AO0 and ATWS Overpressure Transients, NEDE-32906P, Supplement 3-A, Revision 1, April 2010.Page 41 Monticello 00ON0154-SRLR Reload 26 Revision 5 Appendix I NEDC-33173P-A Supplementary Information The safety evaluation for licensing topical report NEDC-33173P-A (Reference I-I) concluded that the application of GEH/GNF methods to expanded operating domains was acceptable subject to certain limitations and conditions.

Several of these conditions request that additional, application-specific information be provided.

The information provided below responds to these requests for the identified items.It is confirmed that the max allowable peak bundle power and average power density are not changed from the EPU license as documented in Reference 1-5.Limitation/Condition 5 (SLMCPR 2)For operation at MELLLA+, a 0.03 value was added to the cycle specific SLMCPR value which bounds the 0.02 value as specified in the limitation.

The SLMCPR values reported in Section 11 reflect this adder.Limitation/Condition 6 (R-factor)

The plant specific R-factor calculation at a bundle level was performed consistent with lattice axial void conditions expected for the hot channel operating state applicable to this cycle of operation.

For Monticello Cycle 27 at the EPU/MELLLA+

licensed power level, a 60% void profile was used for the calculation of bundle R-factors.

Limitation/Condition 8 (ECCS-LOCA 2)This limitation is satisfied by reporting the Appendix K PCTs for the evaluated power and flow points in the upper boundary of the expanded operating domains in Section 16.1 of this SRLR.Limitation/Condition 10 (Transient LHGR 2)The Transient LHGR 2 limitation specified in Reference 1-1 requires each EPU and MELLLA+ fuel reload to document the calculation results of the analyses demonstrating compliance to transient T-M acceptance criteria.

Table 1-1 sunmmarizes the percent margin to the Thermal Overpower and Mechanical Overpower limits.Table I-1 Margin to the Thermal Overpower and Mechanical Overpower Limits Page 42 Monticello 00ON0154-SRLR Reload 26 Revision 5 Criteria GE14C Mechanical Overpower 7.91%Limitation/Condition 11 (Transient LHGR 3)The Transient LHGR 3 limitation specified in Reference I-1 requires that in order to account for the impact of the void history bias, plant-specific EPU and MELLLA+ applications using either TRACG04 or ODYN will demonstrate an equivalent to 10 percent margin to the fuel centerline melt and the 1 percent cladding circumferential plastic strain acceptance criteria due to pellet-cladding mechanical interaction for all of the limiting AOO transient events, including equipment out-of-service.

Limiting transients in this case, refers to transients where the void reactivity coefficient plays a significant role (such as pressurization events)..However, as stated in Appendix H the void history bias was incorporated into the transient model within the TRACG04 code, and therefore the 10 percent margin to the fuel centerline melt and the 1 percent cladding circumferential plastic strain acceptance criteria is no longer required.Limitation/Condition 14 (Part 21 Evaluation of GESTR-M Fuel Temperature Calculation)

GE 14 LHGR limits applied to Monticello Cycle 27 EPU/MELLLA+

incorporate a 350 psi penalty on fuel rod critical pressure in the fuel rod internal pressure design ratio. These limits comply with the NRC's conclusions regarding this subject (Reference 1-2).Limitation/Condition 15 (Void Reactivity 1)This limitation/condition is the same as Limitation/Condition 22 of NEDE-32906P, which is described in Appendix H. Because Limitation/Condition 22 of NEDE-32906P is met, Limitation/Condition 15 from NEDC-33173P is also met.Limitation/Condition 16 (Void Reactivity 2)This limitation/condition applies until the new TRACG/PANAC methodology is approved by the NRC. Monticello Cycle 27 EPU/MELLLA+

was analyzed with TRACG04/PANAC 11, so this limitation/condition no longer applies.Limitation/Condition 17 (Steady State 5 Percent Bypass Voiding)The bypass voiding condition was evaluated for the licensed core loading and confirmed that the bypass void fraction remained below 5 percent at all LPRM levels when operating at steady-state conditions within the licensed upper boundary.

For a power/flow condition that conservatively bounded the licensed power/flow upper boundary, the bypass void fraction at the D level LPRM location was calculated to be 0.0%.Limitation/Condition 19 (Void-Quality Correlation 1)Page 43 Monticello 00ON0154-SRLR Reload 26 Revision 5 The OLMCPR limitation requiring an additional 0.01 adder on tile OLMCPR does not apply to EPU or MELLLA+ licensing calculations when TRACG04 methods are used (Reference 1-3). Therefore, the OLMCPR adder is not applied to Monticello Cycle 27.Limitation/Condition 20 (Void-Quality Correlation 2)This limitation/condition applies until the new TRACG/PANAC methodology is approved by the NRC. Monticello Cycle 27 EPU/MELLLA+

was analyzed with TRACG04/PANAC 11, so this limitation/condition no longer applies.NEDC-33006P-A Supplementary Information The safety evaluation for licensing topical report NEDC-33006P-A (Reference 1-4) approved the operation of GE BWRs in the MELLLA+ expanded operating domain, subject to certain limitations and conditions.

One of these conditions requested that additional, application-specific information be provided as part of the SRLR. The infonnation provided below responds to this request.Limitation/Condition 6 (SLMCPR Statepoints and CF Uncertainty)

As requested in Limitation/Condition 6, the SLMCPR calculated results at specified off-rated power/flow conditions are reported in Table 1-2 below.Table 1-2 Two-Loop SLMCPR Results for MELLLA+ Conditions Power (% Rated) Flow (% Rated) SLMCPR 100 100 1.08 100 80 1.10 82.5 57.4 1.12 100 105 1.07 Limitation/Condition 10.B (ECCS-LOCA Off-Rated Multiplier)

In addition to the power and flow dependent multipliers, Monticello also requires an ECCS MAPLHGR multiplier of 0.9908 for operation at or below 99% core flow. This multiplier ensures that the off-rated limits assumed in the EPU ECCS-LOCA analyses bound the cycle-specific off-rated limits calculated for MELLLA+ operation.

Limitation/Condition 18.D (ATWS TRACG Analysis)For operation in the MELLLA+ domain, SLO will not be allowed as expressed by EOOS options in Section 8, and per section 15 and Appendix J.References for Appendix I Page 44 Monticello 000N0154-SRLR Reload 26 Revision 5 1-1. ApplicabilitY of GE Methods to Expanded Operating Domains, NEDC-33173P-A, Revision 4, November 2012.1-2. Applicabilio, of GE Methods to Expanded Operating Domains, NEDC-33173P-A, Revision 1, September 2010.1-3. Migration to TRACGO4/PANACII firom TRACGO2/PANACIO for TRACG AO0 and ATtWS Overpressure Transients, NEDE-32906P, Supplement 3-A, Revision 1, April 2010.1-4. General Electric Boiling Water Reactor Maritnum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis Plus, NEDC-33006P-A, Revision 3, June 2009.1-5. Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Monticello Reload 26 Cycle 27 Extended Power Uprate (EPU), 0000-0146-5423-SRLR-R3, October 2013.Page 45 Monticello 00ON0154-SRLR Reload 26 Revision 5 Appendix J MELLLA+ Supplementary Information The pressurization transients are generally limiting at high core flow conditions.

However, the transients were performed at both the minimum MELLLA+ flow (80%) and the maximum ICF flow (105%). This ensures that the pressurization transient results bound MELLLA, MELLLA+and ICF operating conditions.

Additionally, the loss of feedwater heating (LFWH) transient, which is more limiting at low core flow, was performed at the minimum MELLLA+ flow.Therefore, the limiting subcooling transient bounds MELLLA, MELLLA+ and ICF operating conditions.

Single loop operation (SLO) will not be allowed in conjunction with operation in the MELLLA+ domain.NEDC-33173P-A Revision 4 Limitations/Conditions The safety evaluation in licensing topical report NEDC-33173P-A Revision 4 (Applicability of GE Methods to Expanded Operating Domains) concluded that the application of GEH/GNF methods to expanded operating domains was acceptable subject to certain limitations and conditions.

Several of these conditions request that additional, application-specific information be provided.

The limitations/conditions for MELLLA+ have already been addressed in Appendix I.NEDC-32906P Supplement 3-A Limitations/Conditions The safety evaluation in licensing topical report NEDC-32906P Supplement 3-A (Migration to TRACGO4/PANACll from TRACGO2/PANACIO for TRACG AOO and ATWS Overpressure Transients) concluded that the application of TRACG04 methods to AOO and overpressure transient analyses were acceptable subject to certain limitations and conditions.

The limitations/conditions for MELLLA+ have already been addressed in Appendix I.NEDC-33006P-A Revision 3 Limitations/Conditions The safety evaluation in licensing topical report NEDC-33006P-A Revision 3 (General Electric Boiling Water Reactor Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis Plus) concluded that plant-specific MELLLA+ applications were acceptable subject to certain limitations/conditions.

Several of these conditions request that additional, application-specific information be provided.These limitations/conditions are addressed in Appendix I.Page 46 Monticello Reload 26 00ON0154-SRLR Revision 5 Appendix K List of Acronyms Acronym Description ACPR Delta Critical Power Ratio Ak Delta k-effective 2RPT (2PT) Two Recirculation Pump Trip ABSP Automated Backup Stability Protection ADS Automatic Depressurization System ADSOOS Automatic Depressurization System Out of Service AOO Anticipated Operational Occurrence APRM Average Power Range Monitor ARTS APRM, Rod Block and Techmical Specification Improvement Program BOC Beginning of Cycle BSP Backup Stability Protection BWROG Boiling Water Reactor Owners Group CDA Confirmation Density Algorithm COLR Core Operating Limits Report CPR Critical Power Ratio DIRPT Delta MCPR over Initial MCPR for a two-Recirculation Pump Trip D1VOM Delta CPR over Initial MCPR vs. Oscillation Magnitude DR Decay Ratio DSS-CD Detect and Suppress Solution -Confirmation Density DS/RV Dual Mode Safety/Relief Valve ECCS Emergency Core Cooling System ELLLA Extended Load Line Limit Analysis EOC End of Cycle (including all planned cycle extensions)

EOR End of Rated (All Rods Out 1 00%Power / 1 00%Flow / NFWT)EPU Extended Power Uprate ER Exclusion Region FFWTR Final Feedwater Temperature Reduction FMCPR Final MCPR FOM Figure of Merit FWCF Feedwater Controller Failure FWHOOS Feedwater Heaters Out of Service FWTR Feedwater Temperature Reduction GESTAR General Electric Standard Application for Reactor Fuel GETAB General Electric Thermal Analysis Basis GSF Generic Shape Function HAL Haling Bum HBB Hard Bottom Bum HBOM Hot Bundle Oscillation Magnitude HCOM Hot Channel Oscillation Magnitude HFCL High Flow Control Line Page 47 Monticello OOONO I 54-SRLR Q. ; , 11 MontclloU O--NO 1 54-SLRl Acronym Description HPCI High Pressure Coolant Injection HTSP High Trip Set Point ICA Interim Corrective Action ICF Increased Core Flow IMCPR Initial MCPR ITSP Intermediate Trip Set Point 1VM Initial Validation Matrix Kf Off-rated flow dependent OLMCPR multiplier Kp Off-rated power dependent OLMCPR multiplier L8 Turbine Trip on high water level (Level 8)LCF Low Core Flow LHGR Linear Heat Generation Rate LHGRFACf Off-rated flow dependent LHGR multiplier LHGRFACp Off-rated power dependent LHGR multiplier LOCA Loss of Coolant Accident LPRM Local Power Range Monitor LRHBP Load Rejection with Half Bypass LRNBP Load Rejection without Bypass LTR Licensing Topical Report LTSP Low Trip Set Point MAPFACf Off-rated flow dependent MAPLHGR multiplier MAPFACp Off-rated power dependent MAPLHGR multiplier MAPLHGR Maximum Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate MCPR Minimum Critical Power Ratio MCPRf Off-rated flow dependent OLMCPR MCPRp Off-rated power dependent OLMCPR MELLLA Maximum Extended Load Line Limit Analysis MELLLA+ MELLLA Plus MOC Middle of Cycle MRB Maximal Region Boundaries MSF Modified Shape Function MSIV Main Steam Isolation Valve MSIVOOS Main Steam Isolation Valve Out of Service MSR Moisture Separator Reheater MSROOS Moisture Separator Reheater Out of Service MTU Metric Ton Uranium MWd Megawatt day MWd/ST Megawatt days per Standard Ton MWd/MT Megawatt days per Metric Ton MWt Megawatt Thermal N/A Not Applicable NBP No Bypass NCL Natural Circulation Line NFWT Normal Feedwater Temperature NOM Nominal Burn Page 48 Monticello Reload 26 00ON0154-SRLR Revision 5 Acronym Description NTR Normal Trip Reference OLMCPR Operating Limit MCPR OOS Out of Service OPRM Oscillation Power Range Monitor Pbypass Reactor power level below which the TSV position and the TCV fast closure scrams are bypassed Pdome Peak Dome Pressure Psi Peak Steam Line Pressure Pv Peak Vessel Pressure PCT Peak Clad Temperature PHE Peak Hot Excess PLHGR Peak Linear Heat Generation Rate PLU Power Load Unbalance PLUOOS Power Load Unbalance Out of Service PRFDS Pressure Regulator Failure Downscale PROOS Pressure Regulator Out of Service Q/A Heat Flux RBM Rod Block Monitor RC Reference Cycle RCF Rated Core Flow RDF Recirculation Drive Flow RFWT Reduced Feedwater Temperature RPS Reactor Protection System RPT Recirculation Pump Trip RPTOOS Recirculation Pump Trip Out of Service RTP Rated Thermal Power RV Relief Valve RVM Reload Validation Matrix RWE Rod Withdrawal Error SAD Amplitude Discriminator Setpoint SC Standard Cycle SL Safety Limit SLMCPR Safety Limit Minimum Critical Power Ratio SLO Single Loop Operation SRLR Supplemental Reload Licensing Report S/RV (SRV) Safety/Relief Valve SRVOOS Safety/Relief Valve(s) Out of Service SS Steady State SSV Spring Safety Valve STP Simulated Thermal Power STU Short Tons (or Standard Tons) of Uranium TBV Turbine Bypass Valve TBVOOS Turbine Bypass Valves Out of Service TCV Turbine Control Valve TCVOOS Turbine Control Valve Out of Service Page 49 Monticello Reload 91;00ON0154-SRLR Revi'~inn 5 Acronym Description TCVSC Turbine Control Valve Slow Closure TFW Temperature of Feedwater TLO Two Loop Operation TRF Trip Reference Function TSIP Technical Specifications Improvement Program TSV Turbine Stop Valve TSVOOS Turbine Stop Valve Out of Service TT Turbine Trip TTHBP Turbine Trip with Half Bypass TTNBP Turbine Trip without Bypass UB Under Bum Page 50