L-MT-13-034, Extended Power Uprate (Epu): Response to Request for Additional Information - Electrical Engineering Branch (TAC MD9990), Page 58 of 96 Through End

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Extended Power Uprate (Epu): Response to Request for Additional Information - Electrical Engineering Branch (TAC MD9990), Page 58 of 96 Through End
Person / Time
Site: Monticello Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/10/2013
Northern States Power Co, Xcel Energy
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
L-MT-13-034, TAC MD9990
Download: ML13105A190 (41)


L-MT-13-034 The test temperature profile envelops the specified LOCA (at the Drywell wall location) temperature profile except for the period at the beginning of the test transient. This is not considered significant given the margin provided by the test over the entire profile.

Page 58 of 96

L-MT-13-034 Enclosure 1 98-065-POI, Brand Rex 600V Cable (50.49)

DRA TeMMU ff omas 4W PWC (wAMNR) Accid.tntTempetature

  • 0 F-C6t2O.1 AcCidwitTest'rempetatur 120 Time(S~conds)
  • PACAccidentProssure
  • 0 F-C6120.1 AcntadTest Prussur j

[I Time(Seconds)

The test profile envelops the specified profile in magnitude, with the exception of the initial ramp and duration. The initial ramp period is not considered significant given the margin provided by the test over the entire profile. Evaluation of long term post accident operability is addressed in the PAOT Evaluation. The excerpt from this section is also provided.

Page 59 of 96

L-MT-1 3-034 Enclosure 1 Post Accident Operating Time B-~ - I(ER*("

-W 2-01E+021 305E403 141788s I

PAOT Q*jdjUW lnptd Values 1 1 (.4V) 141-50 8856000 11300 MWC (w/RIIR) Accident Tempeature CA~fC Thmnawinab DmeAla Mm.k F-C5120-1 Accident Test Temperature p7w;77-M, to=.r, i rm lk f7i TV-4* PC (wtRHR)ACcidesltTemPWatur* *1F.C.6120.1 AccdoitTest Temiperadure 4 Start Time 440 400 I280 320 I200 240 120 80 40 0

Time (Seconds)

The MNGP specified profile was evaluated against the test using Arrhenius methodology with inputs and results shown in the above computation. The analysis determines significant margin in the equivalent duration of the final portions of the test over the specified profiles.

Page 60 of 96

L-MT-13-034 98-067-P0I, CONAX Electrical ConnectorSeal (50.49)

ADM m ~ u

-0 PWC (w)RHR) Accident Temperature 4W Conax MP51079Acc~dent~rest Temperature Tim*(Seconds)

RM ftMM ftaft CAMparkm 0 W Accdid~ent Pessure

-0 GoaS I 1O0t9Mldentent TestPre0ssur 90 so TO 180 so 40 30 20 10 0

4ý4§ § ýqV0 V W W W W W

§VI W W W TIL (;'_"n-dQ The test profile envelops the specified profile in magnitude (peak temperature), but not duration or for a short period during the initial rise to the peak test temperature. Both profiles are evaluated in the PAOT section to determine if the test profile envelops the plant profile. The period of time that is not enveloped by the test (initial ramp-up) is insignificant in relation to the large margin on the peak temperature and the initial test transient (dual transient test) not shown in the graph (because it was attributed to margin). The excerpt from the PAOT is also provided.

Page 61 of 96

L-MT-13-034 Enclosure 1 Post Acci*nt Operating Thie 0.00 130


0 AtidetA," QQj'G4*v')I(. I 2.48E+02 1.96E+05 7898304 00.0 PAOT lhuation nuut Values 1 It- I 1 1" 7 Imm TemWomb" (F) I r i*() I (V 1 141 M I 259200.00 1.6700 I D 2Te31-0mtAr atuf Profla ame PWC (w/RHR) Accident Temperature

... ... MODMOD Conax IPS-1079 Accident Test Temperature

$UWt 20DtCmmu.0 86 =-O 4 PWC (w/f1HR)AaerttTempermkre

, Conax IPS.lO79AccidentTestTemperatwe

  • Strt Time b2400 - -. H --H ; - -* ,+

Time (Seconds)

The test profile was evaluated against the specified profile using Arrhenius methodology with the inputs and results shown in the above computation. The analysis demonstrates that the test profile envelops the Post-Accident operating time requirement of 180-days with significant margin.

Page 62 of 96

L-MT-1 3-034 98-064-PG1, Eaton Thermocouple Extension Cable (50.49) 4FPC (W"RHR)Accident!Temperath'e 'row . M

  • 0 NTS 666-1iM Accident TestTemperature 407 Time (Seconds)
  • PCPressurw ccien an*lo 360NTS Accident Test Ad06 Mre6sure..

Time (Seconds)

The test profile envelops the specified profile in magnitude (peak temperature), but not in initial heat up and duration. Given the testing included a dual transient exposure (not shown above),

the lag time to peak test conditions is inconsequential. Both profiles are evaluated in the PAOT section for duration. The excerpt from this section is also provided.

Page 63 of 96

L-MT-13-034 Post Accident Operating Time AeklntAtaR-1 I P-2123E202 211 E04 I 36.37 I PAOT CamQ l*a Input VU 1 4.0 32760,000 I3000 A .- Imt Am T.M - - Proi- Name PWC (w/RHR) Accident Tenmerature NTS 558-1088 Acddent Test Temperature F.1m a 0 PVVC (wHRH) Accident Tempefaure* -0 TS 668-l0Accident Test Temperature I& Start Time Time (Seconds)

The test profile was compared to the specified profile using Arrhenius methodology with the inputs and results shown in the above computation. The analysis demonstrates a post accident duration which exceeds the Monticello requirement of 180 days with significant margin.

Page 64 of 96

L-MT-13-034 98-071-POI, EGS Grayboot ElectricalConnectors (50.49)

DTA ¥fkDeratre iUIrile 0*PWC (wJRHR)Accident Temptratum

  • 0EGS-TR430707.04 Test Tempetatur r1M*(!;conds)

DRA iesure tgll bm~ds

  • PWCAccdentkresswae
  • 0EGS.TR-M8707.04 Test Prusstg 100 90 so so f 40-30 -!141- týi[ ji, A 20 j

0 Timo(Seconds)

The test profile envelopes the specified profile with the exception of duration. Evaluation of the long term post accident operability is addressed in the Post Accident Operability Evaluation. The peak transient was not applied twice; however, two LOCA tests were performed. The second LOCA test with a 450*F and 81 psig peak provides equivalent stress of a double peak transient.

Therefore, sufficient margin exists. The excerpt from the PAOT Evaluation is also provided.

Page 65 of 96

L-MT-1 3-034 Poest Aciddent Operating Time 0.0 336 0j0 101 1 30.0 D( I I dnGOR, *( 1)M oc PAOT Qklai Inmutl Values I ,8E.02 I 67E.03 96007 141.60 1 3446401.00 0920)0 kAdMen reaTenmmitt P jwfe me 216M0 2..60I PWC (w/RHR) Accident Temperature A32 O .D 2 6 .0 4 4S 00. 100 -O GO Te mtip ratu r e Profi le n o =m 6300020.00 40 EGS-TR-880707-04 Test Temperature O"N00 20000 344M-00. 49D.00 IrM0 146.00 WRS1SO.00 302.00 ASOOADOO.00 141.6t0ru 361JM,0.0 1 PWC (w/RHR) Accident Trmpeortwe

  • EGS-TR-O0707-04 Test Temperature
  • Sdta Tim*

Timo (Seonds)

The test profile was compared to the specified profile using Arrhenius methodology with the inputs and results shown in the above computation. The analysis demonstrates greater than 180 days of post-accident operation with significant margin.

Page 66 of 96

L-MT-13-034 98-072-POI, EGS Quick Disconnect (50.49)

DMBT~emerahtePrflem n 4* PWC (w~se) Accident Tempemaiure

  • 0 EGS-TR-WO7O1-O4 AccidentTest Temiperature II 480Ti19 440(eons QUPrssrePrffe =AA
  • PIn* rs*rC*n:=M~estnr 4.mS-T*GO*l.*A*l*tT*t*ress*e to-tGill aJ The test profile envelops the specified profile in magnitude, with the exception the initial rise to the peak temperature and for entire duration. The test profile had a peak temperature of 452 0 F and sustained test conditions greater than specified demonstrate that the equipment is capable of operating during the worst-case plant temperature condition. Evaluation of the long term post-accident operability is addressed in the Post Accident Operability Evaluation. The excerpt from this section is provided.

Page 67 of 96

L-MT-13-034 Post Aecidnt Operating Time IAcddentArmIA4dMA~i~m I -

2-ODE-02 4.06E+02 j 45.25 PAOT Cakudation Input Values Tesipe*k-(F) I I~(,

1 173t90 1 NOW00 1050N0 PWC (w/Rise) kddent Temperature CG"I ToRn88 t aien PT t et TeImpet EGS-TR-W8701-04 Accident Test Temperature I ýZM W.M 74M V7 =7 M71 17710 77.j 0 PNC (wARis*)AccidentTem;Pefkwe

  • 0 EGS-TR-86701-04Accdent Toslemperavtur
  • start Time Time (Seconds)

The test profile was evaluated against the specified profile using Arrhenius methodology with the inputs and results shown above. The computation demonstrates that the test profile envelops the PAOT requirement of 180 days with adequate margin.

Page 68 of 96

L-MT-13-034 98-017-PO0, G.E. Cable (DOR)

DMATamertýPale UMMKIM~se I

-0 PWC (wAHR) AccidentTemperature

  • WWyle 441 4-2 Test Temperature Time (Seconds)

DU Pressure 4D PWC Accident Pressure 4W Wyle 441 14-2 Test Pressure Time (Seconds)

The test profile envelops the plant specified profile in magnitude, with the exception of the initial heat up and in duration. The slow initial heat-up is not considered significant given the margin provided by the test over the entire profile. As provided in Section 5.2, Item 1 of the DOR Guidelines, the accident test duration shall be at least as long as the postulated steam temperature and pressure conditions are significantly greater than conditions prevailing before the onset of the event. The test duration bounds the time period in which steam conditions may be present inside (or outside) the Drywell. The profiles are compared in the PAOT section. The excerpt from this section is provided.

Page 69 of 96

L-MT-1 3-034 Post Acdcdent Ope*ti Time I -LJA -AAA 3W.0 SW02 1 26E--03 3M.10 MUgOJLOd Ta o.akft(F)1 Istm s 1 141.60 1 39600.00 1 1.1300 A~kddSt ArMajgTW* Profile Name PWC (w/PR)Accklet Temperature Wyl T4m41-atues PTempeName Wyie 44114-2 Test Temperature Pad Acchlent Operathin Thite.

0 PWC (wWtH) Accdent'remporsetur *0 Wyle 44114.2 Test Temperawte SW Timit S&

I Time (Seconds)

The test profile and specified profile were compared using Arrhenius methodology with the inputs and results shown in the above computation. This analysis demonstrates that the test profile exceeds the Monticello specified profile with greater than 10% time margin.

Page 70 of 96

L-MT-1 3-034 98-033-P0I, Namco Quick Disconnects EC210 (50.49)

  • PWC (w/RHR)Accldmnt Temperatur

-0 Naemo OTRl42AccidetT~mperetufe Time (Seconds)

- f l AIIý]I,40' u-.--ý II'ý 0 PWCAccident Pressure

  • Namco 0TR1 42 Accident Pressure Time (Seconds)

The test profile envelops the specified profile for peak temperature, but not duration. The initial rise time is considered insignificant considering that the test profile consisted of a double-peak transient and the first transient is used for margin and not shown in the temperature plot. An evaluation for duration of the profiles is addressed in the PAOT section. The excerpt from this section is provided.

Page 71 of 96

L-MT-13-034 Enclosure 1 Post Accident Operating Time A A. I - -. A.

116E02 J 9.93F+02 36923 PAMT CA IU ]bm~ Values I

141.50 .3303000. 1.1300 Aailent Area TJoerWAt'dre Proflel Natne PWC (w/PRIR) Accident Temperature

,a TIerwate Profile Name Namco QTR142 Accident Temperature PostAcddent raingTh

  • PWC (w/RHR) Accident Temperature *0Nameo QTR142AccidertTemperatur

-ir Start Time Time(Seconds)

The test profile was evaluated against the specified profile using Arrhenius methodology with the inputs and results shown inthe above computation. The analysis demonstrates that the test profile envelops the Post-Accident operating time requirement of 180 days with significant margin.

Page 72 of 96

L-MT-13-034 03-096-PG1, hATmn~m..zbm. Dr*

Loctite PST 580 Thread Sealant (50.49)


+--- r-------'ll I l ..........

Page 73 of 96

L-MT-1 3-034

  • PWCAccidentProssure s  ! ....

0Wyle4773.O01 AccldentTTst Pressure 0 06230 OD 00 Time(Seconds),

The test profile envelops the specified profile in magnitude, but not duration, or during the initial ramp to peak test conditions. The initial ramp to peak temperature is insignificant when comparing the overall severity of the test profile to the plant profile. Both profiles are evaluated for duration comparison in the PAOT Evaluation section, which is provided.

Page 74 of 96

L-MT-13-034 Post Accident Operating Time q I1'.56E.04 A" Arms*(

17S-0 I ~

5503.39 T v Mw s bxe (F - S I~SV) 1 141-50 86400.00 12400 PWC (w/RAR) Acidcnt Temperature Acddet Ar*Tempratumr kaffie Kamm Wyle 47739-01 Acckdent Test Tempetature pad - Tnte Cart~

10 PWdC (wIRHR) Actident Tempest~wo "0 WyI# M739.01 AccidentTest Tempormture

,* Start Time 440 I320 400 350 260 k,6 240 I120 200 160

  • A Time (Seconds)

Page 75 of 96

L-MT-13-034 The test profile was evaluated against the specified plant profile using Arrhenius methodology using the parameters shown in the above computation. The results demonstrate that the test profile envelops the Post-Accident Operating Time (PAOT) requirement of 180-days with significant margin.

Page 76 of 96

L-MT-13-034 98-069-PG1, Pate!Conduit Seals (50.49)

DfA TmMWMtun Prnofle QMuaad

,* PFNC (w#RHR)Acctdnt Tempemature

  • EGS-TR-841216.04 At 400 360 --

3MOOJ 340 120-

-) Ti2,(o MAX..

320 - -

"80 F 40-t-0 r 4-7 4 Time(Seconds)

,,m DlM Pesre rffeCoprio The test profile envelops the specified profile in magnitude (peak temperature), but not duration.

Both profiles are evaluated in the PAOT section to assess long-term operability. The excerpt from this section is provided.

Page 77 of 96

L-MT-1 3-034 Post Acddent Operating Time IW z'"A !4Y, P--"..

2-14E.02 8.6a+02 29760 PAOT CalkunWIoM ][nut Valm I

T, ebmaweeF ersh" (F) s,,,,-WW (S (OV)

AckabonEIy 141.0 O83200.00 160 Acdd~t reaT

  • rollleName PWC (w/RHR) Acddent TempeatWure TaerAture SIE Profile RaMe EGS-TR-841215-04 1:-1I-r17 ID =7 ;7--l 7I~

0 PUSC (wIRHR)MCtident'Temperature 40 EG&STR-841216-04

-k tart Time 400 360 320 ID2#0 240 200 160 120 40 0

L&l TijmC(LmcndS_)

The test profile was evaluated against the specified profile using Arrhenius methodology with the inputs and results shown in the above computation. The analysis shows that the test profile envelops the specified plant 180-day post-accident period with significant margin.

Page 78 of 96

L-MT-13-034 Enclosure I 98-103-PCI, Patel P-I Thread Sealant (50.49)

"IIresama undra GOE P;"*"w 0 PWC Accident Pressure 0.10 0.00

  • PEI.TR.841209-04 Test Pressure 107.00 72.00 240900 71.00 41M0.0 60100 25 00D 50-00 26160.00 29t00 OW.00 29-O Time (Seconds)

The test profile envelops the specified profile in magnitude (peak temperature), but not duration.

This is acceptable because the main constituent of the thread sealant is graphite, a material that does not deteriorate thermally with age. The other material is linseed oil used as a carrier to allow the graphite to stay in place while drying. The carrier will volatize at 400°F and off-gas.

Testing has shown that off-gassing of the linseed oil will not degrade the function of the seal.

The accident simulation test demonstrated the ability of the thread sealant during the harsh environmental conditions of the test chamber. Therefore, since no further thermal degradation will occur in the graphite seal, the thread sealant is qualified for the entire post-accident period.

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L-MT-13-034 98-036-POI, Raychem Low Voltage Splices (50.49)



  • PwC (wfRtse) Accident Temperture
  • 0 F.C4033.3Accident TestTempeteture Time(Seconds)


-*PlantWorst CaseAccident Pressie

  • 0 F-C4033-3 Acidont Test Pressure 80 7O 60 30 20 10 0


The test profile envelops the specified profile in magnitude (peak temperature) with the exception of the initial rise to the peak temperature and total duration. Both profiles are evaluated in the PAOT section to assess long-term operability. The time period during the rise to the peak temperature is insignificant for qualification purposes when the significant margin in the overall test profile is considered. The excerpt from the Post Accident Operability section is provided.

Page 80 of 96

L-MT-13-034 Post Accident Operating Time I ý A- L- I A~

A - r --

2I3E.02 1 .75E+03 519.06 PAW Calculation Input Values Re~erenceSMTree (s) Av~ r~

I Tepnr,T.o F 1 173,90

!prU 1


432.0000 I (*V)

W1)2 l 13270 Acddlwt Arma Tenyweatwre Profi [ame PWC (w/RIse) Accident Temperature GOIE TenLrature Profile Name F-C4033-3 Accddet Test Temperature frOkt1h.

  • DPWC (w..ise)AC deMtTemperature
  • F.C4Q33.3AcldentTestTempersture Ar SRtoTime lime (Seconds)

The test profile was evaluated against the specified profile using Arrhenius methodology with the inputs and results shown above. The selected Accident Area profile includes cable temperature rise effects. Using the inputs shown, the computation demonstrates that the test profile envelops the Post-Accident operating requirement of 180-days with significant margin.

Page 81 of 96

L-MT-1 3-034 98-036-P02, Raychem Low Voltage Splices (50.49)

OUleure rafi Cmpars I1 4W Plant WorstCMsACcident Pressue

  • 0 Wyle 58442.3Accident Test Presw*t so 70 ISO 20 10 0

Time(Seconds) 11416.D 60F7M1D 6D I $5M.0 .5 220- @tODD The test profile envelops the specified profile in magnitude (peak temperature), but not duration.

Both profiles are evaluated in the Post Accident Operability Time section to assess long-term operability, which is provided.

Page 82 of 96

L-MT-1 3-034 Enclosure 1 Post Acddent Operatlng Time I n QE R..M (d.0s)f.

I 2.08E.02 I 6M+E02 j 23054 PAOT Caklatla.nm Input Values hiuttrnlo Iw)

Topaakra(FSar rw a (OV) 54792.000 1320 Acckdent Area Tem~eatire Prafile Name PWC (w/Rise) Accident Temperature Wyl 584-3 AcciftofTet Tmme Wo4e 58442-3 Accident Test Temperature 2;MW7r77MmL777,77 7417aT 0 PJVC (wft~se)Accident'remperatue *0Wyle 65442-3Actident Test Temparatwe 4 Start Time 40~t

-t ji4tlhh T-ime(Seconds)

The test profile was evaluated against the specified profile using Arrhenius methodology with the inputs and results shown above. The selected Accident Area profile includes power cable temperature rise effects. Using the inputs shown, the computation demonstrates that the test profile envelops the Post-Accident operating time requirement of 180-days with significant margin.

Page 83 of 96

L-MT-1 3-034 98-036-P03, Raychem Low Voltage Splices (50.49)

D-A Tp .p eradi* bAo fiMl I* P/WC(wIRiSe)AccIdentTemperettg

  • 6 EDR-BMaAccideint Test~empifalre

+ot i 1 T-ime(Seconds) aR=fU nmd 4* Plant Worst Case Accident Pressie

  • 0EDR-M3Accident Test Pressure I


The test profile envelops the specified profile in magnitude (peak temperature), except for the initial rise to the peak temperature and total duration. The period of time during the initial rise to the peak temperature where the test is not enveloping is approximately 15 seconds. Given the large margin above the specified peak temperature, and the fact that the test temperature remained above 350°F for over 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, the first 15 seconds of the required profile is considered to be enveloped by the test in its entirety. Both profiles are evaluated in the PAOT section to assess long-term operability, which is provided.

Page 84 of 96

L-MT-1 3-034 Enclosure 1 Post Accident Operatng Time 0,0) 3600 0-10 j (cdat QEyu(dy I Psqeb..

2.0aE402 6-57E.02 2248 ITwroPwaat (F) I sggr.(s) I AUonW) 173.90 1 7600000 1 13270 AcidntAra efirtur Paffeam 12-8 SODO 320.00 PWC (w/Rise) Acckdeft TmperWt*re 43M00 2480 S.0 1M GOE TeMo*eraft,,rofe Nam 6N00 K8 0 2.00 EDR-5389 Accident Test Temperature 0l PWC (wJRise) Accident Tempe*aturs 4e WOR-5389 Ac* dent TestTemperature d r StarutTime Time (Seconds)

The test profile was evaluated against the specified profile using Arrhenius methodology with the inputs and results shown above. The plant profile includes temperature rise effects. The computation demonstrates that the test profile envelops the Post-Accident operating time requirement of 180-days with significant margin.

Page 85 of 96

L-MT-13-034 98-036-P04, Raychem Low Voltage Splices (50.49) n Tamnea Pmrod" fionuuutd A

4D PWC (wlWse) AccidentTe~mperatue SEORD.R63SAccident TestTemperature 400 440-

!L I

Tlme(Seconds) 140 t Pro tI T wwna flh 40 EDft-6336 Accident Test Pressure iin 4+41-41441A -41 - ta i,-+ ý"14 -. 4 4-HI iHlf --- I 120 1101T 10+

?0 40-~1111IICIIIJA lI~l111 10 Titm(Seconds)

The test profile envelops the specified conditions in magnitude (peak temperature), but not the initial rise to the peak temperature (approximately 20 seconds) or total duration. Given the large margin above the specified peak temperature, and the fact that the test conditions remained above 320°F for over 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br />, the first 20 seconds of the specified profile is considered to be enveloped by the test in its entirety. Both profiles are evaluated in the PAOT section to address long-term operability, which is provided.

Page 86 of 96

L-MT- 13-034 Post Accident Operating Time 2_0E02 I 1.04E'03 40623 /

PAOT mtVlu TIT. n(F) *S~WtTom ()

R~delotAre Thvsitdiiro~eNa 17390 69340.00 1.3270 PWC (w/Rise) Accident Temperatwe EDR-5336 Accident Test Temperature Pot mdet Onibmth mChr 4D PWC (w/Rise)Accadent'rmernoatimg 41, EOR-*3SAccident Test Temperature

-* Start Time Time(seconds)

The test profile was evaluated against the specified profile using Arrhenius methodology with the inputs and results shown above. The selected Accident Area profile includes cable temperature rise effects. Using the inputs shown, the computation demonstrates that the test profile envelops the Post-Accident operating time requirement of 180-days with significant margin.

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L-MT-13-034 98-107-P0I, Rockbestos Firewall Il/ISIS Cable (50.49)

DBA To1mfraw t MnAkm 4* PWC (wIRtse) AccidentTempemshr

  • WOR-6S04AkcidentT~stTempeftrW*

DRA 0 Plant Worst CaseAccident Prmsww

  • 0 OR-U04 Accid~ntTestPressure Tim(Seconds)

The test profile envelops the specified profile in magnitude, with the exception of the initial rise to the peak temperature and for total duration. The initial transient period not bounded is not a significant concern given the margin provided by the test over the entire profile. Both profiles are evaluated in the PAOT Evaluation to address long-term operability, which is provided.

Page 88 of 96

L-MT-13-034 Post Accident Operating Time 2-9i~ts4E+0 3.09E+03 960-83 PATCauI GIniiwt4{Va~s)

Tevmppsa (F) SW rw (S eO Y

173.90 36000~iw.00~ 1.3412

&k~tAaTMfik"BflkAA PWC (w/Rlse) Accident Temperature iGQL unmmeawePafi ame QR-5804 PkckWen Test Temperature Potmden Oeathin keCart

  • D PWC (wJRJs#)AccddentTsmvefatut 40 QR.580 AccddeMtest TemparAstu

-& SWarTime I

I Time(Seconds)

The test profile and the specified profile were compared using Arrhenius methodology with the inputs and results shown above. The specified profile includes consideration for temperature rise due to cable energization during the post-accident period. The PAOT computation demonstrates that the test profile exceeds the Monticello 180-day post-accident requirement with significant margin.

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L-MT-1 3-034 98-038-PO0, Rockbestos Coax Cable (50.49) 4D PPWC (wRHft) AccidentTemperature

  • R11ocbostos 0R480 ActidentTestTemperatta Time (Seconds)

I rM rm t I

0 Roddmetos OR482 AccidentTestpressure Time (Seconds)

The test profile envelops the specified profile in magnitude, with the exception of the initial heat up. This is not a significant concern given the margin provided by the test over the entire profile, including the initial transient (dual transient test) which is not shown. The test profile does not envelop the plant specified temperature profile in duration. Evaluation of the long term post accident operability is addressed in the Post Accident Operability Evaluation, which is provided.

Page 90 of 96

L-MT-13-034 Poest Acddent Operating Time 3-16E+02 110E407O 3471382.90 J T Veab-(F) tanTV" (a) (OV 141w*.(F0 327600.00 2,7479 MWC(w/RHR,) Accident Temperature

.2-00 1 225-00 Rockbestos QR-6802 Accident Test Temperature Poll Accdemnt OperU[ Tm e Chw 0 PWC (wIRHR)AccidentTempWater

  • 0 RockbestOS QR-602 AccIde*t TestTempersure 5 Slte Time 320 ISO 240 .

+ j 20W

... " ... W" Mi Time (Seconds)

The Test profile was evaluated against the specified profile using Arrhenius methodology with the inputs and results shown in the above computation. This analysis demonstrates that the test profile exceeds the 180 day post-accident requirement with significant margin.

Page 91 of 96

L-MT-1 3-034 98-104-POI, Rockbestos Firewall SR Cable (50.49)


" F W ie()OMTo F 0 PWO (w/RHR) Accident TempertuetTf*we

  • 1 OR.UO Test Tempetature 110 IT+ "0,0,,00.-W,,34.0 TIme (Seconds) 40 30 .... ..
  • l'PWCAccident Pressure. *41, R802 Test PressureM Time(Seconds)

The test profile envelops the specified profile in magnitude, with the exception of the initial rise to the peak temperature. This transient period is not considered significant given the margin provided by the test over the entire profile. The test profile also does not envelop the plant profile for duration. This is evaluated for worst-case post-LOCA conditions in the thermal aging section of the EQ file. For plant HELB conditions, the test is bounding. Plant HELB conditions return to normal ambient temperature conditions within one day post-event. The 30 day test, therefore, demonstrates significant margin for the Rockbestos SR wire when used for HELB mitigation.

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L-MT-13-034 NRC Reauest No. 4 In response to Item 27, NSPM states the following:

"As indicated above the full EQ analysis is now completed with only minor exceptions."

Please identify the "minorexceptions" and provide a discussion on each exception for its acceptability.

NSPM Response The statement that the EQ analysis is completed with "minor exceptions" was referring to two recently occurring modification calculations that affect the final qualification of EQ equipment. The first calculation revised the MNGP heat balance for an increase in as-built feedwater temperature. The second calculation resulted from the analysis of a new postulated feedwater crack at the 14A Heater Inlet.

These calculations have been approved and the changes to the EQ bounding profile for the affected volumes have been determined to be minor. The overall peak temperatures are not affected. Final implementation of these calculations following modification installation will update the applicable EQ files and demonstrate compliance with the EQ program.

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L-MT-13-034 NRC Request No. 5 Provide the worst-case Design Basis loading under EPU conditions for the Class 1E station batteries and the capacityratings for the Class 1E station batteries.

NSPM Response Battery Loading Load changes within the Safety Related DC Onsite Power System remain bounded by the capacity of the existing station batteries. Cell sizing evaluations for revised system configurations confirm positive capacity margin remains for the analyzed Design Basis scenarios following implementation of plant changes. The final worst case Design Basis cell sizing margins for the safety related batteries are summarized in Table 5-1 below.

Table 5 Battery Capacity Margin Comparison CLTP to EPU Essential Battery CLTP Capacity Margin EPU Capacity Margin 125 VDC Division I 15.83% 9.29%

250 VDC Division I 23.63% 20.64%

125 VDC Division II 26.58% 8.11%

250 VDC Division II 2.04% 22.81%

The capacity margins reflected in Table 5-1 may be used to implement future plant changes or to avoid perturbations to plant operation resulting from the discovery of unanticipated battery or system conditions. For example, under certain circumstances capacity margin may allow the temporary removal of a cell from the battery string to support emergent maintenance.

No Safety Related 250 VDC load changes were implemented under EPU, although the HPCI SBO operating sequence was revised (PUSAR Section 2.3.4 and 2.3.5) for EPU conditions. Improvements in 250 VDC Division II battery margin are not due to EPU changes, but rather loading changes implemented under a separate battery capacity margin management modification. Minor load changes were incorporated in the Safety Related 125 VDC calculations for new equipment associated with the replacement Generator Step Up transformer, replacement 1R transformer, replacement 2R transformer, Main Generator Rewind and the new 13.8 kV non-safety related switchgear.

Capacity Ratings Nominal capacity ratings of the installed cells are listed in the Table 5-2 below.

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L-MT-13-034 Table 5-2 -Battery Ratings (Ampere-Hours)

Cell Nominal AH Rating @

Manufacturer 77F and 1.215 SG to Essential Battery and Type 1.81 vpc 125 VDC Division I C&D KCR-13 464 250 VDC Division I C&D KCR-19 698 125 VDC Division II C&D KCR-13 464 250 VDC Division II C&D KCR-15 541 Page 95 of 96

L-MT-13-034 References El-1 Letter from M A Schimmel (NSPM) to Document Control Desk (NRC), "Monticello Extended Power Uprate: Supplement for Gap Analysis Updates (TAC MD9990)," L-MT-12-114, dated January 21, 2013. (ADAMS Accession No. MLI13039A201)

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L-MT-13-034 ENCLOSURE 2 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION This enclosure provides a correction to an error made in a previous submittal to the NRC.

In Northern States Power- Minnesota (NSPM) letter L-MT-12-114 (Reference E2-1), , Item 26, Table 26 Turbine Building HELB Results, NSPM provided extended power uprate (EPU) results for maximum level (submergence) for turbine building volumes. An administrative error was made in the reporting of the maximum level for Volume 11 - Hydrogen Seal Oil Unit and Condensate Pump Area South. The maximum level provided in Table 26-1 for Volume 11 was reported as 13 feet (ft). The actual maximum level should have been reported as 3 ft.

Attached is a revised page indicating the corrected value for L-MT-12-114, Enclosure 1, Table 26-1.

References E2-1 Letter from M A Schimmel (NSPM) to Document Control Desk (NRC), "Monticello Extended Power Uprate: Supplement for Gap Analysis Updates (TAC MD9990)," L-MT-12-114, dated January 21, 2013. (ADAMS Accession No. ML13039A201)

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L-MT-12-114 Enclosure 1 Updated temperatures, pressures and flood levels (Note: underlined values represent CLTP to EPU increases):

Turbine Building: (Note: Turbine Building volumes were consolidated from 44 volumes to 37 to more accurately represent areas that had been partitioned in the model but did not have a physical door or wall separating the volumes. CLTP columns with an

  • indicate that the effects of the consolidation no longer permit a direct comparison of these volumes)

Table 26-1 -Turbine Building HELB Results EPUoGOTHIC Anali Results EQ CLTP values from EQ Part B Part B Turbine Building M Volume Volume Description P re Lv Pressure Temperature Flooding

____psal) (deg F) (ft) psia deg F ft 1 Motor Control Center B-33A & B, and B-12 212.3 15.3 212.2 5.58 2 Turbine Building Southeast Corner near MCC B-33 15.3 212.33 15.27 212.2 2.61 3 Lube Oil Reservoir and Reactor Feed Pump Area 15.2 212.3 3 15.13 212.3 2.25 4 Lube Oil Storage Tank Room 14.85 105.6 0 14.75 104.6 0 5 Turbine Building Corridor Northeast 911' EIl 3 14.82 204.1 2.85 6 Water Box Scavenging System Area 15.1 176.3 3 14.8 188.2 3.02 7 Turbine Building Sump & MCC B-31 Area 156.7 14.71 106.03 0 8 4 KV and Load Center Division A 4515.9 0 14.71 106.6 0 9 Hallway outside Air Ejector Room Entrance Door 15 14.85 158.3 0 * *

  • 10 Hydrogen Seal Oil Unit and Condensate Pump Area North 1.23 187.3 15.01 139.9 0.13 11 Hydrogen Seal Oil Unit and Condensate Pump Area South 15.25 199 3 * *
  • 12 Mechanical Vacuum Pump Area 1.26 189.4 6 14.73 203.7 0.05 13 Condensate Backwash - Receiving Tank Area 15.27 184 14.73 120.9 0.03 14 Air Ejector Room 15.42 292.3 15.26 284.95 1.44 15 Turbine Basement Condenser Area 15.58 211.9 15.79 247.15 1.12 16 Pipe Tunnel to Intake 15.13 197.9 0.1 14.76 115.14 0 17 Intake Entry Area 14.95 129.9 0.2 14.75 104.9 0 18 Intake Structure Pump Room 14.9 129.8 0 14.75 104.58 0 19 Circ Water Pump Area 14.98 129.8 0 14.76 104.6 0 20 Turbine Building 931' El East 1484 120.1 0 14.71 171.4 0.23 21 FW Pipe & Cable Tray Penetration Room 15.01 109.4 0 14.84 149.8 0.01 22 Turbine Building 931' El East Vent Chase 1 211 0.1 15.08 211.3 0.04 23 Auxiliary Boiler Room 14.7 104.3 0 14.7 104 0 Page 58 of 80 - Revised